PDL :: Volume #5

#409: Returns to cold Cheng

Because seals the mark to use spiritual power to tread the spatial flight, night five people then arrive in Cold City. 因为封痕能够使用灵力踏空飞行,一夜间五个人便抵达冷城 In the morning, display of vigour and vitality. 清晨,旭日东升。 Warm positive by thin cloud layer, the bustling halo motley earth, Qin Shi from the sky waves to hint Feng Hen to descend one after another, five people are rolling up and pushing along the grating broken rumor, neat falling in being scarred city gate mouth. 暖阳透过稀薄的云层,一道一道熙攘的光晕斑驳大地,秦石在空中挥手示意封痕降落,五人卷动着刺耳的破风声,齐刷刷的落在伤痕累累的城门口。 After half a month, the beforehand panic has subsided, the common people also restored the daily daily life, just entered a city is the extremely busy county fair, all kinds of sound of voices and noise fill to hear. 历经半月,之前的恐慌已经平息,百姓也恢复了日常的起居,刚进城便是热闹非凡的市集,各式各样的吆喝声灌入耳中。 All the way, owlet porch and Xu Qiao'er often choice several small accessories, the process that waits for in side, Feng Hennuo to the Qin Shi side: Girl who Elder Brother Shi, before you and I said that real?” 一路上,枭轩和许巧儿不时的挑选几件小饰品,在旁边等待的过程中,封痕挪到秦石的身旁:“石哥,之前你和我说的女孩,是真的吗?” Qin Shi surrounds relying on both arms on the wall, what after looking askance to knock has sealed the mark, immediately apparent him to say was Qin Xuexin, said with a smile: Naturally, she is I have seen strongly the bravest girl.” 秦石环抱双臂的倚在墙上,侧目敲了敲封痕后马上便知他说的是沁雪心,笑道:“当然,她是我见过最坚强最勇敢的女孩。” Has really?” Feng Hen said excitedly: „Can I see her?” “真的有啊?”封痕激动道:“那我能见到她吗?” Hears this word, the black pupil of Qin Shi slightly is lax, in flashes through the ripples that ripples together, in the rich love wraps sorrowfully, but is only the short moment, he responded immediately decidedly: Certain meeting, moreover I believe that on this day will not be far.” 听得此言,秦石的黑眸略显涣散,在其中闪过一道荡漾的涟漪,浓郁的爱意中包裹起哀痛,但只是短暂的片刻,他马上决然回应:“一定会,而且我相信,这一天不会太远了。” Um.” “嗯。” Seals the mark to reveal the anticipation under the color point. 封痕露出期待之色的点下头。 The girl goes shopping, is always troublesome, for this reason Qin Shi closed black pupil gradually in the long waiting, will rub the position of temples to ponder in the future plan. 女孩子买东西,总是非常麻烦,为此在漫长的等待中秦石渐渐的闭合黑眸,揉着太阳穴的位置思考着往后的计划。 In the ponder, by his ear transmits several static suddenly, at once brow knitting the brows , after then strange opening eyes, pats Feng Hen: Feng does Hen, want to revenge?” 在思考中,他耳旁突然传来几道杂音,旋即眉头不由的皱了皱眉,接着诡异的睁开眼后拍下封痕:“封痕,想不想报仇?” Um?” Seals mark puzzled looking to Qin Shi. “嗯?”封痕不解的瞧向秦石 Come, I lead you to see several people.” Qin Shi has not gone to explain, entrains to seal mark successor dynasty Xiao Tianyue to greet, then followed nearby lane to turn. “来,我带你去见几个人。”秦石没去多做解释,拽住封痕后朝萧天月打了声招呼,便顺着旁边的巷子拐了进去。 In the lane has two road forks, Qin Shi and seals the mark to move toward, how long has not walked then to hear the contamination from the distant place the bawl. 巷子里有两个岔口,秦石和封痕走向其中一个,没走多久从远处便听到污秽的叫骂声。 Is they?” “是他们?” Looks into the distance following the sound, Feng Hen the eyeground flashes through together the limpid chill in the air, at once clearly suddenly becomes aware looks toward Qin Shi. 顺着声音眺望,封痕的眼底闪过一道清澈的寒意,旋即恍然间明悟的朝秦石望去。 