PDL :: Volume #4

#398: Day broken Fu Bao

Day broken symbol?” “天破符?” Startled roar with amazement resounds through, many flurried looks gather to interweave in the day broken symbol in Li Bufan hand. 骇然的惊吼声响彻,诸多慌乱的神色在李不凡手中的天破符上汇聚交织。 „Does he want to detonate day broken symbol?” “他想引爆天破符?” In the confusion, three family members raise hand rapidly, after Taishi ting flower cancellation barrier, song said: On this day broken symbol, if common Heaven Realm can the work also insufficient dread greatly but actually, feared that feared is the Hua Ling personally behavior, seizes Heaven Realm peak by Hua Ling Third Rank, that feared that is the entire blue lotus city in its under must turn into stretch of ruins!” 混乱中,三家人迅速扬手,太史葶花撤销屏障后悚道:“这天破符,若是寻常天境大能之作倒也不足畏惧,怕就怕是花零亲手所为,以花零三层天境巅峰,那怕是整座青莲城在其下都要变成一片废墟!” Hope, did not make the disciples withdraw first said again.” “希望不是吧,先让弟子们退后再说。” Nangong Yueyang dignified nod, turns round to exclaim at once: Nangong disciple obeys orders, withdraws!” 南宫岳阳凝重的点了点头,旋即回身吼道:“南宫家弟子听令,退后!” Too historian disciple withdraws!” “太史家弟子退后!” Three disciples are the examples, the people that surrounds rapid make way the center, making Li Bufan body be formed a vacuum by several kilometers the section. 有三家弟子为榜样,围观的群众迅速将中央让开,令李不凡身遭数千米形成一处真空的地段。 The demon shade that Qin Shi speeds away on airborne falls suddenly, binds the black robe to stare at the day broken symbol in Li Bufan hand under the dusk setting sun: What's wrong, acted out of desperation? The old mixed wool, do not forget, in this detonation day broken symbol, feared that is you do not go on living!” 秦石疾驰的魅影在空中戛然而落,裹着黑袍在黄昏的残阳下凝视李不凡手中的天破符:“怎么,狗急跳墙了?老杂毛,你别忘了,在这引爆天破符,怕是你自己也活不下去!” Scoffs, I do not detonate, will your this young lackey let off me?” Li Bufan wields in making an effort that in the fierceness roared starts. “嗤,我不引爆,你这小奴才就会放过我吗?”李不凡在狰狞中咆哮的使劲挥下手。 Cannot!” “不会!” In void, Qin Shi look indifferent shaking the head: You must die, you detonate or not, can only decide your loathsome appearance!” 在虚空中,秦石神色漠然的摇摇头:“你必须死,你引爆与否,只能决定你的死相!” Pupil color break-up corridor flurried color in hears that sound crowd. 闻声人群中的眸光闪过道慌乱之色。 The Yuan Bo position knit the brows near the great hand above, the vision delimits to dread in the day broken symbol in Li Bufan palm together: Li Elder, you may think that here is the blue lotus city, if you detonate the day broken symbol, feared that will be the palace wall will alarm continually, at that time your Mysterious Palace will also be affected!” 袁博位临巨手之上皱了皱眉,目光在李不凡掌心中的天破符上划出一道忌惮:“李长老,你可想好,这里是青莲城,你若引爆天破符,怕是连皇城都会惊动,那时候你们玄殿也会受到影响!” Frightens me? He he, I assigned did not have, what did I have am fearful? Dies in any case, that everyone / influential family do not live!” “吓唬我?呵呵,我连命都没了,我还有什么可怕得?横竖是死,那大家就都别活了!” Li Bufan is holding the wall surface, at once the consciousnes uncontrolled raising hand, wipes the strenuous flame to burn in the palms, is similar to generally kicks from some ominous beasts on, quite the same as day broken symbol ignition. 