PDL :: Volume #5

#406: I want to live

Bang! 砰! Qin Shi raises the black fist, full overturning Feng Hen: In your eyes, am I that villain?” 秦石扬起黑拳,全力的打翻封痕:“在你眼里,我就是那种小人?” Rolled two on the ground, Feng Henpa set out staring. 在地上滚了两圈,封痕爬起身愣了愣。 I must shut out you, initially side will not keep you, since side I keep you, no matter I you is a human, is the ghost, is the monster, is the demon, in my eyes, your his mother is my Qin Shi brothers!” “我要嫌弃你,当初就不会把你留在身边,我既然把你留在身边,我就不管你是人,是鬼,是妖,是魔,在我眼里,你他妈就是我秦石的兄弟!” Big big brother!” “大大哥!” Hears this word, Feng Hen touched under the eye was red. 听得此言,封痕被触动的唰下眼睛就红了。 But immediately, he toward upturning looking away, will receive when the tears that the eye socket spun, lowered the head looked at Qin Shi again, face free and easy feeling relaxed, with helpless: At the point of death, can hear big brother these words, is my this whole life, happiest matter.” 但马上,他朝上翻了翻眼,将在眼眶打转的泪水收起,低下头再望去秦石时,一脸洒脱的释然,和无奈:“临死,能听见大哥这段话,是我这辈子,最开心的事。” Death? Does your also his mother want dead?” Qin Shi was really is irritated. “死?你还他妈想死?”秦石真是被气死了。 Pinched the fist, Feng Hen has stood up, is holding the upper arm by the wall: I must die, this is the destiny of heaven, if I will live will be having the innocent person dead” 捏了捏拳,封痕站起身,扶着膀子靠在墙上:“我必须死,这是苍天的命运,我若活着就会有更多无辜的人死” Here, his voice became very greatly, was almost fierce roaring: Heaven is unfair, this *** is the life!” 说到这,他声音变得很大,几乎是狰狞的咆哮:“苍天不公,这***是命啊!” Life?” “命?” The black robe was swayed by the miserable cold wind, hearing life word-time Qin Shi to smile suddenly, smiles is very strange. 黑袍被凄凉的冷风吹拂,听见一个命字时秦石突然笑了,笑的很诡异。 Life?” “命?” He duplicates one, in the two years the memory plunders in the mind, remembers the Qin Xuexin weak form suddenly, with her like clear water blue long hair. 他又重复一句,将这两年来的记忆在脑海中搜刮一番,突然间想起沁雪心薄弱的身影,和她如清水般碧蓝色的长发。 Begins supinely, Qin Shi snort said gently: „Do you know? With me discussed that destiny person, you are second, first is a very beautiful female, she seventh that year, the family by the slaughter, the tenth that year foster father foster mother was killed, in life she is intimate with anyone, who must die, you said that her destiny is what kind of?” 仰起头,秦石轻轻哼道:“你知道吗?和我谈命运的人,你是第二个,第一个是一个很美的女子,她七岁那年,家族被屠,十岁那年养父养母被杀,一生中她亲近谁,谁就要死,你说她的命运怎么样?” Listens to the Qin Shi words Feng Hen sending silk to let fall, cannot cover the pupil heart place with amazement: If is really this, her destiny is more miserable than me, but will this world have this person really?” 听着秦石的话封痕的发丝垂落,遮挡不住眸心处的骇然:“如果真是这样,她的命运比我惨,但这世上真的会有这种人?” Smiles indifferently, Qin Shi had not explained that is only question: If you are she, you will be what kind of?” 漠然笑笑,秦石没有解释,只是问句:“如果你是她,你会怎么样?” I will die! Such is living, was too painful.” “我会死!那样活着,太痛苦了。” He he, yes?” “呵呵,是吧?” Under the Qin Shi not accidental point, said: If I am she, perhaps I will also die, my this person cannot endure lonely. But do you know? She does not have, these years, she has insisted is living.” 秦石并不意外的点下头,道:“如果我是她,恐怕我也会死吧,我这人耐不住寂寞。