PDL :: Volume #5

#405: Fog shade Feng Hen

Bang! 轰隆! Two buildings in inn demolish the chaos suddenly such as the strength of dragon, the golden hurricane extends to expand by the easily accomplished potential, making the above house beam direct avalanche become the powdery sawdust. 在客栈的二楼突然间爆破出混沌如龙的力量,金色的飓风以摧枯拉朽之势延绵扩开,令上方的房梁直接崩塌成粉末状的木屑。 The Xu Qiao'er people had a scare in a building, at once without hesitation rushes along the staircase: Elder brother, big brother Shi!” 许巧儿众人在一楼吓了一跳,旋即不假思索的沿着楼梯冲上去:“哥,石大哥!” On two buildings, Qin Shi has been standing in the sawdust. 上了二楼,秦石正站在木屑中。 His grabbing Feng Hen left hand firmly, the blue vein is similar to the hand back is poisonous snake You Cuan same sticks out suddenly one after another, the pupil stares big command blood thread becomes clearly discernible. 他牢牢的抓着封痕的左手,一根一根青筋在手背上如同是毒蛇游窜一样暴起,眸子瞪大的令其中的血丝都变得清晰可见。 Elder brother! You how?” “哥!你怎么了?” Xu Qiao'er relaxed first, worry runs toward Qin Shi, unexpectedly she just lifted the pretty slender calf, under the Qin Shi black robe surging billowing Baleful Qi, like is the uncontrolled Tsunami, Bang one shakes her draws back. 许巧儿先是松了口气,担心的朝秦石跑去,不料她刚抬起娇俏纤细的小腿,秦石的黑袍下涌起滚滚煞气,像是不受控制的海啸一样,砰一下的将她震退。 Qiao'er!” 巧儿!” Owlet porch flurried supporting Xu Qiao'er: How is it? Wound to which?” 枭轩慌乱的扶住许巧儿:“怎么样?伤到哪没?” Does not have, I am all right.” Xu Qiao'er shakes the head. “没,我没事。”许巧儿摇摇头。 If loves the precious treasure equally high and low to inquire, sees Xu Qiao'er not to obstruct the owlet porch to relax really greatly, at once is bringing disgruntled staring to Qin Shi: Damn, any matter, I ask him to figure out!” 如疼爱珍贵的宝贝一样上下打探一下,见许巧儿真的没有大碍枭轩才松了口气,旋即带着不悦的瞪向秦石:“该死,什么事啊,我去找他评理!” Small porch, no!” “小轩,别!” Xu Qiao'er turns round to hold on the owlet porch, made the owlet porch puzzled [say / way]: How can not go? Where has him to become the elder brother like this?” 许巧儿回身拉住枭轩,令枭轩不解的道:“怎么能不去?哪有他这样当哥哥的?” No, he is always very not sore I, this time he was angry , for two years I have not seen this.” Xu Qiao'er shakes the head, closely after drawing the owlet porch, moves the beautiful pupil to Qin Shi. “不,不是的,他从来都很疼我,这一次他是真的生气了,两年来我都没见过他这样。”许巧儿摇摇头,紧紧拉着枭轩后将美眸挪向秦石 The owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue knits the brows to look to Qin Shi. 枭轩和萧天月跟着皱眉望向秦石 The Baleful Qi ice under Qin Shi black robe however flutters, to Xu Qiao'er they after behind actually, the angry flame throughout will not be staring at Feng Hen the palm. 秦石黑袍下的煞气凌然飘动,任由许巧儿他们在身后却连头都不会,愤怒的火光始终盯着封痕的掌心。 In his palm place, has the naked eye obvious light quiet fire together, the quiet fire beats when the thin air, presents the deep purple halo, the halo flicks unusual is strange, each twinkle is still swallowing the vitality of mark within the body. 在他的掌心处,有一道肉眼可见的淡淡幽火,幽火在稀薄的空气中跳动,呈现出深紫色的光晕,光晕一闪一闪的非常诡异,每一次闪烁时还在吞噬封痕体内的生机。 Why is you!” “为什么是你!” Several characters, put out from the Qin Shi gap between teeth. 几个字,从秦石的牙缝中吐出。 