PDL :: Volume #5

#408: Grew up

Quiet at dead of night. 夜深人静。 In a dark jungle, the branch of weeping willow interweaves in the gentle breeze slightly, during the windings occasionally makes the sound that soughs, actually quite likely delightful only wonderful pipe sound. 在一处幽暗的密林里,垂柳的枝条在柔风中微微交织,缠绕间偶尔发出飒飒的声响,倒是颇像悦耳的惟妙笛音。 In upper air, in a flash two remnant marks. 在高空中,一晃间两道残痕。 The remnant mark speed is extremely fast, after the moonlight punctures, is treading the void step, in front, is one wears the youth of black robe, the long carbuncle on the back of slightly covering up after the brain, reveals he delicate and resolute face, under five senses who he symbolizes, the corners of the mouth select toward on lightly, exaggerate the air/Qi field that one type cannot say. 残痕速度极快,将月光刺破后踏着虚空的步伐,在前面,是一个身穿黑袍的少年,略微遮掩的长发背在脑后,将他清秀而刚毅的面庞露出,在他标志的五官下,嘴角朝上轻挑,渲染出一种说不上的气场。 The youth Qin Shi that leaves from the blue lotus city, is one fills with the happy young girl in his back, wisp of cool breeze blows, curls up young girl long hair, in radian that in the wind ripples, coordinating in the forests under the fallen leaf to transmit the pipe sound that just like an exquisite music. 少年正是从青莲城离开的秦石,在他的背后是一名满怀甜蜜的少女,一缕清风拂面,将少女齐腰的长发卷起,在风中荡漾的弧度中,配合着林间下方落叶中传来的笛音,宛如一段优美的乐谱。 Behind them, Feng Hen is pursuing Qin Shi, compares person heartstrings picture that Qin Shi and Xu Qiao'er compose, this time he appears somewhat poverty-stricken. 在两人后面,封痕追赶着秦石,相比起秦石许巧儿组成的荡人心弦的画面,此时的他则显得有些窘迫。 The owlet porch with Xiao Tianyue four limbs claw winding in his chest, grasping of making an effort, the body like is two gusanos the unceasing creeping motion, his unceasing vacillation that makes, to looked that gives the feeling of person probably is he is the same at the back of two bradypus tridactyluses, the beauty of picture, does not dare to look straight ahead. 枭轩和萧天月的四肢爪子缠绕在他的胸膛,使劲的抓了抓,身子像是两只蛆虫一样不断蠕动,弄的他不断的左右摇摆,离远看去给人的感觉就好像是他背着两只树懒一样,画面之美,不敢直视。 Hey, feeds, slow!” “喂,喂喂喂,慢一点!” Sobbing feeling sick sound sends out from the owlet porch oral cavity, the whole person frightens the hair to escape, discontented [say / way]: I said Feng Hen, can actually you fly? Isn't the first time? Can consolidate, you take a look at others Brother Shi, others is a line, we may be good, entire is a blind cat!” 呜咽的作呕声从枭轩口腔中发出,整个人吓得毛发遁开,不满道:“我说封痕,你究竟会不会飞?不会是第一次吧?能不能稳固一点,你瞧瞧人家石头哥,人家是一条线,咱们可好,整个就是一瞎猫啊!” Feng Hen curled the lip: Yes, truly is the first time, before my spiritual power was unusable, is big brother Shi’tou has led me to fly.” 封痕撇了撇嘴:“是啊,确实是第一次,之前我的灵力不能用,一直都是石头大哥带着我飞。” „, Was said by me really right?” “靠,真被我说对了?” Has been responded, the owlet porch desperate raising hand pats the forehead, but then immediately loses balanced made his body slide, all of a sudden from sealing the carrying on the back falling down half of mark, frightened him to hurry to grasp Feng Hen the bear waist to exclaim: Day, you might as well cannot use spiritual power we on foot, is actually who thinks of this place the means? I may not marry, can't untimely death in this?” 得到回应,枭轩绝望的扬起手一拍脑门,但接着马上失去平衡的令他身子一滑,一下子从封痕的背上掉下去半截,吓得他赶忙抱住封痕的熊腰吼道:“天啊,你还不如不能用灵力咱们徒步呢,究竟是谁想到这个该地的办法?我可还没结婚呢,不能就在这英年早逝了吧?” Go away, you have not married, at least also has Qiao'er, the elder brother I his mother did not have the girlfriend now!” Xiao Tianyue obloquies to make noise in side: Does not know how the big brother wants to result, how I such dashing person, to get so far as the same place with your smelly masters!” “滚,你没结婚,起码还有个巧儿,哥哥我现在还他妈没女朋友呢!”