PDL :: Volume #4

#378: Start demon blood

Does the demon symbol burn through? 魔符燃尽? This news to the person of audience, that is one pushes to the abyss them without doubt the sad news. 这个消息对全场的人来讲,那无疑是一个将他们推向深渊的噩耗。 Bang! 砰! Shangguan Leng already pinched the accurate time, clears when Qin Shi that scarlet flesh, escapes all of a sudden the strength returns to the human form, his foot heart walks randomly two strange steps, one steps goes forward a palm to pat the Qin Shi chest under crash. 上官冷早就掐准时间,在秦石那血色的肌肤散尽,一下子脱力回归成人形时,他脚心游走起两个诡异的步伐,咻一下迈上前一掌拍在坠落下的秦石胸膛。 Bang! 轰! Bang, Qin Shi in an instant already fell into the destitute condition that the demon symbol was defeated and dispersed, in addition before and fog shade and Xie Lei several fought, making him be incapable of resisting radically, after the body withstood a palm, hit the rear ruins loudly. 巨响一声,秦石在魔符溃散的刹那间早已陷入空乏状态,加上之前和雾影、谢磊的几番交手,令他根本无力抵抗,身躯承受一掌后轰然撞进后方的废墟。 A pavilion avalanche of creakying, buries him in the dust. 一栋摇摇欲坠的楼阁崩塌而下,将他埋没在尘埃中。 Shi’tou!” 石头!” The Yu Luocha skilled artist shivers, the savage fog shade that approaches just in time actually seizes the chance to go forward, such as the afterglow of eagle claw chops, making Nirvana Sword nearly let go. 玉罗刹的妙手颤抖,正巧临近的凶残雾影却趁机上前,一道如鹰爪的残光劈下,令寂灭剑险些脱手。 Xiaomi Cai suddenly one startled: Father!” 小米彩恍然一惊:“爹爹!” Bang! 轰隆! But does not wait for her to get back one's composure to go forward, the skirt arranges the multi-colored sunlight that moves fast in a flash, Xie Lei takes advantage of somebody's authority toward the sky surges, the thunderous python opens the blood-stained mouth together, greedy from airborne strikes to depart over a hundred meters far her directly. 但不等她回神上前,裙摆下飘忽的霞光一晃,谢磊借势朝上空涌起,一道雷鸣蟒蛇张开血口,贪婪的将她直接从空中击飞出上百米远。 Xiaomi Cai!” 小米彩!” Yu Luocha worries looks askance to shout one, actually does not wait for her to leave to go forward, together jet black being in charge before fog shade cuts azure clouds, in Baleful Qi causes several ripples takes over the seal of office in her chest. 玉罗刹担忧的侧目呼喊一声,却不等她抽身上前,一道漆黑的掌印由雾影前划破青霄,在煞气中引起几道涟漪后直接印在她的胸膛。 ! 咣! The beautiful figure stands up from failure, falls from the sky directly in the cyclopian riprap. 倩影翻身而出,直接陨落在乱石堆里。 In blinking of Qin Shi rout, Yu Luocha and eyebright, defeat one after another. 秦石溃败的眨眼中,玉罗刹、小米草、接连战败。 Damn, lost?” “该死,输了吗?” What to do? This time also nobody can prevent Shangguan Leng again, do we want dead in this?” “怎么办?这一次再也没人能阻止上官冷了,难道我们都要死在这吗?” I do not want dead!” “我不想死!” Other families person has flustered, does not fight the collapse of defeat, the calf that the Zhao Family host trembles trembles, Yan Dongfu Shangguan Ba is breaking by biting the split lip angle. 外族人慌了,不战而败的崩溃,赵家主哆哆嗦嗦的小腿发抖,严东扶着上官霸咬破干裂的唇角。 Listens respectfully to panic all around, after Shangguan Leng raises the both arms, is sending out laughs wildly gratingly, seems is appreciating the delightful sounds of nature great wild goose sound: Xie Lei, kills to me!” 聆听着周遭的恐慌,上官冷扬起双臂后发出刺耳狂笑,好似在欣赏着悦耳的天籁鸿音:“谢磊,给我杀!” On and other these words!” “就等这句话了!” Xie Lei obtains the instruction, among azure clouds surges dreadfully thunderous. 谢磊得到指令,青霄间涌起滔天雷鸣。 This also continues, fog shade Baleful Qi spreads rapidly, the knot China-foreign clansmen under kilometer comes under the double-barreled attacks. 这还不止,雾影的煞气急速扩散,在千米下的结界中外族人受到双重攻击。 Whins, desperate, the pain, all kinds of negative mood fill the air in the Shangguan Family broken garden. 哀嚎,绝望,痛苦,各式各样的负面情绪弥漫在上官家的残破庭院。 Closing one's eyes that the Shangguan Leng whole face enjoys, gradually toward burying in the Qin Shi ruins walks. 上官冷满脸享受的闭上眼,一步一步朝着埋没秦石的废墟中走去。 Tramples the ruins the peak, Shangguan Leng holds up single-handed, Yin Hong's courage vigor miraculous glow opens from five palms one after another, bombardment of blotting out the sky to ruins. 