PDL :: Volume #4

#386: Owlet porch

Blue lotus building?” “青莲楼?” Stares at that signboard, the eye of Qin Shi is narrowing the eyes a slit. 盯着那牌匾,秦石的眼睛眯眯成一条缝隙。 He remembers that before Xiao Tianyue has said that Qiao'er is the Geisha in this place. 他记得,之前萧天月说过,巧儿就是在这个地方做歌妓。 Big brother, with the money, we go to take a look at the line not? I ensure takes a look!” Feng Hen gathers side Qin Shi, a face eats to decide the Qin Shi expression. “大哥,拿点钱,咱们进去瞧瞧行不?我保证就瞧瞧!”封痕凑到秦石身旁,一脸吃定秦石的表情。 He knows Qin Shi to be rich, that over a hundred demon symbols, put out casually together, it is estimated that suffice staying a while half a month in this blue lotus building. 他知道秦石有钱,那上百道魔符,随便拿出一道,估计都够在这青莲楼里小住半月了。 Thinks, the non- gate auction in afternoon, just now passes early morning now, in the time is but actually abundant, moreover he also wants to have a look at Qiao'er is treating in the half year the place, for this reason selected under said: Ok, goes to sit.” 思索一下,无门拍卖会是在下午,现在才刚过清晨,时间上倒还算充裕,而且他也想看看巧儿这半年待着的地方,为此点了下头道:“行,进去坐坐。” Come, two masters!” “来,两位爷!” The pomegranate skirt female is excited immediately, has plundered embroidering that the skirt suspends in Feng Henmian the forward-swept intentionally, licks saying: Little elder brother, one will go, but must turn my sign, making others serve you well!” 石榴裙女子马上兴奋起来,故意在封痕面前掠了掠裙摆的绣花,舔道:“小哥,一会进去,可要翻我的牌啊,让人家好好的伺候你!” For quite some time, Qin Shi to these wanton and luxurious living, long 9 You's in brothel could not raise the least bit interest following brothel female again. 不知从何时开始,秦石对这些纸醉金迷,长久游继在花街柳巷的青楼女子再也提不起半点兴趣。 When first time has this feeling, he cannot remember that was, probably after meeting Yu Lin’er, probably was not, he did not care in any case. 第一次有这种感觉时,他记不得是什么时候了,好像是在碰见于琳儿后,又好像不是,反正他不在乎。 But the second time, he can affirm that in meeting Qin Xuexin that moment, is Qin Xuexin bit by bit is smoothed his impetuous heart, starts in the affection the light sincere sentiment. 但第二次,他敢肯定,是在遇见沁雪心的那一刻,是沁雪心将他浮躁的心被一点一点抚平,开始喜爱上平淡真挚的感情。 Even if the long-time protection, lovesickness, he will also feel joyfully, the enrichment, thinks that will happen one day can have a good swim azure clouds in the future with Qin Xuexin hand in hand, his corners of the mouth cannot bear toward the place above shoulder. 哪怕是长久的守护,相思,他也会感觉到快乐,充实,一想到在将来终有一天能够和沁雪心携手畅游青霄,他嘴角边忍不住朝上方挑起。 Therefore stares at that to show off the coquettish pomegranate skirt female, Qin Shi somewhat snorts contemptuously, but has not waited for him to open the mouth, only listens to Feng Hen in side long snort scoffs at one, has slapped a that female resounding face directly: Who must look for you, is your this skin and bones I do not want likely, what I must look is that type has the great unrest, vivid deity elder sister!” 为此盯着那卖弄风骚的石榴裙女子,秦石有些嗤之以鼻,但没等他开口,只听封痕在旁边悠悠的哼嗤一声,直接抽了那女子一个响亮的巴掌:“谁要找你,像是你这种瘦骨嶙峋的我才不要,我要找的是那种有轩然大波,呼之欲出的神仙姐姐!” Puff!” “噗!” Listens to that to have some immaturity, actually has mind filled with the words that teased, Qin Shi almost does not have one to stagger to throw down. 听着那带有些稚嫩,却满腹调侃的话,秦石差点没一个踉跄摔倒。 