PDL :: Volume #4

#393: Profound miracle cure

Is the profound miracle cure?” “是玄灵丹?” My goodness, is really the profound miracle cure? Cannot think that appeared including this grade of treasure?” “好家伙,真是玄灵丹?想不到,连这等珍宝都出现了?” This profound miracle cure I wanted, no one struggle with me, so long as I had him, I can immediately breakthrough to Profound Spirit Realm!” “这玄灵丹我要了,谁都别和我争,只要我有了他,我马上就能突破玄灵境了!” When profound miracle cure, Spirit King Realm breakthrough Profound Spirit Realm the compounded drug that takes, can significantly promote the breakthrough opportunity, just presented the front throughout to sit in repose with eyes closed can in abundance stick out chest greatly. 玄灵丹,王灵境突破玄灵境时服用的丹药,能够大幅度的提升突破机会,刚一出现就连前排始终闭目养神的大能都纷纷挺起胸膛。 In the atmosphere full house, Qin Shi narrows the eyes the black pupil, had the thoughts, profound miracle cure for him perhaps useless, but Yu Luocha in Spirit King Realm Late Stage peak, because comes under the toxin influence of Yin-Yang unfeeling symbol unable for a very long time breakthrough, for this reason he decided that pats to give Yu Luocha this profound miracle cure. 在气氛爆棚中,秦石将黑眸眯眯起来,跟着也动了心思,玄灵丹对他来说或许没用,但玉罗刹王灵境后期巅峰,因为受到阴阳绝情符的毒素影响久久不能突破,为此他决定将这枚玄灵丹拍下来送给玉罗刹 In the profound miracle cure on the auction stage stop, the Jiang Mengan elegant face has a smiling face: everyone / influential family saw, right, this something by auction is the precious profound miracle cure, 100,000 spirit stones starting prices, let us anticipate, actually this profound miracle cure can the shatter which family!” 在玄灵丹在拍卖台上停稳时,蒋梦安俏脸挂笑:“大家都看见了,没错,这一件拍卖品就是珍贵的玄灵丹,100000灵石起价,来让我们期待一下,这玄灵丹究竟会落花谁家!” 150,000!” “150000!” 200,000!” “200000!” 250,000!” “250000!” 300,000!” “300000!” The value rises dramatically, reaches 300,000 altitudes instantaneously. 价值飙升,瞬间就达到300000的高度。 Qin Shi opened the yawn not to have selling quotation with enough time, then could not bear twitched, this group of people did not draw cash, when money looked. 秦石张了张口还没来得及喊价,便忍不住的抽搐一番,这群人是真不拿钱当钱看了啊。 The person who 300,000 is a watershed, in crowd some underfinanced immediately stops. 300000算是一个分水岭,人群中一些财力不足的人马上停止下来。 Just was stopping instant, Xiaoshan somewhat could not repress in side, but has a hesitation on his face obviously, 300,000 spirit stones regarding Xiao are also a very huge property, clenched teeth to criticize a sound track: „, How goes back to want to explain with the fellow of that group of old codgers that first gave the day moon/month to pat to say again!” 就在刚刚停下的刹那,萧山在旁边有些按耐不住了,但在他的面庞上明显有一丝犹豫,300000灵石对于萧家来讲也是一笔非常庞大的资产,咬了咬牙暗骂一声道:“罢了,回去在想怎么和那帮老不死的家伙解释,先给天月拍下来再说!” Heard that said in the Qin Shi heart one warm, no matter how Xiaoshan scolded Xiao Tianyue to lack prospects, but this love after all were indelible. 闻言秦石心中一暖,不管萧山怎么骂萧天月没出息,但这父子之情终归是不可割舍的啊。 But just wanted to set out in Xiaoshan, Qin Shi actually suddenly has the hand to press down him. 但在萧山刚欲起身时,秦石却突然起手将他按下。 Little brother, you “小兄弟,你” Xiaoshan looked back on staring, at once side then hears transmits together the spooky light sound: 500,000!” 萧山回首愣了愣,旋即便听闻侧面传来一道幽幽轻响:“500000!” 500,000?” “500000?” Clamored, the auction price was promoted an altitude again, making all vision move in abundance to a moment ago the person of opening the mouth selling quotation. 