PDL :: Volume #5

#403: Grasps two Tawu to study

From the beginning crossed the god character Secret Art, Qin Shi then knew main point quickly. 将神字诀从头翻过,秦石很快便掌握了其中的要领。 Therefore, investment that he cannot bear to practice. 为此,他忍不住的投入到修炼中。 God character Secret Art, mainly in a Secret Art character. 神字诀,主要在一个诀字上。 The psychic force blends in human body upper extreme brain Sea of Consciousness, symbolizes Yu Tian, spiritual power gathers in the abdominal cavity dantian of lower extremity, is said. 精神力融汇在人体上端大脑识海里,象征于天,灵力汇聚在下端的腹腔丹田中,则称为地。 In the bystander, even beforehand Qin Shi looks like, between both has not been connected, but the regulations are not so, Sea of Consciousness the dantian, actually they is a syngenesis body, is working as one, that is Qin Shi. 在外人,甚至之前的秦石看来,两者之间是没有关联的,但实则不然,无论是识海或是丹田,其实他们本是同生一体,又在为一体而工作,那就是秦石自己。 The world was born in the chaos, finally the casting under complementing one another leaves this piece of Desolate Spirit Continent, but Sea of Consciousness with the dantian is also same, so long as Qin Shi maintains attentively, both can also like the world, the casting leave a brand-new world. 天地生于混沌,最终在相辅相成下铸造出这一片荒灵大陆,而识海和丹田也是一样,只要秦石用心维持,两者也能够像天地一样,铸造出一片崭新的世界。 Principle that the god character Secret Art elaborated, was so. 神字诀所阐述的原理,便是如此。 I.e., is the intention unified?” “就是说,心念统一?” The Qin Shi closing up god character Secret Art, after shutting, defers to the way that the god character Secret Art records to try to transfer spiritual power in dantian, immediately the spirit crystal in dantian explodes projects the shining halo, dyes full nine spirit vein. 秦石合拢神字诀,闭目后按照神字诀所记录的方式试图调动丹田中的灵力,马上丹田中的灵晶爆射出金灿灿的光晕,染满九条灵脉 Nine spirit vein were full by spiritual power, simultaneously Qin Shi starts to summon Sea of Consciousness with it, in psychic force revolving in Sea of Consciousness forms the invisible god to read, then in golden spiritual power toward spirit vein interlocks slowly. 九条灵脉灵力充盈,与其同时秦石开始呼唤识海,识海中的精神力旋转中形成无形的神念,然后缓缓朝灵脉中金色的灵力交错。 But keeps one eye on, after Gu Qiannan attended, the god read just to offer a sacrifice, golden spiritual power then such as the sea water ebb tide, returned to the dantian. 但一心二用,顾前难顾后,神念刚刚祭出,金色的灵力便如海水退潮,退回到丹田当中。 He he, really easily cannot control?” “呵呵,果然不是轻易能够掌控的啊?” But can this difficulty baffle me? Gave up any idea of!” “但这点困难就要难倒我?休想!” A failure, has not made Qin Shi be discouraged, instead made him earnest, was divided into two energy on average, direct impact Sea of Consciousness, under to dantian. 一次失败,并没有让秦石气馁,反而令他更加的认真,将精力平均分成两份,一份直冲识海,一份下至丹田。 Two strengths, like are two brooks, flees in all directions in spirit vein, then meets in the position of Chest, but after just met , before tranquil was broken immediately then, the shining spiritual power hot tempered tuck dive, like is several hundred fierce wild animals sends out to get angry howlingly, the psychic force refuses to admit being inferior, quenchings the purple quiet fire such as the volcanic eruption. 两股力量,像是两条溪流一样,在灵脉中流窜,然后在心口的位置相遇,但刚刚相遇后之前的平静马上便被打破,金灿灿的灵力暴躁的翻腾而起,像是数百只凶猛的野兽一样发出怒嚎,精神力更是不甘示弱,淬炼出紫色的幽火如火山爆发。 Puff! 噗! The collision that water and fire blends, Qin Shi felt that his within the body like seethes with excitement a black bloodstain to spout in the mouth momentously. 