PDL :: Volume #4

#396: Energetic brand mark

The brother and sister have a reunion, the sentiment profound meaning is heavy. 兄妹重逢,情深意重。 Qin Shi holds in the arms Xu Qiao'er with Wen Huai, the big hand climbs up the thin cheeks to rebuke oneself saying: Blames the elder brother, came late, making you thin these many, elder brother this took you to go home!” 秦石用温怀搂住许巧儿,大手爬上消瘦的脸颊自责道:“都怪哥,来晚了,让你瘦了这么多,哥这就来接你回家!” „It is not late.” “不晚。” Xu Qiao'er receives the cool-colored elegant surface, walks arm in arm reveals a rare gentleness in the bosom of Qin Shi. 许巧儿收起冷色俏面,依偎在秦石的怀中露出一丝罕见的温柔。 Is looking at two of hug, Jiang Mengan and forest clear water simultaneously shows the smile of happy expression, whisper of only owlet porch dissatisfied: Hey, obviously is I good that Qiao'er auctions?” 望着拥抱的两人,蒋梦安和林清水同时露出喜色的微笑,唯独枭轩不满意的嘀咕道:“喂,明明是我将巧儿拍卖下来的好不好?” The Xu Qiao'er broad and handsome forehead turns upwards, seeing the owlet porch black eyebrow coloring eyebrow to be pressed: Small porch? You how in this?” 许巧儿螓首翘起,看见枭轩黛眉蹙起:“小轩?你怎么在这?” He in this, my 10 million spirit stones has certainly thrown away carelessly, if he ran again, whom I do ask to reason things out?” Qin Shi loosens Xu Qiao'er, ill-humored smiling. “他当然在这,我10000000灵石都打水漂了,若是他再跑了,我找谁说理去?”秦石松开许巧儿,没好气的笑了笑。 The owlet porch face changes: Big brother, you were not you do not promise me not to say?” 枭轩面庞一变:“大哥,你不是你不是答应我不说的吗?” Made the forehead, Qin Shi also really this matter forgetting. 一拍脑门,秦石还真把这事给忘了。 hear that, Xu Qiao'er toot toot mouth: Finally gives person who Brother Shi disturbs is you?” 闻言,许巧儿嘟嘟起嘴:“最后给石头哥捣乱的人原来是你?” Qiao'er should not be angry, I am not am worried about you.” The owlet porch fully realized that full, the awkward grabbing head forced smile said. “呃巧儿你别生气,我不也是担心你吗。”枭轩深知满不下去,尴尬的抓着脑袋苦笑道。 Qin Shi mediates to say in side: Good Qiao'er, do not live him to be mad, he for you, outside hit heavy.” 秦石在旁边打个圆场道:“行了巧儿,别生他气,他为了你,在外面被打的不轻。” „Were you hit?” “你被打了?” Indignant discontented Xu Qiao'er hears owlet porch to be hit, immediately like turning hostile, before gathering up that worries about strokes in the owlet porch face. 愤愤不满的许巧儿听闻枭轩被打,马上像变脸一样,担忧的凑上前在枭轩面庞抚摸一下。 Is looking at the abrasion on owlet porch cheeks, she blamed: „Are you so stupid? Doesn't have money also to disturb obviously? I did not let the lotus elder sister and you said that asking you not to come to look for me?” 望着枭轩脸颊上的擦伤,她责怪道:“你怎么这么笨?明明没钱还来捣乱?我不是让莲姐和你说,叫你千万别来找我了吗?” Without you, lives to might as well die, how can I not come?” The owlet porch holds the white hands of Xu Qiao'er, a face earnest [say / way]: I have not said that this you do not marry for a lifetime, although my owlet porch now not any skill, but will meet Xu in the future your lifetime splendor!” “没有你,生不如死,我怎能不来?”枭轩抓住许巧儿的玉手,一脸认真的道:“我不说过,这一辈子非你不娶,我枭轩虽说现在没什么本事,但将来一定会许你一生荣华!” Qin Shi is absent-minded in side look, particularly sees owlet porch appearance decidedly, in the heart to raise wipes familiar, initially under unfeeling cliff he, wasn't so? 