PDL :: Volume #4

#388: Rare and beautiful flowers meet

Leaves two building boudoirs. 离开二楼闺房。 Qin Shi treads is seeming like steady, the step that actually such as the severe gale speeds away, such as the black ghosts and demons emerge out of thin air together in the dance floor of blue lotus building. 秦石踏着看似稳健,却如厉风疾驰的步伐,如一道黑色的鬼魅般凭空出现在青莲楼的舞池。 Just fell the dance floor, he felt that at present the full heavy line of dizziness, Feng Hen was really gives to lose completely his face, moves fast in the whole person who a building was surrounded by beautiful women did not say, after seeing Qin Shi, has not forgotten to call out in alarm one: Brother Shi? Did you get down? You and were the proprietress too also quick? Is you are not good?” 刚落舞池,他就感觉眼前眩晕的满头黑线,那封痕真是把他的脸都给丢尽了,在一楼左拥右抱的整个人飘忽不说,看见秦石后还不忘惊呼一声:“石头哥?你怎么下来了?你和老板娘也太快了吧?难道是你不行?” „” “” Murder ** is getting stronger and stronger, if not for Qin Shi suppression diligently, it is estimated that now Feng Hen already in the out of the door of blue lotus building. 杀人的**越来越强,若不是秦石努力的压制,估计现在封痕早就在青莲楼的门外了。 Follows me!” But, he Feng Henjia in the armpit, like raising the chicken son gave to catch from hundred flowering shrubs. “跟我走!”无奈下,他一把将封痕夹在腋下,像提小鸡崽一样就给从百花丛中抓了出来。 Seals mark Boss not to be glad: Do not bump me, I must with the deity elder sister in the same place, not bump me, the deity elder sister saves me!” 封痕老大个不乐意:“别碰我,我要和神仙姐姐在一起,别碰我,神仙姐姐救我!” Pays no attention sound that he shrieks and howls wildly, just before leaving before , Qin Shi arrives beginning warm side, then has nothing to do with, box of radiant Upper Tier spirit stones offered a sacrifice to by him. 不理他鬼哭狼嚎的动静,临走前秦石走到初暖身边,接着袖手一番,一箱璀璨的上品灵石被他祭出。 Stares at that box of spirit stones crowd one to be panic-stricken, initially warmly drew back several steps to tremble saying: Young Master, are your you?” 盯着那一箱灵石人群一阵惊慌失措,初暖退了几步颤道:“公子,你你这是?” Many thanks you such long to the attendance of your younger sister, this spirit stones you take are buying a clothing for the sisters.” To the opportunity that she gets back one's composure, Qin Shi has not carried Feng Henru the wind same to leave. “多谢你这么久对令妹的照顾,这点灵石你拿着给姐妹们多买点衣物吧。”不给她回神的机会,秦石已经携带封痕如风一样离开。 In same place, initially warm sisters have pounded the tongue. 愣在原地,初暖和姐妹们砸了砸舌。 One group of sisters enclose beginning warm [say / way]: Initially warms, what's the matter? Many money, my this whole life have not seen these much money.” 一群姐妹围上初暖道:“初暖,怎么回事?好多钱啊,我这辈子还没见过这么多钱呢。” Yes, this time you may in the list the rich person.” “是啊,这一次你可榜上大款了。” Chirp the sound twines when the ear, initially warms actually immediately gets back one's composure, but when she has gotten back one's composure wants to pursue Qin Shi, in two buildings suddenly transmits together the wonderful sound: Do not pursue, he has walked away.” 叽叽喳喳的声音在耳旁缠绕,初暖却马上回神,但当她回过神欲要追出秦石时,在二楼突然传来一道妙音:“别追了,他已经走远了。” Listens to the hears that sound sound, initially warms face up the right views Ying lotus to take in the boudoirs of two buildings, then hurried [say / way]: Proprietress, what's the matter?” 闻声响,初暖仰面正见颖莲在二楼的闺房中迈出,接着慌道:“老板娘,怎么回事?” Anything, this spirit stones, you have not been taking, is you should obtain.” Ying lotus has not explained that but the skilled artist wielded says the sentence. “没什么,这灵石,你拿着吧,是你应该得到得。”