PDL :: Volume #5

#404: Living

Is he?” “是他?” Baleful Qi covers the guest room, Qin Shi concentrates the black pupil. 煞气笼罩客房,秦石将黑眸凝起。 About looks all around, Qin Shi discovered that under the Baleful Qi barrier, his psychic force is unable to delay unexpectedly, wants to understand anything suddenly: „ It seems like previous time, when day does not fall the small town, he by this move, has avoided my detection! 左右环顾一圈,秦石发现在煞气的隔阂下,他的精神力竟然无法延展出去,突然间想明白什么:“看来上一次,在日不落小镇的时候,他就是靠这一招,才避开了我的察觉啊! He he, really harbors ulterior motives!” The cold current flashes past in the look: But this time, I must stress your true colors not to be possible!” “呵呵,真是别有用心!”寒流在眼神中一闪而过:“但这一次,我非要抓出你的真面目不可!” Bang! 砰! Golden light shining spiritual power waves to shake, one was broken a hole in window Baleful Qi by Qin Shi, Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe then to jump to leap. 金光灿灿的灵力挥手震出,在窗口的煞气一下被秦石破开一个窟窿,秦石裹紧黑袍便纵身跃出。 Departs the guest room, the Qin Shi colleague draws in rapidly. 飞出客房,秦石的同仁急速收拢。 „!!! Has killed people, killed people!” “啊!!!杀人了,杀人了!” Run, runs! Is that fog shade killer!” “快跑啊,跑!是那个雾影杀手!” In the town, has filled the frightened and desperate roar, under inn shop waiter already the horizontal corpse street. 在镇子上,充满了惊悚和绝望的吼声,客栈下面的店小二早已横尸街头。 In the town, the broken shadow is dodging to plunder together rapidly, the place of passing over gently and swiftly must some people pass away, the blood raises the day. 在镇子上,一道残破的黑影正急速闪掠,掠过之处必会有人命丧黄泉,鲜血扬天。 Bastard!” “畜生!” The anger does not select the self-ignition, Qin Shi locks the position of fog shade immediately, from airborne howls the ambush that. 怒火不点自燃,秦石马上锁定雾影者的方位,从空中呼啸的伏击下去。 Bang! 砰! Fog shade kills to ascend to heaven following the lane entrance, looks back to see to see Qin Shi to surprise him , the pain said: You, you how in this?” 雾影者顺着巷口杀出升天,回首见看见秦石令他十分意外,痛苦道:“你,你怎么会在这?” I naturally in this! Otherwise who kills you!” “我当然在这!否则谁来杀你!” Qin Shi and fog shade confrontation collides, low and deep [say / way]. 秦石和雾影者交锋碰撞一番,低沉道。 Fog shade fierce opening mouth of, each start to talk, probably unusual pain: Is impossible, shouldn't you rest? Before your in the room did not have the spiritual power fluctuation of least bit obviously!” 雾影者狰狞的张了张嘴,他每一次开口,好像都非常的痛苦:“不可能,你不是应该睡了吗?之前你的房中明明没有半点的灵力波动!” Qin Shi hears that sound, is suddenly enlighted all of a sudden. 秦石闻声,一下子恍然大悟。 The spiritual power barrier that before he to practice the demon shade day photo, supposed desirably in the guest room, has not actually thought of unexpectedly the mistake arising out of chance circumstances this fog shade directing. 之前他为了修炼魅影天照,刻意在客房中设下的灵力屏障,却没想到竟阴差阳错的将这雾影者给引了出来。 But in a flash, he felt immediately pursuing question that does not suit: „Are you tracking me?” 但转瞬间,他马上感觉到不对劲的追问句:“你在跟踪我?” I “我” Opened mouth, fog shade was silent immediately. 张了张嘴,雾影者马上闭口不言。 Said that actually you are who? Why do you want to slaughter these innocent people?” “说,你究竟是什么人?你为什么要屠杀这些无辜的人?” Fog shade did not speak, Qin Shi naturally is not willing to give up, before his arrow step stepped, must hold fog shade. 雾影者不说话,秦石自然不肯善罢甘休,他一个箭步踏上前,就要抓住雾影者。 Do not come!” “别过来!” Bang! Waves, fog shade stretches out the arms, explodes projects dozens billowing black Baleful Qi. 砰!挥手间,雾影者张开双臂,爆射出数十道滚滚的黑色煞气 The Qin Shi black pupil bone-chilling cold concentrates, the rapid side opens the body shunts Baleful Qi. 秦石黑眸凛冽一凝,迅速侧开身的将煞气躲开。 But is this short moment, fog shade holds to tread the clouds that opportunity does not return, speeds away toward the town outside flees. 