秦石在旁边不由的神色恍惚,尤其是看见枭轩决然的模样,心中不由升起一抹熟悉,当初在绝情崖下的他,不也是如此? Knew perfectly well that this road covers entirely the thorn, actually places oneself the investment. 明知此路布满荆棘,却置身投入。 He he, this boy, has several points of boldness actually.” Snort said when the moral nature silently, before the owlet porch dared the stony broke shouted 20 million, Qin Shi knows that he was far from the pond the thing. “呵呵,这小子,倒是有着几分魄力。”在心底默默哼道,之前枭轩敢身无分文的喊出20000000时,秦石就知道他绝非池中之物。 Fool.” Xu Qiao'er nan said in a soft voice. “傻子。”许巧儿轻声喃道。 Come!” “来!” The owlet porch grabs the hand of Qiao'er, suddenly draws her to arrive in front of Qin Shi: Big brother Shi, I knows that you is a great person, perhaps I compared with you, pledged that now any you do not believe that but I hope that you can betroth Qiao'er to me, I use certainly all attendances she to protect her, does not make her be injured by the least bit!” 枭轩抓住巧儿的手,突然拉着她走到秦石面前:“石大哥,我知道你是大人物,或许我现在比不过你,承诺什么你也不会相信,但我希望你能把巧儿许配给我,我一定倾尽所有的照顾她呵护她,不让她受到半点伤害!” Qin Shi got back one's composure, hearing the sound of owlet porch to suck the tongue, finally what wanted had some threats unexpectedly? 秦石一回神,听着枭轩的声音不由咂了咂舌,最终要的是其中竟带有些许威胁? Is this is inviting to kiss? Listens to the shape to threaten? 这是在邀亲吗?怎么听着像恐吓呢? But, his pupil light opens and closes and owlet porch looking at each other, in their relative , the owlet porch does not have the panic of least bit. 无奈下,他眸光开合的和枭轩对视,在两人面面相对之间,枭轩却没有半点的恐慌。 Therefore made Qin Shi knit the brows, perhaps does not know in nearby person, but he actually clear ruthless, just released very vigorous spiritual oppression in imperceptibly him, but in this case owlet porch not only has not wrinkled including the brow, instead not inferior non- throat resolutely. 为此不禁令秦石皱了皱眉,或许在旁边的人不知道,但他自己却清楚的狠,刚刚在无形中他释放出很浑厚的精神压迫,但在这种情况下枭轩非但连眉头都没皱上一下,反而不卑不吭的毅然决然。 Young fellow!” “好小子!” Acclaimed one, Qin Shi has the change to the view of owlet porch in this moment. 不禁赞叹一声,秦石对枭轩的看法在这一刻发生改变。 Only is this being indifferent to personal gains and losses, then can establish this child uncommonness, although he has Spirit King Realm now, but Qin Shi knows , if willing to him the time, he certainly will become overlord who will deter a side. 光是这份宠辱不惊,便能够奠定此子的不凡,虽说他现在只有王灵境,但秦石知道如果肯给他时间,他一定会成为威慑一方的霸主。 He has licked split corners of the mouth, when looks askance looks to Xu Qiao'er in the latter allows to raise tenderly wipes bright blushing, made his secret passage: He he, these many years, have not seen this small girl to blush, it seems like that this time she also began to be interested in the opposite sex, moves.” 他舔了舔干裂的嘴角,侧目望向许巧儿时在后者的娇容上升起一抹鲜艳的红晕,令他暗道:“呵呵,这么多年,都没见这小丫头脸红过,看来这一次她也是情窦初开,动心了啊。” Calculates that Qiao'er also 16, are the time should look for appropriate others this year, if with this brat in the same place, pours is also a good home to return.” Thinks of this, Qin Shi was saying at heart: Sister-in-law, Uncle, this time, I secretly gave Qiao'er to take responsibility.” “算一算,巧儿今年也16了,是时候该找个合适的人家了,如果跟这个臭小子在一起,倒也是一个不错的归宿。”