一番水火交融的碰撞,秦石感觉他的体内如排山倒海般沸腾起来一口黑色的血迹在口中喷出。 Damn, how can like this?” “该死,怎么会这样?” Qin Shi traces in the corners of the mouth, this situation and he imagines complete different. 秦石在嘴角摸了摸,这种情况和他想象中的完全不同。 spiritual power is also good, the psychic force, no one is willing to submit to within the body in anyone. 灵力也好,精神力也罢,在体内谁都不肯臣服于谁。 At this time, Elder Sister Yu, if because of were good.” “这时候,玉姐要是在就好了。” But under his thought silently: „If Elder Sister Yu, can perhaps understand mystery.” 无奈下他默默的想到:“如果是玉姐的话,说不定就能参透这其中的奥秘了。” But read wants just to get up, Qin Shi immediately negative shaking the head of: Cannot think, if my this difficulty could not overcome, added that what can go to Mysterious Palace to rescue Elder Sister Yu?” 但念想刚起,秦石马上否定的摇了摇头:“不能这么想,如果我连这点难关都克服不了,还说什么要去玄殿玉姐?” My spiritual power, my psychic force, couldn't I have suppressed? I have not believed this to be evil!” The Qin Shi closed black pupil, assigns out from the Sea of Consciousness Zhonghe dantian two strengths once more, immediately two strengths meet by chance in the Chest, was just effect, fought unceasingly. “我自己的灵力,自己的精神力,难道我还压制不住?我还就不信这个邪了!”秦石再次闭合黑眸,将两股力量从识海中和丹田内调出,马上两股力量在心口相逢,然后又是刚刚的效果,争锋不断。 But this time, Qin Shi the energy high degree of concentration, restraint desirably a spiritual power side, spiritual power control firmly in the endophragm of spirit vein, then controls the psychic force to wind through from side slowly. 但这一次,秦石将精力高度集中,刻意的克制住灵力一方,将灵力牢牢的控制在灵脉的内壁,然后操控着精神力从旁边缓缓流过。 A psychic force has passed on spiritual power, immediately on such as gathers in the rivers and streams, gallops to the place of dantian. 一丝的精神力传过灵力,马上就如汇聚进江河,奔腾向丹田之处。 Enters the dantian in the psychic force the instance, the dantian central float golden color spirit crystal explodes immediately projects the dazzling golden light, then the fearful suctions likely are the pool of blood big mouths, agglutinates the psychic force to draw the spirit crystal it. 在精神力进入丹田的瞬间,丹田中央悬浮的金色灵晶顿时爆射出刺眼的金光,然后有一股可怕的吸力像是血泊大口,粘合住精神力将其拖进灵晶内部。 Bang! 轰! The Qin Shi frail body shivers several, in the instance of psychic force and spirit crystal fusion, he felt that the blood of whole body seethes with excitement, the bone-chilling cold black pupil such as the strong gale opens unexpectedly, jumps out two limpid cold currents in its average. 秦石单薄的身躯颤抖几下,在精神力和灵晶融合的瞬间,他感觉全身的血液沸腾起来,蓦地间凛冽的黑眸如烈风睁开,在其中流窜出两道清澈的寒流。 Qin Shi great happiness: Succeeded?” 秦石不由大喜:“成功了?” Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage?” 玄灵境中期?” Achieved Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage peak him, after the psychic force transforms part, immediately on breakthrough to Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, but he discovered that depending on him to the control of god character Secret Art, can only transform 5% strengths now, were many checkpoint that point very difficult breakthrough both to connect with. 本来就达到玄灵境初期巅峰的他,将精神力转化一部分后马上就突破玄灵境中期,但他发现凭他现在对神字诀的操控,只能转化出5的力量,再多一点就很难突破两者交接的关卡了。 But is this 5%, was formidable. 但就是这5,也非常强大了。 