PDL :: Volume #4

#391: Feng Hen change

The audience eliminate. 全场肃清。 In hundreds of thousands of people of auction markets, Qin Shi is crooked the head to stare at the crane to send the old man: Come, you try!” 在数十万人的拍卖场内,秦石就歪着脑袋盯着鹤发老者:“来,你试试!” The old men sit down exhausted on the [gold/metal] chair, he in an instant and black pupil looking at each other of Qin Shi, in profound such as the pupil hearts of dark night, he realized that one does not have shade killing intent and cold current, even if were this living over a hundred years of old fogies for this reason felt frightened. 老者瘫坐在金椅上,他在刹那间和秦石的黑眸对视,在深邃如黑夜的眸心间,他察觉到一丝毫无遮拦的杀意和寒流,哪怕是他这种活了上百年的老家伙都为此感觉到一丝惊悚。 Rumble! 咕噜! Finally he has not opened the mouth, but choking mouth spit maliciously. 最终他也没有开口,只是狠狠的噎口吐沫。 Qin Shi happily has raised corners of the mouth, this loosens the hand: Old fogy, speech time uses the brain, thought that was the logical expression said again outward, otherwise was mistaken very much easily is the dog!” 秦石得意的扬了扬嘴角,这才松开手:“老家伙,说话的时候动动脑,觉得是人话再往外说,否则很容易被人误认成是狗!” The shame of scarlet fruits. 赤果果的羞辱。 Has all been shocked in nearby person, a face inconceivable is staring at Qin Shi. 在旁边的人全惊呆了,一脸不可思议的盯着秦石 About Qin Shi looks all around, under unusual vision of being a focus of public attention swaggering toward attending a banquet. 秦石左右环顾一圈,在万众瞩目的异样眼光下大摇大摆的朝坐席回去。 Bang! clatter! 嗒! A big hand takes advantage of opportunity to find out, holds down the shoulder of Qin Shi: He he, the young lackey, very has the skill, this irritable temperament.” 一只大手顺势探出,一把按住秦石的肩膀:“呵呵,小奴才,挺有本事啊,这火爆的脾气。” Looks askance to look askance , the Li Bufan disgusting face reappears in the Qin Shi pupil: My good nature, only to the friends of mine, as for the person who thinking your this type full mouth spews, he he, does not match!” 侧目睨视,李不凡令人厌恶的面庞浮现在秦石眸中:“我的好脾气,只会给我的朋友们,至于想你这种满口喷粪的人,呵呵,不配!” Frighten! 吓! Also knits the brows in the front crowd, the Qin Shi words made them surprisedly. 在前排的人群同时皱起眉来,秦石的话令他们惊讶不已。 If said that before Qin Shi behavior so-called in their opinion wild, that absolutely was at this moment insane: This boy actually what background?” 若是说,之前秦石的所为所谓在他们看来只是猖狂,那此时此刻绝对是疯了:“这小子究竟什么来头?” Does not know, dares such and person speech of Mysterious Palace? He not awfully?” “不知道,敢这么和玄殿的人说话?他不要命了?” The crane sends the old man to raise head to look in side to Qin Shi, the secret passage of snorting contemptuously: Scoffs, offends Mysterious Palace? This time I thought that you can have the big skill.” 鹤发老者在旁边仰头望向秦石,嗤之以鼻的暗道:“嗤,得罪玄殿?这一次我看你能有多大的本事。” Li Bufan brow wrinkles, is when he of Mysterious Palace elder has received this grade of humiliation, excitedly violent anger raising hand: You court death!” 李不凡眉头皱紧,身为玄殿长老的他何时受过这等屈辱,勃然间暴怒的扬起手:“你找死!” Bang! 砰! But in instant, the Qin Shi bone-chilling cold black pupil that he raises hand such as the hurricane sweeps across, an invisible pressure blows out from his black robe under suddenly. 但就在他扬手的刹那,秦石凛冽的黑眸如飓风席卷,猛然间一道无形的威压自他黑袍之下爆出。 Then listens to bang one, Li Bufan has not gotten back one's composure, whole person directly like the rubber ball of broken line, Yang Shuaifan on the following chair, greatly head down, is really distressed. 接着就听巨响一声,李不凡尚未回神,整个人直接就像断线的皮球一样,一个后仰摔翻在后面的椅子上,大头朝下,甚是狼狈。 