想到这,秦石在心里道:“小姑,姑父,这一次,我就私自给巧儿做主了啊。” In the heart approves, but on the Qin Shi mouth has not complied directly, but desirably is tricky: Gives me one, making me entrust Qiao'er to your reason!” 心中认可,但秦石嘴上并未直接答应,而是刻意刁难道:“给我一个,让我把巧儿托付给你的理由!” Whoosh! 唰! The voice has not fallen, in the Qin Shi pupil raises together with amazement, in the owlet porch sleeve robe offers a sacrifice to a dagger suddenly, on sharp sword edge refracts the dazzling cold glow, at once sees only him to lift up high the dagger, cuts on the fingertip of right hand rapidly, a drop of bright red essence and blood flows out. 话音未落,秦石眸中升起一道骇然,枭轩袖袍中突然祭出一把匕首,锋利剑刃上折射出刺目寒芒,旋即只见他将匕首高举,迅速在右手的指尖上划破,一滴鲜红的精血从中流出。 What do you make?” “你做什么?” Is staring at the ease blood Qin Shi dignified [say / way]. 盯着悠然的鲜血秦石凝重道。 This is my essence and blood, you suppose the energetic brand mark, I am willing to make the gambling stake with the life, the life go to be good to her!” The sound of owlet porch is forceful, essence and blood flows in his fingertip, hands over to Qin Shi. “这是我的精血,你设下精神烙印吧,我愿意用生命做赌注,一生去对她好!”枭轩的声音铿锵有力,精血就在他的指尖流淌,递向秦石 Blood sacrifice?” “血祭?” Qin Shi knit the brows, supposes the energetic brand mark on the essence and blood, this is a very ancient master and servant contract, the person who was supposed the energetic brand mark, cannot violate the master the life, so long as otherwise the master slight vacillation god of read, the latter will die a violent death immediately died. 秦石皱了皱眉,在精血上设下精神烙印,这是一种很古老的主仆契约,被设下精神烙印的人,将一生不能违背主人,否则只要主人轻微的动摇神念,后者马上就会暴毙身亡。 Elder brother Xu Qiao'er shouts in side. “哥”许巧儿在旁边喊道。 Wields the black robe, Qin Shi stops Xu Qiao'er, he closely is staring at the owlet porch, this situation of being he has not expected. 挥动黑袍,秦石许巧儿打住,他紧紧的盯着枭轩,这一幕是他也没有料到的情况。 „Did you think? The energetic brand mark gets down, your this generation was equal to that was not free, I momentarily can want your life!” “你想好了?精神烙印下去,你这一辈就等于没有自由了,我随时都会要你的命!” Can with Qiao'er in the same place, this for me be the happiest shackles!” The owlet porch raised head to smile, unusual feeling relaxed that smiled. “能和巧儿在一起,这对我来说就是最幸福的枷锁!”枭轩仰头笑了,笑的非常释然。 Good!” “好!” In black pupil cold brightness bone-chilling cold, after the Qin Shi satisfied depth inspires , the palm brandishes, an invisible psychic force formed six Daoguang spaces, the thorn shoots in the essence and blood of owlet porch. 黑眸中寒光凛冽,秦石满意的深吸口气后掌心挥舞,一道无形的精神力形成六道光宇,刺射在枭轩的精血之中。 Puff! 噗! A bright red warm-blooded blowout, the owlet porch is covering the chest withdrawing several steps. 一口鲜红的热血喷出,枭轩捂着胸口退后数步。 Xu Qiao'er flurried runs to go forward, but has not waited for her opening the mouth owlet porch actually strenuous sticking out chest, stares at Qin Shi saying: Now, can promise me?” 许巧儿慌乱的跑上前,但没等她开口枭轩却吃力的挺起胸膛,盯着秦石道:“现在,可以答应我了?” Looks to complexion pale owlet porch, Qin Shi long implores one, every single word or phrase said severely: If, you dare to make Qiao'er be injured by the least bit in the future 望向面色苍白的枭轩,秦石长吁一声,一字一句的严苛道:“如果,将来你敢让巧儿受到半点伤害” I am willing dead!” The owlet porch received to exclaim. “我甘愿一死!”