践踏上废墟的顶端,上官冷单手举起,一道一道殷虹的血气灵光自五掌翻开,铺天盖地的轰击向废墟当中。 Bang! 砰! Ripples that the ruins blasted out dust Sha Ban, wisp of black blood flows out along chaotic Shek Kong, after the quarry stone completely becomes the powder by the crush, Qin Shi weak pouring. 废墟被炸开一片一片尘沙般的涟漪,一缕黑色的血液沿着乱石岗流出,当乱石全部被碾压成粉末后,秦石无力的倒在其中。 Stone Qin, has gone bad my these many good deeds! Now should be the time delivers you to go to the western heaven!” “石秦,坏了我这么多好事!现在该是时候送你上西天了!” Holds the Qin Shi black hair, Shangguan Leng single-handed him high the top of the head. 抓住秦石的黑发,上官冷单手将他高高过头顶。 ! 咻! After the fist pinches tightly , the volume begins the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket presses vortex, shells straightly toward the chest of Qin Shi. 拳头捏紧后卷起灵压漩涡,笔直朝秦石的胸膛轰击下去。 Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha receive in the distant place pupil: Father! Shi’tou!” 小米彩玉罗刹在远处瞳仁一收:“爹爹!石头!” Stone Qin Xiaoyou!” “石秦小友!” Shangguan Ba several people stared staring similarly. 上官霸几人同样瞪了瞪眼。 Bang!! At this moment, a slender big hand holds up, Bang from frontage the Shangguan Leng fist first gear under. 就在这时,一只修长的大手举起,砰一声从正面将上官冷的拳头挡下。 Bang! 轰隆! That is implementing a Profound Spirit Realm full fist, unexpectedly is actually hitting the Qin Shi palm such as the crash deep sea, all spiritual power were swallowed instant unexpectedly instantaneously completely. 那贯彻着玄灵境全力的一拳,却不料在击中秦石掌心的刹那竟如坠落深海,所有的灵力瞬间被吞噬殆尽。 Um?” When Shangguan Leng knit the brows, lowers the head looks sees only on the palm of Qin Shi, wipes Baleful Qi that wind around to seethe, bit by bit is spreading toward on along his arm. “嗯?”上官冷皱了皱眉,低头望去时只见在秦石的掌心上,一抹一抹缭绕的煞气翻腾着,正一点一点沿着他手臂朝上蔓延而来。 This made him stare the big eye panic-stricken, hurried to want the fist to pull out, but made an effort pulled out several actually to discover that the Qin Shi five fingers strength was very tremendous, was similar to the lock that the profound iron built is the same, making his fist unable to pull out leaves: Is impossible, will you have how also such formidable strength?” 这令他惊慌失措的瞪大眼睛,赶忙想要将拳头抽回来,但使劲的抽了几下却发现秦石的五指力量十分巨大,就如同玄铁打造的锁头一样,令他的拳头根本无法抽离:“不可能,你怎么还会有这么强大的力量?” Shangguan Leng, you angered me really!” 上官冷,你真的惹怒我了!” Qin Shi closes the black pupil, whole body is ascending the resentment to read heavy jet black Baleful Qi. 秦石闭合着黑眸,全身升腾起怨念沉重的漆黑煞气 Qin Shi Baleful Qi surges, Baleful Qi that then produces because of the fog shade starts becomes frightened restless, is similar to sees the ghost to be the same, four flee in all directions, lets rapidly the Qin Shi surrounding hundred meters distances. 秦石煞气涌起,那因雾影而产生的煞气开始变得惊悚不安,如同见到鬼一样,四下流窜中,迅速将秦石周围百米的距离让出来。 The region of that vacuum, Qin Shi is closing a pair of black pupil, the several blood-stained mouths of his body surface flow the black bloodstain, these wounds of bloodstain in flowing restores at the naked eye obvious speed unexpectedly. 那一段真空的地带,秦石闭合着一双黑眸,他体表的几道血口流淌出黑色血迹,血迹在流淌中那些伤口竟以肉眼可见的速度恢复。 The intense resiliency did not say that black blood gathering bit by bit to the Qin Shi forehead, stays behind in forehead finally falls the black mark, a that mark rips open the flesh with a crash, reveals a bright red blood pupil unexpectedly. 强烈的恢复力不说,黑血一点一点的汇聚向秦石的眉心,最终在眉心处留下一掉黑色的印记,砰然一声那印记撕开肌肤,竟流露出一只鲜红的血眸。 Stared stared to look at the Qin Shi strange appearance, Zhao Family advocates several people to attract an cold air/Qi with amazement: Good strange strength, what stone Qin was Xiaoyou making?” 瞪了瞪眼看着秦石怪异的模样,赵家主几人骇然的吸了口冷气:“好诡异的力量,石秦小友在做什么?” Is life demon beast?” “难道是本命魔兽?” Is Demonic Talisman Master, light that in the strict eastern opacitas presbyopia reveals Xian Sha. 身为符魔师,严东浑浊的老眼中流露出一丝羡煞的光影。 