PDL :: Volume #4

#400: Cutting off the enemy's retreat and annihilating them

Feng Hen?” “封痕?” A Qin Shi arrow step flees to go forward. 秦石一个箭步窜上前。 At once he holds Feng Hen the small arm single-handed, wipes the dark golden miraculous glow following sealing the flesh of mark enters, examined after seeing the appearance of mark within the body, made him stare. 旋即他单手抓住封痕的小臂,一抹暗金色的灵光顺着封痕的肌肤而入,查看见封痕体内的模样后令他不禁一愣。 Was sealing the mark within the body, five main internal organs (entrails) and rib many smashing did not say that the bloodlines and meridians were all the dislocations, was a mass of cuts and bruises simply. 在封痕的体内,五脏六腑和肋骨多处粉碎不说,血脉和经络更是尽数错位,简直是体无完肤。 What's the matter? How did he receive such heavy wound?” Takes back spiritual power, in the Qin Shi black pupils flashes through wipes the vicious tendencies inquiring question. “怎么回事?他怎么受了这么重的伤?”收回灵力,秦石黑眸间闪过一抹戾气的询问句 Xiao Tianyue and owlet porch tremble several points under the pressure, owlet Xuan said: Is before, the big brother and Li Bufan fight, does not know that was how, sealed the mark to be twined by the black fog suddenly, was seized.” 萧天月和枭轩在威压下哆嗦几分,枭轩道:“是之前,大哥和李不凡交手的时候,不知是怎么了,封痕突然间被黑雾缠绕,然后就被抓走了。” Damn, is he?” “该死,又是他?” The low roar that Qin Shi is burning with anger, he does not dare at once negligently two gathering chests, tries to cure the injury for Feng Hen. 秦石怒火中烧的低吼,旋即他不敢大意的将两手汇聚胸膛,试图为封痕治愈伤势。 But in the miraculous glow will soon move Feng Hen the flesh instant, Feng Hen raises hand immediately: Big brother, does not need to manage me, I am all right, in the next two days will be good!” 但在灵光即将触碰封痕肌肤的刹那,封痕马上扬手:“大哥,不不用管我,我没事,明后天就好了!” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Qin Shi scolds fierce, but when he wants spiritual power pours into seals mark within the body, suddenly welcomes strength of the contradiction, the instantaneous Feng Hen within the body five feeling blockades, the pore shuts tightly. 秦石厉声呵斥,但就在他欲将灵力注入封痕体内时,却突然间迎来一股抵触之力,瞬间封痕的体内五感封锁,毛孔紧闭。 Um?” “嗯?” Big brother, is useless, your spiritual power could not cure me.” “大哥,没用得,你的灵力治愈不了我。” How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Does not know that should be my special physique matter?” Feng Hen low and deep shaking the head, actually flashes through together the strangeness of detection in his lax pupil light. “不知道,应该是我特殊体质的事吧?”封痕低沉的摇摇头,在他涣散的眸光中却是闪过一道不已察觉的怪异。 But, Qin Shi does not have the means, finally has to support by the arm Feng Hen, beckons to go to the blue lotus building to the people. 无奈下,秦石是真的没有办法,最终只好搀扶着封痕,冲众人招了招手前往青莲楼。 One hear the blue lotus building, Xiao Tianyue was excited. 一听去青莲楼,萧天月就兴奋了。 The enormous and powerful crowd arrives at a brothel street. 浩浩荡荡的人群来到青楼一条街。 Any happiest building by blue lotus building, the maidservant of Huamanlou entrance, saw Qin Shi this crowd of person eyes to be red, with not awfully same upward threw. 在青莲楼旁边的什么最欢楼,花满楼门口的侍女,一个一个看见秦石这群人眼睛都红了,跟不要命一样往上扑。 Immediately the Xiaoshan father and son the spirit, one after the other makes like is guards, the eye that the color narrows the eyes sweeps in this crowd of female prostitute several salient points unceasingly, Qin Shi cannot bear the secret passage that twitches in side: These two fellows, can one beastly nature send greatly?” 