但你知道吗?她没有,这些年,她一直坚持的活着。” Feng Henchan trembling, in lip angle Zhang He has not said a word. 封痕颤了颤,唇角张合中没有言语。 She lived compared with dying needs the courage.” Qin Shi looks at Feng Hen who shocks, raises the hand to pat in his shoulder: Death, is actually very easy, but is the short pain, then anything does not know.” “她活着比死去更需要勇气。”秦石看着震撼的封痕,扬起手拍在他的肩膀:“死,其实很容易,不过是短暂的痛苦,便什么都不知道了。” On the contrary, lives is being most difficult to suffer the matter, you want dead, you want to extricate, but have you thought us? Just you saw, Qiao'er, the owlet porch, the day moon/month, they were worried your appearance, after you died hundred , have we pain of load bearing, you thought?” “相反,活着才是最难捱事,你想死,你想解脱,但你想过我们吗?刚刚你看见了,巧儿,枭轩,天月,他们担心你的样子,你一死百了后我们所承载的痛苦,你想过么?” The stretch after stretch of words, Feng Hen sobbed. 一段一段话,封痕哽咽了。 Stares Feng Hen who silent was not speaking, the Qin Shi sound became severe, caught from the wall surface him: Said that what nonsense destiny, are these give a pretext? In addition the ants drag out an ignoble existence, why do you die?” 盯着默不吭声的封痕,秦石的声音变得严厉起来,一把将他从墙面上抓起来:“说什么狗屁命运,那些才是借口吧?蝼蚁尚且偷生,你凭什么死?” Straightens up the body, Feng Hen is trembling is very painful. 挺直着身子,封痕哆哆嗦嗦的痛苦不堪。 I do not want dead.” “我也不想死。” Does not want dead, is living, told me loudly, you wanted to live!” The Qin Shi black robe makes noise cool and refreshingly, the spirit pressure surges. “不想死,就活着,大声的告诉我,你想要活着啊!”秦石的黑袍泠泠作响,灵压涌动。 Bang! 砰! Feng Hen never has seeking livehood **, burns in the moral nature. 封痕从未有过的求生**,在心底中燃烧。 He and Qin Shi looks at each other, at this time Xu Qiao'er and Xiao Tianyue, the owlet porch they also pursued from the inn, the worry and sincere in pupil heart, are similar to raging fire of one group of billowing combustion, but he in the heart knot that in the raging flame struggles, finally melted. 他和秦石对视,这时候许巧儿、萧天月、枭轩他们也都从客栈中追了出来,眸心中的担心和真挚,如同一团滚滚燃烧的烈火,而他在熊熊烈火中挣扎的心结,终于化了。 Puff passes! 噗通! He kneels on the ground, the gushing out eye socket that the tears cannot stop, working ground the dust sand of one after another. 他跪在地上,泪水止不住的涌出眼眶,一把一把的抓起地面的尘沙。 Does not want dead, told me, you wanted to live!” Qin Shi exclaimed again. “不想死,就告诉我,你想要活着啊!”秦石再次吼道。 Volume!!! I do not want dead, I want to live, I want with the big brother in the same place, I want I to live in the same place with everyone / influential family!!!” “额啊啊!!!我不想死,我想要活着,我想要和大哥在一起,我想要和大家在一起啊我想活着!!!” Lying that the sound of sobbing, reverberation of roaring, Feng Hen sheds bitter tears on the Qin Shi black robe, all constraining with these years grievance, erupted finally. 哽咽的声音,咆哮的回荡,封痕痛哭流涕的趴在秦石的黑袍上,所有的压抑和这些年的委屈,终于爆发了。 The expansive sky, is not loose for a very long time. 长空兮兮,久久不散。 In this moment, Qin Shi has smiled, Qiao'er has smiled, all people have smiled, has been full of the bright sunlight in their smiling faces, cancelled this day within all haze. 在这一刻,秦石笑了,巧儿笑了,所有人都笑了,在她们的笑容间充满了灿烂的阳光,抹去了这天地间所有的阴霾。 This, sufficed.” “这,就够了。” Qin Shi grasps Feng Hen, the mood surges under the pupil with flood the tears, the present world becomes fuzzy. 