The psychic force transforms spiritual power to succeed, he has tried continuously several spiritual power transformation psychic forces, the same principle, according to the record of god character Secret Art, he changes over to Sea of Consciousness spiritual power, in Profound Heaven Ancient Formation by Sea of Consciousness was realized instantaneously then, rapid absorption. 精神力转化灵力成功,他连续又试了几次灵力转化精神力,相同的原理,按照神字诀的记载,他将灵力转入到识海,瞬间便被识海中的玄天古阵察觉,迅速吸收。 Really!” “果然可以!” This, Qin Shi cannot repress is excited. 这一下,秦石按耐不住的兴奋起来。 Cultivates the Refining Spirit character Secret Art, to late at night. 炼神字诀,一直到后半夜。 Until is tired, Qin Shi strips spiritual power and psychic force thoroughly, takes back in the dantian and Sea of Consciousness separately. 直到身体疲惫,秦石才将灵力和精神力彻底剥离,分别收回进丹田和识海中。 After stopping practice, he picks up nearby god character Secret Art to say excitedly: This god character Secret Art was too mysterious, moreover this is First Rank, if can find Second Rank, even Third Rank, does not know that can bring what kind of miracle to me!” 在停下修炼后,他拾起旁边的神字诀兴奋道:“这神字诀太神奇了,而且这才是第一层,如果能找到第二层,甚至第三层的话,不知道能给我带来怎样的奇迹!” Sets firm resolve silently, in the future will have the opportunity words, must find behind god character Secret Art two. 默默下定决心,将来有机会的话,一定要将神字诀后面的两层找到。 Then, should be you!” “接下来,该是你了!” The god character Secret Art controls thoroughly, Qin Shi moves the black pupil to the tabletop, he prepares to strike while the iron is hot, a night according to is practicing the demon ghost day together. 神字诀彻底掌控,秦石将黑眸挪向桌面,他准备趁热打铁,一夜间在将魅鬼天照一同修炼。 Therefore he sets out to open the demon ghost day photo. 为此他起身翻开魅鬼天照。 Simple glances through, the demon ghost day photo needs very vigorous spiritual power support, only then achieves Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage to practice, when sees this line of descriptions, Qin Shi corners of the mouth cannot help but has stroked stroking toward on, if before is places several double-hour, perhaps he for this reason will have, what coincidence grasped the god character Secret Art, he just can transform the psychic force to achieve Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage. 简单的翻阅一番,魅鬼天照需要很浑厚的灵力支撑,只有达到玄灵境中期才能够进行修炼,看见这一行描述时,秦石嘴角不由自主的朝上捋了捋,如果是放在几个时辰以前,或许他会为此而感到头疼,但巧合的是掌握了神字诀,他刚好能够转化精神力达到玄灵境中期 He he, these two martial arts, simply are the createds by heaven and earth, meticulously prepares for me.” Around this matching made the Qin Shi great happiness. “呵呵,这两本武学,简直就是天造地设,精心为我准备的啊。”这前后的搭配令秦石不由大喜。 Demon ghost day photo, although is 7-Step martial arts, but after is only ordinary spiritual power martial arts, therefore in front of Qin Shi like department of pediatrics. 魅鬼天照,虽为七阶武学,但终归只是普通的灵力武学,所以在秦石面前就像小儿科一样。 God character Secret Art!” “神字诀!” He first 5% psychic force transformation is spiritual power, then immediately puts into the practice of demon ghost day photo, demon ghost day photo, desert wild smoke. 他先将5的精神力转化为灵力,然后马上投入进魅鬼天照的修炼中,魅鬼天照,大漠荒烟。 The short half double-hour, Qin Shi then knows main point. 短暂的半个时辰,秦石便掌握其中要领。 I try first!” “我先试试!” Qin Shi has licked the licking lips angle, but this demon ghost day according to is different from the god character Secret Art, the 7-Step martial arts might he is unable to imagine, even if suppresses desirably is not this ordinary inn can withstand. 