PDL :: Volume #4

#381: Pursued loses

Pursues cold Cheng. 追出冷成。 Qin Shi falls in the jungle outside city. 秦石落在城外的密林里。 Stands in the forest he knit the brows, psychic force broad criss-crossed proliferation, sensation surrounding area ten thousand meters each inch slightest sign of trouble. 站在林中他皱了皱眉,精神力恢弘如网般扩散而出,感知着方圆万米的每寸风吹草动。 Immediately, he felt the direction that fog shade flees, connected the corners of the mouth to cast aside casting aside toward on: Snort, you said that does not hit does not hit, this is short of me not to agree that I must ravel today, all these outcomes what's the matter, on these strange Baleful Qi with you!” 马上,他就感觉到那雾影者遁逃的方向,接连嘴角朝上撇了撇:“哼,你说不打就不打,本少我还不同意呢,今天我非要弄明白,这一切究竟是怎么回事,和你身上那些诡异的煞气!” Thinks of this, he sets out once again. 想到这,他再度起身。 ! 咻! The cold glow bone-chilling cold sweeps together, then the space ring on his fingertip changes, changes a brand-new black robe on the body, treads the branches and leaves in forest to pursue. 一道寒芒凛冽扫出,接着他指尖上的空间戒指一变,将一身崭新的黑袍换在身上,踏着林中的枝叶追击上去。 His speed is quick, pursuit while draws support from the demon blood to repair the break of rib. 他速度很快,一边追击一边借助魔血来修复肋骨的断裂。 Two shadows, in wooded mountain one after the other, rapid is treading the branches and leaves chase. 两道黑影,在山林中一前一后,迅速的踏着枝叶追逐。 Fog shade is avoiding Qin Shi probably desirably, Qin Shi several pursuit that harms go forward, again cast off in the short confrontation. 雾影者好像在刻意躲避秦石,害的秦石几次追击上前,在短暂的交锋中又再次被甩开。 Do not run!” “别跑!” In the jungle in midair, after a collision, Qin Shi was shaken draws back several steps, then after he pulls up the leg, rapid goes forward toward that fog shade pursuit. 半空中的密林里,一次碰撞后秦石被震退几步,接着他拔起腿后迅速的又朝那雾影者追击上前。 Bang! 砰! All the way, Qin Shi straight pursues several thousand meters. 一路上,秦石笔直的追出数万米。 Keeps off before the fog shade body once more, the Qin Shi respite said: Do not run, stops us to chat, if you have the difficulties, perhaps I can help you?” 再次挡在雾影者身前,秦石喘息道:“别跑了,停下来我们谈谈,如果你有苦衷,说不定我能帮你呢?” Kills!” “杀!” Fog shade simply does not have the reason, does not listen to the persuasion of Qin Shi, a palm strikes toward his chest. 雾影者根本没有理智,不听秦石的劝说,一掌就朝他胸膛拍击下去。 Green pines illusory image foot!” “苍松幻影脚!” Qin Shi pressed frowning, is sideways to start meets the approaching enemy. 秦石蹙了蹙眉,侧身起脚的迎击上去。 Bang! 轰隆! One fights, they simultaneously withdrawing several steps. 一番交手,两人同时退后数步。 After drawing back, Qin Shi stares at fog shade to curl the lip: I said that can you don't such violence? Said how many words are good? You run is not tired, I pursue also tired.” 退开后,秦石盯着雾影者撇了撇嘴:“我说,你能不能别这么暴力?说几句话行不行?你跑的不累,我追的还累呢。” Do not pursue!” “别追!” hears that sound, that fog shade is shivering finally the body, puts out a mixture feeling ** color words: I, I will kill you!” 闻声,那雾影者终于颤抖着身,吐出一句夹杂感**彩的话:“我,我会杀了你!” Bang! 砰! Does not wait for Qin Shi to get back one's composure, fog shade in the hands turns Yun Fuhai, roared like the blue dragon fog shade one after another, Baleful Qi billowing formed at the same time thousand zhang (3.33 m) wall in front of Qin Shi, blocked the Qin Shi advance the road. 不等秦石回神,雾影者起手间翻云覆海,一道一道如苍龙般的雾影咆哮而起,煞气滚滚的在秦石面前形成一面千丈墙壁,封锁住秦石前进的路。 Damn!” “该死!” Steps goes forward one step, the Qin Shi hit on wall that in that Baleful Qi forms, was shaken all of a sudden instead dozens meters far. 