PDL :: Volume #4

#387: The story of blue lotus building

Should with one, Ying lotus hint nearby several female prostitute to make way, gentle pulling the arm of Qin Shi, walks toward two buildings. 应和一声,颖莲示意旁边的几个女妓让开,温婉的挽上秦石的臂膀,就朝二楼走去。 Before going upstairs, Qin Shi pats Feng Hen: In this I, do not run all over the place.” 临上楼前,秦石拍下封痕:“在这等我,别乱跑。” Big brother you feel relieved, right you slowly, does not need to worry, I have Sister fairy to accompany in this, does not hate to run.” Feng Hen sits in the hundred flowers does not return, ambiguous response. “大哥你放心去吧,对了你慢一点,不用着急,我在这有仙女姐姐陪着,舍不得跑。”封痕坐在百花中连头都不回,含糊的回应一声。 hear that, Qin Shi root itchy scolded: „, This meeting *** is not silly, suspected really you come the pit intentionally I!” 闻言,秦石牙根直痒痒的骂道:“靠,这会***也不傻了,真怀疑你是不是存心来坑我得!” Initially warms in side smiles one sweetly: Young Master felt relieved that your this friend below with me and sisters in the same place, will definitely not have the matter.” 初暖在旁边甜笑一声:“公子放心,你这位朋友在下面跟我和姐妹们在一起,肯定不会有事。” Um, troubled you.” “嗯,麻烦你了。” But, Qin Shi to beginning warm polite one, then once again ejects several spirit stones, steps the boudoirs of two buildings with Ying lotus. 无奈下,秦石冲初暖客气一声,接着再度抛出十几枚灵石,才和颖莲迈上二楼的闺房。 In the boudoir, is the pale pink wall, dresses up unusual is warm. 闺房里,是淡粉色的墙壁,装扮的非常温暖。 Just entered in the room, Ying lotus was vigilant immediately that then about her looked all around, saw nobody with hurry to turn the hand locks the door, does not dare to believe was staring at Qin Shi. 刚进房中,颖莲马上警惕起来,接着她左右环顾一圈,见无人跟来赶忙翻手将房门锁紧,才不敢置信的盯着秦石 In her mind reverberated just Qin Shi with reading the strength throughout to her sending greetings, startled [say / way]: What did you say a moment ago? You said that you are the Qiao'er elder brother? Did you call Qin Shi?” 她脑海中始终回荡着刚刚秦石用念力给她的传音,惊道:“你刚才说什么?你说你是巧儿的哥哥?你叫秦石?” Was said the name, Qin Shi has gawked staring, calculates carefully he forgot how long nobody shouted his true name, said with a smile for this reason: He he, knows that my name, it seems like Qiao'er very much trusts you.” 被道出名字,秦石不禁愣了愣,仔细一算他都忘记多久没有人喊出他真正的名字了,为此笑道:“呵呵,知道我的名字,看来巧儿很信任你啊。” Shouted “呼” Ying lotus has been responded, in the elegant surface that is old yet still graceful raises wiping to be hard to cover up startled accommodates. 颖莲得到回应,那风韵犹存的俏面上升起一抹难以遮掩的惊容。 She slightly stiff moving latter several steps, sit on the wooden chair of dressing table silent said for a long time: Often listens to Qiao'er to mention, but sees is very really difficult to imagine, before that more than half a year, made the North District strongest Sect burning flame sect nearly destruction legendary character, unexpectedly living standing before me.” 她略显僵硬的挪后几步,坐在梳妆台的木椅上沉默许久才道:“常听巧儿提起,但现在一见真的很难想象,那大半年前令北方区域最强宗门的焚炎宗险些覆灭的传奇人物,竟会活生生的站在我面前。” Shrugs, Qin Shi by said on the bed: What legendary character, everyone has the temperament, but was compelled anxiously, said the Qiao'er matter with me?” 耸了耸肩,秦石靠在床榻上道:“什么传奇人物,每个人都有脾气,只是被人逼急了而已,和我说说巧儿的事吧?” Ying lotus pressed frowning, complexion not too attractive [say / way]: Qiao'er? She not in this, three days ago was picked by the non- gate auction room.” 颖莲蹙了蹙眉,脸色不太好看的道:“巧儿?