Looks at each other with Feng Hen, Qin Shi had not said that was only to front the pouting angle, binding tightly black robe , after alone squatted down in one side. 和封痕对视,秦石没有多说,只是冲着前方努了努嘴角,独自的裹紧黑袍后在一旁蹲下。 Has been instructed, seals the mark to reveal dense sneering, at once he strides bravely forward steps goes forward, in the most deep place of lane entrance, the Young Master elder brother who one crowd puts on the silks and satins, before these Young Master elder brothers are not just , in Cold City, how many bullies Feng Hen that? 得到指示,封痕露出森然的冷笑,旋即他昂首阔步的就迈上前,在巷口的最深处,有一群穿着绫罗绸缎的公子哥,这几个公子哥不正是之前在冷城,欺负封痕的那几个吗? Lead that three boys, have a child of wear tattered ordinary family before their bodies, was surrounded in several people of middle is holding the head, does not dare the throat, whatever they beat. 领头的还是那三个小子,在他们身前有一个穿着破烂的寻常百姓家的孩子,被围堵在几人的中间抱着脑袋,一声不敢吭的任由他们拳打脚踢。 Snort, one flock of dogs cannot change to eat playing of excrement should.” “哼,一群狗改不了吃屎的玩应。” Feng Hen looks that several movements of people are burning with anger, scolded fierce: Bastard, stops to me!” 封痕看着几个人的动作怒火中烧,厉声骂道:“畜生,给我住手!” Um?” “嗯?” The sudden roar made movement stiff on several Young Master elder brother hands, at once a thorn youth who led has turned round, after seeing a mark, has gawked staring, at once laughs: Yo, whom do I consider? Isn't this our living targets?” 突如其来的吼声令几个公子哥手上的动作僵硬一下,旋即在其中领头的刺头少年回过身,看见封痕后不由的愣了愣,旋即大笑:“呦,我当是谁?这不是咱们的活靶子吗?” Really, looked for his several days, thinks that this bastard ran.” “真是,找了他好几天,以为这畜生跑了呢。” Punctured a youth to raise fist, as if has not heard Feng Hen the words to be the same, wielded a fist to front distressed common people, then supinely began to Feng Hendao: He he, making me stop? Ok, but elder brothers hand was itchy, you come to come under attack for him, do I let off him to be what kind of?” 刺头少年扬了扬拳头,仿佛没听见封痕的话一样,冲着面前的狼狈百姓就挥上一拳,接着仰起头冲封痕道:“呵呵,让我住手?行啊,但哥哥们手痒痒了,你过来替他挨打,我就放过他怎么样?” Yes, you come for him!” One group of people create a disturbance to say. “是啊,你来替他!”一群人起哄道。 Feng Hen kills intent to well up however curls up, but was suppressed immediately by him, at once is thinking the Qin Shi usual achievement, smiled suddenly: I come for him, you have put him.” 封痕杀意涌然卷起,但马上就被他压制下去,旋即想着秦石平时的作为,突然间笑了笑:“我来替他,你们放了他。” Dares to comply really?” “真敢答应?” Several Young Master elder brothers have gawked staring, at once laughs loudly in abundance: „Is this boy estimate the brain is sick? Day in day out owes to punch has not sufficed, comes Elder Brother several, we help him.” 几个公子哥愣了愣,旋即纷纷捧腹大笑:“这小子估计是脑子有病吧?一天到晚欠揍没够,来哥几个,咱成全他。” Punctured a youth to say the sentence, raised the hand to clash to seal the mark to grasp void, said depending on his Spirit King Realm strength reasonably is impossible to control Feng Hen, but Feng Hendao also coordinated, at a ground point, one moved forward to meet somebody gently. 刺头少年开口说句,扬起手就冲封痕虚空抓去,凭他王灵境的力量按理讲根本不可能控制封痕,但封痕倒也是配合,轻轻在地上一点,咻一下就迎了上去。 Bang! 砰! Just nearby arrived, sealed the mark to raise the fist to puncturing a youth is a fist, this fist has not mixed with spiritual power, but actually fully struck, a thorn youth who hit drew back several steps, the anger lit suddenly: Brat, do you dare to hit me?” 