迈上前一步,秦石撞击在那煞气形成的墙壁上,一下子被反震出数十米远。 „To surround me with Baleful Qi? Does not have the gate!” “想用煞气困住我?没门!” Narrows the eyes focuses, Qin Shi stands is same place the hand, the same Baleful Qi rolling up and pushing along vault of heaven, Evil Spirit the strength of swallowing displays one after another immediately. 眯眯着眼,秦石站在原地起手,一股一股同样的煞气卷动苍穹,邪魔的吞噬之力马上发挥出来。 But when he swallows the wall, where also has the form of fog shade? 但当他将墙壁吞噬,哪里还有雾影者的身影? Real his mother can run!” “真他妈能跑!” But, Qin Shi indignant obloquies one, then he recalled initially in the desolated jungle, Yu Luocha to his pursuit. 无奈下,秦石愤愤不平的大骂一句,接着他不由的回想起当初在荒芜丛林,玉罗刹对他的追击。 Thinks carefully that has several points of similar actually. 仔细一想,倒是有着几分相似。 The psychic force expands ten thousand meters, he fixed fog shade from three kilometers, bends at the waist latter to speed away to pursue once more. 精神力扩开万米,他再次从三千米外锁定雾影者,弓腰后一个疾驰追击上去。 This pursues, in an instant the dark night elapses. 这一路追击,转眼间黑夜逝去。 The East is already white. 东方既白。 In the morning, first wipes the dawn to scatter the earth, Qin Shi in speeding away stops suddenly , a face startled pressed tight brow: Well? Vanished?” 清晨,第一抹晨曦散落大地,秦石在疾驰中突然间停下真,一脸惊愣的蹙紧眉头:“咦?消失了?” He covered in ten thousand meters spiritual Sea of Consciousness absent-minded, then that fog shade unexpectedly baseless disappears under the survey of Sea of Consciousness. 他本来笼罩万米的精神识海中恍惚一下,接着那雾影者竟在识海的探测下凭空消失。 This vanishes, vanishes, is the previous second, direction of his also control fog shade, but next second of fog shade actually does not see together with the aura direct evaporation. 这消失,是真的消失,就是前一秒,他还掌控者雾影者的方向,但下一秒雾影者却连同气息直接蒸发不见。 That feeling, is the same with the Shangguan Leng cause of death. 那感觉,就和上官冷的死法一样。 Damn, to always made him run?” “该死,到老让他跑了?” Qin Shi stops the body to tread void, concentrates the black pupil to look in the direction that fog shade vanishes finally. 秦石停下身来踏着虚空,凝起黑眸朝雾影者最后消失的方向望去。 But, he sweeps away the Cold City surrounding area hundred li (0.5km), but does not have the trail of fog shade, the pursuit to the west hundreds of thousands of meters, one compared with on the Cold City scale small several times of cities, is East District two cities, named: Blue lotus city. 无奈下,他将冷城方圆百里横扫一遍,可就是没有雾影者的踪迹,一直追击到西侧数十万米,一座比冷城规模小上几倍的城池,是一座东方区域的二线城市,名为:青莲城。 Stands in the wooded mountain outside blue lotus city, the Qin Shi fist pinches psst makes noise: Ok, hiding? I want to take a look but actually, how long you can hide, is turns the sod three feet, I must clutch you!” 站在青莲城外的山林里,秦石拳头捏的吱吱作响:“行,躲是吧?我倒想瞧瞧,你能躲藏多久,就是挖地三尺,我也非要把你揪出来!” In under the indignation that moves restlessly, all around hears the disorderly discussion sound and mighty force sound of footsteps, the form that speeds away one after another passes through along the quiet forest, several forms stagger from Qin Shi. 正处于躁动的气愤下,四周听见杂乱的议论声和千军万马的脚步声,一道一道疾驰的身影沿着幽林穿过,有几个身影从秦石身旁错开。 Quick, is that.” “快,就是那面。” What? Such hurries?” “什么啊?这么慌忙?” Do not ask that catches up to follow close on me to come, expert of blue lotus city passed.” “别问了,赶紧跟我过来,青莲城的高手都过去了。” Looked at the direction of crowd, Qin Shi has been gawking, the strength of this group of people was good, all did not say in Spirit King Realm above, even several have achieved Profound Spirit Realm expert. 