她不在这,三天前就被无门拍卖行接走了。” Under Qin Shi not accidental point: This I know that in the afternoon I will meet her, you and I said that for example don't know? In the half year she crosses?” 秦石并不意外的点下头:“这个我知道,下午我会去接她,你和我说说别得,譬如你们怎么认识得?这半年她过的好吗?” hear Yanying does lotus somewhat frightened supine beginning, meet her in the afternoon? 闻言颖莲有些惊悚的仰起头,下午去接她? Really is unreadable, how Qin Shi can so superficial saying this kind of shocking everybody words, that be the Scarlet Flame Empire biggest auction room, moreover has a Mysterious Palace big energy. 实在难以理解,秦石怎么能如此轻描淡写的说出这样一句惊世骇俗的话,那可是赤炎帝国最大的拍卖行啊,况且还有一个玄殿大能。 But she had not asked that is only the broad and handsome forehead light point [say / way]: I and Qiao'er are predestined friends, before I went out to return to the maternal home, met her to fall the uncultivated land to come from North District just in time, then the good intention gave shelter to her in the blue lotus building.” 但她并未多问,只是螓首轻点的道:“我和巧儿算是有缘,之前我外出回娘家,正巧碰见她从北方区域落荒而来,便好心将她收留在青莲楼。” Gives shelter to her in the blue lotus building? Returns the good intention?” “收留她在青莲楼?还好心?” Qin Shi knit the brows, in the words is having some taunts, he saw regarding brothel frivolous place, which mother procuress didn't become confused the brains by money the madness for money? Will have a good intention saying? 秦石皱了皱眉,话语中带着些许嘲讽,对于青楼这种轻浮的地方他见多了,哪个妈鸨不是被金钱冲昏头脑的财迷?会有好心一说? Listens to that words belt thorn, Ying lotus pressed tight brow being angry [say / way]: What do you think? You think that all brothel females are these do not have the body of soul? Our blue lotus Lou Ke is not!” 听出那话中带刺,颖莲跟着蹙紧眉头嗔道一声:“你想什么?你以为所有青楼女子都是那些没有灵魂的躯壳?我们青莲楼可不是!” Here, although is the brothel, although we are the female prostitutes, but we actually are also the human, we have the dignity.” “这里虽是青楼,我们虽为女妓,但我们却也是人,我们也有尊严。” Ying lotus stimulated [say / way]: Long ago, I bridged over Qian mountain to marry palace in blue lotus city, became the husband and wife with the Boss palace cloud of palace, actually does not think that his manner was lazy, and wallowed the beauty, every day was crossing intemperate eating and drinking quart birthday, after getting drunk, went home also to attack brutally to me.” 颖莲亢奋道:“早年,我跨过千山嫁到青莲城的宫家,和宫家的老大宫云结为夫妻,却不想他为人慵懒,并且沉迷美色,每天过着酒池肉林的夸诞日子,喝醉后回家还对我大打出手。” Although female on personal integrity traditional woman ethics, but I cannot endure, for this reason leaves the palace home on own initiative, you know that what these days my were passed on? Does not understand the pure and chaste **, he he, thinks to think now laughable, the woman must scrupulously follow such as one, should the man seek pleasure outside?” “虽说女子应操守妇道,但我真的是忍不下去,为此主动离开宫家,你知道那些日子我被人传成什么吗?一个不懂贞洁的**,呵呵,现在想想都觉得可笑,难道女人就必须要恪守如一,男人就应该在外寻欢作乐?” , The sound of Ying lotus somewhat sobbed, her beautiful pupil already held the full mist: Leaves the palace home, I have no way out, then stays behind in this blue lotus building, at that time this blue lotus building called the rouge building, every day accompanies these dirty men for the livelihood, but was good afterward to meet the honored person, has supported my, then I accumulated some money, then the rouge estate, because was away from home, married into the blue lotus, for this reason named the blue lotus building.” 