萧天月在旁边跟着大骂出声:“不知道大哥怎么想得,怎么把我这么英俊潇洒的人,和你们两个臭老爷们弄到一起了!” The owlet porch raises the mouth to satirize: Bah, a heart of handsome boy, digs out the face of foot guy, no wonder now also nobody wants you, if I the woman I rather make a glass, does not look for you!” 枭轩扬嘴讽刺道:“呸,一个小白脸的心,一个抠脚大汉的脸,怪不得现在还没人要你,我要是女人的话我宁愿做个玻璃,都不找你!” Xiao Tianyue being disinclined manages him, after white supercilious look, just cropped up, a cold wind heads on, blows the blue and purple his face, one big tears against the wind rolling fall. 萧天月懒得理他,白了白眼后刚冒出头,一股冷风就扑面而来,将他的面庞都吹得青紫,一大把的迎风泪滚滚而落。 The tears hit on the face of owlet porch, the owlet porch that makes gawked to think that was his words stimulates Xiao Tianyue: Big brother, are we insufficient to cry? You now are young, horizon where does not have the fragrant grass, here not good elsewhere looks, said Feng Hen not also list again? You are passable also good.” 泪水打在枭轩的脸上,弄的枭轩愣了愣以为是他的话刺激到了萧天月:“大哥,咱不至于哭吧?你现在还年轻呢,天涯何处无芳草,这里不行别处找啊,再说封痕不还单着呢吗?你俩凑合凑合也行。” Go away!” “滚!” Xiao Tianyue out of breath shrinks neck, scolded: My his mother was blown by the wind, said that the wind looks like mother's hand, gently is comforting us, Nyima's today's wind compels certainly is stepmother's hand, big cheeks Bang! Bang! toward face on!” 萧天月上气不接下气的将脖子缩回来,骂道:“我他妈是被风吹得,都说风像妈妈的手,轻轻的抚慰着我们,尼玛今天的风绝逼是后妈的手,大嘴巴子往脸上呼啊!” The owlet porch wriggles toward on, then the ease [say / way] said one: Actually your stepmother is not necessarily able to make this effect, the biological mother of your ill-tempered woman has almost this strength actually!” 枭轩又朝上蠕动蠕动,然后悠悠然的道说出一句:“其实你后妈未必能打出这效果,倒是你那个母夜叉的亲妈差不多有这力道!” Owlet porch, my his mother has chopped you!” “枭轩,我他妈剁了你!” They lay in sealing carrying on the back of mark have pinched, about Feng Hen who made shook, treads under the foot void turning head resentment saying: „Can you, stop, is kicking up a racket I to throw you.” 俩人趴在封痕的背上就掐了起来,弄的封痕左右晃悠,踏着脚底下的虚空回头怨道:“你们两个,能不能消停一点,在吵吵我就把你们扔下去。” You throw, has skill you to throw!” “你扔啊,有本事你扔啊!” The owlet porch whole face writes you are hitting me the appearance, actually stops with the hands of Xiao Tianyue long tooth five fingernails, will seal the mark the waist to enclasp firmly, sealing mark whole face becomes flushed, not being able to come up is mad. 枭轩满脸写着你打我啊的模样,却停下和萧天月长牙五爪的手,一把将封痕的腰牢牢抱紧,勒的封痕满脸涨红,上不来气。 Therefore, their wars, transform three people all of a sudden. 为此,两人的战争,一下子转变成三个人。 Fights, the sky transmits the Qin Shi ease words suddenly: Advised politely one, your several, fight time remembered in front of the anticipation.” 掐架中,上空突然传来秦石悠然的话语:“奉劝一句,你们几个,打架的时候记得看点前面。” The owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue gawks, after being supinely excessive, on the face reveals the frightened color immediately, seals the mark to start not to realize, but when he turns head under their strange expressions slowly, at once only listens to Bang one, a hundred years of old tree towering to the skies suffers injury innocently, around the middle such as the shell was knocked down by three people generally. 枭轩和萧天月一楞,仰过头后面庞上马上露出惊悚之色,封痕开始还没有察觉,但当他在两人怪异的表情下缓缓回头,旋即只听砰一声,一棵百年的参天古树无辜受害,拦腰的被三人如炮弹一般撞倒。 