PDL :: Volume #4

#397: Fights Li Bufan

Blue lotus city, non- gate auction room. 青莲城,无门拍卖行。 Outside the broad pavilion, was put on watertight that the person of profound character long unlined gown encircles by one crowd at this time, Li Bufan crosses the hands behind the back to stand, stands in the entrance of non- gate auction room. 在恢弘的楼阁外,此时被一群穿着玄字大褂的人围剿的水泄不通,李不凡负手而立,就站在无门拍卖行的门口。 Li Elder, you do this, is somewhat excessive?” The stewards in several non- gate auction rooms defend in the entrance, a face angry [say / way]. “李长老,你这样做,是不是有些过分?”几个无门拍卖行的管家守在门口,一脸愤怒道。 Li Bufan shrugs: Jie Jie, I how?” He lifted to treadon has trod the bricks in ground: You favor, I in your non- gate auction rooms, the earth am not big on this day, do your non- gate auction rooms also manage to obtain me to walk to sit lie?” 李不凡耸了耸肩:“桀桀,我怎么了?”他抬起脚踏了踏地面上的砖瓦:“你看好,我可没在你们无门拍卖行,这天大地大,难道你们无门拍卖行还管得到我行走坐卧?” You “你” The stewards have pinched the fist, this Li Bufan clearly is a rascal. 管家们捏了捏拳,这李不凡分明就是无赖。 In the Mysterious Palace surrounding, one group of people come. 玄殿外围,一群人闻风而来。 This how?” “这怎么了?” „Don't you know? Before the auction market, the boy and Mysterious Palace Li Elder opposed, this Li Elder was not having the human to encircle him.” “你不知道?之前在拍卖场里,有一个小子和玄殿的李长老作对,这不李长老正带人围剿他呢吗。” Has this person unexpectedly? Really not awfully!” “竟有这种人?真是不要命了!” In the flank intersection, Xiaoshan is leading many Xiao disciples, stares is pinching tightly the fist heart in front Li Bufan: This, the Shi’tou little friend may trouble.” 在侧方的街口,萧山带着不少的萧家弟子,盯着在前方的李不凡捏紧拳心:“这一下,石头小友可麻烦了。” The Huangpu river, the Taishi ting flower, Nangong Yueyang, three people leads various disciples also in not far away, the Taishi ting flower to stare at over a hundred Mysterious Palace disciples to sneer saying: Cannot think that Mysterious Palace has sent out these many people?” 皇普江,太史葶花,南宫岳阳,三人率领各家弟子也在不远处,太史葶花盯着上百的玄殿弟子不禁冷笑道:“想不到,玄殿派出了这么多人?” Um, Mysterious Palace takes over from Hua Ling, these 30 years are domineering and tyrannical simply, if before , we and Li Bufan compete for the demon ghost day photo, now perhaps this group of people encircle was we.” Nangong Yueyang discontented snort said. “嗯,玄殿花零接手,这30年简直是横行霸道,如果之前咱们和李不凡争夺魅鬼天照,恐怕这群人现在围剿的就是我们了。”南宫岳阳略带不满的哼道。 In the non- gate auction room entrance, Li Bufan crosses the hands behind the back float. 在无门拍卖行门口,李不凡负手的悬浮而起。 He is staring satirized: Looked to tighten to me, do not let that brat run! Whom meets to catch him, layer on layer enjoys!” 他盯着其中讽刺道:“都给我看紧了,别让那臭小子跑了!一会谁抓到他,重重有赏!” Bang! 砰! But at this time, entrance bang of non- gate auction room, a vigorous fearful spirit pressure from implements, is together the fierce beast of prey is likely ordinary, will shake before the Mysterious Palace disciple directly flies. 但在这时,无门拍卖行的门口巨响一声,一股浑厚可怕的灵压自其中贯彻而出,像是一道狰狞的猛兽一般,直接将靠前的玄殿弟子震飞。 This has alarmed many people. 这一幕惊动了不少人。 Under the vision side, the lazy person's shadow binds the black robe to go out of the auction room surely together: Is he?” 千万目光侧下,一道慵懒的人影裹着黑袍走出拍卖行:“是他?” Is he, offended Li Elder?” “就是他,得罪了李长老?” Um, cannot think that he dares to come out really!” “嗯,想不到他真敢出来啊!” In whooping, Qin Shi takes auction room, the slightly frail body stands in dusk warming Yangxia raises head slightly: Li Elder, making your watch-dogs loose, you just said that what was coming? Grasps asks me layer on layer to enjoy? I deliver personally, should you give me the reward? Takes to take a look quickly, surroundings these many people look that do not appear your Mysterious Palace too be poor.” 