PDL :: Volume #4

#394: Was insane

Demon ghost day photo!” “魅鬼天照!” Four characters fall, the hot water that under the field such as seethes with excitement spatters in all directions, wipes the invisible air/Qi field to work loose in all human bodies, the front person unifies to stare to enlarge ones vision, these naturally also include Qin Shi. 四个字落下,场下如沸腾的热水般迸溅而起,一抹无形的气场在所有人体内挣脱,前排的人统一瞪开眼,这其中自然也包括秦石 7-Step martial arts, this may really be existence of valuable non- city. 七阶武学,这可真是有价无市的存在。 Finally arrived!” “终于到了!” Pursing the lips of Xiaoshan stiff wainscot. 萧山挺直腰板的抿了抿嘴。 In human tide of seething with excitement, Jiang Mengan white hands, auction stage slowly surges when toward on, making the entire arena become dim. 在沸腾的人潮中,蒋梦安玉手一番,拍卖台缓缓的朝上涌起时,令整座擂台都变得昏暗。 The books that winds around jet black reappear. 一本漆黑缭绕的书籍浮现而出。 The books just presently, in the pupil of crowd completely contained the none remaining, Nangong Yueyang and Taishi ting flower and Huangpu, Li Bufan, completely stern, their trip of points, are this demon ghost day photo. 书籍刚现,人群的眸子中满含精光,南宫岳阳和太史葶花、皇普将、李不凡、全部正色起来,他们此行的目地,就是这魅鬼天照。 In this books full is the jet black quiet fire, unceasing ebullition in beat. 这本书籍上满是漆黑的幽火,在跳动中不断的沸腾。 In quiet fire, an evil spirit evil spirit, after unceasing rolling up and pushing along hurricane, initiates the howling startled roar. 幽火中,一尊一尊邪灵厉鬼,不断的卷动飓风后发起呼啸惊吼。 Drawing back that Jiang Meng where at this time, could not bear dozens steps, after hurrying to cover the oronasal, is angry to exclaim: Demon ghost day photo, 1 million starting prices!” 蒋梦安在这时,都忍不住的退开数十步,赶忙捂住口鼻后嗔吼道:“魅鬼天照,1000000起价!” 1.5 million!” “1500000!” 2 million!” “2000000!” 2.3 million!” “2300000!” 2.5 million!” “2500000!” Just started, the front person tendered in abundance, has strangled instantaneously then back row person all in one **, this is not the auction that they can participate. 刚开始,前排人纷纷竞价,在一个瞬间便扼杀了后排人所有的**,这已经不是他们能够参与的拍卖了。 Xiaoshan clenched teeth, said with the price: 3 million!” 萧山咬了咬牙,跟价道:“3000000!” 3.5 million!” Taishi ting flower. “3500000!”太史葶花。 Nangong Yueyang: 4 million!” 南宫岳阳:“4000000!” 4 million, 4 million, this huge wealth, has built a blue lotus city to rub. 4000000,4000000了,这庞大的财富,打造一座青莲城都搓搓有余。 5 million!” “5000000!” Under the short silence, Li Bufan corners of the mouth have selected selecting said easely: Everybody, do not shout, before coming, the Hua Ling palace host has confessed that this 7-Step martial arts my Mysterious Palace wanted, the contender, killed without the amnesty!” 短暂的沉默下,李不凡嘴角挑了挑的悠然道:“各位,别喊了,来之前,花零殿主交代过,这七阶武学玄殿要了,争夺者,杀无赦!” hears that sound field next makes noise, three people have simultaneously gawked staring, a Nangong Yueyang face angry [say / way]: Li Elder, your what meaning? Is threatening us?” 闻声场下一阵喧闹,三家之人同时愣了愣,南宫岳阳一脸愤怒的道:“李长老,你什么意思?是在恐吓我们吗?” He he, is threatens you to be what kind of?” “呵呵,就是恐吓你怎么样?” Is staring at Nangong Yueyang, Li Bufan scolded in the suppresive expression lowly. 盯着南宫岳阳,李不凡以压制性的语气低骂道。 Jiang Mengan stands on auction stage the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed: Li Elder, you do this, but broke the rule, the non- gate auction room is always fastidious fairly!” 蒋梦安站在拍卖台上黛眉微蹙:“李长老,你这样做,可是破坏了规矩,无门拍卖行向来讲究公平!” „, Right, I have forgotten, here is the famous non- gate auction room!” Li Bufan ease saying with a smile: Hey, but advised politely one, there is an ancient saying the ordinary man was innocent, talent can arouse jealousy, before competition, thinks first did one match, otherwise compensated the madame to fold the soldier finally, do not blame Li not to tell you!” “哦,对,我都忘了,这里可是大名鼎鼎的无门拍卖行!”