Qin Shi stops the body, looks at the following appearance to curl the lip, is listening to the fallen leaf sound, turns head, but said: Qiao'er, this matter does not blame me, I just had reminded them.” 秦石停下身,望着下面的模样撇了撇嘴,听着哗哗的落叶声,回头无奈道:“巧儿,这事不怪我是吧,我刚刚提醒过他们了。” Xu Qiao'er gentle buries the cheeks in the Qin Shi black robe, looks at the face that all things are not attending to from the slit, she returned probably for several years ago, in the courtyard in that small town. 许巧儿温柔的将脸颊埋在秦石的黑袍中,从缝隙里望着一副万事不顾的面庞,她好像回到了几年前,在那个小镇子里的大院子中。 At that time, she is always bullied, was scolded not to have father's kid, but would the form, was not very strong, but actually each time, same not awfully protected her with the workaholic. 那时候,她总是被人欺负,被人骂成没有爹的娃,但总会有一个身影,不是很健硕,但却每一次,都跟拼命三郎一样不要命的保护她。 Each mouth can shout: His mother has remembered, Qiao'er is my Qin Shi younger sister, whose his mother dares to bully her again, I bite to death who!” 每一次嘴里都会喊:“都他妈记住了,巧儿是我秦石的妹妹,谁他妈再敢欺负她,我就咬死谁!” Every one time fires off the frame, always dirty crawls to set out, then does not know that clean dirty making an effort wipes on the face, then uses the dirty big hand to trace her cheeks, then vows solemnly saying: Qiao'er you could rest assured that later elder brother was formidable, the elder brother keeps off in your front, under all strong winds rough sea waves for your mask, later again also nobody dares to bully you.” 每一次打完架,总是灰头土脸的爬起身,然后也不知道干净埋汰的使劲在脸上抹一抹,接着就用脏兮兮的大手去摸她的脸颊,然后信誓旦旦道:“巧儿你放心,以后哥强大了,哥就挡在你的面前,替你遮挡下所有的狂风巨浪,以后再也没有人敢欺负你。” Remembers that is the picture, looks at the present again, at that time the immature youth, unknowingly had grown up, a Tong said the shameless pledge, the evolution behind the plentiful wing, keeps off all storms for her until now. 一想起那是的画面,再看一看今朝,那时稚嫩的少年,不知不觉中已经长大了,一句童言无忌的誓言,演变至今背后丰满的羽翼,真的替她挡下了所有的风浪。 Lies behind Qin Shi, Xu Qiao'er has raised the corners of the mouth very much steadfastly, in the beautiful pupil blooms the happy tears. 趴在秦石背后,许巧儿很踏实的扬起了嘴角,美眸中绽放出开心的泪花。 How?” “怎么了?” Qin Shi felt question that warming up of shoulder, worries about. 秦石感觉到肩头的温热,担忧的问句 Still was the care that filled with, Xu Qiao'er actually knows that present Qin Shi, was not that time rash youth, happily said: Elder brother, you were mature.” 仍然是满怀的关心,许巧儿却知道如今的秦石,再也不是那时毛毛躁躁的少年了,欣慰道:“哥,你成熟了。” The sudden words made Qin Shi stare staring, at once says with a smile: Experience were many, must always grow, cannot like original, be again innocent.” 突然的话语令秦石愣了愣,旋即笑道:“经历多了,总是要成长啊,不能再像原来一样,不懂事了。” Where has, in my eyes Brother Shi forever is best.” Xu Qiao'er spoke of this, the sound somewhat sobbed, biting under gently silver tooth: Elder brother, do you blame me?” “哪有,在我眼里石头哥永远是最棒的。”许巧儿说到这,声音有些呜咽,轻轻的咬下银牙:“哥,你怪我吗?” Blames you?” The Qin Shi brow tip knit the brows, at once apparent Xu Qiao'er what says is the Burning Sky Sect matter, after raising the sleeve, strokes on the cheeks of Xu Qiao'er gently, deletes the tear stains: How can, you do right, endured too the long separation person to think that you were the soft persimmon, like this was good, Qin Family you did not need to be worried that I already arranged.” “怪你?”秦石眉梢皱了皱眉,旋即便知许巧儿说的是焚天宗的事,扬起袖筒后在许巧儿的脸颊上轻轻抚摸,擦去泪痕:“怎么会呢,你做的没错,忍了太久别人就会以为你是软柿子了,这样挺好,秦家你也不用担心,我早就安排好了。” The Xu Qiao'er broad and handsome forehead, is looking among Qin Shi in close lightly, felt that is really different, original he will not care about the consequence, but at this time is actually mapping out strategic plans in an army tent so. 