PDL :: Volume #4

#399: Jade elder sister's news

The black fog curls. 黑雾袅袅。 Fills the air sky over the blue lotus city. 弥漫在青莲城上空。 Under the package of black fog, before noisy command crowd flurried restless day broken symbol, not only has not caused the least bit fulmination, instead like is vanishes in the world baseless. 在黑雾的包裹下,之前沸沸扬扬令人群慌乱不安的天破符,非但没有引起半点爆鸣,反而像是凭空在天地消失一样。 all Rending the black fog of dispersing, was staring staring: What's wrong, what's the matter? Which does this black fog from run?” 诸人盯着散开的黑雾,瞪了瞪眼:“怎么,怎么回事?这黑雾是从哪跑来得?” Does not know, but can block the Third Rank day broken symbol of Hua Ling refinement, actually does that need the how fearful strength?” “不知道,但是能将花零炼制的三层天破符阻断,那究竟需要多么可怕的力量啊?” Is that boy surnamed!” “是姓石的那小子!” A person shouts, the crowd of surrounding simultaneously raises head toward Qin Shi, because of the ancient times of opening demon blood, Qin Shi Baleful Qi wound around unceasingly. 一人呼喊,外围的人群同时朝秦石仰头,因为开启魔血的远古,秦石身旁的煞气缭绕不断。 In being a focus of public attention, Qin Shi actually wrinkles the brow. 在万众瞩目中,秦石却皱紧眉头。 Perhaps others do not know, but he actually clear ruthless, a moment ago blocked a day of broken symbol Baleful Qi, radically is not the strength of Evil Spirit , if he has not guessed that wrong, the true source of this strength should be the murderer fog shade? 或许别人不知道,但他心里却清楚的狠,刚才阻断天破符的煞气,根本就不是邪魔之力,如果他没有猜错的话,这力量的真正来源应该是凶手雾影? Realizes this, the Qin Shi pupil light opens and closes rapidly to expand to wipe the invisible psychic force, under ten thousand meters that the psychic force covers, really in a corner of blue lotus city street, the form of whole body dense fog falls into Sea of Consciousness. 意识到这,秦石眸光开合中迅速扩张开一抹无形的精神力,在精神力笼罩的万米下,果然在青莲城一处街道的角落里,有一个满身迷雾的身影落入识海 Really is he!” “果然是他!” In the black pupil flashes through ruthless offense, Qin Shi curls up the black robe then to set out together to pursue. 黑眸中闪过一道狠戾,秦石卷起黑袍便欲起身追去。 But at this time, a disciple of too historian raised head to the Taishi ting flower is startled to exclaim: Young lady, Huangpu Jiang Dai Li Bufan corpse was running!” 但这时,一名太史家的弟子仰头冲太史葶花惊吼道:“小姐,皇普江带着李不凡的尸体跑了!” What?” “什么?” The Taishi ting flower beautiful pupil wrinkles, startled , is not only she, Nangong Yueyang is also anxious. 太史葶花美眸皱起,惊慌的不光是她,连带南宫岳阳也紧张起来。 Before two got rid to Mysterious Palace, if made the Huangpu river pass on the news, Mysterious Palace will certainly not let off them: Holds him, cannot make him run!” 之前两家对玄殿出手,若是让皇普江将消息传出去,玄殿一定不会放过他们:“抓住他,千万不能让他跑了!” Qin Shi black pupil coagulation, this news made him who must trace fog shade have to draw in the train of thought that Huangpu Jiang Pao does not run he not to care, noisily becomes with Mysterious Palace wants to conceal the truth like this is impossible, but Li Bufan corpse he must stay behind, Elder Sister Yu had not found. 秦石黑眸凝紧,这一消息令本要追踪雾影者的他也不得不收拢思绪,皇普江跑不跑他不在乎,和玄殿闹成这样想要瞒下去已经是不可能了,但李不凡的尸体他必须留下,玉姐还没找到。 Always has person who does not enlarge ones vision to court death!” “总有不开眼的人找死!” The cold glow flashes past in eyeground most deep place, at once in instant, a shadow that two family members have not left explodes to shoot like the sharp sword. 