PDL :: Volume #4

#384: Hundred demon symbols

Had!” “有了!” In the Qin Shi black pupil a present none remaining, then he does not pay attention to Feng Hen, directly leaps toward a steep escarpment probably two kilometers away on. 秦石黑眸中一现精光,接着他不理会封痕,直接朝着大概两千米外的一处陡峭崖壁上跃去。 Hey, big brother Shi’tou!” “喂,石头大哥!” Feng Hen calls out in alarm one, thinks that Qin Shi did not want him, dispersed the leg to pursue, the appearance that he went all out with scattering the wild horse of reins was the same. 封痕惊叫一声,以为秦石不要他了,撒开腿就追了上去,那丫拼命的样子跟撒缰的野马一样。 He just pursued two steps, Qin Shi wields the black robe from the escarpment, after a shining miraculous glow flashes through, steady falling by brook. 他刚追出两步,秦石就从崖壁上挥动黑袍,一身金灿灿的灵光闪过后,稳健的落在溪流旁边。 Puff passes! 噗通! Qin Shi just came to a stop, seals the mark to throw his arms directly. 秦石刚站稳,封痕直接就扑进他的怀里。 Trembles, Qin Shi hurries to seal the mark to shove open from the bosom: „Does your boy want to do? The elder brother my sex orientation does not have the issue, does not do the base!” 哆嗦一下,秦石赶忙将封痕从怀里推开:“你小子要干嘛?哥哥我性取向没问题,不搞基!” Do not want me!” “你别不要我啊!” Who didn't want you? You see clearly!” “谁不要你了?你看清楚!” Stares at Feng Hen the suffering from injustice appearance, Qin Shi is foaming with rage really does not know that this air/Qi should smile, but under he has wielded the left hand, is gripping a Earth Rank spirit snake in his left hand. 盯着封痕委屈的模样,秦石吹胡子瞪眼真是不知道该气该笑,无奈下他挥了挥左手,在他的左手中正攥着一只地阶的灵蛇。 That spirit snake seven cuns (2.5cm) place was pinched firmly by Qin Shi, Earth Rank it a point in front of Qin Shi contends with the strength that and struggles not to have. 那灵蛇七寸之处被秦石牢牢掐进,地阶的它在秦石面前一点抗衡和挣扎的力量都没有。 Feng Hen relaxes, after blinking, question: Big brother do you catch a snake to do? Can auction with it?” 封痕放松下来,眨了眨眼后问句:“大哥你抓条蛇干嘛?难道是要拿它去拍卖?” Who said that must sell it, how much money can it sell? Beast pill and snake balls add also not necessarily to have the admission ticket of auction to be expensive!” Qin Shi curled the lip, then does not pay attention to the complaint of that spirit snake, an invisible psychic force offers a sacrifice to from Sea of Consciousness. “谁说要卖它了,它能卖几个钱?兽丹和蛇胆加起来还未必有拍卖会的门票贵呢!”秦石撇了撇嘴,接着也不理会那灵蛇的抱怨,一道无形的精神力自识海中祭出。 The psychic force rolls up and pushes along the lavender halo in the space, forms an invisible net. 精神力在空间中卷动起淡紫色的光晕,形成一张无形的网。 Six corner sleepy spirit!” “六棱困灵阵!” The Qin Shi two fingers concentrate in the chest, then sees only him to wield single-handed, wipes just likes the watermark ripples proliferation, is the audio frequency occupies the hexagon likely generally, locks that spirit snake suddenly firmly sleepily. 秦石两指凝在胸口,接着只见他单手一挥,一抹犹如水纹般的涟漪扩散而出,像是音频一般占据六角,戛然间将那灵蛇给牢牢锁困。 Locks in the spirit snake, under the Qin Shi satisfied point, has saying that these six corner sleepy spirit are really a good thing, not only can suppress the Desolate Beast beastly nature and spiritual power, but also tied once triangle in the speed and consumption is more formidable. 