PDL :: Volume #4

#382: Non- gate auction room

What?” “什么?” On the Qin Shi resolute face dodges the startled anger, his earth emerges out of thin air two openings. 秦石刚毅的面庞上一闪惊怒,紧接着他脚下的大地都凭空出现两道裂口。 Before him, Xiao Tianyue frightens one startled: Buddy, you how?” 在他面前,萧天月吓得一惊:“哥们,你怎么了?” All right, you said to me that matter about this Xu Qiao'er.” Qin Shi diligently maintains calm by oneself, ten Upper Tier spirit stones wield in the sleeves. “没事,你给我说说,关于这许巧儿的事。”秦石努力的让自己保持冷静,十块上品灵石在袖间一挥而出。 Catches ten spirit stones, Xiao Tianyue nods to say immediately excitedly: This Xu Qiao'er is also several months ago comes to the blue lotus city, heard that the proprietress with blue lotus building knew, afterward stayed in the blue lotus building to earn living.” 接住十块灵石,萧天月马上兴奋的点点头道:“这许巧儿也是几个月前才来青莲城得,听说和青莲楼的老板娘认识,后来就留在青莲楼里卖艺。” She very pretty, and throughout is bringing a veil, therefore immediately becomes the advertisement of blue lotus building, by into wearing a mask fairy maiden.” “她长得十分貌美,并且始终带着一张面纱,所以马上就成为青莲楼的招牌,被人成为蒙面仙子。” These months, many people to look at her talent go to the blue lotus building, admires her person to add not to exaggerate to Cold City from here platoon.” “这几个月,很多人都是为了看她一眼才去青莲楼,爱慕她的人加起来从这里排到冷城都毫不夸张。” But her characteristics, only earn living do not sell into servitude, was this characteristics annoys to be troublesome to her, in a short time ago Mysterious Palace can have a liking for her greatly, wish made her accompany to rest for night, finally she is not willing, at that time that matter noisy was very big, if not for the proprietress these years of blue lotus building in some blue lotus city background, it is estimated that blue lotus building already by that Mysterious Palace can destroy greatly.” “但她有一个特点,就是只卖艺不卖身,也就是这个特点给她惹来了麻烦,在前不久有一个玄殿的大能看上她,想要让她陪睡一夜,结果她死活也不肯,当时那事闹的挺大,若不是青莲楼的老板娘这些年在青莲城有些底蕴,估计青莲楼早就被那玄殿的大能给毁了。” But afterward, although the matter was depressed, but how that Mysterious Palace can not be actually willing to let off Xu Qiao'er greatly, but finally under the proprietress in blue lotus building has to send to the non- gate auction her.” Xiao Tianyue mentioned this matter, was indignant. “但后来,虽说事情被压下了,可那玄殿大能却怎样也不肯放过许巧儿,最终无奈下青莲楼的老板娘只好将她送去无门拍卖会。”萧天月提起这事,也跟着愤愤不平起来。 Qin Shi knit the brows: „Can that non- gate auction, protect her?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“那无门拍卖会,难道就能保护她?” Protection does not dare saying that at least three day she will not have the matter, non- gate auction these years can base in East District, naturally have the skill that he bases, hundred years ago the non- gate auction room once received the scarlet flame command that the empire has issued, therefore does not dare to cause trouble on the Mysterious Palace person easily.” “保护不敢说,至少三日内她不会有事,无门拍卖会这些年能在东方区域立足,自然有他立足的本事,在百年前的时候无门拍卖行曾受到过帝国颁发的赤炎令,所以就连玄殿的人也不敢轻易闹事。” Hears the scarlet flame to make three characters, Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted. 听到赤炎令三字,秦石恍然大悟。 But is also three days, three days later that Mysterious Palace big energy, can definitely leave the large sum of money to pat Xu Qiao'er, only hopes that which fierce person can have, can help her!” Xiao Tianyue droops a face to say painstakingly. “但也就是三天,三天后那玄殿的大能,肯定会出重金将许巧儿拍下,只希望会有哪个厉害的人,能够帮帮她吧!”萧天月耷拉个脸苦道。 So that's how it is.” Understood that the entire process, Qin Shi has licked the split corners of the mouth, wipes the it goes without saying courage vigor to fill the air to open. “原来如此。”