PDL :: Volume #4

#389: Enters the auction room

If this girl does not open the mouth, perhaps Qin Shi really will reserve an exclusive room, but he will be in any case will not subscribe now, rather will crush to death in the crowd, cannot. 若这女郎不开口,秦石说不定真会订一间专属的房间,但现在他是横竖不会订,宁愿挤死在人群里,也不会。 Looks at the Qin Shi firm veto, receives the girl not to have is persuading, gives a three people of person of token, on that token is carving the forceful non- gate two characters. 秦石坚定的否决,接待女郎也没在劝说,递给三人一人一张令牌,那令牌上刻着铿锵有力的无门二字。 Is taking the token, raps on the left hand surface third wall surface, you can enter to the auction.” The girls smile are opening the mouth to say. “拿着令牌,在左手面第三块墙面上敲击一下,你们就能进到拍卖会里了。”女郎微笑着开口道。 Under Qin Shi, turns around to seal the mark they to arrive at the position that on draw the girl said. 秦石点下头,转身就拉着封痕两人走到女郎说的位置。 He is staring at the wall surface, looks carefully discovered that has the naked eye obvious slight mark to wind above, the mark winds spiritual power You Cuan who has to resemble the spray. 他盯着墙面,仔细一瞧才发现,在上面有着肉眼可见的细微纹络,纹络中有酷似浪花的灵力游窜。 Thump! 咚! After knitting the brows, he holds up the token to rap above, the spiritual power on token and wall surface moves, forms a slightly dazzling Zhen blue color corona, at once Qin Shi felt the pupil is lax a while ago, the present picture has the transformation directly, when the picture frames once more, he has stood in the inside of non- gate auction room. 皱了皱眉后他举起令牌在上面敲击一下,令牌和墙面上的灵力触碰,形成一道略微刺眼的湛蓝色光环,旋即秦石就感觉眸前一阵涣散,眼前的画面直接发生转变,当画面再次定格时,他已经站在无门拍卖行的里面。 Turns head to look, is entire transparent glass, this he suddenly one startled: „Is here, crossing over that spirit stones builds tied?” 回头望去,是一名全透明的玻璃,这一下他才恍然一惊:“这里,原来是灵石打造的穿越结界?” This knot is very interesting, cannot see inside from outside, but from the interior can actually outside clear seeing. 这结界很有趣,从外面看不见里面,但从内部却能清晰的看见外面。 But then, his brow knit the brows, he discovered that entering non- gate auction room, spiritual power of his within the body on such as put on the firm shackles to be ordinary, firmly by seal in dantian. 但接着,他的眉头不禁皱了皱眉,他发现在进入无门拍卖行内部,他体内的灵力就如被套上坚固的枷锁一般,牢牢的被封印在丹田内部。 „Is this Feng Lingjie?” “这是封灵结界?” When he calls out in alarm, Feng Hen and Xiao Tianyue also enters, is Xiao Young Master Xiao Tianyue is not first time comes to the non- gate auction room, said to the Qin Shi nod: Um, right, after is so big a auction market, coming and going expert is innumerable, to prevent some people moved the evil intention to rob something by auction, therefore was equipped with giant Feng Ling to tie in the auction market, even if were Heaven Realm can come in greatly, here also wanted honest being obedient.” 在他惊呼时,封痕和萧天月也进到内部,身为萧家大少的萧天月不是第一次来无门拍卖行,冲秦石点头道:“嗯,没错,毕竟这么大个拍卖场,来来往往的高手数不胜数,为了防止有人动了歹心抢夺拍卖品,所以在拍卖场里设有一个巨大的封灵结界,就算是天境大能进来,在这里也要老老实实的听话。” Is this?” “是这样?” Nod of Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, but his corners of the mouth selects toward on, Feng Lingjie he experienced to be many, but to having him of psychic force, was useless. 秦石恍然大悟的点了点头,但他嘴角不禁的朝上一挑,封灵结界他经历多了,但对拥有精神力的他来讲,根本没用。 