PDL :: Volume #4

#395: Bold owlet porch

Who is this boy?” “这小子是谁?” 11 million do spirit stones buy a woman? Rich and powerful family!” “11000000灵石买个女人?豪门啊!” In the crowd whoops, Xiao Tianyue is staring at that frail form in side actually growing up mouth: I depend, doesn't this mix daily in the pauper owlet porch of blue lotus building? Which his comes these much money?” 人群中议论纷纷,萧天月盯着那单薄的身影在旁边却长大嘴巴:“我靠,这不是天天混在青莲楼的穷小子枭轩吗?他哪来这么多钱?” Right, the person who opening the mouth crawls to set out in back row, the whole body wears the tattered hempen garments, puffing in gulps, is not just and Qin Shi has the casual acquaintance in the blue lotus building, initially warmly was called the owlet porch of young hoodlum? 没错,开口的人在后排爬起身,全身穿着破烂的麻衣,大口大口的喘着粗气,不正是和秦石在青莲楼有过一面之缘,被初暖称为小流氓的枭轩吗? The issue is, he in this? 问题是,他怎么会在这? The issue is, will he have these many spirit stones? 问题是,他怎么会有这么多灵石 Qin Shi knit the brows, after patting profound miracle cure, 10 million are his complete fund, but he will not make Qiao'er fall in others hand in any event absolutely. 秦石皱了皱眉,拍下玄灵丹后,10000000已经是他全部的资金,但无论如何他绝对不会让巧儿落在别人手上。 Therefore he clenched teeth, wipes to read the strength to calculate in the space ring starts the surplus demon symbols, said: 12 million!” 为此他咬了咬牙,一抹念力在空间戒指中盘算一下手中剩余的魔符,道:“12000000!” 13 million!” “13000000!” Who thinks, owlet porch almost without hesitation with price. 谁想,枭轩几乎不假思索的跟价。 15 million!” “15000000!” 16 million!” “16000000!” Was suppressed once again, on the face of Qin Shi starts to be ugly, he looks back looks after the owlet porch discovered that the latter gives the heck with radically, so long as he opens the mouth, immediately supplements 1 million. 再度被打压,秦石的面庞上开始难看下来,他回首瞄向枭轩后发现,后者根本不管三七二十一,只要他开口,马上就跟着追加1000000。 In side, Li Bufan looks that Qin Shi admits defeat laughs wildly to make noise: Snort, the young lackey, it seems like does not need me to get rid, naturally some people tidy up you for me!” 在旁边,李不凡看着秦石吃瘪不由狂笑出声:“哼,小奴才,看来不用我出手,自然有人替我收拾你啊!” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Ill-humored white, Qin Shi deep inspiration, this time auction price was mentioned 20 million, the owlet porch still did not have the meaning that the least bit relents. 没好气的白了一眼,秦石深深的吸口气,此时的拍卖价已经被提到了20000000,枭轩却仍然没有半点松口的意思。 This radically is a bottomless pit, but under Qin Shi raised hand, unavoidablily under stops the selling quotation, but actually slightly opens the black pupil, will wipe the spirit to read the strength to cover toward the owlet porch, time is grasping his movement: Snort, I to take a look, actually this boy is up to mischief!” 这根本就是个无底洞,在无奈下秦石扬了扬手,不得已下停止喊价,但却微微睁开黑眸,将一抹精神念力朝枭轩笼罩,时刻的掌握着他的动作:“哼,我到想瞧瞧,这小子究竟在搞什么鬼!” 20.001 million times!” “20001000次!” 20 million twice!” “20000000两次!” 20.003 million times!” “20003000次!” Thump! The third tone hammer falls, the Jiang Mengan wonderful sound winds around when audience, the audience almost fell into deep sea to be surely same, deathly stillness silent. 咚!第三声锤落,蒋梦安的妙音回绕在全场时,全场几乎陷入了千万里的深海一样,死寂无声。 20 million? Entire 20 million? 20000000?整整20000000? No matter what no one has expected, 7-Step martial arts this type of unrivalled rare treasure has auctioned 11 million, but has a wearing a mask angel, auctioned 20 million unexpectedly? 