PDL :: Volume #4

#379: Fearful fog shade

Explodes the miracle cure?” “爆灵丹?” Sees Xie Lei difference Qin Shi to knit the brows, he then felt before strangely, how Heaven Realm expert will always follow to Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage Shangguan Leng, but has not actually expected can explodes unexpectedly the miracle cure. 看见谢磊的异样秦石皱了皱眉,他之前便感觉奇怪,一个天境高手怎么会对一个只有玄灵境初期上官冷言听计从,但却万万没有料到竟会是爆灵丹。 Explodes the miracle cure is fearful he to know, after that combustion spiritual power , the fearful strength that has, making him have the lingering fear. 爆灵丹的可怕他知道,那种燃烧灵力后产生的可怕力量,令他至今还心存余悸。 What is most fearful, explodes might that miracle cure has by no means constantly invariable, but cultivates according to spiritual power of user for produces. 最可怕的是,爆灵丹所产生的威力并非恒定不变,而是根据服用者的灵力修为所产生。 When poem Lan initially had Broken Spirit Realm, spiritual power burns through the explosion almost to destroy entire Burning Sky Sect, cultivation of that this Xie Lei Heaven Realm, if burns completely, feared that will be the Cold City surrounding area several thousand meters is razed, changes into the gunsmoke. 诗兰当初只有破灵境,灵力燃尽时的爆炸就差一点毁了整个焚天宗,那这谢磊天境的修为若全部燃烧,怕是冷城方圆数万米都会被夷为平地,化为硝烟。 „Does Jie Jie, feel? Late, without enough time, I had said that I cannot control Cold City, that Cold City does not need to exist!” “桀桀,才感觉到吗?晚了,来不及了,我说过,我不能掌控冷城,那冷城就不需要存在了!” The Shangguan Leng whole body feels weak by in tying on, the corners of the mouth do not have the fear of least bit, instead reveals a radian of victory. 上官冷全身乏力的靠在结界上,嘴角却没有半点的恐惧,反而露出一丝胜利的弧度。 On the face that Xie Lei becomes flushed can look, just like spiritual power of his within the body the difficult situation common billowing tuck dive, has the possibility of explosion anytime: Shangguan Leng! Your bastard, you have not promised me, will take out for me explodes the miracle cure?” 谢磊涨红的面庞上能看出来,他体内的灵力正如惊涛骇浪一般滚滚翻腾,随时都有爆炸的可能:“上官冷!你个畜生,你不是答应过我,会替我取出爆灵丹的吗?” Yes, wasn't I have done?” “是啊,我不是已经做了吗?” Shangguan Leng satirized: Exploded the miracle cure detonation, was not equal to that took in your within the body? Ha Ha, but at that time, feared that is your body will also turn into myriad powder?” 上官冷讽刺道:“等爆灵丹引爆,不就等于在你体内取出来了吗?哈哈,只不过那个时候,怕是你的身躯也会变成万千粉末吧?” Bastard!” “畜生!” Xie Leifeng, he offered a sacrifice to in within the body complete spirit pressure, confused the thunder clouds of highest heaven, wiped send out the thunderclap sound lightning to sneak into within the body, tried to explode the miracle cure that was eager to try to block. 谢磊疯了,他祭出体内全部的灵压,将九霄的雷云搅乱,一抹一抹散发着霹雳声的闪电窜入体内,试图着将那跃跃欲试的爆灵丹阻断。 But that is impossible, explodes the miracle cure is in itself combustion spiritual power produces explodes, Xie Lei the movement is not only unable to stop it, instead promotion rapidly explodes the miracle cure the detonation speed. 但那是不可能得,爆灵丹本身就是燃烧灵力而产生爆炸,谢磊的动作不仅无法阻拦它,反而更加急速的促进爆灵丹的引爆速度。 Quick, his flesh blood red, blood one after another takes advantage of opportunity to jump in the pore, must explode shortly. 很快,他肌肤血红,一滴一滴鲜血顺势在毛孔中蹦出,眼看着就要爆炸了。 