PDL :: Volume #4

#383: Said goodbye Feng Hen

Really has far-reaching idea!” “果然暗藏玄机!” Qin Shi has licked split corners of the mouth, then sees only his body in a flash, a step of speeding away induces toward Sea of Consciousness to the spiritual power direction leaps forward. 秦石舔了舔干裂的嘴角,接着只见他身躯一晃,一个疾驰的步伐朝识海中感应到灵力的方向跃进。 Probably after three kilometers, Qin Shi found a cavern on the escarpment of valley. 大概三千米后,秦石在谷底的崖壁上找到一个洞穴。 That cavern is not deep, is very jet black. 那洞穴不深,却十分漆黑。 Was this?” “就是这了吧?” Qin Shi curled the lip, then he mentioned several points of vigilance, made great strides forward in the cave gradually. 秦石撇了撇嘴,接着他提起几分警惕,一步一步迈进山洞里面。 Just entered the cave, cold wind headed on, then he single-handed wielded, the golden light lit the quiet fire on the escarpment together, illuminated the cave. 刚进山洞,一股阴风扑面而来,接着他单手挥出,一道金色光影在崖壁上点燃幽火,将山洞照亮。 Well! Has the human?” “咦!有人?” Illuminates the cave, sees only frail form faint. 照亮山洞,只见一个单薄的身影昏厥其中。 This form wears a tattered linen thick clothes, the second half side body also seeps in the brook, seemed is distressed. 这身影穿着一身破烂的麻布粗衣,下半边身子还沁在溪流中,看上去狼狈极了。 But in his hands, is actually pinching one with the black Yao's color sharp rose that he forms the striking contrast. 但在他的手中,却捏着一株和他形成鲜明对比的黑曜色的亮丽玫瑰花。 Five Pin Lingcao, black rose?” “五品灵草,黑瑰?” Qin Shi was attracted immediately by that black rose. 秦石马上被那株黑玫瑰吸引住。 The black rose, this spirit grass Qin Shi has heard, is one may be called five Top Grade spirit grass, implication some spiritual power Profound Spirit Realm greatly can for its crazy. 黑瑰,这灵草秦石听说过,是一株堪称五品极品的灵草,其中蕴含的灵力就连一些玄灵境大能都会为其疯狂。 It seems like I guess real cause that right, that large-scale beast tide formed a moment ago, should be this black rose?” “看来我猜的没错,刚才那大规模兽潮形成的真正原因,应该就是这株黑瑰了吧?” Whispered at heart, Qin Shi was also curious, a five supreme spirit grass, how in this kind of distressed form hand? 心里嘀咕一声,秦石却又好奇起来,一株五品的至上灵草,怎么会在这样一个狼狈的身影手中? He has patted that person of shoulder curiously, said: Buddy, awakes.” 他好奇的拍了拍那人肩膀,道:“哥们,醒一醒。” Has patted two, that person does not have the least bit to respond. 拍了两下,那人却没有半点回应。 Therefore he knit the brows, after wiping the golden miraculous glow finds out, to entrain from the brook that distressed form. 为此他皱了皱眉,一抹金色的灵光探出后将那狼狈的身影从溪流中拽出。 But actually stares after the form entrains, Qin Shi, stares at that ash pit-a-pat on the face to reveal familiar: Feng Hen?” 但将身影拽上来后秦石却不禁一愣,盯着那灰突突的面庞上露出一丝熟悉:“封痕?” Was this form, not just a short time ago in Cold City, the Qin Shi good intention has helped one another Feng Hen? 这身影,不正是前不久在冷城,秦石好心相助过的封痕吗? But what made Qin Shi accidental was, he in this? Moreover, this black rose what's the matter? 但令秦石意外的是,他怎么会在这?而且,这株黑瑰又是怎么回事? Really was feels strange!” “真是奇怪了!” Qin Shi curled the lip, curious squatting lower part of the body, wipes spiritual power to take advantage of opportunity in his within the body has swept, then made his black pupil tremble. 秦石撇了撇嘴,好奇的蹲下身,一抹灵力顺势在他体内扫过,接着令他的黑眸不由一颤。 