寒芒在眼底最深处一闪而过,旋即在两家人尚未动身的刹那,一道黑影如利剑般爆射而出。 Bang! 砰! The next instant, in the jungle outside blue lotus city East city, a fierce explosive, scatters in a panic, together natural moat gully straight separates the loess, just like abyss. 下一霎,青莲城东城外的密林中,一声剧烈的爆响,作鸟兽散,一道天堑沟壑笔直的将黄土分开,宛如深渊。 Huangpu Jiang Zhengbao Li Bufan is burying in the branches and leaves speeds away, time that has not waited to get back one's composure staggers, was shaken directly departs kilometer far. 皇普江正抱着李不凡埋没在枝叶中疾驰,没等回神的功夫一个踉跄,直接被震飞出千米之远。 His panic-stricken supine beginning, Qin Shi binds the black robe to stand in front of him: You, do you want to do?” 他惊恐的仰起头,秦石裹着黑袍已经站到他面前:“你,你要干嘛?” He he, the old fogy, just taught you to speak the logical expression, now starts not to hold the human affairs?” “呵呵,老家伙,刚教会你说人话,现在就开始不办人事了是吧?” That goes to the palace of hell to report!” “那就去阎王殿报道吧!” Qin Shi crooked nape of the neck, among gaps between teeth the dense cold air has struck the eye obviously. 秦石歪了歪脖颈,牙缝间森然的寒气触目可见。 Whoosh! 唰! Baleful Qi embodiment Cheng Jian who the mist winds around, strikes to jab into the throat of Huangpu river, making him the opportunity that opened the mouth to explain not have, white the supercilious look fainted directly. 雾气缭绕的煞气具象成剑,一击刺进皇普江的喉咙,令他连开口解释的机会都没有,白了白眼直接昏死过去。 Kills the Huangpu river, Qin Shi steps goes forward to take down Li Bufan space ring. 杀死皇普江,秦石迈上前一把将李不凡的空间戒指取下。 Erases Li Bufan mark, Qin Shi will read the strength to search into, Li Bufan space ring space is very huge, has over a hundred cubic. 一把抹去李不凡的印记,秦石将念力探入其中,李不凡的空间戒指空间很庞大,足足有上百立方。 In, the light is Upper Tier spirit stones has 4 million. 在其中,光是上品灵石边有4000000。 All kinds of spirit grass, beast pill, profound soldier and countless. 各式各样的灵草、兽丹、玄兵、不计其数。 Seethes, plain books fall into the Qin Shi field of vision, before , in non- character book from heaven that in the non- gate auction room presents. 翻腾一番,一本古朴的书籍落入秦石的视野,正是之前在无门拍卖行中出现的无字天书。 Later is 7-Step martial arts: Demon ghost day photo. 之后是七阶武学:魅鬼天照。 But Qin Shi, these is not the thing that he cares about, seethed the space ring then, finally made him knit the brows: No?” 但于秦石来讲,这些都不是他在乎的东西,前后将空间戒指翻腾了个便,最终却令他不由皱了皱眉:“没有?” Receives to read the strength, his squatting lower part of the body tries to find out on Li Bufan body, may still not have any harvest, making him anxious: Damn! How to have?” 收起念力,他蹲下身又在李不凡的身上摸索一番,可仍是没有任何收获,令他惶急起来:“该死!怎么会没有?” Actually to be at where!” “究竟在哪!” Under the atmosphere, Qin Shi bad chaotic train of thought Baleful Qi, such as the sharp sword punctures at one fell swoop in Li Bufan chest, in an instant, thousand put on hundred. 气氛下,秦石糟乱的思绪一举煞气,如利剑在李不凡胸膛刺下,转眼间,千穿百孔。 The final result is unsatisfactory, he had still not found Blazing Book. 最终的结果不尽人意,他仍然没有找到焚书 Elder Sister Yu, which you you are at not to frighten me! Actually you are at where!” 玉姐,你在哪你别吓唬我!你究竟在哪!” The fist of Qin Shi pinches psst makes noise. 秦石的拳头捏的吱吱作响。 „Is Elder Sister Yu, you very important person?” 玉姐,是你很重要的人吗?” Flurried, by the ear broadcasts together the wonderful graceful attractive sound suddenly, is mixing with easy slowly in the sound. 慌乱中,耳旁突然传来一道妙曼诱人的声音,在声音中夹杂着徐徐优柔。 