望着人群的方向,秦石不禁愣了一下,这群人的实力都非常不错,全在王灵境以上不说,甚至有几个已经达到玄灵境高手 These many people, what do they want to make?” “这么多人,他们要做什么?” Qin Shi knit the brows, by the movement of crowd attracting, draws out the hand to block the next good-looking youth saying: Little brother, you such worries, why can go?” 秦石皱了皱眉,不禁被人群的动作给吸引住,起手拦下一名俊俏的青年道:“小兄弟,你们这么着急,是要干嘛去啊?” Makes way, has no free time to respond you!” The youth were blocked, after sweeping a Qin Shi attire, immediately reveals disdaining and anxiety of face. “让开,没空搭理你!”青年被拦下,扫一眼秦石的装束后马上露出一脸的不屑和焦急。 Then!” “接着!” Qin Shi wrist in a flash, ten Upper Tier spirit stones fling in the space ring. 秦石手腕一晃,十枚上品灵石在空间戒指中甩出。 Catches Upper Tier spirit stones, the youth has gawked obviously staring, on the face disdains nothing left saying with a smile: He he, Young Master is embarrassed, is the little brother has eyes but fails to see, has a mountain valley in front, suddenly presented the beast tide under a moment ago the mountain valley, the hearsay said that had any 5-Step spirit grass to be in full bloom.” 接住上品灵石,那青年明显愣了愣,面庞上的不屑荡然无存的笑道:“呵呵,公子不好意思,是小弟有眼无珠,在前面有一个崖谷,就在刚才崖谷底下突然出现兽潮,传闻说是有什么五阶灵草要盛开了。” 5-Step spirit grass?” 五阶灵草?” Qin Shi surprise, but must know that in flaminging the flame empire, any 5-Step spirit grass, that is extremely rare existences. 秦石诧异不已,可要知道在炽焰帝国里,任何一株五阶灵草,那都是凤毛麟角的存在啊。 Um, presents this matter commonly is Cold City wrests away, this happen to did not catch up with Cold City to present the change yesterday, biggest Shangguan Family was extinguished all, now does not have the time to pay attention this, therefore the major influences of blue lotus city the beautiful woman sent out.” The youth answered. “嗯,寻常出现这种事都是冷城霸占,这不正好赶上冷城昨日出现变动,最大的上官家尽数被灭,现在没有时间理会这面,所以青莲城的各大势力都已经倾城出动了。”青年解释道。 Is this?” “是这样?” Qin Shi nodded, has saying that this news passes on really quickly, did a night of time Cold City news pass to this? 秦石点了点头,不得不说这消息传得真快,一夜时间冷城的消息已经传到这面了? Buddy, you do not go, did I first pass? This 5-Step spirit grass, I have not seen from infancy to maturity.” The youth lowered the head say the sentence low voice, when speech can see a wisp of excitement from his vision clearly. “哥们,你要不是不去,那我就先过去了?这五阶灵草,我从小到大还没见过呢。”青年低着头小声说句,说话时能从他的目光中清晰看见一缕兴奋。 Goes.” “去吧。” About Qin Shi thinks, at once the side opens the body to hint the youth to depart. 秦石左右思索一下,旋即侧开身示意青年离去。 Many thanks brothers!” Youth immediately one happy, arched to Qin Shi has cuped one hand in the other across the chest then to set out to leave. “多谢兄弟!”青年马上一喜,冲着秦石拱了拱手便起身离开。 He just left, Qin Shi also looks the direction that the vision taking advantage of opportunity crowd gathers: Could not find fog shade in any case now, would rather looks, is actually any 5-Step spirit grass.” 他刚离开,秦石也将目光顺势人群汇聚的方向瞄去:“反正现在也找不到雾影者,倒不如去瞧一瞧,究竟是什么五阶灵草。” Decides that Qin Shi sets out to ambush in the crowd, has only used less than half double-hour, then arrives at that canyon that in the youth mouth said. 决定下来,秦石起身潜伏在人群里,只用了不到半个时辰,便来到青年口中说的那个峡谷。 This canyon is not deep, can see the valley from peak, the valley is a winding rill, what is frightened is by the rill, gathered over a thousand ominous beasts. 