秦石抱住封痕,情绪涌动中眸子底下跟着泛起泪花,眼前的世界变得模糊。 No matter any destiny, no matter any shackles, he is willing to accompany his brothers, is accompanying his lover, has suffered together. 不管什么命运,不管什么枷锁,他都愿意陪着他的兄弟,陪着他的爱人,一起捱过。 Just like he once had said words are the same: I want this piece of world, but also feared counter this small vault of heaven? 正如他曾说过的话一样:我要这片天下,还怕逆不了这小小的苍穹? Raining. 下雨了。 The rain water tick-tock, strikes the orderly rhythm in the ground. 雨水滴滴答答,在地面上敲打出有规律的节奏。 Qin Shi helps up Feng Hen, several people return to the inn. 秦石扶起封痕,几个人回到客栈。 In the inn, the owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue encloses Feng Hen, they avoid the sensitive issue ingeniously, the asking Feng Hen injury of but caring about. 在客栈里,枭轩和萧天月围上封痕,他们非常巧妙的避开敏感话题,只是关心的问了问封痕的伤势。 Xu Qiao'er therapy for Feng Hen, looks that his face projected on the distortion by Qin Shi the wound, blamed: Elder brother, you also are really, starts so to be ruthless? Frightened him not on the line?” 许巧儿替封痕疗伤,看着他面庞都被秦石打到扭曲的伤口,不由责怪道:“哥,你也真是,下手怎么这么狠?吓唬吓唬他不就行了?” Is, when a point elder brother's type does not have.” The owlet porch curled the lip, before Qin Shi injured accidentally the Qiao'er matter he still to take to heart. “就是,一点当哥的样都没有。”枭轩跟着就撇了撇嘴,之前秦石误伤巧儿的事他还在耿耿于怀。 Looks the appearance that several people rally together to besiege, the Qin Shi bursting out laughing said with a smile: Sentiment arrives finally, did the wrong person become I?” 看着几个人群起围攻的模样,秦石不由哑然笑道:“感情到最后,错的人成我了是吧?” Several people look at each other one, Min Huai smiles. 几人对视一眼,敏怀而笑。 As a result of sealing the injury of mark, Qin Shi several people not anxiously departure, but is prepares to continue in the inn to rest for one night. 由于封痕的伤势,秦石几人并未急着离开,而是准备继续在客栈里休息一夜。 This inn, most side had been destroyed by Qin Shi, in the remaining several rooms is also the dust clears, completely in confusion, making Qin Shi shake the head: He he, it seems like starts a little to be truly heavy.” 这客栈,大半边都被秦石毁了,剩下几间屋子里也是尘埃散尽,满是狼藉,令秦石不禁摇了摇头:“呵呵,看来下手确实有点重啊。” Night, Qin Shi lets Feng Hen with his room. 夜晚,秦石让封痕跟着他一屋。 Several matters, he must inquire Feng Hen, moreover he does not dare to make Feng Hen live again, otherwise in the evening is making the human life, troubled. 有几件事,他还要询问封痕,况且他也不敢再让封痕自己住,否则的话晚上在闹出人命,就麻烦了。 In the room, after Qin Shi closes, looks that cautious Feng Henqi smiles: He he, I said you, now also installs with me timidly? Your courage is older than anyone, doesn't die does not fear?” 在房中,秦石关上门后看着拘谨的封痕气笑了:“呵呵,我说你,现在还跟我装胆小?你丫的胆子比谁都大,不是连死都不怕吗?” Feng Hen has grasped scratching the head awkwardly: Elder Brother Shi, do not laugh at me, these years do not dare to start spiritual power, therefore I was used.” 封痕尴尬的抓了抓头:“石哥,你别笑话我了,这些年不敢发动灵力,所以我都习惯了。” Smiled, Qin Shi had not said again. 笑了笑,秦石没再多说。 Regarding sealing mark, although homicide thousands of people, but in the Qin Shi eye, his crime not until death. 对于封痕,虽说他杀了数以千计的人,但于秦石眼中,他罪不至死。 