李不凡悠悠然的笑道:“嘿嘿,但奉劝诸位一句,古人云匹夫无罪,怀璧其罪,在争夺之前,先想想自己配不配,否则最终赔了夫人又折兵,可别怪李某没有告诉过你们!” You “你” The elegant face of Jiang Meng ammonia becomes flushed. 蒋梦安气的俏脸涨红。 Has not waited for her saying that looking all around all people who Li Bufan lifts the hand interruption: Good, do not affect others to auction, we continue, the struggle struggle of your pretense, this was also to Mr. Yuan the face right?” 没等她说下去,李不凡抬手打断的环顾诸人:“好啦,别影响人家拍卖,咱们继续,你们假模假样的争一争,这样也算是给袁老板面子了对吧?” The audience eliminate, does not have one person to open the mouth. 全场肃清,无一人开口。 Nangong Yueyang and Taishi ting flower double pupil relative, the Huangpu river whole person becomes flushed a shamelessness, psst makes noise, but actually everyone who the fist pinches no longer makes noise. 南宫岳阳和太史葶花双眸相对,皇普江整个人涨红个老脸,拳头捏的吱吱作响,但却谁都不再出声。 Nonsense, his such saying, who also dares to open the mouth to tender?” “胡闹吧,他这么一说,谁还敢开口竞价啊?” Yes, opposite party, but Mysterious Palace, the East District first big influence, even if three everyone / influential family in its front are also only small.” “是啊,对方可是玄殿,东方区域第一大势力,就算三大家在其面前也只是小喽啰。” Whoops, Xiaoshan indignant pinching tightly fist: „, Real his mother feels disappointed, Mysterious Palace where has such plays?” 议论纷纷中,萧山愤愤不平的捏紧拳头:“靠,真他妈扫兴,玄殿哪有这么玩得?” 6 million!” “6000000!” But is indignant when the crowd, the contented sound has fluttered together spookily the reverberation, made Li Bufan smiling face inflexible directly. 但就在人群中愤愤不平时,一道怡然自得的声响幽幽飘过回荡,直接令李不凡的笑容僵固。 Frighten! The crowd simultaneously casts aside glances at the light, sees only Qin Shi two to intersect in the chest, on the resolute face is filling full teasing. 吓!人群同时撇过目光,只见秦石两手交叉在胸膛,刚毅的面庞上弥漫着满满的戏谑。 Is he? Is that boy?” “是他?是那小子?” „Was this boy insane?” “这小子疯了?” Who knows? It is estimated that is because did not have the matter of character book from heaven a moment ago, but he does this, to have clarified and Mysterious Palace opposes? Can that have the good fruit to eat?” “谁知道?估计是因为刚才无字天书的事,但他这样做,岂不是摆明了和玄殿作对?那能有好果子吃吗?” I visited, you have not necessarily forgotten, before Mr. Yuan had acted for him, perhaps behind others had any big background!” “我看未必,难道你们忘了,之前袁老板都为他出面了,说不定人家背后有什么大背景呢!” A babel of voices, Li Bufan face is pale, he stood up to stare at Qin Shi suddenly quite a while, probably must eat Qin Shi while still alive was the same, finally under wicked point: Ok, ok, ok, young fellow, 7 million! Has to plant you to continue with!” 人声鼎沸,李不凡的面庞铁青难堪,他猛然站起身盯了秦石半天,好像要将秦石活活吃了一样,最终才恶狠狠的点下头:“行,行,行,好小子,7000000!有种你继续跟!” About Qin Shi crooked head, not anxiously with price, but said with a smile leisurely: Li does Elder, you know? Really skillful, my this person of all places are different from you, like you sinister deceitful, I am good the person, you arrogant complacent, I bragged humbly that on the company commander is, you wonderfully ugly incomparable, if my actually appearance Pan An, but, I really am a little same as you!” 秦石左右歪了歪脑袋,并未急着跟价,而是悠悠笑道:“李长老,你知道吗?真是巧了,我这人所有地方都和你不同,像你这样阴险狡诈,我却善良可人,你吧高傲自满,我却谦卑自诩,就连长相都是,你长得奇丑无比,我却貌若潘安,但是有一点,我还真和你一样!” Is likes slapping the face!” “就是喜欢打脸!” Said that this saying, his face withers severely cold: 8 million!” 说完这话,他面庞严寒肃杀:“8000000!” Whoosh! in an uproar. 唰!哗然。 