PDL :: Volume #5

#401: The blue lotus leaves

Cuts off the enemy's retreat and annihilates them? Who is the dog?” “关门打狗?谁是狗?” A Zhao Cheng brain ignorant, opened mouth had not tasted. 赵诚脑子一蒙,张了张嘴没回过味来。 Who is the dog? You looked that whose I hit you to know!” Qin Shi was mad has smiled, rocking that at once the black robe makes noise cool and refreshingly, one flees to go forward a palm of the hand to pull out on the Zhao honest face. “谁是狗?你看我打谁你就知道了!”秦石被气笑了,旋即黑袍泠泠作响的晃动,咻一下窜上前一巴掌抽在赵诚的脸上。 Bang! 砰! Zhao Cheng Spirit King Realm peak, is ordinary with the ants in the hand of Qin Shi, was shaken by Qin Shi all of a sudden directly departs over a hundred meters far, Bang falls flies in nearby furniture. 赵诚王灵境巅峰,在秦石的手上就跟蝼蚁一般,一下子直接被秦石震飞出上百米远,砰一声摔飞在旁边的桌椅中。 Honest elder brother!” “诚哥!” This, was all scared in the following bludger. 这一下,在下面的小混混全傻眼了。 Qin Shi has pinched the fist, gets back one's composure they shouts toward Xiao Tianyue: Is gawking doing? Kills this group of bastards to me!” 秦石捏了捏拳,回神朝萧天月他们喊道:“愣着干嘛?给我打死这帮王八蛋!” His mother must, wait for these words for a long time!” “他妈得,等这句话好久了!” Xiao Tianyue hears the Qin Shi words, rushing of first long tooth five fingernails: One group of bastards, the father has chopped you today!” 萧天月听到秦石的话,第一个长牙五爪的冲上去:“一帮畜生,老子今天剁了你们!” Your father in this, you with whose father father?” Xiao Tianyue just went forward, Xiaoshan pursued, the father and son like the bullying, all kinds of miraculous glows blast out in the blue lotus building. “你老子在这呢,你跟谁老子老子呢?”萧天月刚上前,萧山就追了上去,父子俩如虎入羊群,各式各样的灵光在青莲楼内炸开。 Bang! 砰! The owlet porch also kills, Feng Hen work on nearby chair, went forward to hold Zhao Cheng under the hands / subordinates to make an effort to pound according to the head: Makes you bully my Sister fairy, I kill you!” 枭轩也杀进去,就连封痕都抓起旁边的椅子,上前抓住一个赵诚的手下照着脑袋就使劲砸了下去:“让你欺负我的仙女姐姐,我打死你!” That person just started to see mark aggresive also frightens one smartly, but in the chair does not have falling of half minute spiritual power, is similar to flexure itchy same makes him stare, the uphold leg that immediately has gotten back one's composure gets down toward Feng Henti: Brat, you court death!” 那人刚开始见封痕气势汹汹的还吓得一机灵,但椅子中没有半分灵力的落下,如同挠痒痒一样不由让他一愣,马上回过神的抬起腿朝封痕踢下去:“臭小子,你找死!” Bang! 砰! But he just raised legs, a pressure of unusual conditions such as the star meteor crashes, the personal appearance of Yuan Bo corners of the mouth chuckle in a flash, one keeps off before slightly sealing the body of mark, the palm punctures like the sharp sword, is killed by shock that person directly. 但他刚抬腿,一股浑然天成的压力如星陨坠落,袁博嘴角微微轻笑的身形一晃,一下挡在封痕的身前,掌心如利剑般刺出,将那人直接震死。 Yuan Bo looks back to look to Feng Hen, in the vision strange: He he, kid, how? Does not dare to use spiritual power, feared that was recognized?” 袁博回首瞄向封痕,目光中略带怪异:“呵呵,小家伙,怎么着?不敢用灵力,怕被人认出来啊?” Seals on the mark delicate face to raise frightened: Your what meaning?” 封痕清秀的面庞上升起惊悚:“你什么意思?” Ha Ha, what meaning can I have? I am curious, the strength outcome of your within the body hideaway what's the matter, can keep off Hua Ling to strike, he he, is not simple!” “哈哈,我能有什么意思?