但就是这短暂的片刻,雾影者抓住机会头都不回的踏起云霄,一个疾驰朝镇子外遁逃。 Damn! Also wants to run?” “该死!还想跑?” Qin Shi angry closing tightly jaw, dragging the black robe to pursue. 秦石愤怒的咬紧牙关,拖着黑袍就追了上去。 They one after the other, kill quiet night the jungle. 两人一前一后,杀进幽夜的密林。 Bang! 砰! This time, Qin Shi has gotten angry , the demon blood opens greatly, the god character Secret Art rotation, will repair to promote to Profound Spirit Realm peak at one fell swoop. 这一次,秦石是真的怒了,魔血大开,神字诀转动,一举将修为提升到玄灵境巅峰 This time he, even there is a confidence and seizes Heaven Realm First Rank can one be high and low greatly. 此时的他,甚至有信心和夺天境一层的大能一较高低。 Is treading fallen leaf in the quiet forest, his tiny step goes forward to hold the shoulder of fog shade: Bastard, these time looked where you toward run!” 在幽林中踏着落叶,他一个寸步上前抓住雾影者的肩膀:“畜生,这一次看你往哪里跑!” Do not compel me!” “你别逼我!” Fog shade flurried turning round , a palm strikes toward the chest of Qin Shi. 雾影者慌乱的回过身,一掌朝秦石的胸膛击下。 Bang! 砰! Holds the wind relative, two wisps seem like same, Baleful Qi of regulations actually as incompatible as fire and water interweaves, rapidly forms two to shake the evil dragon of world, collides along the jet black new moon night. 掌风相对,两缕看似相同,实则却水火不容的煞气交织而起,迅速形成两尊撼动天地的恶龙,沿着漆黑的朔夜碰撞。 Bang! 轰隆! The earth shatters several thousand gullies. 大地震裂出数千道沟壑。 I asked finally your one time, actually you said that didn't say?” “我最后问你一次,你究竟说还是不说?” Under two masiakasauruses, is staring at fog shade who the Qin Shi black pupil condenses, every single word or phrase puts out in the gap between teeth. 在两尊恶龙之下,秦石黑眸凝聚的盯着雾影者,一字一句的在牙缝中吐出。 This is Qin Shi gives the fog shade final opportunity. 这是秦石给雾影者最后的机会。 Did not say that died did not say!” Roaring of fog shade pain. “不说,死都不说!”雾影者痛苦的咆哮。 That dies! God character Secret Art!” “那就死吧!神字诀!” Qin Shi roar, at once spiritual power in within the body from dantian reassignment gathering to Sea of Consciousness. 秦石吼声,旋即体内的灵力自丹田调动汇聚向识海 5% transformations, the range in Sea of Consciousness expands instantaneously. 5的转变,识海中的范围瞬间扩张。 Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” Together quiet fire, two quiet fire five quiet fires. 一道幽火,两道幽火五道幽火。 The four of psychic force from Sea of Consciousness shoots, Qin Shi under the transformation of god character Secret Art builds up to make five purple quiet fires, along under foot burning down of fog shade. 精神力自识海中四射,在神字诀的转变下秦石足足炼造出五道紫色幽火,沿着雾影者的脚下焚烧。 The essence in nighttime sky fabricated like mirage, coagulates five golden light Buddhist relics instantaneously. 夜空中的精气虚妄如蜃楼,瞬间凝固成五枚金光舍利。 This time, Qin Shi used fully, to move really has killed to read. 这一次,秦石用了全力,是真的动了杀念。 Before he thinks that the fog shade slaughter village had difficulties, very possible to be the same with him, received the influence of demon, in addition exploded the miracle cure and day broken symbol, fog shade has also saved him twice, he was always giving the fog shade opportunity. 之前他认为雾影者屠杀村子是有所苦衷,很可能是和他一样,受了魔物的影响,加上爆灵丹和天破符,雾影者还救过他两次,他始终都在给雾影者机会。 But this time, he looks that the innocent villagers pour in the pool of blood one after another, he is driven beyond the limits of forbearance. 但这一次,他看着一名一名无辜的村民倒在血泊中,他真的是忍无可忍。 Death!” “死吧!” Two characters fall, five golden light Buddhist relics humming sound the vibration, the gate pulse fog shade is exploding to shoot decidedly. 两字落下,五枚金光舍利嗡嗡抖动,决然间冲着雾影者爆射而起。 