PDL :: Volume #5

#407: The suppression obstructs the day

The demon blood opens greatly. 魔血大开。 In the broken guest room, the Qin Shi black robe was blown by the cold wind, wisp of wisp of Baleful Qi sticks out under his sleeve and robe, fills the four directions completely. 残破的客房中,秦石的黑袍被冷风吹起,一缕一缕煞气在他的袖筒和袍底下隆起,满灌四方。 Eight sides shake, Evil Spirit Baleful Qi, obstructing day Totem on Feng Hen arm vibrates fiercely several points, above residual Baleful Qi transforms the beast of prey tigers mouth, the contradiction exudes the howling sound. 八方震荡,邪魔煞气一出,封痕手臂上的遮天图腾剧烈抖动几分,上面残留的煞气转变成猛兽虎口,抵触的发出呜嚎声。 Big brother, do you want to do?” Feng Hen had a scare. “大哥,你要干嘛?”封痕吓了一跳。 Do not make noise, I help you suppress this bastard.” “别出声,我帮你压住这畜生。” Qin Shi breaks Feng Hen, black pupil bone-chilling cold is earnest, at once controls Baleful Qi all around to gather, unceasingly toward obstructing day Totem forces. 秦石打断封痕,黑眸凛冽的认真起来,旋即操控着周遭的煞气汇聚成一点,不断朝遮天图腾逼迫。 Sees this, in Feng Henxin shocks: „Can big brother control these demon unexpectedly the strength? Actually does this want the what kind will?” 看见这幕,封痕心中震惊不已:“大哥竟然能操控这些魔物的力量?这究竟要何等的毅力?” Has Feng Hen who obstructs a day of remnant soul to understand that in Baleful Qi full Han the resentment read, on surging must harass the mind, at all was not the mortal can control, but this time Qin Shi not only can control, but can also wield freely? 拥有遮天残魂的封痕了解煞气中满含的怨念,每逢涌起时必会扰乱心神,根本不是凡人能够控制的,可此时的秦石不但能够控制,而且还能挥动自如? Naturally, he does not know that Qin Shi once also innumerable was affected by the fairyhood, reason that he now can control Baleful Qi, that is because he already was not a mortal, but was situated between human and existence between demon. 当然,他并不知道,秦石曾经也无数次受魔性影响,他现在之所以能够驾驭煞气,那是因为他早已不是凡人,而是介于人与魔之间的存在。 Bang! 砰! Obstructs day and the Evil Spirit confrontation, fierce shivering made the earth start to vacillate. 遮天和邪魔交锋,剧烈的颤抖令大地都开始动摇。 Two wild Baleful Qi condense all round, then interlocks shoots up to the sky, simultaneously changes to fierce Black dragon, worries one group. 两股狂野的煞气团团凝聚,然后交错间冲天而起,同时化作凶猛的黑龙,撕咬一团。 Although Feng Hen Totem, but obstructs one of the day one's wits, the evil in Qin Shi hand is entire Tun Tian, the strength that but the Evil Spirit deep sleep, his demon blood can display now is also only a small part, for this reason suddenly from the sky encounters, Qin Shi has not profited. 虽说封痕的图腾,不过是遮天的三魂七魄之一,秦石手中的邪是整个吞天,但如今邪魔沉睡,他魔血能发挥的力量也只是一小部分,为此一时间在空中交锋,秦石并没有占到便宜。 On the contrary, he somewhat is strenuous. 相反,他还有些吃力。 The face that Qin Shi becomes flushed made Feng Hen worry saying: Big brother, calls a halt, at the worst, I do not sleep and that's the end.” 秦石涨红的面庞令封痕担忧道:“大哥,停手吧,大不了以后我不睡觉就是了。” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” To Feng Henhou one, Qin Shi has not spoken again. 冲封痕吼一声,秦石没再说话。 This is not the issue of sleeping, condenses the strength of Evil Spirit once again, with obstructing the day fights Bang. 这不是睡不睡觉的问题,再度凝聚邪魔之力,和遮天争锋相砰。 Bang! 轰! Black air/Qi all round breaks the house beam, Xu Qiao'er several people were attracted immediately. 团团的黑气将房梁震碎,许巧儿几人马上被吸引过来。 Is looking at the appearance in room, the owlet porch discontented [say / way]: I said that this they were not to have today? I and Qiao'er happy will one be easy? Intentionally?” 