Welcome three honored guests to participate in the non- gate auction room.” Transmits the graceful tranquil wonderful sound to transmit in not far away one. “欢迎三位贵客来参加无门拍卖行。”在不远处一声传来优雅恬静的妙音传来。 Qin Shi begins supinely, sees only in the front corner, welcomed like the fresh and beautiful female on: Girl forest clear water, three please come with me, is led three to go to the bidding block by me.” 秦石仰起头,只见在前方的转角处,有一名如出水芙蓉般的女子微笑迎上:“小女子林清水,三位请跟我来,接下来就由我带领三位前往拍卖会场。” This world incomparable items “凡尘绝品啊” Has not waited for Qin Shi to respond, Xiao Tianyue fell on the side drool on the ground. 没等秦石回应,萧天月在旁边哈喇子已经落在地上。 Those who made Qin Shi rejoice, this time Feng Hen has not sold to sprout with him together, it is estimated that was because this female was too thin, was the beauty of that bone feeling, didn't conform to Feng Henxin the fairy image of great unrest? 秦石庆幸的是,这一次封痕没有跟着他一起卖萌,估计是因为这个女子太瘦,是那种骨感的美,不符合封痕心中轩然大波的仙女形象吧? The forest clear water looks is the expert of that senior story, not, because Xiao Tianyue loses one's temper impolitely, but shows a faint smile to him, is really charming. 林清水一看就是那种资深阅历的老手,并未因为萧天月的无礼而动怒,只是冲他微微一笑,甚是妩媚。 Holds down Xiao Tianyue, Qin Shi considers a [say / way]: Clear water young lady, before then, I have several things to auction, does not know that can lead me to see your this bosses?” 按住萧天月,秦石斟酌一番道:“清水小姐,在这之前,我有几件东西想要拍卖,不知道能不能带我去见一见你们这的老板?” Auction thing? What can Young Master auction? You and I said on the line, I can help you arrange.” Lin Qingshui does to change countenance slightly, then up and down sizes up Qin Shi, reveals a contempt under that beautiful pupil. “拍卖东西?公子要拍卖什么?你和我说就行,我就能帮你安排。”林清水稍作动容,接着上下打量秦石一番,在那美眸下还是露出一丝轻视。 Qin Shi mew mew focuses has not blamed, after all the shape does not have the auction of auction room scale, if each something by auction is acted by the boss, that estimated that this boss must die of exhaustion while still alive may not. 秦石咪咪着眼并未责怪,毕竟像无门拍卖行这种规模的拍卖会,若是每一件拍卖品都由老板出面,那估计这老板非要被活活累死不可。 Thinks, he selects the superficial smile to go forward one step: This, the clear water young lady possibly could not decide, I thought or make your bosses act.” 思索一番,他挑着浅淡的微笑上前一步:“这个,清水小姐可能决定不了,我觉得还是让你们老板出面吧。” Oh? that Young Master said that is actually what treasure?” 哦?公子说说,究竟是什么宝物?” Five mark demon symbols.” “五纹魔符。” Five mark demon symbols?” Really, hears these four characters, such as forest clear water such experienced maidservants tremble, in the beautiful pupil that despises nothing left is anxious, said: Can it be that does Young Master crack a joke?” “五纹魔符?”果然,听见这四个字,如林清水这样经验丰富的侍女都哆嗦一下,美眸中那一丝轻视荡然无存的紧张起来,道:“公子莫不是开玩笑?” He he, you looked that I am crack a joke likely?” “呵呵,你看我像是开玩笑嘛?” Good, Young Master you come along with me.” Lin Qingshui silent, then she receives the smile, reveals under a serious point. “那好,公子你随我来。”林清水沉默一下,接着她收起微笑,露出一丝郑重的点下头。 Qin Shi does not have the response followed. 秦石没有回应的跟了上去。 About rotates in the non- gate auction room, three people were received a quiet corner by the forest clear water, this corner ray is very dark, but can realize by the vision of Qin Shi far supernormal person easily that has one in most deep place seems like the uncommon luxurious iron gate, in the gate is carving five auspicious omen gold dragon. 