Blocks the sky!” “遮天蔽日!” The fog shade body trembled trembling, does not dare negligently wields Baleful Qi, his Baleful Qi such as the unescapable net covers five golden light Buddhist relics. 雾影者身躯颤了颤,不敢大意的挥出煞气,他的煞气如天罗地网将五枚金光舍利笼罩。 Puff! 噗! Dull thumping sound, five Buddhist relics in the Baleful Qi package neutralization initial exploding miracle cure, the day broken symbol were the same, as if the evaporation was baseless ordinary, all might suddenly nothing left. 闷响一声,五枚舍利在煞气的包裹中和当初的爆灵丹,天破符一样,仿佛凭空蒸发一般,所有的威力戛然间荡然无存。 Kept off the next five Buddhist relics, fog shade in gulps breathed heavily puffing. 挡下五枚舍利,雾影者才大口大口的喘了喘粗气。 Bastard, you were negligent!” “畜生,你大意了!” But when he just relaxed, by the ear transmits a low roar suddenly, when he begins supinely saw only the Qin Shi palm such as the strong gale to pass over gently and swiftly, in his palm, really also had golden light Buddhist relics? 但在他刚松气时,耳旁突然间传来一声低吼,他仰起头时只见秦石掌心如烈风掠过,在他的掌心中,竟然还有一枚金光舍利? Damn!” “该死!” Fog shade bites the tooth, does not get the following to raise the hand and Qin Shi to a palm. 雾影者咬住牙,不得以下扬起手和秦石正对一掌。 Bang! 轰隆! The fearful strength that the demolition that during the confrontation, the golden light Buddhist relics draw in rapidly, has destroys Huanglong, shakes fog shade all of a sudden departs over a hundred meters far. 交锋间,金光舍利急速收拢的爆破,产生的可怕力量直捣黄龙,一下子将雾影者震飞出上百米远。 Bang! 砰! Hits on the precipice hundred meters away, fog shade has spat a blood suddenly, Qin Shi when raising head fell before him: Last time, you and I said that you slaughter the common people, has the difficulties words, I will promise you to let off you!” 撞在百米外的山岩上,雾影者猛然吐了口鲜血,在仰头时秦石已经落在他面前:“最后一次,你和我说,你屠杀百姓,是有苦衷的话,我答应你会放过你!” Difficulties? He he “苦衷?呵呵” Fog shade sat pours smiles in ruins suddenly. 雾影者坐倒在废墟中突然笑了。 What do you smile?” Qin Shi has gawked staring. “你笑什么?”秦石愣了愣。 What do I smile? My his mother laughs at you to be naive, on this day under where so many difficulties? What are the difficulties? The difficulties are throwing over the excuse of magnificent coat on his mother! The misfortune that some heavens are doomed designates you, measures you to have the huge skill you unable to get rid, you can only struggles, is subject to suffers, then died!” Roaring of fog shade pain, in the sound is bringing miserably. “我笑什么?我他妈笑你天真,这天下哪有那么多的苦衷?苦衷是什么?苦衷就他妈是披着华丽外衣的借口!有一些上天注定的厄运选定你,量你有天大的本事你也摆脱不掉,你就只能在其中挣扎,在其中倍受折磨,然后死去!”雾影者痛苦的咆哮,声音中带着凄凉。 Qin Shi knit the brows, he does not know what fog shade this saying said is he, innocent villager who these were slaughtered by him. 秦石皱了皱眉,他不知道雾影者这话说的是他,还是那些被他屠杀的无辜村民。 But, this is not the excuse that you kill people!” “但,这不是你杀人的借口!” He he, the law of the jungle, the book is this day within survival principle, this world is in itself unfair, the weak one is doomed to be trampled, can the powerhouse then the bird's eye view earth, I make the mistake?” “呵呵,弱肉强食,本就是这天地间的生存法则,这世界本身就不公平,弱者注定被人践踏,强者便能俯瞰大地,难道我做错了吗?” Can by person who I kill, showed that they do not have in the qualifications that in this world goes on living, with its lives in this world is trampled, for the slave is the maid, I have at least given them a happiness! Why not go ahead with it?” “能被我杀死的人,证明他们根本不具备在这世上活下去的资格,与其活在这世上被人践踏,为奴为婢,我至少给了他们一个痛快!何乐不为?” You talk nonsense!” “你放屁!” Qin Shi is angry: This, everyone also has the right of going on living, you *** what such makes and calculates?” 秦石大怒:“就算这样,每一个人也有活下去的权利,你***这么做又算的了什么?” Fart? Person who to talk nonsense should be you!” “放屁?