If said that seals the mark semblance is in confusion, his within the body absolutely is pitiful, the five main internal organs (entrails) complete dislocation, the spirit crystal of dantian place is low-spirited, probably the bomb explodes from the interior is the same, making his bloodlines move restlessly, horrible to look. 若是说封痕外表是狼藉,那他体内绝对是凄惨,五脏六腑全部错位,丹田处的灵晶黯然,好像有一颗炸弹从内部爆炸一样,令他血脉躁动,惨不忍睹。 How will he receive such serious wound?” “他怎么会受到这么严重的伤?” Knit the brows, Qin Shi spreads out the five fingers, a wisp of wisp of slight golden miraculous glow in fingertip You Cuan, then gathers, wants therapy for Feng Hen. 皱了皱眉,秦石将五指摊开,一缕一缕细微的金色灵光在指尖游窜,接着汇聚成一点,想要替封痕疗伤。 Bang!! But at this time, Feng Hen actually suddenly regained consciousness, then he saw the Qin Shi heel to see the ghost to be the same, strenuous turning setting out startled [say / way]: You, do you want to do?” 但这时,封痕却突然间苏醒,接着他看见秦石后跟看见鬼一样,吃力的翻起身惊道:“你,你要干嘛?” Do not be excited, I help you therapy.” “你别激动,我帮你疗伤。” Does not use, does not need you to manage, you are quick, do not hit me!” Beckoning with the hand that Feng Hen makes an effort, is frightened the facial features to withdraw unceasingly. “不用,不用你管,你快起来,你别打我!”封痕使劲的摆摆手,惊悚着面容不断退后。 Qin Shi has gawked staring, then frowned, this welldoing with completely was initially same in Cold City, sentimental his beforehand words were regarded the neglected advice! 秦石愣了愣,接着皱起眉头,这副德行和当初在冷城完全一样啊,感情他之前的话都被当成耳旁风了! Hey, do not draw back, behind is “喂,你别退了,后面是” Does not need you to manage!” Feng Hen frightened shaking the head said. “不用你管!”封痕惊悚的摇头道。 Ok, you draw back, have the skill you to continue to draw back!” Qin Shi somewhat is not feeling well at heart, good intention lends a hand to assist, who finally makes unexpectedly probably with being a thief are the same. “行,那你就退,有本事你就继续退!”秦石心里也有些不爽,好心出手相助,结果竟弄的自己好像跟做贼一样。 Puff passes! 噗通! Then only listens to a dull thumping sound, seals the mark whole person to vanish in the cave directly, crashes into the following brook all of a sudden. 接着只听一声闷响,封痕整个人直接在山洞里消失,一下子坠入后面的溪流里。 Qin Shi curled the lip saying: Told you to draw back since parting, you did not listen!” 秦石撇了撇嘴道:“告诉你别后退了,你偏不听!” But To take Joy in Calamity and Delight in Disaster, he felt that does not suit, only listens in the praying for rescue sound that in the brook hears whins one after another: „! Help, help, I cannot swim!” 但正幸灾乐祸,他就感觉不太对劲,只听在溪流里传来一道一道哀嚎的求救声:“啊啊啊!救命啊,救命啊,我不会水!” „” “” Qin Shi stared staring, a face inconceivable stares at Feng Hen. 秦石瞪了瞪眼,一脸不可思议的凝视封痕。 Starts, Qin Shi also thinks that Feng Hen is cracking a joke, but then saw only him to drink several saliva that in the brook kicked. 开始,秦石还以为封痕是在开玩笑,但接着只见他在溪流里扑腾扑腾的喝了好几口水。 „? Can't swim really? It is not right, said you is also Profound Spirit Realm, you will not fight I to endure, couldn't you fly not to be good directly?” Stares at Feng Hen, Qin Shi like looking at the monster. “靠?真不会水?不对啊,好说你也是玄灵境,你不会打架我就忍了,你直接飞上不来不行啊?”盯着封痕,秦石像看怪物一样。 Rescues, saves me!” “救,救我!” Feng Hen makes an effort to kick, follows close on is only listening to the water rumble to hear several bubbling sounds, seals the mark whole person to immerse in the brook directly. 