I have killed you!” “我杀了你!” Wild with rage, on Xie Leiai face certainly full kills intent, the glowing red presbyopia stares at tight Shangguan Leng, wipes about thousand zhang (3.33 m) thunder (spear|gun) to crash from the clouds, straight punctures toward the Shangguan Leng chest. 狂怒下,谢磊哀绝的面庞上满是杀意,红彤彤的老眼盯紧上官冷,一抹近千丈的雷枪从云霄中坠落,笔直的朝着上官冷胸膛刺下。 Bang! 砰! Bang, knot of that seal is producing such as starry sky black hole general rippling in an instant, after wiping ripples , the direct avalanche. 巨响一声,那封印的结界在刹那间产生如星空黑洞一般的荡漾,一抹一抹涟漪后直接崩塌。 Lei Qiang straightly jabs into the Shangguan Leng chest, but under that thunder (spear|gun) passes through, he has not actually revealed the least bit pain, instead excited smiles evilly: Anger? Hatred? Is this!” 雷枪就笔直刺进上官冷胸口,但就在那雷枪贯穿下,他却没有露出半点痛苦,反而一脸兴奋的邪笑:“愤怒吗?憎恨吗?就是这样!” He holds Lei Qiang of chest, the corners of the mouth twitches is staring to Qin Shi: Stone Qin, you think that you did win? No, you have made a mistake, the person who wins truly is I, I lived unable to control Cold City, that went to the ghostdom along with me, here person no one want to run, accompanied me dead completely together! He he, ha!” 他一把抓住胸膛的雷枪,嘴角抽搐着瞪向秦石:“石秦,你以为你赢了?不,你错了,真正赢的人是我,我活着掌控不了冷城,那就都随我去冥界吧,这里的人谁都别想跑,全部陪着我一起死吧!呵呵,哈哈哈!” Angry, hatred, scared. 愤怒,憎恨,恐慌。 All kinds of mood transmit in the crowd, these Shangguan Leng under the hands / subordinates, are giving to pinch the fist psst makes noise. 各式各样的情绪在人群中传递,连带着那些上官冷手下,一给一个把拳头捏的吱吱作响。 The crowd was chaotic, Zhao Family main frightened anything cannot attend, insane roars lowly, escapes toward Cold City outside rapidly. 人群乱了,赵家主惊悚的什么也顾不上,就疯了似的低吼一声,朝着冷城外急速远遁。 What to do?” “怎么办?” Yu Luocha is holding Xiaomi Cai, they move to Qin Shi. 玉罗刹扶着小米彩,两人挪动到秦石的身后。 Under two beautiful figures, Qin Shi can the obvious feeling restless, that makes widely known domineering Xiaomi Cai to be also peaceful at this time. 在两道倩影下,秦石能够明显的感觉到不安,就连那张扬跋扈的小米彩此时也安静下来。 Xie Lei Within the body overflows strength that flows out, she is dreads. 谢磊体内四溢流出的力量,就连她都是忌惮不已。 min the split corners of the mouth, Qin Shi held the Yu Luocha skilled artist: You are bringing Xiaomi Cai dispersal crowd, saves some people as far as possible.” 抿了抿干裂的嘴角,秦石抓住玉罗刹的妙手:“你带着小米彩疏散人群,尽量的多救下一些人。” You?” “那你呢?” I remain!” Qin Shi deep inspiration, raises head toward goes to Xie Leiwang of proceeding along no particular course horizontally: I prevent him!” “我留下来!”秦石深深的吸口气,仰头朝横冲乱撞的谢磊望去:“我来阻止他!” „It is not good!” Yu Luocha shakes the head to say. “不行!”玉罗刹摇头道。 You are obedient, if nobody stays behind, here person must die, I keep many to share some strengths.” Qin Shi turns the hand to hold Yu Luocha to say. “你听话,如果没人留下,这里的人都得死,我留下来多少能够分担些力量。”秦石翻手抓住玉罗刹道。 You will die!” “那你会死得!” I will not die, you have forgotten, I also complies to accompany you to pass following 30 years and 300 years.” When Qin Shi spoke this saying, did not have the energy at heart obviously, now can only hope that the final moment, Evil Spirit can help his helping hand. “我不会死,你难道忘了,我还答应过陪你度过后面的30年和300年。”秦石说这话时,心里明显没有了底气,现在只能希望最后的关头,邪魔能够助他一臂之力吧。 