说到伤心处,颖莲的声音有些哽咽,她的美眸早已噙满水雾:“离开宫家,我走投无路,便在这青莲楼留下,当时这青莲楼叫胭脂楼,每天为了生计陪那些肮脏的男人,但好在后来遇上贵人,扶持了我一把,然后我攒了些钱,便将胭脂楼盘下,因为出门在外,嫁入青莲,为此取名青莲楼。” Sisters here, has not been willing for the prostitute, who doesn't think? Who doesn't think steadfast living? They were all abandoned by the man, have no way out arrive at this.” “在这里的姐妹,没有一个是甘愿为妓,谁不想好?谁不想踏踏实实的过日子?她们全都是被男人抛弃,走投无路才来到这。” I will never force them, they do not earn living do not sell into servitude, I can support them in the same old way, but their many people see me to be extremely laborious, therefore comes out to earn living even sells into servitude, after many several are brokenhearted, from exposing from abandoning, but I know that their hearts do not go bad, but was compelled to have no way out by this hateful world!” “我从来不会强迫她们,她们就是不卖艺不卖身,我照样能够养活她们,但她们很多人见我太过辛苦,所以才出来卖艺甚至卖身,不乏其中有几个心碎后自曝自弃得,但我知道她们的心地都不坏,只是被这可恶的世界逼到走投无路!” You said that our one crowd of womenfolks, what we can make? Fights for state power, that is the matters of your man, our females, only want a small family, should not be very big, warmth good!” “你说,我们一群女流之辈,我们能够做些什么?打天下,那是你们男人的事,我们女子,只想要一个小家,不要很大,温暖就好!” The words, the Qin Shi heart fibrillation trembling, remembered many female prostitutes in blue lotus building, especially was initially warm, they truly have the out of the ordinary place. 一番话,秦石的心房颤了颤,恍惚中想起青莲楼的诸多女妓,特别是初暖,她们确实有着非比寻常之处。 Therefore he rebukes oneself saying: Sorry, I do not know!” 为此他自责道:“对不起,我不知道!” All right, passed.” “没事,都过去了。” Ying lotus has wiped the corner of the eye, at once free and easy said with a smile: Blames me, with your ink marks these many, said the Qiao'er matter, starts just to come the time her very self-closing, every day oneself closes in the room, the mouth also talked over Brother Shi long Brother Shi to be short, afterward persuaded in me and blue lotus Lou sisters good words, especially was initially warm, they related very well, she gradually came out of the shadow, started with I also had beginning to mention you warmly.” 颖莲抹了抹眼角,旋即洒脱的微笑道:“都怪我,和你墨迹这么多,说说巧儿的事吧,开始刚来的时候她挺自闭,每天都把自己关在房里,嘴里还念叨着石头哥石头哥短,后来在我和青莲楼的姐妹们好言相劝,特别是初暖,她们关系非常好,渐渐的她走出阴影,开始和我还有初暖说起你。” Is listening to younger sister's half year appearance, in the Qin Shi heart colic, clenches teeth saying: Afterward? That Mysterious Palace big energy what's the matter?” 听着妹妹这半年的样子,秦石心中绞痛一番,咬牙道:“后来呢?那个玄殿的大能是怎么回事?” Yeah, at that time, she was treating in the room every day, but occasionally with me with the beginning warmed the rural fair to walk, initially warmly feared that she suppressed to go wrong, for this reason then taught her the dance, you also knew her ice-cold, therefore performs each time is always being covered with the veil, then had the blue lotus building to wear a mask a fairy saying.” “哎,当时,她每天在房中待着,只是偶尔和我与初暖去集市走走,初暖怕她一人憋出毛病,为此便教她歌舞,你也知道她性情冰冷,所以每次演出总是蒙着面纱,便有了青莲楼蒙面仙女一说。” This immediately do not arrive at the non- gate auction? Heard that these time has Seven Rank Low-Grade martial arts, Mysterious Palace and is not four everyone / influential family outside Shangguan Family all brings.” “这不马上要到无门拍卖会了吗?