任谁都没有料到,七阶武学这种旷世罕见的珍宝才拍卖了11000000,而一个蒙面天仙,竟然拍卖了20000000? Jiang Mengan brandishes the skilled artist to lag behind to end: Fellow honored guests, had ended this non- gate auction to here, invites lucky fellow who all auctions the treasure, one will pay money to receive the goods along with the staff to the rear area!” 蒋梦安挥舞着妙手拉下落幕:“各位贵客,本次无门拍卖会到这里就结束了,请所有拍卖到珍宝的幸运儿,一会随工作人员到后方付款领取物品!” After the conclusion, auctioned the goods after all was the small number of people, the person of mass is just playing the role of viewer, under was bored to death sets out to depart in abundance. 结束后,拍卖到物品的终归是少数人,大批量的人只不过充当着看客的角色,百无聊赖下纷纷起身离去。 The staff in non- gate auction room enter the arena rapidly, will auction the winner to take to the backstage one after another. 无门拍卖行的工作人员迅速进场,将一名一名拍卖得主带往后台。 Li Bufan stands up, after looking at Qin Shi, despises saying: Boy, had finished, your auspicious day are not many, treasures well! I do not believe you to be able not to leave this for a lifetime!” 李不凡站起身,瞄一眼秦石后蔑视道:“小子,结束了,你的好日子不多了,好好珍惜吧!我就不信你能一辈子不离开这!” Qin Shi curled the lip, refusing to admit being inferior response sentence: Do not be anxious, I will exit, but I did not think that my auspicious day are not many, was your nightmare should approach fast on the contrary!” 秦石撇了撇嘴,不甘示弱的回应句:“别急,我会出去,但我并不觉得我好日子不多,反倒是你的噩梦应该就快来了!” Ok, I am waiting for you!” “行,我等着你!” Li Bufan snorts contemptuously snort, later cut-throat cruel nod , then goes down the backstage along with the staff. 李不凡嗤之以鼻的哼了哼,之后只是凶狠暴戾的点了点头,然后便随工作人员走下后台。 Before departure, Xiaoshan stands up saying: Little friend, if there is an opportunity, remembers that my Xiao your family place sits, I decide receive cordially warmly!” 在离开前,萧山站起身道:“小友,若是有机会,记得来我萧家府上坐坐,我定热情款待!” Has the opportunity to be certain!” “有机会一定!” Qin Shi has selected, then his hesitant before turning the head, said: Was right, day moon/month that boy and I in the same place, Xiao Family Head does not need to be worried!” 秦石点了下头,接着在转头前他犹豫一下,跟着道:“对了,天月那小子和我在一起,萧家主不用担心!” Um?” “嗯?” The pupil heart of Xiaoshan has been startled being startled, when but he gets back one's composure Qin Shi already departed, finally after making he blinked, to reveal the bright happy expression: Drinks, this brat, has made human affairs finally!” 萧山的眸心怔了怔,但当他回神时秦石早已离去,最终令他眨了眨眼后露出灿烂的喜色:“喝,这臭小子,总算做了一次人事啊!” Receives Qin Shi is not others, is the forest clear water. 接待秦石的不是别人,正是林清水。 The forest clear water stands side Qin Shi once more, before not having free like that instead is somewhat cautious. 林清水再次站在秦石身旁,却没有之前的那般自若,反而有些拘谨。 Before the entire process of auction market she won over under the beautiful pupil in the place above completely, the entire auction the performance of Qin Shi is really makes her wielding not forget, soul-stirring. 之前拍卖场的整个过程她在上方全部收揽美眸之下,整场拍卖会下来秦石的表现实在是令她挥之不忘,惊心动魄。 Young Master, my family boss said that one will make you go to his slightly poly, if Mysterious Palace Li Bufan intentionally makes things hard for somebody, he has the means to deliver you to leave!” Lin Qing chun hesitant, delightful [say / way]. 公子,我家老板说,一会让你去他那小聚一下,若是玄殿李不凡故意刁难,他有办法送你离开!”林青春犹豫一下,甜美道。 Qin Shi followed on the heels staring, shook the head saying: He he, sent off, Li Bufan also owed me many things, I must calculate with him well.” 秦石跟在后面愣了愣,摇头道:“呵呵,送走就算了,李不凡还欠我不少东西,我要和他好好算一算。” Young Master, you 公子,你” Lin Qingshui wants to open the mouth startled, but has not waited for him saying that was actually broken by Qin Shi: Clear water miss felt relieved that I do not assign the person who cracks a joke with myself!” 