我只是好奇,你体内隐藏的力量究竟是怎么回事,能挡下花零一击,呵呵,不简单!” „Did you know?” “你都知道了?” Feng Hen the face is startled changes, wipes the murderous intention to flash through under his corner of the eye, makes his all timid nothing left. 封痕面庞惊变,一抹杀机在他眼角下闪过,令他所有的怯懦荡然无存。 He he, wants to silence a witness of crime? You thought that you can achieve?” “呵呵,想杀人灭口?你觉得你能做到吗?” Yuan Bo free and easy smiling, one pats on sealing the shoulder of mark: Young people, do not impulse, I am curious, you and strength of Shi’tou little friend within the body hideaway seems like the equally good results from different methods, is almost the same, actually such as the life and death old enemy, as incompatible as fire and water, is really interesting.” 袁博洒脱的笑了笑,一把拍在封痕的肩膀上:“年轻人,别冲动,我只是好奇,你和石头小友体内隐藏的力量看似异曲同工,相差无几,却又如生死宿敌,水火不容,真是有趣。” „Are you how is it?” “你想怎么样?” About Feng Hen looks all around, lowers the sound question. 封痕左右环顾一圈,压低声音的问句 They interlocked in everywhere miraculous glow look at each other time of enough half tea, Yuan Bo have crossed the hands behind the back to laugh suddenly: Ha Ha, do not think that I do not have other meaning, before you kept off the next day broken symbol, I should also thank you to feel relieved that I will not tell the Shi’tou little friend!” 两人在漫天灵光交错中对视了足足半盏茶的时间,袁博忽然负手大笑:“哈哈,别多想,我没别的意思,之前你挡下天破符,我还应该感激你才是放心,我不会告诉石头小友!” „Do this words take seriously?” Feng Hen wipes out Yuan Bo hand question. “此话当真?”封痕打掉袁博的手问句 „Did you say? If wants to harm you, why and Shi’tou little friend did say? Delivers the empire you directly, is the reward that attains perhaps richer? You said I said right? Has slaughtered dozens the fog shade murderers in villages?” “你说呢?若是真想害你,何必和石头小友多说?直接将你送上帝国,拿到的奖励恐怕更丰厚吧?你说我说的对吗?屠杀了几十个村子的雾影凶手?” Yuan Bo abstruse cracks into a smile, then sets out, to seal the mark the front to vanish at once. 袁博深奥的咧嘴一笑,旋即便起身而过,在封痕的面前消失。 Feng Hen clenches teeth alone in same place, is deep during for a very long time thought. 封痕咬着牙独自愣在原地,陷入久久的沉思当中。 Bang! 砰! Zhao Cheng under the hands / subordinates the disastrous defeat, this is Xiaoshan suppresses spiritual power in a minute intentionally, otherwise the Profound Spirit Realm strength light is the remaining prestige, then sufficiently has destroyed the entire blue lotus building. 赵诚的手下在片刻间惨败,这还是萧山故意压制灵力,否则玄灵境的力量光是余威,便足以毁了整座青莲楼。 Qin Shi bypasses the crowd, before arriving at Zou Wei body gradually, the murderous intention of pupil bottom is hard to cover. 秦石绕过人群,一步一步走到邹伟的身前,眸底的杀机难以遮挡。 He was really a few words does not want to say regarding this scum, but he has not gotten rid to cut to kill directly, but moved the vision to initially warms: How to him, you to decide.” 对于这种人渣他真是一句话都不想说,但他并没有直接出手斩杀,而是将目光挪向初暖:“怎么对他,你来决定吧。” Has killed him!” “杀了他!” Three characters, such as incisive sharp sword in everyone Chest. 三个字,如尖锐的利剑般在每个人心口。 Qin Shi as if heard brokenhearted sound. 秦石仿佛听见了心碎的声音。 He knows that these time this woman despairs at present. 他知道,这一次眼前这个女人是真的绝望了。 