李不凡扶着墙面,旋即神智不受控制的扬起手,一抹吃力的火苗在掌间燃烧,如同来自就有的凶兽一般扑腾而上,浑然间将天破符引燃。 Bang! 轰隆! Broken however, the terrifying spiritual power pressure such as the flood dragon goes to sea, straight seethes with excitement in Li Bufan palm, perturbation vault of heaven. 破然间,恐怖的灵力威压如蛟龙出海,笔直的在李不凡掌心中沸腾而起,扰动苍穹。 Young lackey, dies together!” “小奴才,一起死吧!” Crowd hurried place: „Did he ignite really?” 人群慌厝:“他真的引燃了?” Buzz! 嗡! Day broken symbol ebullition, vigorous spiritual power made the highest heaven fusion, like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds. 天破符沸腾,浑厚的灵力令九霄聚变,风卷残云。 Under the fearful pressure, low-spirited that the time entire blue lotus city under ten thousand li (0.5km) changes does not have up. 在可怕的威压下,顿时间整座青莲城万里下变的黯然无光。 Induces to that evil spirit pressure, the Huangpu river, the Taishi ting flower, Nangong Yueyang, draws in that the pupil continues: Good fearful strength! Is this Third Rank day broken symbol?” 感应到那凶煞的威压,皇普江,太史葶花,南宫岳阳,瞳仁继续的收拢一番:“好可怕的力量!这是三层天破符?” Third Rank day broken symbol?” 三层天破符?” The Taishi ting colored skilled artist pinches tightly, the white teeth resists the bad [say / way] of lower lip: Damn, is really Hua Ling does, these was really troublesome!” 太史葶花的妙手捏紧,皓齿抵住下唇的糟道:“该死,果然是花零所作,这一下真麻烦了!” Bang! 轰隆隆! Fierce pressure billowing, the column of flame sprays in the cloud layer one after another, bright red mixes with the faint yellow roaring flame to be incarnadine azure clouds, in the ebullition coagulates the light grey star meteor to crash one after another under. 剧烈的威压滚滚而起,一道一道火柱在云层中喷射而出,鲜红中夹杂淡黄色的烈焰将青霄染红,沸腾中凝固出一块一块浅灰色的星陨坠落而下。 Bang! 砰! Earth smashing, the bejeweled jade palace loudly avalanche between streets, one after another in natural moat horst mistake complex interweaving, over a thousand people were swallowed by the sea of fire suddenly. 大地粉碎,街道间的琼楼玉宇轰然崩塌,一道一道天堑地垒错中复杂的交织,上千人在眨眼间被火海吞噬。 In the great hand, the Yuan Bo body trembled trembling, on this day the strength of broken symbol is he cannot stop, for this reason raises the hand to exclaim toward under: Opens protects gate definitely!” 在巨手上,袁博的身躯颤了颤,这天破符的力量就算是他都阻拦不下,为此扬起手朝下方吼道:“开护门决阵!” Below non- gate auction room was in charge hear that to move in abundance, in the central broad construction flood began the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket up the watermark, the exceedingly high light space ascended one after another, locked the world in firmly sleepily. 下方的无门拍卖行管事闻言纷纷动了起来,中央恢弘的建筑上泛起灵光水纹,一道一道通天的光宇升腾,将天地间牢牢锁困。 Ha Ha, ha, is useless, you have destroyed, you died, under the Hua Ling palace main day broken symbol, no one want to live departure! Can draw these many people buried along with the dead, is worth!” Li Bufan raises hand to laugh, in laughter completely obviously dense. “哈哈,哈哈哈,没用得,你们毁了,你们都死定了,在花零殿主的天破符下,谁都别想活着离开!能拉着这么多人陪葬,值得了!”李不凡举手大笑,笑声中尽显森然。 You are courting death!” “你在找死!” In the Qin Shi black pupil flashes through together the ruthless offense, wipes the angry flame to soar in his within the body, the instantaneous black demon blood flows in the meridians along the way, finally gathers the dantian. 