PDL :: Volume #5

#402: God character Secret Art 【Protects in addition】

Leaves the blue lotus city. 离开青莲城。 Stands outside the city gate of blue lotus city, looking that the Qin Shi evening however looks back on to that because of him, but from vividly becomes the somewhat miserable city, cannot help laughing. 站在青莲城的城门外,秦石暮然回首的望向那因为他而从繁华变得有些凄凉的城池,哑然失笑。 Also was skillful, he discovered where he goes, where must make sanguinary rule, for this reason he stamped the feet scolded: Drinks, I *** caught up with the day ghost orphaned star quickly, what this day-by-day was really any bad luck matter can make me bump into!” 也巧了,他发现他去哪里,哪里就必会引起一番腥风血雨,为此他跺了跺脚的骂道:“喝,我***快赶上天煞孤星了,这一天一天的真是什么倒霉事都能让我碰到啊!” Elder brother, you left said that you have also benefitted the local people not? If not for this time you, it is estimated that the lotus elder sister they certainly must be killed by Zou Wei, now they have spirit stones that you have left behind, not only can no longer receive others indifferent shutdown blue lotus building, but can also help more people.” “哥,你别这么说,你也造福了一方百姓不是吗?这一次若不是你在,估计莲姐她们肯定都要被邹伟害死了,现在她们有了你留下的灵石,不但可以不再受别人冷眼的关掉青莲楼,而且还可以帮助更多的人。” Xu Qiao'er very docile pulls Qin Shi to say. 许巧儿很温顺的挽着秦石说道。 The words that Qin Shi deep inspiration, Qiao'er spoke he knows that leaves Ying lotus hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, he believes that Ying lotus will use correctly , helping the person who these need to help. 秦石深深的吸了口气,巧儿说的话他都知道,留给颖莲数十万的灵石,他相信颖莲会正确的利用,帮助那些需要帮助的人。 No matter what, this nearly two years, he has not always forgotten the conscience, in narrow and small the road along the heart persists in leading the way, him, this sufficed. 不管怎么说,这近两年的时间,他始终没有忘去本心,沿着心中狭小的路坚持前行,于他来讲,这就够了。 We walk!” “我们走!” The story of blue lotus city had ended, but Qin Shi knows that this is not the result, is only the start of next story, the next station, joins Yu Luocha, was Mysterious Palace. 青莲城的故事结束了,但秦石知道这并不是结局,只是下一段故事的开始,下一站,接上玉罗刹,便是玄殿了。 In there, after becomes he comes East District, most difficult one step. 在那里,将成为他来东方区域后最为艰难的一步。 All the way, Qin Shi is quite helpless, if he, only requires the short half-day time then to fly to Cold City from the blue lotus city, but is getting a row of boy scout now, wants to fly to fly inadequately. 一路上,秦石颇为无奈,若是就他自己的话,从青莲城到冷城只需要短短半天的时间便能够飞到,可如今领着一排童子军,想飞都飞不成。 But, has on foot walks toward Cold City. 无奈下,只好徒步的朝冷城走去。 In the evening, the Qin Shi people arrive at a small town, prepares simple rest in the town, for this reason arrives at east the town inn. 傍晚,秦石众人来到一座小镇,准备在镇子上简单的休息一番,为此来到镇子东侧的客栈。 Unfortunately, their altogether five people, in the inn have four guest rooms. 不幸的是,他们一共五个人,客栈里却只有四间客房。 Vexed and ashamed what to do when should, the owlet porch shouts suddenly: Big brother, all right, four just right, I and Qiao'er not on line?” 正恼羞该怎么办时,枭轩突然喊道:“大哥,没事,四间正好,我和巧儿一间不就行了?” Go away!” “滚!” Qin Shi ill-humored scolding sentence, although he has approved the owlet porch, but Qiao'er after is he several years of younger sister, suddenly at heart somewhat has not accepted. 秦石没好气的骂句,虽说他认可了枭轩,但巧儿毕竟是他十几年的妹妹,一时间心里还有些接受不了。 He after is not the Qiao'er guardian, can they in the same place, probably listen to calculation that his sister-in-law and little uncle said finally finally. 况且,他毕竟不是巧儿的监护人,俩人最后能不能在一起,最后还得听他小姑和小姑夫说的算。 