In the crowd seethes with excitement once more, sits in Qin Shi side, Xiaoshan felt that his forehead seeps out the cold sweat, 8 million, this is entire 8 million. 人群中再次沸腾起来,坐在秦石的旁边,萧山感觉他的额头都渗出冷汗,8000000啊,这可是整整8000000啊。 This time, nobody said again Qin Shi has courted death, is rigorous including three everyone / influential family people. Cracks a joke, do 8 million take to set at air/Qi? Who this was said that with took? Moreover, Qin Shi is from beginning to end completely at ease, as if that is not 8 million, but is eight dollars is the same. 这一次,再也没人说秦石是找死了,连三大家的人都严谨起来。开玩笑,8000000拿出来置气?这是谁说拿就拿的吗?而且,秦石至始至终都坦然自若,仿佛那不是8000000,而是八块钱一样。 9 million!” “9000000!” 10 million!” “10000000!” Strokes the mouth call, Qin Shi is curling upwards following of one leg on the other. 捋一捋嘴叫,秦石翘着二郎腿的跟上。 Setting out that very but this time, Li Bufan is actually hard to be calm, 10 million, 10 million. 但这一次,李不凡却难以镇定的挺起身,10000000,10000000了。 His fist pinches perhaps psst made noise, stares at the Qin Shi vision if possible, he now already was throwing to tear into shreds Qin Shi. 他拳头捏的吱吱作响,盯着秦石的目光如果可以的话,恐怕他现在早就扑上去把秦石撕碎了。 After he has not expected suppresses three everyone / influential family, finally unexpectedly on the body of Qin Shi capsizes, 10 million are Mysterious Palace gives his estimate, upward added again wants him to pick pockets. 他万万没料到压制住三大家后,最终竟在秦石的身上翻船,10000000是玄殿给他的估算,再往上加就要他自己掏腰包了。 Thinks can earn an extra income, finally the extra income has not transferred instead to build. 本来以为可以赚点外快,结果外快没转成反而搭了进去。 11 million!” “11000000!” The start to talk that but, he has no other choice but, Hua Ling requests him to the 7-Step martial arts recaption, otherwise he was really troublesome. 无奈下,他还是不得已的开口,花零要求过他必须要将七阶武学取回,否则的话他就真麻烦了。 11 million? hears that sound, Qin Shi knit the brows, thinks 10 million enough suppressed Mysterious Palace, it seems like he looked down on this East District overlord. 11000000?闻声,秦石不禁皱了皱眉,本来以为10000000已经足够压制玄殿,看来他还是小瞧这个东方区域的霸主了。 Shrugs, 11 million, have surpassed his budget, moreover he had not planned to pat this 7-Step martial arts, waited to finish the later direct one cent not colored seized, wasn't better? 耸了耸肩,11000000,已经超过他的预算,而且他本来也没有打算拍下这个七阶武学,等结束以后直接一分钱不花的夺过来,不是更好? He hates, wants to make Li Bufan spit a blood. 只是他恨啊,本想多让李不凡吐点血呢。 You with?” The provocation that Li Bufan injures oneself in putting on a vain show said. “你跟啊?”李不凡打肿脸充胖子的挑衅道。 Li Elder, the xiaosheng I admitted defeat, this martial arts turned over to you, ha!” Qin Shi shakes the head, the satire of bowing the head laughs, has not evaded. “李长老,小生我认输了,这武学就归你了,哈哈哈!”秦石摇摇头,俯首的讽刺大笑,没有丝毫避讳。 Thump! 咚! Three hammers fall, this auction biggest laughing uproariously eventually finished, Li Bufan by 11 million huge spirit stones demon ghost day according to income pouch. 三声锤落,这一场拍卖会最大的噱头终于结束,李不凡以11000000庞大的灵石将魅鬼天照收入囊中。 But sits, he does not have the half minute to be joyful, instead whole person complexion arrives at the extreme embarrassedly, red shifty eyes unwavebering is staring at Qin Shi. 但坐下来,他却没有半分愉悦,反而整个人面色难堪到极点,通红的贼眼死死盯着秦石 Qin Shi and he looks at each other, in heart actually self-satisfied: He he, hates, must hate me surely, otherwise one will exit I also to fear that you ran, I in such province looked for you!” 秦石和他对视,心中却不禁得意:“呵呵,恨吧,千万要恨我,否则一会出去我还怕你跑了呢,这样省的我去找你!” In the crowd bursts with joy, Jiang Mengan cherry lips open and close breaks makes noise: Then, is this auction, last next to last act something by auction, thinks that everyone / influential family also heard, that is the first chief among flowers of our blue lotus building, the wearing a mask angel!” 