锁住灵蛇,秦石满意的点下头,不得不说这六棱困灵阵真是个好东西,不仅能够压制荒兽的兽性和灵力,而且在速度上和消耗上都远比曾经的三角形结界要强大许多。 Qin Shi did not blow, had these six corner sleepy spirit, refined five mark demon symbols to him, has almost 90% assurances, even some Heaven Realm Desolate Beast of injury, the suppression of demon blood to Desolate Beast, he have in addition certainly grasps the refinement. 秦石不是吹,有了这六棱困灵阵,炼制五纹魔符对他来讲,几乎有着90的把握,甚至一些受过伤的天境荒兽,加上魔血对荒兽的压制,他都有着一定把握炼制。 Concentrates!” “凝!” Bang, the spirit snake whins in the invisible energetic spider web, then the snake large male deer of body surface starts to fall off, distortion , after bit by bit gathers a Zhang San mark demon symbol. 砰一声,灵蛇在无形的精神蛛网中哀嚎一声,接着体表的蛇麟开始脱落,一点一点的扭曲后汇聚成一张三纹魔符。 Is staring at that demon symbol, Feng Hen is suddenly enlighted: Big brother, I understood, can your meaning refine the demon symbol to auction?” 盯着那魔符,封痕恍然大悟:“大哥,我明白了,你的意思是要炼制魔符去拍卖?” Qin Shi holds the demon symbol, then after looking at one to seal the mark, said with a smile: He he, did your boy also know the demon symbol? I think that your anything does not know!” 秦石抓住魔符,接着瞄了一眼封痕后不由笑道:“呵呵,原来你小子还认识魔符啊?我以为你啥都不认识呢!” Hey, has not eaten pork, was not good has a look at the pig to run!” Feng Hen the awkward grasping head, one was together he no longer to be also shy like start. “嘿嘿,没吃过猪肉,不行看看猪跑了!”封痕尴尬的抓了抓脑袋,一番相处下来他也不再像开始那样腼腆了。 Qin Shi stares at Feng Hen the change, in the surface is showing several satisfied smiling faces: Um, the snake is not valuable, demon symbol that but it refines not necessarily!” 秦石盯着封痕的变化,面上露出几丝满意的笑容:“嗯,蛇不值钱,但它炼制的魔符就未必了!” Big brother, I think you not like the poor person, why can refine the demon symbol to take away the auction?” Before Feng Hen gathers up, deliberately considers question. “大哥,我看你也不像穷人,为什么要炼制魔符拿去拍卖啊?”封痕凑上前,寻思寻思问句 Speaking of this matter, a Qin Shi eyeground present cold current. 提起这事,秦石的眼底一现寒流。 Feng Hen said right, he is not short of money actually, even if once left Qin sect to be many, his also 500,000 Upper Tier spirit stones background, moreover had just came 300,000 from Shangguan Leng that pit. 封痕说的没错,他其实真的不缺钱,就算曾经留给秦宗不少,他还有500000上品灵石底蕴,况且还有刚从上官冷那坑来300000呢。 in addition, altogether 800,000 Upper Tier spirit stones, this regarding some small families, is sighs, but the huge asset of acme of perfection. 加起来,一共800000的上品灵石,这对于一些小家族来讲,都是叹而观止的庞大资产。 But matter Qin Shi about Xu Qiao'er does not dare to be careless, 800,000 Upper Tier spirit stones are perhaps huge regarding the average person, but he has not grasped to Mysterious Palace. 但关于许巧儿的事情秦石不敢马虎,800000上品灵石或许对于普通人来讲非常庞大,但对玄殿他就没有把握了。 The multi- preparations provide against contingencies, is good. 多准备一些以防万一,总归是好得。 Thinks of this, his pupil light opens and closes reveals a density: He he, some people want to play, I accompany him to be amusing!” 想到这,他眸光开合的露出一丝森然:“呵呵,有人想要玩,我就陪他好好玩玩!” hears that sound, Feng Hen withdraws one step, in just that flash, he induced from the body of Qin Shi to very bright working off anger. 