颖莲并未多做解释,只是妙手一挥的说句。 Initially warms actually shakes the head, toward initially warmly pushes that entire box of spirit stones: No, I cannot take, did not say that can rescue Qiao'er? This spirit stones you are taking, our opportunity can also be more.” 初暖却摇摇头,将那一整箱的灵石朝初暖推去:“不,我不能拿,不是说要去救巧儿吗?这灵石你拿着,咱们机会还能多一些。” Does not use, Qiao'er she was all right.” “不用了,巧儿她没事了。” Ying lotus has gawked staring, then be with smile on the face said one, beginning command presented the words that warmly all female prostitutes shocked completely. 颖莲愣了愣,接着面带微笑的说出一句,令初暖和在场所有女妓全部惊呆的话。 Leaves the blue lotus building, the Qin Shi resolute face coagulates gradually, wipes the it goes without saying courage vigor to well up from the whole body: Li Bufan, you bumped you should not the thing of bumping, inviting the wrath of the emperor of dragon, touching dead.” 离开青莲楼,秦石刚毅的面庞渐渐凝固,一抹不言而喻的血气自全身涌开:“李不凡,你碰了你不该碰的东西,龙之逆鳞,触之即死。” Roars lowly, then he transforms the shadow, toward the non- gate auction room speeds away to go. 低吼一声,接着他幻化黑影,朝着的无门拍卖行疾驰而去。 Blue lotus city center. 青莲城中央。 In this, glittering and translucent carving, the whole the translucent construction that is built by spirit stones, looks by the outer court is a piece such as the deep love sky-blue, magnificently decorated building, wonderful workmanship, is broad. 在这,有一座晶莹剔透,整体由灵石打造的半透明建筑,由外朝内看去是一片如深爱的蔚蓝色,雕梁画栋,巧夺天工,非常恢弘。 Qin Shi stops the body, raises head to look at that broad construction, its whole becomes the circular, has Third Rank to be high, occupies a land area of ten thousand meters. 秦石停下身,仰头望着那恢弘的建筑,它整体成圆形,有三层高,占地万米。 Is carving two large characters in the peak: Does not have the gate. 在顶端刻着两个大字:无门。 Beyond the construction, gathered over ten thousand people, all influence and expert, as well as want while the stall boss who this opportunity makes a small wealth, will press the bottom the treasure to take to call. 建筑外,汇聚了上万人,各方势力和高手,以及一些想要趁此机会发点小财的地摊老板,将压箱底的宝贝都拿出来吆喝。 Makes great strides forward the crowd, Qin Shi puts the Kaifeng mark, they transferred along the construction, but in the preparation enters the non- gate auction room appeared troublesome. 迈进人群,秦石才放开封痕,两人沿着建筑转了一圈,但就在准备进入无门拍卖行时却出现了麻烦。 Big brother, this broken place, is the completely close iron is firm, does not have the gate.” Feng Hencheng the knees, are revealing the helpless [say / way]: Does not have the gate, how do we go in?” “大哥,这破地方,根本就是完全封闭的铁牢,没有门啊。”封痕撑着双膝,露出无奈的道:“没有门,咱们怎么进去?” hear that, Qin Shi also knit the brows, just started him to think that the non- gate auction room is only a name, but after having forgiven, he in consternation discovered that this huge construction actually really doesn't have the gate? 闻言,秦石也皱起眉,刚开始他以为无门拍卖行只是一个称呼,但饶了一圈后他才愕然发现,这个庞大的建筑竟然真的没有门? What mistake makes? 搞什么乌龙? Qin Shi min under lip angle, he along the way is then launching the psychic force, will construct outside each inch land to cover, then a familiar form falls on Sea of Consciousness. 秦石抿着唇角点下头,接着他将精神力沿途展开,将建筑外的每寸土地笼罩,接着一名熟悉的身影落在识海 Had.” “有了。” He receives the psychic force, after getting up hand pats to seal the mark, draws him to bypass the construction, sees a familiar form in one pile of crowds: Xiao Tianyue. 