PDL :: Volume #4

#385: Feng Hen special physique

How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, before Feng Hen the injury he has seen, that type was mass-criticized the same misery probably, how possibly to convalesce in short two day? 秦石咂了咂舌,之前封痕的伤势他见过,那种好像被炮轰一样的凄凉,怎么可能在短短两日内痊愈? Actually is this how fearful repair capability? 这究竟是多么可怕的修复能力啊? Engages in introspection, the timely rain rain and dew definitely cannot achieve this degree. 扪心自问,就连甘霖雨露决都做不到这种程度。 Feng Hen the chest under the nearby actually negligent racket, thinks little saying: Big brother does not need to be worried about me, from childhood my physique is different from the average man, no matter I received the how serious wound, in three day can convalesce surely!” 封痕在边上倒是大咧咧的拍下胸口,不以为意道:“大哥真不用担心我,从小我的体质就和常人不同,不管我受了多么严重的伤,三日之内定能痊愈!” Has this matter?” “有这种事?” Transferred the eye, Qin Shi has exclaimed: „Before no wonder, on Cold City, these Young Master elder brothers said that you is a living target! Thinks so, is really the sentiment a living target?” 转了转眼睛,秦石惊叹道:“难怪之前在冷城上,那些公子哥说你是活靶子!这么一看,感情真是个活靶子啊?” Big brother you do not make “大哥你别闹” Feng Hen had a scare, beckons with the hand to shake the head hastily. 封痕吓了一跳,连忙摆手加摇头。 Stares at that is changing the timid appearance, in the Qin Shi heart a deep sigh, restores actually from the shock, in this world would some special physique, like the Yin Mo profound cloudy body of the emperor, is an example. 盯着那又变回怯懦的模样,秦石心中一声长叹,从震惊中倒是恢复过来,这世上总会有一些特殊的体质,像尹沫的玄阴圣体,就是一个例子。 Was a pity that this boy has such fearful self-recovery ability, finally won't use spiritual power unexpectedly? Otherwise, in the future absolutely becomes a side overlord. 只是可惜,这小子拥有这么可怕的自愈能力,结果竟然不会使用灵力?否则,将来绝对会成为一方霸主。 Suppose, they fight, what formidable martial arts move you leave alone seal the mark to be able, the skill that this anti- hits sufficed the enemy to drink a pot, you in can hit me not injured, rubbed not to rub you? 试想,俩人打斗,你别管封痕会不会什么强大的武学招数,这一个抗打的本事就够敌人喝上一壶了,你在能打我就不受伤,磨还不磨死你? This world, pours also is really fair!” “这世界,倒也真是公平!” Qin Shi forced smile thought aloud one, then he raised several points of interest to say to Feng Hen: Come, the injury restored, how I teach you to use spiritual power!” 秦石苦笑的自言自语一声,接着他对封痕提起几分兴趣道:“来,伤势恢复了,那我教教你如何使用灵力!” Uses spiritual power?” “使用灵力?” Hears these four characters, Feng Hen actually like is the frightened child, puff passes has not come to a stop directly after the bed gets down supinely, solid falling on the ground. 一听到这四个字,封痕却像是受惊的孩子一样,噗通一个没站稳直接从床上后仰下去,结结实实的摔在地上。 Qin Shi has gawked staring, takes one step to draw seals the mark to get up: „Do you do? Doesn't use such excitedly? Does not collect the school expense!” 秦石愣了愣,迈出一步想拉封痕起来:“你干嘛?不用这么激动吧?不收学费!” No, no, no, do not come, the big brother I study, you do not teach me, do not teach me!” Who thinks, Feng Hen stands up from failure, lies after that the ground makes an effort rubs gu several, a face fantasy appearance. “别,别,别,别过来,大哥我不学,你别教我,千万别教我!”谁想,封痕一个翻身,趴在地上使劲的朝后蹭咕几下,一脸活见鬼的模样。 „” “” Qin Shi dumbfounded. 秦石一阵无语 Not study? This goods what situation? 不学?这货什么情况? Therefore he put on a serious face saying: Study, you later will not be bullied by others, are you willing to be bullied? You words that has forgotten me and you speaks? The men must be indomitable spirit, wants to be strong, only then this can not be bullied, thing that the protection wants to protect!” 