封痕使劲扑腾,紧跟着就只听水里咕噜咕噜传来几道冒泡声,封痕整个人直接就沉浸在溪流里。 This, Qin Shi has also flustered, after hurrying to wield the hand sleeve, offers a sacrifice to together the golden light space. 这一下,秦石也慌了,赶忙挥起手袖后祭出一道金色光宇。 Bang! 嘭! Light space crash brook, the intense explosive force cuts off from about the mountain stream, this made Feng Hen the under foot reveal an open area. 光宇坠落溪流,强烈的爆发力将溪水从左右斩断,这才令封痕的脚下露出一块空地。 He lies on the ground, puffing in gulps. 他趴在地上,大口大口的喘着粗气。 Comes up!” “上来!” Qin Shi indignant putting out a hand, Feng Hen drawing, then reprimanded: I said the big brother, are you a follower? Your spiritual power does not hate to use, will place in the dantian to lay eggs?” 秦石气愤的伸出手,一把将封痕给拉上来,接着斥道:“我说大哥,你到底是不是一个修炼者?你灵力不舍得用,难道放在丹田里会下蛋吗?” Finally, seals mark a few words, has almost not irritated Qin Shi. 结果,封痕一句话,把秦石差点没气死。 My I, I will not use!” Feng Hen innocent [say / way]. “我我,我不会用!”封痕无辜道。 Can't?” “不会?” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth twitch, he has been drunk, first time listened to a Profound Spirit Realm person saying that he will not use spiritual power, he was really curious, will not practice Profound Spirit Realm with spiritual power? 秦石嘴角抽搐,他真是醉了,头一次听一个玄灵境的人说他不会用灵力,那他真是好奇了,不会用灵力怎么修炼成玄灵境的啊? Also, let alone is Profound Spirit Realm, will be Spirit Tempering Realm will not say such words of idiot? 再说,别说是玄灵境,就是淬灵境也不会说出这么白痴的话吧? Faint!” “晕!” Two turn, Qin Shi thorough dumbfounded. 两眼一翻,秦石彻底无语 He discovered that Xiao Tianyue cannot be the big rare and beautiful flowers absolutely, the genuine rare and beautiful flowers obviously are this Feng Hen. 他发现,萧天月绝对不能算是大奇葩,真正的奇葩明显是这封痕啊。 Ok, I asked you, how did you run this to come?” When Qin Shi spoke this saying, the black pupil is staring at the black rose of Feng Hen palm throughout. “行,那我问你,你怎么跑这来了?”秦石说这话时,黑眸始终盯着封痕掌心的黑瑰。 Feng Hen lowered the head, two lax rotation: I, I do not know that before some people pursued are hitting me, I woke in this, then saw this black rose.” 封痕低下头,两眼涣散的转动一下:“我,我不知道啊,之前有人追着打我,我醒过来的时候就在这了,然后就看见这个黑瑰了。” „” “” Has sucked the tongue, under point that then Qin Shi makes an effort: Ok, ok, ok, you are ruthless enough, asked that what doesn't know?” 咂了咂舌,接着秦石使劲的点下头:“行,行,行,你够狠,问什么都不知道是吧?” One hear of Qin Shi expressions transformed, frighten to seal the mark to shrink the neck hastily: „, You do not hit me, at the worst I give you this, asking you not to hit me!” 一听秦石语气转变,吓得封痕连忙缩了缩脖子:“你,你别打我,大不了我把这个给你,求求你别打我!” Spoke, he gives Qin Shi black rose immediately. 说完话,他马上将黑瑰递给秦石 Who said that must hit you!” “谁说要打你了!” Qin Shi has been convinced thoroughly, this mark simply is Xiao Tianyue and Han young aggregate, the rare and beautiful flowers add timidly, and is a little silly. 秦石彻底服气了,这封痕简直就是萧天月和韩仔的集合体啊,奇葩加怯懦,而且还有点傻。 The suction port cold air/Qi, Qin Shi most cannot bear this person, the man is indomitable spirit, can not have money, but cannot do without the strength of spirit. 吸口冷气,秦石最受不了这种人,男人顶天立地,可以没有钱,但不能没有骨气啊。 I told you again one time, you were listening, was not you admits defeat, others can not hit you, you must study spiritual power of display within the body, this can stand, did not make others bully!” Qin Shi is cloudy the face to say. “我再告诉你一次,你听着,不是你服软,别人就会不打你,你要学着发挥体内的灵力,这样才能站起来,不让别人欺负!”