在议论纷纷中,秦石迈出拍卖行,略显单薄的身躯站在黄昏的暖阳下微微仰头:“李长老,让你这些看门狗散了吧,你刚刚说什么来着?抓找我重重有赏?那我亲自送上门,你是不是应该把奖赏给我啊?快拿出来瞧瞧,周围这么多人看着呢,可别显得你们玄殿太寒酸。” Li Bufan stares at the Qin Shi look is changing, severe said: He he, enjoys your one to go to the pass of hell free! Comes the human, holds him to me!” 李不凡盯着秦石眼神一变,厉呵道:“呵呵,赏你一张免费前往地狱的通行证!来人,给我抓住他!” The Mysterious Palace disciple obeys orders, immediately pulls up profound soldier spirit. 玄殿弟子听令,马上拔起玄兵灵器。 He he, was taken lightly.” “呵呵,被人看轻了啊。” The Qin Shi curling the lip angle of smiles, at once sees only his fist palm to hold up like the wind gently, shortly beyond the highest heaven the wind and cloud will surge, an invisible pressure rolling falls. 秦石撇了撇嘴角浅浅而笑,旋即只见他拳掌如风般轻轻举起,顷刻九霄外风云涌动,一股无形的威压滚滚而落。 Bang! 砰! The earth of under foot directly broken becomes a spider web, the Mysterious Palace disciple who just set out simultaneously crawls, this group of people have Spirit King Realm, dies a violent death to perish in abundance. 脚下的大地直接碎成蛛网,刚起身的玄殿弟子同时匍匐而下,这群人多数只有王灵境,纷纷暴毙而亡。 Profound spirit pressure?” “玄灵威压?” Young fellow, originally except for psychic force, in spiritual power does repair for on so is also strong?” Three person and Xiaoshan opened mouth. “好小子,原来除了精神力,在灵力修为上也如此强势?”三家之人和萧山不由张了张嘴。 The golden miraculous glow such as Longfeng hovers, forms one after another incisive sharp sword winding in the vault of heaven highest heaven, on crashing has the Mysterious Palace disciple faint to perish surely. 金色的灵光如龙凤翱翔,形成一把一把尖锐的利剑缠绕在天穹九霄,每逢坠落必定有玄殿弟子昏厥而亡。 Makes a fist void, the Qin Shi black robe by cool and refreshing making noise that severe gale moves, under the black pupil that begins supinely the cold glow, is staring at Li Bufan cold Dao: Old mixed wool, begins personally, your watch-dogs are good to look at but of no use!” 虚空握拳,秦石黑袍被厉风吹动的泠泠作响,仰起头的黑眸下略带寒芒,盯着李不凡冷道:“老杂毛,亲自动手吧,你这些看门狗中看不中用!” Scoffs, conceited!” “嗤,狂妄自大!” Li Bufan scolded in a soft voice, but stared in the Qin Shi vision actually to flash through an earnestness. 李不凡轻声骂道,但凝视秦石的目光中却闪过一丝认真。 I accompany you to play!” “我就陪你来玩玩!” The voice has not fallen, Li Bufan body ghosts and demons throw from azure clouds, at once he holds the wind bone-chilling cold thorn to Qin Shi. 话音未落,李不凡身躯鬼魅般从青霄扑下,旋即他掌风凛冽的刺向秦石 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi black pupil bone-chilling cold, welcomed the attack of howling not to hide does not dodge, on the palm Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique turned over the shining scales, met the approaching enemy on. 秦石黑眸凛冽,迎着呼啸的攻击不躲不闪,掌心上星陨霸体决翻转起金灿灿的鳞甲,迎击而上。 Bang! 轰隆! The short confrontation, the Qin Shi rapid enhanced dust, rolls up and pushes along the black robe latter foot that is making noise cool and refreshingly to mention toward the place above, transforms myriad empty shades. 短暂的交锋,秦石迅速扬尘而起,卷动着泠泠作响的黑袍后一脚朝上方提起,幻化出万千虚影。 In Li Bufan pupils one startled, after exhaling the one breath, draws in the lower abdomen, this reluctant evades such as the wind blade edge green pines illusory image foot, but meets the approaching enemy is actually the everywhere cold glow that comes, over a hundred shining sharp swords in Qin Shi chest congealment. 