Deep inspiration, before Qin Shi turns round to arrive at Zou Weishen: Likes you loving the woman in bone, you can be very happy, but you do not understand to treasure, tears into shreds her heart time and time again!” 深深的吸口气,秦石回身走到邹伟身前:“有一个爱你爱到骨子里的女人,本来你可以很幸福,但是你不懂得珍惜,一次一次将她的心撕碎!” That dies!” “那就死吧!” Spoke, invisible spiritual power punctures the sword in his palm condensation. 说完话,一把无形的灵力刺剑在他掌心凝聚。 No! Does not want!” “不!不要!” Stared at quiet cold sword edge Zou Wei to scare, puff passed kneels, in the place had an audience with the emperor beginning moved warmly: Warm, warm, you cannot let the homicide I, you have forgotten, we have agreed that we must pass the day well, did I just promise your you to forget?” 盯着幽寒的剑刃邹伟吓坏了,噗通跪在地上朝初暖挪动:“暖儿,暖儿,你不能让他杀我,难道你忘了,我们约定过,我们要好好过日子,我刚答应你的啊你忘了?” He he, did you just comply my are make me sleep with others?” “呵呵,你刚刚答应我的就是让我陪别人睡觉?” „Did you just promise my are insult me to be rested by the innumerable person?” “你刚刚答应我的就是辱骂我被数不清的人睡过?” Receives your pseudo hypocrisy, don't you love me, why you with me in the same place? These years I have recognized, is I violates inexpensively, this time, you die, like this to your me, is an extrication!” “收起你的假性假意吧,你不爱我,你凭什么和我在一起?这些年我认了,是我自己犯贱,这一次,你死吧,这样对你我来讲,都是一种解脱!” Is initially warm gradually calms down, calm somewhat scary, collar reorganization of front disruption, at once alone before arriving at the Qin Shi body: Makes me settle this bad karma personally!” 初暖渐渐的冷静下来,冷静的有些吓人,将胸前碎裂的衣领整理下,旋即独自的走到秦石身前:“让我亲自来了结这段孽缘吧!” The Qin Shi look, is suddenly silent at once long implores one, punctures the sword to give spiritual power in hand beginning warm: Do not show off power, not being able to get down hand 秦石神色恍然,旋即沉默中长吁一声,将手中的灵力刺剑递给初暖:“别逞强,下不去手” Any not being able to get down hand, I have not loathed him, wants to loathe these years to violate inexpensive!” “没什么下不去手,我厌恶他,就想厌恶这些年犯贱的自己!” Initially warmly broke receiving of Qin Shi to puncture the sword, at once decidedly punctured to Zou Wei's chest. 初暖打断秦石的接过刺剑,旋即决然的冲着邹伟的胸口刺下。 Puff! 噗! A dull thumping sound, Zou Weibian dies under the sword. 一声闷响,邹伟便死在剑下。 After he died, initially warms has not cried, during the white hands turn over the thorn sword in hand throws away, the entire photograph is as if in a trance to be the same, good-for-nothing alone steps toward two building boudoirs. 他死后,初暖没有哭,玉手翻转间将手中的刺剑扔开,整个人像是丢了魂一样,行尸走肉的独自朝二楼闺房迈去。 Warm elder sister, waits for me!” “暖姐,等等我!” Xu Qiao'er in behind, immediately lifted to start to pursue. 许巧儿在后面顿了顿,马上抬起脚追了上去。 The remaining will of the people are serious, the excellent mood was also destroyed, the blue lotus Lou sisters all went to two buildings, the only Ying lotus remains to entertain Qin Shi. 剩下的人心都沉重起来,本来大好的心情也被破坏,青莲楼的姐妹们全都去了二楼,唯独颖莲留下来招待秦石 The aesthetic pleasure of drinking did not have, a night like this elapses. 喝酒的雅兴没了,一夜就这样逝去。 Qin Shi the 2nd date early morning got up, Yuan Bo early left. 秦石第二日清晨起来,袁博已经早早离开。 Xiaoshan also prepares to return home, just before leaving before , holds Xiao Tianyue: Brat, this time I thought that which you toward run, hurries honestly with me go back!” 