萧山父子俩马上精神起来,一前一后弄的像是守卫一样,色眯眯的眼睛在这群女妓身上几个凸点不断扫荡,秦石在旁边忍不住抽搐的暗道:“这俩家伙,一会不会兽性大发吧?” This pair of fathers and sons look like.” “这一对父子真像啊。” Follows on the heels, Yuan Bo caresses the short beard and hair to say with a smile. 跟在后面,袁博抚着短小的须发笑道。 Lifts both hands both feet approval regarding this Qin Shi, but said: On them, I saw a living evolution of word!” 对于这点秦石举双手双脚认同,无奈道:“在他们俩人身上,我看见了一个词的活生生演化!” Has his father to have its?” “有其父必有其子?” Wrong, is the stink is the same!” “错,是臭味相同!” A few words, cause all people laughing. 一句话,引起诸人的大笑。 Xiaoshan has not ravelled in front what's the matter, stares at the warm female prostitute to be discontented saying: Is unfair, usually I come time, how to have seen them to be so warm?” 萧山在前面还没弄明白怎么回事,盯着热情的女妓不满道:“不公平啊,平时我自己来的时候,怎么没看见她们这么热情呢?” Regarding this Qin Shi was really also drunk. 对此秦石也真是醉了。 One group of people on type enormous and powerful arriving blue lotus building, what is accidental is in the blue lotus building entrance, very lonely lonely, maidservants do not have. 一群人就样浩浩荡荡的来到青莲楼,但令人意外的是在青莲楼门口,非常的冷清寂寥,一个侍女都没有。 Qin Shi knit the brows: Strange.” 秦石皱了皱眉:“奇怪。” Bang! 砰! But at this moment, in the blue lotus building transmits a bang of furniture collision suddenly, made to be startled being startled outside person, at once Qin Shi recovers, first pushed the door to enter. 但就在这时,青莲楼内突然传来一声桌椅碰撞的巨响,令在外面的人不由怔了怔,旋即秦石率先回过神来,第一个推门而入。 Just entered the blue lotus building, which when inside also did have in the morning the liveliness? 刚入青莲楼,里面哪还有清早时的热闹? Furniture lying this way and that pouring on the ground, probably more than 20 people of dense and numerous stopping up in stairway. 桌椅横七竖八的倒在地上,大概20多人密密麻麻的堵在楼梯口。 In more than 20 people of middle, is a whole body bloodstain man, seeming the age should not be big, but dishevelled hair and dirty face actually likely is 50-60 old men. 在20多人的中间,是一个满身血迹的男子,看上去年纪应该不大,但蓬头垢面的却像是五六十的老头。 Is Zou Wei?” “是邹伟?” Xu Qiao'er stares at whole body bloodstain form to change countenance. 许巧儿盯着满身血迹的身影不禁动容一下。 Because in the blue lotus building the sound is promiscuous, Qin Shi several people desirably hold the breath, therefore inside person has not realized them. 由于青莲楼内声音混杂,秦石几人又刻意屏息,所以里面的人并未察觉到他们。 Qin Shi question: Qiao'er, do you know him?” 秦石问句:“巧儿,你认识他?” Um, he is beginning warm elder sister's friends from childhood!” “嗯,他是初暖姐的青梅竹马!” Is this?” “是这样?” With the beginning warm related words, Qin Shi did not mind but actually helps this Zou Wei, after all in the half year beginning warm has not looked little after Qiao'er. 和初暖有关的话,秦石倒不介意帮这邹伟一把,毕竟这半年来初暖没少照顾巧儿 But in Qin Shi just wanted to lift the foot, Xu Qiao'er in following holds on him: Elder brother, leave alone he! He gets what one deserves! Was killed is good!” 但就在秦石刚欲抬脚时,许巧儿在后面一把拉住他:“哥,别管他!他活该!被人打死才好!” Why?” Qin Shi knit the brows. “为何?”秦石皱了皱眉。 This Zou Wei natural disposition likes to gamble, then gambles lost on looking beginning the warm elder sister to help him repay a debt, if not for he, will initially warm the elder sister not to arrive this step!” “这邹伟生性好赌,然后赌钱输了就找初暖姐帮他还债,若不是他的话,初暖姐也不会走到这一步!” Mentioned this Zou Wei, Xu Qiao'er was indignant: Looks at this, it is estimated that had no way out, coming this looked beginning the warm elder sister to repay a debt for him!” 说起这邹伟,许巧儿就愤愤不平起来:“看这样,估计又是走投无路,来这找初暖姐替他还债了!” Has this matter?” “有这种事?” Stopping body that Qin Shi knit the brows, such Zou Wei truly is the punishment is deserved. 