The demon blood increased his self-recovery ability, but actually this ability is any degree, he cannot determine. 魔血增加了他的自愈能力,但这种能力究竟达到什么程度,他不敢确定。 Buzz! 嗡! Suddenly, Xie Lei the body inflated several times, must explode shortly, but Yu Luocha was still aloof at this time. 在眨眼间,谢磊的身躯已经膨胀几倍,眼看着就要爆炸了,但这时玉罗刹却仍然无动于衷。 But, Qin Shi waves, offers a sacrifice to wipe the wild golden miraculous glow unexpectedly, curls up two girls' tender bodies to pack off toward the distant place with the supple strength. 无奈下,秦石挥手间,竟祭出一抹狂野的金色灵光,卷起两个女孩的娇躯用柔力朝远处送走。 Yu Luocha calls out in alarm one: Shi’tou!” 玉罗刹惊呼一声:“石头!” Walks quickly! When I look for you.” The Qin Shi interruption said that at once flashes through in his pupil moral nature place renounces together. “快走!等我去找你。”秦石打断道,旋即在他的眸心底处闪过一道决绝。 Bang!! Actually does not think that in Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai will soon leave the Shangguan Family garden instant, wipes the lavender miraculous glow likely is two cane locks, rises in the ground suddenly, constrains two girls' foot links. 却不想,就在玉罗刹小米彩即将离开上官家庭院的刹那,一抹淡紫色的灵光像是两条藤锁,突然间在地面上崛起,一把拖住两个女孩的脚环。 „To walk? Gave up any idea of! Jie Jie, here person, must die!” Shangguan Leng is grasping Lei Qiang of chest single-handed, a hand thorough earth, sees only his body surface to become flushed, combustion bit by bit. “想走?休想!桀桀,这里的人,都必须死!”上官冷单手握着胸膛的雷枪,一只手深入大地,只见他的体表涨红,正一点一点的燃烧起来。 A Qin Shi brow wrinkle, this does Shangguan Leng want unexpectedly in the final combustion nucleus? 秦石眉头一皱,这上官冷竟想在最后燃烧晶核? Damn!” “该死!” Under the anger, he draws out the hand to turn Yun Fuhai, wipes jet black Baleful Qi to spread out among the palms, such as the sharp sword general puff pricks the chest of Shangguan Leng. 愤怒下,他起手翻云覆海,一抹漆黑的煞气自掌间摊开,如利剑一般噗一声刺入上官冷的胸膛。 But does not think that Shangguan Leng is aloof, whatever Qin Shi how he is not willing to draw in spiritual power. 但不想,上官冷却无动于衷,任由秦石怎样他都不肯收拢灵力 Buzz! 嗡! In struggling, Xie Lei the body cannot withstand finally, an arm is similar to the shell explodes flies, at once the wild spirit pressure howls covers the world. 在挣扎中,谢磊的身躯终于承受不住,一只手臂如同炮弹般炸飞,旋即狂野的灵压呼啸间笼罩天地。 Not!” “不不不!” Xie Lei calls out one, then bit by bit was buried by the courage vigor, does not have the vitality of least bit again. 谢磊嚎叫一声,然后一点一点的就被血气所埋没,再也没有半点的生机。 Bang! 轰! Loudly, bang, exploded the miracle cure to detonate. 轰然,巨响一声,爆灵丹引爆了。 Explodes instance that the miracle cure explodes, the entire Cold City city several shiver, that was affected by the air wave in ten thousand meters city wall, loudly avalanche. 爆灵丹爆炸的瞬间,整座冷城的城池几番颤抖,就连那远在万米的城墙都被气浪波及,轰然崩塌。 A Qin Shi flurry, estimates Shangguan Leng without enough time, draws in Baleful Qi latter in within the body to leap the step to fly the vault of heaven, wild Baleful Qi holds Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai in the chest. 秦石一阵慌乱,来不及去估计上官冷,收拢体内的煞气后一个跃步飞上苍穹,狂野的煞气玉罗刹小米彩抱在胸口。 No! I do not want dead!” “不!我不想死!” Damn, could not be inescapable!” “该死,跑不了了!” In the crowd trades chaotically restless, early did not have the human nature to say, to flee the scene, even before not hesitating the clansman to body to use the sword. 