This all people one startled, the To take Joy in Calamity and Delight in Disaster crane sent the old man to nip the tongue a moment ago directly, sore he calls out one, the face blue and purple. 这一下诸人一惊,刚才幸灾乐祸的鹤发老者直接咬了舌头,疼的他嚎叫一声,面庞青紫。 Just, just what's the matter?” “刚刚,刚刚怎么回事?” „Wasn't non- gate auction room covered by Feng Lingjie? How can he use spiritual power?” “无门拍卖行不是被封灵结界覆盖了吗?他怎么能用灵力?” „It is not right, a moment ago that was not spiritual power!” “不对,刚才那不是灵力!” One crowd of photographs looked that the monster same looks at Qin Shi, realizes the following sound above Feng Hen and Xiao Tianyue, complete standing up body. 一群人像看怪物一样看着秦石,在上方封痕和萧天月也察觉到下面的动静,全部站起身子。 What is accidental, should seal the mark actually surface timidly like Transmit, was Xiao Tianyue has scared on the contrary, the mouth Zhang Boss has puffed and blown the half of the day: I depend, the big brother was he insane? Dares to hit the Mysterious Palace person unexpectedly?” 令人意外的是,理应胆怯的封痕却面如平湖,反倒是萧天月吓坏了,嘴巴张的老大吭哧了半天:“我靠,大哥他疯了?竟然敢打玄殿的人?” Ended ended, these has destroyed, I must be killed by him, was not good, cannot by the Mysterious Palace person be known I knew him.” “完了完了,这一下毁了,我也要被他害死了,不行,千万不能被玄殿的人知道我认识他。” Bang!! Seals the mark to raise the hand to hold Xiao Tianyue suddenly, such as thousand years cold ice exclaimed lowly: You should better shut up, otherwise I will kill you!” 封痕突然扬起手抓住萧天月,一声如千年寒冰的低吼道:“你最好闭嘴,否则我会杀了你!” Xiao Tianyue has been startled being startled, just wanted to refute actually to fight a shiver, sees only Feng Hen this time air/Qi field completely to transform, acted like a different person with just that timid appearance, to human frightened from abyss devil. 萧天月怔了怔,刚欲反驳却不禁打了个寒战,只见封痕此时的气场全然转变,和刚刚那怯懦的样子判若两人,给人一种来自深渊恶魔的惊悚。 Rumble! 咕噜! The choking mouth spit, he does not dare to open the mouth actually, in the heart alone whispered: Day, actually did I know two what people?” 噎口吐沫,他硬是没敢开口,心中独自嘀咕嘀咕道:“天啊,我究竟认识了两个什么人?” When Xiao Tianyue shuts up, Feng Henning focuses on the vision moves to Li Bufan, wiping kills intent such as the star meteor time to flash through unobservable. 在萧天月闭嘴时,封痕凝着眼将目光挪向李不凡,一抹难以察觉的杀意如星陨流光般闪过。 In the flurry, Li Bufan clenches teeth to crawl on the ground, then he stares to the Qin Shi vision reveals one startled to accommodate: Damn, a moment ago was that psychic force? The boys, are you Demonic Talisman Master?” 在慌乱中,李不凡咬着牙在地上爬起来,接着他瞪向秦石的目光中露出一丝惊容:“该死,刚才那是精神力?小子,你是符魔师?” Demonic Talisman Master?” 符魔师?” Three characters do not put out in Li Fankou, person all around is suddenly enlighted. 三个字在李不凡口中吐出,周遭的人恍然大悟。 Qin Shi selected the corners of the mouth not to be many said that but his movement replied for him that produced one after another quiet purple jack-o '- lantern on his left hand. 秦石挑着嘴角并不多说,但他的动作已经替他回答,就在他左手上产生一道一道幽紫色的鬼火。 Whoosh! 唰! He approaches Li Bufan, works on latter's collar to exclaim lowly: He he, Li Bufan? Do not worry, our my account, waited for the auction to finish, I am calculating with you slowly.” 他逼近李不凡,一把抓起后者的脖领子低吼道:“呵呵,李不凡是吧?你别着急,咱俩我账,等拍卖会结束,我在跟你慢慢的算。” Bang! 砰! The voice just fell, then sees only his Shan Zhang to catch up, that vigorous such as the hill energetic pressure falls straightly, flies Li Bufan secondary earthquake with a crash again several hundred meters far. 