秦石皱了皱眉的停下身,如此的这邹伟确实是罪有应得。 In the blue lotus building, Zou Wei twenty was surrounded personally in the stairway, a man of lead steps goes forward, holds Zou Wei hair to raise him: Brat, your daughter in this?” 在青莲楼内,邹伟被二十几个人围堵在楼梯口,其中一个领头的男子迈上前,一把抓住邹伟的头发将他提起来:“臭小子,你那小娘子就在这?” Honest elder brother, is this!” “诚哥,就就是这!” Zou Wei frightens the whole body to hit trembling, said: Your do not hit me, I shouted immediately she gets down to you renders back the money!” 邹伟吓得全身打着哆嗦,道:“你你别打我,我马上就喊她下来给你还钱!” Does not use you, called beginning warm? I look!” Called the honest elder brother's lead whole face was impatient, threw away in the successor dynasty staircase to step Zou Wei. “不用你,叫初暖是吧?我自己上去找!”叫诚哥的领头满脸的不耐烦,一把将邹伟扔开后朝楼梯上迈去。 I thought that anyone of you dares!” “我看你们谁敢!” At this time, Ying lotus flushed in the boudoirs of two buildings, alone kept off in the stairway position exclaims to under lowly: Zhao does Cheng, you work as the blue lotus building is your family? Elsewhere wants the debt to go to go!” 在这时,颖莲在二楼的闺房冲出来,独自挡在楼梯口的位置冲下面低吼道:“赵诚,你当青莲楼是你们家呢?要债去别处要去!” Ying lotus is not small in the reputation of blue lotus city, for this reason this called saying with a smile that Zhao Cheng lead slightly obviously dreaded: He he, lotus elder sister? What words that are you spoke? I accompany my brother to look for the wife, how can say that wants the debt?” 颖莲在青莲城的名声不小,为此这叫赵诚的领头略显忌惮的笑道:“呵呵,莲姐是吧?你这是说的什么话?我来陪我兄弟找媳妇,怎么能说是要债呢?” This does not have his wife, go away!” “这没有他媳妇,滚!” The Ying lotus Spirit King Realm Late Stage spirit roller leave to fall. 颖莲王灵境后期的灵压滚滚而落。 Under, Zhao Cheng behind person strength is bad, withdraws several steps that cannot bear. 在下方,赵诚身后的人实力不济,忍不住的退后几步。 Zhao Cheng narrows the eyes to focus to be angry: He he, the lotus elder sister, you leaves goes too far, I come this to find the human, you shouted the human that was accommodating to me, was I also accommodating to you? Otherwise this way, no one has the advantage to us!” 赵诚眯眯着眼愤怒起来:“呵呵,莲姐,你别太过分,我来这找人,你把人喊出来,给我行个方便,我也给你行个方便是不是?否则这样下去,对咱们谁都没好处!” I said that this does not have “我说了,这没” Ying lotus voice has not fallen, initially warms is wears the green long skirt as before, renouncing society and living alone steps the step to go out of the boudoir: Lotus elder sister, my matter, making me come!” 颖莲话音未落,初暖依旧是穿着青色长裙,遗世独立的迈着步伐走出闺房:“莲姐,我的事,让我自己来吧!” Top Grade!” 极品啊!” Sees beginning warm, Zhao Cheng and other on the people of faces change countenance obviously several points. 看见初暖,赵诚等二十几人的面庞上明显动容几分。 In following Zou Wei sees beginning warmly tumbles goes forward to cry loudly saying: Warm, warm, you save me, I know you to be rich, you helped me the debt, I ensure I guaranteed this was the last time, later I did not bet, I contributed money to redeem you to exit, then with your living well!” 在下面的邹伟看见初暖连滚带爬的上前嚎哭道:“暖儿,暖儿,你救救我,我知道你有钱,你帮我把债还了,我保证,我保证这是最后一次,以后我再也不赌了,我攒钱赎你出去,然后和你好好的过日子!” Hears this words, Ying lotus and Xu Qiao'er simultaneously reveal the color of loathing, this saying Zou Wei does not know that had said many times, is only Xu Qiao'er has heard for the six months more than ten times. 听得此话,颖莲和门外的许巧儿同时露出厌恶之色,这话邹伟不知道说过多少次,光是许巧儿半年来听见过的就不下十次。 Guarantee?” “保证么?” Only initially warm look gradation, vacillation. 