了解到整个过程,秦石舔了舔干裂的嘴角,一抹不言而喻的血气弥漫而开。 Later, he has not spoken, but silently talked over in the heart silently: I no matter, if dares to injure my Qin Shi younger sister, I have killed who! Even if absolute monarch is not good!” 之后,他没有说话,只是默默的在心中默默念叨:“我不管是谁,谁若是敢伤我秦石的妹妹,我就杀了谁!就算是天王老子也不行!” Qiao'er, is waiting for me, elder brother this takes you to go home!” 巧儿,等着我,哥这就来接你回家!” More than half a year passes by, finally had the Xu Qiao'er news, in the heart of Qin Shi somewhat thought and rebuked oneself, only from just Xiao Tianyue spoken language, can know that more than half a year she definitely little has not endured hardship. 大半年过去,终于有了许巧儿的消息,秦石的心中不禁有些想念和自责,光从刚刚萧天月的言语中,就能够知道这大半年她肯定没少吃苦。 Moreover, how did not know Elder Sister Yu now. 而且,不知道玉姐现在怎么样了。 Three days, wait again for three days, can see them. 三天,再等三天,就能看见她们了。 Buddy, you how?” Xiao Tianyue asked one. “哥们,你咋了?”萧天月问一句。 Qin Shi has gotten back one's composure immediately, then maintains calm shaking the head said: All right, is somewhat curious, this wearing a mask angel, actually grows into any appearance.” 秦石马上回过神,接着保持冷静的摇摇头道:“没事,就是有些好奇,这个蒙面天仙,究竟长成什么样子。” Ha Ha, buddy originally also good this? But I and you said that like this beautiful, if the goddess of angel rank, we think the line in the brain, you may not move anything to read evilly, finally otherwise, endures hardships definitely is you.” Xiao Tianyue Ha Ha smiles one. “哈哈,哥们原来也好这口?但我和你说啊,像这种美若天仙级别的女神,咱们就在脑子里想想行,你可千万别动什么歹念,否则,最后遭罪的肯定是你自己。”萧天月哈哈笑一声。 Why?” “为何?” You think that thinks the beautiful woman who this rank, how many in this stretch of world can have? Which isn't a wife of side overlord? Our these unimportant people, others estimated that will not be looking at our one eyes shortly, therefore you, if falls in love with her result is, is widely experienced to press the water, except Wushan is not said that does not do well your this generation, can only in the fantasy with own left hand for a lifetime!” “你想啊,想这种级别的美女,这片天地间能有几个?哪个不是一方霸主的妻子?咱们这些小人物,人家估计连正眼看都不会看咱一眼,所以你若爱上她的结果就是,曾经沧海难为水,除去巫山不是云啊,弄不好你这一辈,就只能在幻想中跟自己的左手过一辈子了!” hear that, Qin Shi one, used including the ancient verse, an unclear sleep severe feeling well uped, but has not waited for him to open the mouth to respond, under Xiao Tianyue a few words, made the impulsion that he had to plant to kill people directly. 闻言,秦石一愣一愣,连古人诗句都用上了,一种不明觉厉的感觉涌上心头,但没等他开口回应,萧天月下一句话,直接令他有种想杀人的冲动。 Said again that the buddy you have a look at me first, then has a look at you, like my this appearance, gives others rich women to work as the handsome boy to be good, you said you, is white, is graceful, where will have the beautiful woman to fall in love with you?” Xiao Tianyue mentioned this saying, held about the chin to lay out single-handed, a narcissistic appearance. “再说,哥们你先看看我,然后再去看看你自己,像我这长相吧,去给人家富婆当小白脸还行,你说你,白不白,帅不帅,哪会有美女爱上你啊?”萧天月说起这话,单手托着下巴左右摆了摆,一副自恋的模样。 The fist pinches psst makes noise, Qin Shi lowers oneself to the same level with him diligently. 拳头捏的吱吱作响,秦石努力不去和他一般见识。 But so, in his heart unavoidably whispered: Grows leads to be what kind of? Can work as the food to eat? Also isn't the flower trellis? Qin Xuexin, Shu Zhongyu, Yu Luocha, Xiaomi Cai and which aren't the well-known world beautiful women? Finally doesn't gather round this is short of me to transfer?” 但就算如此,他心中难免嘀咕道:“长得帅又怎么样?能当饭吃啊?不也就是花架子?沁雪心书中玉玉罗刹小米彩、哪个不是闻名遐迩的天下美人?