He will not admit mistakes, before this quiet fire , when he and fog shade fights, after the big Buddhist relics explode definitely, burn that produces, this burn is different from the ordinary burn, if no formidable psychic force, even if Heaven Realm expert also can only be at a loss, before Burning Sky Sect left protectors Sun Tao, suffers the persecution of this burn, definitely will fill with dread to the big Buddhist relics. 他不会认错,这幽火正是之前他和雾影者交手时,大舍利决爆炸后所产生的灼伤,这种灼伤和普通的烧伤不同,若是没有强大的精神力,就算是天境高手也只能束手无策,之前焚天宗的左护法孙涛,就是受到这种灼伤的迫害,才会对大舍利决满怀忌惮。 Was grasped by Qin Shi in the hand, Feng Hen the emaciated body trembles, on the face reveals the unprecedented pain, he lowers the head numbly is staring at the palm quiet fire, the forced smile long implored: He he, this thinks that can also stay with everyone / influential family for several days, couldn't conceal the truth evidently?” 秦石抓在手上,封痕羸弱的身躯哆嗦一下,面庞上露出前所未有的痛苦,他低着头麻木的盯着掌心幽火,苦笑长吁:“呵呵,本以为还能和大家多呆几天,看样子是瞒不住了么?” Why is you!” “为什么是你!” The repetition that Qin Shi gets angry exclaimed. 秦石红着眼的重复吼道。 Xu Qiao'er several people look at each other one, is everywhere vacant. 许巧儿几人对视一眼,满目茫然。 Why? Before I didn't mean in the back side of the mountain?” Covers under the Qin Shi anger, Feng Hen said free and easy: Big brother, did you certainly have a mortal hatred of me? He he, pours also no wonder, big brother you are so good, I have actually killed that many people in your side.” “为什么?之前在后山上我不是说了吗?”在秦石的怒火下笼罩,封痕却洒脱的笑说:“大哥,你一定恨死我了吧?呵呵,倒也难怪,大哥你这么善良,我却在你身边杀了那么多人。” Here, Feng Hen the eyeground deep place, revealed one everyone not to realize the pain and mist that he wants to cry, but he has borne, but said shamelessly: Big brother, you have killed me.” 说到这,封痕的眼底深处,露出一丝谁都没有察觉到的痛苦和水雾,他想哭,但他忍住了,只是强颜道:“大哥,你杀了我吧。” Bang! 轰! Anger ignition diligently, sane out-of-control of Qin Shi, flings the sleeve to offer a sacrifice to near hundred zhang (333m) golden color Lei Guang, roared: Your his mother thinks that I don't dare? I asked again your one time, why is you!” 怒火孜孜不倦的燃起,秦石的理智失控,甩起袖筒就祭出近百丈金色雷光,咆哮道:“你他妈以为我不敢是不是?我再问你一次,为什么是你!” The thunder light of hundred zhang (333m) passed through the house beam, Xu Qiao'er they have scared in behind, hurried saying: Feng Hen, how, you said to Brother Shi!” 百丈的雷光贯穿房梁,许巧儿他们在后面都吓坏了,赶忙道:“封痕,怎么了,你跟石头哥说啊!” Yes Feng Hen, do not play dumb!” “是啊封痕,别犯傻!” In all people the persuasion, Feng Hen actually shook the head: He he, can have these many people to care about me finally, this for a lifetime I was also the value, why did not have, Big brother, began!” 在诸人的劝说中,封痕却摇了摇头:“呵呵,最后能有这么多人关心我,这一辈子我也算是值了,没有为什么,大哥,动手吧!” My his mother has killed you!” “我他妈杀了你!” The anger launches a psychological attack, Qin Shi wields the wild thunder only to curl up [gold/metal], straight toward sealing the mark forehead chops. 怒火攻心,秦石挥起狂野的雷光卷起金芒,笔直的就朝封痕额头劈下。 Elder brother, does not want!” “哥,不要!” Xu Qiao'er several people want to go forward flurriedly, Lei Mangjiang but who gallops seals the mark in dozens meters to twine firmly, making them unable to go forward. 许巧儿几人慌乱的想要上前,但奔腾的雷莽将封痕数十米内牢牢缠绕,令他们根本无法上前。 Flurried, frightened, worried. 慌乱,惊悚,担忧。 