他收起精神力,起手拍下封痕后拉着他绕过建筑,在一堆人群中看见一名熟悉的身影:萧天月。 Xiao Tianyue sees Qin Shi similarly, then in Qin Shi just wanted to open the mouth, the arrow step that he quickly grasps the meaning of something flees to go forward to cover the mouth of Qin Shi: „, Big brother.” 萧天月同样看见秦石,接着就在秦石刚欲开口时,他一个激灵的箭步窜上前捂住秦石的嘴:“嘘,大哥。” Qin Shi knit the brows, but he has not manifested suddenly, but whatever Xiao Tianyue brings to say to an unmanned place him: „Is your boy up to mischief?” 秦石皱了皱眉,但他并未发作,而是任由萧天月将他带到一个无人的地方才道:“你小子搞什么鬼?” Yeah, I just took advantage to cast off in the family randomly these old-fashioned elders, if your this called my name that my this may diligently on all Bai Fei!” Xiao Tianyue pulls down sound response to say. “哎,我刚趁乱甩开家里那些古板的长老,你这要是把我名字喊出来,我这努力可就全白废了啊!”萧天月压低着声音回应道。 He he, your boy but actually also interesting, others wish one could to be able the making noise rich and powerful family, sits enjoys the riches and honors, your boy daily is actually thinking plays to leave home?” Smiling that Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, then sees one crowd to put on the person of Xiao clothing to go all out in the crowd to seek for Xiao Tianyue. “呵呵,你小子倒也有趣,人家都恨不得能出声豪门,坐享荣华富贵,你小子却天天想着玩离家出走?”秦石恍然大悟的笑笑,接着在人群中看见一群穿着萧家服饰的人正在拼命寻找萧天月。 Xiao Tianyue righteous throwing out the chest dried meat: Scoffs, you think that I am the person of that empty boasting? Person who I have the dream, have you forgotten my grand blueprint?” 萧天月理直气壮的挺了挺胸脯:“嗤,你以为,我是那种浮夸的人?我可是有梦想的人,难道你忘了我的宏伟蓝图?” Mentioned this matter, he imitated the satisfied obscene happiness immediately, indulged in his dirty thought. 一提起这事,他马上充满意淫的幸福,沉溺在他那龌龊的思想中。 Curled the lip, Qin Shi being disinclined manages him, he has believed that is not this grade of ordinary people can understand like Xiao Tianyue this strange life. 撇了撇嘴,秦石懒得理他,他一直坚信,像萧天月这种怪异的人生不是他这等凡夫俗子能够理解得。 Well?” “咦?” The askew meeting, Xiao Tianyue pastes the face suddenly on Qin Shi, then works on the Qin Shi black robe, made an effort to smell smelling like a puppy above. 歪歪一会,萧天月猛然把脸贴在秦石身上,接着抓起秦石的黑袍,像一条小狗一样在上面使劲嗅了嗅。 Looks at that disgusting appearance, Qin Shi is withdrawing a footpath: „Is your boy up to mischief?” 望着那恶心的模样,秦石退后一步道:“你小子又在搞什么鬼?” Big brother, you go to the blue lotus building?” “大哥,你是不是去青莲楼了?” A Qin Shi brow wrinkle: How do you know?” 秦石眉头一皱:“你怎么知道?” Xiao Tianyue not anxiously response, but worked on the black robe to smell smelling, smelled his nose to move Feng Hen, heard Feng Hen from beginning to end while, look lax [say / way]: Mistakenly, mistakenly, small red, ices the elder sister, the pomegranate, well? This is, this is beginning warm flavor? Too perfect, was really too perfect.” 萧天月没有急着回应,而是又抓起黑袍嗅了嗅,一边嗅着他的鼻子就挪去封痕,将封痕从头到尾闻了一边,眼神涣散道:“错不了,错不了,小红,冰姐,石榴,咦?这是,这是初暖的味道?太完美了,真是太完美了。” „” “” Hears these titles, Qin Shi corners of the mouth to twitch, this goods unexpectedly the name entire record brains of blue lotus building every large or small all female prostitutes in? 听见这些称号,秦石的嘴角一阵抽搐,这货竟然把青莲楼大大小小所有女妓的名字全记载脑里? Moreover, is this nose of dog is shenma the situation? 而且,这属狗的鼻子是神马情况? Feng Hen in the side actually discontented [say / way]: How do you know my deity elder sisters?” 