许巧儿螓首轻点,望着在咫尺间的秦石,感觉真的不一样了,原来的他不会顾及后果,而此时却是这般的运筹帷幄。 Elder brother.” “哥。” Um?” “嗯?” All right, wants to shout you.” Xu Qiao'er smiles naively, again returned to the childhood the appearance, always exposes the dimple in the Qin Shi front: Can be your younger sister, is really good!” “没事,就是想喊喊你。”许巧儿天真一笑,再一次回到儿时的模样,总是在秦石的面前展露笑靥:“能做你妹妹,真好!” The black robe maps the demon shade under the moonlight, after Qin Shi has gawked, hangs on the bridge of the nose of Xu Qiao'er: Silly thing, I am also.” 黑袍在月光下映射出魅影,秦石愣了愣后在许巧儿的鼻梁上挂一下:“傻丫头,我也是。” They looked at each other, smile. 两人对视,笑了。 In the smiling face, Xu Qiao'er opened the cherry lips, hesitant for a long time then actually once more closed, she already innumerable like this to the Qin Shi start to talk, were innumerable in struggling is silent. 在笑容中,许巧儿张了张樱唇,犹犹豫豫了许久然后却又再次闭合,她已经无数次这样向秦石开口,却又无数次在挣扎中沉默了。 Looks at the Xu Qiao'er appearance, Qin Shi is smiling gently, he knows that Xu Qiao'er must say anything: „The Elder Sister Yu matter does not blame you, making her rest is good.” 望着许巧儿的模样,秦石温柔一笑,他知道许巧儿要说什么:“玉姐的事不怪你,让她休息休息就好了。” Elder brother, you do not deceive me, I too understood you, person who your word had the letter, you will not lie, you told me, Elder Sister Yu Elder Sister Yu did she, have an accident?” By exposing, Xu Qiao'er got angry to hold Qin Shi question. “哥,你别骗我,我太了解你了,你一个那么言之有信的人,你根本不会说谎,你告诉我,玉姐玉姐她,是不是出事了?”被点破,许巧儿红着眼抓住秦石问句 The Chest of Qin Shi trembled trembling, reveals reluctantly on his face, to the Xu Qiao'er warm Judo: Do not think that Elder Sister Yu she is all right, is only her present situation is very dangerous.” 秦石的心口颤了颤,在他面庞上露出无奈,冲许巧儿温柔道:“别多想,玉姐她没事,只是她现在的处境很危险。” „Hadn't you found her?” “你没找到她?” The raising broad and handsome forehead that Xu Qiao'er changes countenance, she thinks that before the Shu Zhongyu injury is very serious, has not actually thought that Qin Shi simply has not retrieved Shu Zhongyu unexpectedly, is angry no wonder that: Where is she at?” 许巧儿动容的扬起螓首,她之前只是以为书中玉的伤势很重,却万万没想到秦石竟根本没有找回书中玉,嗔怪道:“她在哪?” The fist of Qin Shi pinches tightly suddenly, wipes the dense chill in the air to dodge to plunder from his black pupil, making an effort has attracted several long air/Qi: Mysterious Palace!” 秦石的拳头猛然捏紧,一抹森然的寒意从他的黑眸下闪掠而过,使劲的吸了几口长气:“玄殿!” Mysterious Palace?” Xu Qiao'er is startled to allow to change colors, pear flower belt rain has cried, holds Qin Shi saying: Elder brother, you must save her, you must rescue Elder Sister Yu!” 玄殿?”许巧儿惊容失色,梨花带雨的哭了,抓住秦石道:“哥,你要救她,你一定要救玉姐!” Relax, you did not say that I will also do, I said I must protect my personal maidservant, will not make others injure you, even if Mysterious Palace is not good!” Qin Shi, the vision looks into the distance toward the distant place decidedly contains completely decidedly. “放心,你不说,我也会做,我说了我要守护我身边人,再也不会让别人伤害你们,就算是玄殿也不行!”秦石决然而起,目光朝远处眺望中满含决然。 Hears this saying low and deep, Xu Qiao'er under. 听得这话,许巧儿低沉下头。 Finally casts aside the development silk to her, has not been aiding, but seems said: Elder brother, rescues Elder Sister Yu, we go home, I missed homeland.” 最终给她撇开发丝,没在接应,而好似道:“哥,救出玉姐,我们回家吧,我想家了。” Um, rescues Elder Sister Yu, we go home, when at that time, was Burning Sky Sect this blood debt blood recompensed, these years it really owed me to be too many!” In Qin Shi bone-chilling cold sound discontented chill in the air, wipes the invisible murderous intention to curl up under his black robe, making ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) rumor turbulent, the moonlight is broken. “嗯,救出玉姐,我们就回家,等到那时候,就是焚天宗该血债血偿的时候了,这些年它真是欠了我太多!”