闻声,封痕不禁的退后一步,就在刚刚那一瞬间,他从秦石的身上感应到一股非常明澈的杀气。 That works off anger to the feeling of person looks like the real dragon invites the wrath of the emperor, touching dies. 那杀气给人的感觉就像是真龙逆鳞,触之即死。 Quite fearful “好可怕” Naturally, he does not know that some few words Qin Shi had not said that that dares to injure his person, must die! 当然,他并不知道,有一句话秦石还没有说,那就是敢伤害他身边的人,必须要死! Before, from Xiao Tianyue mouth knew when Xu Qiao'er was forced, Qin Shi greatly has then been able to equate that so-called Mysterious Palace with the death in the heart. 在之前,从萧天月口中得知许巧儿被逼迫时,秦石在心中便已经将那个所谓的玄殿大能和死亡画上等号。 Reason that he refines the demon symbol here, but does not hope to have any accident, he also leaves regarding the Xu Qiao'er matter does not have the accident, he still remembers that he has complied with the agreement of Qin Yueling, wants safely brings back to Qin Family Xu Qiao'er. 他之所以在这里炼制魔符,只是不希望出现任何意外,对于许巧儿的事情他也出不起意外,他还记得他答应过秦月玲的约定,一定要安全的将许巧儿带回秦家 Walks, continue!” “走,继续!” Cavity anger in the chest ebullition, Qin Shi rubbish, expands the psychic force directly along the way launches, sweeps away each slit of valley, no matter Desolate Beast of any rank so long as falls into his psychic force to cover the range, cannot escape by luck, was refined the demon symbol completely. 一腔怒火在胸膛沸腾,秦石没在废话一句,直接沿途将精神力扩展开,将谷底的每个缝隙都横扫一圈,不管什么等级的荒兽只要落入他的精神力笼罩范围,一个都未能幸免,全部被炼制成魔符。 The time flies. 时间飞逝。 Qin Shi and Feng Hen have treated for two days under the canyon. 秦石和封痕在峡谷下待了两天。 Over the two days, has almost become the Desolate Beast disaster, Qin Shi all time used, in throwing to seize Desolate Beast and in the refinement demon symbol, has to say Desolate Beast under this canyon to be truly many, finally he has refined over a hundred demon symbols. 这两天,几乎成了荒兽们的天灾,秦石将所有时间都用在扑捉荒兽和炼制魔符上,不得不说这峡谷下的荒兽确实不少,最终他足足炼制了上百道的魔符。 And, five mark demon symbol ten, four mark demon symbol 50, the demon symbols of three grains and two grains are countless. 其中,五纹魔符十张,四纹魔符50张,三纹、二纹的魔符不计其数。 Dusk warm positive sloppy earth. 黄昏的暖阳散漫大地。 A wisp of wisp of shining halo, likely is the wheat ear that in the fall harvests, motley earth. 一缕一缕金灿灿的光晕,像是秋日里收割的麦穗,斑驳大地。 Qin Shi washed the face by the brook, after flinging switches hands on waterdrop, in regards the hundred demon symbols in space ring, wipes the sense of achievement to well up: „Should these demon symbols, be sufficient?” 秦石在溪流旁洗了把脸,甩掉手上的水滴后内视空间戒指中的百张魔符,一抹成就感涌上心头:“这些魔符,应该够用了吧?” „Don't you come to wash?” “你不过来洗洗?” Has turned head, Qin Shi flushed Feng Henhan. 回过头,秦石冲封痕喊了一声。 No, no, you wash, I, don't in!” Feng Hen shakes the head hastily, he has an inexplicable sense of fear to that brook, has stood in dozens meters position does not dare to go forward. “不,不,你洗吧,我就算了,别在掉进去!”封痕连忙摇头,他对那溪流有一种莫名的恐惧感,一直站在几十米的位置不敢上前。 Regarding this, Qin Shi cannot bear wants to smile. 对此,秦石忍不住的想笑。 All are ready, and other tomorrow's non- gate auctions. 