PDL :: Volume #4

#380: The fog shade escapes

Shangguan Leng died. 上官冷死了。 Dying outside sufficient satisfied. 死的让人充满意外。 In all people just put down heart instant, actually immediately because of next unfortunate and frightened. 就在所有人刚放下心的刹那,却马上因下一个不幸而惊悚起来。 Kills!” “杀!” In the midair, fog shade sudden two hold the head, probably bore the fierce pain to be the same, then saw only his dark Baleful Qi all around to be uncontrolled the same overflow. 在半空中,雾影突然两手抱头,好像承受了剧烈的痛苦一样,接着只见他周遭的黑暗煞气不受控制一样的溢出。 Baleful Qi passed over gently and swiftly, must be the dry corpse everywhere. 煞气掠过,必是干尸满地。 Damn, does he also want to kill us?” Person who Zhao Family main survived, is one by one restless, pulls up the leg to want toward the distant place to fly to escape. “该死,他还想杀了我们?”赵家主等残存下来的人,一个比一个不安,拔起腿就想朝远处飞遁。 But Baleful Qi does not give them opportunity, the person of death were getting more and more. 煞气根本不给他们机会,死亡的人越来越多。 Qin Shi knit the brows, he more and more cannot master now, actually this fog shade wants to make anything. 秦石皱了皱眉,他现在越来越搞不懂,这雾影究竟想要做些什么。 From time to time is friendly, from time to time is wicked, this uninhibited, has several points of similar to Evil Spirit actually. 时而善,时而恶,这副不羁,和邪魔倒是有着几分相似。 Considers, he cannot look that here person dies, for this reason turns the hand to hold the Yu Luocha skilled artist saying: Looks to select Xiaomi Cai, I go to be able he!” 斟酌一下,他不能看着这里的人死,为此翻手抓住玉罗刹的妙手道:“看着点小米彩,我去会会他!” You possibly said the evening.” “你可能说晚了。” hears that sound, the beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha reveals a helplessness. 闻声,玉罗刹的美眸露出一丝无奈。 Qin Shi has gawked staring, follows close on him only to listen behind to transmit together the extremely familiar sound: Old monster, this young lady this received you!” 秦石愣了愣,紧跟着他就只听身后传来一道极为熟悉的声响:“老妖怪,本小姐这就来收了你!” „” “” Qin Shi forehead one black, looks back to see only Xiaomi Cai to tread seven pink clouds light, is brandishing the pink / white fist to speed away toward the fog shade. 秦石额头一黑,回首只见小米彩踏着七彩霞光,正挥舞着粉拳朝雾影疾驰上去。 Damn! Is this girl really fearless?” Hits the wall heart Qin Shi that kills to have, he discovered that this girl now is not arbitrary, is simply silly. “该死!这丫头真是天不怕地不怕啊?”撞墙撞死的心秦石都有,他发现这丫头现在不是蛮横,简直就是傻啊。 Best not to let me know that is who teaches! Otherwise I must kill him not to be possible!” Qin Shi at heart, such read thinks. “最好别让我知道是谁教得!否则我非要弄死他不可!”秦石的心里,就这么一个念想。 Indignant, he does not dare to be negligent, the fog shade strength is tyrannical, is not Xiaomi Cai can contend definitely, for this reason has clapped on the fragrant shoulder of Yu Luocha, sets out toward the vault of heaven pursuit on. 气愤下,他不敢大意,雾影的实力强横,决非小米彩能够抗衡,为此拍了拍玉罗刹的香肩,起身朝苍穹追击而上。 Bang! 砰! The multi-colored sunlight moves with Baleful Qi, that multi-colored sunlight in an instant then diluted void, follows close on Long Shou same Baleful Qi to plunge the Xiaomi Cai tender surface together. 霞光和煞气触碰,那霞光在刹那间便被稀释的荡然无存,紧跟着一道龙首一样的煞气扑向小米彩的娇面。 Xiaomi Cai covers the face flurriedly: Damn old monster!” 