Feng Hen actually thinks little, may look that has Qin Shi to support, swaggering enters the blue lotus building, Qin Shi follows on the heels does not need to turn head, can imagine leaves the awkward appearance of pomegranate skirt female becoming flushed face. 封痕却不以为意,可看是有秦石撑腰,大摇大摆的就走进青莲楼,秦石跟在后面都不用回头,就能想象出石榴裙女子涨红面庞的尴尬模样。 This boy, really does not open the mouth , then by, opens the mouth necessary startled dead the talented person line. 这小子,真是不开口则以,一开口必要惊死个人才行啊。 Attractiveness that very in the blue lotus building repairs, central the ring-like platen that is built by the Upper Tier spirit crystal, on the platen is the pink dopes the spiritual power light halo, is very comfortable to the race the feeling of very much enjoying. 青莲楼里面装修的很漂亮,中央一个由上品灵晶打造的环形台板,台板上是粉红色掺杂灵力的淡淡光晕,给人种很舒适很享受的感觉。 Really is good.” “真是不错。” Sits below, Qin Shi turns upwards one leg on the other, in the hand is grasping one cup of old wine tastes slowly. 坐在下面,秦石翘起二郎腿,手中握着一杯陈年老酒慢慢的品味。 Whoops, two do Young Master, what need? Our blue lotus Lou sisters, that may be pretty like the flower that became famous, did I call several to you?” They just sat down, the woman who old, is actually immediately old yet still graceful wriggles the waist to go forward. “哎呦,两位公子,需要点什么?咱们青莲楼的姐妹们,那可都是出了名的貌美如花,我给你们叫上几个?”两人刚坐下,马上就有一个年纪稍长,却风韵犹存的妇女扭腰上前。 Qin Shi puts down under wine class, waves ten Upper Tier spirit stones to eject in the sleeves: Goes, called your this advertisements.” 秦石放下酒杯点下头,挥手十枚上品灵石在袖间抛出:“去,把你们这的招牌都叫来。” Received the spirit stones woman beautiful pupil one bright, knows that this came the super client, immediately the delightful successor dynasty two buildings accordingly walked, then several pretty such as the colored female then went down from the second floors. 接过灵石妇女美眸一亮,知道这是来了大客户,马上甜美的应声后朝二楼走去,接着十几个貌美如花的女子便从二楼走下。 Several people sit by two people, the movement very much goes all out. 十几个人坐在两人身旁,动作都很卖力。 Qin Shi maintains one's composure in cup liquor water, this does not blame him but actually, beauty-loving heart everybody all has, but since has seen the Qin Xuexin, Yu Luocha and other world incomparable items, his resistivity to the beauty is to also soar. 秦石坐怀不乱的品着杯中酒水,这倒真不怪他,爱美之心人人皆有,但自从见过沁雪心玉罗刹等人间绝品,他对美色的抵抗力也是直线飙升。 But he can resist, does not represent the mark energy, less than several minutes sees Feng Hen to be red in the face, a face enjoys is surrounded by beautiful women. 但他能抵抗,可不代表封痕能,没过几分钟就见封痕面红耳赤,一脸享受的左拥右抱起来。 Lacks prospects!” “没出息!” Root itchy shaking the head, Qin Shi criticizes to say. 牙根痒痒的摇摇头,秦石暗骂道。 At this time, a female sat by Qin Shi, she wore a green gauze skirt, on the white hands slender place leg, to human one type static, if the refined aesthetic sense of virgin. 在这时,一名女子坐在秦石旁边,她穿着一身青色纱裙,玉手纤细的放在腿上,给人一种静若处子的温雅美感。 The wine class puts down, Qin Shi was attracted by her. 酒杯放下,秦石不禁被她吸引。 He discovered that this female unusual Geisha, but renouncing society and living alone, takes off the beauty of this world: He he, what did you call?” 他发现这女子不同寻常歌妓,而有一种遗世独立,脱去凡尘的美:“呵呵,你叫什么?” Returns to Young Master, beginning the girl warm.” “回公子,小女子初暖。” Initially warms? Initially enters to warm the spring, he he, has the characteristics name actually.” Qin Shi savors slowly, praise said. “初暖?初入暖春,呵呵,倒是一个颇有特色的名字。”秦石慢慢品味一下,赞美道。 „A name, ends up to turn out in the Young Master mouth, adds several points of good intent actually.” “一个名字,落得公子口中,倒是平添几分美意。” Initially warmly obstructs the surface to smile embarrasedly, then the sweet [say / way] said: I, if has not guessed wrong, Young Master should not be seeks pleasure?” 初暖遮面讪讪一笑,接着清甜道说:“我若没猜错,公子应该不是来寻欢作乐的吧?” „Does Oh? see from where?” Qin Shi has gawked staring. 哦?从何而见?”秦石愣了愣。 Others come to the blue lotus building, where will look like Young Master so, selfish is drinking the alcohol to drown one's sorrows, a face does not eat the world smoke and fire the appearance, makes probably is I do not have the charm to be the same with the sisters.” Initially warmly fakes the blame the [say / way]. “别人来青莲楼,哪会像公子这般,自顾自的喝着闷酒,一脸不食人间烟火的模样,弄的好像是我和姐妹们没有魅力一样。”初暖假作责怪的道。 Qin Shi mentioned several points of interest putting down wine class: Others what?” 秦石提起几分兴趣的放下酒杯:“那别人都什么样?” Others? Which is not the vision walks randomly in me and on the sisters, after paying silver coins , the hands and feet had not had the calm and steady time, wishes one could to be able from us to gain some small advantages to be good.” Initially warmly pinches the orchid fingers to sweep in nearby crowd, that group of people truly such as she said that all carved the empty boasting two characters on the face. “别人啊?哪个不是目光在我和姐妹们身上游走,付了银两后手脚就更没有有安稳的时候了,恨不得能从我们身上多赚些便宜才好。”初暖掐着兰花指在旁边的人群中扫过,那群人确实如她所言,一个一个的将浮夸两字全刻在了脸上。 Also is really this!” “还真是这样!” Is suddenly enlighted, Qin Shi has gotten back one's composure, the limpid black pupil along initially warms the luster of the skin to sweep up and down, that appearance must completely understand to see through probably to be the same her, says with a smile: Can be like this good? Perhaps said that you hope moves some hands and feet to you?” 恍然大悟,秦石回过神,清澈的黑眸沿着初暖玉体上下扫动一番,那模样好像要将她看透看穿一样,笑道:“是不是要这样才行?或是说,你更希望的对你动些手脚?” Young Master is repugnant!” Is initially warm shy curling the lip, min cherry lips question: Young Master, does not know that what you come blue lotus building behavior, perhaps warm can help you?” 公子讨厌!”初暖羞涩的撇了撇嘴,抿着樱唇问句:“公子,不知你来青莲楼所为何事,说不定暖儿可以帮你呢?” Thinks, Qin Shi thinks is also, but he has not mentioned the Xu Qiao'er matter, after all this topic now is somewhat hot, but said directly: Your proprietresses? I want to see her.” 思索一下,秦石想了想也是,但他并未提及许巧儿的事,毕竟这个话题现在有些烫手,而是直接道:“你们老板娘呢?我想见见她。” „Do you look for the lotus elder sister?” “你找莲姐?” Initially warmly has gawked staring, then reveals color of the feeling embarrassed. 初暖愣了愣,接着露出一丝为难之色。 Qin Shi sees that saying: What's wrong? Has the difficulty?” 秦石见状道:“怎么?有难处?” Difficulty to saying, but our lotus elder sister was being entangled by a young rascal, a morning, the rascal did not walk, she has no way to go downstairs.” “难处到说不上,只是我们莲姐正被一个小无赖缠着,都已经一早上了,那无赖不走,她根本没法下楼。” Young rascal?” Qin Shi knit the brows: He he, dares to stop up your proprietresses directly? Isn't that perhaps the common rascal? Wants me to help?” “小无赖?”秦石皱了皱眉道:“呵呵,敢直接堵你们老板娘?那恐怕不是一般无赖吧?要不要我帮忙?” No, no, no!” Initially warms the beautiful pupil in a flash, startled shaking the head said: Does not use, Young Master should not be anxious, the rascal comes every day, it is estimated that crosses a meeting again, he will walk.” “不,不,不!”初暖美眸一晃,惊慌的摇摇头道:“不用,公子别急,那无赖每天都来,估计再过一会,他就会走了。” Bang! 