PDL :: Volume #4

#392: The palace said

Auction, formally starts.” “拍卖会,正式开始。” The graceful sound resounds in the square, what greets to come is the ebullition clamors, in the crowd reveals the anticipation completely the look. 曼妙的声音在广场上响起,迎接而来的是沸腾喧哗,人群中全部露出期待的神色。 Was good, then, I take the first something by auction, raises the interest to everyone / influential family, first: Heaven Rank Desolate Beast: Beast pill of water hawk!” “好了,接下来,我就将第一件拍卖品拿出来,给大家提提兴趣,第一件:天阶荒兽:水鹰的兽丹!” Jiang Mengan shows a faint smile, the vermilion sleeve robe revolves to start in the skilled artist, then the light watermark expands, the middle of auction stage raises slowly a platform, is placing a blue beast pill in the platform. 蒋梦安微微一笑,朱红色的袖袍在妙手中旋转而开,接着淡淡的水纹扩开,拍卖台的中间缓缓升起一座平台,在平台上摆放着一颗碧蓝色的兽丹。 Heaven Rank beast pill?” 天阶兽丹?” Crowd excited clamored, standing up that immediately some people were eager to try. 人群兴奋的喧哗一声,马上就有人跃跃欲试的站起身来。 Qin Shi fair sitting on the chair, after wipes the psychic force finds out, makes him amazed: He he, Heaven Rank Top Grade beast pill? Really worthily is the Scarlet Flame Empire biggest auction room.” 秦石秉直的坐在椅子上,一抹精神力探出后令他不由惊诧:“呵呵,天阶极品兽丹?真不愧是赤炎帝国最大的拍卖行。” Heaven Rank beast pill, 10,000 Upper Tier spirit stones starting prices.” 天阶兽丹,10000上品灵石起价。” 30,000!” “30000!” 50,000!” “50000!” 55,000!” “55000!” 100,000!” “100000!” The Jiang Mengan elusive wonderful sound just fell, the beast pill's value rose dramatically to lift immediately, a Heaven Rank beast pill were most in the past also on value 30,000 spirit stones, but in this quick was delivered 100,000 altitudes, made Qin Shi feel the exclamation, the rich man in this world were really many. 蒋梦安空灵的妙音刚落,兽丹的价值马上就被飙升抬起,一枚天阶兽丹在以往最多也就值30000灵石,但在这很快就被送上100000的高度,不禁令秦石感觉到惊叹,这世上的有钱人真多啊。 He secretly rejoiced now has prepared 10 million spirit stones, otherwise 800,000 also are really insufficiently looked in this non- gate auction room that let alone Ying lotus prepared tens of thousands spirit stones, on this day within class polarization was too serious. 他现在暗自庆幸准备了10000000灵石,否则800000在这无门拍卖行里还真是不够看,更别说颖莲准备几万的灵石了,这天地间的阶级分化实在太严重了。 Finally, this Heaven Rank beast pill was seized by a back row good-looking man under 270,000 exaggerating values, when Jiang Mengan third tone lets fall immediately causes the disaffection and helplessness of many person. 最终,这天阶兽丹在270000的夸张价值下被后排一名俊俏男子夺下,蒋梦安第三声垂落时马上引起不少人的不满和无奈。 He he, 270,000, this really gives up.” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, spirit stones here cannot treat as spirit stones to come to see simply. “呵呵,270000,这真是舍得啊。”秦石咂了咂舌,在这里的灵石简直不能当做灵石来看。 In the future, Jiang Mengan puts out something by auction, each something by auction is far from every, beast pill, the compounded drug, higher martial arts, causes many competitions. 往后,蒋梦安一件一件的将拍卖品拿出,每一件拍卖品都远非凡品,兽丹,丹药,高等武学,引起不少的争夺。 But this competition mostly appears in the back row, Qin Shi discovered by in front position can, Bi Mu not speak greatly, seems irrelevant with them. 但这种争夺大多出现在后排,秦石发现靠在前排位置的大能们,一个一个闭目不语,仿佛和他们无关一样。 