小米彩慌乱捂脸:“该死的老妖怪!” Bang! 轰隆! Is good waves in the rear area because of Qin Shi promptly, offers a sacrifice to the similar resentment to read heavy Baleful Qi together, two Baleful Qi from the sky connect to order the cloud layer broken powder. 好在秦石在后方及时挥手,举手投足间祭出一道同样怨念沉重的煞气,两股煞气在空中交汇下令云层破散。 Wiped the face, after Xiaomi Cai felt the tenderness on face slid, moves out of the way the palm. 抹了抹脸,小米彩感觉到面庞上的嫩滑后才挪开手掌。 She had not detected that back Qin Shi, two big eyes wink dodge ignorant: Well, am I all right? Thinks that certainly must disfigure one's face.” 她并没有发觉背后的秦石,两个大眼睛一眨一眨闪着懵懂:“咦,我没事?以为肯定要毁容了呢。” Snort, all right, I again come to be able you!” At once, she pulls up the leg unexpectedly, treads the multi-colored sunlight to rush toward the fog shade on the desire again. “哼,没事,那我就再来会会你!”旋即,她竟拔起腿,踏着霞光就欲朝雾影再冲上去。 Dead girl, leave to me!” “死丫头,给我滚回去!” The sound that but, roars loudly together lowly in the rear area resounds, Qin Shi felt that his hair must burn, that did strike a moment ago dangerously? 但轰然间,一道低吼的声音在后方响起,秦石感觉他头发都要烧着了,刚才那一击多险啊? Father?” “爹爹?” Xiaomi Cai looks back on Qin Shi that sees to bristle with anger, immediately reveals the innocent appearance. 小米彩回首看见怒发冲冠的秦石,马上露出无辜的模样。 Is looking at that innocent type, Qin Shi was real dumbfounded, wants to scold her also the ruthless not under heart, remembered for a long time including initially when burning the day mystical place, did not hesitate the life and death kept off Zhao Yan to attack for him, he somewhat felt sad. 望着那无辜的样,秦石是真的无语了,想骂她吧还狠不下心,一想起这么长时间包括当初在焚天秘境时,不惜生死的替他挡赵岩攻击,他就有些心酸。 But, he said: Goes to your older sister that I cope with him.” 无奈下,他道:“去你姐姐那,我来对付他。” Can?” “必须吗?” Must!” Under was just moderate the mood, has raised immediately, Qin Shi shouted to clear the way severely. “必须!”刚缓和下的情绪,马上又提了起来,秦石厉喝道。 Has cast aside the eye, Xiaomi Cai toot toot the mouth discontented [say / way]: Goes, you looked that you must not hit him, you may not come to ask me, young lady I, no matter!” 撇了撇眼,小米彩嘟嘟着嘴不满道:“去就去,你看你要打不过他,你可千万别来求我,大小姐我不管!” „” “” Is listening to that aerobic funny words, Qin Shi was really dumbfounded. 听着那好气好笑的话,秦石是真无语了。 When Xiaomi Cai returns to side Yu Luocha, Qin Shi gradually is dignified. 小米彩回到玉罗刹身旁,秦石才渐渐的凝重起来。 I am your match!” “我来做你的对手吧!” He is staring carelessly the fog shade of bombardment in the vault of heaven, knitting the brows, drags Baleful Qi to speed away to go at once, a palm and fog shade front impact strikes. 他盯着在苍穹上胡乱轰击的雾影,不禁的皱了皱眉,旋即拖着煞气疾驰而去,一掌和雾影正面碰撞一击。 Bang! 轰! The fog shade looks back rapidly, sees Qin Shi reveals one to struggle instant unexpectedly, in struggling has a fear. 雾影回首迅速,望见秦石的刹那竟露出一丝挣扎,在挣扎中带有一丝恐惧。 Palm relative, Qin Shi dark snort, feeling five main internal organs (entrails) in tuck dive. 掌心相对,秦石暗哼一声,感觉五脏六腑都在翻腾。 But he flinches, but is leans behind to hold up the left leg, strikes the green pines illusory image foot such as under myriad light pen straight thrust. 但他并且退缩,而是侧开身后举起左腿,一击苍松幻影脚如万千光影般笔直刺下。 Bang! 