为此他板起脸道:“不学,你以后还会被别人欺负,难道你就心甘情愿被人欺负吗?你忘了我和你说的话?男人要顶天立地,一定要坚强起来,只有这样才能够不被欺负,守护想守护的东西!” Feng Hen lowered the head in the corner, the pupil heart place flashes through low-spirited of not easy detection, then shakes the head saying: What grand plan lofty aspiration I do not have, so long as the big brother I will not be bullied, I do not want to study big brother spiritual power you not to compel me, ok?” 封痕在角落里低下头,眸心处闪过一道不易察觉的黯然,接着摇头道:“我没什么宏图大志,只要跟着大哥我就不会被欺负,我不想学灵力大哥你别逼我了,行么?” I “我” Opened mouth, Qin Shi does not know unexpectedly all of a sudden should say anything. 张了张嘴,秦石竟一下子不知道该说点什么。 Stares Feng Hen who in the corner is rolling up, finally his root itchy criticizes one, do this goods also lack prospects compared with the Han young? 盯着角落里蜷缩的封痕,最终他牙根痒痒的暗骂一声,这货怎么比韩仔还没出息? A wisp of bright moonlight fans into guest room. 一缕皎洁的月光散入客房。 Raises head looks jet black to out of the window, the nighttime sky to 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, Qin Shi heaved a deep sigh finally: „, The human is ambitious respectively, you with me.” 仰头望向窗外,夜空漆黑的已经到了子时,秦石最终长叹一声:“罢了,人各有志,那你就跟着我吧。” Many thanks big brother!” “多谢大哥!” The length that Feng Hen feels relieved implored one, then tumbled turned in the corner sets out, the shoving open gate that greeting did not hit went back toward his room. 封痕如释重负的长吁一声,接着连滚带爬的在角落里翻起身,招呼都不打的推开门就朝他自己的房间回去。 Looks the back that enhanced dust is going , the bitterness and astringency that the Qin Shi one type cannot say at heart. 望着那扬尘而去的背影,秦石心里却有一种说不上的苦涩。 But, his general's family closes, sits cross-legged to sit after the bedside, the spiritual power revolutions of first company several sidereal revolutions, are the painful practice of Mysterious Heaven Scripture. 无奈下,他将门关上,盘膝坐在床边后,一连几个周天的灵力运转,接着是玄天圣经的痛苦修炼。 The practice of these foundations, he will do every day, never interrupts. 这些基础的修炼,他每天都会做,从未间断。 Practices a way, perseveres. 修炼一途,持之以恒。 The souls of 20 sidereal revolutions grind, the psychic force such as the bone-chilling cold cold glow flashes through from the pupil heart once again, jet black and profound pupil bottom looking disdainfully nighttime sky, this satisfied stops. 20个周天的灵魂碾碎,精神力再度如凛冽寒芒般自眸心闪过,漆黑而深邃的眸底睥睨夜空,这才满意的停止下来。 Qiao'er, Elder Sister Yu, is waiting for me, I meet you immediately!” 巧儿,玉姐,等着我,我马上就来接你们!” Is staring at out of the window, his stalemate deep sleep gradually. 盯着窗外,他渐渐的陷入沉睡。 The change of the seasons, a night flies. 斗转星移,一夜飞逝。 Possibly was was really recently tired, this late Qin Shi rested very much wants to sink very much, even also had a dream, in the dream dreamed of Qin Xuexin, Yu Luocha, Xiaomi Cai, even Lo Hsueh Xian and poem were blue, old friends could hardly be removed. 可能是最近真的累了,这一晚秦石睡得很想很沉,甚至还做梦了,梦里梦见了沁雪心,玉罗刹,小米彩,甚至洛雪娴和诗兰,一个一个故人挥之不去。 The 2nd date early morning. 第二日清晨。 The young and clever that the dawn that the symbol hopes can beat likely, penetrates in the corner of window, shining motley in the earth. 象征希望的晨曦像是一个一个会跳动的小精灵,在窗子的角落里透过,金灿灿的斑驳在大地。 The black pupil of Qin Shi moves, then after showing a comfortable facial expression opens eyes, wipes not the easy detection the black glow from faints, is having some evil auras. 