秦石舔了舔嘴角,但这魅鬼天照不同于神字诀,七阶武学的威力他根本无法想象,就算刻意压制也不是这普通客栈能够承受得。 Therefore, his big hand wields, wipes shining spiritual power toward to expand in all directions from his, then such as the boston ivy in summer is the same, quick then covers the guest room, made internal and exterior separation opens. 为此,他大手一挥,一抹金灿灿的灵力自他脚下朝四面八方扩开,然后如夏日里的爬山虎一样,很快便将客房笼罩起来,令内部和外部分离而开。 Completes these, he put has patted clapping with ease, he does not want to let initially again perform in one of the Rainbow Cloud City practice green pines illusory image foot. 做好这些,他才放轻松的拍了拍手,他可不想让当初在虹云城修炼苍松幻影脚的一幕再一次上演。 Demon ghost day photo!” “魅鬼天照!” Draws in spiritual power, the black pupil of Qin Shi is concise together the thorough none remaining, at once record of two rapid in according to martial arts tie seal in the front. 收拢灵力,秦石的黑眸凝练出一道透彻的精光,旋即两手在胸前迅速按照武学中的记载结印。 Bang! 砰! Hand imprint formation, golden spiritual power one after another gathers, suddenly divides one after another naked eye the silk thread that is difficult to distinguish, then gradually changes into the black demon shade. 手印成型,一团一团的金色灵力在其中汇聚,忽然间分割成一条一条肉眼难辨的丝线,然后渐渐的化为黑色魅影。 Quick, over ten thousand demon shade formations, drift away in the hand imprint wait for an opportunity likely one after another due-out spirit snake, howls mixes with the evil resentment to read. 很快,上万道魅影成型,游离在手印当中像是一条一条伺机待发的灵蛇,呼啸中夹杂着邪恶的怨念。 At once, the spirit snake suddenly gathers one group, float in hand imprint middle mutually tangled up, ultimately the unexpectedly ingenious fusion, forms one to pass the luminous black photosphere. 旋即,灵蛇蓦然间汇聚一团,悬浮在手印的当中相互缠绵,最终竟然巧妙的融合,形成一颗透着光亮的黑色光球。 ! 咻! The photosphere just presented that uncontrolled exploding shot instantaneously, that intense recoil was similar to mass-criticizes general, making Qin Shi not get back one's composure with enough time, staggered to hit on the following wall surface. 光球刚刚呈现,瞬间不受控制的爆射而出,那强烈的后坐力如同炮轰一般,令秦石没来得及回神,一个踉跄撞在后面的墙面上。 Coughs, Qin Shi scolds: Scratches, good fearful strength.” 干咳一声,秦石骂道:“擦,好可怕的力量。” But then just started, the photosphere struggles, but, float in the center of inn, then and in the hand imprint interconnection of Qin Shi, spiritual power one after another pulls out in Qin Shi within the body leaves, along with the dissipation of his spiritual power, the photosphere is inflating unexpectedly unceasingly, quick then turns into the lip from the grain of rice size, turns into the disc from the lip again, is getting bigger and bigger. 但这才刚刚开始,光球挣扎而出后悬浮在客栈的中央,然后和秦石的手印相互连接中,一股一股的灵力秦石体内抽离,随着他灵力的消散,光球竟然在不断膨胀,很快便从米粒大小变成碗口,再从碗口变成圆盘,越来越大。 Stops!” “停!” Anxious, Qin Shi breaks hand imprint rapidly, he felt, if he does not terminate, this photosphere will even explode the entire item inn brace. 惶急下,秦石迅速破开手印,他感觉如果他再不终止,这光球甚至会把整件客栈都撑爆。 No wonder, before recorded, said that needs the formidable spiritual power support.” “难怪,之前记载中,说需要强大的灵力支撑。” Stops the transmission of spiritual power, the jet black translucent photosphere stops expanding finally, just like its tomorrow will be ordinary, demon ghost day photo, float in midair just like black scarlet date. 停止灵力的传输,漆黑透亮的光球终于停止扩张,正如它的明日一般,魅鬼天照,悬浮在半空中宛如黑色的赤日。 