PDL :: Volume #5

#411: The true strength of colored zero

On falling cliff, the Qin Shi slender big hand is surrounding Yu Luocha, no one has broken this quietness for a very long time tangled up. 在落崖上,秦石修长的大手环抱着玉罗刹,在久久的缠绵中谁也没有打破这一份静谧。 Only then in the Qin Shi front, Yu Luocha all ice-cold will melt, the broad and handsome forehead is gently low, slender fingertip soft covers Qin Shi, wisp of intoxicant warm braw has stroked like the wind chimes dense green grass, curls up the waterfall long hair that 3000 drop down to hit in the cheeks of Qin Shi, making him indulge was smelling the elegantly simple fragrance, was out of sorts. 只有在秦石的面前,玉罗刹所有冰冷才会融化,螓首轻轻低下,纤细的指尖柔软的扣住秦石,一缕醉人的暖风拂过如风铃般氤氲的青草,卷起3000直落的瀑布长发打在秦石的脸颊,令他沉溺其中嗅着淡雅的芬芳,不由失神。 What kind, pursued to the murderer?” “怎么样,追到凶手了吗?” Crimson Yu Luocha nan said gently that breaks the cliff to go against the sensational picture. 绯红的玉罗刹轻轻喃道,打破崖顶煽情的画面。 Qin Shi loosens the hand, in the heart the slightly disorderly [say / way]: Pursuing was pursues, but had many matters, you left first urgently were asking that I said with you.” 秦石松开手,心中略显杂乱的道:“追是追到了,只是发生了很多事,你先别急着问,我一件一件和你说。” Under gentle point, Yu Luocha static listened respectfully to Qin Shi to say matter 11 that this small half a month had, including about Feng Hen is the matter of fog shade murderer, could not withstand the spoken language with Feng Hen the difficulties, as well as Xu Qiao'er, owlet porch their matters. 温柔的点下头,玉罗刹静静的聆听秦石将这小半月发生的事11道说,其中有关于封痕就是雾影凶手的事,和封痕不堪言语的苦衷,以及许巧儿,枭轩他们的事。 A series of matters made Yu Luocha shock, she has not thought that the short half a month separation, on Qin Shi actually had these many matters. 一连串的事令玉罗刹不由震惊,她没想到短短的半月分离,秦石身上竟然发生了这么多的事。 Finally when spoke of Li Bufan, the Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead raised, allowed to stroke one to change countenance tenderly: „Did you meet the Mysterious Palace person?” 最后说到李不凡时,玉罗刹螓首扬起,娇容上拂过一丝动容:“你碰见玄殿的人了?” Qin Shi forced smile: Um, moreover what is unfortunate, I also had some contradictions with them.” Long implored one, he will not have the process elaboration of auction room to give Yu Luocha, rebuked oneself to say once again: Reaches an agreement to accompany you to go to Mysterious Palace, now actually with Mysterious Palace noisy was so stiff, sorry.” 秦石苦笑:“嗯,而且非常不幸的是,我还和他们还发生了一些矛盾。”长吁一声,他将无门拍卖行的过程阐述给玉罗刹,再度自责道:“说好陪你去玄殿,现在却和玄殿闹的这么僵硬,对不起了。” Ponders, Yu Luocha understands Qin Shi, Qin Shi is not the person who that type can cause trouble, on the contrary he is vigorously is bearing patiently now, gives way to traffic desirably, for this reason can make the anger of Qin Shi in disregarding all consequences cut Li Bufan, thinks that Li Bufan has enraged the Qin Shi bottom line and inviting the wrath of the emperor. 沉思一番,玉罗刹了解秦石,秦石不是那种会惹是生非的人,相反他现在都是在极力隐忍,刻意避让,为此能让秦石在不计后果的怒斩李不凡,想必李不凡是真的激怒了秦石的底线和逆鳞。 This does not blame you.” The Yu Luocha [say / way] said in a soft voice. “这不怪你。”玉罗刹轻声道说。 In the understanding of Yu Luocha, Qin Shi felt that the heart is warm, his face is at once rigorous, on the resolute face has the earnestness of together not being able saying: Can say Mysterious Palace and Hua Ling with me? I have a friend now in their hands, I must save her.” 玉罗刹的理解中,秦石感觉到心头温暖,旋即他的面庞不由严谨起来,刚毅的面庞上有一道说不上的认真:“能和我说说玄殿花零么?我有一个朋友现在在他们的手上,我必须去救她。” Under the blazing vision Yu Luocha trembles slightly lightly, she little sees Qin Shi to be so earnest, may think that this so-called friend in his mind, was in what kind of status. 炽烈的目光下玉罗刹微微轻颤,她很少看见秦石这般认真,可想这个所谓的朋友在他的心中,占据了怎样的地位。 