李不凡眸间一惊,呼出一口气后将小腹收拢,这才勉强的躲过如风刃般的苍松幻影脚,但迎击而来的却是漫天寒芒,上百道金灿灿的利剑在秦石胸膛凝结。 Boy you leaves him to be wild!” “小子你别他猖狂!” The fierce roar scolded one, at once Li Bufan explodes projects in dozens meters upper air, the hand imprint in the front rapid tuck dive, the consecutively two faint yellow viscous miraculous glows offered a sacrifice. 厉声的吼骂一声,旋即李不凡爆射出数十米的高空上,手印在胸前迅速翻腾,连续两道淡黄色的粘稠灵光祭出。 Bare hill suppression!” “崩山镇压!” The light halo of viscous miraculous glow flood under the dusk, spirit valley all around will fuse after with a crash, expands unexpectedly, then forms a near hundred zhang (333m) the precipice. 粘稠的灵光在黄昏下泛起淡淡光晕,砰然间将周遭的灵谷融合后蓦地扩张,然后足足形成一尊近百丈的山岩。 Bang! 轰! Precipice billowing , the blown sand walks in the stone the dust tinkling, making the Mysterious Palace disciple of below surviving roar startled, tumbling fled toward the distant place. 山岩滚滚而下,飞沙走石中尘埃玲玲,令下方残存的玄殿弟子惊慌吼叫,连滚带爬的朝远处遁逃。 6-Step martial arts?” 六阶武学?” Nangong Yueyang crosses the hands behind the back to stare at hundred zhang (333m) mountain stern some. 南宫岳阳负手盯着百丈大山正色些许。 The Taishi ting colored skilled artist turns over, rapid too the disciple of historian will cover in tying: This Li was Bufan insane? He such does, the blue lotus city will destroy in his hand!” 太史葶花妙手翻转,迅速将太史家的弟子笼罩在结界中:“这李不凡疯了?他这么做,青莲城都会毁在他手上!” Bang! 砰! In the Qin Shi congealing eye just wanted to get rid, actually suddenly transmits a bang, at once when at a crucial moment, a thousand zhang (3.33 m) great hand suddenly in ground slowly on, unexpectedly stiffly precipice holding. 秦石凝眼中刚欲出手,身后却突然传来一声巨响,旋即就在千钧一发之际,一只千丈巨手突然在地面上徐徐而上,竟硬生生的将山岩给托了起来。 The great hand blocks the sky, disclosed the light blood red, covers in the non- gate auction room place above, Yuan Bo crosses the hands behind the back above vertical standing erect. 巨手遮天蔽日,透露出淡淡的血红色,笼罩在无门拍卖行的正上方,袁博负手而立的矗立其上。 Heaven Realm?” 天境?” In crowd flurried, Qin Shi looks askance frowned. 在人群慌乱下,秦石侧目不禁皱起眉头哦。 Before non- gate auction room he is not always able to survey cultivation of Yuan Bo is, but looked at this time that seizes Heaven Realm First Rank unexpectedly? 之前在无门拍卖行内他始终无法探测袁博的修为,但此时一看,竟是夺天境一层 No wonder, before Li Bufan before him does not dare, the water of this non- gate auction room to be hurriedly great.” Licked the licking lips angle, the cognition of Qin Shi to Yuan Bo climbed up First Rank once again. “难怪,之前李不凡在他面前都不敢造次,这无门拍卖行的水不浅啊。”舔了舔嘴角,秦石袁博的认知再度攀爬一层 Presence of Yuan Bo, making three people stern: Gathered including the Yuan Bo old ghost ginseng? These time lived it up.” 袁博的出场,令三家之人正色起来:“连袁博老鬼都参合进来了?这一次热闹了。” This boy is not simple, these year of non- gate auction rooms throughout maintain the neutralities, has not raised one's head for whom, he calculates first!” “这小子不简单,这些年无门拍卖行始终保持中立,从来没有替谁出过头,他算第一个!” The great hand constrains mountain peak, Li Bufan face is embarrassed: Mr. Yuan, what's wrong? Can you oppose with my Mysterious Palace?” 巨手将山峰拖住,李不凡面庞难堪下来:“袁老板,怎么?你这是要和我玄殿作对?” Scoffs, you have nearly destroyed my non- gate auction room, now also feels all right to put the blame on victim? Your Mysterious Palace I do not want to manage with Shi Xiaoyou's gratitude and grudges, but now I certainly!” “嗤,你险些毁了我无门拍卖行,现在还好意思出来倒打一耙?