一切准备就绪,就等明天的无门拍卖会了。 Qin Shi does not believe that over a hundred demon symbols also do compare a Mysterious Palace disciple? 秦石就不相信,上百道的魔符还比不过一个玄殿的弟子? Qiao'er, Elder Sister Yu, must meet immediately, more than half a year I thought you, did you think me?” 巧儿,玉姐,马上就要相见了,大半年我都想你们了,你们想我了吗?” Qin Shi deeply inspires, then he supinely begins to look in the direction of blue lotus city, in the surging emotions the turbulent waves made him unable to repress one after another. 秦石深吸口气,接着他仰起头朝青莲城的方向望去,心潮中一道一道激浪已经令他按耐不住了。 Long-time leaving, sentiment of it goes without saying that missing. 长久的离别,那份思念之情不言而喻 Excited, he patted to seal the mark the shoulder, then set out then toward the upper extreme of canyon, even if leapt: Walks, first finds a place to rest!” 兴奋中,他拍了一把封痕的肩膀,接着起身便朝峡谷的上端纵然飞跃:“走,先找个地方休息一下!” But shortly after he just set out, under body transmits one to shriek and howl wildly immediately. 但他刚起身不久,身下马上就传来一阵鬼哭狼嚎。 Big brother! Do not walk, take me! I will not fly!” “大哥!你别走,带上我!我不会飞啊!” hears that sound, Qin Shi almost does not have falls down from the space directly. 闻声,秦石差点没直接从天上掉下去。 Real his mother took!” “真他妈服了!” He has forgotten, this Feng Hen is rare and beautiful flowers, but under he has to fall into the valley once more, curls up Feng Hen the body latter step to step the escarpment. 他都忘了,这封痕就是个奇葩,无奈下他只好再次落入谷底,卷起封痕的身子后一步踏上崖壁。 Leaves the valley, the weather was black. 离开谷底,天色已黑。 In as a result of the Cold City accident, blue lotus city forbids the bystander to enter at night unexpectedly. 由于冷城的事故,青莲城夜间竟然禁止外人入内。 Qin Shi stands in shouts abuse that the entrance cannot bear, then have no alternative locates in the surrounding ten li (0.5km), in a lively town stops over. 秦石站在大门口忍不住的破口大骂一句,接着才无可奈何的在外围十里处,一个繁华的镇子中落脚。 This village named date did not fall, a very literary name. 这村子名为日不落,一个挺文艺的名。 But has saying that here truly doing right by date did not fall three characters, at this time is star-studded sky, but in the village was still brilliantly illuminated, at the rural fair has piled up with Ling jade cargo everywhere. 但不得不说,这里也确实对得起日不落三个字,此时已经是繁星满天,但村子里却仍然灯火通明,集市上堆满了玲琅满目的货物。 He he, is really lively.” “呵呵,真是热闹啊。” Comes out from the desolated jungle, Qin Shi especially likes this lively place, for this reason he also specially before the rural fair sold the stall of round of hairpin, held on Feng Hendao: And other, I give your sister-in-law to choose one to send the hairpin!” 从荒芜丛林出来,秦石就特别喜欢这种热闹的地方,为此他还特意在集市上一家卖发簪的地摊前顿了顿,拉住封痕道:“等一下,我给你嫂子选一个发簪!” The sending hairpin in this stall is very attractive, although is not spirit, but in the craft cannot dispute absolutely, careful exquisite, tall and pleasing to the eye. 这地摊上的发簪都很漂亮,一个一个虽说不是灵器,但工艺上绝对没的说,细致精巧,美轮美奂。 Therefore, Qin Shi prepares to Qin Xuexin, Yu Luocha, Xiaomi Cai, Shu Zhongyu and Xu Qiao'er, in Liu Yan Bing, Yin Mo and Zhou Qin horizon, and his mother Qiong Shuyao, as well as each girls of his side had one. 