Various mood delay on Xu Qiao'er several people of faces, but accident is actually Feng Hen, his look under the golden Lei Guang stabbing pain, not only does not have the fear of least bit, instead reveals an inexplicable extrication, closes one's eyes slowly. 各色各样的情绪在许巧儿几人面庞上延展,但意外的却是封痕自己,他的眼神在金色雷光的刺痛下,非但没有半点的恐惧,反而露出一丝莫名的解脱,缓缓闭眼。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 轰隆! The consecutively several bangs, the entire inn shape was hit by the disaster of being drowned, the clamping planks of buildings and two buildings crush directly, dope the spiritual power sawdust to dance in the air to fill the air, make colic that Xu Qiao'er and the others the Chest twitch: Feng Hen!” 连续几声巨响,整间客栈像遭受了灭顶的灾难,一楼和二楼的夹板直接粉碎,掺杂着灵力的木屑飞舞弥漫,令许巧儿等人心口抽搐的绞痛一下:“封痕!” Feng Hen!” “封痕!” The owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue entire was silly in behind. 枭轩和萧天月楞在后面全傻了。 They have not seen Qin Shi to be so angry, even if initially to fighting Li Bufan time, does not have. 他们谁都没见过秦石这么愤怒,就算是当初对战李不凡的时候,都没有过。 Actually to have what? 究竟发生了什么? In the sawdust, Feng Hen the eyelid has selected selecting suddenly, at once wrinkles the brow, the bone-chilling cold cold wind howls from his ear, but the ache and death in imagination for a very long time have not actually arrived. 在木屑中,封痕的眼皮突然挑了挑,旋即不由皱紧眉头,凛冽的冷风从他耳旁呼啸,但想象中的疼痛和死亡却久久没有到来。 Um?” “嗯?” His puzzled opening eyes slightly, saw only by him half inn already to turn into the ruins, the hand of Qin Shi hangs by his ear: Big brother, you 他不解的微微睁眼,只见他旁边的半座客栈早就变成废墟,秦石的手就垂在他的耳旁:“大哥,你” Bang! 砰! Does not wait for him to open the mouth, Qin Shi wields not to have the fist that spiritual power fluctuates to hit maliciously on his face, a fist, two fists, three fists, dozens fists. 不等他开口,秦石挥去没有灵力波动的拳头狠狠打在他的脸上,一拳,两拳,三拳,数十拳。 Every one strikes fully to wield, will only depend on the brute force to seal the mark striking to fly from the second floors. 每一击都是全力挥出,光靠蛮力就将封痕从二楼给击飞出去。 ! 咣啷! Feng Henshuai in the ground strenuous telling blood. 封痕摔在地上吃力的吐口血。 Volume!!!” “额啊啊!!!” Just raised head, even if Qin Shi departed from inn, worked on his collar, full hit him on nearby lane entrance wall. 刚仰头,秦石纵然从客栈内飞出,一把抓起他的衣领,全力的将他撞在旁边的巷口墙壁上。 This, the wall direct broken becomes a spider web. 就这一下,墙壁直接碎成蛛网。 Qin Shi gets angry to stare at Feng Hen: My his mother asked you, in your eyes others' life, *** was worthless? You *** rather dies, is not willing with me saying that is?” 秦石红着眼盯着封痕:“我他妈问你,在你眼里无论是自己或是别人的生命,都***是草芥么?你***就宁可死,都不肯和我说是不是?” Death?” “死?” This character, has touched a sore spot of Feng Hen the innermost feelings obviously, he bents by the pain on the wall surface said: Death? Who wants dead? Fearing death that also my he fears, but you think that I do think? The heaven is unfair, falls disaster hardship in me, by the demon control, the lifetime unfeeling widowed love, had to care about my big brother with great difficulty, now also *** hates me to hate to the marrow of the bones! Your his mother thinks that I do want dead? I live am being disaster hardship, my his mother can only die!” 