Now he wants before returning to Desolate Town, firmly sees this young and vigorous owlet porch, forbidding him to make any matter of standard to Qiao'er. 他现在要的就是在回到荒镇前,牢牢的看出这血气方刚的枭轩,禁止他对巧儿做出任何过格的事。 Big brother, I and an owlet porch room.” Xiao Tianyue stood to say sentence. “大哥,我和枭轩一屋吧。”萧天月站出来说句。 The owlet porch hears is not glad to say immediately: „It is not good, obscene of your full brain, was a spring dream to rest me in the evening, the elder brother must maintain one's moral integrity for Qiao'er!” 枭轩听闻马上不乐意道:“不行,你丫满脑子的淫秽,晚上做个春梦在把我睡了,哥哥要为了巧儿守身如玉!” One hear of this saying, Qin Shi several people laugh in spite of trying not. 一听这话,秦石几人不由失笑。 Xiao Tianyue awkward obloquying: Goes to your Sir, father my his mother does not have good of Longyang, I must for my grand blueprint preservation essence strength!” 萧天月尴尬的大骂:“去你大爷的,老子我他妈没有龙阳之好,我还要为了我的宏伟蓝图保存‘精’力呢!” Said again that looks for the man, I must look for the big brother such, although he not much, but the minimum families are rich, said that I can also iron the next supported handsome boy given name, in the mind at least is straight, this must with you in the same place, others also deliberately consider that I support you!” “再说,就是找男人,我也要找大哥这样的啊,虽说他长得不怎么样,但起码人家有钱啊,说出去我还能烙下一个被包养的小白脸名号,心灵上至少还是个直的,这要跟你在一起,人家还寻思我包养你呢!” „” “” The Qin Shi complexion was blue immediately, he can feel shop waiter strange the vision in the counter. 秦石的脸色马上青了起来,他能感觉到在柜台里店小二怪异的目光。 Under the atmosphere, he one step arrives at the counter: waiter, opens two room, lets these two rare and beautiful flowers rooms!” Spoke, he turned round to refer to Xiao Tianyue and owlet porch. 气氛下,他一步走到柜台:“小二,就开两间房,让这俩奇葩一屋!”说完话,他回身指了指萧天月和枭轩。 Two who fought stopped immediately. 正掐架的俩人马上消停了。 I protested!” “我抗议!” Protested ineffective!” “抗议无效!” Looks at two fellows of admitting defeat, three people smile to make noise. 看着两个吃瘪的家伙,三人都笑出声来。 Finally but, Xiao Tianyue and owlet porch they by the minute to a room, look at everywhere the two of angry shape rural area resentful woman, return room that Qin Shi laughs. 最终无奈下,萧天月和枭轩俩人真的被分到一屋,看着满目愤怒像农村怨妇的两人,秦石哈哈大笑的回到房间。 His comfortable pouring in room on bed. 在房间中他舒坦的倒在床上。 But he has not gone to sleep directly, at a rest meeting that on the bed sits cross-legged, immediately seethes to start to fall into for a very long time thinking. 但他并没有直接入睡,在床榻上盘膝的休息一会,马上就翻腾起来开始陷入久久的思索。 He does not dare to delay, because he knows the matter that in the future must have, completely will break him now this leisure satisfied leisurely and carefree life, greets is the endless thorn that comes will be rough. 他不敢耽搁,因为他知道往后所要发生的事,将会彻底打破他现在这种闲暇惬意的悠闲生活,迎接而来的将是无尽的荆棘坎坷。 Mysterious Palace must go, must go for Elder Sister Yu or Yu Luocha, but I have killed Li Bufan now, Mysterious Palace easily will definitely not relinquish, as the matter stands, this line of crises on top of crisis.” 玄殿是必须要去,无论是为了玉姐还是玉罗刹都必须要去,但现在我杀了李不凡,玄殿肯定不会轻易作罢,这样一来,此行危机重重啊。” Qin Shi alone light nan, although Yu Luocha and Hua Ling have the complicated relations, but after all that was the 30 years ago matters, no one can guarantee this sentiment now also the remaining several points. 秦石独自轻喃,虽说玉罗刹花零有着千丝万缕的关系,但毕竟那都是30年前的事了,谁都不敢保证这份感情现在还剩下几分。 The time like an incisive burin, does not have anything in its front is permanent invariable, the deep sentiment possibly was carved the distortion, this truth in these two years, Qin Shi already profound realizing. 时间就像一把尖锐的刻刀,在它的面前没有什么是恒久不变的,再深的感情都可能被雕刻到扭曲,这个道理在这两年中,秦石早就深刻的意识到。 