轰隆! The fog shade response is extremely quick, in instant, one after another black that the illusory image just found out was disclosing the dense fog of evil aura covers on, directly myriad illusory image smashing. 雾影反应极快,就在幻影刚探出的刹那,一道一道黑色中透露着邪气的迷雾笼罩而上,直接将万千幻影粉碎。 After the smashing, he has not stopped, the fist palm fast approaches toward Qin Shi like the wind. 粉碎后,他并未停止,拳掌如风般快速朝秦石逼近。 Bang! 砰! They encounter in the clear sky, suddenly has this other to bend down, the light is four shoots, but below remaining prestige then affects the world, making the Shangguan Family garden blast out deeply does not see the bottom one after another gully. 两人在晴空中交锋,一时间起此彼伏中,光是所四射而下的余威便波及天地,令上官家的庭院被炸开一道一道深不见底的沟壑。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Star meteor that was refracted together, after the speed cuts is void, Bang the Cold City city wall direct crushing endocrater of distant place, in the jungle outside city raises the flaming black fire. 一道被折射出的星陨,速度划破虚空后砰一声将远处的冷城城墙直接击碎个巨坑,连带城外的密林中都升起熊熊黑火。 Good fearful strength “好可怕的力量” Shangguan Ba by Yan Dong was helped up, to stare at the remnant shade but actually suction port cold air/Qi that in that vault of heaven is dashing unceasingly. 上官霸被严东扶起,盯着那苍穹上不断冲撞的残影倒吸口冷气。 His solemn Profound Spirit Realm peak powerhouse, actually felt that in this degree of confrontation unprecedented fears. 他一个堂堂玄灵境巅峰的强者,在这种程度的交锋间却感觉到前所未有的恐惧。 Below person admires, the vision gathering with amazement, Qin Shi and fog shade showdown is not they can control one after another. 下方的人仰慕而起,一道一道骇然的目光汇聚,秦石和雾影的对决已经不是他们这些人能够左右的了。 Bang! 砰! Two mist blast out, likely is the black rose that the summer blooms. 两朵雾气炸开,像是夏日绽放的黑玫瑰。 Holds the wind relative, electric light flint. 掌风相对,电光火石。 In the slits, Qin Shi stares at the fog shade saying: This way, throughout is not means that was inferior that we stop, then chatted well?” 透过缝隙间,秦石凝视着雾影道:“这样下去,始终不是个办法,不如我们都停下来,然后好好谈谈?” You should be able to look, we are the same people, if you have any difficulties, perhaps I can also help you!” “你应该能看出来,我们是同一种人,如果你有什么苦衷的话,说不定我还能帮你!” Kills!” “杀!” Actually does not think that the fog shade does not listen, after hears that sound, instead is hot tempered, the phoenix that Baleful Qi between palms such as the violent walks, after harassing the clear sky, pats suddenly toward Qin Shi. 却不想,雾影根本不听,闻声后反而更加暴躁,掌心间的煞气如暴走的凤凰,扰乱晴空后猛然朝秦石拍下。 Bang! 砰! This strikes very heavily, probably the precipice avalanche is common. 这一击十分沉重,好像山岩崩塌一般。 Damn!” “该死!” Qin Shi arm after curving, then he can clear hearing, at least over three ribs break suddenly, a black blood from oral cavity blowout. 秦石手臂不禁朝后弯曲,接着他能清晰的听见,至少三根以上的肋骨戛然断裂,一口黑血自口腔喷出。 The next instant, has not waited for him to get back one's composure, consecutively two are in charge in the chest, made him such as the shell of flying upside down common directly, an acoustic shock departed over a hundred meters far. 下一霎,没等他回神,连续两掌印在胸膛,直接令他如倒飞的炮弹一般,咻一声震飞出上百米远。 Yu Luocha one startled: Shi’tou!” 