秦石黑眸中闪过一道狠戾,一抹怒焰在他体内腾升,瞬间黑色的魔血沿途在经络中流淌,最终汇聚丹田。 Blackening of blue nucleus gradually under demon blood, wisp of wisp of swarthy Baleful Qi in body surface billowing, a bang made azure clouds low-spirited loudly. 碧蓝色的晶核在魔血下渐渐黑化,一缕一缕黝黑煞气在体表滚滚而出,轰然一声巨响令青霄黯然。 Wild spiritual power such as Longfeng interweaves, under Baleful Qi covers Qin Shi to wield to wipe the haughty strength, the miserable dense fog blocks the sky. 狂野的灵力如龙凤交织,煞气笼罩下的秦石挥出一抹狂傲之力,凄凉的迷雾遮天蔽日。 Heaven Realm?” 天境?” Crowd one startled, does not dare to believe is staring at Qin Shi: „Has he, what he made? How will spiritual power promote these many?” 人群一惊,不敢置信的盯着秦石:“他,他做了什么?灵力怎么会提升这么多?” Young fellow, he fought with Li Bufan before, hasn't exhausted unexpectedly fully?” In rear area, Yuan Bo and three person bursting out laughing. “好小子,他之前和李不凡交手,竟然还没有用尽全力?”在后方,袁博和三家的人不由哑然。 The youth of this black robe, the actions makes them be shocked today. 这一身黑袍的少年,今日所作所为令他们惊呆了。 ! 咻! Transforms the dense fog, Qin Shi such as the bone-chilling cold halo speeds away, dragging winding around Baleful Qi to form a star tail, in an instant rips open arrival of space before Li Bufan body: Old mixed wool, if not kill you, I could not forgive me!” 幻化迷雾,秦石如凛冽的光晕般疾驰而出,拖着缭绕的煞气形成一道星尾,刹那间撕开空间的抵达在李不凡身前:“老杂毛,若不杀你,我都原谅不了我自己!” Bang! 砰! Bang, five Baleful Qi bloodstains are falling Li Bufan chest, the next instant links the opportunity that he spits blood not to have, strikes to depart on kilometer far him directly. 巨响一声,五道煞气血印正落李不凡的胸膛,下一霎连他吐血的机会都没有,直接将他击飞出上千米远。 What's wrong, how to be possible?” “怎么,怎么可能?” The brace that Li Bufan tumbles sets out, frightened shivers several. 李不凡连滚带爬的撑起身,惊悚的颤抖几下。 ! 咻! Qin Shi does not pass on responsibilities, latter beyond the ambush kilometer holds up Li Bufan: Said where Blazing Book is at?” 秦石当仁不让,在伏击千米外后一把将李不凡举起:“说,焚书在哪?” Puff told the blood, Li Bufan such as the dead dog was raised by Qin Shi generally in the hand, the face of becoming flushed abraded one after another in an extremely difficult situation. 噗吐口血,李不凡如死狗一般被秦石提在手中,涨红的面庞一处一处擦伤狼狈不堪。 No, does not know!” “不,不知道!” Courts death!” Qin Shi is angry, the index finger and middle finger of left hand rise together simultaneously, all around delimits together the pale blue light in space, at once punctures two hot sun light beams, passes through the Li Bufan double pupil. “找死!”秦石大怒,左手的食指和中指并起,在周遭的空间中划出一道淡蓝色的光影,旋即刺出两道烈日般的光柱,将李不凡的双眸贯穿。 Volume!” “额啊!” The pupil heart jumps makes Li Bufan who shoots call out one burningly painful, then the covering eyes of his two pain, the nearby of his eye socket had been fired the grey coal, at present does not have the least bit to be bright again, only then endless darkness. 眸心迸射的灼痛令李不凡嚎叫一声,接着他两手痛苦的捂住眼睛,他眼眶的边上已经被烧成灰炭,眼前再也没有半点光明,只有无尽的黑暗。 I have said that decides will abandon your both eyes!” “我说过,定会废你双眼!” Black Baleful Qi circles once more, is the black butterfly, in spinning Cheng Jian dancing in the air wraps Li Bufan likely one after another all round. 