萧山也准备回府,临走前抓住萧天月:“兔崽子,这一次我看你往哪跑,赶紧老老实实的跟我回去!” I, I do not walk, I must keep the big brother!” Xiao Tianyue one breaks away Xiaoshan, insane same hiding to Qin Shi behind. “我不,我不走,我要留下来跟着大哥!”萧天月一下挣开萧山,疯一样的躲到秦石身后。 You “您” Indignant, Xiaoshan helpless looking to Qin Shi: Little friend, you said this matter 愤愤下,萧山无奈的望向秦石:“小友,你说这事” Contacted on the several th, Qin Shi liked Xiao Tianyue temper actually: Ok, he does not want to go back, you let him with me, otherwise tied up by you, he dull is not definitely long in Xiao!” 几日接触下来,秦石倒是蛮喜欢萧天月的性子:“行,他不想回去,你就让他跟着我吧,否则就算被你绑回去,他在萧家肯定也呆不长!” Is!” Xiao Tianyue excited [say / way]. “就是!”萧天月激动道。 Nod that but, Xiaoshan can only approve: Ok, that brat, when do you come back? Crossed is next Family Head elects a while!” 无奈下,萧山只能认可的点点头:“行吧,那臭小子,你什么时候回来?过一阵子就是下一届家主选举了!” „, When I have realized my grand blueprint, I come back!” Xiao Tianyue patted has struck one's chest to say. “等吧,等我什么时候把我宏伟的蓝图实现了,我就回来!”萧天月拍了拍胸脯道。 Xiaoshan hear that is not glad immediately, foams with rage saying: Fart, do you give me the practical point to be good? The grand blueprint of that nonsense, does your father I pursue for a lifetime, you visited me finally now? Didn't marry an ill-tempered woman?” 萧山闻言顿时就不乐意了,吹胡子瞪眼道:“放屁,你给我务实一点行不行?那狗屁的宏伟蓝图,你老子我追求了一辈子,结果你看我现在呢?不还是娶了个母夜叉?” „” “” Is listening to father and son's dialog, the Qin Shi full heavy line. 听着父子俩的对话,秦石满头黑线。 You said that who is an ill-tempered woman?” “你说谁是母夜叉呢?” But at this moment, such as roaring of a jealous and domineering wife resounds outside the blue lotus building, at once at least 200 jin (0.5 kg) women are stepping the stride, to works on the ear of Xiaoshan: Snort, I know that a night of your old codger has not gone back, definitely was runs this debauchery place to come, caught up to follow close on me to go back, kneels to rub on the clothes board three days not to think!” 但就在这时,一道如河东狮吼的咆哮在青莲楼外响起,旋即一名至少有200斤的妇女迈着大步,冲进来就抓起萧山的耳根子:“哼,我就知道,你个老不死的一夜没回去,肯定是跑这灯红酒绿的地方来了,赶紧跟我回去,跪搓衣板上三天别想起来!” Oh, the wife hurts, sore, light!” “哎呀,娘子疼,疼,轻点!” Xiaoshan was immediately honest before this woman, Xiao Tianyue does not know that which speedily ran went, after Ying lotus and the others saw the female, retroceded several steps. 萧山在这女人面前马上就老实了,萧天月更是一溜烟不知道跑哪去了,就连颖莲等人看见女子后,都不禁后退几步。 The Qin Shi corners of the mouth twitch several, dry looks that Xiaoshan was seized: „Is this Madame Xiao? No wonder this daily outward runs to the father and son 秦石嘴角抽搐几下,干巴巴的看着萧山被抓走:“这就是萧夫人?难怪这对父子俩天天往外跑” Big brother, can you understand me?” “大哥,你能理解我了吧?” After the prosperous-looking female seizes Xiaoshan, Xiao Tianyue does not know that which from has braved. 在富态的女子将萧山抓走后,萧天月不知道从哪又冒了出来。 Qin Shi and Feng Hen, owlet porch and Xu Qiao'er, nod. 秦石、封痕、枭轩、许巧儿、同时点点头。 In the future, several people departure, mainly has not been being Xu Qiao'er does not give up Ying lotus these good sisters anxiously, can look that their sentiments are very deep. 往后,几人并未急着离开,主要是许巧儿舍不得颖莲这些好姐妹,能看出来,她们的感情很深。 But in the world not loose banquet, he has not sufficed in the time that the blue lotus city lost for a long time, Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai also in Cold City , etc. he. 