最后不还是围着本少我转?” Said that this saying, he felt that does not suit, again and again after bah several, criticizes: „It is not right, this young and old? I also very graceful, has the nose to be perforated, where was inferior to this brat!” 说完这话,他又感觉不太对劲,连连呸了几声后暗骂:“不对啊,本少长得怎么了?我也挺帅的啊,有鼻子有眼,哪里不如这臭小子了!” At this time the beast tide had dispersed thoroughly. 这时兽潮已经彻底散开。 Just dispersing, immediately several Profound Spirit Realm can leap forward the valley greatly, then only listened to a series of fulmination sounds to transmit under the valley, all kinds of martial arts were in sharp opposition. 刚一散开,马上有几个玄灵境的大能跃入谷底,接着只听一连串的爆鸣声在谷下传递,各式各样的武学针锋相对。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang, the cliff on canyon shivers, Xiao Tianyue steps excitedly goes forward to shout toward Qin Shi: Buddy, you a bit faster, hit, definitely had the treasure birth!” 巨响一声,峡谷上的峭壁都颤抖一下,萧天月兴奋的迈上前朝秦石喊道:“哥们,你快点,打起来了,肯定是有宝贝诞生!” Qin Shi nods, but before he sharply has not actually been following, but stands, in the place above expands the psychic force, is inducing below situation. 秦石点点头,但他却并未急着跟上前,而是站在上方扩展出精神力,感应着下方的情况。 A contention, over a thousand people branches out three people finally. 一番角逐,上千人里最终分出三人。 Three people hold a side respectively, obviously is the big influence in blue lotus city, the Xiao Tianyue 11 fingers of corridors: Saw? These three people, one is the clock of Zhong is healthy, the blue lotus city first talent, this year is only 25 years old, had the Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage strength.” 三人各持一方,可见都是青莲城里的大势力,萧天月11指过道:“看见了吗?这三个人,一个是钟家的钟健,青莲城第一天才,今年才25岁,却已经拥有玄灵境初期的实力了。” Qin Shi hears that sound goes toward that Zhong Jianwang, is one is very long bunch of outstanding ability to send the youth, a pale blue halo disclosed the uncommon makings. 秦石闻声朝那钟健望去,是一个长得很俊逸的束发青年,一身淡蓝色的光晕透露出不凡气质。 Truly, 25 years old, Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage, this cultivation to is Shangguan Leng compare, is only in the difference a little. 确实,25岁,玄灵境初期,这种修为就是和上官冷比起来,也只是差上那么一点。 Another, that scarlet female, you do not visit her young, she is in the blue lotus city most heartless woman, named: Red scorpion, hearsay she was 70-80 years old , does not know that closes right up against any way, throughout placed by own appearance young appearance, does not know that has deceived many pattern youth!” Speaking of this matter, Xiao Tianyue was indignant. “另外一个,那个红衣女子,你别看她长得年轻,她可是青莲城里最狠心的女人,名为:红蝎,传闻她都已经七八十岁了,也不知道靠着什么方式,始终让自己的容颜保持在十几岁的样子,不知道骗了多少花样少年啊!”提起这事,萧天月就愤愤不平。 Qin Shi has gawked staring, then accent said with a smile: What's wrong, were our handsome boys, given also to deceive by her?” 秦石愣了愣,接着调笑道:“怎么,我们的小白脸,是不是也被她给骗过啊?” „” “呃” Xiao Tianyue becomes flushed immediately face, then has not spoken refers to toward the third person, is proud: That, is my father, Xiaoshan!” 萧天月马上涨红起脸,接着没说话的朝第三人指去,一脸骄傲:“那个,就是我爹,萧山!” Your father?” “你爹?” Right, how is it? Can't look? Actually I am in the blue lotus city, only son of Xiao.” Xiao Tianyue stuck out chest, has patted the chest plank road. “没错,怎么样?看不出来吧?其实我可是青莲城中,萧家的独子。”萧天月挺起胸膛,拍了拍胸板道。 Qin Shi measures along Xiao Tianyue sweeping up and down, truly cannot see the appearance of least bit family background rich and powerful family on him, especially recalled before , that local ruffian sample, simply is a rascal of scarlet fruits, no, should be does not have the handsome boy of bottom line! 