人群中换乱不安,早已经没有人性可言,一个一个为了逃离现场,甚至不惜对身前的族人出剑。 Had finished, had finished, Ha Ha, accompanies me dead!” Looks in the sky the fireworks like the pressure that blasts out, the Shangguan Leng five senses is almost twisting, by fits and starts excited laughing wildly reverberation in dust sand. “结束了,结束了,哈哈,都陪我死吧!”望着天空中如烟花般炸开的压力,上官冷的五官几乎扭曲,一阵一阵兴奋的狂笑回荡在尘沙中。 ! 咻! But at this moment, sees only together neglected the shadow in flurry rushes to the clouds suddenly, that fog shade murderer whole body is binding winding around Baleful Qi, to thanking the stump residual limb of rock pile speeds away on. 但就在这时,只见一道在慌乱中被忽略的黑影突然冲上云霄,那个雾影凶手全身裹着缭绕的煞气,冲着谢磊的残肢疾驰而上。 From Xie Lei the stump residual limb less than hundred meters distance, the fog shade stops the body suddenly, follows close on is seeing only his two to open, then wipes Baleful Qi the hole mouth that from is opens in all directions likely are ordinary, will thank the stump residual limb of rock pile wrapping all of a sudden. 在距离谢磊残肢不足百米的距离,雾影突然间停下身来,紧跟着只见他两手撑开,然后一抹一抹煞气从四面八方像是张开的穴口一般,一下子将谢磊的残肢给包裹起来。 Saw this crowd to stare staring: What is he making?” 望见这幕人群愣了愣:“他在做什么?” „Does he want to stop to explode miracle cure?” “难道他想阻拦爆灵丹?” Helps up Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi looks back knit the brows, he discovered that in that fog shade Baleful Qi, one type the aura that made him feel the loathing. 扶起玉罗刹小米彩,秦石回首间皱了皱眉,他发现在那雾影的煞气中,有一种令他感觉到厌恶的气息。 „Does Jie Jie, want to stop to explode the miracle cure? Really overestimate one's capabilities!” In the Shangguan Leng dense pupil heart the cold glow surges, stares at that fog shade to send out to laugh wildly. “桀桀,想阻拦爆灵丹?真是不自量力!”上官冷森然的眸心中寒芒涌动,盯着那雾影不禁发出狂笑。 ga! 噶! Weak when Yun Kongzhong transmits to the sound that almost can not count, follows close on is seeing only that package Baleful Qi of Xie Lei stump residual limb to rock, when then Baleful Qi clears, where also has Xie Lei the form? Where also has to explode the miracle cure panic-stricken? 一声微弱到几乎可以不计的声响在云空中传递,紧跟着只见那包裹着谢磊残肢的煞气晃动一番,然后当煞气散尽时,哪里还有谢磊的身影?哪里还有爆灵丹的惊恐? The laughter has not fallen, the Shangguan Leng smiling face coagulates suddenly, a face frightened stares the big eye: No, is impossible? How can like this?” 笑声尚未落下,上官冷的笑容突然凝固,一脸惊悚的瞪大眼睛:“不,不可能?怎么会这样?” In sky ringing stars, peaceful scary. 天空中朗朗繁星,安静的骇人。 Rumble!” “咕噜!” What's wrong, what's the matter? What had a moment ago?” “怎么,怎么回事?刚才发生了什么?” „Did he achieve? Did he explode miracle cure to keep off really that? Did we live?” “他做到了?他真的将那爆灵丹挡下了?我们活了?” In startled, on the face of crowd reveals startled accommodates, the feeling of this dying and being reborn suddenly does not dare to believe makes them completely crazy. 在惊慌中,人群的面庞上突然间露出不敢置信的惊容,这种死而复生的感觉让他们全部疯狂起来。 Good fearful ability!” “好可怕的能力!” Qin Shi knit the brows, this matter his accident, a moment ago that fog shade obviously anything had not done, but covers Xie Lei the stump residual limb with Baleful Qi. 秦石皱了皱眉,这种事就连他都意外不已,刚才那雾影明明什么也没做,只是用煞气遮挡住谢磊的残肢而已。 