Therefore he has pinched the fist, wipes spiritual power to twine in the palms: No matter what, thinks the means to promote the first strength, otherwise is unable to shake Mysterious Palace this colossus depending on my present strength, once had the accident, share that only then waits for death, moreover is not only I, perhaps Elder Sister Yu and Yu Luocha they will have the danger.” 为此他捏了捏拳,一抹灵力在掌间缠绕:“不管怎样,先想办法将实力在提升上来,否则凭我现在的力量根本无法撼动玄殿这尊庞然大物,一旦出了意外,就只有等死的份,而且不光是我,说不定玉姐玉罗刹她们都会有危险。” Goes ahead, but Qin Shi anxiously from cultivation starts for on, but is the preparation arms itself from martial arts, after all in the hand has the treasure that two just must come. 说做就做,但秦石并未急着从修为上下手,而是准备从武学上武装自己,毕竟手上有两件刚得来的宝贝。 The big hand wields, two books fall in the hand of Qin Shi, one was plain, an evil spirit. 大手一挥,两本书籍落在秦石的手中,一本古朴,一本凶煞。 What is plain is: Non- character book from heaven. 古朴的正是:无字天书。 Evil spirit is: Demon ghost day photo. 凶煞的则是:魅鬼天照。 In both, Qin Shi has not opened the demon ghost day photo first, after all the demon ghost day according to is 7-Step martial arts, Pin Jie, the ability, the clarity that above records, on the contrary is the non- character book from heaven, this seems like simple and honorable, contains the books of light psychic force to bring to the attention of Qin Shi. 在两者中,秦石并没有先翻开魅鬼天照,毕竟魅鬼天照就是一本七阶武学,品阶,能力,上面记载的清清楚楚,反倒是无字天书,这本看似淳朴,却蕴含着淡淡精神力的书籍引起秦石的注意。 Said that is the non- character book from heaven, actually does not have an auction room not to know that this books called anything truly, because above did not have the least bit trace, therefore was attached in such a slightly elegant name. 说是无字天书,其实无门拍卖行也不知道这书籍真正叫什么,只是因为上面没有半点痕迹,所以才被附于了这么一个略显文雅的名。 I take a look, actually this is any thing.” “我就来瞧瞧,这究竟是个什么东西。” Put down the demon ghost day photo, Qin Shi grasps the non- character book from heaven to lick the split corners of the mouth, the tuck dive of psychic force in Sea of Consciousness under his reassignment surged slightly, wiped the god to read from the black pupil to offer a sacrifice. 放下魅鬼天照,秦石握着无字天书舔了舔干裂的嘴角,识海中的精神力在他的调动下略微翻腾涌起,一抹神念自黑眸中祭出。 The gods read the invisible colorless package the non- character book from heaven. 神念无形无色的包裹住无字天书。 Bang! 砰! In moving, the calm and steady books in good taste shivered unexpectedly, from the hand of Qin Shi rebounds in the tremor unexpectedly suddenly, has panic-stricken sounding unexpectedly. 在触碰中,本来安稳雅静的书籍蓦地颤抖,在颤动中竟突然从秦石的手中跳开,其中竟还带有一丝惊恐的鸣叫。 Well! Really fishy?” “咦!果然有鬼?” In the Qin Shi black pupil the look trembles, he discovered that forms a reliable strategy in non- character book from heaven outside psychic force, after he five fingers spread out, offers a sacrifice to a vigorous spirit pressure rapidly, but the spirit pressure just moved to be shaken suddenly on non- character book from heaven spiritual power. 秦石黑眸中神色微颤,他发现在无字天书外面的精神力形成一种牢固的阵法,他将五指摊开后迅速祭出一股浑厚灵压,但灵压刚触碰在无字天书的灵力上猛然间被震开。 Drinks, good reliable knot!” “喝,好牢固的结界!” Qin Shi knit the brows, he has tried at once several times, but outside the non- character book from heaven seems like the weak psychic force is actually similar to the hard helmet and armor, spiritual power or the psychic force do not have the effect. 秦石皱了皱眉,旋即他又试了几次,但无字天书外看似薄弱的精神力却如同坚硬的盔甲,无论是灵力还是精神力都没有效果。 Buzz!” “嗡!” In in every possible way but, one group of shining photospheres move fast suddenly from Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness. 