Bites the silver tooth lightly, her helpless sighing: Regarding Mysterious Palace, I did not understand that I knew Hua Ling elder sister time she is also not the Mysterious Palace palace host, after she leaves the desolated jungle, I listen to the population of following entering to pass on a message, knows her taking office palace main matter.” 轻咬银牙,她无奈的叹道:“对于玄殿,我也不了解,我认识花零姐的时候她还不是玄殿殿主,是在她离开荒芜丛林后,我听后续进入的人口中传言,才得知她上任殿主的事。” Pats forehead regarding this matter Qin Shi. 对于这事秦石一拍脑门。 Mentioned the Hua Ling elder sister?” Under the Yu Luocha appearance flashes through one to struggle, said low-spirited: Before I and you have said that her strength is very strong, entire Scarlet Flame Empire can go out of ten moves of people in her hands, coming that a hand can count, but the person of this hand, I dares definitely saying that cannot go out of 20 moves in the Hua Ling elder sister hand absolutely!” “说起花零姐么?”玉罗刹的容颜下闪过一丝挣扎,黯然道:“之前我和你说过,她的实力很强,整座赤炎帝国能在她手中走出十招的人,一只手就可以数的过来,而这一只手的人,我敢肯定的说,在花零姐手上绝对走不出20招!” What?” Qin Shi surprised knitting the brows, such words i.e. this can Hua Ling in 20 moves, sweep away entire Scarlet Flame Empire? “什么?”秦石惊讶的皱起眉,如此的话就是说这花零能在20招之内,横扫整座赤炎帝国 Actually is that what kind terrifying strength? 那究竟是何等恐怖的实力? She is not only then does Third Rank seize Heaven Realm? Even if in the empire does not have second Third Rank to seize the Heaven Realm person, but also is insufficient in the difference these many?” Qin Shi puzzled [say / way]. “她不是只有三层天境吗?就算帝国中没有第二个三层天境的人,但也不至于差上这么多吧?”秦石不解道。 The beautiful pupil is absent-minded, Yu Luocha as if falls into thinking in alone, for a long time, shakes the head saying: I do not know how the outside passes on the Hua Ling elder sister's strength, but I know that she seizes Heaven Realm Third Rank by far incessantly, because, when 30 years ago, she is uneven Heaven Realm!” 美眸恍惚,玉罗刹仿佛陷入独自的思索中,许久后才摇头道:“我不知道外界是怎么传花零姐的实力,但我知道她远远不止夺天境三层,因为,在30年前时,她便是齐天境!” With amazement gets up frightened, Qin Shi trembles saying: Above Heaven Realm Fourth Rank uneven Heaven Realm?” 骇然的惊悚而起,秦石颤道:“天境四层以上的齐天境?” Um, that strength, is we cannot imagine, I will not forget that the world phenomenon when the Hua Ling elder sister breaks the desolated jungle ties causes, if she thinks, perhaps divides the minute, trim East District will then change into the dust and ruins.” Mentioned these, obvious flashing through under the beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha was together sad, with alarmed together. “嗯,那种实力,是我们想象不出来得,我至今都不会忘记,花零姐破开荒芜丛林结界时引起的天地异象,如果她想的话,恐怕分分钟的时间,整片东方区域便会化为尘埃和废墟。”说起这些,在玉罗刹的美眸下明显的闪过一道忧伤,和一道惊动。 Qin Shi was shocked in same place, he is really hard to imagine, what can divide the minute to destroy the East District strength is, that is the manpower may really for? 秦石被震撼在原地,他实在难以想象,能分分钟毁灭东方区域的实力是什么样,那真的是人力可为的吗? It is not right, she already with day and neatness. 不对,她早已与天并齐。 Hears these, Qin Shi understands before him, weak, is thinking unexpectedly after promotion strength, recaptures Shu Zhongyu from the Hua Ling hand, that radically was the impossible matter, the Hua Ling strength is too strong, looked up to the altitude of not being able to look up to him formidable. 听到这些,秦石才明白他之前有多幼稚,竟想着提升实力后从花零手中夺回书中玉,那根本就是不可能的事,花零的实力是太强了,强大到他仰望都仰望不到的高度。 It seems like this line, was initially more difficult than on Burning Sky Sect.” Qin Shi felt that the Chest such as the giant stone crush is the same, heaves a deep sigh. “看来此行,远比当初上焚天宗更加艰难啊。”秦石感觉心口如巨石碾压一样,长叹一声。 