Is the exploding miracle cure that Baleful Qi swallows? 难道,是煞气吞噬的爆灵丹? Is impossible, Qin Shi shakes the head immediately, he can feel clearly, although Baleful Qi of fog shade within the body and he has the wonder of equally good results from different methods, but from beforehand several fight on he then to determine that in fog shade Baleful Qi simply does not have Evil Spirit the strength of swallowing. 不可能,秦石马上摇摇头,他能清晰地感觉到,虽说雾影体内的煞气和他有着异曲同工之妙,但从之前的几番交手上他便能确定,雾影的煞气中根本没有邪魔的吞噬之力。 Actually he is who “他究竟是谁” To this fog shade, Qin Shi is getting more and more curious, he can feel that on this fog shade body, definitely has any startled day secret, moreover this secret had the possibility to be related with Evil Spirit and the demon blood and ancient times war of very much. 对这个雾影,秦石越来越好奇,他能够感觉到,在这个雾影的身上,肯定有着什么惊天的秘密,而且这个秘密很有可能和邪魔、魔血、远古之战有关。 Whoosh! 唰! In all people likes, the fog shade from the sky shivers several, it seems like he will explode the miracle cure to keep off is not that relaxed, but he has not displayed any ill, instead two such as to the arrow of string, one coagulate on the body of Shangguan Leng. 就在诸人欢喜中,雾影在空中颤动几下,看来他将爆灵丹挡下来也不是那么轻松,但他并没有表现出任何不适,反而两眼如离弦之箭,一下凝固在上官冷的身上。 Was staring by the fog shade, intercrescence dies looks at pale Shangguan Leng, reveals rare frightened in this moment unexpectedly: „Do you, what you want to make?” 被雾影盯着,连生死都看淡的上官冷,竟然在这一刻露出一丝罕见的惊悚:“你,你想做什么?” Kills!” “杀!” Silent quite a while, fog shade corners of the mouth difficult Zhang He, in Zhang He puts out such an ice-cold phrase. 沉默半天,雾影的嘴角才艰难张合,张合中就吐出这么一个冰冷的字眼。 Does not want!” “不要!” ! Shangguan Leng just opened the mouth, wipes savage Baleful Qi rolling to fall, with wrapped Xie Lei the stump residual limb to be the same a moment ago, the rivers and streams that such as is in flood bury Shangguan Leng generally in Baleful Qi. 咻!上官冷刚开口,一抹凶残的煞气滚滚而落,和刚才包裹谢磊的残肢一样,如泛滥的江河一般将上官冷埋没在煞气之中。 Bang! 砰! Slightly may not remaining silent of idea, Baleful Qi clear once more when together once again audience people frightened hit to tremble, Shangguan Leng probably baseless vanished to be the same, disappeared thoroughly. 再次一道微不可计的闷声,煞气再度散尽时全场人惊悚的打了个哆嗦,上官冷就好像凭空消失一样,彻底不见了。 Qin Shi sees this to stare suddenly: How possible?” 秦石望见这幕猛然瞪眼:“怎么可能?” Shi’tou, how?” Yu Luocha induces to shivering of Qin Shi, is worried about question. 石头,怎么了?”玉罗刹感应到秦石的颤抖,不禁担心问句 Qin Shi shakes the head, the black pupil place flashes through dreaded together that perhaps was killed in others opinion Shangguan Leng, moreover is frustrates the bone to raise the ash. 秦石摇摇头,黑眸处闪过一道忌惮,或许在别人看来上官冷只是被杀了,而且是挫骨扬灰。 But is Demonic Talisman Master, his psychic force covers the audience throughout, he can the clear feeling, Shangguan Leng in the flash, disappear a moment ago. 但身为符魔师,他精神力始终笼罩全场,他能够清晰的感觉到,刚才上官冷在一刹那,是真的消失了。 The people died still had the one's wits, but Shangguan Leng let alone was the one's wits, has not stayed behind including the aura of least bit. 人死尚有三魂七魄,但上官冷别说是三魂七魄,就是连半点的气息都没有留下。 This was too strange. 这太诡异了。
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