枭轩接过吼道。 Qin Shi stunned light smiles: Good, I promise you.” 秦石错愕的淡淡一笑:“好,我答应你。” Then, slaps, should be delivers the dry fruit the time, after Qin Shi stepped goes forward , the control to turn over, after invisible psychic force pull-off, offers a sacrifice to behind the owlet porch. 而后,打一巴掌,该是送蜜饯的时候了,秦石迈上前后手心翻转,无形的精神力拖出后祭出枭轩背后。 Quick, the bloodlines of owlet porch within the body disorder were subsided. 很快,枭轩体内紊乱的血脉就被平息。 This process, Xu Qiao'er is waiting for Qin Shi in side throughout, made the Qin Shi helpless forced smile: He he, the female does not remain greatly, this has not married on the arm elbow outward turns!” 这个过程,许巧儿在旁边始终等着秦石,令秦石无奈的苦笑:“呵呵,女大不中留啊,这没嫁出去就胳膊肘朝外拐了!” Helps the owlet porch to restore, Qin Shi gives Xu Qiao'er therapy, the Xu Qiao'er injury was more serious, before a Li Bufan palm severe wound the small owlet porch her bottom of one's heart, has consumed the most double-hour, was repairs reluctantly. 助枭轩恢复,秦石又给许巧儿疗伤,许巧儿的伤势比小枭轩严重很多,之前李不凡一掌重伤了她的肺腑,足足耗费了大半个时辰,才算是勉强修复。 Therefore, the hatred of Qin Shi to Li Bufan is richer several points. 为此,秦石对李不凡的恨意更加浓郁几分。 Is curing good Xu Qiao'er, Qin Shi suddenly to think that some are not right, what as if has lacked in the entire process, is actually what? 在治愈好许巧儿,秦石在恍惚中突然觉得有些不对,仿佛在整个过程缺少了什么,究竟是什么呢? A thinking, he suddenly one startled: Right Qiao'er, Elder Sister Yu?” 一番思索,他突然一惊:“对了巧儿,玉姐呢?” By the Shu Zhongyu disposition, can the lively situation be short of her a moment ago? But from beginning to end, Qin Shi has not heard a Shu Zhongyu sound. 书中玉的性格,刚才热闹的情况怎么能少了她?但至始至终,秦石都没听见一句书中玉的声音。 Speaking of Shu Zhongyu, Xu Qiao'er showed the embarrassed look: Elder Sister Yu Elder Sister Yu she to save me, by Li Bufan person seizing!” 提起书中玉,许巧儿露出难堪的神色:“玉姐玉姐她为了救我,被李不凡的人给抓走了!” Anything!” “什么!” The anger self-ignition, Qin Shi stares big eye: He he, good Li Bufan, this time I , if not kill you, I vowed am not a human!” 怒火自燃,秦石瞪大眼睛:“呵呵,好一个李不凡,这一次我若不杀你,我誓不为人!” Squeek! 吱! In the anger, side wooden door was shoved open, Yuan Bo crosses the hands behind the back in the vertical forward room: Yo, was this? Let Brother Shi’tou lose such big temper?” 在愤怒中,侧面的木门被推开,袁博负手而立的迈进房中:“呦,这是怎么了?让石头兄弟发了这么大的脾气?” In Yuan Bo behind also two, separately are Feng Hen and Xiao Tianyue. 袁博身后还有两人,分别是封痕和萧天月。 Their delicious steps, Xiao Tianyue eyesight price no blowing presses saying: Big brother, does? Did not say that in the evening leads us to go to the blue lotus building?” 两人美滋滋的就迈进来,萧天月一点眼力价都没有的吹促道:“大哥,干嘛呢?不是说晚上带我们去青莲楼吗?” Bang! 砰! Qin Shi in the fit of temper, is wiping the invisible strength directly Xiao Tianyue according to the wall, making the latter psst hum the half of the day not have is actually saying a character. 秦石正在气头上,一抹无形的力量直接将萧天月给按在墙上,令后者吱吱呜呜半天硬是没在说出一个字。 Qin Shi does not want to manage him, now he felt that he must explode, suppressed in the heart the anger to hold holding the fist in the other hand to Yuan Bo: Mr. Yuan, before the matter of auction market many thanks you.” 