在无门拍卖行中左右转动一番,三人被林清水领到一处静谧的角落,这个角落光线很暗,但以秦石远超常人的视觉还是能够轻易察觉,在最深处有一个看似不凡的奢华铁门,门上刻着五道祥瑞金龙。 Young Master waits a bit the moment in this.” 公子在此稍等片刻。” Lin Qingshui is gripping the white hands to Qin Shi, alone enters. 林清水攥着玉手冲秦石点下头,独自进入其中。 Waited for several minutes outside, the forest clear water goes out after the gate said to Qin Shi: Young Master, our bosses make you go to discuss.” 在外面等了几分钟,林清水从门中走出后冲秦石道:“公子,我们老板让你进去谈。” Has been responded, after Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe nodded, makes great strides forward toward that luxurious iron gate. 得到回应,秦石裹紧黑袍后点了点头,朝那奢华的铁门迈进。 Feng Hen and Xiao Tianyue must immediately with, but the forest clear water actually had the hand to block at this time them: Two, the boss said that making Young Master one person go on the line.” 封痕和萧天月马上要跟上去,但这时林清水却起手将两人拦下:“两位,老板说了,让公子一人进去就行。” Xiao Tianyue knit the brows: Nonsense, making our brothers alone go in? If you can be disadvantageous to him? It is not good, we must go.” 萧天月皱了皱眉:“胡闹,让我们大哥独自进去?万一你们要对他不利呢?不行,我们必须进去。” This was boasted, Feng Hen also came the temperament: Right, we must go to protect the big brother.” 被这一咋呼,封痕也来了脾气:“对,我们要进去保护大哥。” Looks back looks at their imposing manner to the appearance, the Qin Shi corner of the eye stared staring, Xiao Tianyue he has recognized, Feng Hen actually said that he can protect itself? 回首看着两人气势冲冲的模样,秦石眼角不由瞪了瞪,萧天月他就认了,封痕竟然说他要保护自己? Misunderstood? This goods hits does not hit back, scolds the fellow who did not talk back, was not protected by him, he thanked heaven and earth. 听错了吧?这货一个打不还手,骂不还口的家伙,不被他保护,他真就谢天谢地了。 He unknowingly discovered that since enters in the range that Feng Lingjie covers, sealed the mark whole person changed the appearance, all timid swung however dissipates. 他在不经意间发现,自从进入封灵结界覆盖的范围内,封痕整个人都变了模样,所有的胆怯都荡然消散。 Regarding this, Qin Shi somewhat is accidental. 对此,秦石不禁有些意外。 Young Master, you watch this matter 公子,你看这事” But when his accident, the forest clear water reveals the color of feeling embarrassed, throws the look that seeks help toward him. 但在他意外时,林清水露出为难之色,朝他抛来求助的眼神。 Ground grinding in the lip angle single-handed, Qin Shi has considered one to clash two humanity: I go on the line, you go the auction market with the clear water young lady first, meets me to come out to look for you.” 单手在唇角碾了碾,秦石斟酌一番冲两人道:“我自己进去就行,你们先跟清水小姐去拍卖场吧,一会我出来就去找你。” But big brother “但大哥” In the evening wants to go to the blue lotus building?” “晚上想不想去青莲楼了?” Thinks!” They with one voice. “想!”两人异口同声。 „To press doing that I said that I am all right.” Makes an arrest to grasp the soft rib, hits snake to hit seven cuns (2.5cm), Qin Shi says their life gates directly, this they no one demands, but seals under the mark a few words, Qin Shi thought immediately the present world was black: That Elder Brother Shi, you may not have an accident, actually has an accident is unimportant, but remembers surely going to spirit stones of blue lotus building stays behind to us first.” “想就按我说的做,我自己没事。”