听说这一次有一本七层下乘武学,玄殿和不算上官家以外的四大家全被引来。” Seven Rank martial arts?” 七层武学?” In the black pupil of Qin Shi a present none remaining, this degree of martial arts in entire Scarlet Flame Empire is extremely rare, the thousand li(500 km) is difficult to seek one, known has three books in the imperial family, remaining had not heard that influence has, Burning Sky Sect will be no exception, no wonder to alarm the Mysterious Palace person. 秦石的黑眸中一现精光,这种程度的武学在整座赤炎帝国中都是凤毛麟角,千里难寻一,已知就在皇室中存有三本,剩下还没听说过那个势力有过,就连焚天宗也不例外,难怪会惊动玄殿的人。 Should drink one, Ying lotus continues saying: Um, at that time Mysterious Palace the one who came is an elder, called: Li Bufan, the Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage strength, is authorized in Mysterious Palace.” 应喝一声,颖莲继续道:“嗯,当时玄殿来的是一名长老,叫:李不凡,玄灵境中期的实力,在玄殿中非常有权。” He arrives at the blue lotus city, does not know that which from knew wears a mask the fairy matter, then specially comes to watch the Qiao'er dance, actually does not think that he wants unexpectedly forcefully and Qiao'er goes to bed, Qiao'er will consider will not comply, under result that person of anger greatly noisy blue lotus building, but also a palm the Qiao'er severe wound!” “他来到青莲城,不知是从哪得知蒙面仙女的事,便特意前来观赏巧儿的歌舞,却不想他竟想强行和巧儿上床,巧儿自当是不会答应,结果那人愤怒下大闹青莲楼,还一掌将巧儿重伤!” What? Was Qiao'er injured?” “什么?巧儿受伤了?” hear that, the black pupil of Qin Shi such as the sharp sword punctures, wipes the cold current that invisible actually really has to overflow the proliferation in the boudoir, making on the tabletop in the cup the remaining liquor water produce rocks gently. 闻言,秦石的黑眸如利剑刺开,一抹无形却真实存在的寒流在闺房中四溢扩散,令桌面上杯中残余的酒水产生轻轻晃动。 Bang! 砰! Is that seems like the gentle slight ripples, is containing the fearful impulse, in an instant forms a wisp of vortex, the wine class is disintegrated the smashing from the interior directly, such as ten thousand arrows fire the waterdrop four shoot. 就是那看似柔和的轻微涟漪,其中却蕴含着可怕的冲劲,刹那间形成一缕漩涡,酒杯直接从内部被瓦解粉碎,如万箭齐发般的水滴四射而出。 Startled, Ying lotus beautiful pupil is tight, the skilled artist seethes quickly launches together the nattierblue barrier, the barrier and waterdrop move, making her heart spleen place transmit constraining of web, such as the corpse insect gnawed to nip. 惊慌中,颖莲美眸紧张,妙手翻腾中迅速展开一道淡青色的屏障,屏障和水滴触碰中,令她的心脾处传来一股钻心的压抑,如尸虫啃咬。 Very strong “好强” Withdraws several steps, in her heart fierce beat several. 退后几步,她心中剧烈的跳动几下。 Her Spirit King Realm peak, some common highly placed people little have not given in addition her the treasure, some ordinary Profound Spirit Realm very difficult wounds to arrive at her, but just Qin Shi was only the angry remaining prestige, shook her unexpectedly draws back? Even the latter desirably suppresses, otherwise she already severe wound. 王灵境巅峰,加上寻常一些达官贵人没少给她珍宝,就连一些普通的玄灵境都很难伤到她,但刚刚秦石光是愤怒的余威,竟然就将她震退?甚至还是后者刻意压制,否则她早已重伤。 Actually is this fearful existence? 这究竟是何等可怕的存在? Changes countenance, she looks to the Qin Shi pupil light has a change, in the heart the dark startled [say / way]: No wonder is better than Burning Sky Sect to suffer a loss in his hand, perhaps if he really can rescue Qiao'er!” 