Do not be worried that I accompany you to go, I will certainly find the way to make the Hua Ling elder sister let off your friend.” Yu Luocha finds appearance that Qin Shi loses suddenly, loves dearly said. “你别担心,我陪你去,我一定会想办法让花零姐放过你的朋友。”玉罗刹瞧见秦石恍然失落的模样,心疼道。 The length that the Qin Shi look moves fast implored one, now also can only such manage, only hopes that Hua Ling can read is good with the Yu Luocha former friendship. 秦石神色飘忽的长吁一声,现在也只能这么办了,只希望花零能够念在和玉罗刹的旧情才好。 Otherwise, only then must breakneck. 否则,就真的只有要玩命了。 Hua Ling, no matter you formidable, if you dare to injure my person slightest, builds this life, I must make you pay the bleeding price!” 花零,不管你有多强大,如果你敢伤害我身边的人分毫,就是把这条命搭进去,我也要让你付出血的代价!” In the heart meditates, a wisp of cold wind has stroked in the cliff top, Qin Shi curls up the black robe to keep off before the body of Yu Luocha: We go back.” 心中默念,一缕冷风在崖顶拂过,秦石卷起黑袍挡在玉罗刹的身前:“我们回去吧。” Um.” “嗯。” The broad and handsome forehead, they leave backyard lightly. 螓首轻点,两人离开后院。 Returns to the cella time, the Qin Shi straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards lock, Feng Hen, the owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue three people, is in itself frank, now adds on national treasure Xiaomi Cai, here early on din of gongs and drums, extremely busy. 回到内殿的时候,秦石的剑眉不由锁紧,封痕、枭轩、萧天月三人,本身就是性情爽朗,现在加上一个国宝小米彩,这里早早就锣鼓喧天,热闹非凡。 Xiao Tianyue is most direct, before the bubble little girl magical instrument that plunders in the county fair same cannot fall, but the small half-day time, on Shangguan Family to the daughter of first wife multitudious female, gets down to the servant girl female servant, almost the manpower has slightly plays should, most make Qin Shi that same Xiao Tianyue sends those who unreadable is, after receiving the gift this group of females expressed unexpectedly completely happily, surrenders to Xiao Tianyue. 萧天月最直接,之前在市集上搜刮的泡妞神器一样都没能落下,只不过小半天的功夫,上官家上到嫡女庶女,下到女婢女仆,几乎人手都有一样萧天月送来的小玩应,最让秦石难以理解的是,在收了礼物后这群女子竟全部表示开心,对萧天月投怀送抱。 Although is not willing to acknowledge, but Qin Shi has saying that on soaking little girl permanent path, even if his childhood then came and went out the brothel, but compared with Xiao Tianyue, was really is flung 78 streets by him. 虽然不愿意承认,但秦石还是不得不说,在泡妞这条恒久的道路上,就算他儿时便出入花街柳巷,但和萧天月相比起来,真是被他甩了78条街啊。 But senseless, perhaps in the two years, Qin Shi also has some immature teasing in the spoken language, but the maturity in heart will establish him no longer to indulge in the beauty the class person, when knowing Yu Lin’er, actually his heart consolidated only to hope a will of the people, but had not bumped into at that time to human, now he thought that he has bumped into, therefore felt urgently treasures. 但无谓,这两年里,秦石在言语上或许还带有些稚嫩的调侃,但心中的成熟奠定了他不再是会沉溺在美色之流的人,早在认识于琳儿时,其实他的心就稳固下来惟愿一人心了,只是那时候没有碰到对的人,现在他觉得他碰到了,所以倍感珍惜。 Father!” Xiaomi Cai throws. “爹爹!”小米彩扑上来。 Qin Shi holds in the arms her with a smile, introduced Yu Luocha and all people, Yu Luocha except for in front of Qin Shi, to bystander bad spoken language, but stems from the politeness she is the light point broad and handsome foreheads, has greeted. 秦石笑着搂住她,将玉罗刹和诸人纷纷介绍,玉罗刹除了在秦石面前,对外人不善言语,但出于礼貌她还是一个一个的轻点螓首,打过招呼。 Especially to Xu Qiao'er, Yu Luocha space ring, is pulling out one to look that gives Xu Qiao'er on the value not poor jade hairpin: Elder sister does not have what good thing, this jade hairpin is builds by the antlers of Ancient Ferocious Beast List 687 Single Horned Reindeer, pouring into spiritual power can launch very hard spiritual power barrier, considers the elder sister to give your gift on first meeting, in the future will be used in the self-defense.” 