玉罗刹一惊:“石头!” In side, Xiaomi Cai allows to struggle tenderly several: Oh, reaches an agreement, no matter you, how you such lack prospects, one cannot insist! Irritated me!” 在旁边,小米彩的娇容上挣扎几下:“哎呀呀,说好不管你,你怎么这么没出息,一下都坚持不住!气死我了!” Bang! 轰隆! Pounds in the ruins, tuck dive of Qin Shi pain, the ten ribs of chest break completely, perhaps if not for the demon blood he already the faint passed. 砸在废墟里,秦石痛苦的翻腾一下,胸膛的十根肋骨全部断裂,若不是魔血的话他恐怕早就昏厥过去了。 He crawls the dust, just supinely began the black pupil concentrates instant, sees only previous discredits the light to sweep in the pupil light, the fog shade approaches to his front unexpectedly at lightning speed. 他爬出尘埃,刚仰起头的刹那黑眸一凝,只见在眸光前一抹黑光扫过,雾影竟以迅雷不及掩耳的速度逼近到他的面前。 Kills!” “杀!” The five fingers are uneven, on fog shade fingertip is beating the strange aura, then presses up to the Qin Shi forehead center to puncture. 五指齐出,雾影指尖上跳动着诡异的气息,接着直逼秦石的眉心中央刺下。 Father!” “爹爹!” Xiaomi Cai that originally borne a grudge, all of a sudden is at heart flustered, she thinks Qin Shi declines strikes, hasn't actually expected this fog shade so to be unexpectedly ruthless? 本来正怄气的小米彩,心里一下子慌张起来,她本来只是以为秦石败落一击,却没料到这雾影竟这么狠? Yu Luocha pulls up dead out, but already without enough time. 玉罗刹拔起寂灭,但已经来不及了。 Shi’tou! Stone Qin Xiaoyou!” 石头!石秦小友!” The hearts of all people mentioned on the throat, if Qin Shi died they not to live. 所有人的心头提到嗓子眼上,秦石若是死了他们也别想活。 Was dying?” “要死了么?” Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist, looks askance under forcing of five fingers the black pupil closes. 秦石捏紧拳,在五指的逼迫下侧目将黑眸闭合。 Whoosh! 唰! Actually unexpectedly, the five fingers are away from a Qin Shi forehead square inch position, suddenly stiff shivers several points, unexpectedly bewildered stopping. 却不料,五指在距离秦石眉心方寸的位置,突然间僵硬的颤抖几分,竟莫名其妙的停下。 Bang! 轰! The cold wind has delimited in the face of Qin Shi together, after Qin Shi has gawked opens eyes, sees only shivering that the fog shade keeps, then he probably unusual pain, after taking back the five fingers, holds the head, making an effort sways. 一道冷风在秦石的面庞划过,秦石愣了愣后睁开眼,只见雾影不停的颤抖,接着他好像非常的痛苦,收回五指后抓住脑袋,使劲的摇晃起来。 Qin Shi knit the brows, at once after his strenuous setting out, exploratory toward that fog shade deep place palm: You? Very painful?” 秦石皱了皱眉,旋即他吃力的起身后,试探性的朝那雾影深处手掌:“你怎么了?很痛苦?” Kills!” “杀!” Bang! Fog shade whole body Baleful Qi sticks out suddenly, then he suddenly steps the previous step, but also once again is stiff, the whole person appears specially contradictory. 轰!雾影全身煞气暴起,接着他猛然踏上前一步,但跟着又再度僵硬下来,整个人显得特别矛盾。 Cannot kill!” “不能杀!” Kills!” “杀!” Cannot kill!” “不能杀!” The entire process, the hearts of all people are hanging, for a very long time is hard to put down. 整个过程,所有人的心都悬着,久久难以放下。 ! 咻! Suddenly, in struggling, the fog shade has given a tongue-lashing the tooth, then leaps unexpectedly suddenly sets out, rocks a successor dynasty outside Cold City to fly to escape in the vault of heaven. 突然,在挣扎中,雾影呲了呲牙,然后竟猛然跃起身,在苍穹上晃动一番后朝着冷城外飞遁而出。 Crowd one startled: „Can he run?” 