秦石不想理他,现在他感觉自己要爆炸了,强忍着心中怒火冲袁博抱了抱拳:“袁老板,之前在拍卖场的事多谢你了。” Little friend was polite, before does not know that the Qiao'er miss is your younger sister, otherwise I will decide however will not send to the auction market it.” Yuan Bo to the Qin Shi very polite [say / way]. “小友客气了,之前不知巧儿姑娘是令妹,否则的话我定然不会将其送上拍卖场。”袁博秦石很客气的道。 Qin Shi waves saying: „It is not important, right Mr. Yuan, before my this little brother-in-law selling quotation, had owed you carelessly auction market 10 million spirit stones, that spirit stones I use demon symbol 秦石挥手道:“不打紧,对了袁老板,之前我这小妹夫胡乱喊价,欠了你们拍卖场10000000灵石,那灵石我用魔符” 10 million spirit stones, ok.” “10000000灵石而已,算了。” Yuan Bo did not wait for Qin Shi saying that the interruption said: When all I gave the gift of little friend, before that batch of demon symbols, I moistened you to be many.” 袁博不等秦石说完,打断道:“全当我送给小友的礼物了,况且之前的那一批魔符上,我沾了你不少便宜呢。” hears that sound, forest clear water and by the Jiang Meng where beautiful pupil vacillates several points, in mutual looking at each other shows the rare look, must know in their cognition, Mr. Yuan never to whom such polite. 闻声,林清水和蒋梦安在旁边的美眸动摇几分,相互对视中露出罕见神色,要知道在她们的认知中,袁老板可从来没对谁这样客气过。 In the Yuan Bo sound full is the meaning of being on good terms, after Qin Shi understands, smiles understandingly, to be honest he to the Yuan Bo also somewhat favorable impression, is this field of endeavor: Such words, I was impolite with the Yuan boss, later useful to my place, the boss opens the mouth freely, younger brother settledly strongly!” 袁博的声音中满是交好之意,秦石领略后会意而笑,说实话他对袁博也有几分好感,为此道:“如此的话,我就不跟元老板客气了,以后有用到我的地方,老板尽管开口,弟弟定当竭力!” Ha Ha, good, I must ask the brothers to drink now, can't you reject me?” Mr. Yuan one pats in the shoulder of Qin Shi said. “哈哈,甚好,那我现在要找兄弟喝酒,你是不是不能拒绝我啊?”袁老板一下拍在秦石的肩头道。 Qin Shi is startled to stare slightly, at once should say: Settled cannot, our being drunk Fang Xiu?” 秦石微微怔愣,旋即应道:“定当不会,那咱们就一醉方休?” Ha Ha, good, good drunk Fang Xiu!” “哈哈,好,好一句一醉方休!” They look at each other laugh, Bang! 两人对视大笑,砰! But at this moment, a fierce collision gate sound gets up, staff in non- gate auction room clash the rapid [say / way] flurriedly: Boss is not good, Li Bufan is leading the Mysterious Palace person outside, surrounded our non- gate auction rooms!” 但就在这时,一声剧烈的撞门声响起,一名无门拍卖行的工作人员慌乱的冲进来急促道:“老板不好了,李不凡在外面带着玄殿的人,把咱们无门拍卖行包围了!” Yuan Bo knit the brows: Good Li Bufan!” 袁博皱起眉:“好一个李不凡!” But has not waited for him to issue the order, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth raises an evil radian suddenly: He he, Mr. Yuan, it seems like that this liquor, we must later drink.” 但没等他下达命令,秦石嘴角突然扬起一个邪恶的弧度:“呵呵,袁老板,看来这顿酒,咱们要晚些喝了。” Stone brother, you are” “石兄,你这是” Some people anxiously courting death, I , if not help him, feared that was the yamas must blame me!” Qin Shi dense has licked licking lips angle, then in the black pupil wipes the bone-chilling cold cold brightness to flee in all directions, treads the empty shade to speed away to be hot. “有人急着找死,我若再不成全他,怕是阎王都要怪罪我了!”秦石森然的舔了舔嘴角,接着黑眸中一抹凛冽的寒光流窜,踏着虚影疾驰热出。
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