本来你们玄殿跟石小友的恩怨我不想管,但现在我管定了!” You “你” Li Bufan clenched teeth, Yuan Bo strength obviously above him, they, if encounters in this, his surely disastrous defeat. 李不凡咬了咬牙,袁博的实力明显在他之上,两人若是在此交锋,他必定惨败。 But, under his wicked point, then waves to make the precipice disrupt everywhere loess: Good, the young fellow, you have the skill, but do not think that you hide under the wing of non- gate auction room, I did not have the means to injure you! We wait and see!” 无奈下,他恶狠狠的点下头,接着挥手间令山岩碎裂成漫天黄土:“好,好小子,你有本事,但你别以为,你躲在无门拍卖行的羽翼下,我就没办法伤了你!咱们走着瞧!” He he, don't anxiously walking, who told you me to hide gets down in the wing of non- gate auction room?” Qin Shi wields the sleeve robe, the golden light space able to move unhindered, blocks Li Bufan way together suddenly. “呵呵,别急着走,谁告诉你我要躲在无门拍卖行的羽翼下了?”秦石挥动袖袍,一道金色的光宇突然纵横而下,将李不凡的去路挡住。 This movement made those present be startled in consternation. 这一动作令在场的人愕然一惊。 „Was this boy insane?” “这小子疯了吧?” Ghost knows that perhaps hides does not make noise in behind is all right, he like this puts up now himself, isn't that waits for death?” “鬼知道,躲在后面不出声说不定没事,他现在这样把自己架起来,那不是等着死呢吗?” He does not think that he can hit Li Elder really?” “他不会以为,他真能打过李长老吧?” Yuan Bo also knit the brows, urges: „The Shi’tou little friend, you are why, so long as stays in this is being Mysterious Palace, my non- gate auction room 袁博也是皱了皱眉,劝道:“石头小友,你这是何必,只要在这呆着就算是玄殿,我无门拍卖行” Mr. Yuan, many thanks the good intention, helping me look after Qiao'er on the line, I and this Li Bufan gratitude and grudges, if today is not a clarity, feared that has no way to accompany you to drink relieved.” Qin Shi breaks the Yuan Bo earnest [say / way]. “袁老板,多谢好意,帮我照看好巧儿就行,我和这李不凡的恩怨,若是今日不算个清楚,怕是没法陪你安心喝酒了。”秦石打断袁博认真道。 With Qin Shi looking at each other, Yuan Bo suddenly opened mouth actually the bursting out laughing, he realized that in the pupil heart of Qin Shi decidedly, smiles bitterly for this reason: Your younger sister gives me, you felt relieved freely.” 秦石对视,袁博一时间张了张嘴却不由哑然,他在秦石的眸心察觉到一丝决然,为此不禁苦笑:“令妹交给我,你尽管放心。” Scoffs, boy of acting recklessly!” “嗤,不知死活的小子!” Li Bufan has gawked staring, at once in the corners of the mouth reveals a dense craftiness to smile, then sees only him to set out rapidly, welcomed Qin Shi to explode suddenly shoots under. 李不凡愣了愣,旋即嘴角间露出一丝森然的诡笑,接着只见他迅速起身,猛然间迎着秦石爆射而下。 This strikes the mammoth, billowing clouds seethes nine revolutions of crazy thunder. 这一击声势浩大,滚滚的云霄翻腾起九转狂雷。 This boy died!” “这小子死定了!” In the crowd does not favor Qin Shi, Yuan Bo is also narrows the eyes focuses single-handed behind, prepares for that momentarily gets rid to rescue. 人群中都不看好秦石,袁博也是眯眯着眼单手背后,做好随时出手相救的准备。 Qin Shi is binding the black robe float in vault of heaven, looks is speeding away broad Lei Guang, the corners of the mouth suddenly shoulders a dense craftiness to smile: Before feared that the wound and innocent person, endured you to be so long, now I do not have the extra worries, was the time revenges for Qiao'er!” 秦石裹着黑袍悬浮在苍穹上,望着疾驰中的恢弘雷光,嘴角突然挑起一丝森然的诡笑:“之前怕伤及无辜,忍了你这么久,现在我没有后顾之忧,是时候替巧儿报仇了!” Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” Just like, everywhere purple quiet fire beat, spatial lacking in vital energy all around shakes several points one after another, forms resembles the demon shade of mirage one after another. 