It seems like their goals, all are that 7-Step martial arts.” Qin Shi has licked split corners of the mouth, then he has not made noise. “看来他们的目标,全是那一本七阶武学啊。”秦石舔了舔干裂的嘴角,接着他也没有出声。 Although these something by auctions are very precious, but has not let the treasure that he moves. 虽说这些拍卖品都很珍贵,但却没有让他动心的宝贝。 The disposition and Xiao of Tianyue Xiaoshan looks like very much, they worthily are also the grandfather and grandchild, is bored to death he holds gu to hold gu Qin Shi saying: Little brother, you are outside area come?” 萧山的性格和萧天月很像,两人不愧是也爷俩,百无聊赖中他捅咕捅咕秦石道:“小兄弟,你是外地来的吧?” Um.” Qin Shi gawked under then nodded to say. “嗯。”秦石愣了下便点头应道。 This matter he does not need to conceal, moreover full. 这事他没必要隐瞒,而且也满不下去。 Had the topic, Xiaoshan then started to talk endlessly: Yeah, the little brother, was not I said that seeing your my sincerity to feel the heart has broken to pieces place!” 有了话题,萧山便开始喋喋不休道:“哎,小兄弟,不是我说,看见你我真心感觉心都碎了一地啊!” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue: What leaves this word?” 秦石咂了咂舌:“何出此言?” Discontented brothers, I have a youngest son, the age look with you almost, but compares with you simply is as different as heaven and earth, day-by-day in the brain does not know thinks is anything, all day long knows runs toward the brothel, which shape little brother you, I was really sometimes curious, similarly has the son, how I lived such a ruined family to play should!” “不满兄弟,我有个小儿子,岁数看着跟你差不多,但和你比起来简直就是天壤之别,一天一天脑子里不知道想的都是些什么,成天就知道往花街柳巷去跑,哪像小兄弟你啊,我有时候真就好奇了,同样是生儿子,我怎么生了这么个败家玩应呢!” Look this time, reaching an agreement leads him to see the world, finally just arrived at the entrance to run, yeah the ancestors sinned!” Xiaoshan was saying, while indignant is patting the hand. “这不,这一次,说好带他来见见世面,结果刚到门口又跑了,哎上辈子造孽啊!”萧山一边说着,一边愤愤不平的拍着把手。 Qin Shi endures not to smile in side, words at heart said embarrassedly, wasn't Xiao Tianyue this, learns father's trade? 秦石在旁边忍着没笑,心里的话没好意思说出来,萧天月这样,不也是子承父业吗? Was right, the little brother, the auction ended, you are more careful, here you have the psychic force and Mr. Yuan, but left this difficultly to say.” “对了,小兄弟,拍卖会结束,你自己小心一些,在这里你有精神力和袁老板,但离开这就难说了。” Xiaoshan said that this saying, then single-handed faced forward to refer to pointing out: First did not say Mysterious Palace, is starts that mildew old man not to be simple, he is in four everyone / influential family the big manager of Huangpu: The Huangpu river, heard that has the Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage strength.” 萧山说完这话,接着单手朝前指了指道:“先不说玄殿,就是开始那白毛老头就不简单,他可是四大家中皇普家的大总管:皇普江,听说有玄灵境中期的实力。” Huangpu?” “皇普家吗?” Qin Shi nodded secretly, East District four everyone / influential family: Nangong, Shangguan Family and Huangpu and too the historian, these he early has hearing, Nangong strength to most, remaining three everyone / influential family meet as an equal, is equally matched. 秦石暗自点了点头,东方区域大家:南宫家、上官家、皇普家、太史家,这些他早有耳闻,其中南宫家实力为最,剩下三大家分庭抗礼,难分伯仲。 That, is the big elder of Nangong: Nangong Yueyang.” Xiaoshan in side, introduced for Qin Shi: What too the historian comes is too the historian three young ladies, the Taishi ting flower.” “那面,是南宫家的大长老:南宫岳阳。”