黑色的煞气再次绕起,像是一道一道黑色的蝴蝶,吐丝成茧的飞舞中将李不凡团团包裹。 Bang! 砰! Works on Li Bufan collar, Qin Shi strikes his numerous striking flies in the place, on the fist rubs the strange black fire to raise is a fist: Said where Blazing Book is at!” 抓起李不凡的脖领,秦石一击将他重重的击飞在地,拳头上摩擦着诡异的黑火扬起就是一拳:“说,焚书在哪!” I, I do not know really!” “我,我真不知道!” You die!” “那你就死吧!” Ordered Qin Shi to be hot tempered in urge of demon blood, after the patience was obliterated, formed sharp sword edge single-handed, puff pierced Li Bufan chest directly. 在魔血的促使下令秦石暴躁不安,耐心被磨灭后单手形成锋利的剑刃,噗一声直接洞穿李不凡的胸膛。 Bang! 砰! Li Bufan died, under the Baleful Qi tuck dive nibbles, cannot stay behind including a spirit body, at the point of death when two pairs of empty big eyes stare to stare in a big way, a light does not have, such to die with a remaining grievance. 李不凡死了,在煞气的翻腾蚕食下,连一丝的灵体都没能留下,临死时两双空洞的大眼直勾勾瞪大,却一点光影都没有,就这样死不瞑目 Rumble! 咕噜! The entire process, made human suck the tongue quickly, in nearby crowd complete silence. 整个过程,快的令人咂舌,在旁边的人群鸦雀无声。 The covering of blue lotus city in winding around under Baleful Qi falls into a very strange atmosphere, three people, or the blue lotus city indigenous everyone / influential family clan, Yuan Bo, stare at the Qin Shi vision are being surprised. 青莲城在缭绕煞气的笼罩下陷入一种非常诡异的氛围,无论是三家之人,或是青莲城土著的大家族,袁博,盯着秦石的目光都是惊愕不已。 „Did Li, Li Elder die?” “李,李长老死了?” „Is this boy, actually what background?” “这小子,究竟是什么来头?” In the crowd discussion, Xiaoshan and Taishi ting flower, Nangong Yueyang and on three people of faces influence subtly reveal one to be on good terms, especially Xiaoshan, holds up the gate pulse Xiao Jia disciple saying: Goes, holds the Mysterious Palace remaining person, do not let off them!” 人群议论中,萧山、太史葶花、南宫岳阳、三人面庞上潜移默化中露出一丝交好,特别是萧山,举起间冲萧家弟子道:“去,将玄殿残余的人抓住,一个都别放过他们!” What? Family Head, offends Mysterious Palace, our Xiao may unable to withstand.” “什么?家主,得罪玄殿,咱们萧家可承受不起啊。” According to doing that I said!” “按我说的做!” Xiaoshan does not give the unnecessary explanation, looking at steadily stares at Qin Shi to chant in a low voice: In any event, must maintain to relate this person with stone Qin Xiaoyou, even if cannot become the friend, cannot certainly become the enemy, otherwise, forever will wield the endless nightmare!” 萧山不做多余的解释,目不转睛的盯着秦石低吟一声:“无论如何,必须要和石秦小友维系好关系这种人,即便不能成为朋友,也一定不能成为敌人,否则,将是永远挥之不尽的噩梦!” Xiao Jia people leaves, too the historian and Nangong look at each other one, hints below disciple to surround Mysterious Palace unexpectedly similarly, only has not begun only then Huangpu, but at this time actually already locks sleepily by too the person of historian and Nangong, can not leave half step. 萧家人动身,太史家和南宫家对视一眼,竟同样示意下方弟子围堵玄殿,唯一没动手的就只有皇普家,但此时却已经被太史家和南宫家的人锁困,不得离开半步。 Stands in the great hand, Yuan Bo stares at the frail form under below black air/Qi transpiration, the back is tumbling out the cold sweat after behind palms: That strength strove to excel a moment ago, perhaps is I, in its under is not necessarily able to win!” 