林清水惊慌的欲要开口,但没等他说完却被秦石打断:“清水姑娘放心,我不是拿自己命开玩笑的人!” Was broken, the forest clear water struggles a meeting, the beautiful pupil falls on Qin Shi fills strangely, is very difficult to imagine in her heart, about a 20 youth, how will have this and other broken air/Qi? 被打断,林清水挣扎一会,美眸落在秦石身上充满怪异,在她心中很难想象,一个20左右的少年,怎么会有这等破气? This stone is Young Master, actually where sacred? 这石公子,究竟是何方神圣? They one after the other, immediately arrive at the backstage of non- gate auction room, has covered entirely Ling jade treasure everywhere in the backstage, leaves far away then can induce to one one including the spiritual power fluctuation that Feng Lingjie is unable to block. 两人一前一后,马上就来到无门拍卖行的后台,在后台中布满了玲琅满目的珍宝,离着老远便能感应到一丝一丝连封灵结界都无法封锁的灵力波动。 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi just turned around to enter the backstage, only listens to bang one. 秦石刚转身进入后台,只听巨响一声。 Then a distressed form was kicked to turn by several staff like the rubber ball in the place: Brat, what don't you have money to shout carelessly?” 然后一个狼狈的身影像皮球一样被几名工作人员踢翻在地:“臭小子,你没钱胡乱喊什么?” Dares to come to the non- gate auction room to disturb? Courts death!” “敢来无门拍卖行捣乱?找死!” Qin Shi has gawked staring, before that distressed form is not just , did the brave words determination shout 20 million owlet porches? 秦石愣了愣,那狼狈的身影不正是之前豪言壮志喊出20000000的枭轩吗? But at this time, did his have a moment ago such boldness? The whole person was pressed on the wall surface, black and blue horrible to look. 但此时,他那还有刚才那样的魄力?整个人被按在墙面上,鼻青脸肿的惨不忍睹。 A fist overturns the owlet porch, staff have spat one to the ground, scolded: Grass, these time has troubled, 20 million cannot attain, the boss blamed us to unable to eat to capture walking!” 一拳打翻枭轩,一个工作人员冲着地上吐了一口,骂道:“草,这一次麻烦了,20000000拿不到,老板怪罪下来咱们都要吃不了兜着走!” What to do?” “怎么办啊?” „Do I know? Now the auction had ended, wants to ask the buyers unable to find again!” One group of people in backstage flurried is annoyed. “我怎么知道?现在拍卖会结束了,再想找买家都找不到了!”一群人在后台里慌乱的懊恼起来。 In the confusion, Li Bufan searches to go forward from one side suddenly: Jie Jie, what's wrong, did this wearing a mask angel fail? 100,000, sold to me, how is it?” 在混乱中,李不凡从侧面突然探上前:“桀桀,怎么,这蒙面天仙砸手上了?100000,卖给我,怎么样?” 100,000?” “100000?” Several staff have gawked staring, then reveals the color of feeling embarrassed. 几个工作人员愣了愣,接着露出为难之色。 The owlet porch struggles crawls to set out, roars: Does not sell! Qiao'er is I! I must save her to leave! No one want to injure her!” 枭轩挣扎的就爬起身,咆哮道:“不卖!巧儿是我得!我一定要救她离开!谁都别想伤害她!” In the rear area, the body under Qin Shi black robe shivers: This brat, for Qiao'er, dares to act sloppily actually, he he, 20 million, owe he to think!” 在后方,秦石黑袍下的身躯不禁颤动:“这臭小子,为了巧儿,倒是真敢胡来,呵呵,20000000,亏他想得出来!” Flows warm feeling at heart, the influence of non- gate auction room is huge in Scarlet Flame Empire, is no one has the courage to offend. 心里流淌出一丝暖意,无门拍卖行的势力在赤炎帝国都非常庞大,可不是谁都有勇气得罪得。 Therefore obviously the heart of this owlet porch to Qiao'er. 为此可见这枭轩对巧儿的心。 Shut up, your brat! You are rich are you, you shout blindly anything, I kill you!” A person waves toward the face of owlet porch is a fist. “闭嘴,你个臭小子!你有钱吗就是你得,你瞎嚷嚷什么,我打死你!”一人挥手朝着枭轩的面庞就是一拳。 Bang! 砰! The fist wind howls, when has not moved the face of owlet porch actually suddenly stops, is similar to hits is the same on an airtight reliable wall surface. 拳风呼啸而出,但尚未触碰枭轩的面庞时却戛然停顿,如同击中在一面密不透风的牢固墙面上一样。 