正所谓抓人抓软肋,打蛇打七寸,秦石直接说出两人的命门,这一下两人谁都不强求了,但封痕下面一句话,秦石顿时觉得眼前的世界都黑了:“那石哥,你可千万别出事,其实出啥事也不要紧,但千万记得把去青莲楼的灵石先给我们留下啊。” Go away!” “滚!” Cursed angrily one, Qin Shi was really elated, in the heart could not understand that these two supercilious look wolves, didn't have blue lotus building how many female prostitutes to be important? 怒骂一声,秦石真心醉了,心中就理解不了这俩个白眼狼,难道自己还没有青莲楼那几个女妓重要吗? Drags the indignant body, after Qin Shi gathers together the tight black robe, to enter the iron gate. 拖着愤愤不平的身子,秦石拢紧黑袍后进入铁门。 In the iron gate, is one builds the well to have the strip study room, seems like 30 over middle-aged men is sitting before the desk. 在铁门里,是一间打造有井有条的书房,一名看似30出头的中年男子正坐在书桌前。 Qin Shi enters in the room, the man very has the physique to sit on the chair, keeps in rapping the hand to the palms of some shape women slenderly: Person who he he, the young fellow, you must auction five mark demon symbols?” 秦石进入房中,男子才挺起身板坐在椅子上,修长到有些像女人的手掌不停在把手上敲击:“呵呵,小伙子,你就是要拍卖五纹魔符的人?” They look at each other one, the black pupil of Qin Shi one tight. 两人对视一眼,秦石的黑眸不由一紧。 Although here, he cannot induce spiritual power to fluctuate, but the light is self-confidence of male pupil bottom place then feels frightened, secret passage: This person is not simple. 虽说在这里,他感应不到灵力波动,但光是男子眸底处的自信便感觉到一份惊悚,暗道:这人不简单。 Right, are you this boss?” “没错,你就是这的老板?” Qin Shi received the mood, rhetorical question of not inferior non- throat. 秦石收了收情绪,不卑不吭的反问一句。 The men stare, then bends down on the tabletop says with a smile: Right, I am the boss in non- gate auction room: Yuan Bo, does not know how the little brother you did call?” 男子一愣,接着伏在桌面上笑道:“没错,我就是无门拍卖行的老板:袁博,不知小兄弟你怎么称呼?” Speaking of the name, Qin Shi opened mouth, but fell into immediately reluctantly, he really does not know how now should respond to this Yuan Bo. 提起称呼,秦石张了张嘴,但马上陷入无奈,他现在真不知道该怎样回应这个袁博 Finally, he curled the lip saying: Shi’tou, calling me Shi’tou to be good.” 最终,他撇了撇嘴道:“石头,叫我石头就好。” Brother Shi’tou, we rubbish, directly how cuts into the subject you to look?” Yuan Bo has gawked staring, then not saying with a smile of difference. 石头兄弟,那咱们就不废话,直接切入主题你看如何?”袁博愣了愣,接着并未异样的笑道。 Under Qin Shi, then walks to go forward to sit in the Yuan Bo opposite, in the space ring void in a flash, five mark demon symbols offers a sacrifice to together from his palm, pats on the table. 秦石点下头,接着走上前坐在袁博对面,空间戒指中虚空一晃,一道五纹魔符从他的掌心中祭出,拍在桌上。 Really is five mark demon symbols!” “果然是五纹魔符!” Is staring at that demon symbol, a Yuan Bo eyeground next present none remaining, even if calm such as he moves restlessly. 盯着那魔符,袁博的眼底下一现精光,就算是沉稳如他都不禁躁动起来。 Five mark demon symbols, were flaminging the flame empire too to be really precious. 五纹魔符,在炽焰帝国实在太珍贵了。 But after is the boss in such big auction room, experiences countless people by him experiences surprisedly instantaneous, then immediately restores to say calmly: He he, does not know how many Brother Shi’tou do prepare to this demon symbol fix a price?” 