站在巨手上,袁博盯着下方黑气蒸腾下的单薄身影,背在身后的手掌间不禁滚出冷汗:“刚才那力量好强,恐怕就是我,在其下都未必能够胜出!” This Shi’tou little friend, is not simple!” “这石头小友,不简单啊!” Bang! 轰! In all people indulges when shock that in Qin Shi causes, on the vault of heaven transmits a loudly bang suddenly. 在诸人沉溺在秦石所引起的震撼中时,天穹上突然间传来一声轰然巨响。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Vibration such as area north of the Great Wall bamboo flute generally for a very long time unceasingly, ancient grave morning bell resounding through highest heaven. 震动如塞外羌笛一般久久不断,古墓晨钟般的响彻九霄。 Is a day of broken symbol?” “是天破符?” The crowd raises head in startled unexpectedly, gathers in the fire of roaring flame on the vault of heaven burns down all round, closes up toward the float Yu Kong day broken symbol suddenly rapidly. 人群在惊慌中蓦地仰头,在天穹上焚烧的烈焰之火团团汇聚,突然间朝着悬浮于空的天破符急速靠拢。 Under burning down of raging fire, the day broken symbol an angle starts to ignite, after combustion square inch must have fearfully such as the big dragon shocking frightened spirit pressure, the light is the remaining prestige then makes in the kilometer the earth disruption, the street disruption, the building avalanche. 在烈火的焚烧下,天破符得一角开始燃起,每逢燃烧方寸后必会产生可怕如巨龙震天的惊悚灵压,光是余威便令千米内大地碎裂,街道碎裂,楼宇崩塌。 Black pupil deflation, Qin Shi hurried [say / way]: Damn, Li Bufan died, on this day is the broken symbol stimulating how still to movement?” 黑色的瞳仁通缩,秦石慌道:“该死,李不凡死了,这天破符怎么还在催动?” Its internal knot was broken by Li Bufan, even if were Li Bufan died, it can also continue to swallow world spiritual power, alone detonation!” Stands in the great hand, Yuan Bo reveals unprecedented to be flurried. “它内部的结界被李不凡震碎,就算是李不凡死了,它也能继续吞噬天地灵力,独自引爆!”站在巨手上,袁博露出前所未有的慌乱。 At once he clenched teeth, lowers the head shouts toward Qin Shi: „The Shi’tou little friend , helping my helping hand, I block broken symbol of this day!” 旋即他咬了咬牙,低头朝秦石喊道:“石头小友,助我一臂之力,我来阻断这天破符!” Good!” “好!” Desperate under Qin Shi does not dare to be negligent, welcomes azure clouds to explode to shoot, at once his position near in Yuan Bo behind, two palms gathers the unusual conditions golden spiritual power to pour into behind Yuan Bo. 情急之下秦石不敢大意,迎着青霄爆射而起,旋即他位临在袁博身后,两掌汇聚起浑然天成的金色灵力灌入袁博背后。 Two life gates under shoulder blade open, Yuan Bo makes an effort to raise the both arms, at once ten fingers are uneven from the sleeve robe, billowing such as the miraculous glow of dreadful wild waves interlocks in the highest heaven, among quick and violent weaves the lattice, the broken symbol punctures suddenly upwards: Concentrates to me!” 肩胛骨下的两根命门张开,袁博用力扬起双臂,旋即十指自袖袍齐出,滚滚如滔天骇浪的灵光在九霄中交错,迅猛间编织成网状,猛然朝天破符刺下:“给我凝!” Buzz! 嗡! The strength of two Heaven Realm move quite the same as, crashes just like gravel in the calm sea level, after causes ripples in an instant finally becomes the hundred zhang (333m) rough sea waves. 两股浑然天境之力触碰,宛如一颗石子坠落在波澜不惊的海面,在刹那间引起道道涟漪后终成百丈巨浪。 Bang! 轰隆! Bone-chilling cold within earth disruption, vault of heaven getting angry Yun Ruhai. 