望着房中的模样,枭轩不满道:“我说这俩人今天是不是没完了?我和巧儿甜蜜一会容易吗?存心的吧?” Fee what words? Does not know that nearby has a bachelor?” Xiao Tian fifteenth day mutually is pulling each other two to say in side ill-humoredly: Show love, dies quickly!” “费什么话?不知道旁边有个单身汉啊?”萧天月望着在旁边相互挽着彼此的俩人没好气道:“秀恩爱,死得快!” Bah, you said one time again!” “呸,你再说一次!” I said again one time, can you be what kind of?” “我再说一次,你能怎么样?” I cannot be what kind, but you said that I must tell big brother Shi’tou, you cursed Qiao'er dead quickly, will he be what kind of?” “我是不能怎么样,但你说我要告诉石头大哥,你诅咒巧儿死得快,他会怎么样?” hears that sound, Xiao Tianyue stared staring: You, villain!” 闻声,萧天月瞪了瞪眼:“你,小人!” Scoffs, I had not said that I am big, elder brother I this year 16!” Appearance that an owlet porch face villains holds sway, the whole face writes you to hit me probably. “嗤,我也没说我大啊,哥哥我今年才16!”枭轩一脸小人得志的模样,好像满脸都写着你打我啊。 You shut up!” “你们俩闭嘴!” Side looks two who quarrelled, Xu Qiao'er helpless has delivered a person of supercilious look, she does not have the mood to listen to them to tease now, looking that the beautiful pupil worried about to Qin Shi. 看着旁边拌嘴的俩人,许巧儿无奈的送了一人一个白眼,她现在可没心情听他们调侃,美眸担忧的望向秦石 This, they do not make noise. 这一下,两人也不出声了。 The Qin Shi right hand is grasping the left arm deeply, the nail pricks Evil Spirit Totem, the black demon blood seethes with excitement in the sleeve: I do not believe that a small remnant soul, my also uniform you?” 秦石右手握着左侧的臂膀,指甲深深的刺入邪魔图腾,黑色的魔血在袖筒中沸腾:“我就不信,一个小小的残魂,我还制服不了你了?” Gives me to break!” “给我破!” Totem twinkle, demon blood combustion. 图腾闪烁,魔血燃烧。 Bang! 轰! The strength of Evil Spirit rises suddenly suddenly, disperses when airborne Black dragon with a crash, once again gathering turns into the black Qilin of Long Shoushi body unexpectedly, to obstructing the day remnant soul worries. 邪魔之力猛然暴涨,在空中的黑龙砰然散开,再度汇聚时竟变成龙首狮身的黑色麒麟,冲着遮天的残魂撕咬下去。 Roar obstructs day painful calling out. “吼”遮天痛苦的嚎叫。 Nine days of clouds tumblings, the star new moon in nighttime sky were camouflaged alone. 九天的云霄翻滚,夜空中的星朔被茕茕遮蔽。 Obstructs under the day pain, explodes suddenly projects one group of bone-chilling cold Baleful Qi, Baleful Qi becomes the unescapable net covers Tun Tian, one wraps him. 遮天痛苦下,突然间爆射出一团凛冽的煞气,煞气成天罗地网将吞天笼罩,一下将他包裹起来。 Evil Spirit the Qilin was covered, in Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness buzz called one suddenly, all of a sudden unexpectedly and strength of Evil Spirit cut off all relations. 邪魔所化的麒麟被笼罩,秦石识海中猛然嗡鸣一声,一下子竟然和邪魔之力断绝了所有联系。 That feeling, eliminates to be the same from his within the body Evil Spirit probably, moreover is disappearance baseless. 那感觉,好像是将邪魔从他的体内剥夺一样,而且还是凭空的消失。 Is that strange strength?” “是那个诡异的力量?” Big brother, takes back the strength quickly, otherwise without enough time!” Feng Hen worries to say. “大哥,快收回力量,否则就来不及了!”封痕跟着着急道。 The Qin Shi look is low-spirited: Already without enough time.” He pinches tightly the fist, loses with the relation of strength of Evil Spirit , in the heart worry, if this and other Evil Spirit revived, knows that he has lost the strength of many Evil Spirit , must breakneck with him may not. 秦石的眼神不由黯然:“已经来不及了。”他捏紧拳,失去和邪魔之力的联系,心中不由的担心起来,这要是等邪魔苏醒过来,知道他弄丢了不少邪魔之力,非要和他玩命不可。 Damn, cannot think that is only remnant soul, has such fearful strength?” Qin Shi criticizes the general idea, being unwilling is staring at the vault of heaven. “该死,想不到只是残魂,就有这么可怕的力量?”