秦石上下沿着萧天月扫量一番,在他身上确实看不出半点出身豪门的模样,特别是回想起之前那副痞子样,简直就是一赤果果的无赖啊,不,应该是一个没底线的小白脸! Xiao Tianyue reveals bitterly and astringently: Yeah, but I very long had not gone home.” 萧天月露出苦涩:“哎,只是我已经挺久没回家了。” Qin Shi knit the brows: Why?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“为什么啊?” My father hopes me, when Family Head, but I like was not held by Xiao Jia, my grand blueprint can rest to spread around the world all beautiful women, moreover that does not spend, must be they supports me!” Bitter and astringent Xiao Tianyue, revealed a face askew excitement immediately. “我爹希望我当家主,但我可不像被萧家牵住,我的宏伟蓝图是能够睡遍天下所有美人,而且还是不花钱的那种,必须是她们包养我!”本来苦涩的萧天月,马上露出一脸歪歪的兴奋。 The corners of the mouth twitch, Qin Shi immediately the bursting out laughing, this wo can't cuo to again the wo cuo matter, unexpectedly the grand blueprint? 嘴角抽搐一下,秦石顿时哑然,这种龌蹉到不能再龌蹉的事,竟然还是宏伟的蓝图? Looked quickly, has the result!” “快瞧,出结果了!” But in, before Xiao Tianyue gathers up immediately, face curious lying near cliff, excited is staring under: Five Pin Lingcao, I have not seen.” 在无奈下,萧天月马上凑上前,一脸好奇的趴在悬崖边上,兴奋的盯着底下:“五品灵草,我还没见过呢。” Qin Shi curled the lip, being disinclined manages him. 秦石撇了撇嘴,懒得理他。 Wipes the invisible psychic force to find out, sweeps away in the valley position. 一抹无形的精神力探出,横扫在谷底的位置。 Bang! 轰! The three parties fight, simultaneously shakes a distance. 三方交手,同时震开一段距离。 At once, sees only in three people of center, on the water surface of that rill, a lavender stamen and pistil blooms. 旋即,只见在三人的中央,那一条小溪的水面上,一株淡紫色的花蕊绽放。 Had!” “有了!” Takes a look quickly, is actually what? Is five Pin Lingcao?” “快瞧瞧,究竟是什么?是不是五品灵草?” Over a thousand people are excited, these unimportant people, starts to be eager to try, even tries the tigers mouth to seize the food from three people of hands. 上千人兴奋起来,就连那些小人物,也都开始跃跃欲试,甚至想试图从三人手中虎口夺食。 What?” “啥?” But suddenly, when the stamen and pistil blooms, one group of people stared staring suddenly, simultaneously reveals inconceivable startled to accommodate: This, this quenches the spirit flower?” 但突然,在花蕊绽放时,一群人突然间瞪了瞪眼,同时露出不可思议的惊容:“这,这是淬灵花?” Pin Lingcao does, quench the spirit flower?” “一品灵草,淬灵花?” Is staring at the stamen and pistil on that water surface, over a thousand people entire were scared. 盯着那水面上的花蕊,上千人全傻眼了。 Qin Shi also has gawked staring, calculated according to just that turbulent beast tide that at least can be a five above spirit grass, to condense how quenches the spirit tweed that Spirit Tempering Realm needs to use? 就连秦石也愣了愣,按照刚刚那么汹涌的兽潮来推算,至少会是一株五品以上的灵草,怎么会才凝聚出一株只有淬灵境才需要用到的淬灵花呢? This type of thing, in Desolate Town, that grasps big stall goods. 这种东西,就算在荒镇,那都是一抓一大把的地摊货啊。 Stares is quenching the spirit flower, Zhong Jian, the red scorpion, Xiaoshan, three powerhouse complexion twitches, their solemn three big Profound Spirit Realm, for unexpectedly being heavily engaged that quenches the spirit flower to hit? 盯着淬灵花,钟健,红蝎,萧山,三名强者面色抽搐一下,他们堂堂三大玄灵境,竟为了一株淬灵花打的不可开交? If this did pass on also the joke inadequately? 这若传出去还不成了笑话? Really unlucky, loses the time of old lady, this quenches spends you to want spirit, the old lady I am not rare!” The red scorpion curled the lip, a face indignant stamps to put one's foot down, then turns around then to leave in a huff. “真晦气,耽误老娘的时间,这淬灵花你们要吧,老娘我不稀罕!”红蝎撇了撇嘴,一脸气愤的跺下脚,接着转身便拂袖而去。 Zhong Jian let go, steps cliff to return in the direction of blue lotus city. 钟健摊了摊手,也踏上峭壁朝青莲城的方向回归。 They leave, over a thousand vision centralized on Xiaoshan, making on his face somewhat unable to hang, when but he must leave to depart, only listened one after another called out in alarm to reverberate in the valley. 