On the palm transmits the labor pain, the person who the command shakes the fist clenches teeth to be angry, but after seeing Qin Shi, immediately frightened withdraws one step: Stone Young Master?” 掌心上传来阵痛,令挥拳的人咬牙大怒,但看见秦石后马上惊悚的退后一步:“石公子?” He he, is this does do?” “呵呵,这是干嘛呢?” Yes, is this, this boy simply does not have money, then shouted in the auction market randomly that disrupts the order of auction room.” Facing Qin Shi, this person is very respectful. “是,是这样,这小子根本没有钱,然后在拍卖场上乱喊,扰乱拍卖行的秩序。”面对秦石,这人很恭敬。 Smiling that Qin Shi hears that sound thinks little, then said: He he, who said that he doesn't have money? Not 20 million? I left for him!” 秦石闻声不以为意的笑笑,接着道:“呵呵,谁说他没钱?不就20000000吗?我替他出了!” What?” “什么?” In the crowd in an uproar. 人群里不由哗然起来。 Is receiving something by auction in three everyone / influential family person bursting out laughing: „Was this boy insane? Before the auction market, they wasn't the competitor?” 正在里面领取拍卖品的三大家人不由哑然:“这小子疯了吧?之前在拍卖场上,他俩不是竞争对手吗?” Young lackey, is you!” “小奴才,又是你!” The wearing a mask angel that Li Bufan must succeed in obtaining shortly, just misses with him again, almost the whole person wants the violent anger to get up. 李不凡眼看就要到手的蒙面天仙,再一次和他失之交臂,几乎整个人都要暴怒起来。 But the staff may having no free time manage him at this time, but is side excited gathering Qin Shi: Stone Young Master, did you say really? Do 20 million you leave for him?” 但工作人员这时可没空理他,而是激动的凑到秦石身旁:“石公子,你说真得?20000000你替他出?” I do not use “我不用” The owlet porch in stimulated struggling of behind also unclear affair, Qin Shi indignant waving covers his mouth, spoke frankly to the staff: He he, my younger sister, let alone is 20 million, even if two hundred million also values!” 枭轩在后面还不明事理的亢奋挣扎,秦石气愤的挥手将他嘴捂住,冲工作人员直言道:“呵呵,我妹妹,别说是20000000,就算是两个亿也值!” Younger sister?” “妹妹?” Two characters fall the audience just like to stand. 两字落出全场俨然而立。 In behind, the owlet porch is peaceful immediately, the whole body has choked weak a spit: What? Younger sister? Are you Qiao'er elder brother?” 在后面,枭轩顿时安静下来,全身瘫软噎了口吐沫:“啥?妹妹?你是巧儿的哥哥?” You should better shut up, do not compel me to scold you!” “你最好闭嘴,别逼我骂你!” The Qin Shi ill-humored crack scolded the sentence, he does not want to respond this owlet porch now, if not for looked that was a moment ago good for Qiao'er that the true feelings revealed in owlet porch that several words, he but actually wishes one could this group of staff to punch his now. 秦石没好气的破口骂句,他现在是一点都不想搭理这枭轩,若不是看在刚才枭轩那几句话都是真情流露的为了巧儿好,他现在倒恨不得这群工作人员能在揍他一顿。 These 10 million spirit stones, dying miserable? 这10000000灵石,死的是有多惨啊? Early knows is this, did not shout, said what again doesn't have Qian Hu Han? Finally also his mother wants this little to show respect for somebody's ability! 早知道是这样,是不是就不跟着喊了,再说没有钱胡喊什么啊?最后还他妈要本少买账! Li Bufan narrows the eyes focuses, at once he raises the corners of the mouth to say with a smile: He he, is the brother and sister. Ok, interesting, is really interesting, like this is just right, kills the elder brother, rests the younger sister again! Boys, I outside you!” 李不凡眯眯着眼,旋即他扬了扬嘴角笑道:“呵呵,原来是兄妹。行,有意思,真有意思,这样正好,弄死哥哥,再睡妹妹!小子,我在外面等你!” Spoke, he does not have to stop over, waves a black card to offer a sacrifice, received 7-Step martial arts from the staff hand: Demon ghost day, enhanced dust goes. 说完话,他没在逗留,挥手间一张黑卡祭出,从工作人员手中接过七阶武学:魅鬼天照后,扬尘而去。 After he departs, several staff encircle to Qin Shi near immediately: Matter that Young Master, that you said a moment ago, we also calculate that doesn't consider as finished?” 