在人群沸腾中,蒋梦安樱唇开合的打破喧闹:“接下来,将是本场拍卖会,最后一件压轴拍卖品,想必大家也都听闻了,那就是我们青莲楼的第一花魁,蒙面天仙!” „!” “哦!” The given name of wearing a mask angel causes is not small clamors, even the contrast ratio just demon ghost day photo was more rousing. 蒙面天仙的名号引起不小喧哗,甚至照比刚刚的魅鬼天照更加令人兴奋。 Regarding back row person, even if the auction at least can also the full fine sights, many people keep the final point to look at a blinker surface angel. 对于后排的人来说,就算拍卖不下至少也能饱饱眼福,很多人留到最后的目地就是为了看一眼蒙面天仙。 In the front, is hanging Qin Shi of chuckle throughout rigorously in this moment stern, the psychic force that wiping is hard to suppress extends all around. 在前排,始终挂着轻笑的秦石在这一刻严谨正色,一抹难以压制的精神力延绵四周。 Xiaoshan stares, looks askance to look to Qin Shi trembles. 萧山一愣,侧目望向秦石不由哆嗦一下。 On the body of this time Qin Shi, making him feel fear from moral nature. 在此时秦石的身上,令他感觉到一种来自心底的恐惧。 Now, makes us ask her to come to power!” “现在,就让我们请她上台!” The wonderful sound circles Liang, the light on auction market ceiling in a flash, the audience degenerates suddenly the jet black abyss, holy the glory in the abyss, as if symbolizes such as the hope of flowered beautiful Family to faint together in the auction stage center, warm gentle. 妙音绕梁,拍卖场棚顶上的灯光突然一晃,全场堕落进漆黑的深渊,在深渊中一道圣洁的光辉,仿佛象征着如花美眷的希望在拍卖台中央晕开,温暖柔和。 Under soft light, everywhere pink flower petal calm from dance, together the delicate female who the half obstructs the surface from airborne handsome falls, is dragging the skirt swaying person heartstrings like a waterfall. 在柔光下,漫天的粉色花瓣无风自舞,一道半边遮面的清秀女子从空中翩翩而落,拖着如瀑布般的裙摆荡人心弦。 Qiao'er!” 巧儿!” Qin Shi black pupil coagulation, with female beautiful pupil looking at each other in an instant, even if cannot see clearly the appearance, but he can affirm that this is his sister, Xu Qiao'er. 秦石黑眸凝紧,在和女子美眸对视的刹那间,就算看不清容貌,但他敢肯定这就是他的妹妹,许巧儿 Under the beautiful pupil of Xu Qiao'er, gentle sad it goes without saying. 许巧儿的美眸下,一丝轻柔的哀伤不言而喻 Jiang Mengan very gentle goes forward to support Xu Qiao'er, then toward stage evil ways: I were not many to the wearing a mask angel said that 10,000 spirit stones starting prices!” 蒋梦安很温柔的上前扶住许巧儿,接着朝台下道:“对蒙面天仙我就不多介绍了,10000灵石起价!” 20,000!” “20000!” 25,000!” “25000!” 50,000!” “50000!” 100,000!” “100000!” The value rises dramatically instantaneously, the Xu Qiao'er appearance is very beautiful, but after is not the day of material rare treasure, in 100,000 then started slowly, obvious female to person on the scene, if tens of thousands spirit stones went to the expense but actually, but over 100,000 have not been worth, the full fine sights were good. 价值瞬间飙升,许巧儿的容颜很美,但毕竟不是什么天材异宝,在100000的时候便开始慢了下来,显然一个女子对在场人来讲,若是几万灵石破费一下倒还可以,但100000以上已经不值得了,饱饱眼福就好了。 200,000!” “200000!” When nobody tenders, Li Bufan whole face greedy smiles stares at Xu Qiao'er, the shifty eyes as if must dig up up to be the same the Xu Qiao'er clothes. 就在无人竞价时,李不凡满脸贪婪之笑的盯着许巧儿,贼眼仿佛要将许巧儿的衣服扒光一样。 Sooner or later, I have dug your eye!” “早晚,我挖了你的眼睛!” Stares at Li Bufan, Qin Shi is cursing angrily one in the heart, the ear audits is opening the mouth to tender the digit of low position one after another, making his fist pinch tightly psst to make noise: My younger sister's value, can it be that and other ants can bribe? That is existence that your place is inferior to!” 盯着李不凡,秦石在心中怒骂一声,耳旁听着一道一道开口竞价低位的数字,令他拳头捏紧到吱吱作响:“我妹妹的价值,岂是尔等蝼蚁可以染指的吗?那是你们处之不及的存在!” 1 million!” “1000000!” Opens the mouth is 1 million. 