正处于百般无奈之下,一团金灿灿的光球突然从秦石识海中飘忽出来。 Stared at photosphere Qin Shi to stare gawking, was this photosphere not just quiet for a long time Profound Heaven Ancient Formation spirit? 盯着光球秦石愣了楞,这光球不正是沉寂了许久的玄天古阵的阵灵吗? A Profound Heaven Ancient Formation spirit gathers round the non- character book from heaven to wave several, then it detours the Qin Shi side high and low to beat several, like taking undeserved credit exudes buzz the whining noise. 玄天古阵的阵灵围着无字天书舞动几圈,然后它绕道秦石的身旁上下跳动几下,像是在邀功一样的发出嗡鸣声。 Qin Shi has gawked staring, asked: Kid, you wants saying that you can help me break knot on this non- character book from heaven?” 秦石愣了愣,问道:“小家伙,你是想说,你能帮我破了这无字天书上的结界?” Buzz!” “嗡!” A Profound Heaven Ancient Formation spirit voices a joy, at once it uses the motion to reply Qin Shi, such as the high noon fierce positive golden light explodes to shoot from its within the body, the golden light moves on knot outside non- character book from heaven, produces the fearful staggered vortex instantaneously, but is the moment, before made the strategy that Qin Shi had a headache about in every possible way then be erased by a Mysterious Palace Gu Zhen spirit. 玄天古阵的阵灵发出一声喜悦,旋即它用行动回答了秦石,一道如正午烈阳的金光自它体内爆射而出,金光触碰在无字天书外的结界上,瞬间产生可怕的交错漩涡,但就是片刻,之前令秦石百般头疼的阵法便被玄殿古阵的阵灵抹除。 Broke?” Qin Shi great happiness. “破开了?”秦石大喜。 The non- character book from heaven was covered by the golden light, indifferently becomes manic, did not have spiritual power fluctuation it, in brings in world spiritual Qi in an instant unexpectedly, spiritual Qi in his peripheral unceasing revolving, the furniture in guest room was broken loudly all. 无字天书被金光笼罩,漠然间变得狂躁起来,本来毫无灵力波动的它,在刹那间竟引来天地灵气,灵气在他的周边不断旋转,轰然一声,客房里的桌椅被尽数震碎。 Bang! 轰! Shivers once again, wipes the wild hurricane such as the cheetah of galloping to howl, non- character book from heaven in Bang! in wind opening. 再度颤抖一下,一抹狂野的飓风如奔腾的猎豹呼啸而过,在风中无字天书噼里啦的翻开。 But when this time it opens, pure white such as on the white paper of snow actually reappeared one after another dense and numerous handwriting. 但这次它翻开时,本来洁白如雪的白纸上却浮现出一道一道密密麻麻的字迹。 Really is not every thing!” “果然不是凡物!” All around of non- character book from heaven, glitters the shining halo. 无字天书的四周,闪烁起金灿灿的光晕。 Under the great happiness, Qin Shi three and two steps stepping go forward, will not have the character book from heaven to grasp in the hand, then formerly glanced through, such as on he calm face reveals the rare shock generally. 大喜下,秦石三步并两步的迈上前,一把将无字天书抓在手中,然后从前翻阅一番,如他一般沉稳的面庞上都露出罕见的震惊。 „Is this spiritual martial arts?” “这是精神武学?” Qin Shi felt that the blood in within the body seethes with excitement: And doesn't have the grade? Is growth spirit martial arts?” 秦石感觉体内的血液都沸腾起来:“而且无品级?是一本成长型的精神武学?” Spiritual martial arts, growth martial arts, both, let alone is flaminging the flame empire, even if the trim mainland is quite rare, what is most important is this non- character book from heaven, unexpectedly ingenious unifies both? 精神武学,成长型武学,两者别说是在炽焰帝国,就算是整片大陆都极为罕见,最重要的是这无字天书,竟然巧妙的将两者结合起来? Right, did not say accurately that now should not call its non- character book from heaven, but should call it for: God character Secret Art. 不对,准确的说,现在已经不应该叫它无字天书了,而是应该称呼它为:神字诀。 Excited, takes back Sea of Consciousness a Mysterious Palace Gu Zhen spirit, the Qin Shi preparation begins to practice this god character Secret Art, becomes he goes to the first safeguard of Mysterious Palace. 