这峡谷不深,从顶端就能看见谷底,谷底是一条蜿蜒的小溪,令人惊悚的是在小溪旁,足足汇聚了上千只凶兽。 These ominous beasts, little said that also has Xuan Rank, Earth Rank Heaven Rank Desolate Beast finds at everywhere. 那些凶兽,少说也有玄阶,地阶天阶荒兽随处可见。 Really is the beast tide?” “真的是兽潮?” Qin Shi stared staring, this is his second time sees the beast tide, previous time in the Desolate Town back side of the mountain mystical place. 秦石瞪了瞪眼,这是他第二次看见兽潮,上一次还是在荒镇的后山秘境里。 But the scale and quantity of this beast tide, simply were once several hundred times of Desolate Town back side of the mountain, no wonder some people said that will have the 5-Step spirit grass to bloom. 而这次兽潮的规模和数量,简直是曾经荒镇后山的几百倍,难怪有人说会有五阶灵草绽放。 On the canyon, gathered over a thousand people. 在峡谷上,汇聚了上千人。 In this crowd forefront, is several strengths achieves Profound Spirit Realm primary expert. 这人群中最前端,是几个实力达到玄灵境初级的高手 Buddy, did you also come?” “哥们,你也来了?” Qin Shi is looking all around, then broadcasts together the familiar sound, looked back on to look a moment ago by the youth who he blocked. 秦石正环顾四周,身后便传来一道熟悉的声音,回首望去正是刚才被他拦下的青年。 Pursed the lips, under Qin Shi light point: Um, joins in the fun.” 抿了抿嘴,秦石轻点下头:“嗯,凑凑热闹。” Ha Ha, originally is a person of same belief people, like this type of day material rare treasure, it is estimated that we also share that only then joins in the fun.” The youth whole face is relaxed, then said: Was right, Brother, my name was Xiao Tianyue, does not know how the buddy you did call?” “哈哈,原来是同道中人,像这种天材异宝,估计咱们也就只有凑凑热闹的份了。”青年满脸轻松,接着道:“对了,兄弟,我叫萧天月,不知道哥们你怎么称呼?” Stone Qin.” “石秦。” What, Shi Shiqin?” “啥,石石秦?” The smiling face of Xiao Tianyue over the face coagulates immediately, then his coming to a stop body has not turned round on falling that puff passes on the ground: You, were you Shi Qin?” 萧天月满面的笑容马上凝固,接着他尚未站稳身子回身就噗通的摔在地上:“你,你是石秦?” Qin Shi knit the brows: „Do you know me?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“你认识我?” Yesterday, did Cold City kill the square person yesterday greatly is you?” Xiao Tianyue like is sees the ghost god, making an effort after is moving the body. “昨天,昨天冷城大杀四方的人就是你?”萧天月像是看见煞神一样,使劲的朝后挪着身子。 Absent-minded, Qin Shi understands immediately that follows close on to pull up Xiao Tianyue saying: „It is not, duplicate.” 恍惚一下,秦石马上明白过来,紧跟着一把拉起萧天月道:“不是,重名而已。” Was held, Xiao Tianyue curled the lip, then about sizes up Qin Shi, under Qin Shi suppression desirably, Qin Shi whole body only then Spirit King Realm Initial Stage, can be said as in these over a thousand people mediocre not wonderful. 被扶起来,萧天月撇了撇嘴,然后又左右的将秦石打量一番,在秦石刻意的压制下,秦石全身就只有王灵境初期,在这上千人中可以说是平庸无奇。 Xiao Tianyue relaxed: Estimate is also, Shi Qin currently estimated that also in Cold City, like his legend including the big energy that Shangguan Family must dread, how to appear in this small place.” 萧天月松了口气:“估计也是,那石秦现在估计还在冷城呢,像他那种传奇连上官家都要畏惧的大能,怎么会出现在这种小地方呢。” „Is!” “就是就是!” Deceives, in the Qin Shi heart is somewhat helpless, this is really the fame portends trouble, the present of making is away from home the real name does not dare to use, really has the shame in the ancestor. 糊弄过去,秦石心中有些无奈,这真是人怕出名猪怕壮啊,弄的现在出门在外连真名都不敢用,真是有愧于老祖宗。 Looks quickly, the beast tide was loose.” “快瞧,兽潮散了。” At this moment, hears the sound to be excited in the crowd of canyon peak suddenly. 