砰! This voice just fell, hears a dull thumping sound in two buildings, then sees only the person's shadow to take advantage of opportunity from the staircase together tumbles falls. 这面话音刚落,在二楼上就听见一声闷响,接着只见一道人影顺势从楼梯上连滚带爬的摔下来。 Is staring at that badly-damaged form, initially warmly opened the cherry lips, bitter and astringent [say / way]: It seems like, was the proprietress is angry.” 盯着那残破不堪的身影,初暖张了张樱唇,苦涩道:“看来,是老板娘生气了。” „Is the young rascal who you said that he?” “你说的小无赖就是他?” Qin Shi has gawked staring, then looks beginning the warm nod, sizes up to that person's shadow. 秦石愣了愣,接着看初暖点头,才对那人影打量起来。 That form is a youth, appearance, cultivate to mediocrely, the Spirit King Realm Initial Stage appearance, wears tattered hempen garments reluctantly, is [gold/metal] Xiangyu the blue lotus building appears with this is incompatible everywhere. 那身影是一个青年,样貌凡凡,修为平庸,勉强王灵境初期的样子,穿着一身破烂的麻衣,和这到处都是金镶玉的青莲楼显得格格不入。 He in the place crawls to set out, a face renounces with stimulated exclaiming: Why? Let me see her! Let me see her! She will not see me!” 他在地方爬起身,一脸决绝和亢奋的吼道:“为什么?让我见她!让我见她!她不会不见我!” In he shouted curses, took an age from the boudoir of second floor about 25-26 pretty females, an opening price sent, if compared with angel. 在他叫骂中,从二楼的闺房中迈出一名年纪在二十五六左右的貌美女子,一头盘发,若比天仙。 She is our proprietresses, Ying lotus, the lotus elder sister.” Initially warmly gathers by the Qin Shi ear, has referred to that female small sound track. “她就是我们老板娘,颖莲,莲姐。”初暖凑到秦石耳旁,指了指那女子小声道。 Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted sizes up, the strength of this Ying lotus is good, Spirit King Realm peak, a female can have so cultivates is, is really rare. 秦石恍然大悟的打量一下,这颖莲的实力不错,王灵境巅峰,一个女子能有这般修为,实属罕见。 Owlet porch, I warned you, your other toad wants to eat the day goosemeat, depended on you also to be joined to Qiao'er? She said that she does not want to see you! Knows the limitation hurries to leave! Do not delay the old lady to do business!” Ying lotus stands in two buildings, sound severe reviling angrily said. “枭轩,我警告你,你别癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉,就凭你也想配上巧儿?她说她再也不想见你了!识相就赶紧滚!别耽误老娘做生意!”颖莲站在二楼,声音严厉的嗔骂道。 hear that, Qin Shi knit the brows. 闻言,秦石皱了皱眉。 Is called the youth of owlet porch not to be actually willing to relinquish, grasps the arm rest of staircase saying: You talked nonsense, I did not believe that you made Qiao'er come out! You made her say to me face to face!” 称为枭轩的青年却不肯作罢,握着楼梯的扶手道:“你胡说,我不信,你让巧儿出来!你让她当面对我说!” Snort, you can clamor here, if you have the skill, you do stand to protect her actually? Before she was bullied, where did you run up to? Now comes back the belated action? I told you, isn't she in the blue lotus building, willing to ask you to go to the non- gate auction room? Has the skill? Can you struggle the Mysterious Palace person? On your this poor and pedantic type, but also wants to obtain the Qiao'er heart? Do not have a dream you!” Ying lotus curled the lip to scold the sentence. “哼,你就能在这里叫嚣,你若有本事,你倒是站出来保护她啊?之前她被欺负的时候,你跑到哪里去了?现在回来马后炮?我告诉你,她不在青莲楼,愿意找你去无门拍卖行啊?有本事吗?你能争过玄殿的人吗?就你这穷酸样,还想得到巧儿的芳心?别做梦了你!”颖莲撇了撇嘴骂句。 Non- gate auction room?” “无门拍卖行?” The owlet porch frail body trembles, then his distracted thought aloud several: Right, the non- gate auction room, I must rescue Qiao'er, I must rescue Qiao'er!” 