秦石阴沉着面庞道。 After sealing mark hears that sound lowered the head, he has not responded, but flashes through in his pupil heart place together including the difference that Qin Shi has not realized. 封痕闻声后低下头,他没有回应,但在他的眸心处闪过一道连秦石都没有察觉的异样。 This black rose is your thing, you must learn to protect, the man must have the thing that oneself protect, only then you will obtain like this!” “这黑瑰是你自己的东西,你要学会守护,男人一定要有自己守护的东西,只有这样你才会得到更多!” Was good, I walked!” “行了,我走了!” The black rose that the Qin Shi indignant roar sentence, then he shoves open the front, has turned around to leave, does not want to speak a few words to this Feng Henduo. 秦石气愤的吼句,接着他推开胸前的黑瑰,转过身就想离开,不想跟这个封痕多说一句话。 Bang!! But he just turned around, Feng Hen holds his arm suddenly. 但他刚转身,封痕突然抓住他的手臂。 Qin Shi said ill-humoredly: Does?” 秦石没好气道:“干嘛?” Can let me with you?” “能让我跟着你吗?” Feng Hen lowered the head, the innocent appearance resembles Qin Shi to bully him to be the same. 封痕低下头,一脸无辜的模样好像秦石欺负他一样。 With me?” “跟着我?” Qin Shi falls into a hesitation, the matter that he must handle now are many, the three days later non- gate auction, but must pursue fog shade of that escaping, if took Feng Hen at this time, will only add to him troublesome. 秦石陷入一阵犹豫,他现在要做的事情很多,三天后的无门拍卖会,还要追击那个逃跑的雾影者,如果这时候带上封痕,只会给他平添麻烦。 But around him looks all around, this valley is gloomy, moreover there are this many Desolate Beast, if makes him sealing the mark alone stays behind, he actually somewhat does not have the heart. 但他四周环顾一圈,这谷底阴森无比,而且有这不少荒兽,若是让他把封痕独自留下,他却又有些于心不忍。 „, You with me, but you must be obedient, I mean what one says, I said that two are two!” “罢了,你跟着我,但你必须要听话,我说一是一,我说二是二!” Um, I am obedient, you said that three are three!” “嗯,我听话,你说三是三!” Feng Henma is going to school Qin Shi, the following a prescribed pattern response sentence! 封痕马上学着秦石,一板一眼的回应句! „!” “靠!” dumbfounded, dumbfounded by fits and starts, Qin Shi seriously thought now that this Feng Hen is the brain has the issue, but when his dumbfounded, suddenly from sealing the mark expression realizes a rare smiling face. 无语,一阵一阵的无语,秦石现在严重觉得,这封痕是不是脑子有问题,但就在他无语的时候,突然从封痕的表情上察觉到一丝罕见的笑容。 Good, are you teasing me?” “好啊,你在逗我?” Responded that Qin Shi has wielded shaking the fist indignantly. 反应过来,秦石气愤的挥了挥拳。 Puff passes! 噗通! But he just raised the fist, only listens puff to pass one, Feng Henjing frightens withdraws one step, has not come to a stop and fallen into the rill. 但他刚举起拳头,就只听噗通一声,那封痕竟吓得退后一步,一个没站稳又掉进小溪里。 „! Saves me!” “啊!救我!” Feng Hen is in the rill making an effort to seethe several. 封痕在小溪里使劲翻腾几下。 „” “” Qin Shi full heavy line, if not see that Feng Hen to choke being red in the face that the water chokes, he suspected really this Feng Hen is teasing him intentionally. 秦石满头黑线,如果不是看见那封痕呛水呛的面红耳赤,他真怀疑这封痕是不是在故意逗他。 Real his mother is convinced, deliberately considered that looks for the treasure, the treasure had not found, finally looks for a funny guy unexpectedly!” Broken scolded one, Qin Shi waved to be shining, after the brook broke out, Feng Hen draws in the land. “真他妈服气,寻思来找宝贝,宝贝没找到,结果竟找找一个活宝!”