一阵喧哗,拍卖价再次被提升一个高度,令所有目光纷纷挪向刚才开口喊价的人。 Person who opening the mouth is not others, and Qin Shi has the celebrating a holiday Huangpu river slightly, he holds Bai Xu to sit on the chair, the corners of the mouth cast aside toward Xiaoshan and Qin Shi. 开口的人不是别人,正是和秦石稍有过节的皇普江,他扶着白须坐在椅子上,嘴角不禁朝萧山和秦石撇来。 Damn Xiaoshan scolded in a low voice, 500,000 have exceeded the limit that he can withstand: Huangpu, is the alchemy aristocratic family, those present are their family do not lack the profound miracle cure, what does he jump to compete carelessly?” “该死”萧山低声骂道,500000已经超过他能承受的极限了:“皇普家,乃是炼药世家,在场的人就属他们家不缺玄灵丹,他跳出来胡乱竞争什么?” He he, he is intentionally!” “呵呵,他是故意得!” Smiling of Qin Shi thinks little, Huangpu are alchemy aristocratic family Qin Shi does not know that but before just the Huangpu river opened the mouth, in his pupils obviously reveals a strange none remaining, then he moves the vision to nearby all people, waits for with the price. 秦石不以为意的笑了笑,皇普家是不是炼药世家秦石不知道,但在刚刚皇普江开口前,他眸子间明显流露出一丝诡异的精光,接着他将目光挪向旁边的诸人,等待跟价。 He such does, nothing but is to weaken the strength of other people, as the matter stands when one will auction Seven Rank martial arts, his Huangpu will have more opportunities. 他这么做,无非是想要削弱旁人的战力,这样一来一会拍卖七层武学时,他皇普家才会有更多的机会。 500,000 are this profound miracle cure maximum value, the Taishi ting flower and Nangong Yueyang that moved knit the brows, they are not palace Yunnei plant the youth, for this reason gives up competing completely. 500000已经是这玄灵丹的最高价值,本来动心的太史葶花和南宫岳阳不禁皱了皱眉,他们不是宫云那种愣头青,为此全部放弃竞争。 Their trip of points are not the profound miracle cures, for an profound miracle cure sacrificed 500,000 this not small numbers to be obviously unworthy. 本来他们此行的目地就不是玄灵丹,为了一颗玄灵丹牺牲500000这不小的数目显然不值得。 Nobody with price, knitting the brows of Huangpu river accident. 无人跟价,皇普江意外的皱了皱眉。 He he, this old fogy, wants to weaken others to be inadequate, finally instead own pit.” Qin Shi has smiling of satire, then he heaved a deep sigh: 800,000!” “呵呵,这老家伙,想削弱别人不成,最终反而把自己坑了吧。”秦石带有讽刺的笑了笑,接着他长叹一声:“800000!” Some people with price?” “有人跟价了?” Who is? Is he?” “是谁?是他?” A crowd person clamored, stared including Nangong Yueyang and Taishi ting flower and the others to Qin Shi. 人群一人喧哗,连南宫岳阳和太史葶花等人都不禁盯向秦石 „Does this boy, have this grade of financial resource unexpectedly? No wonder before , dares to be wild with the Mysterious Palace person!” “这小子,竟有这等财力?难怪之前敢和玄殿的人猖狂!” Xiaoshan looks at Qin Shi actually to discover on the latter face light like the lake, does not have the mighty waves, for this reason in the heart sucks the tongue: 800,000 spirit stones, this Shi’tou little friend unexpectedly performance calmness of so?” 萧山望着秦石却发现后者面庞上平淡如湖,毫无波澜,为此心中不禁咂舌:“800000灵石,这石头小友竟表现的这般镇定?” Wipes the heart of being on good terms, raises in countless person hearts. 一抹交好之心,在无数人心中升起。 Qin Shi throughout be with smile on the face has swept all people, but he as everyone knows at this time the most excited person is actually sitting in the back row, Xiao Tianyue hears 800,000 spirit stones time, the whole person could not sit still, jumps to say all of a sudden excitedly: Emma, 2 million? The big brother was he too also rich?” 