为此,秦石准备给沁雪心玉罗刹小米彩书中玉许巧儿、连带着远在天边的柳颜冰尹沫周琴、和他母亲琼淑瑶,以及他身边的每个女孩都带了一份。 in addition, must have several. 加起来,得有十几个。 Receives to send the hairpin, nod of Qin Shi satisfied, each is the achievement that he chooses attentively, especially gives Qin Xuexin that is Youlan color snowflake: Snow heart, if saw that certainly very much will like?” 收起发簪,秦石满意的点了点头,每一个都是他用心去挑选的成果,特别是给沁雪心的那一个,是一个幽兰色的雪花:“雪心若是见到,一定会很喜欢吧?” But when he is complacent, before sealing mark actually ease gathering up, said: Big brother Shi’tou, you buy these many, all gives to the sister-in-law? How many sisters-in-law do I have?” 但在他自满的时候,封痕却悠然的凑上前,道:“石头大哥,你买这么多,全是送给嫂子的吗?我到底是有多少个嫂子啊?” „” “” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, just when wanted to speak he felt that side the common people are staring at him with the strange vision completely, making him grip the heart of crack to have. 秦石咂了咂舌,刚欲说话时他就感觉到旁边百姓全部用怪异的目光盯着他,令他扎进地缝的心都有。 Few idle talk, walk!” “少废话,走!” Holds Feng Hen, drew him to arrive the date not to fall the central inn in town. 一把抓住封痕,拉着他走到日不落镇的中央客栈。 Entered the inn, Qin Shi opened two room, then has ordered some food and wine casually. 进入客栈,秦石开了两间房,然后随便点了些酒菜。 His guest room depends on the east side in two buildings, after on two buildings, he has not made Feng Hen go back, but asked Feng Henxian to enter in his room. 他的客房在二楼靠东侧,上了二楼后他并没有让封痕回去,而是叫封痕先进入他的房间里来。 Entered the room to close, Qin Shi flushed Feng Hendao: Took off the clothes!” 进了房间关上门,秦石冲封痕道:“把衣服脱了!” Takes off the clothes?” “脱衣服?” Just sat on the bed, Feng Hen jumped to jump high, then not only has not taken off the clothes, instead bound a tighter [say / way] the chest: „Do you want to do?” 刚坐在床上,封痕一个蹦高跳起来,接着非但没有脱下衣服,反而将胸膛裹得更紧道:“你要干嘛?” „” Qin Shi stared staring, a helplessness: Why can I? Naturally therapy to you, dumbfounded, what have you thought daily? Have I told you, my sex orientation does not have the issue!” “”秦石瞪了瞪眼,一阵无奈:“我能干吗?当然是给你疗伤,无语了,你天天都想些什么啊?我告没告诉你,我性取向没问题!” Therapy?” “疗伤啊?” Feng Henxian relaxed, then said: Does not use, I restored!” 封痕先是松了口气,接着道:“不用了,我都恢复了!” Restored?” “恢复了?” The Qin Shi knitting the brows head, then wipes the shining miraculous glow becomes the silk striation finds out from his five fingers, jabs into Feng Hen the flesh all of a sudden. 秦石皱了皱眉头,接着一抹金灿灿的灵光成丝线状从他五指上探出,一下子刺进封痕的肌肤里。 Well? Convalesced really?” “咦?真痊愈了?” Does not dare to believe stared staring, Qin Shi shouted Feng Henlai wanted therapy for him, actually when does not want to regard mark within the body once more, where also had the wound of least bit? 不敢置信的瞪了瞪眼,秦石本来喊封痕来是想要替他疗伤,却不想再次内视封痕体内时,哪里还有半点的伤口? Moreover, all organism normal did not say that the gloomy nucleus also restores brightly, Profound Spirit Realm calm spiritual power pressure, even compares to Qin Shi also to want on the strong several points to a certain extent. 而且,一切肌体正常不说,就连暗淡的晶核也恢复明亮,玄灵境沉稳的灵力威压,甚至在某种程度上来讲比起秦石还要强上几分。
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