刚到跟前,封痕扬起拳头冲着刺头少年就是一拳,这一拳没有夹杂灵力,但却是全力一击,打的刺头少年退了几步,怒火猛然就点燃起来:“臭小子,你敢打我?” I have killed you!” “我杀了你!” Punctures a youth to become flushed the face, the Spirit King Realm spirit roller is rolling to gather on the fist, raises toward sealing on the face of mark hits. 刺头少年涨红着面庞,王灵境的灵压滚滚在拳头上汇聚,扬起来就朝着封痕的脸上打下去。 If fierce tiger spiritual power rolls up and pushes along is howling, is sealing the mark gradually the front was actually dispersed, appears cannot withstand weakly, at once he not only has not hidden, similarly raises the fist to move forward to meet somebody. 猛虎灵力卷动着呼啸而过,在封痕的面前却渐渐的被疏散开,显得微弱不堪,旋即他非但没躲,同样举起拳头就迎了上去。 Drinks, wants to keep off? Really courts death!” “喝,想挡?真是找死!” Sees this nearby Young Master simultaneously to reveal to sneer, the corners of the mouth that but just shouldered in a while, coagulate frightened with amazement suddenly. 望见这幕旁边的公子们同时露出冷笑,但刚刚挑起的嘴角没过多久,戛然间凝固成骇然的惊悚。 Bang! 砰! Two fists touch, puncture a youth to stare the big eye in consternation, then in the fingers transmits in Bang! the bone split sound, such as the strength of fierce dragon comes, strikes to depart several hundred meters to go him directly, one knocks on the following wall, the wall avalanche is opening, the bricks bury him one after another. 两拳相碰,刺头少年愕然的瞪大眼睛,接着手指间传来噼里啦的骨裂声,一股如猛龙的力量迎面而来,直接将他击飞出数百米去,一下撞翻在后面的墙壁上,连带着墙壁都崩塌开,一块一块砖瓦将他埋没。 Big brother! How possible?” “大哥!怎么可能?” Nearby Young Master elder brother has gawked staring, at once panic-stricken is staring at Feng Hen: How will you have spiritual power?” 旁边的公子哥愣了愣,旋即惊恐的盯着封痕:“你怎么会有灵力?” Bang! 砰! That person just opened the mouth, Feng Hen the palm spreads out, the empty space shakes in the air slightly, at once the light is the fearful pressure then shakes to fly him. 那人刚开口,封痕掌心摊开,虚空间在空气中微微震荡,旋即光是可怕的威压便将他生生震飞出去。 „Does anyone of you also refuse to accept?” “你们谁还不服?” Feng Henru the war-god descends to earth general, suddenly strikes to fly they, these making widely known the domineering Young Master buddy has all scared, looks at each other one mutually, opens the mouth to respond continually has not responded, tumbling dashes about wildly toward the lane outside. 封痕如战神下凡一般,在眨眼间就击飞两人,这一下把张扬跋扈的公子哥们全吓坏了,相互对视一眼,连开口回应都没有回应,连滚带爬的就朝巷子外狂奔出去。 Looks at the crowd of running away, Feng Hen has not been pursuing, but shoulders the strange corners of the mouth, at once walks toward the severely wounded young common people: „Are you how is it?” 望着跑掉的人群,封痕并未追去,而是不禁的挑起诡异的嘴角,旋即朝重伤的小百姓走去:“你怎么样?” I, I am all right, many thanks Young Master rescuing.” The young common people puff crawls to set out, at once immediately worries urged: Young Master, a moment ago that group of people, all were in Cold City the everyone / influential family younger generation, you offended them now, if they ran back the family, you really have troubled, you a bit faster ran.” “我,我没事,多谢公子搭救。”小百姓喘着粗气的爬起身,旋即马上担忧的劝道:“公子,刚才那群人,全是冷城大家的晚辈,你现在得罪了他们,他们若是跑回家族,你就真麻烦了,你还是快点跑吧。” Listens sound that the good words were persuading, Feng Hen thought little shot a look at one toward the lane entrance, then turned round saying: All right, first, I do not fear them, second, they cannot be inescapable.” 