封痕在旁边却不满道:“你怎么认识我的神仙姐姐们?” Your deity elder sister? Knocks it off quickly, that is in a few dream the sweetheart, do not snatch with me.” “你的神仙姐姐?快拉倒吧,那都是本少的梦中情人,别和我抢。” Xiao Tian pale blue Feng Hen, then inexpensive gathering seals by the mark saying: Little brother, said with my brother that which beauty you went to the blue lotus building to look, shared with me quickly.” 萧天月白一眼封痕,接着贱贱的凑到封痕旁边道:“小弟弟,和我哥哥说说,你去青莲楼都找了哪个美眉,快和我分享分享。” Has, these that you said have.” “都有啊,你说的这些都有。” What? The day, this simply is in blaspheming of sweetheart to my dream.” A Xiao Tianyue face dispirited digs the mouth, then immediately Huifudao: Ok, they definitely most love me.” “什么?天啊,这简直就是对我梦中情人的亵渎啊。”萧天月一脸颓废的撅起嘴,然后马上又恢复道:“算了,她们肯定是最爱我。” Nonsense, my deity elder sister most loves me.” “胡扯,我神仙姐姐最爱我。” Your kid understands anything, does not believe you to turn head to ask them, asks that in their hearts, is I am most important.” “你个小屁孩懂什么,不信你回头去问问她们,问问在她们心中,是不是我最重要。” Asked asked that who feared anyone, we went in the evening, are in front to ask!” “问就问,谁怕谁,咱们晚上去,当着面问!” „” “” Really has sufficed, Qin Shi is binding the black robe by the wall, is staring at the present two rare and beautiful flowers, kills the heart on wall to have. 真是够了,秦石裹着黑袍靠在墙上,盯着眼前的两个奇葩,一头撞死在墙上的心都有。 You do not want dead, should better immediately shut up!” “你俩不想死,最好就马上闭嘴!” This line of characters, almost push from the gap between teeth, Qin Shi diligently lets the deep expiration, the secret passage: The world is so wonderful, I so am hot tempered, is not good, is not good 这一行字,几乎是从牙缝里挤出来,秦石努力的让自己深呼气,暗道:世界如此美妙,我却这般暴躁,不好,不好 But has not waited for his anger to fall, gets down a few words almost directly to be irritated him, only listens to them to say with one voice: Shutting up line, you take out money in the evening!” 但没等他火气降下来,下一句话差点被直接把他气死,只听两人异口同声道:“闭嘴行,晚上你掏钱!” Psst! 吱吱! Making noise that the fist pinches, Qin Shi felt that he must in not look for a water to fight fire, immediately must erupt. 拳头捏的作响,秦石感觉他要在不找点水灭火,马上就要爆发了。 Feng Hen is an eyesight price does not have, to stare at Qin Shi of becoming flushed face to fling one directly: Big brother, you? Face such scarlet? If were uncomfortable we not to go to auction, returned to the blue lotus building directly?” 封痕是一点眼力价都没有,盯着涨红面庞的秦石直接甩出一句:“大哥,你咋了?脸这么红呢?要是难受咱们别去拍卖了,直接回青莲楼吧?” This proposition is good.” “这个提议不错。” „Am I intelligent?” “我聪明吧?” Illuminates me almost.” “照我差一点。” They start the dialog of rare and beautiful flowers once again. 俩人再度开启奇葩的对话。 Bang! 砰! Under is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, Qin Shi lifts a hand latter person of fist, gives them according to directly on the ground, begging for mercy that until they cry loudly gives up: „Can you shut up, listening to me to speak?” 忍无可忍下,秦石抬起手后一人一拳,直接将两人给按在地上,直到两人嚎哭的求饶才罢手:“你俩能闭嘴,听我说话了?” Um!” “嗯!” The grievance of their whole face, Qin Shi then loosens to carry with the hand Xiao Tianyue: Said with me how this non- gate auction room does go in?” 两人满脸的委屈,秦石这才松开手提起萧天月:“和我说说,这无门拍卖行怎么进去?” Xiao Tianyue stood up, has patted outside the dust successor dynasty the finger: Is that reception, will pay spirit stones to be transmitted in the auction room.” 