在他离去后,几个工作人员马上围到秦石边上:“公子,那个那个你刚才说的事,咱们还算不算了?” Qin Shi sleeve, a black card hands over to go forward: This is 10 million spirit stones, remaining meets me to see your bosses, makes up to you!” 秦石袖筒一番,一张黑卡递上前去:“这是10000000灵石,剩下得一会我看见你们老板,给你们补起!” Received the black card, several people looked at each other one, already did not care about that 10 million matter, can receive money unable to attain strongly on the total ratio, moreover Yuan Bo had already said to them, if Qin Shi had any demand, satisfied with every effort. 接过黑卡,几人对视一眼,早就不在乎那10000000的事了,能拿到钱就总比拿不到强,况且袁博早就对他们说过,如果秦石有什么需求,尽力满足。 My younger sister?” “我妹妹呢?” Hands over the black card, after receiving profound miracle cure, question that about Qin Shi looks all around. 交出黑卡,接过玄灵丹后秦石左右环顾的问句 In behind, Jiang Guniang is making up the makeup for her.” Lin Qingshui smiles in side Min Huai, then sets out to lead Qin Shi and owlet porch leads the way toward behind. “在后面,蒋姑娘正在为她补妆呢。”林清水在旁边敏怀而笑,然后起身带领秦石和枭轩朝后面前行。 All the way, owlet porch silent following side Qin Shi. 一路上,枭轩沉默的跟在秦石身旁。 Probably half double-hour, he clenched teeth or could not bear question: Big brother, are really you Qiao'er elder brother? Haven't you deceived me?” 大概半个时辰,他咬了咬牙还是忍不住问句:“大哥,你真是巧儿的哥哥?你没骗我?” Nonsense!” “废话!” That beforehand matter, you may toward not enter at heart.” The owlet porch lowered the head immediately, like is the child of wrong thing. “呃那之前的事,你可千万别往心里进啊。”枭轩马上低下头,像是做错事的孩子一样。 Looks askance sweeps, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth twitch scolded: He he, 10 million with throwing away carelessly to be the same, you called me not to forget to enter at heart, were you are scolding my heart to be big?” 侧目一扫,秦石嘴角抽搐的骂道:“呵呵,10000000跟打水漂一样,你叫我别忘心里进,你是在骂我心大吗?” „, I do not have that meaning “不是不是,我没那意思” The owlet porch hurries to shake the head: If your dissatisfied, you hit me to scold me to be good, do not say with Qiao'er, otherwise she should pay no attention to me!” 枭轩赶忙摇头:“若是你不满意,你打我骂我都行,就是别和巧儿说,否则她又该不理我了!” Was good, has not blamed you! You are also good for Qiao'er.” Qin Shi ba the mouth, does not want porch in this issue and owlet sets at the air/Qi, otherwise he currently estimated that was already irritated. “行了,没怪你!你也是为了巧儿好。”秦石吧唧吧唧嘴,不想在这个问题上和枭轩置气,否则他现在估计早就被气死了。 The owlet porch then puts down the heart, making an effort has wiped on the forehead, following Qin Shi. 枭轩这才放下心,使劲的在额头上抹了一把,屁颠屁颠的跟上秦石 After half double-hour, Lin Qingshui brings Qin Shi they to arrive at a room, just pushed the door to go, Jiang Mengan and Xu Qiao'er are sitting. 半个时辰后,林清水带着秦石两人来到一间房间,刚推门进去,蒋梦安和许巧儿正坐在其中。 Xu Qiao'er was drawn very thick makeup, but is seeing Qin Shi instant, her makeup was dyed the flower by the tears instantaneously, staggers several steps that the cherry lips shiver, one throws the Qin Shi bosom, has a character: Elder brother!” 许巧儿被画了很浓的妆,但就在看见秦石的刹那,她的妆瞬间就被泪水染花,樱唇颤抖的踉跄几步,一下扑进秦石的怀里,只有一字:“哥!” Holds in the arms Xu Qiao'er, looks the younger sister who is leaving for a very long time, Qin Shi felt that his heart melted, the countless words of precipitation sobbed in this, are hard to open the mouth. 搂住许巧儿,望着久久离别的妹妹,秦石感觉他的心都化了,沉淀的千言万语却在这一世哽咽,难以开口。 Finally claps on her fragrant shoulder gently. 最终只是轻轻拍下她的香肩。 Sorry, the elder brother came late.” “对不起,哥来晚了。”
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