凛冽间大地碎裂,天穹上火云如海。 Bang! 砰! The earth avalanche, contends with the blue vein of Yuan Bo forehead to stick out suddenly, clenches teeth the next blood to spray, but the day broken symbol actually appears contented, unexpectedly becomes after the raging fire of dilution vault of heaven the red heat. 大地崩塌,抗衡间袁博额头的青筋暴起,咬着牙强挺下一口鲜血喷洒而出,但天破符却显得怡然自得,在稀释天穹的烈火后竟变得更加红热。 „Isn't Third Rank day broken symbol, really good?” 三层天破符,果然不行吗?” Yuan Bo puffs shivers several points, at this moment the Taishi ting flower and Nangong Yueyang look at each other one: Mr. Yuan, we also help your helping hand!” 袁博喘着粗气的颤抖几分,就在这时太史葶花和南宫岳阳对视一眼:“袁老板,我们也来助你一臂之力!” Bang! 砰! In Qin Shi behind, emerges two pure spiritual power once again, then after Xiaoshan has pinched the fist, flies to shoot, suppressed miraculous spider web once more flood intense halo. 秦石身后,再度涌入两股精纯灵力,接着萧山捏了捏拳后飞射而起,被压制的灵光蛛网再次泛起强烈光晕。 But the suppression merely is short moment, after day broken Fu Jianghuo said nibbled completely, a point is tiny actually extremely dazzling pure gold colored light scattered to open, the next instant audience in good taste, a foot destroyed the day to extinguish the place the strength from stuck out suddenly. 但压制仅仅是短暂的片刻,天破符将火云全部蚕食后,一点非常渺小却极为刺眼的赤金色光点在其中四溅而开,下一霎全场雅静,一股足矣毁天灭地的力量自其中暴起。 Puff! 噗! The strength gushes out, is started all people to put out by Yuan Bo one after another: „It is not good, the Hua Ling strength, is not I and others can expect!” 力量涌出,由袁博开始所有人接连吐出:“不行,花零的力量,已经不是我等能够预料的了!” Qin Shi sang mouth sweet stares at the tight day broken symbol: Damn, is only together the day broken symbol, then did the foot make thousands of people be at a loss? Is this Hua Ling strength?” 秦石颡口甘甜的盯紧天破符:“该死,只是一道天破符,便足矣令千万人束手无策?这就是花零的力量吗?” The first time, Qin Shi thought Hua Ling such touches may not. 第一次,秦石觉得花零是如此的触不可及。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! The day broken symbol gathers a point all strengths, the dazzling halo will put in order the dim blue lotus city to illuminate, then opens the demolition like the hot sun. 天破符将所有力量汇聚一点,刺目的光晕将整座昏暗的青莲城照亮,然后如烈日般撑开爆破。 Died!” “死定了!” The crowd's panic-stricken Ai Jue in ray: This time, destroyed!” 人群在光芒中惊恐哀绝:“这一次,毁了!” ! 咻! But at this time, halo of demolition just such as sharp sword leap instant, wipes hot tempered dense fog Baleful Qi the gully that extends in the ground to raise slowly, at once Baleful Qi is the flood dragon of soaring rips open the vault of heaven likely, such as fierce tiger throws the rabbit to encircle the day broken symbol unexpectedly equally all round. 但这时,爆破的光晕刚如利剑飞跃的刹那,一抹暴躁的迷雾煞气在地面延绵的沟壑中徐徐升起,旋即煞气像是腾飞的蛟龙撕开天穹,竟如猛虎扑兔一样将天破符团团围剿。 Puff! 噗! Dull thumping sound, that foot destroys the explosion of entire blue lotus city, actually in next instant baseless vanishes does not see, does not have remaining including a surviving remaining prestige of faint trace. 闷响一声,那足矣毁灭整座青莲城的爆炸,却在下一霎凭空的消失不见,连一丝丝的残存余威都没有剩下。
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