听着好言相劝的声音,封痕不以为意的朝巷口瞥了一眼,然后回身道:“没事,第一,我不怕他们,第二,他们跑不了。” Um?” The young common people have gawked staring, at once by the ear hears a series of crying loudly sounds suddenly, making his puzzled turning round look, in the lane entrance in distant place, put on the youth of black robe, the forehand the clapping front surface walked, but several Young Master elder brothers who ran away a moment ago flurriedly, already lying this way and that pouring on the ground, the faint did not awake. “嗯?”小百姓愣了愣,旋即耳旁突然传来一连串的嚎哭声,令他不解的回身望去,在远处的巷口,有一名穿着黑袍的少年,正拍了拍手迎面走来,而刚才慌乱逃窜的几个公子哥,早已横七竖八的倒在地上,昏厥不醒。 The black robe youth defends outside Qin Shi without doubt, steps the dexterous broken step to arrive around a mark: Kills with one's own hand the feeling of personal enemy to be what kind of?” 黑袍少年无疑是守在外面的秦石,迈着轻巧的碎步走到封痕跟前:“手刃仇人的感觉怎么样?” Good, was too comfortable.” “不错,太舒坦了。” Feng Hentu a foul air, after very set out, smiles to Qin Shi. 封痕吐了口浊气,挺起身后冲着秦石笑笑。 Qin Shi smiles under point that did not speak, at once in the pupils flashes through together the bone-chilling cold cold current, because he knew shortly, killing with one's own hand Burning Sky Sect that he will also experience personally. 秦石笑而不语的点下头,旋即眸子间闪过一道凛冽的寒流,因为他知道在不久后,他也将身临其境的手刃焚天宗 Walks, do not make Qiao'er they and other long.” “走吧,别让巧儿她们等久了。” Raised hand, Qin Shi conveniently, if intentional falling in ground several Upper Tier spirit stones and medicinal ointment of one bottle of therapies, when he and seals the mark to go out of the lane entrance, transmits in the ear of that common people in the way of echo: Good good, the heaven is freely good to report.” 扬了扬手,秦石随手间假若故意的掉在地上几块上品灵石和一瓶疗伤的药膏,待他和封痕走出巷口,才以回音的方式传递回那名百姓的耳中:“多行善事,苍天自由好报。” The common people pick up spirit stones in the lane, crawling that a face shocks in place, after for a long time , he continual [say / way] said that several benefactors, reveals a respect of face. 百姓在巷子里拾起灵石,一脸震撼的匍匐在地,许久后他才连续道说几声恩人,露出一脸的尊敬。 Returns to the county fair, Xu Qiao'er they to buy the thing to wait for them same place. 回到市集,许巧儿他们已经买好东西在原地等待两人。 Arrives at three people of , Qin Shi sizes up up and down, tightens the nose, he has not gone to look at Xu Qiao'er but actually, Xu Qiao'er has bought several types of small jewelry, at this time has worn on the body, what he is curious is Xiao Tianyue, at this time in Xiao Tianyue bosom is holding the high hill, any rouge cosmetic, any gold hairpin brooch, in any case is the thing that some females use. 走到三人的跟前,秦石上下打量一番,不由的紧起鼻子,他倒没去看许巧儿,许巧儿就买了几样小首饰,此时都已经戴在身上,他好奇的是萧天月,此时萧天月的怀中正捧着高高一座小山,什么胭脂水粉,什么金钗胸针,反正全是些女子用的东西。 „Do you want to do?” Stares eye that has shocked, Qin Shi puzzled [say / way]. “你这是要干嘛啊?”瞪了瞪震撼的眼睛,秦石不解道。 Xiao Tianyue resigns the head from the hill high cargo, comfortable saying with a smile: „Don't this you understand? Naturally to realize my grand blueprint.” 萧天月从小山高的货物中让出脑袋,舒坦的笑道:“这你都不懂?