After the stop moment, this black date revolving rapidly, in the process of revolving, just bought in spiritual power rolling to blend suddenly, then its all around explodes suddenly projects one after another slender black ray. 在停顿片刻后,这黑日猛然间急速的旋转起来,在旋转的过程中,刚刚吸纳其中的灵力滚滚交融,然后它的四周突然间爆射出一道一道纤细的黑色光芒。 Together, ten, hundred, over a thousand over ten thousand. 一道,十道,百道,上千上万道。 Bang! 砰! Quick, the photosphere from the sky is similar to black Sun, spreads the black dazzling ray in revolving toward all around unceasingly. 很快,光球在空中如同黑色的太阳,在旋转中不断朝着四周扩散出黑色的刺目光芒。 The ray passed over gently and swiftly, the furniture are decayed, ground is desolated. 光芒掠过,桌椅腐朽,地面荒芜。 Good strange strength!” “好诡异的力量!” Qin Shi in behind, stares at over ten thousand light that is approaching unexpectedly draws in the pupil, frightens rapidly raises two golden miraculous glows to keep off in the front. 就连秦石在后面,盯着蓦地逼近的上万道光影都是收拢瞳仁,吓得迅速扬起两股金色的灵光挡在胸前。 Bang! 砰! The shadow hits in the miraculous glow, both will be only the short confrontation moment will then tie the smashing, instead will shake directly Qin Shi. 黑影撞在灵光上,两者只是短暂的交锋片刻便将结界粉碎,直接将秦石给反震出去。 Puff! 噗! Falls turns sweetly in the place, the Qin Shi sang mouth tells the black blood, but then hurried to hit two to leave on the ground, this reluctant shunted that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) black light. 摔翻在地,秦石颡口甘甜的吐口黑血,但接着赶忙在地上打了两个滚,这才勉强的躲开那万丈的黑光。 Qin Shi by puffing in gulps on wall surface, laughs in spite of trying not to: He he, was injured this by own martial arts, perhaps whom in the world really did not have except for me!” 秦石靠在墙面上大口大口的喘着粗气,不由失笑:“呵呵,被自己的武学伤成这样,天底下恐怕除了我也真是没谁了!” The black date has continued the time of half tea gradually gloomily, when it dissipates the entire inn becomes is desolate and uninhabited, in an extremely difficult situation. 黑日足足持续了半盏茶的时间才渐渐暗淡,待它消散时整间客栈变得荒无人烟,狼狈不堪。 Demon ghost day photo finished, Qin Shi has patted standing up of dust, stares all around to make his face stern: Really worthily is Lian Zhengzuo empire rare 7-Step martial arts, just I had used 10% strengths, can achieve this fearful effect, if spiritual power will pour into completely, perhaps is seizes the Heaven Realm First Rank powerhouse to be also not necessarily able to keep off?” 魅鬼天照结束,秦石拍了拍灰尘的站起身,盯着四周不禁令他的面庞严峻起来:“真不愧是连整座帝国都罕见的七阶武学,刚刚我只是用了一成的力量,就能达到这种可怕的效果,如果将全部灵力注入其中,恐怕就是夺天境一层的强者也未必能够挡下吧?” Thinks of these, his corners of the mouth raise toward on. 想到这些,他的嘴角不禁朝上扬起。 Mysterious Palace, just wait, I came immediately!” 玄殿,等着吧,我马上就来了!” Buzz! 嗡! But while he because of grasping two martial arts when is joyful, before he arrangement spiritual power in the room tied specially shivers suddenly. 但正当他因掌握两本武学而欣喜时,之前他在房中特意布置的灵力结界突然颤抖一下。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Qin Shi looks back unexpectedly, sees only outside room, wisp of wisp of jet black dense fog follows the doorframe suddenly, the slit between windows floods into the room, finally complete coverage ties the surrounding in spiritual power, made the interior and exterior broke the relation thoroughly. 秦石蓦地回首,只见在房间外,一缕一缕漆黑的迷雾突然间顺着门框,窗户间的缝隙涌入房间,最终完完全全的覆盖在灵力结界外围,令内部和外部彻底断了联系。 Baleful Qi? Is he!” 煞气?是他!”
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