Raises head to look, is female who cannot see clearly the appearance, she wears a vermilion Shaman clothing, only reveals a pair of long and narrow Danfeng eye, in the pupil moved. 仰头望去,是一名看不清容貌的女子,她穿着一身朱红色的萨满服饰,只露出一双狭长的丹凤眼,眸中略带伤感。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Qin Shi is vigilant instantaneously that covered the audience in his psychic force a moment ago, but this female can unexpectedly quietly without interest approaches him? 秦石瞬间警惕起来,在刚才他的精神力覆盖全场,但这女子竟能悄然无息的接近他? Even if some Heaven Realm can fear that greatly can't achieve? 就算一些天境大能怕是都做不到吧? You replied me, perhaps my I can help you!” “你回答我,我说不定我能帮你!” „Can you help me?” “你能帮我?” You told me, this was Elder Sister Yu, to you very important person?” The females have not said that but uses graceful supple sound once again question. “你告诉我,这个玉姐,是对你很重要的人吗?”女子没有接话,而是用婉柔的声音再度问句 Qin Shi silent meeting: Is very important!” 秦石沉默一会:“很重要!” If makes you die for her, you do want?” “如果让你为她去死,你愿意吗?” I want!” “我愿意!” Qin Shi almost response without hesitation, this is his moral nature most real portrayal. 秦石几乎不假思索的回应,这是他心底最真实的写照。 Hears the resolute response, in the beautiful pupil of female flashes through a complex color suddenly, at once she silent said for a long time: „If not fear death, you go to Mysterious Palace, she in Mysterious Palace!” 听得刚毅的回应,女子的美眸中突然闪过一丝复杂之色,旋即她沉默了许久道:“如果不怕死,你就去玄殿吧,她在玄殿!” Mysterious Palace?” 玄殿?” The Qin Shi heart fibrillation trembling, knit the brows: Actually are you who? How do you know Elder Sister Yu in Mysterious Palace?” 秦石心房颤了颤,皱起眉道:“你究竟是谁?你怎么知道玉姐玄殿?” Who am I? When you arrive at Mysterious Palace, naturally will know!” “我是谁?等你到玄殿,自然就会知道了!” Female Min Huai smiles, when swinging the Danfeng eye of person heartstrings winks, her space all around rocks, vanishes in the Qin Shi front unexpectedly baseless. 女子敏怀一笑,在荡人心弦的丹凤眼眨动时,她周遭的空间一阵晃动,竟凭空消失在秦石的面前。 Hey! Do not walk!” “喂!别走!” Closing tightly jaw that the Qin Shi black pupil shrinks, throws to go forward to be actually penniless suddenly. 秦石黑眸缩进的咬紧牙关,猛然扑上前却是两手空空。 All come quickly, goes also quickly, if not for the earth still had the fallen leaf to wave, he even thinks that just presented is the empty vast fairyland. 一切来得快,去得也快,若不是大地尚有落叶舞动,他甚至会以为刚刚出现得一切都是虚渺幻境。 Dull in same place for a long time, Qin Shi begins to look buries supinely warmly to the west side in the mountain top positive, for a long time , the pupils in flashes through wipes the bone-chilling cold none remaining: Mysterious Palace?” 呆愣在原地许久,秦石仰起头望向西边埋没在山头的暖阳,许久后眸子间闪过一抹凛冽精光:“玄殿么?” Elder Sister Yu, is waiting for me, I save you quickly!” 玉姐,等着我,我很快就来救你!” The empty shade wipes, he escapes to the blue lotus city. 虚影一抹,他向青莲城遁回。 But he as everyone knows, after he just departed, the fallen leaf in ground curls up miserably, puts on the female of fine feminine attire to reappear once again. 但他殊不知,在他刚刚离去后,地面上的落叶凄凉卷起,穿着红装的女子再度浮现。 The dreary cold wind vaguely has stroked, blows to fall her red cape, a wisp sends to wave with the snow that her age refuses to accept, extends from the sky to delimit together the unique radian. 萧瑟的冷风依稀拂过,将她红色的斗篷吹落,一缕和她年纪十分不服的雪发舞动,延绵在空中划出一道特有的弧度。 