俨然,漫天紫色的幽火跳动而起,接连周遭的空气虚晃几分,形成一道一道酷似蜃楼的魅影。 In the demon shade, spiritual power that rolling rolls up and pushes along like liking a moth to the flame the self-ignition. 在魅影中,滚滚卷动的灵力如飞蛾扑火般自燃。 This strength, what's the matter?” “这力量,是怎么回事?” Nine revolutions of Lei Guang, after Li Bufan side trembles several next extinguishes unexpectedly suddenly, at once to the opportunity that he gets back one's composure, the front surface three shining halos such as the fireworks does not bloom, after ripping open the space, dodges to plunder under. 九转雷光,在李不凡的身旁哆嗦几下后竟戛然熄灭,旋即不给他回神的机会,迎面三道金灿灿的光晕如烟花绽放,撕开空间后闪掠而下。 Bang! 砰! A severe pain, Li Bufan flies upside down directly, front several friction, the rib breaks directly. 一阵剧痛,李不凡直接倒飞出去,胸前几声摩擦,肋骨直接断裂。 Puff! 噗! Turns sets out, a blood sprays the horizon. 翻起身,一口鲜血就喷洒天际。 Looked by blood incarnadine vault of heaven, the crowd is being shocked: Just, what just had?” 望着被鲜血染红的天穹,人群被惊呆了:“刚刚,刚刚发生了什么?” Three family members knit the brows, Yuan Bo exclaimed in surprise similarly secretly: Good fearful psychic force strength, before , that five mark demon symbols? Is he refines?” 三家人皱了皱眉,袁博同样暗自惊叹:“好可怕的精神力这力量,难道之前那五纹魔符?是他自己炼制而出?” Fearful reading wants to well up, Yuan Bo stares at the Qin Shi vision to be fiery. 一个可怕的念想涌上心头,袁博盯着秦石的目光火热起来。 Is impossible, what had your you just made?” Crawls to set out, Li Bufan does not dare to believe is staring at Qin Shi. “不可能,你你刚刚做了什么?”爬起身,李不凡不敢置信的盯着秦石 What has made? Hits your face!” “做了什么?打你的脸!” Qin Shi demeanor Li Ren low roars, at once after the sleeve wields, void grasps, turns directly the bricks on street, at once Li Bufan surrounding space sways, then sees only his whole body convulsion twitches, was shaken suddenly departs over a hundred meters far. 秦石声色厉荏的低吼一声,旋即袖筒挥出后虚空一握,直接将街道上的砖瓦翻起,旋即李不凡周围的空间一阵晃荡,接着只见他全身痉挛的抽搐一番,猛然间被震飞出上百米远。 Old fogy, that struck a moment ago, is you owes Qiao'er, the present was the time should calculate our accounts!” “老家伙,刚才那一击,是你欠巧儿的,现在是时候该算一算咱们俩的账了!” Bang! 轰! In an instant, Li Bufan in the hand of Qin Shi, the strength that hits back unexpectedly continually does not have. 只是转眼间,李不凡在秦石的手上,竟然连还手的力量都没有。 Very strong “好强” „Doesn't he have Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage? How can be victorious Li Elder?” “他不是只有玄灵境初期吗?怎么能打得过李长老?” Pays no attention to all people to be startled, everywhere attack shop day, Qin Shi, although only then Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage, but his psychic force intensity actually already endured compared with Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, this was does not have the conclusion demon blood, otherwise was ordinary Heaven Realm, he also had the confidence and its war. 不理诸人惊慌,漫天的攻击铺天而下,秦石虽说只有玄灵境初期,但他的精神力强度却早已堪比玄灵境后期,这还是没有结束魔血,否则就算是普通天境,他也有信心与其一战。 ! 咻! Speeds away once again, but the Qin Shi body trembles at this moment, stiff stop in midair. 再度疾驰,但就在这时秦石的身躯不禁一颤,僵硬的停顿在半空中。 Li Bufan is holding the wall surface, a face fierce is staring at Qin Shi, thick gas channel: „Does boy, you want to kill me? We no one let us want to live!” 李不凡扶着墙面,一脸狰狞的盯着秦石,粗气道:“小子,你想杀我?那咱们谁都别想活!” Was saying he raises the hand, a spell falls in all Renyan. 说着他扬起手,一张符咒落在诸人眼中。 Day broken symbol?” “天破符?”
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