惟独初暖的神色渐变,有一丝动摇。 Sees this, worries in following Xu Qiao'er: Initially warmed the elder sister heart to be too soft, does not know that this Zou Wei which point, initially warmed the elder sister how to like on him?” 望见这幕,在后面的许巧儿都跟着着急:“初暖姐心太软了,也不知道这邹伟哪点好,初暖姐怎么就会喜欢上他了呢?” Qin Shi has gawked staring, cannot help laughing, sentimental type of thing most helpless, clarity that nobody can say, but sometimes loves a person, good to have a charm, even if scarred also refuses to balk, like initially him to Yu Lin’er. 秦石愣了愣,不由哑然失笑,感情这种东西最令人无奈,没人能说的清楚,但有时候爱一个人,真的好想有一种魔力,哪怕伤痕累累也在所不惜,就像当初他对于琳儿 But is good because, missing in his present heart, is one is worth him paying the lifetime female. 但好在,他现在心中的思念,是一个值得他付出一生的女子。 Ying lotus urged in side: Younger sister, you left silly, was not the elder sister says you, but Zou Wei words cannot believe!” 颖莲在旁边劝道:“妹子,你别傻了,不是姐姐说你,但邹伟的话不能信啊!” Yes the warm elder sister, cannot believe him!” “是啊暖姐,不能信他!” In behind, blue lotus Lou sisters all run the anxious [say / way]. 在后面,青莲楼的姐妹们全都跑出来焦急道。 Initially warmly closes tightly the silver tooth, these words did not need others saying that she also understands, this duplicate one time, one year after year, she cannot remember for Zou Wei also many debts, she does not know one so were why silly, but could not put down at heart. 初暖咬紧银牙,这些话不用别人说她也明白,这一次复一次,一年复一年,她自己都记不得替邹伟还了多少次债,她也不知道自己为什么这么傻,但心里就是放不下。 Each time Zou Wei promised her she at heart will then be deceiving herself, outlines a glorious future to oneself, but following actually deeply does not see the bottom the despair. 每一次邹伟向她保证,她便会在心里欺骗自己,给自己勾勒一个美好的未来,但随之而来的却是深不见底的绝望。 This time, she was really exhausted. 这一次,她是真的疲惫了。 You walk, I did not have money to repay a debt for you.” “你走吧,我没有钱替你还债了。” Warm, do not give up me, my remaining you, you, if gives up me, my anything did not have me to ask you, this time, you helped my, I later did not bet, I later treated in this blue lotus city do odd jobs, keep side you!” Zou Wei frightens everywhere desperately, crying of whinning said. “暖儿,你别放弃我啊,我就剩下你了,你若是放弃我,我就什么都没有了我求你,就这一次,你帮我一把,我以后再也不赌了,我以后就待在这青莲城打杂,留在你身边!”邹伟吓得满目绝望,哀嚎的哭道。 Initially warms hear that, the moral nature shivers once more. 初暖闻言,心底再次颤抖。 Initially warmly does not have money, rich is taken away by me, you hurry to leave!” Ying lotus realized that initially does not warm right, one step steps the front bumper to exclaim to Zou Wei before her. “初暖没有钱,所有钱都被我收走了,你赶紧滚!”颖莲察觉到初暖不对,一步迈上前挡在她面前冲邹伟吼道。 Doesn't have money?” “没有钱?” Zou Weipa is in the staircase, after tracing fully is the bloodstain face, suddenly said: Does not have money to be all right, warm you can accompany them to rest, ok honest elder brother? Without money, making my wife accompany you, so long as do not hit me, to be how good!” 邹伟趴在楼梯上,摸了摸满是血迹的面庞后突然道:“没有钱没事,暖儿你可以陪他们睡,行吗诚哥?没有钱,让我妻子陪你们,只要你们别打我,怎么都行!” On this boy said!” “这小子上道啊!” Zhao Cheng several people under below excited point. 赵诚几人在下面兴奋的点下头。 Zou Wei you Ying lotus elegant surface big change. “邹伟你”颖莲俏面大变。 But at this time, initially under warm tender body suddenly restless trembling, the white hands pulled back Ying lotus, stares at Zou Wei shivering every single word or phrase saying: Zou did Wei, just you, what you say? You said one time again!” 