开口就是1000000。 The audience have gawked staring, the expression that Li Bufan enjoys was broken once again, looks back is staring at Qin Shi that does not dare to believe: Boy, are you oppose with me intentionally?” 全场愣了愣,李不凡享受的表情再度被打断,回首不敢置信的盯着秦石:“小子,你是不是存心和我作对?” 2 million!” “2000000!” Actually does not think that does not wait for Li Bufan to open the mouth to tender, Qin Shi alone once again enhances the value unexpectedly. 却不想,不等李不凡开口竞价,秦石竟然独自将价值再度提高。 Hears below sound, the Xu Qiao'er tender body on auction stage trembles, reveals pleasantly surprised, the cherry lips opened: Is the elder brother?” 听到下方的声音,在拍卖台上的许巧儿娇躯一颤,不由的露出惊喜,樱唇张了张:“是哥哥?” Jiang Mengan trembles with fear close to hears that sound, on the elegant face reveals the appearance that becomes aware suddenly. 蒋梦安临近闻声不由惊颤,俏脸上露出恍悟的模样。 You Li Bufan have gawked staring. “你”李不凡愣了愣。 3 million!” “3000000!” Does not give him the opportunity, Qin Shi alone raises the price again, then he likely was insane standing up, the loftily looking all around audience exclaimed lowly: 4 million! 5 million! 6 million! 7 million! 8 million! 9 million! 10 million! Comes the human with?” 不给他机会,秦石再一次独自提价,接着他像是疯了的站起身,傲然的环顾全场低吼道:“4000000!5000000!6000000!7000000!8000000!9000000!10000000!来人跟啊?” 10 million? Audience deathly stillness. 10000000?全场死寂。 „Was he insane? Do 10 million, auction a woman?” “他疯了?10000000,拍卖一个女人?” Was definitely insane!” “肯定是疯了!” The complete silence, Xiaoshan and Feng Hen, Xiao Tianyue several knew that the Qin Shi person, stared the big eye to stare at Qin Shi entire to be simple-hearted, Xiao Tianyue was almost obloquying that could not bear: I depend, isn't money money? Rich such has not spent freely? 10 million, enough I bought the entire blue Lou Street!” 鸦雀无声,萧山、封痕、萧天月几个认识秦石的人,瞪大眼睛盯着秦石全木讷了,萧天月几乎是忍不住的大骂:“我靠,钱不是钱啊?有钱也没这么挥霍的吧?10000000啊,足够我买下整条青楼街了!” Li Bufan was thoroughly ignorant, 10 million are present he cannot take. 李不凡彻底懵了,10000000就算是现在的他也拿不出来。 Can take him not for a female expense 10 million, for this reason is looking in the Qin Shi vision, only then strangely and stares dull, finally satirized: Ok, the boy, you are ruthless enough!” 况且,能拿出来他也不会为了一个女子花销10000000啊,为此望着秦石的目光中只有怪异和呆愣,最终讽刺道:“行,小子,你够狠!” Pays no attention to Li Bufan, Qin Shi rapid gaining ground said to Jiang Mengan: Jiang Guniang, you looked whether to knock hammers?” 不理李不凡,秦石急促的抬头冲蒋梦安道:“蒋姑娘,你看是不是可以敲锤了?” „?” “啊?” Jiang Meng where startled hits to tremble, under point that this dances with joy, then when holds up the [gold/metal] hammer in the heart actually reveals reluctantly: „Does this have knocking necessity? Who can put out 10 million to compete?” 蒋梦安在惊慌中打个哆嗦,这才手舞足蹈的点下头,接着举起金锤时心中却露出无奈:“这还有敲的必要吗?谁能拿出10000000来竞争啊?” She fakes calmly raps according to the flow, second, third, but in third will soon fall, in transmits the sound to make the audience one startled after the position suddenly together: Wait / Etc.! 11 million!” 她假作镇定的按照流程敲击一下,第二下,第三下但就在第三下即将落下时,在非常靠后的位置突然传来一道声响令全场一惊:“等等!11000000!” 11 million?” “11000000?” Looking back that audience shock looks to back row. 全场惊呆的回首瞄向后排。 Today was? 11 million? Insane? 今天是怎么了?11000000?都疯了吧? Qin Shi also in consternation stared staring, wipes the invisible psychic force to extend in the side to plunder recklessly, then together the frail form falls into Sea of Consciousness, making him stare: Is he?” 秦石也是愕然的瞪了瞪眼,一抹无形的精神力延绵在身旁肆意掠开,接着一道单薄的身影落入识海,令他不禁一愣:“是他?”
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