秦石始终面带微笑的扫过诸人,但他却殊不知此时最激动的人正坐在后排,萧天月听见800000灵石的时候,整个人都坐不住了,一下子跳起来激动道:“艾玛,2000000?大哥他也太有钱了吧?” „It is not good, tonight said that anything also wants the pit his one time, in the evening at least must wrap the blue lotus building, is not good, has wrapped a brothel street, in the evening my place enjoys the appearance that Xiao Tianyue whole face zoosperm goes to the head one by one, was not worried that the essence completely person perishes. “不行,今晚说什么也要坑他一次,晚上至少也要把青莲楼包了,不行,把青楼一条街都包了,晚上我挨个地方去享受”萧天月满脸精虫上脑的模样,一点都不担心精尽人亡。 Caressing must the hand stops, Huangpu Jiang Ding start to talk Qin Shi has been gawking staring, after revealing a happy intent, immediately wants to raise prices once more. 抚须的手停下,皇普江盯着开口的秦石愣了愣,露出一丝喜意后马上想再次抬价。 But at this time, by his ear transmitted together the slight sound suddenly: Old fogy, I helps you mediate, do you also want to continue the pit I? If you want this profound miracle cure, continues to tender is, I ensure cannot shout again!” 但这时,他耳旁突然传来一道细微的声响:“老家伙,我帮你打圆场,你还想继续坑我?如果你真想要这玄灵丹,继续竞价便是,我保证不会再喊!” The mouth that the Huangpu river just opened refused to compromise motionless, when looks askance looked to Qin Shi the latter positive belt to show a faint smile to him facetiously. 皇普江刚张开的嘴就僵持不动了,侧目望向秦石时后者正面带戏谑的冲他微微一笑。 Thump! 咚! The third tone hammer falls, finally the Huangpu river has not increased price, profound miracle cure by Qin Shi success income pouch. 第三声锤落,最终皇普江也没有加价,玄灵丹被秦石成功收入囊中。 An profound miracle cure, sells 800,000 to surpass the estimate, on Jiang Mengan elegant face smiling is especially happy, then white hands, said: Next something by auction, relaxes to everyone / influential family, is a mysterious ancient book, named: Non- character book from heaven!” 一颗玄灵丹,卖上800000已经超过估价,蒋梦安俏脸上笑盈盈的格外开心,接着玉手一番,道:“下一件拍卖品,给大家缓和一下,是一件神秘的古书,名为:无字天书!” Then, simple to cannot float the auction stage in the simple books, does not have the spiritual power fluctuation of least bit in the ancient book, for this reason audience curling the lip of. 说完,一本朴素到不能在朴素的书籍浮上拍卖台,在古书上没有半点的灵力波动,为此全场不由的撇了撇嘴。 Non- character book from heaven, 1000 spirit stones starting prices!” “无字天书,1000灵石起价!” Jiang Mengan opens the mouth, unexpectedly the audience does not have one person with the price , compared with the beforehand precious something by auction, this ancient book really could not be interested, Heaven Rank beast pill who even most started continually was inferior. 蒋梦安开口,却不料全场无一人跟价,和之前珍贵的拍卖品比起来,这一件古书实在是提不起兴趣,甚至连最开始的天阶兽丹都不如。 Under awkward silence, Jiang Mengan black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, this situation is the auction room does not allow to appear, if cannot auction finally, she was also punished. 冷场下,蒋梦安黛眉微蹙,这种情况是拍卖行不允许出现得,如果最终拍卖不出去,她也受到惩罚。 1000 spirit stones!” “1000灵石!” When Jiang Mengan is on nettles, has a Young Master spooky start to talk in the back row, but his vision has not looked from beginning to end toward the ancient book, but stops over throughout, in Jiang Meng finds a place to live on. 在蒋梦安忐忑不安时,在后排有一名公子幽幽开口,但至始至终他的目光都未曾朝古书望去,而是始终逗留在蒋梦安身上。 He opens the mouth, clearly for Jiang Mengan. 他开口,分明就是为了蒋梦安。 