Suddenly when remembers him in Cold City by how many Young Master elder brothers pursue the appearance, actually he may hit back greatly, but he worried that obstructs the day the fairyhood to send greatly, affects innocently, desirably bears patiently? 突然想起他在冷城被几个公子哥追时的模样,其实他大可还手,但他正是担忧遮天的魔性大发,波及无辜,才刻意隐忍的吧? These years, he little has not certainly suffered loss on this. 这些年,他在这上面一定没少吃苦头。 Thinks that poured is also excusable, at least his heart did not go bad. 这么一想,倒也是情有可原了,至少他的心地不坏。 I asked you, you clearly know that I must catch you, why also dares with me?” Qin Shi sits on the chair, in hand holds appreciatively the teacup toward sealing mark question. “我问你,你明知道我要抓你,为什么还敢跟着我?”秦石坐在椅子上,手中把玩着茶杯朝封痕问句 Seals the mark to reveal several points of hesitation: Just started, is the big brother saves me, some first people save me distantly, I with you.” 封痕露出几分犹豫:“刚开始,是大哥救我,第一次有人救我,我就远远的跟着你。” Result looked that you died in Shangguan Family, I worry not to control spiritual power for a while, therefore erupted the fairyhood.” Feng Henxiao sound track. “结果看你在上官家遇难,我一时着急没控制住灵力,所以才爆发出了魔性。”封痕小声道。 Hears this word, Qin Shi at heart one warm. 听闻此言,秦石的心里不由一暖。 Originally is this? He waves to hint: You continued.” 原来是这样?他挥手示意:“你继续说。” Feng Hendun, continued saying: That eruption fairyhood does not know that what's the matter, is common I erupt the fairyhood time can lose the corpse to be sane, the body is also uncontrolled, but that time I actually reluctant can control the body, probably because of big brother’s reason, big brother within the body has one with I specially similar strength, the Totem of my arm dreads the strength of big brother within the body.” 封痕顿了顿,继续道:“那一次爆发魔性不知道是怎么回事,寻常我爆发魔性的时候都会丧尸理智,身体也不受控制,但那一次我却勉强的能操控身体,好像是因为大哥的原因,大哥体内有一个和我特别相似的力量,我手臂的这个图腾非常畏惧大哥体内的力量。” Qin Shi knows that what Feng Hen said is Evil Spirit . 秦石知道,封痕说的是邪魔 That afterward?” “那后来呢?” Afterward left Cold City, big brother has chased after and never given up to me, to early morning time I reluctantly suppress the fairyhood in within the body, because within the body was seriously injured, feared that the big brother found me therefore to enter the mountain valley outside blue lotus city, sends out specially the property of black rose, wants to hide while the beast tide.” Feng Hen said. “后来出了冷城,大哥对我穷追不舍,一直到清晨的时候我才勉强压制住体内的魔性,因为体内受了重伤,怕大哥找到我所以进入青莲城外的崖谷,特意将黑瑰的药性散发出去,想趁着兽潮隐蔽起来。”封痕说道。 That beast tide, is you brings in intentionally?” “那兽潮,也是你故意引来得?” Qin Shi stared staring, this Feng Hen has filled his many matters? 秦石瞪了瞪眼,这封痕真是满了他不少事啊? Hollow laugh, Feng Hen continues saying: At that time this thinks can avoid a disaster, actually does not want just to wake up sees the big brother, therefore frightened to fall in the brook, at first I want to be far away from the big brother, does not want to harm the big brother, but afterward I suddenly discovered that when side the big brother, Totem on my arm seemed suppressed much, therefore I want to follow side you, moreover at that time the big brother taught me to protect, protected the black rose, I have been protecting it!” 