放屁的人应该是你!” Fog shade similar anger: Right that what nonsense goes on living? You have not been the weak one, you can understand that their was humiliated, then by the pain that the person street does drive off? You know how many people have, lived is might as well die?” 雾影者同样愤怒:“什么狗屁活下去的权利?你没做过弱者,你能明白他们被人欺凌,然后被人街头追打的痛苦吗?你知道有多少人,活着不如死去吗?” This time, the Chest of Qin Shi shocks inexplicably, stares at fog shade suddenly unexpectedly unable to speak. 这一次,秦石的心口莫名震撼一下,盯着雾影者一时间竟说不出话来。 He silent for a long time, sound suddenly gloomy [say / way]: You have made a mistake, weak one? He he, I have done, lives to might as well die? I have experienced, drove off street? He he, I also anticipated!” 他沉默了许久,声音突然暗淡道:“你错了,弱者吗?呵呵,我做过,生不如死吗?我体验过,被人街头追打吗?呵呵,我也被人追过!” Um?” “嗯?” Fog shade has gawked staring, does not dare to believe is staring at Qin Shi. 雾影者愣了愣,不敢置信的盯着秦石 But where has what kind of? The body sends the skin, by it parents, a person was lived to become formidable, then tramples others?” “但哪有怎样?身体发肤,受之父母,一个人活着难道就是为了变得强大,然后再去践踏别人吗?” I do not know others, but at least my Qin Shi is not, I am living, for the person who to protect me cares about, accompanies person who I care about, therefore I have been the weak one, I anticipated full Jie, I live to might as well die, but I am also living now!” “我不知道别人是不是,但至少我秦石不是,我活着,是为了守护我在乎的人,陪伴我在乎的人,所以我做过弱者,我被人满街追过,我生不如死过,但我现在还活着!” Under Qin Shi is somewhat excited, constrains him to try hard to say calmly: Yes, you have not spoken incorrectly, this world is truly unfair, some people are doomed are the pets of God, has the golden key born, has unsurpassed innate skill, but even if some people exhaust the life, possibly is anything does not touch including spiritual power.” 秦石有些激动,压抑下他努力冷静道:“是,你没说错,这个世界确实不公平,有一些人注定是上帝的宠儿,含着金钥匙落生,拥有无上天赋,而有些人哪怕穷尽一生,可能连灵力是什么都触摸不到。” Here, Qin Shi shook the head: But this world is also fair, at least dark green innate skill has given everyone life, entrusts with life that they have accompanied the family member! But you, not having the right to eliminate!” 说到这,秦石摇摇头:“但这世界也是公平的,至少苍天赋予了每个人生命,赋予了他们陪伴亲人的生命!而你,没有权利剥夺!” Receives the hand, I let off you!” “收手吧,我放过你!” Fog shade has gawked staring, laughs suddenly: Receives the hand? Joke, Ha Ha, ha, I told you, was impossible! Even if you let off me, you think that the heaven he is willing to let off me?” 雾影者愣了愣,突然间大笑:“收手?笑话,哈哈,哈哈哈,我告诉你,不可能!就算你放过我,你以为老天他肯放过我吗?” Stubborn does not work!” “顽固不灵!” The Qin Shi anger was lit again, in the mind recalled suddenly immature Xiao Yuyan, stands in fully is the village of corpse, that miserable appearance. 秦石的怒火再次被点燃,脑海中忽然回想起稚嫩的萧雨嫣,独自一人站在满是尸首的村口,那凄凉的模样。 You die!” “那你就去死吧!” Clenched teeth, he brandishes spiritual power finally. 咬了咬牙,他终于挥舞起灵力 But at this time, fog shade moved restlessly suddenly, will soon divide to chop him in the spirit sword instant, raises hand suddenly: Obstructs day of Feng Jing!” 但这时,雾影者突然躁动起来,在灵剑即将劈砍到他的刹那,猛然扬手:“遮天封境!” Whoosh! 唰! Qin Shi at present one black, one group of Baleful Qi block him directly. 秦石眼前一黑,一团煞气直接将他封锁。 Damn!” “该死!” Has gotten back one's composure, Qin Shi raises the hand angrily wields the fist heart to the front, but a wisp of intense miraculous glow just exploded to shoot in the palm, immediately in baseless vanishes does not see. 回过神,秦石扬起手愤怒的冲面前挥动拳心,但一缕强烈的灵光在掌心中刚爆射而出,马上就在凭空的消失不见。 Um?” “嗯?” Qin Shi knit the brows, at once he wields several miraculous glows once again, but after just reappeared, then immediately vanishes. 秦石皱了皱眉,旋即他再度挥出几道灵光,但刚刚浮现后便马上消失。 