秦石的黑眸动了动,接着露出一丝舒适的神情后睁开眼,一抹不易察觉的黑芒自其中晕开,带着些许的邪气。 After long-time leaving, finally must meet. 长久的离别后,终于要见面了。 Made in his calm surging emotions cause thousand turbulent waves. 令他波澜不惊的心潮中引起千层激浪。 ! 咻! Discredits the light, the black robe falls on the Qin Shi tiger body, then he pushes the door to leave, is very peaceful in the corridors in two buildings, peaceful somewhat is simply strange. 一抹黑光,黑袍落在秦石的虎躯上,接着他推门离开,在二楼的长廊里十分安静,安静的简直有些诡异。 Feng Hen!” “封痕!” Knocked on a door, Qin Shi shouts one. 敲了敲门,秦石呼喊一声。 Then waited for a meeting, the shoving open gate that Feng Hen has a drowsy look, he that night rests evidently is also comfortable. 接着等了一会,封痕睡眼惺忪的推开门,看样子他这一夜睡得也很舒服。 Big brother, you awoke.” “大哥,你醒了。” Rubbed the eyes, Feng Henkao is also at the condition that half dusk partly awakes on doorframe. 揉了揉眼睛,封痕靠在门框上还处于半昏半醒的状态。 Stares at that dispirited Feng Hen, is wanting to smile, then after he who Qin Shi curled the lip opens the door, sits before the wooden table in room, holds appreciatively the above teapot saying: Tidies up, prepares to walk 盯着那萎靡不振的封痕,秦石撇了撇嘴的想笑,接着他推开门后坐在房间里的木桌前,把玩着上面的茶壶道:“收拾一下,准备走” The words told only half that Qin Shi stops suddenly, his vision stares suddenly on sealing the window of mark, in the heterogeneity of dawn flood, the clear rank red bloodstain is falling on together. 话说到一半,秦石戛然而止,他的目光猛然盯在封痕的窗户上,在晨曦满溢的斑驳中,一道显明腥红的血印正落在其中。 Blood?” “血?” Qin Shi shakes at heart, then after suddenly stands up, an invisible psychic force spreads to open from Sea of Consciousness. 秦石心里咣啷一震,接着猛然间站起身后,一股无形的精神力自识海中扩散而开。 Achieves five mark Demonic Talisman Master him, the psychic force covers the range enough over ten thousand meters, the entire date did not fall the old town becomes the three-dimensional picture reappears in Sea of Consciousness. 达到五纹符魔师的他,精神力笼罩范围足足有上万米,整个日不落古镇成立体景象在识海中浮现。 Bang! 砰! Wipes frightened and anger it goes without saying blasts out from Qin Shi within the body, in the palm is pinching the teapot only listens to Bang one, directly becomes the white powder by the crush. 一抹惊悚和怒火不言而喻的自秦石体内炸开,掌心中捏着的茶壶只听砰一声,直接被碾压成白色的粉末。 Damn!” “该死!” Cursed angrily one, Qin Shi wants not to think that turned round to hold on Feng Hen, after shipping out the window, then leapt from the second floors. 怒骂一声,秦石想都不想,回身一把拉住封痕,装出窗户后从二楼便飞跃出去。 Falls on the entrance of inn, they were shocked. 落在客栈的门口,两人都被惊呆了。 At present where also has yesterday that extremely busyly, didn't the habitation prosperous date fall the old town? Remaining, only then blood crossflow, corpse ruins able to move unhindered. 眼前哪里还有昨日那热闹非凡,人烟鼎盛的日不落古镇?剩下的只有鲜血横流,尸首纵横的废墟。 day does not fall, was slaughtered? 日不落,被屠杀了? Is he!” “又是他!” Qin Shi narrows the eyes focuses, that dark cold glow flees in all directions from the pupil bottom, sees only in the ground these corpse within the body able to move unhindered, is doping dense fog Baleful Qi. 秦石眯眯着眼,那幽暗的寒芒自眸底流窜,只见地面上那些纵横的尸首体内,掺杂着一丝一丝的迷雾煞气 Under anger, his trying hard by oneself calm, Yang Qitou looks at these to be dyed fully by the bloodstain, changed beyond all recognition, even said the building of avalanche. 愤怒下,他努力让自己冷静,仰起头望着那些被血迹染满,已经面目全非,甚至说崩塌的楼宇。 