兴奋下,将玄殿古阵的阵灵收回识海,秦石准备着手修炼这本神字诀,成为他前往玄殿的第一保障。 Although Blazing Book in the body then, cannot draw support from the film and television drilling of Blazing Book now, but Shu Zhongyu in once one year did not have on martial arts little directs Qin Shi, making him now have an original opinion to martial arts. 虽说现在焚书不在身便,不能借助焚书的影视演练,但在曾经一年里书中玉武学上没少指点秦石,令得他现在对武学有一种独到的见解。 Quick, he then from the beginning more read the god character Secret Art. 很快,他便将神字诀从头越读一遍。 In process that glances through, Qin Shi understanding this god character Secret Art gradually, the god character Secret Art altogether is divided into Third Rank, but what in his hand is only the remnant volume, has First Rank. 翻阅的过程中,秦石渐渐的了解这本神字诀,神字诀总共分为三层,而他手中的只是残卷,只有一层 But is this First Rank, made the Qin Shi bursting out laughing. 但就是这一层,却令秦石不禁哑然。 God character Secret Art First Rank: God is the day, the spirit is the place, the world consubstantiality, the god reads unites, complements one another, achieves mastery through a comprehensive study.” 神字诀第一层:“神为天,灵为地,天地同体,神念合一,相辅相成,融会贯通。” A series of handwriting fall in the pupil, Qin Shi does not dare to believe stared staring: Hissing this god character Secret Art meant that the psychic force is the day, spiritual power is the place, both were the birth consubstantialities, can spiritual power and psychic force fusion? Mutual transformation?” 一连串的字迹落在眸中,秦石不敢置信的瞪了瞪眼:“嘶这神字诀的意思是说,精神力为天,灵力为地,两者本是出生同体,能够将灵力和精神力融合?相互转化?” This possibility?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue. “这可能吗?”秦石咂了咂舌。 Suppose, a person simultaneously has two strengths, after practicing god character Secret Art, saying that when fights with others can transform spiritual power the psychic force, but when refining the demon symbol can transform the psychic force spiritual power? 试想,一个人同时拥有两种力量,在修炼了神字诀以后,岂不是说在和别人交手的时候能将精神力转化成灵力,而在炼制魔符时又能将灵力转化回精神力? In this case, is a person equal to two people? 这样的话,一个人岂不是等于是两个人? If is really this, that was too simply fearful!” “如果真是这样,那简直太可怕了!” Qin Shi dry has swallowed a spit. 秦石干巴巴的咽了口吐沫。 Naturally, Qin Shi has not thought that how many on this day under can simultaneously grasp two strengths people altogether to have? Often Demonic Talisman Master on spiritual power is lame, but true can also not have cultivation of psychic force greatly is, both look like the fish and bear's paws, must have the shed to have. 当然,秦石并没有想过,这天底下能够同时掌握两种力量的人一共有几个?往往符魔师灵力上都是瘸腿,而真正的大能却又不具备精神力的修为,两者就像是鱼和熊掌,总要有舍有得。 Simultaneously has two strengths like Qin Shi, moreover strange who can simultaneously progress, coming that on this day under perhaps a hand can count. 秦石这样同时具备两种力量,而且还能够同时进步的怪咖,这天底下恐怕一只手就能够数的过来。 He is very lucky. 他很幸运。 ------ ------ The protection fresh flower 500 for a long time, promising him to be perhaps long, today is makes up. 守护鲜花500许久了,答应他也许久了,今天算是弥补一下。 The protection is so long, is in my reader, one of several people I most like, he is obedient very much, moreover is very sensible, being busy preparing helps me be many, here I and he said that thanks. 守护这么久,是我读者里面,我最喜欢的几个人之一,他很听话,而且很懂事,忙前忙后的帮过我很多,在这里我和他说一声谢谢。 This chapter of final four characters, what actually I want to say is I am very lucky, is very lucky, can have the reader to support me, thanks everyone / influential family. 这一章最后四个字,其实我想说的是我很幸运,真的很幸运,能有读者支持我,谢谢大家
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