动容中,她望向秦石的眸光产生一丝一丝的变化,心中暗惊道:“难怪强如焚天宗都会在他手上吃亏,若是他的话说不定真能救出巧儿!” Qin Shi detected that the bloodstain of Ying lotus corners of the mouth, suddenly just busily wielded the sleeve robe, after the remaining prestige clears, is having the apology: Lotus elder sister was sorry that my is somewhat excited, hasn't injured to you?” 秦石发觉颖莲嘴角的血迹,一时间刚忙挥动袖袍,将余威散尽后带着歉意道:“莲姐抱歉,我情绪有些激动,没伤到你把?” After Ying lotus retreat barrier, laid out skilled artist: I can understand that your worry, likes the younger sister being cherished after all, I also am worried about her, spoke the honest remark, sends to the non- gate auction room her is also the expedient measure, keeps here me really unable to preserve her. If not for many years I in some blue lotus city personal connections, perhaps here already became the ruins, but we have not given up her, I and sisters had already reached an agreement, collected all spirit stones, prepared to sell out including the blue lotus building, should be able to sufficiently collect tens of thousands spirit stones, then seized Qiao'er this afternoon, we together left this.” 颖莲退去屏障后摆了摆妙手:“我能够理解你的担心,毕竟爱妹心切,我也很担心她,说实在话,将她送去无门拍卖行也是权宜之计,留在这里我实在保不住她。若不是多年我在青莲城有些人脉,恐怕这里早已成为废墟了,但我们并没有放弃她,我和姐妹们早已商量好了,将所有的灵石凑起来,连青莲楼也准备卖掉,应该能凑够几万块灵石,然后在今日下午把将巧儿夺回来,我们就一起离开这。” Qin Shi obtains the news to knit the brows once again, then he hears that tens of thousands spirit stones, cannot help laughing, tens of thousands spirit stones, perhaps are the common people life difficult homing wealth, but actually really some futile attempts in auction room. 秦石得到消息再度皱了皱眉,接着他听见那几万块灵石,不禁哑然失笑,几万块灵石,或许是寻常百姓一生难寻的财富,但在拍卖行里却实在有些杯水车薪。 No matter what, this is Ying lotus and the others a regard, they are ordinary to cannot in the ordinary female, can be Qiao'er hides so the situation is really not easy. 但不管怎样,这是颖莲等人得一番心意,她们都是平凡到不能在平凡的女子,能为巧儿躲到这般地步实属不易。 Therefore, Qin Shi throws to have the grateful facial expression to say to Ying lotus together: Has me, this blue lotus building did not need to sell!” 为此,秦石冲颖莲抛去一道带有感激的神情道:“有我在,这青莲楼就不用卖了!” Said these, he turns single-handed, box of 10,000 Upper Tier spirit stones, falling baseless in the boudoir, intensely full spiritual power reflects the pale pink brilliance on the wall surface, confuses the sentiment to be dazzling. 说完这些,他单手一翻,一箱足足有10000的上品灵石,就凭空的落在闺房,强烈而充盈的灵力在墙面上折射出淡粉色的光彩,迷情耀眼。 Ying lotus when opened the cherry lips that under the light twinkle was shocked, but she just wanted to open the mouth, Qin Shi already changed into the black empty shade to vanish in the room together, only left behind a reverberation the sound. 颖莲在光影闪烁下惊呆的张了张樱唇,但她刚欲开口时,秦石早已化为一道黑色虚影在房中消失,只留下一段回荡的声响。 Many thanks lotus elder sister in the half year to the attendance of your younger sister, small regard inadequate respect, when I meet Qiao'er in the afternoon, comes and lotus elder sister again gathers!” “多谢莲姐这半年对令妹的照顾,小小心意不成敬意,待下午我接回巧儿,再来和莲姐一聚!” Listens to that to circle the Liang not loose residual sound, stares at that full box glittering Upper Tier spirit stones, in the beautiful pupil of Ying lotus is dodging the happy expression, but in this happy expression does not contain the half minute to be greedy, but is reposing and anticipation. 听着那绕梁不散的余音,盯着那满箱金光闪闪的上品灵石,颖莲的美眸中一闪喜色,但这喜色中却不含半分贪婪,而是一种寄托与期待。
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