秦石暗骂大意,心有不甘的盯着天穹。 Bang! 砰! But at this time, blocking the sky obstructs a day of strength to shiver suddenly, including the space that four to shoot the ripples by it suddenly, at once a gap produces baseless, then sees only Evil Spirit Qilin pokes head, will obstruct the day Baleful Qi to swallow unexpectedly one after another. 但这时,遮天蔽日的遮天之力突然颤抖一下,由它包括的空间中突然间四射涟漪,旋即一个缺口凭空产生,接着只见邪魔所化的麒麟在其中探出头来,竟一口一口将遮天的煞气吞噬。 In Qin Shi heart one happy: „The strength of Evil Spirit ?” 秦石心中一喜:“邪魔之力?” Broke unexpectedly unexpectedly? How possible?” In Feng Henxin causes the shock of thousand wild waves, does not dare to believe is staring at the black Qilin in nighttime sky. “竟竟破开了?怎么可能?”封痕心中引起千层骇浪的震惊,不敢置信的盯着夜空中的黑色麒麟。 This situation, he has not seen, even if explodes the miracle cure, day broken symbol that foot destroys the day to extinguish the demolition of place unable to achieve. 这种情况,他从来没见过,就算是爆灵丹,天破符那种足矣毁天灭地的爆破也做不到啊。 Roar “吼” Was swallowed, obstructs calling out of day of strength pain, does not dare suddenly in showing off power Totem on sneaking into Feng Hen arm. 被吞噬掉,遮天之力痛苦的嚎叫,咻一下不敢在逞强的窜入封痕手臂上的图腾中。 Evil Spirit the Qilin is actually not willing to give up, nibbles in the new moon night residual obstructs a day of strength, suddenly to Feng Henpu. 邪魔所化的麒麟却不肯罢休,蚕食掉朔夜中残留的遮天之力,猛然间冲着封痕扑了上去。 Bang! 轰! Bang, the Evil Spirit Qilin is defeated and dispersed once again Baleful Qi, twines on sealing the arm of mark, but defends outside Totem for a long time, obstructs the day not to appear again, under have no alternative arm of Evil Spirit on sealing mark leaves behind special Fu Wen, Fu Wen likely is a beast mouth, is long the Boss, Totem outside all obstructs a day of strength to swallow. 巨响一声,邪魔麒麟再度溃散成煞气,缠绕在封痕的手臂上,但守在图腾外面许久,遮天再也没有露头,无可奈何邪魔在封痕的手臂上留下一个特殊的符文,那符文像是一张兽嘴,长得老大,将图腾外所有的遮天之力吞噬。 Leaves behind Fu Wen, the strength of Evil Spirit satisfied returns to Qin Shi within the body. 留下符文,邪魔之力才满意的回到秦石体内。 The entire process, the crowd was all shocked. 整个过程,人群全惊呆了。 Picture that just deducted, they had a dream cannot think. 刚刚所演绎的画面,他们连做梦都想不到。 „Did knot, finish?” The owlet porch has sucked the tongue. “结,结束了?”枭轩咂了咂舌。 Xu Qiao'er and Xiao Tianyue maliciously has all swallowed a spit in side, is everywhere terrified. 许巧儿和萧天月在旁边全是狠狠的咽了口吐沫,满目悚然。 At this time, Totem on Feng Hen arm induced to Evil Spirit probably returns, had the response unexpectedly again, but a wisp obstructed a day of strength just to appear, unexpectedly immediately is swallowed by Fu Wen who Evil Spirit left behind, frightens it immediately to shrink. 在这时,封痕手臂上的图腾好像感应到邪魔回归,竟然再一次产生反应,但一缕遮天之力刚刚露头,不料马上就被邪魔留下的符文吞掉,吓得它马上缩了回去。 Sees this, nod of Qin Shi satisfied, after arriving at the mark side, has patted his shoulder: Now, you use spiritual power to try.” 望见这一幕,秦石满意的点了点头,走到封痕身边后拍了拍他的肩膀:“现在,你使用灵力试一试。” Um?” “嗯?” Feng Hen has drawn back terrified one step. 封痕悚然的退了一步。 All right, has me in this.” Qin Shi encourages to say. “没事,有我在这呢。”秦石鼓励道。 In half believing, half doubting, Feng Hen raises the left hand slowly, wipes the blue pure halo to ignite in his fingertip, at once immediately soars to the heavens on. 将信将疑中,封痕缓缓举起左手,一抹碧蓝色精纯的光晕在他指尖燃起,旋即马上冲天而上。 Bang! 