就在这时,在峡谷顶端的人群里突然间传来声兴奋。 Then, can lick the licking lips angle by front several Profound Spirit Realm greatly excitedly: Does not know that this beast tide, actually will present any treasure!” 接着,靠前面的几个玄灵境大能纷纷兴奋的舔了舔嘴角:“不知道这一次兽潮,究竟会出现什么宝贝!” Looks at the scale, definitely could not miss, the previous beast tide was an profound spirit flower, finally has auctioned 500,000 Upper Tier spirit stones in the non- gate auction room.” “看着规模,肯定差不了,上一次兽潮是一株玄灵花,最后在无门拍卖行足足拍卖了500000上品灵石呢。” Was right, three days later was the 20 th non- gate auction?” “对了,三天后就是第20届无门拍卖会了吧?” Yes, heard that this auction, the non- gate auction room built up in East District the assorted treasure, the Mysterious Palace people assumed personal command.” “是啊,听说这一次拍卖会,无门拍卖行集结了东方区域里各色的珍宝,就连玄殿的人都来坐镇了。” „Did Mysterious Palace come the human?” 玄殿都来人了?” Naturally, you know that what the something by auction of this next to last act is?” “当然,你知道这一次压轴的拍卖品是什么吗?” What is?” “是什么啊?” Is blue lotus building, the first female prostitute!” “是青莲楼,第一女妓!” „The blue lotus building first female prostitute? That wearing a mask angel? Doesn't she only earn living does not sell into servitude? How becomes this final next to last act?” “青莲楼第一女妓?那个蒙面天仙?她不是只卖艺不卖身吗?怎么会成为这次最后的压轴品呢?” Does not know that heard a short time ago, her offended a Mysterious Palace great person probably, finally the blue lotus building really could not guarantee her, has to give to deliver to the non- gate auction her!” “不知道,听说前不久,好像她得罪了一个玄殿的大人物,结果青莲楼实在保不下她,只好将她给送到无门拍卖会!” Originally offended Mysterious Palace, no wonder “原来得罪了玄殿,难怪” Is listening to nearby discussion, under the racket that Qin Shi knit the brows Xiao Tianyue: What is the non- gate auction room in their mouth?” 听着旁边的议论,秦石皱了皱眉的拍下萧天月:“他们口中的无门拍卖行是什么?” Mentioned the non- gate auction, Xiao Tianyue was proud to say immediately: „Don't this you know? Do not look that our blue lotus city is small, but may have the East District first auction room! Non- gate auction room!” 说起无门拍卖会,萧天月马上骄傲起来道:“这你都不知道?你别看我们青莲城小,但可有着东方区域第一的拍卖行!无门拍卖行!” Non- gate auction room?” “无门拍卖行?” Um, every year the non- gate auction, will attract East District many powerhouses, Mysterious Palace and four everyone / influential family will also come in waves.” “嗯,每年无门拍卖会,都会吸引来东方区域很多的强者,就连玄殿和四大家也会纷纷而来。” Xiao Tianyue danced with joy is saying, then suddenly revealed greedy saying with a smile: Especially this time, last next to last act, but the wearing a mask angel of blue lotus building!” 萧天月手舞足蹈的说着,接着突然露出贪婪的笑道:“特别是这一次,最后一个压轴的可是青莲楼的蒙面天仙啊!” Mentioned this wearing a mask angel, Xiao Tianyue face became flushed, then saw only his facial expression lax [say / way]: That beautiful appearance, really cannot dispute, if who can pat her, is puts looks at home, that absolutely is enjoyment!” 一提起这个蒙面天仙,萧天月的面庞都涨红起来,接着只见他的神情涣散道:“那美貌,真是没的说,若是谁能拍下她,就是放在家里看着,那绝对都是一种享受!” Qin Shi knit the brows: Who is this wearing a mask angel?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“这蒙面天仙是谁?” Does not know that nobody knows her origin, but knows that she came from North District, probably is called Xu Qiao'er!” “不知道,没人知道她的来历,但只是知道她是从北方区域来得,好像叫做许巧儿!”
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