Some people open the mouth, relaxing of Jiang Mengan rejoices, then the cherry lips gently wriggle, has thrown a thrown kiss to the back row Young Master elder brother, immediately holds up [gold/metal] Chui to rap: Non- character book from heaven one time!” 有人开口,蒋梦安庆幸的松了口气,接着樱唇轻轻蠕动,冲着后排的公子哥抛了一个飞吻,马上举起金锤敲击一下:“无字天书一次!” Non- character book from heaven two!” “无字天书两次!” Well!” In the second hammer falls, the black pupil that Qin Shi shuts tightly such as the longan stares, is staring at ancient book dark startled one on auction stage: „Is this psychic force?” “咦!”就在第二声锤落时,秦石紧闭的黑眸不禁如龙眼瞪开,盯着拍卖台上的古书暗惊一声:“这是精神力?” He discovered that in ancient book, although does not have spiritual power, actually the fluctuation of psychic force, minimal, actually really exists. 他发现,在古书上虽无灵力,却有一丝精神力的波动,微乎其微,却又真实存在。 2000 spirit stones!” “2000灵石!” Therefore he opens the mouth to break Jiang Mengan immediately. 为此他马上开口打断蒋梦安。 Heard 2000 spirit stones various people puzzled to tremble the trembling god, curious looking to Qin Shi. 听到2000灵石诸人都不解的颤了颤神,好奇的望向秦石 Jiang Mengan is so, reveals good intent at once again lifts the hammer: 2000 spirit stones one times!” 蒋梦安更是如此,旋即露出美意的再度举锤:“2000灵石一次!” „The Shi’tou little friend, this books seems, but is a this thing, possibly at most value several gold coin silver coins at rural fair, 2000 spirit stones waste!” Xiaoshan in side, but said. 石头小友,这书籍看上去,不过就是一本凡物,在集市上可能顶多才值几个金币银币,2000灵石浪费啊!”萧山在旁边无奈道。 Qin Shi is so-called shrugging: He he, 2000 spirit stones, change the beautiful woman to smile, how to waste?” His sound is not small, intentionally the people who lets the audience hear, for this reason annoys the innumerable supercilious looks. 秦石为所谓的耸了耸肩:“呵呵,2000灵石,换美人一笑,怎么会浪费呢?”他的声音不小,故意让全场的人都听见,为此惹来无数的白眼。 Because originally Qin Shi the person who opens the mouth to be eager to try hears this word, suddenly also puts down the competition **, but actually unexpectedly always some people do not enlarge ones vision, not a warm not hot sound resounds in the auction market: 3000 spirit stones!” 本来因为秦石开口而跃跃欲试的人听见此言,一时间也放下竞争的**,但却不料总是有人不开眼,一道不温不热的声音在拍卖场上响起:“3000灵石!” The person of start to talk: Li Bufan. 开口之人:李不凡。 He shouted 3000, the opacitas shifty eyes shot a look at to Qin Shi: He he, 2000 spirit stones want to soak the younger sister, is really a young lackey!” 他喊完3000,浑浊的贼眼瞥向秦石:“呵呵,2000灵石就想泡妹子,果然是一个小奴才啊!” hears that sound disgruntled knitting the brows , the Qin Shi beforehand words want to avoid competing, but this Li Bufan is opposing with him obviously intentionally: 2000 have truly been short, but 3000 are not many, 10,000 spirit stones!” 闻声不悦的皱了皱眉,秦石之前的话就是想避免竞争,但这李不凡显然是故意在和他作对:“2000确实少了点,但3000也不多啊,10000灵石!” 20,000!” “20000!” 30,000!” “30000!” 50,000!” “50000!” Crowd in an uproar one startled: 50,000, 50,000, were too fearful, it seems like Mysterious Palace Li Elder this time bore a grudge, the preparation and this boy die to knock!” 人群哗然一惊:“50000了,50000了,太可怕啊,看来玄殿李长老这次是记仇了,准备和这小子死磕到底啊!” Li Bufan contented by the [gold/metal] chair, curls upwards one leg on the other to satirize toward Qin Shi: He he, regarding soaking younger sister, I like hitting others' face! Come, with?” 李不凡怡然自得的靠在金椅上,翘着二郎腿朝秦石讽刺道:“呵呵,对于泡妹子来讲,我更喜欢打别人的脸!