秦石凛冽的声音中不满寒意,一抹无形的杀机在他的黑袍下卷起,令万丈的风声动荡,月光残破。 Xu Qiao'er nodded, no longer spoke. 许巧儿点了点头,不再说话。 „!” “咳,咳咳!” Their dialogs were won the interruption by below dry guest, in the fallen leaf pile, Feng Hen first crawls to set out, but then sees only the owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue first time stands the united front throws: Feng Hen, your Sir, your his mother does not know that looks at the road?” 两人的对话被下方的干客胜打断,在落叶堆里,封痕第一个爬起身,但接着就只见枭轩和萧天月头一次站到统一战线的扑上来:“封痕,你大爷,你他妈不知道看路吗?” „Do you blame me? I said I am the first time, who called you not to be dishonest in behind, otherwise can I turn head to quarrel with you?” Feng Hen by strong stance, one dozen of two being in an impregnable position. “你们怪我?我都说了我是第一次,谁叫你们在后面不老实,否则我能回头跟你们吵吗?”封痕以强势的姿态,一打二的立于不败之地。 But a fist is inferior to both hands finally, in situation that in the final owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue and uses including the mouth, seals the mark to fall into the disastrous defeat, but at this moment, he displays the unique skill suddenly, the under foot treads void, in direct fleeing sky: Ok, you walk, happen to reduced bears.” 但一拳终是不及双手,在最后枭轩和萧天月连嘴都并用上的情况下,封痕还是陷入惨败,但就在这时,他突然发挥绝技,脚下虚空一踏,直接窜上空中:“行,你们俩步行吧,正好减轻负担了。” Their complexion is startled changes, changes the thread of conversation to honor the boundary to say all of a sudden: Yeah, mark elder brother, where words this is, you said like this does not look on as an outsider is not, you bring on our road also to have a partner, yes? Tired both of us have also been able to accompany you to speak.” 俩人面色惊变,一下子改变话锋尊境道:“哎,痕哥,这是哪里话,你这样说不见外了不是,你带着我俩路上还有个伴,是吧?累了我俩还能陪你说说话。” What did you call me a moment ago? Has not heard clearly, big sound.” Bird's eye view that Feng Henwai the head, a face badly is smiling they. “你们刚才叫我什么?没听清,大点声。”封痕歪着脑袋,一脸坏笑的俯瞰俩人。 They look at each other one, simultaneously reveals the color of ruthless offense, but under have no alternative almost spits two characters from the gap between teeth: Mark elder brother, naturally is the mark elder brother.” 俩人对视一眼,同时露出狠戾之色,但无可奈何下几乎是从牙缝里吐出来两字:“痕哥,当然是痕哥。” This also almost.” “这还差不多。” Seals under the mark satisfied point, falls. 封痕满意的点下头,才落下去。 But he just fell, owlet porch holds Feng Hen the foot link, Xiao Tianyue scolds: *** Do not let him run again!” 但他刚落下,枭轩一把抓住封痕的脚环,萧天月跟着就骂道:“***别让他再跑了!” Lowers the head to stare at three people of creating a disturbance, in the Qin Shi heart inexplicable exploding not without reason, recalls for two years ago of time, almost is also this appearance, but looks at the present again, he does not remember when one are from, turned into present this appearance. 低头盯着三人的打闹,秦石心中莫名的有感而发,回想两年前时候的自己,差不多也是这个模样,但再一看现在,他都不记得自己是从什么时候,变成了现在这个样子。 If Qiao'er said that has grown up, was mature, was calm. 巧儿所说,长大了,成熟了,沉稳了。 He he, the time flies.” “呵呵,时间真快啊。” Sighed one lightly, Qin Shi reorganizes the good mood, after restraining the disconsolateness on face, revealed smiling that all things did not attend to once again, beckoned to below: Brothers, walked!” 轻叹一声,秦石整理好心情,收敛面庞上的惆怅后再度露出万事不顾的笑,冲着下面招了招手:“兄弟们,走了!”
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