当然是为了实现我的宏伟蓝图啊。” What relations this and does your blueprint have?” “这和你的蓝图有什么关系?” Definitely related, I you told that is not I and you blows, in the practice you perhaps is the powerhouse, but if mentioned picks up the little girl, I can fling your eight streets absolutely, you looked at this rouge, gave to the skin not good girl, immediately can trade to admire, this gold hairpin, with the females of these vanities, this plain bangle, was gives these to have connotation female “肯定有关啊,我跟你说不是我和你吹,在修炼上你或许是强者,但要是说起泡妞,那我绝对能甩你八条街,你看这个胭脂,送给皮肤不好的女孩,马上就能换来爱慕,这个金钗,是拿给那些虚荣的女子,这个古朴的手镯,是送给那些有内涵的女子” Words that a series are to arrive put out from Xiao Tianyue mouth, Qin Shi one one actually thought that is quite reasonable, suddenly the bursting out laughing. 一连串条条是到的话从萧天月口中吐出,秦石一愣一愣竟然觉得颇有道理,一时间不由哑然。 This Xiao Tianyue, on soaking the path of little girl also spells. 这萧天月,在泡妞的道路上也是蛮拼的啊。 Leaves the county fair, five people of teams toward the Shangguan Family vanguard. 离开市集,五人的队伍朝上官家前行。 Shangguan Family. 上官家 Yan Dong is directing the Shangguan Family person to repair the ruined garden, is four mark Demonic Talisman Master he controls the kilometer, knit the brows suddenly, raises hand to shout toward nearby person: Comes the human, reports Family Head, two very formidable aura are approaching.” 严东正在指挥上官家的人修理破败的庭院,身为四纹符魔师的他掌控千米,猛然间皱了皱眉,扬手间朝旁边的人喊道:“来人,去禀告家主,有两股非常强大的气息正在靠近。” Is whitewashing the how many disciples in pavilion to hear to look askance, finds the strict east stern appearance to reveal a curiosity, Yan Dong cultivation for absolutely is next to existence of Family Head Shangguan Ba in Shangguan Family, felt including him strength that dreads, is actually where sacred? 正在粉刷楼阁的几个弟子听闻侧目,瞧见严东正色的模样露出一丝好奇,严东的修为在上官家绝对是仅次于家主上官霸的存在,连他都感觉到忌惮的力量,那究竟是何方神圣? Thinks of this, several people do not dare negligently runs toward the main hall. 一想到这,几个人不敢大意的朝大殿跑去。 Remaining disciples, stop the work on hand completely, leaps the lower part of the body to keep off from the pavilion before the strict eastern body, extracts the thick ice sharp weapon, poses the battle formation. 剩下的弟子,全部停下手上的工作,从楼阁上跃下身挡在严东的身前,纷纷抽出玄冰利器,拉开阵势。 Eventful time, doesn't the heaven put my Shangguan Family?” Felt that the aura is getting more and more near, in the strict eastern opacitas presbyopia reveals a bitterness and astringency, at once stares to enlarge ones vision suddenly, roars to all Rendi: Came!” “多事之秋,苍天不放我上官家吗?”感觉到气息越来越近,严东浑浊的老眼中露出一丝苦涩,旋即猛然间瞪开眼,冲诸人低吼一声:“来了!” Holding up hand that the Shangguan Family disciple garrisons. 上官家弟子警备的举起手。 Bang! 轰! The dreadful gorgeous golden light obstructs day one after another, such as a gold dragon of auspicious omen curls and shrinks generally when the fog, in the Shangguan Family disciple raises hand, their palm all pointed weapons by the suction, one were curled up by gold dragon fearfully completely, inspiration vault of heaven. 一股一股滔天的绚丽金光遮天而起,如一只祥瑞的金龙一般卷缩在云雾中,就在上官家弟子举手时,他们掌心所有的兵刃受到可怕的吸力,唰一下全部被金龙卷起,吸入苍穹。 Yo, the strict eastern elder, big is such weaponry, is greeting me intentionally?” Follows gold dragon to poke head, in the mapping under clouds, binds the youth of black robe to turn around to cross the threshold, the resolute face made the crowd stare. “呦,严东长老,这么大的阵仗,是在故意迎接我吗?”伴随金龙探头,云霄下的映射中,一名裹着黑袍的少年转身入门,刚毅的面庞令人群不由一愣。 The presbyopia concentrates suddenly, Yan Dongjing said: Stone Qin?” 老眼骤然一凝,严东惊道:“石秦?”
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