萧山在旁边,一个一个替秦石介绍起来:“太史家来的是太史家三小姐,太史葶花。” Takes down them, the black pupil of Qin Shi moves in two people respectively, Nangong Yueyang is an old man, looks like slightly fat, very gentle. 将两人记下,秦石的黑眸分别在两人身上挪动,南宫岳阳是一个老者,看起来有些微胖,非常的慈祥。 The Taishi ting flower is a talent and beauty female, to human a world of mortals ill-smelling unique charm. 太史葶花是一名才貌双全的女子,给人一种凡间难闻的独特魅力。 Three everyone / influential family?” “三大家吗?” Qin Shi light snort, then the corners of the mouth think little has selected selecting toward on, his trip of direction pick Xu Qiao'er, like causing complications. 秦石轻哼一声,接着嘴角不以为意的朝上挑了挑,他此行指向接走许巧儿,并不像节外生枝。 But his final vision falls on the Huangpu river, the Huangpu river happen to also looks to him, in process that in their double pupils look at each other, Qin Shi has licked the licking lips angle: Does not want to stir up trouble, but if the matter annoys me, four everyone / influential family have survived in name only in any case, I do not mind but actually in letting on this East District four everyone / influential family few one!” 但他最终的目光落在皇普江身上,皇普江正好也瞄向他,在两人双眸相视的过程中,秦石不由的舔了舔嘴角:“不想惹事,但若事来惹我,反正四大家已经名存实亡了一个,我倒不介意在让这东方区域的四大家少上一个!” This saying is very light, but Xiaoshan actually hears clearly, making him cannot help but hit to tremble, looks has the transformation to the Qin Shi vision. 这话很轻,但萧山却听得清楚,令他不由自主的打了个哆嗦,望向秦石的目光不禁发生转变。 He discovered that on the body of Qin Shi, one type is far from this year his discipline some are calm and experienced, what is most important is that heartless, even if blue lotus first talent Zhong Jian, in the difference are too in comparison many. 他发现,在秦石的身上,有一种远非他这年纪该有的沉稳和老练,最重要的是那份狠心,就算青莲第一天才钟健,与其相比都差上太多。 Only is this completely at ease air/Qi field, Xiaoshan confessed that lived he of most lifetime unable to achieve. 光是这一份坦然自若的气场,萧山自认活了大半辈子的他都做不到。 In the future, auction carries on slowly, all kinds of treasures cause clamoring of many person, Qin Shi also opens the mouth to compete several times, but at will shouts the price each time, when the value was lifted to the price above, he will then stop the hand. 往后,拍卖会慢慢进行,各式各样的珍宝引起不少人的喧哗,其中秦石也跟着开口争夺几次,但每次只是随意喊一喊价,在价值被抬到物价以上时,他便会停止手。 Quick, over a hundred something by auctions were received in the pouch by people, what auctioned is together 5-Step martial arts, named: Longyou step. 很快,上百件拍卖品被众人收入囊中,正在拍卖的是一道五阶武学,名为:吉龙游步。 The value in field was mentioned 200,000 spirit stones. 场上的价值已经被提到200000灵石 At this moment, the rear area stands up suddenly a person, the looking all around audience who whole face despising smiles, Landau: 300,000!” 就在这时,后方突然站起一人,满脸轻蔑之笑的环顾全场,朗朗道:“300000!” 300,000 just left, the crowd was suppressed immediately. 300000刚出,人群马上被压制下来。 Qin Shi hears that sound looks askance looking that looks askance at to that person, is a slightly good-looking middle-aged man, seems 30 over, a brocade robe is obviously unusual. 秦石闻声侧目睨视的瞄向那人,是一个略显俊俏的中年男子,看上去30出头,一身锦袍可见身世不凡。 Drinks, is really strange, big does young master of this palace really have the mood the auction?” After Xiaoshan looks back, has gawked staring, laughs in spite of trying not. “喝,真是稀奇,这宫家的大少爷竟然有心情来拍卖会?”