两人离开,上千道目光都集中在萧山身上,令他的面庞上有些挂不住,但正当他要动身离去时,只听一连串的惊叫声在谷中回荡。 Eyah “咿呀呀” Xiao Tianyue, lies in all of a sudden well supinely cliff goes against not to control baseless, after unexpectedly one, falls toward the valley. 萧天月,趴在悬崖顶上一下子没掌控好凭空,竟然一个后仰的朝谷底坠下。 Stares at his expression of that exaggeration, the Qin Shi corner of the eye is twisting, Xiao Tianyue only then Spirit King Realm Initial Stage, does not understand to mount the clouds and ride the mist, if this such falls, that hasn't fallen the meat sauce directly? 盯着他那夸张的表情,秦石眼角不禁扭曲,萧天月只有王灵境初期,根本不懂得腾云驾雾,这要是就这么摔下去,那还不直接摔成肉酱? But greatly sends in the Qin Shi benevolence, wants must set out to hold on Xiao Tianyue instant, Xiaoshan was blue in the under face, wields single-handed, meets Xiao Tianyue in the bosom. 但就在秦石善心大发,欲要起身去拉住萧天月的刹那,萧山在下方面庞都青了,单手一挥,一把将萧天月接在怀里。 Brat, you how in this?” “兔崽子,你怎么在这?” Is pulling Xiao Tianyue, the Xiaoshan voice such as the low roar of rainbow. 扯着萧天月,萧山声音如虹的低吼。 Hey, father!” Xiao Tianyue was grasped by Xiaoshan, first has wiped the cold sweat that a face rejoiced, followed close on is saying with a smile immediately silly: Do not be angry, my this does not visit you to be awkward, gets down specially to you breaks through?” “嘿嘿,老爹!”萧天月被萧山抱住,先是一脸庆幸的抹了抹冷汗,紧跟着马上傻笑道:“别生气啊,我这不看你尴尬,特意下来给你解围吗?” You “你” This saying did not say fortunately, a saying only listened to nearby over a thousand people to laugh. 这话不说还好,一说只听旁边上千人哄笑一堂。 This Xiao big young master, is a flower, the name calls the rare and beautiful flowers simply. 这萧家大少爷,简直就是一朵花,名字叫奇葩啊。 Goes against in the cliff, Qin Shi looks at Xiaoshan to become flushed to soon spurts the face of blood, if not for it is estimated that periphery has the human, the homicide Xiao Tianyue heart did have? 在悬崖顶上,秦石望着萧山涨红到快要喷血的面庞,估计若不是周围有人,他杀了萧天月的心都有了吧? Brat, goes back to ask you to do accounts!” “兔崽子,回去在找你算账!” Really cannot hang the face, Xiaoshan is carrying with the hand Xiao Tianyue, sets out then to escape to go toward the blue lotus city. 实在挂不住面子,萧山一只手提着萧天月,起身便朝青莲城远遁而去。 Looks at the father and son of departure, in crowd is voicing a series of sobbing, then everybody reveal reluctantly, thinks can see a 5-Step spirit grass, actually doesn't want to be 1-Step quenches the spirit flower unexpectedly? 望着离开的父子俩,人群中发出一连串的唏嘘,接着大伙纷纷露出无奈,本来以为能够看见一株五阶灵草,却不想竟然是一株一阶淬灵花? The final result is, that quenches the spirit flower to be abegging, disbands directly. 最后的结果就是,那一株淬灵花根本无人问津,直接散伙。 In the process of crowd disperse, Qin Shi actually throughout depends in the place above has not moved, after half double-hour when the surrounding area kilometer did not have the habitation, he sets out the jump valley. 在人群散去的过程中,秦石却始终靠在上方没动,一直到半个时辰后方圆千米内了无人烟时,他才起身跃进谷底。 Stands in the valley, about him looks all around, over a thousand Earth Rank Heaven Rank Desolate Beast beast tides, actually only then does quench the spirit flower? 站在谷底,他左右环顾一圈,上千只地阶天阶荒兽兽潮,却只有一株淬灵花? This matter, he does not believe. 这种事,他可不相信。 Therefore, an invisible psychic force covers ten thousand meters instantaneously, then a rich miraculous glow emerges Sea of Consciousness in the position several kilometers away, making his corners of the mouth select. 为此,一股无形的精神力瞬间笼罩万米,接着一股浓郁的灵光在数千米外的位置涌入识海,令他嘴角不由一挑。 Snort, really has far-reaching idea!” “哼,果然暗藏玄机!”
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