这一个字,显然触痛了封痕的内心,他猫着腰靠在墙面上痛苦道:“死?谁想死?我他怕的也怕死,但是你以为我想吗?苍天不公,落灾厄于我,受魔物支配,一生寡情寡爱,好不容易有个在乎我的大哥,现在还***恨我恨之入骨!你他妈以为我想死?我活着就是灾厄,我他妈只能死!” Demon?” “魔物?” Qin Shi trembled indifferently trembling, grasps Feng Hen: You explain, actually what's the matter?” 秦石漠然间颤了颤,抓紧封痕:“你说明白,究竟是怎么回事?” He he, evidently, thinks did not say is impossible!” “呵呵,看样子,想不说是不可能了!” Feng Henyi on wall of disruption, the pupil low-spirited for a long time, he has raised the left hand finally suddenly, after hand sleeve lu gets up, reveals the strong arm. 封痕倚在碎裂的墙上,眸子黯然了许久,最终他突然间举起左手,将手袖撸起来后露出健硕的臂膀。 Evil Spirit ?” 邪魔?” The atrium of Qin Shi shivers, the pupil draws in rapidly, holds Feng Hen the arm, has jet black tattoo Totem on his arm, the tattoo surrounding multiplies is bearing a grudge completely reading Baleful Qi. 秦石的心房颤抖,瞳仁急速收拢,一把抓住封痕的手臂,在他的手臂上有一个漆黑的刺青图腾,刺青外围滋生着满含怨念的煞气 Is this appearance, how familiar? 这模样,是多么熟悉? „It is not right, this is not Evil Spirit !” “不对,这不是邪魔!” But unwavebering stares at Totem on Feng Hen arm, the Qin Shi thick eyebrow is wrinkling suddenly, Totem on Feng Hen arm seems like with the Evil Spirit essence is the same, looks carefully is actually slightly different. 死死盯着封痕手臂上的图腾,秦石的粗眉突然皱起,封痕手臂上的图腾看似和邪魔的本质一样,仔细一瞧却略有不同。 Evil Spirit is becomes the black Qilin, but this Totem actually likely is the celestial chart in jet black nighttime sky. 邪魔是成黑色的麒麟,而这个图腾却像是漆黑夜空中的星图。 „It is not Evil Spirit , what can be?” “不是邪魔,会是什么?” Qin Shi alone is deep in the long-time thought that he can feel after Totem of Feng Hen arm pulls, Evil Spirit Totem on his left hand arm has the fierce stabbing pain, in which Baleful Qi as if seethes with excitement, sends out angry roaring unceasingly. 秦石独自陷入长久的沉思,他能感觉到在封痕手臂的图腾挽起后,他左手臂上的邪魔图腾产生剧烈的刺痛,其中的煞气仿佛沸腾起来,不断发出愤怒的咆哮。 Good intense resentment read, on this day under can make the Evil Spirit so angry thing very few, was, in the resentment read in full Baleful Qi, Qin Shi stared the black pupil that was big not to dare to believe. “好强烈的怨念,这天底下能让邪魔这般愤怒的东西少之又少,难道是”在怨念充盈的煞气中,秦石瞪大起不敢置信的黑眸。 Obstructs the day?” “是遮天?” The struggle of ancient times, his many understood some, obstructs the campaign that day and the Tun Tian two big demons Venerable, finally Tun Tian suffered the seal, obstructed the day to be wrecked the one's wits, lost the mainland. 远古之争,他多少了解一些,是遮天与吞天两大魔尊的战役,最终吞天惨遭封印,遮天则被击毁成三魂七魄,遗失大陆。 Sees Totem on Feng Hen arm, in the anger with this time Evil Spirit Totem, Qin Shi almost can conclude that this fellow, deciding obstructs one of the day one's wits. 看见封痕手臂上的图腾,和此时邪魔图腾中的愤怒,秦石几乎可以断定,这家伙,定是遮天的三魂七魄之一。 The Qin Shi train of thought opens greatly, why seals mark within the body to have Baleful Qi, why his Baleful Qi and Evil Spirit Baleful Qi is incompatible, if obstructs the day, all these versatilely convinced. 秦石思绪大开,封痕体内为何会有煞气,为何他的煞气又和邪魔煞气格格不入,如果是遮天的话,这一切就全能说通了。 Tranquil diligently, Qin Shi has not made the inquiry on Totem, does not have to explain anything, but said in a soft voice: You because of this, unceasing slaughtering?” 