萧山跟着回首后愣了愣,不禁失笑。 Qin Shi knit the brows: Palace Young Master? Did he call the palace to say?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“宫家大少?他可是叫宫云?” Right, does the little brother you know him?” “没错,小兄弟你认识他?” He he, did not know!” The pupil heart of Qin Shi smiles densely, then he directly has turned head ringing: 300,001!” “呵呵,不认识!”秦石的眸心森然一笑,接着他直接回过头朗朗一声:“300001!” The entire process, Xiaoshan was shocked in side. 整个过程,萧山在旁边愣住了。 Appearance that this does not know? Clearly has the intense and deep-seated hatred? 这是不认识的样子吗?分明是有着血海深仇吧? Actually Qin Shi has not spoken incorrectly, he really did not know this palace said that but did not know that does not represent not to have the gratitude and grudges, the matter of Ying lotus he now not being feeling well that thinks also to think. 其实秦石没说错,他真不认识这宫云,但不认识就不代表没有恩怨,颖莲的事他现在想想还觉的不爽。 You “你” After palace Yun Ditou sees Qin Shi , the bursting out laughing, then grips the fist saying: 400,000!” 宫云低头望见秦石后不禁哑然,接着攥着拳道:“400000!” 400,001!” “400001!” 450,000!” “450000!” 450,001!” “450001!” In the field falls into a strange indignation immediately, no matter the palace Yun Jiang price enhances to doing few, Qin Shi in behind silently adds on together spirit stones. 场上马上陷入一种怪异的气愤,不管宫云将价格提高到做少,秦石都会在后面默默的跟着加上一块灵石 This clarified is provokes. 这摆明了就是挑衅啊。 Quick, achieves 500,000, but was mentioned 500,001 immediately. 很快,达到500000,但马上就被提到500001。 You palace cloud become flushed staring of face to Qin Shi: You are intentional? Has you such to auction?” “你”宫云涨红个脸的瞪向秦石:“你是故意的是不是?有你这么拍卖的吗?” Qin Shi shrugs: He he, the palace are few, what did you say? This thing, has those who are able to occupy, had the skill your superego not to be good? Does not have the skill, do not kick up a racket!” 秦石耸了耸肩:“呵呵,宫少,你说什么呢?这东西,有能者居上,有本事你超我不就好了?没本事,别吵吵!” Good, good, good!” The palace cloud has pinched the fist breathless, then supinely begins shouts once again: 600,000, come, I thought when you can follow to arrive!” “好,好,好!”宫云气急败坏的捏了捏拳,接着仰起头再度喊道:“600000,来,我看你能跟到什么时候!” 600,001!” Qin Shi has turned head, ease [say / way]. “600001!”秦石回过头,悠然道。 In the atmosphere, the palace cloud some mourning corpses were sane, open the mouth to probably demand payment, but followed actually to fluster in his nearby palace old servant, hurried to block him saying: young master, do not follow, this martial arts, at most value 300,000!” 在气氛下,宫云已经有些丧尸理智,开口就欲要追价,但跟在他旁边的宫家老奴却慌了,赶忙拦住他道:“少爷,别跟了,这武学,顶多才值300000啊!” hear that, the palace cloud opens mouth twitches, then in his dense vision completely contains the hatred, but he said toward Qin Shi at this time suddenly: Come, you continue with, 1 million spirit stones!” 闻言,宫云张开嘴不禁抽搐一下,接着他森然的目光中满含恨意,但这时他突然朝秦石道:“来,你继续跟,1000000灵石!” 1 million?” “1000000?” In an uproar, audience in an uproar, auction from starting, first time presents 1 million, hasn't actually thought unexpectedly by this kind of situation? 哗然,全场哗然,拍卖会自开始,第一次出现1000000,却没想到竟是以这样一种情况? When 1 million fall, all people move the vision to Qin Shi, all can continue in curious Qin Shi with the price. 