萧天月站起身,拍了拍灰尘后朝外面指去:“就是那,那有一个接待,付了灵石就会被传送进拍卖行里。” hear that, the Qin Shi psychic force sweeps, in position truly delicate and pretty females who Xiao Tianyue said that the female wears a Chinese dress, on the Chinese dress has without the gate two characters, obviously is the internal personnel of non- gate auction. 闻言,秦石精神力一扫,在萧天月说的位置确实有一个俊美女子,女子穿着一身旗袍,旗袍上带有无门二字,显然是无门拍卖会的内部人员。 How knows to go, he was disinclined to speak the idle talk, after taking the stride, walked toward that female reception. 知道怎么进去,他懒得多说废话,迈出大步后就朝那女接待走去。 Seals the mark they to look at each other one, neat with, cracks a joke, they also counted on that in the evening Qin Shi leads them to go to the blue lotus building to be natural. 封痕两人对视一眼,齐刷刷的跟上去,开玩笑,两人还指望晚上秦石带他们去青莲楼潇洒呢。 The female meets to see Qin Shi, said with a smile: „Can Young Master, enter the auction?” 女接看见秦石,微笑道:“公子,是要进拍卖会吗?” Um.” Qin Shi nodded. “嗯。”秦石点了点头。 Under female reception, the skilled artist wields, said toward Qin Shi: „A person, 1000 Upper Tier spirit stones.” 女接待点下头,妙手一挥,朝秦石道:“一个人,1000上品灵石。” 1000 Upper Tier spirit stones?” “1000上品灵石?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, is this passing through the gate so is only expensive? Must know that regarding common people, 1000 Upper Tier spirit stones enough he lived the last several hundred lifetime. 秦石咂了咂舌,这光是进门就这么贵?要知道对于寻常百姓来讲,1000上品灵石已经足够他活上几百辈子了。 But under considering, he dispatches 2000 spirit stones. 但斟酌下,他还是递出2000枚灵石 Received 2000 spirit stones, the female reception has gawked staring: „Does Young Master, enter two?” 接过2000灵石,女接待不禁愣了愣:“公子,就进入两位吗?” Naturally.” “当然啊。” Qin Shi responded in consternation, but has not waited for him to say as follows, transmitted immediately harasses the words of person together: Big brother, you cannot abandon me!” 秦石愕然回应,但没等他说出下文,身后马上传来一道扰人的话:“大哥,你不能抛弃我啊!” Person who Xiao Tianyue does not have bottom line, goes forward to hold the thigh of Qin Shi, nasal mucus tears cries loudly. 萧天月一个毫无底线的人,一把上前就抓住秦石的大腿,一把鼻涕一把泪的嚎哭起来。 This, causes all around surrounding immediately. 这一下,马上引起四周的围观。 The Qin Shi corners of the mouth twitch: „Do you do? You said are also everyone / influential family Young Master, you want to go in oneself to pay money.” 秦石嘴角抽搐一番:“你干嘛?你好说也是一个大家公子,你想进去自己付钱啊。” I do not leave home have not had money.” “我不是离家出走没带钱吗。” „” The corner of the eye of Qin Shi changed, he suspected seriously this fellow in intentionally pit he, the person who the surroundings surround are getting more and more, that strange look thinks probably Xiao Tianyue elopes to be the same with Qin Shi, under have no alternative he is worth bracing oneself to wield 1000 spirit stones, gives the female reception. “”秦石的眼角变了变,他严重怀疑这家伙是在故意坑他,周围围观的人越来越多,那怪异的眼神好像以为萧天月和秦石私奔一样,无可奈何下他值得硬着头皮挥出1000道灵石,递给女接待。 Actually does not think that the female receives the words, making Qin Shi almost not have fluttering at the scene in the past. 却不想,女接待下去话,令秦石差点没当场翻飞过去。 About her looks, is staring at the Xiao Tianyue successor dynasty Qin Shi small sound track: Young Master, we have specially arranged the lover apartment, so long as adds 2000 spirit stones again.” 她左右瞧了瞧,盯着萧天月后朝秦石小声道:“公子,咱们特意安排了情侣套间,只要再加2000灵石就可以。” „” “”
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