来,跟啊?” This saying suffices to a slap in the face, Taishi ting flower and Nangong Yueyang and the others move Qin Shi the vision. 这话真够打脸,太史葶花和南宫岳阳等人将目光挪秦石 The joint fricative resounds in the palms of Qin Shi, after Xiaoshan induces, lowers the sound saying: Little friend, Mysterious Palace is filthy rich, to such every thing be unworthy!” 骨节摩擦声在秦石的掌间响起,萧山感应到后压低声音道:“小友,玄殿财大气粗,为了这么一个凡物不值啊!” All right, I know in heart!” The evil aura between Qin Shi pupils pale goes to several points, the corners of the mouth select said directly: 100,000!” “没事,我心里有数!”秦石眸间的邪气不禁淡去几分,嘴角一挑直接道:“100000!” „Does he dare really with? Moreover turned one time directly?” “他真敢跟?而且是直接翻了一倍?” The crowd is once more surprised, but Taishi ting flower and other senior people actually stern, however they actually throw the vision to the ancient book. 人群再次惊讶,但太史葶花等资深之人却不由正色起来,然而他们将目光却是抛向古书。 In a short time, they many know some about Qin Shi, Qin Shi calm surpasses person of same year, is not that type can with 100,000 set at the child of air/Qi. 短时间内,他们对秦石多少了解一些,秦石的沉稳远超同年之人,绝不是那种能拿100000置气的孩子。 That i.e., this ancient book has the place of his uncommonness. 那就是说,这古书定有他的不凡之处。 110,000!” Li Bufan Min sensitive mouth, this time his has not jumped with the price, only followed small 10,000. “110000!”李不凡敏敏了嘴,这一次他的跟价也没有跳跃,只跟了小小10000。 Li Elder, you have won, takes away!” “李长老,你赢了,拿走吧!” The Qin Shi cold pupil one presently, has not continued to increase price, at this time some people had realized that ancient book difference, he does not think that is annoying several tendering. 秦石寒眸一现,并没有继续加价,此时已经有人察觉出古书的异样,他可不想在惹出几个竞价者。 Li Bufan in his eyes, already the person of dying. 况且,李不凡在他眼中,早已是将死之人。 Thump! 咚! The third tone lets fall, the non- character book from heaven was fallen in Li Bufan pouch, for this reason his joyfully satisfied looks, at once sets up the middle finger that despises. 第三声垂落,无字天书被落在李不凡的囊中,为此他得意洋洋的瞄去,旋即立起鄙视的中指。 Qin Shi is with smile on the face throughout, in the heart is actually dense cold Dao: He he, should be my thing others unable to take away, first makes you take care of a meeting for me!” 秦石始终面带微笑,心中却是森然冷道:“呵呵,该属于我的东西别人拿不走,就先让你替我保管一会!” After non- character book from heaven, is over a hundred something by auctions, several Qin Shi sold to the Yuan Bo demon symbol, but highest also three grains. 无字天书后又是上百件的拍卖品,其中还有几件秦石卖给袁博的魔符,但最高的也才不过三纹。 Three mark demon symbols, unexpectedly auction to 600,000 high prices together finally, made Qin Shi has sucked the tongue to criticize the Yuan Bo black heart. 一道三纹魔符,最终就竟拍卖到600000的高价,不禁令秦石咂了咂舌的暗骂袁博黑心。 This process, Qin Shi has not opened the mouth to tender again, but hugging one's shoulders Bi Mu silently waited. 这个过程,秦石再也没有开口竞价,而是默默的抱着肩膀闭目等待。 After over a hundred something by auctions had finished, sky over the auction market light rocks continuously, arrived one after another finally finally **, Jiang Mengan complexion blood flushes said excitedly: Following, thinks that did not need me saying that everyone / influential family also knows it was anything!” 在上百件拍卖品结束后,拍卖场上空的灯光连续晃动,接连终于到了最后的**,蒋梦安面色潮红的激动道:“接下来一件,想必不用我说,大家也都知道它是什么!” 7-Step Low-Grade martial arts: Demon ghost day photo!” 七阶下乘武学:魅鬼天照!”
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