枭轩单薄的身躯一颤,接着他精神恍惚的自言自语几句:“对,无门拍卖行,我要去救巧儿,我要去救巧儿!” I must rescue Qiao'er!” “我要去救巧儿!” Was saying, he while crawls to set out, swayingly runs the blue lotus building. 一边说着,他一边爬起身,晃晃悠悠的就跑出青莲楼。 Looked at that miserable back, the person in blue lotus building has all been gawking staring, Ying lotus stared the beautiful pupil, amazed talked to oneself: This boy, really will not be insane, goes to the non- gate auction room life-saving?” 望着那凄凉的背影,青莲楼里的人皆是愣了愣,颖莲更是瞪了瞪美眸,惊诧的自语道:“这小子,不会真的疯了,去无门拍卖行救人吧?” Can't, should not be able.” “不会不会,应该不会。” She has caressed chest with self-consolation, then flings the sleeve to probably return to the boudoir. 她自我安慰的抚了抚胸口,接着甩袖欲要回到闺房。 But at this time, initially warmed to step two buildings immediately: Lotus elder sister, some below people look for you.” 但这时,初暖马上迈上二楼:“莲姐,下面有人找你。” Looks for me?” Ying lotus pressed frowning, then presses initially the warm finger to look toward Qin Shi, after wiping superficial spiritual power gushes out, actually in the Qin Shi surrounding area in ten meters by mill Cheng Yan, making her stare. “找我?”颖莲蹙了蹙眉,接着按初暖的手指朝秦石望去,一抹浅淡的灵力涌出后却在秦石方圆十米内被碾磨成烟,令她一愣。 Could not completely understand that the Qin Shi strength, making her mention several points of vigilant going down pavilion, in the appearance is holding the happy expression throughout: Whoops, what does Young Master ask me to have?” 看不透秦石的实力,令她提起几分警惕的走下楼阁,容貌上却始终秉着笑意道:“哎呦,公子找我有何事啊?” Qin Shi moved the eye up and down, then in his sound sends out one to tease: He he, comes to here, considers to seek pleasure, the little brother I always revere to love the imperial elder sister, does not know that the lotus elder sister does receive a guest?” 秦石上下挪了挪眼,接着他的声音中散发出一丝调侃:“呵呵,来这里,自当是寻欢作乐,小弟我向来尊爱御姐,不知莲姐接不接客呢?” Actually this saying said right, he truly Venerable love Elder Sister Yu. 其实他这话说的没错,他确实尊爱‘玉姐’。 Opening mouth of Ying lotus surprise, but she is the procuress experiences countless people, immediately should with saying: He he, wants to make others accompany you, that naturally yes, is only this price 颖莲诧异的张了张嘴,但她身为老鸨阅人无数,马上应和道:“呵呵,想让人家陪你,那当然是可以,只是这个价钱吧” So long as lotus elder sister meets my need, the price said.” “只要莲姐满足我的需求,价钱好说。” Does not wait for the voice to fall, the Qin Shi body empty shade in a flash, that speed made the surrounding female prostitute all suck the tongue, responded that was Qin Shi has stood side Ying lotus, in the palm was grasping hundred Upper Tier spirit stones, small sound track by her ear: This is the earnest money, lotus elder sister we go upstairs first, after all here person of many mixed, I am very selfish.” 不等话音落下,秦石身躯虚影一晃,那速度令周围的女妓皆是咂了咂舌,反应过来是秦石已经站在颖莲身旁,掌心中握着百枚上品灵石,在她耳旁小声道:“这是定金,莲姐我们是不是先上楼,毕竟这里人多眼杂,我可是很自私的哦。” When spoke this saying, Qin Shi that black pupil and Ying lotus look at each other one, then wiped the invisible reading strength to find out from Sea of Consciousness, making Ying lotus pressed frowning, immediately changed a statement: Good, we go upstairs, elder sister I accompanies you well!” 说这话时,秦石那黑眸和颖莲对视一眼,接着一抹无形的念力自识海探出,令颖莲蹙了蹙眉,马上改口道:“好,我们上楼,姐姐我好好陪你!”
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