但天底下没有不散的宴席,他在青莲城耽误的时间够久了,玉罗刹小米彩还在冷城等他呢。 Therefore in 7 th day early morning, he tidies up the thing preparation to leave long time ago, just before leaving before , he found Ying lotus specially, spirit stones that seizes from Li Bufan will leave behind hundreds of thousands of: Lotus elder sister, these you are taking.” 为此在第七日的清晨,他早早就收拾好东西准备离开,临走之前他特意找到颖莲,将从李不凡身上夺来的灵石留下数十万:“莲姐,这些你拿着。” No, I cannot take “不,我不能拿” Lotus elder sister, you are taking.” “莲姐,你拿着吧。” Xu Qiao'er said in side: Has closed the blue lotus building, has not followed the point to leave the elder sisters, this place after is not the long-term plan.” 许巧儿在旁边道:“把青莲楼关了,跟姐们没干点别得,这种地方毕竟不是长久之计。” hears that sound, Ying lotus silent meeting, accepts spirit stones finally, to be honest she already had this idea, but does not have the fund throughout. 闻声,颖莲沉默一会,最终还是将灵石收下,说实话她早就有这种想法,只是始终没有资金而已。 Later, all people said goodbye to blue lotus building. 之后,诸人告别青莲楼。 Later Qin Shi specially went to a Xiao, confesses with Xiaoshan simply, Xiaoshan strikes one's chest to Qin Shi guaranteed: So long as my Xiao does not extinguish, nobody can injure Ying lotus they!” 之后秦石又特意去了一趟萧家,和萧山简单交代一番,萧山拍着胸脯向秦石保证:“只要我萧家不灭,就没人能伤的了颖莲她们!” What's wrong? Do you want to marry to become the concubine them?” “怎么?你要把她们娶回来当小妾啊?” Has not waited for Qin Shi to open the mouth to feel grateful, Madame Xiao's a jealous and domineering wife passed on the garden, frightened him to leave speedily. 没等秦石开口感激呢,萧夫人的河东狮吼就在庭院里传了进来,吓得他一溜烟就离开了。 This time, must walk. 这一次,是真的要走了。 Several people are stepping the stride, leaves the blue lotus city. 几人迈着大步,离开青莲城。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In the blue lotus city center, Yuan Bo crosses the hands behind the back bird's eye view earth of vertical treading in the vault of heaven, vaguely reappears three wear to travel by night the form of clothes. 在青莲城中央,袁博负手而立的踏在苍穹上俯瞰大地,身后依稀的浮现出三道穿着夜行衣的身影。 Verified?” “查明了吗?” The Yuan Bo vision is staring at several forms outside city gate. 袁博目光凝视着城门外的几道身影。 Reply the master, verified!” “回禀主人,查明了!” Three people with one voice, at once middle humanity: „Before he is, in North District greatly noisy Burning Sky Sect Qin Shi!” 三人异口同声,旋即中间一人道:“他就是之前在北方区域大闹焚天宗秦石!” „Is he Qin Shi?” “他就是秦石?” Solely so, a short time ago in Cold City noisy stone Qin was not he!” Pursues in the left masked man dignifiedly said. “不单单如此,前不久在冷城沸沸扬扬的石秦也是他!”在左面的蒙面人凝重的追道。 Oh? 哦? Knitting the brows of Yuan Bo accident, the pupil bottom place flashes through together the strange color at once suddenly: He he, North District Qin Shi, the East District stone Qin, was really not a simple baby!” 袁博意外的皱了皱眉,旋即眸底处突然间闪过一道诡异之色:“呵呵,北方区域秦石,东方区域的石秦,真是一个不简单的小娃娃啊!” Spoke, he moves the vision to the jungle outside city, reveals a mysterious profound meaning in the eyeground deep place: Adds on a fog shade killer again, he he, interesting, interesting!” 说完话,他将目光挪向城外的密林中,在眼底深处露出一丝玄奥的深意:“再加上一个雾影杀手,呵呵,有趣,有趣!”
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