砰! His spiritual power is exceptionally vigorous, the earth of eight sides disrupt the spider web, Qin Shi knit the brows in front, haunches ties at the same time: Hissing, Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage peak?” 他的灵力异常浑厚,八方的大地碎裂成蛛网,就连秦石在前面都不禁皱了皱眉,撑起一面结界:“嘶,玄灵境中期巅峰?” He knows that Feng Hen has the Profound Spirit Realm strength, hasn't actually expected unexpectedly is Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage? 他知道封痕有玄灵境的实力,却没有料到竟然是玄灵境中期 Thinks that this he cannot bear criticize: „, Has this cultivation is, does not understand the utilization unexpectedly, really *** is not to know how to use things sparingly.” 想到这他忍不住暗骂:“呵,有这种修为,竟然不懂得运用,真***是暴殄天物啊。” Is looking at the miraculous glow in sky, Feng Hen delighted shouting: I, can I use spiritual power? Big brother, did you see? I can use spiritual power! I did not use by the curse of this Totem!” 望着天空中的灵光,封痕喜出望外的喊道:“我,我能用灵力了?大哥,你看见了吗?我能用灵力了!我再也不用受这图腾的诅咒了!” Um.” “嗯。” Qin Shi gentle smiling, sealing mark can from obstructing the day control goes out, he is also very happy. 秦石温柔的笑了笑,封痕能从遮天的掌控中走出,他也很开心。 But when is at all people to be happy, suddenly Bang. 但就在诸人开心时,突然间砰一声。 Bang! 轰隆! At once, bang by fits and starts, on full is the remnant mark, the creakying inn, is sealing the mark these does not have the control to strike fully, direct avalanche. 旋即,一阵一阵的巨响,本来就满是残痕,摇摇欲坠的客栈,在封痕这一下没有掌控的全力一击下,直接崩塌。 Bang! 砰! The plank of house beam crashes one after another, the bricks avalanche of wall, full is the dust. 一块一块房梁的木板坠落下来,墙壁的砖瓦崩塌,满是尘埃。 „!” “咳咳,靠!” In behind, the owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue several people were choked by the sawdust cough several. 在后面,枭轩和萧天月几人被木屑呛得干咳几声。 Later, owlet Xuan scolded: Drinks, was then good, you start the tactless thing, tonight we wait to sleep outside the street!” 之后,枭轩骂道:“喝,这下好了,你们两个下手没轻没重的东西,今天晚上咱们就等着露宿街头吧!” About looks all around, several people in abundance helpless smiling. 左右环顾一圈,几人纷纷无奈的笑了。 No matter what, happiness good. 但不管怎样,开心就好。 But, several people go out of stretch of ruins the inn, the common people in this village already when encountered seal the mark to slaughter had been exposed, for this reason has helped several people actually, had crude residents by the inn, including three rooms. 无奈中,几个人走出一片废墟的客栈,这村里的百姓早就在遭到封痕杀戮的时候跑光了,为此倒是成全了几人,在客栈旁边有一间简陋的民宅,其中有三个房间。 Has collected for night in this, I and Feng Hen a room, owlet porch and a day moon/month room, a Qiao'er room.” Makes great strides forward the residents, Qin Shi looks back on the arrangement to say. “在这凑了一夜吧,我和封痕一屋,枭轩和天月一屋,巧儿自己一屋。”迈进民宅,秦石回首安排道。 The owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue opposed once again that then opposes ineffective once more. 枭轩和萧天月再度反对,然后再次反对无效 Enters the room, the facility in this residents crude somewhat excessive. 进入房间,这民宅里的设施简陋的有些过分。 „Does Nyima, how also rain in?” “尼玛,怎么还漏雨?” Qin Shi has not held on to your hat, transmits roaring of owlet porch on hearing nearby room , is the Xiao Tianyue spooky [say / way]: Owlet porch, what do you know in this world the most miserable two matters are?” 秦石没坐稳,就听见旁边屋里传来枭轩的咆哮,然后是萧天月幽幽的道:“枭轩,你知道这世上最惨的两件事是什么吗?” The owlet porch has gawked staring: What?” 枭轩愣了愣:“什么啊?” In this, Qin Shi also curious is listening, but the following words have not choked him: Room leaks meets continually night rain, filled with the obscene bath touches the owlet porch!” 