特别是在对许巧儿,玉罗刹的空间戒指一番,掏出一个一看就价值不菲的玉簪送给许巧儿:“姐姐也没有什么好东西,这玉簪是由远古凶兽榜687名的独角驯鹿的鹿角打造,注入灵力能够展开很坚硬的灵力屏障,就当是姐姐送给你的见面礼吧,日后用于防身。” This was too precious.” Xu Qiao'er shakes the head hastily. “这太贵重了。”许巧儿连忙摇头。 Qin Shi said with a smile in side: Taking, you are good, she always the board Zhang Lian, had usually not been saying that gives me any thing.” 秦石在旁边笑道:“拿着吧,你算是不错,她平时总是板着张脸,都没说送给我什么东西。” „Can you either? Day in day out kills, often has a fracture, even if were eight spiritual power barriers cannot protect you.” Yu Luocha in side, wicked white Qin Shi. “你需要么?一天到晚打打杀杀,动不动就伤筋动骨,就算是八个灵力屏障都保护不了你。”玉罗刹在旁边,恶狠狠的白了秦石一眼。 Hears Qin Shi to touch the nose, probably is really such a matter. 听闻秦石摸了摸鼻子,好像真是这么回事。 When several people look at each other chuckle, Xiao Tianyue moving quietly to Qin Shi side, holds gu to hold gu Qin Shi saying: Elder Brother Shi.” 在几个人对视轻笑时,萧天月悄悄的挪动到秦石身旁,捅咕捅咕秦石道:“石哥。” Um?” Qin Shi turns round. “嗯?”秦石回身。 Xiao Tianyue spreads out the hand, a wooden jade hairpin was pinched in the hand gives Qin Shi: You, or shuts out, I can deliver you actually one, is only the quality is not good, right has your hair sufficed to be long?” 萧天月将手摊开,一把木制的玉簪被捏在手中递给秦石:“你要不嫌弃,我倒是可以送你一个,只是品质没有那么好,对了你的头发够长吗?” Is staring at the wooden hairpin, Qin Shi complexion is pale, exceptionally ugly, felt that probably must kill people, Xiao Tianyue actually does not know the circumstances of the matter spooky said again: Does not need to thank me, has been a pity, must just miss with a younger sister, yeah, ok, could not be regarded anything for big brother sacrifice.” 盯着木簪,秦石面色铁青,异常的难看,感觉好像要杀人了,萧天月却不知情的幽幽再道:“不用感谢我,就是可惜了,又要和一个妹子失之交臂,哎,算了,为了大哥这点牺牲算不得什么。” In Xiao Tianyue developed said that the Qin Shi root was important, finally he turned round directly, pats Feng Hen to raise hand: „Do you understand?” 在萧天月的自演自说,秦石牙根要紧,最后他直接回身,拍下封痕扬了扬手:“你明白吧?” Sees this movement, Xiao Tianyue to be silent immediately, but was already doomed, seals the mark to receive the Qin Shi instruction, to the way of most violence solve Xiao Tianyue once more simply, stirs up Quantang to laugh. 看见这动作,萧天月马上闭口不言,但早已在劫难逃,封痕收到秦石的指令,再次以最简单最暴力的方式解决萧天月,惹得全堂哄笑。 In the happy talks and laughters, several people of familiar gradually, Yu Luocha and Xu Qiao'er are hit it off well with one another, is that slightly ice-cold disposition, in addition Xiaomi Cai makes the medium, three people sit together, had many topics actually. 在欢声笑语中,几人渐渐的熟悉,玉罗刹许巧儿算是投缘,都是那种略显冰冷的性格,加上一个小米彩做媒介,三人坐在一起,倒是有了不少话题。 What Qin Shi accident is, Xiao Tianyue does not have the least bit improper ambition to Yu Luocha unexpectedly, afterward understands Yu Xiao Tianyue there, already the Yu Luocha conclusion was his woman, a friend wife was not weak, almost gave back talks into was impolite. 秦石意外的是,萧天月对玉罗刹竟没有半点非分之想,后来才明白于萧天月那里,早就把玉罗刹归结是他的女人,一句朋友妻不可欺,差一点还给说成了不客气。 Misunderstanding , is not only Xiao Tianyue, Xu Qiao'er and the others recognized similarly that Yu Luocha was the Qin Shi date thinks of the person who the night thought that regarding this Qin Shi did not explain but actually, because he now and relations of Yu Luocha are complicated, wants to explain that could not explain. 误会的不光是萧天月,许巧儿等人同样认定,玉罗刹就是秦石日思夜想的人,对此秦石倒也不做解释,因为他现在和玉罗刹的关系千丝万缕,想解释也解释不清。 He does not know that he and Yu Luocha this is anything, in so is together long, has the life and death to rely on one another, has sharing joys and sorrows, making of 300 years of accompanying, said that to the Yu Luocha sentiment definitely has not been impossible, Yu Luocha to his sentiment he can also the clear feeling, be possible to remember Qin Xuexin, he was also vacant. 