话音刚落,接着只见他单掌发力,那浑厚如山丘的精神威压笔直而落,砰然间将李不凡再次震飞数百米远。 Boy, you courts death!” “小子,你找死!” This Li Bufan has gotten angry thoroughly, after crawling single-handed sets out, wields, inscribes Gu Fu who the mysterious mark winds together, in he holds reappears, sees ancient symbol those present to be all panic-stricken, in abundance withdrawing several steps. 这一下李不凡彻底怒了,爬起身后单手一挥,一道刻有玄奥纹络的古符在他掌中浮现,望见古符在场的人皆是惊慌失措,纷纷退后数步。 Day broken symbol?” “天破符?” In the crowd clamored, Qin Shi knit the brows. 人群中喧哗而起,秦石跟着皱了皱眉。 This thing he has heard, is Heaven Realm can greatly the spell that the spiritual power compression becomes, has very boundless lethality, because is the compression in the spell, even if Feng Lingjie is unable to shut tightly. 这东西他听闻过,是一种天境大能将灵力压缩而成的符咒,拥有非常磅礴的杀伤力,而且由于是压缩在符咒中,就算是封灵结界也无法紧闭。 ! 咻! In all people flurried, Yuan Bo does not know when from vault of heaven, his whole body covers the light aperture to tie, is one type can with the strategy of Feng Lingjie mutually counter-balance. 在诸人慌乱中,袁博不知何时自天穹而下,他全身笼罩着淡淡的光圈结界,是一种能够和封灵结界相互抵消的阵法。 He keeps off before Li Bufan, said with a smile slightly: He he, Li Elder, was this? Moves such is angry? Day after day broke the symbol to use?” 他挡在李不凡面前,微微笑道:“呵呵,李长老,这是怎么了?动这么大怒?连天破符都用上了?” Yuan Bo you make way, this does not have your matter! I must kill this boy!” Li Bufan pinches tightly a day of broken symbol indignantly, pulls up the leg to cross Yuan Bo. 袁博你让开,这没你的事!我要杀了这小子!”李不凡气愤的捏紧天破符,拔起腿就想越过袁博 The Yuan Bo palm turns, depresses the Li Bufan day broken symbol from place above: He he, this is not good, perhaps day broken Fu Bao, my following auction did not use, you may , to be clear, this result you can withstand?” 袁博手掌一翻,从上方将李不凡的天破符压下:“呵呵,这可不行啊,天破符爆了,恐怕我接下来的拍卖会也就不用开了,你可要想清楚,这个结果你能承受的起吗?” I “我” Li Bufan just opened the mouth, indignant under is actually the little darling receives the day broken symbol: Ok, Mr. Yuan, you said that this boy gets rid to me in your non- gate auction room, can give me a view?” 李不凡刚开口,气愤下却是乖乖将天破符收起:“行,袁老板,你说说吧,这小子在你无门拍卖行对我出手,总要给我个说法吧?” A words exit, the crowd looks at vision to Yuan Bo. 话一出口,人群将目光望向袁博 But unexpectedly, the Yuan Bo following words made all people shock: View? Snort, the Shi’tou little friend is my honored guest, you exported to tease blatantly did not say that now also wants to ask me to look for the view?” 但不料,袁博下面的话令所有人大跌眼镜:“说法?哼,石头小友是我的贵客,你公然出口戏谑不说,现在还想找我找说法?” I “我” Li Elder, remembers this is the non- gate auction room, is not your Mysterious Palace, receives your honored rack, today I put this words, leaves the non- gate auction room I unable to manage, so long as Shi’tou little friend the day of me, who if dares to touch his slightest, that opposes with my Yuan Bo.” “李长老,记住这是无门拍卖行,不是你们玄殿,把你那尊贵的架子收起来,今天我就把话放这,离开无门拍卖行我管不着,但只要石头小友在我这一天,谁若是敢碰他分毫,那就是跟我袁博作对。” Yuan Bo sound bone-chilling cold, does not give the opportunity that Li Bufan opens the mouth saying: Do not think that behind you have Mysterious Palace, how I do not dare you, you , if not believe that may try greatly!” 袁博声音凛冽,根本不给李不凡开口的机会道:“你不要觉得你背后有玄殿,我就不敢怎么样你,你若不信,大可试试!” Frighten! 吓! The audience in an uproar, Yuan Bo shields Qin Shi like this, is matter that all people are unexpected, very obvious indicated the standpoint. 