但毕竟是这么大拍卖行的老板,以他阅人无数的经验只是惊讶瞬间,便马上恢复冷静道:“呵呵,不知道石头兄弟准备给这道魔符定价多少?” I do not understand the market, how many does Mr. Yuan think appropriate?” “我不了解市场,袁老板觉得多少合适?” Five mark demon symbols, do not have the city valuably, these years I manage the non- gate auction room not to meet together, therefore is really I am helpless shaking the head of Yuan Bo forced smile, but his then pupil heart changes, said: But “五纹魔符,有价无市,这些年我经营无门拍卖行都未曾遇见一道,所以真是恕我无能为力啊”袁博苦笑的摇了摇头,但他接着眸心一变,道:“但是” Has not waited for him to open the mouth, Qin Shi said directly: If I sold to boss directly you, how many spirit stones you do prepare to purchase?” 没等他开口,秦石直接道:“那如果我直接卖给老板你,你准备出多少灵石收购?” What? Do brothers words take seriously?” “什么?兄弟此话当真?” Broken Yuan Bo opened mouth, he just that but behind, wants to say actually that is direct spirit stones to purchase these five mark demon symbols. 被打断的袁博张了张嘴,他刚刚那但是的后面,其实就是想说,直接出灵石收购这五纹魔符。 Actually unexpectedly, had been raised by Qin Shi unexpectedly directly, right his regard. 却不料,竟被秦石直接提了出来,正对了他的心意。 Qin Shi shrugs, his many understands some auction room, anything does not know that the current price on market deceived people, actually nothing but was wants to harbor. 秦石耸了耸肩,对于拍卖行他多少了解一些,什么不知道市场价都是骗人,其实无非就是想要私藏。 But even if clearly knows so, Qin Shi did not mind but actually. 但即便明知道如此,秦石倒也毫不介意。 He is short of money now, since Li Bufan came here to auction Seven Rank martial arts by the Mysterious Palace instruction, in his hand the spirit stones huge degree is absolutely astonishing, 800,000 definitely is unable to contend depending on him. 他现在缺钱,李不凡既然是受玄殿指示来这里拍卖七层武学,那他手上灵石的庞大程度绝对惊人,凭他800000肯定无法抗衡。 Five mark demon symbols regarding him, said that pinches to be somewhat excessive at fingertips, but also really differs not many. 况且,一张五纹魔符对于他来讲,说是信手捏来有些过分,但也真是相差不多。 Naturally, a gentleman word, effective and influential word!” “当然,君子一言,一言九鼎!” Good, I like brothers refreshed, when elder brother's I will not treat unjustly you.” Yuan Bo smooth crisp has pounded on under the table, at once fakes to consider, said: 1 million, this chapter of five mark demon symbols, my 1 million Upper Tier spirit stones wanted, under brothers intent how?” “好,我就喜欢兄弟这份爽快,那当哥哥的我也不会亏待了你。”袁博畅爽的拍了下桌子,旋即假作斟酌一番,道:“1000000,这章五纹魔符,我1000000上品灵石要了,兄弟意下如何?” 1 million?” “1000000吗?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, said that the honest remark he was shocked. 秦石咂了咂舌,说实在话他被惊呆了。 He has not expected, can five mark demon symbols sell such high price unexpectedly? In his opinion, hundreds of thousands spirit stones were also the limits. 他万万没料到,一张五纹魔符竟能卖上这么高的价?在他看来,十几万灵石也就是极限了。 It seems like that he underestimated existences of five mark demon symbols. 看来,他还是低估五纹魔符的存在了。 But he has not been giving response anxiously, this Yuan Bo comes up to open the mouth 1 million, that proves this demon symbol the value far from 1 million, therefore he reveals an awkwardness, then said: Mr. Yuan, your heart is dishonest.” 但他并未急着给予回应,这袁博上来就开口1000000,那证明这魔符的价值远非1000000,所以他露出一丝为难,接着道:“袁老板,你的心不诚啊。” Brother, 1 million, the elder brother I was very solid, you take the auction to be not necessarily able to sell this price, after all you also know that can have 1 million people not to be many “兄弟,1000000,哥哥我已经很实在了,你拿出去拍卖都未必能卖到这个价,毕竟你也知道,能出得起1000000的人可不多” 2 million!” “2000000!”
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