碎碎的骂一声,秦石挥手间金光四射,将溪流劈开后把封痕拉上陆地。 With me, do not walk to lose!” “跟着我,别走丢了!” Stared Feng Hen, Qin Shi felt that he with taking care of a 4 or 5-year-old child is the same, is very helpless. 瞪了眼封痕,秦石感觉他跟照顾一个四五岁的孩子一样,十分无奈。 Is leading Feng Hen, they go out of the cave. 带着封痕,两人走出山洞。 All the way, Feng Henzhen is obedient very much, clever following behind Qin Shi. 一路上,封痕真的很听话,就乖巧的跟在秦石后面。 Leaves the cave, wisp of hot sun rainbow light falls on their faces, Feng Hen actually frightens trembles, reveals a fear in his pupil unexpectedly. 离开山洞,一缕烈日虹光落在两人的面庞,封痕却吓得哆嗦一下,在他的眸子里竟露出一丝恐惧。 This movement sincerity made Qin Shi dumbfounded, day after day was the light afraid? Do this goods have the thing that does not fear? 这一个动作真心令秦石无语,连日光都害怕?这货还有不怕的东西吗? Outside the cave, Qin Shi sharply has not been leaving the valley, but along the brook toward under inquired about that goes. 山洞外,秦石并未急着离开谷底,而是沿着溪流朝下方探寻而去。 Follows behind Qin Shi, Feng Henqie timid question: Big brother, what did you call?” 跟在秦石后面,封痕怯怯的问句:“大哥,你叫什么啊?” Qin Shi, now he most has had a headache is others asked that he called anything, before Shi Qin can also use reluctantly, now may be good, Shi Qin has also had more than enough, was this field of endeavor: You called me Shi’tou!” 秦石顿了顿,现在他最头疼的就是别人问他叫啥,之前石秦还能够勉强使用,现在可好了,石秦也用不了了,为此道:“你就叫我石头吧!” „Does big brother Shi’tou, why we go?” 石头大哥,咱们干嘛去?” Under Feng Hen selects, then about looks all around question. 封痕点下头,接着左右环顾一圈问句 Looks for a thing, three days later takes away the auction.” “找点东西,三天后拿去拍卖。” Qin Shi is controlling the psychic force, for this reason is only simple response one. 秦石操控着精神力,为此只是简单的回应一句。 Feng Henleng said: „Is big brother short of money very much? This valley can have any good thing to take away the auction, or I give the big brother this black rose, should be able to sell a good price!” 封痕愣了愣道:“大哥很缺钱吗?这谷底能有什么好东西拿去拍卖,要不我把这黑瑰给大哥,应该能卖个好价钱!” hear that, Qin Shi stares the eye immediately: I have said that this black rose is your thing, if you are the man protect to me! No matter I am others, if you dare to say this words again, you don't with me!” 闻言,秦石马上瞪起眼:“我说过,这黑瑰是你的东西,你如果是男人就给我守护好!不管是我还是别人,你若再敢说出这种话,你就别跟着我了!” Had a scare by Qin Shi of sudden transformation, Feng Hen hurries to withdraw under several steps points saying: Is the big brother, I do not say!” 被突然转变的秦石吓了一跳,封痕赶忙退后几步的点下头道:“是大哥,我再也不说了!” This also almost!” Under Qin Shi satisfied point. “这还差不多!”秦石满意的点下头。 Feng Hen actually lowered the head about shook shaking: But, this valley is sparsely inhabited, on the big brother where looks for the treasure auction?” 封痕却低着头左右晃了晃:“但,这谷底人烟稀少,大哥上哪里去找宝贝拍卖啊?” He he, without the treasure, can't make the treasure?” “呵呵,没有宝贝,难道就不能制造宝贝了吗?” Qin Shi has selected the corners of the mouth of self-confidence, then the psychic force expands toward all around, is away from he not far Earth Rank Desolate Beast to fall into Sea of Consciousness. 秦石挑了挑自信的嘴角,接着精神力朝四周扩开,一只距离他不远的地阶荒兽落入识海 Had!” “有了!”
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