他也不知道他和玉罗刹这样算什么,在一起这么久,有过生死相依,有过同甘共苦,更有300年的相伴之约,说对玉罗刹一点感情没有肯定是不可能,玉罗刹对他的感情他也能够清晰的感觉到,可一想起沁雪心,他又茫然了。 Is good everyone has not exposed because of them, what Qin Shi does not know, he has not exposed because of Qin Xuexin, but Yu Luocha has not exposed, similarly in because of Qin Xuexin, she heart ties until now is also twining in the night of desolated jungle, the name that in the Qin Shi mouth muttered. 好在两人谁都未曾点破,但秦石不知道的是,他没有点破是因为沁雪心,而玉罗刹没有点破,同样是因为沁雪心,她至今心结里还缠绕着在荒芜丛林的夜里,秦石口中喃喃的名字。 Sits is looking at the delightful appearance that she and Xu Qiao'er is merry on the chair, Qin Shi bitter and astringent heaving a deep sigh, finally puts down the teacup in hand: Ok, all along with the reason, the distance and snow heart reunion have a very long section of road, said at that time again.” 坐在椅子上望着她和许巧儿有说有笑的甜美模样,秦石苦涩的长叹一声,最终将手中的茶杯放下:“算了,一切随缘,距离和雪心重逢还有很长的一段路,等到那时候再说吧。” In him absent-minded, Yu Luocha as if realized gently his slight change, looks askance casts off luxuriant question: „Does Shi’tou, matter about Mysterious Palace, when you prepare to leave?” 在他失神中,玉罗刹仿佛察觉到他细微的变化,轻轻侧目的甩开秀发问句:“石头,关于玄殿的事,你准备什么时候动身?” Speaking of this matter, Qin Shi just awakened from a headache train of thought that immediately during fell into second time to have a headache, if before several double-hour, has not listened to a Yu Luocha spoken language, his skill prepared to reorganize, then directly went to Mysterious Palace. 提起这事,秦石刚从一件头疼的思绪中惊醒,马上又陷入第二次头疼当中,若是在几个时辰之前,没听玉罗刹的一番言语,他本事准备整理一番,便直接前往玄殿 But looking back now, Mysterious Palace far exceeds his imagination formidable, goes rashly, not only cannot rescue Elder Sister Yu, perhaps links his these people also because he will beset with a crisis, man's heart unfathomable, he cannot all bet all expectations on Yu Luocha, for this reason will think: Waits again, my present strength is insufficient, at least must wait for my breakthrough to Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, this can also many safeguard.” 但现在看来,玄殿的强大远远超出他的想象,冒然前往非但救不出玉姐,说不定连他身边这些人也会因他陷入危机,人心叵测,他不能把所有的期望全赌在玉罗刹身上,为此思索一番:“再等等,我现在的实力还不够,至少要等我突破玄灵境中期,这样也能多一份保障。” Several people of relative, Yu Luocha moves the cherry lips, she knows consideration in Qin Shi heart, but she also knows how this takes into consideration is she persuades is unable to melt, for this reason starts to speak but hesitates, transforms the sentence: „Did you try to find out the Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage shackles?” 几人面面相对,玉罗刹动了动樱唇,她知道秦石心中的顾及,而她也知道,这一份顾及是她怎样相劝都无法化解得,为此欲言又止,转变句:“那你摸索到玄灵境中期的桎梏了吗?” No.” “没有。” Speaking of this matter, Qin Shi weak letting go of: This breakthrough, is not easy.” 提起这事,秦石无力的摊了摊手:“这一次突破,不容易啊。” After breakthrough Profound Spirit Realm, he discovered that the spirit crystal in within the body becomes exceptionally firm, several he then attempted breakthrough other day, spiritual power that but needs is extremely really huge, enabling his breakthrough shackles to bump into. 突破玄灵境后他发现,体内的灵晶变得异常坚固,几日前他便试图突破,但所需的灵力实在太过庞大,使他连突破的桎梏都未能碰到。 Little friend thinks that is seeking breakthrough? I have means actually.” In several people are low and deep, Shangguan Ba steps the steady step to enter, hears the Qin Shi words coincidentally, received the mouth to say. “小友想在寻突破?我倒是有一个办法。”就在几人低沉时,上官霸迈着稳健的步伐进入其中,刚巧听见秦石的话,接过嘴边道。
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