在1000000落下时,所有人都将目光挪向秦石,全在好奇秦石会不会继续跟价。 But in all people curious, Qin Shi actually be with smile on the face standing up, then turned round to palace Yun Bao holding the fist in the other hand: Hey, palace little really uncommon, 1 million spirit stones said that throws throws, I do not have am so filthy rich, this martial arts I give you and that's the end!” 但就在诸人好奇中,秦石却面带微笑的站起身,接着回身冲宫云抱了抱拳:“嘿嘿,宫少果然不凡,1000000灵石说扔就扔,我可没这么财大气粗,这武学我让给你就是了!” You “你” Suddenly, the face of palace cloud is pale, the intestines that in the heart regrets were blue. 戛然,宫云的面庞铁青,心中后悔的肠子都青了。 He thinks that Qin Shi definitely will continue with him, then he does not increase price, spoke the script should not be according to the common sense this? 他以为,秦石肯定会继续跟他,然后他就不加价了,按常理讲剧本不应该是这样吗? 1 million, palace is not the everyone / influential family clan in the blue lotus city, 1 million were almost equal to their family one year of crop. 1000000啊,宫家在青莲城算不上大家族,1000000几乎相当于他们家族一年的收成了。 Not only Jiang Mengan is unintentional, smiles the surface sounding third tone to let fall, said with a smile: 1 million, the palace said that young master is really straightforward, that this Longyou step turned over to the palace to say young master!” 蒋梦安不只是有意无意,笑面的敲响第三声垂落,微笑道:“1000000,宫云少爷果然豪爽,那这吉龙游步就归宫云少爷了!” This, palace Yun Zai cannot suppress, puffing in gulps is staring at Qin Shi, becomes flushed the face company to say three good characters: Good, good, good, I took down!” 这一下,宫云再也压制不住,大口大口的喘着粗气的盯着秦石,涨红着面庞连道三声好字:“好,好,好,我记下了!” Then, the courage that he continues to treat does not have, shoves open behind person enhanced dust to go directly. 接下来,他连继续待下去的勇气都没有,直接推开身后的人扬尘而去。 Idiot!” “白痴!” Looks at the departure palace saying that the Qin Shi ease sitting down body, then he actually endlessly discovered that Jiang Mengan on auction stage throws quite to have the beautiful pupil of profound meaning toward him unexpectedly, making him stare. 望着离去的宫云,秦石悠然的坐下身,接着他却不尽发现,在拍卖台上的蒋梦安竟朝他抛来颇有深意的美眸,令他不禁一愣。 He he, beyond Shi’tou little friend non- intention, these something by auctions before taking to have the estimate, you lift intentionally the price, has surpassed the estimate by far, therefore Jiang Guniang can also divide Gauguin many spirit stones.” Xiaoshan explained one in side. “呵呵,石头小友不用意外,这些拍卖品在拿上来之前都有估价,你将价格故意抬上去,已经远远的超过估价,所以蒋姑娘也能分高更多的灵石。”萧山在旁边解释一句。 Nod of Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, in the heart wants saying: If this, one will estimate not only throws the coquettish look, perhaps will directly throw the bosom to deliver?” 秦石恍然大悟的点了点头,心中不由想道:“若是这样,一会估计就不光是抛媚眼,说不定会直接投怀送了吧?” A farce ended, after next something by auction displays, made audience in an uproar, the Jiang Mengan adept skilled artist turned, the center of auction stage raised slowly, was color fragrance complete dark color compounded drug, on the compounded drug flood the light fluorescence. 一场闹剧结束,下一件拍卖品展出后不禁令全场哗然一番,蒋梦安娴熟的妙手一翻,拍卖台的中央缓缓升起,是一颗色香味俱全的暗色丹药,丹药上泛着淡淡荧光。 Is the profound miracle cure?” “是玄灵丹?”
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