干笑一声,封痕继续道:“当时本以为能躲过一劫,却不想刚醒来的时候就看见大哥,所以吓得摔进了溪流里,起初我是想远离大哥,不想害了大哥,但后来我突然发现,在大哥身旁的时候,我手臂上的图腾仿佛被压制住不少,所以我就想跟在你身边,而且当时大哥教会我守护,守护黑瑰,我一直守护着它!” Qin Shi nodded: „Does that explode the miracle cure and day broken symbol? How do you keep off?” 秦石点了点头:“那爆灵丹和天破符呢?你是怎么挡下的?” „Does big brother you remember? You just met my time, my within the body deeply is seriously injured, were all internal organs such as been same by the scrap? That is explodes, afterward Li Bufan that severe wound that the miracle cure creates is also same.” “大哥你记得么?你刚碰见我的时候,我体内深受重伤,所有的内脏都如被炸碎一样?那就是爆灵丹所造成的,后来李不凡的那一次重伤也是一样。” I am not keep off to explode the miracle cure and day broken symbol, I discovered that this Totem has an ability, camouflages, all by the object of its Baleful Qi mask, will vanish from Desolate Spirit Continent, probably a unique space.” “我不是挡下爆灵丹和天破符,我发现这个图腾有一种能力,就是遮蔽,一切被它煞气遮挡的物体,都会从荒灵大陆消失,好像去了一个独特的空间。” But vanishes after all, is not the counter-balance, therefore afterward Baleful Qi returned to my within the body time, explodes the miracle cure and day broken symbol wild strength also erupts in my within the body.” Feng Hen answered. “但毕竟只是消失,不是抵消,所以后来煞气回归到我体内的时候,爆灵丹和天破符狂野的力量也就在我的体内爆发出来。”封痕解释道。 Qin Shi knit the brows, suddenly before remembering , when he in back side of the mountain by Baleful Qi covers the appearance, there space truly and Desolate Spirit Continent is incompatible. 秦石皱了皱眉,忽然想起之前他在后山被煞气笼罩时的样子,那里的空间确实和荒灵大陆格格不入。 Remembers these, he goes to the strange look to Feng Henpao, originally in the middle of invisible, Feng Hen, for he has made these many? 想起这些,他对封痕抛去怪异的眼神,原来在无形当中,封痕为了他做了这么多? Then does not fall small town on day and this, why can you kill people?” “那在日不落小镇和这,你为什么要杀人?” Without means that even if daytime were suppressed when big brother side Totem, once I enter the sleep it then independently controls my body, even if I wake up to resist am not good, if I do not slaughter, its resentment will read for a very long time will save, I feared it, once will erupt, can injure to big brother “没有办法,就算白天在大哥身旁图腾被压制,一旦我进入睡眠时它便自主的控制我身体,就算我醒来想要抗拒也不行,而且如果我不杀戮,它的怨念就会久久积攒,我怕它一旦爆发,会伤到大哥” Feng Hen helpless shaking the head of: Now is also same, I do not dare to sleep, before several nights had not closed the eyes, finally yesterday evening had not really supported, dozed off 封痕无奈的摇了摇头:“就算现在也是一样,我不敢睡觉,之前已经好几夜没合眼了,结果昨天晚上实在没撑住,才打了个瞌睡” Is this?” “是这样?” Qin Shi understood gradually, then he did not have saying that but stepped around worked on Feng Hen the arm, after sealing the mark the hand sleeve pulled, to let obstruct the day Totem to expose. 秦石渐渐明白了,接着他没有多说,而是迈上前后抓起封痕的手臂,将封痕的手袖挽起后让遮天的图腾暴露出来。 „An incomplete soul, I want to take a look at you to be able but actually flood the big spray!” “一个残缺的魂魄,我倒想瞧瞧你能泛起多大的浪花!” Qin Shi whispered in the heart, at once his black pupil closed, the demon blood started to flow following within the body, exploding altogether shot. 秦石在心中嘀咕一声,旋即他黑眸闭合,魔血顺着体内开始流淌,一股脑的爆射而出。
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