全场哗然,袁博这样袒护秦石,是所有人都始料未及的事,很明显的把立场表明。 Therefore, all people move vision once again to Qin Shi, before all contempt and despised transform to completely be curious and startled. 为此,所有人再度将目光挪向秦石,之前所有的轻视和鄙夷全部转化为好奇和惊慌。 Qin Shi knit the brows, that Duan Hua effort in field was very just high, the Li Bufan clever present reveals one to dread that made his secret passage: It seems like this non- gate auction room, imagines me is more mystical than!” 秦石皱了皱眉,刚刚那段话在场上的力度很高,李不凡的贼眼下都露出一丝忌惮,不禁令他暗道:“看来这无门拍卖行,比我想象中还要神秘啊!” Paid no attention to all people noise, Yuan Bo has wielded the sleeve robe completely at ease, then turned round to arrive at the Qin Shi side, patted the racket to say with a smile on the shoulder of Qin Shi single-handed: „The Shi’tou little friend, making you frightened.” 不理诸人的喧闹,袁博坦然自若的挥了挥袖袍,接着回身走到秦石的身旁,单手在秦石的肩膀上拍了拍笑道:“石头小友,让你受惊了。” Mr. Yuan is polite.” “袁老板客气。” Qin Shi has gotten back one's composure, with every effort after maintaining this calm shouldering corners of the mouth, said with a smile gently. 秦石回过神,尽力保持这冷静的挑起嘴角后轻轻笑道。 They like this look at each other, seemed like in the speechless silence has actually exchanged many profound meanings in the pupils, then Yuan Bo laughed: Ok, the auction must start immediately, waited for the auction to finish the postscript being probable to come my this to accompany me to drink one cup.” 两人就这样相视一眼,看似无言的沉默中在眸子间却交换了诸多深意,接着袁博才哈哈一笑:“行,拍卖会马上就要开始了,等拍卖会结束后记得来我这陪我喝上一杯。” Certain.” “一定。” Under Qin Shi complies, Yuan Bo moves the body to leave the conference site. 秦石答应下,袁博挪动着身躯离开会场。 After he leaves moment, in the field seethes with excitement immediately, all people all move the vision to Qin Shi. 就在他离开后的片刻,场上顿时沸腾起来,所有人将目光全部挪向秦石 Mr. Yuan like this is polite to this boy, is actually this boy what origin?” “袁老板对这小子都这样客气,这小子究竟是什么来历?” „It is not simple, Mysterious Palace this time also kicked to be firm.” “不简单,玄殿这次也踢到硬板了。” A series of discussions, in the front position, start to speak to insult the Qin Shi person to reveal the regret completely, the crane sends the old man is standing up of trembling, hurries to apologize toward Qin Shi: Little friend, before , has eyes but fails to see obsolete, looks at the little friend you do not bear in mind is.” 一连串的议论,在前排的位置,开始出言辱骂过秦石的人全部露出悔意,鹤发老者更是哆嗦的站起身,赶忙朝秦石道歉:“小友,之前之前是老朽有眼无珠,望小友您不要记在心里才是。” He he, this likely sentence logical expression.” “呵呵,这才像句人话。” Qin Shi waved, saying with a smile that and does not care about, then he and Li Bufan two pupils relative, the electric light flint that first company passes on erupts in the silence. 秦石挥了挥手,并不在意的笑道,接着他和李不凡两眸相对,一连传的电光火石在无声中爆发。 jaw closes tightly psst makes noise, Li Bufan under the wicked point said finally: Good, good, good, the boy you are ruthless enough, but you remember, your best this whole life not to leave the non- gate auction room, otherwise I want you to be attractive surely!” 牙关咬紧的吱吱作响,李不凡最终恶狠狠的点下头道:“好,好,好,小子你够狠,但你记住,你最好这辈子别离开无门拍卖行,否则我定要你好看!” Do not be anxious, I said that our accounts, I must slowly calculates with you.” Qin Shi shrugs, the response of not inferior non- throat. “别急,我说了,咱俩的账,我要慢慢的跟你算呢。”秦石耸了耸肩,不卑不吭的回应。 In the confrontation of their words, suddenly above arena entire transparent ceiling absent-minded, then the scarlet date of upper air was hidden, the audience falls into jet black. 