努力的平静一下,秦石并未在图腾上多做询问,也没有去解释什么,只是轻声道:“你就是因为这个,才不断的杀戮?” Feng Hen lowers the head, how the look looks on the arm to look that felt disgusting Totem is somewhat lax: Is, I receive the persecution of this Totem since childhood, person said that I am a monster.” 封痕低着头,眼神望着手臂上怎样看都感觉到恶心的图腾有些涣散:“算是吧,我从小就受这图腾的迫害,身边的人都说我是妖怪。” Moreover, I also thought that I am a monster, because of this Totem reason, I, regardless of received the multiple wounds, most three days, will immediately be repaired by it, even if I do not practice, spiritual power between world continuously will also enter my within the body, Totem absorbs part, could not absorb on quiet in my dantian, bit by bit my cultivation for also became very fearful.” “而且,我也觉得我自己是妖怪,因为这图腾的缘故,我无论受了多重的伤,最多不出三天,马上就会被它修复,就算我自己不去修炼,天地间的灵力也会源源不断的进入我的体内,图腾吸收一部分,吸收不了的就沉寂在我的丹田里,一点一点我的修为也跟着变得非常可怕。” Hears this word, Qin Shi to ask that he most cares about: Why can you kill people?” 听得此言,秦石问出他最在乎的一句:“那你为什么要杀人?” Feng Hen helpless shaking the head: He he, I do not want to kill people, pain that I understand that type bully, since spiritual power enters the body, so long as I as soon as uses spiritual power, Baleful Qi in this Totem will pass through the whole body, making me simply not have the means control body, only then unceasing slaughtering, can the subsiding resentment gradually.” 封痕无奈的摇摇头:“呵呵,我也不想杀人,我明白那种被人欺压的痛苦,但是自从灵力入体,只要我一动用灵力,这图腾里的煞气就会贯穿全身,让我根本没有办法控制身体,只有不断的杀戮,才能渐渐的平息怨气。” Qin Shi was blown off by the cold wind puzzled, he all understood, anything will not use spiritual power, any special physique, these all are Feng Henbian come out to deceive his words, all are obstruct the day to be up to mischief completely. 秦石的不解被冷风吹散,他全明白了,什么不会用灵力,什么特殊的体质,这些全是封痕编出来骗他的话,一切全部是遮天在搞鬼。 Looks Qin Shi that was not speaking, Feng Hen smiled bitterly: He he, I know that this is very laughable, but the fact is really this, every day early morning gets up to see own both hands to be stained with the full blood, I know that some countless people died a tragic death in my hand.” 望着不语的秦石,封痕苦笑:“呵呵,我知道,这很可笑吧,但事实真的是这样,每一天清晨起来看见自己的双手沾满鲜血,我就知道又有无数人惨死在我的手上。” Trembled at heart trembling, Qin Shi was staring at Feng Hen, he realized that sealed the mark whole person changed, before he knew that the timid sealing mark was completely different, the whole body was disclosing lonely, was lonely and helpless. 心里颤了颤,秦石盯着封痕,他察觉封痕整个人都变了,和之前他认识怯懦的封痕完全不同,满身透露着孤独,寂寞和无奈。 Why didn't tell me earlier?” “为何不早点告诉我?” The emaciated torso rocks in the wind, seals the mark indifferently casts aside excessively, was thinking aloud likely: These many years, person shuts out me, beats and scolds me to bully me, was grasped to work as the living target, no person cares about me, the big brother you are first, even if were killed by the big brother, I do not want to make the big brother know that I feared the big brother will also regard me is a monster.” 羸弱的躯干在风中晃动,封痕漠然的撇过头,像是在自言自语:“这么多年,身边的人都嫌弃我,打骂我欺负我,被抓去当活靶子,从来没有人在乎我,大哥你是第一个,所以哪怕是被大哥杀死,我都不想让大哥知道,我怕怕大哥也会把我当成是妖怪啊。”
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