但这时,初暖的娇躯突然不安的哆嗦下,玉手一把将颖莲拉回来,盯着邹伟一字一句的颤抖道:“邹伟,刚刚你,你说什么?你再说一次!” Rending in sound, hearing Qin Shi unable to bear pinch tightly the fist in behind. 声音中的撕心裂肺,听得秦石在后面忍不住捏紧拳头。 Zou Wei as if not realize general: Warm, you listened to me saying that you treated in this blue lotus building in any case were so long, many men rested you to estimate that you were innumerable, you accompanied them to rest, you could rest assured that I will not shut out you, so long as this time I were all right, I guaranteed with your living well!” 邹伟仿佛毫无察觉一般:“暖儿,你听我说,反正你在这青莲楼待了这么久,多少男人睡过你估计你自己都数不清了,你去陪他们睡,你放心,我不会嫌弃你,只要这一次我没事,我保证和你好好的过日子!” „Do I make the innumerable person rest?” “我让数不清的人睡过?” Initially warmly renounces society and lives alone allows to be wiped the tear stains to delimit tenderly, the grief of not talking clearly erupts in the moral nature. 初暖遗世独立的娇容上被一抹泪痕划过,说不清的伤痛在心底爆发。 These years, she in the blue lotus building is also pure, until now is also keeping virgin's body, actually doesn't want to be talked into by own lover unexpectedly so lowly? 这些年,她就算在青莲楼也是冰清玉洁,至今为止还留着处子之身,却不想竟被自己的爱人说成这般卑贱? Good, good, good, good Zou Wei, is this words that you spoke?” “好,好,好,好啊邹伟,这就是你说的话是吗?” In your eyes, am I this person? I by countless people have rested table is right? I knew that your 20 years, are bound by a common destiny since childhood for 20 years, do you think me?” “在你眼里,我就是这种人是吗?我就是被无数人睡过的表子对吧?我认识你20年,从小相依为命20年,你就这么想我是吧?” Ok, I rest, I rest!” “行,我睡,我睡!” Initially warmed agitated fierce, makeup entire crying in jade surface spends, at once she such as good-for-nothing walked toward the stair, one tore into shreds gauze skirt unexpectedly: Come, you come!” 初暖情绪激动的厉害,玉面上的妆全哭花了,旋即她如行尸走肉的朝台阶下走去,一把竟将身上的纱裙撕碎:“来啊,你们来啊!” Younger sister the beautiful pupil of Ying lotus holds the full tears. “妹子”颖莲的美眸噙满泪水。 Roared beginning was warm, making Zhao Cheng several people stare staring, suddenly actually does not dare to proceed one step. 咆哮中的初暖,令赵诚几人都是愣了愣,一时间硬是没敢往前一步。 But at this moment, a few words lit have presented the anger of all people: „Is honest elder brother, staring doing? You a bit faster, she promised you, met her to renege on a promise!” 但就在这时,一句话点燃了在场所有人的怒火:“诚哥,愣着干嘛?你们快点啊,她都答应你们了,一会她在反悔了!” Bastard!” “畜生!” Qin Shi felt that he must explode, the obloquying sentence that indignant under he cannot bear, beckons toward behind person at once, simultaneously makes great strides forward the blue lotus building. 秦石感觉他要爆炸了,气愤下他忍不住的大骂句,旋即朝身后的人招了招手,同时迈进青莲楼。 Stands in the blue lotus building entrance, fastens the blue lotus building front door that Qin Shi makes an effort. 站在青莲楼门口,秦石非常用力的将青莲楼大门关紧。 Bang! 砰! Bang, inside person then realizes Qin Shi rank. 巨响一声,里面的人这才察觉到秦石等人。 In Ying lotus beautiful pupil dodges the happy expression: Young Master?” 颖莲美眸中一闪喜色:“公子?” Qiao'er?” 巧儿?” The blue lotus Lou Woman prostitute in pavilion is simultaneously excited. 在楼阁上的青莲楼女妓同时激动起来。 Zhao Cheng has turned round, seeing Qin Shi and the others to stare staring: Boy, do you want to do?” 赵诚跟着回过身,看见秦石等人愣了愣:“小子,你要干嘛?” Does? Cuts off the enemy's retreat and annihilates them!” “干嘛?关门打狗!” --------- --------- At noon 12.1, already fixed time. 中午12.1更,已经定时。 The renewal returns to normal, 0.1, 12.1, 18 indefinite tenses renew. 更新恢复正常,0.1更,12.1更,18点不定时更新。
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