在两人话语的交锋中,突然擂台上方全透明的天棚一阵恍惚,接着高空的赤日被隐没下去,全场陷入漆黑。 The darkness just covered, the flame light beam lets fall in the midpoint together, the gorgeous and luxurious halo the auction stage will illuminate. 黑暗刚刚笼罩,一道火红色的光柱在正中央垂落,绚丽而奢华的光晕将拍卖台照亮。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! Then, a resounding, in all people holds the breath silent, drags the female of red long skirt such as the fairy maiden to descend to earth, falling of dancing lightly and gracefully in floor center. 接着,一声脆响,在诸人屏息沉默下,一名拖着红色长裙的女子如仙子下凡,翩翩起舞的落在台面中央。 Looks quickly, is Jiang Mengan.” “快瞧,是蒋梦安。” Really is Jiang Mengan, the blue lotus first beautiful woman, cannot think that this time is she presides over the auction unexpectedly, this time may have lucky in love.” “真是蒋梦安,青莲第一美人,想不到这次竟然是她来主持拍卖会,这一次可有艳福了。” The crowd discussed unceasingly, Qin Shi raised head to look at the female heel knitting the brows, this female was very beautiful, to the human renouncing society and living alone, annoyed the feeling that the human loved tenderly. 人群议论不断,秦石仰头望着女子后跟着皱了皱眉,这女子真的很美,给人一种遗世独立,惹人怜爱的感觉。 But at this time regarding the beauty, Qin Shi does not regard as important, for this reason after having bound the black robe, pays no attention to Li Bufan, alone sets out to return to the chair. 但此时对于美色,秦石并不看重,为此裹了裹黑袍后不理李不凡,独自起身回到座椅上。 He just sat down, familiar middle-aged man sits side him a slightly. Glimpses this male Qin Shi to reveal forced smile, is not just Xiao Tianyue father: Xiaoshan. 他刚坐下,一名略微熟悉的中年男子坐在他身旁。瞥见这男子秦石不禁露出苦笑,不正是萧天月的父亲:萧山吗。 A moment ago little brother, did was really too attractive, this Li Bufan thinks really one were the TV dinner, is about to have walked sideways in the blue lotus city, a short time ago unexpectedly also a brothel street assuming full responsibility , was really a bastard!” Xiaoshan realized that the Qin Shi vision, presses the sound desirably base and low: Was right, old man Xiaoshan, Xiao of playing a flute, the mountain of mountain, the old man compared with you, said greatly was the elder brother, does not know how the little brother you did call?” “小兄弟,刚才做的实在是太漂亮了,这李不凡真以为自己是盘菜,在青莲城都快横着走了,前不久竟然还把青楼一条街给包揽了,真是个畜生!”萧山察觉到秦石的目光,将声音刻意压低道:“对了,老夫萧山,吹箫的萧,大山的山,老夫比你大点,就自称是哥哥了,不知小兄弟你怎么称呼啊?” hears that sound Qin Shi has gawked staring, listening to that familiar tone to smile bitterly, is sentimental Xiao Tianyue that grand blueprint, learns father's trade? 闻声秦石愣了愣,听着那略带熟悉的口吻不禁苦笑,感情萧天月那宏伟的蓝图,是子承父业啊? Shi’tou!” 石头!” Qin Shi responded to one with a smile, they talked simply, he revealed for several points to be on good terms to Xiaoshan actually. 秦石笑着回应一句,两人简单的交谈一番,对萧山他倒是露出几分交好。 In they talked, Jiang Mengan has stepped onto the floor, a face annoyed the charming smiling face that the human tasted, opened auction market: Girl Jiang Mengan, is extremely honored to be able for big Family Head to hold this auction, then the concubine body does not lose the everyone / influential family time, cuts into the subject directly!” 在两人交谈中,蒋梦安已经走上台面,一脸惹人回味的妩媚笑容,拉开拍卖场的帷幕:“小女子蒋梦安,非常荣幸能够为大家主持这次拍卖会,接下来妾身就不耽误大家时间,直接切入正题!” Non- gate auction, formally starts!” “无门拍卖会,正式开始!”
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