Should not!” “不应该啊!” Whispered at heart: He appeared last night, such big sound, can I not realize? Depending on my present psychic force, any slightest sign of trouble within surrounding area kilometer should not evade my survey and sensation is right!” 心里嘀咕一下:“他昨夜出现,这么大动静,我怎么会没有察觉?凭我现在的精神力,方圆千米内的任何风吹草动应该都躲不过我的探测和感知才对啊!” But if this, actually that fog shade is how does not fall the old town to start to day?” “但如果是这样的话,那雾影者究竟是怎么对日不落古镇下手得?” Moreover, why am I all right?” “而且,为什么我没事?” Why is a mark all right? Is he avoiding me desirably?” “为什么封痕没事?难道他在刻意躲避我?” A string of question marks, flash through in the Qin Shi mind, but at this moment, day does not fall the intersection of old town, sound of footsteps transmission one after another. 一连串的问号,在秦石的脑海中闪过,但就在这时,日不落古镇的街口,一排一排的脚步声传递。 Then in Xiangzikou immediately howling that transmits the officers: Hurry up, front has the human, definitely is the murderer, do not let the murderer run!” 接着在巷子口马上传来官兵的吼叫声:“快点,前面有人,肯定是凶手,别让凶手跑了!” In the quiet suppressed Qin Shi, after hears that sound, criticizing that frowned said: Damn, at this time the officers pounded any chaotic.” 正处于沉寂压制的秦石,闻声后皱起眉头的暗骂道:“该死,这时候官兵来捣什么乱。” Has been scared in nearby Feng Hen directly, grabs Qin Shi saying: Big brother, we what to do?” 在旁边的封痕直接吓傻了,抓着秦石道:“大哥,咱们怎么办?” What to do, can what to do! Runs!” “怎么办,能怎么办!跑呗!” Qin Shi helpless curling the lip, previous time is mistaken as the murderer grasps the day to be firm, this time he does not want to eat that disaster of imprisonment. 秦石无奈的撇了撇嘴,上一次被误认为成凶手抓紧天牢,这一次他可不想在去吃那牢狱之灾了。 Therefore he works on Feng Hen, like raising chicken young, void turns around, vanishes in the entrance of inn directly. 为此他抓起封痕,像提着小鸡仔一样,虚空一个转身,直接在客栈的门口消失。 Left the date not to fall the old town, Qin Shi and Feng Henzhan is at outside the town a mountain peak peak. 离开日不落古镇,秦石和封痕站在镇外一处山峰顶端。 The mountain peak peak, the fog is dim. 山峰顶端,云雾朦胧。 Was staring at that last night also brilliantly illuminated this world rural fair, today actually already was the blood crossflow, the Chest of Qin Shi on such as by an incisive bayonet, a blade blade cut to be the same in the Chest, the pain of web. 盯着那昨夜还灯火通明的凡尘集市,今日却早已是鲜血横流,秦石的心口就如被一把尖锐的刺刀,一刀一刀的在心口割下一样,钻心的痛。 Fog shade, your bastard!” “雾影者,你个畜生!” No matter how, I must hold you, I and you are absolutely irreconcilable!” Under the anger, the torrential roaring flame flashes through under the Qin Shi black robe. “不管如何,我一定要抓住你,我和你不共戴天!”愤怒下,滔滔烈焰在秦石的黑袍下闪过。 This, Feng Hen of standing had a scare, the bone-chilling cold cold wind made him hit to tremble, then in the black pupil flashed through together the bitterness and astringency that was hard to speak. 就这一下,站在旁边的封痕吓了一跳,凛冽的寒风令他打了个哆嗦,接着黑眸中闪过一道难以言说的苦涩。 We walk!” “我们走!” Things have gotten to this point, is powerless. 事已至此,无力回天。 Qin Shi only hopes that can a bit faster pick Xu Qiao'er and Shu Zhongyu, then catches this fog shade, in addition next village can avoid the persecution. 秦石只希望,能快点接走许巧儿书中玉,然后抓到这个雾影者,另下一个村子能免遭迫害。 ! 咻! Wisp of cool breeze, he and Feng Hen change into the shadow to disappear in the mountain peak peak. 一缕清风,他和封痕在山峰顶端化为黑影消失。 Arrives at blue lotus city gate, the heart of Qin Shi sinks like the stone throughout. 走到青莲城门口,秦石的心始终沉入如石。 Enters the blue lotus city, here compared with Cold City, but also absolutely is not Ancient City that small place can look disdainfully, the front surface is a series of seeking and enjoying nature in the spring restaurants. 