在这面,秦石也好奇的听着,但下面的话差点没把他呛死:“屋漏偏逢连夜雨,满腔淫浴碰枭轩!” Xiao Tianyue, your Sir! One send spring goes! Outside pigsty two sows are waiting for you!” “萧天月,你大爷!自己发春去!外面猪圈两只母猪等着你呢!” By ear noise diverges gradually, Qin Shi laughs in spite of trying not. 耳旁的吵闹声渐渐散去,秦石不由失笑。 Dim light of night gradually deeply. 夜色渐渐深了。 Feng Hen sits on the bed, Qin Shi to far away looks that he can feel, his upper eyelids have been fighting with the lower lid unceasingly, helpless walks to go forward: Stares is doing, rests.” 封痕坐在床榻上,秦石离老远看着他就能感觉到,他的上眼皮已经和下眼皮在不断打架了,无奈的走上前:“愣着干嘛呢,睡吧。” „, The big brother you rested.” Feng Hen helpless shaking the head: I feared that I have rested, this Totem is braving.” “不了,大哥你睡吧。”封痕无奈的摇摇头:“我怕我睡了,这图腾在冒出来。” Qin Shi stares at he then timid type, the flame of anger will be burning in the hearts, but he also knows that this seals a mark several years of custom, wants to make him transform immediately obviously is impossible. 秦石盯着他又便会怯懦的样,无名火在心间就燃烧起来,但他也知道这是封痕十几年的习惯,想让他马上转变过来显然是不可能。 But under his black pupil stares suddenly, wrinkling brow. 无奈下他黑眸突然一瞪,不由的皱紧眉头。 Qin Shi narrows the eyes focuses, the psychic force gushes out instantaneously, at once transmits over a hundred people of sounds of footsteps and bawls by his ear. 秦石眯眯着眼,精神力瞬间涌出,旋即在他的耳旁传递来上百人的脚步声和叫骂声。 Hurry up, murderer in front!” “快点,凶手就在前面!” This time do not let them run, above has confessed that holds this murderer, the monetary reward 12,000!” “这一次别让他们跑了,上面交代了,抓住这凶手,赏金12000!” Side a series of sounds fall hear, Qin Shi stares is sealing the mark to reveal, but color: Ok, this time, you want to rest unable to rest.” 一连串的声音落入耳旁,秦石盯着封痕露出无奈之色:“行,这一次,你想睡也睡不了了。” Feng Henleng staring, he does not have the Qin Shi formidable hearing and psychic force, said puzzled: Big brother, how?” 封痕愣了愣,他没有秦石强大的听力和精神力,不解道:“大哥,怎么了?” Walks!” “走!” The Qin Shi black pupil condenses, at once he curls up the black robe, works on a mark to change into the shadow, at once the owlet porch, Xu Qiao'er and Xiao Tianyue, together is escaping. 秦石黑眸凝聚,旋即他卷起黑袍,一把抓起封痕化为黑影,旋即连带着枭轩、许巧儿、萧天月,一同远遁而出。 After half double-hour, mountain top outside village. 半个时辰后,在村外的山头。 On Qin Shi is lying four weak forms, he just fell to the ground, the owlet porch sits the ground to start to spit crazily, whole face discontented is pointing at Qin Shi: Elder Brother Shi, were you insane? You did not let me and Qiao'er love I endured, now sleeps does not make me rest? Are you pure heart and I cannot pass?” 秦石身上趴着四个瘫软的身影,他刚落地,枭轩坐地上就开始狂吐,满脸不满的指着秦石:“石哥,你疯了?你不让我和巧儿恩爱我就忍了,现在连睡觉都不让我睡?你是不是纯心和我过不去?” Bang! 砰! Has not waited for the Qin Shi start to talk, transmits several fierce explosives in the village of distant place, several hundred the military officers in empires brilliantly illuminated that lights the village. 没等秦石开口,在远处的村里传来几声剧烈的爆响,数百名帝国的将领将村子点燃的灯火通明。 Now you know that I did do? Or am I sending back you? In the day is firm the control to eat to provide lodging, is actually very suitable you.” Qin Shi shrugs, said to owlet Xuan. “现在你知道我干嘛了?要不我在把你送回去?天牢里管吃管住,其实挺适合你。”秦石耸了耸肩,冲枭轩道。 The owlet porch has sucked the tongue, was all of a sudden speechless. 枭轩咂了咂舌,一下子无言了。 „, This time, must sleep outside the street thoroughly.” “得,这一次,彻底要露宿街头了。”
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