Your that affirmation, does he dare to come?” “你就那么肯定,他敢来?” Female tender feelings is narrowing beautiful pupil, whatever the snow sends in the wind flutters, among skilled artists void in a flash, plain books fall in the hand. 女子柔情的眯着美眸,任由雪发在风中飘荡,妙手间虚空一晃,一本古朴的书籍落在手中。 He he, I am deeply believing him!” “呵呵,我深信着他!” From the books, broadcasts together the familiar sound, is that sound not just Shu Zhongyu that Qin Shi searches for a very long time? 自书籍中,传来一道熟悉的声音,那声音不正是秦石久久寻觅的书中玉 Actually sometimes, I actually very hope that he can give way before difficulties, but him, his People heaven, therefore you do not understand that you catch Mysterious Palace me, even if the front has many thorns, he will come certainly!” “其实有时候,我倒是挺希望他能知难而退,但于他而言,他身边的人大过苍天,所以你不会明白,你把我抓去玄殿,就算前方有再多的荆棘,他都一定会来!” Scoffs, good self-confidence, I to wait for him to come Mysterious Palace, I want to look but actually, actually did your sentiments, have you to say so reliable, can surmount to part forever? Joke!” “嗤,好一份自信,那我就等他来玄殿,我倒想要瞧一瞧,你们的这份感情,究竟有没有你说的这般牢固,能跨越生离死别?笑话!” The voice of female is unexpectedly severe, the none remaining that in the beautiful pupil flashes, the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) curl up the broad vicious tendencies, at once sees only all around to be wooden. 女子的声音蓦地严厉,美眸中一晃而过的精光,方圆数万里卷起恢弘的戾气,旋即只见周遭的古木腐朽。 Decayed, the hundred flowers are on the wane. 腐朽中,百花凋零。 Returns to the blue lotus city. 回到青莲城。 Qin Shi slightly is sad. 秦石的心情略显沉重。 When he returns to non- gate auction room again, here had been arranged the following steward to clean by Yuan Bo, crushed stone chaotic tile elimination. 等他再回到无门拍卖行时,这儿已经被袁博安排下面的管事打扫,将碎石乱瓦清除。 The common people but who this, the earth of pavilion and disruption of avalanche, as well as passed are again are unable to recover. 但就算这样,崩塌的楼阁和碎裂的大地,以及已逝的百姓都是再也无法复原。 On this situation, Qin Shi always felt that the heart is very painful, but he knows that he most also can only grieved, his anything did not change. 每逢这种场合,秦石总感觉心很痛,但他知道他最多也只能心痛一下,他什么都改变不了。 Sees Qin Shi to return, Taishi ting flower and Nangong Yueyang from airborne bending down: Stone Young Master, Huangpu river? Where are other people at?” 秦石回归,太史葶花和南宫岳阳从空中俯下:“石公子,皇普江呢?他人在哪?” Died!” “死了!” Qin Shi indifferent response. 秦石漠然的回应一句。 Died?” Has been startled being startled before the crowd, at once immediately is loose relenting: This is also good, otherwise is keeping him, sooner or later will be a trouble.” “死了?”靠前的人群怔了怔,旋即马上松了松口:“这样也好,否则留着他,早晚是个麻烦。” Xu Qiao'er pushes in the crowd: Elder brother, Elder Sister Yu?” 许巧儿在人群中挤出来:“哥,玉姐呢?” Hissing! The heart was stressed pain, Qin Shi forces oneself to look cheerful to hide the truth from Qiao'er saying: In the space ring, she has been injured, making her rest!” 嘶!心被抓痛一下,秦石强颜欢笑瞒着巧儿道:“在空间戒指里呢,她受伤了,让她休息一下!” Stares at Qin Shi to look, Xu Qiao'er felt that are not quite many, but also many did not say concerned about the crowd numerously, so long as nods saying: Um.” 盯着秦石望了望,许巧儿感觉不太多,但碍于人群众多又不好多说,只要点点头道:“嗯。” Then, the farce was ended. 就这样,闹剧算是结束。 But Qin Shi also has caused for this reason a stir in the entire blue lotus city. 但为此秦石也轰动了整座青莲城。 