进入青莲城,这里比不过冷城,但也绝对不是古城那种小地方能够睥睨得,迎面是一连串寻花问柳的酒楼。 In the restaurant entrance, puts on the exposition from time to time obviously, the girl of being coquettish, after seeing Qin Shi and seals the mark, immediately is swaying from side to side the waist charming [say / way] of water snake: Whoops, where does the big brother go? Doesn't Tathagata our red chamber sit? So long as you are rich, here ensure is your heaven on earth.” 在酒楼门口,时而可见穿着暴露,搔首弄姿的女郎,望见秦石和封痕后马上扭动着水蛇的腰肢妩媚道:“哎呦,大哥哪里去?不如来我们品红楼坐坐?只要你有钱,这里保证是你的人间天堂。” Comes our phoenix to roost the building the handsome fellow, guarantees you one step to walk, seven days seven nights do not want to rest, three live third not to walk.” “来我们凤栖楼吧帅哥,保你一步迈进门槛来,七天七夜不想睡,三生三世不想走。” Comes to the happiest building!” “来最欢楼吧!” One group of girls talked at random, actually saw Qin Shi as stable as the rock of Gibraltar did not make the response, immediately annoyed many supercilious looks: Scoffs, what installs? The poor and pedantic type, looks does not have money, does not have money to run this to clash any funds!” 一群女郎东拉西扯,却见秦石稳如泰山的不做回应,马上就惹来不少白眼:“嗤,装什么?穷酸样,一看就没钱,没钱跑这来冲什么款啊!” hear that, Qin Shi was already unalarmed by strange sights, long ago in Desolate Town he knows that these flesh color skeleton that are eats the human not to spit the spirit of bone, in the pocket has to be many some money insufficient families to wrap you. 闻言,秦石早已见怪不怪,早年在荒镇的时候他就知道,这些粉红骷髅那都是吃人不吐骨头的妖精,兜里有多些银子都不够人家套你得。 Wants initially, Intoxicated Immortal Restaurant chief among flowers Li Juanjuan not to have few pits he, for this reason throughout is silent the lowering the head forward steps that did not speak. 想当初,醉仙楼的花魁李娟娟可没少坑他,为此始终默不吭声的低着头向前踏步。 But has not walked two steps, listens behind to transmit the sound that made him want to kill people, saw only Feng Hen to prostrate oneself in one puts on pomegranate skirt female: Good good, heaven on earth? Some that pretty elder sisters?” 但没走两步,就听身后传来一道令他想要杀人的动静,只见封痕拜倒在一名穿着石榴裙的女子脚下:“好啊好啊,人间天堂?那是不是有很多漂亮姐姐?” Naturally, so long as the little brother is rich, let alone is the pretty elder sister, was Sister fairy I can also find to you!” The pomegranate skirt female twines Feng Hen, then the fair white hands take advantage of opportunity to climb up, is sealing the mark the chest to wave gently. “当然,只要小弟弟有钱,别说是漂亮姐姐,就是仙女姐姐我也能给你找到!”石榴裙女子缠绕上封痕,接着白皙的玉手顺势攀爬,在封痕的胸膛轻轻舞动一下。 Feng Hen is young, has little experience of the world, where can stand up to this enticement. 封痕年少,涉世未深,哪里经得住这种诱惑。 Immediately pitiful throws the vision to Qin Shi. 马上可怜巴巴的将目光抛向秦石 The Qin Shi corners of the mouth twitch, the fist under black robe sleeve psst make noise, if not for are many concerned about here person, he guarantees him to be able suddenly Zoufeng mark. 秦石嘴角抽搐一下,黑袍袖筒下的拳头吱吱作响,若不是碍于这里人多,他保证他会暴揍封痕一顿。 My goodness, other skill is not good, doesn't the skill of this bubble little girl choose a person to be called but actually? 好家伙,别的本事不行,这泡妞的本事倒不用人叫哈? But just wanted to refute, his black pupil sweeps in the pomegranate skirt female behind pavilion , the three characters on that signboard attract him: Blue lotus building. 但刚欲反驳,他黑眸在石榴裙女子身后的楼阁中一扫,那牌匾上的三个字将他吸引:青莲楼。
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