人群一惊:“他要跑?” What's the matter?” Zhao Family advocates peace Yan Dong and the others you to take a look at me, I take a look at you, but does not know a reason why. “怎么回事?”赵家主和严东等人你瞧瞧我,我瞧瞧你,但也不知道个所以然。 What can only determine, this fog shade walked, they were safe, tight is relaxed immediately. 唯独能确定的是,这雾影走了,他们安全了,绷紧的心情马上放松下来。 The fog shade runs away, Shangguan Family Baleful Qi also gradually diverges. 雾影逃遁,上官家煞气也渐渐散去。 After clearing, broad Cold City first, where also had the least bit past magnificence? Remaining, only then remnant defeat willow tree, with everywhere in confusion. 散尽后,本来恢弘的冷城第一家,哪里还有半点昔日的辉煌?剩下的只有残枝败柳,和漫天狼藉。 endocraters, like were fallen to strike by meteorite. 一个一个巨坑,像是被陨石坠击一样。 Yu Luocha steps goes forward, after supporting Qin Shi, cares saying: Shi’tou, are you how is it?” 玉罗刹迈上前,扶住秦石后关心道:“石头,你怎么样?” Father!” “爹爹!” Xiaomi Cai throws the Qin Shi bosom. 小米彩哇一声扑进秦石怀里。 Feels the warmth in bosom, Qin Shi was shaking the head first, narrows the eyes focuses stares in the direction that the fog shade escapes: Just his struggling, actually what's the matter?” 感受着怀中的温暖,秦石先是摇了摇头,跟着眯眯着眼朝雾影远遁的方向凝望:“刚刚他的挣扎,究竟是怎么回事?” Before the short confrontation, he can clear felt that on fog shade a pain, that pain stems from struggling of innermost feelings. 之前短暂的交锋,他能清晰的在雾影者身上感觉到一种痛苦,那种痛苦是源于内心的挣扎。 Regarding this, Qin Shi is more definite, definitely has any secret on the body of fog shade, moreover very possible is that unknown startled day secret. 对此,秦石更加确定,在雾影者的身上肯定有着什么秘密,而且很可能是那种不为人知的惊天秘密。 Must clarify what's the matter, cannot ask him to leave!” “一定要弄清楚是怎么回事,不能让他走!” Read wants to raise in the heart, Qin Shi getting back one's composure rapidly clapped on the Yu Luocha fragrant shoulder: Favors Xiaomi Cai, in this I!” 一个念想在心中升起,秦石急速的回神拍下玉罗刹香肩:“看好小米彩,在这等我!” „Can you pursue him? It is not good, do not go!” “你要去追他?不行,别去!” The beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha flashes through worried together that intelligent she turns the hand holds Qin Shi. 玉罗刹的美眸闪过一道担忧,聪慧的她翻手就抓住秦石 Qin Shi another hand builds on the hand back of Yu Luocha, renounces said: You understand me, I must go!” 秦石另一只手搭在玉罗刹的手背上,决绝道:“你了解我,我必须要去!” hears that sound, the Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead dangles, she understood that the Qin Shi mental disposition, fully realized matter that this youth decides, is ten horses cannot pull back. 闻声,玉罗刹螓首垂下,她了解秦石的秉性,深知这个少年决定的事,就是十匹马也拉不回来。 But, she heaved a deep sigh, then the white hands will die out in the waist unload: Is taking dying out, do not have an accident.” 无奈下,她长叹一声,接着玉手将寂灭在腰间卸下:“拿着寂灭,千万不要出事。” Sees dead out, Qin Shi changes countenance, at once received after gently, reveals a gentleness: Um, is waiting for me, when I come back us to go to Mysterious Palace together.” 看见寂灭,秦石不禁的动容一番,旋即柔和接过后露出一丝温柔:“嗯,等着我,等我回来我们一起去玄殿。” Takes up dead out, he was not saying, among the statures rotates, wipes Baleful Qi to pick up the tip of the toe, is treading the black fog toward the fog shade pursuit on. 拿起寂灭,他不在多说,身躯间转动一番,一抹煞气托起脚尖,踏着黑雾朝雾影追击而上。
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