spiritual power is not good changes into the psychic force, but the result is actually same. 灵力不行换成精神力,但结果却是一样。 He discovered that he now the space seems to be different in Desolate Spirit Continent, but is one deeply does not see the bottom the wormhole, no matter how he attacks, will be swallowed directly. 他发现他现在所处的空间仿佛不在荒灵大陆一样,而是一个深不见底的虫洞,不管他怎样攻击,都会被直接吞噬。 Damn!” “该死!” At present in the anger, the Qin Shi simple brute force toward makes an effort with the brute force brandishes. 愤怒中,秦石干脆蛮力用蛮力朝眼前使劲的挥舞下去。 Bang! 砰! But does not think that a fist just wielded, all around Baleful Qi disperses unexpectedly, making his control not good, falling that staggers directly turns in the place. 但不想,一拳刚挥出去,四周的煞气蓦地间散开,令他一个掌控不好,直接踉跄的摔翻在地。 All around turns into the dark wooded mountain. 四周又变成幽暗的山林。 Stands in the wooded mountain, about him looks all around, but fog shade already did not know the trace, making him angrily scold: Damn! Also made him run?” 站在山林中,他左右环顾一圈,但雾影者早就不知所踪,令他不禁愤怒的骂道:“该死!又让他跑了?” A search, still did not have the clue of least bit. 一番搜查,仍然没有半点的线索。 Under have no alternative pinches tightly the fist, Qin Shi has to drag along the body to fly to escape toward the town. 无可奈何下捏紧拳头,秦石只好拖着身躯朝镇子飞遁回去。 Returns in the town, he is somewhat helpless. 回到在镇子上,他有些无奈。 He he, real his mother strange, this he really all day long ghost orphaned star? Which the present is I arrives, this fellow kills to which?” “呵呵,真他妈邪乎了,这丫真成天煞孤星了啊?现在是我走到哪,这家伙就杀到哪是吧?” Qin Shi resented at heart that he cannot understand, actually this fog shade does want to make what? Selects place that he to kill specially, making him not see with own eyes that the heart is not bothersome cannot achieve. 秦石心里愤恨,他就不能理解了,这雾影者究竟要做什么?专挑他所在的地方杀,让他连眼不见心不烦都做不到。 Xu Qiao'er and the others were already awakened, defends a building in inn, before after seeing Qin Shi comes back, immediately to overtake, question: Elder brother, Big brother, are you how is it?” 许巧儿等人早就被惊醒,守在客栈的一楼,看见秦石回来后马上追上前问句:“哥,大哥,你怎么样?” All right.” “没事。” Qin Shi long implored one, at once he has swept one in several people, knitting the brows head of: Feng Hen? Not with you in the same place?” 秦石长吁一声,旋即他在几人中扫了一眼,不禁皱了皱眉头:“封痕呢?没跟你们在一起?” Feng Hen?” all people looks at each other one, this is suddenly enlighted, patronized a moment ago is being worried about Qin Shi, Feng Hen forgetting. “封痕?”诸人对视一眼,这才恍然大悟,刚才光顾着担心秦石了,都把封痕给忘了。 Is seen the human to be vacant, Qin Shi has flustered immediately, in one group of people he most is worried is Feng Hen, others more or less also a little self-preservation ability, but Feng Hen is different, how his spiritual power uses unable. 见诸人茫然,秦石马上就慌了,一群人里他最担心的就是封痕,别人或多或少还有点自保能力,但是封痕就不一样了,他可是连灵力怎么用都不会啊。 Feng Hen!” “封痕!” Under the worry, his arrow step rushes to two buildings. 担心下,他一个箭步冲上二楼。 But just arrived at two building entrances, sees only Feng Hen to shove open the door, fakes shouting that has a drowsy look: Big brother, I in this 但刚到二楼门口,只见封痕推开房门,假作睡眼惺忪的喊道:“大哥,我在这呢” Holds Feng Hen, sees his is well Qin Shi to relax: Is all right on the line, scared to death me.” 一把抓住封痕,见他平安无事秦石才松了口气:“没事就行,吓死我了。” In Feng Henxin one warm, beckons with the hand to Qin Shi. 封痕心中一暖,冲着秦石摆摆手。 But is this movement, the black pupil of Qin Shi instantaneously blasts out, holds Feng Hen the hand link suddenly, is staring at his palm for a long time, the whole person shivers fiercely. 但就是这个动作,秦石的黑眸瞬间炸开,猛然抓住封痕的手环,盯着他的掌心许久,整个人剧烈的颤抖起来。 Is you?” “是你?”
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