Night, the Taishi ting flower and Nangong Yueyang lead two disciples to come and Qin Shi say goodbye, and invited Qin Shi to have free time two to be a guest. 夜晚时分,太史葶花和南宫岳阳带着两家弟子来和秦石告别,并且邀请秦石有空去两家做客。 Regarding this Qin Shi very refreshed complies with one, wants to inquire Nangong Yueyang the matter about Nangong ice, but considers, finally he has not opened the mouth. 对此秦石很爽快的答应一声,本来想询问南宫岳阳一些关于南宫冰的事,但斟酌一番,最终他也没有开口。 Has the opportunity, went to Nangong home to say again.” “有机会,去南宫家再说吧。” Looks at the increasingly estranged crowd, Qin Shi was not saying at heart. 望着渐行渐远的人群,秦石心里莫道。 When two family members leave, Yuan Bo draws Qin Shi to in the non- gate auction room give a banquet. 待两家人离开,袁博拉着秦石要在无门拍卖行内设宴。 Qin Shi hesitant under actually shakes the head: Mr. Yuan, we go to the blue lotus building, I promise the lotus elder sister to go in the evening, today is I entertains everyone / influential family!” 秦石犹豫下却摇摇头:“袁老板,咱们去青莲楼吧,我答应莲姐晚上要去,今天就算是我招待大家!” Blue lotus building?” “青莲楼?” Yuan Bo has been startled being startled, but has not waited for him to open the mouth before nearby Xiaoshan gathers up: Brother Shi’tou, what you said is really? Do we go to the blue lotus building in the evening really?” 袁博怔了怔,但没等他开口在旁边的萧山凑上前:“石头兄弟,你说的是真得?咱晚上真去青莲楼?” Um?” Under Qin Shi puzzled point. “嗯?”秦石不解的点下头。 Has been responded, Xiaoshan immediately excited sticking out chest: Good, his mother, the ill-tempered woman in even occasion has managed strictly, this time I thought that she also had any words to say!” 得到回应,萧山马上兴奋的挺起胸膛:“太好了,他妈得,平时家里的母夜叉管得严,这一次我看她还有什么话可说!” The frank laughter, Xiaoshan turns round to beckon with the hand to the disciples of Xiao: Your several go back, knows how to tell that ill-tempered woman?” 爽朗的笑声,萧山又回身冲萧家的弟子们摆摆手:“你们几个回去吧,知道怎么跟那母夜叉说吧?” Family Head don't you lead us to go?” 家主你不带我们去啊?” Several Xiao disciples simultaneously reveal the bitter and astringent facial features, reluctant to part appearances made Qin Shi stare staring: Drinks, sentiment is not only this to the fathers and sons, are the servants in family this welldoing? Yeah, the family tradition is not positive!” 几个萧家弟子同时露出苦涩的面容,一个一个恋恋不舍的样子让秦石不禁愣了愣:“喝,好吗,感情不光是这对父子,就连家族里的下人都是这幅德行?哎,家风不正啊!” Xiaoshan has not promised them finally, but under the Xiao disciples depart in abundance, later Xiaoshan looks all around, is actually surprised the different way: Well, son who the Shi’tou little friend, my does not make every effort to succeed?” 萧山最终也没答应他们,在无奈下萧家弟子们纷纷离去,之后萧山环顾一圈,却不由诧异道:“咦,石头小友,我那不争气的儿子呢?” Um?” “嗯?” hears that sound Qin Shi knit the brows, at once about him looks all around, suddenly discovered that is not only Xiao Tianyue, Feng Hen, owlet porches and three people all not. 闻声秦石皱了皱眉,旋即他左右环顾一圈,才猛然发现,不光是萧天月,封痕、枭轩、三人全都不在。 Big brother, we in this!” “大哥,我们在这呢!” At this moment, behind hears one to shout suddenly, then Qin Shi looks back to see only, Xiao Tianyue and owlet porch they are supporting by the arm Feng Hen, Feng Hen the whole body full is a blood-stained mouth, in an extremely difficult situation. 就在这时,后面突然传来一声呼喊,接着秦石回首只见,萧天月和枭轩两人正搀扶着封痕,封痕全身满是血口,狼狈不堪。
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