In the fog shade of unscrupulous slaughter crowd, induces to the change of Qin Shi trembles inexplicably, reveals frightened of not easy detection under the superficial dense fog. 在肆无忌惮屠杀人群的雾影,感应到秦石的变化时莫名哆嗦一下,在浅淡的迷雾下露出一丝不易察觉的惊悚。 Yu Luocha unexpectedly one startled, Qin Shi this appearance she has seen in the desolated jungle, especially that strikes to bite the day to bite, until now makes her have the lingering fear: Is that fellow?” 玉罗刹蓦地一惊,秦石这副模样她在荒芜丛林里见过,特别是那一击噬天噬地,至今都令她心存余悸:“是那个家伙?” Buzz! 嗡! The side suspicion of other people fills to hear, revolution bloodlines that alone but Qin Shi actually ignores, perhaps others are not clear, but he clear awareness, he now this appearance because of any life demon beast, Evil Spirit has not actually regained consciousness, reason that can draw support from Evil Spirit the strength of blood pupil, completely is because he has traded the reason of demon blood. 旁人的猜疑灌入耳旁,但秦石却不理不睬的独自运转血脉,或许别人不明白,但他自己却清楚的知道,他如今这幅模样并非是因什么本命魔兽,邪魔也没有苏醒,而之所以能够借助邪魔的血眸之力,全部是因为他换了魔血的缘故。 He discovered that although this demon blood made him become the person demon harms, but did not have the advantage. Since bringing in new blood, his not only self-recovery ability turns rises the several fold, and strength in Evil Spirit Totem also produces a resonance of influencing subtly, even if no help of Evil Spirit also to reply on little strength, for example received the crisis time in the life a moment ago, the strength in Totem cannot help but is protecting him, made him avoid the persecution. 他发现,这魔血虽说令他成为人魔共害,但也并非没有好处。自从换血以后,他不仅自愈能力翻升数倍,连带着和邪魔图腾内的力量也产生一种潜移默化的共鸣,就算没有邪魔的帮助也能借助其中的少许力量,譬如刚才在生命受到危机时刻,图腾内的力量就在不由自主的保护他,才令他免遭迫害。 He he, this strength, sincerity is good! It seems like on this demon blood, Evil Spirit has concealed many things to me intentionally.” “呵呵,这力量,真心不错!看来在这魔血上,邪魔故意对我隐瞒了不少东西啊。” Has pinched the fist, is controlling the strength of Totem instant, Qin Shi spiritual power such as the mountain peak change sticks out suddenly loudly, increases to Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage directly. 捏了捏拳,在掌控图腾之力的刹那,秦石灵力山峰变迁般轰然暴起,直接攀升到玄灵境中期 What are you making?” “你在做什么?” Body of Shangguan Leng under the impact of spirit pressure fierce shivers, in the indifferent facial expression flashes through in him throughout together frightened. 上官冷在灵压的冲击下身躯剧烈的颤抖起来,在他始终淡然的神情上闪过一道惊悚。 Is enjoying the full of strength, he has licked the split lip angle, opens staring of black pupil suddenly to Shangguan Leng: Shangguan Leng, the day wants you dead!” 享受着力量的充盈,他舔了舔干裂的唇角,猛然睁开黑眸的瞪向上官冷:“上官冷,天都要你死啊!” Bang! 轰! The pupil light opens and closes, the earth of Qin Shi under foot disrupts directly myriad powder. 眸光开合,秦石脚下的大地直接碎裂成万千粉末。 Only is this shake, instead shakes on kilometer far Shangguan Leng directly. 光是这一声震荡,直接将上官冷反震出上千米远。 „, Damn!” “咳,该死!” Has not gotten back one's composure, the blood of Shangguan Leng hit on close knot spouts, everywhere startled accommodates is staring at Qin Shi. 没回过神,上官冷撞击在封闭的结界上一口鲜血喷出,满目惊容的盯着秦石 Whoosh! 唰! Suddenly, Qin Shi opens three eyes, the tip of the toe is falling in the ruins rocks continuously several, then he is hard to distinguish the speed that by the naked eye in same place to dissipate along the way baseless. 戛然,秦石睁着三只眼睛,脚尖落在废墟中连续晃动几下,接着他以肉眼难以辨别的速度沿途在原地凭空消散。 When appears again, he has stood before the body of Shangguan Leng. 再次出现时,他已经站在上官冷的身前。 Quite quick “好快” all people in an uproar, shows facial expression that with amazement does not dare to believe. 诸人一阵哗然,露出不敢置信的骇然神情。 Bang! 轰隆! The lower abdomen of Shangguan Leng such as was ground general, the whole person looks like the discouraged rubber ball same direct impact heaven. 上官冷的小腹如被碾碎一般,整个人就像是泄气的皮球一样直冲上天。 ! 咻! The next instant, Qin Shi appears above azure clouds again, follows close on his arm elbow place to gather black demon shades, departs on kilometer far the Shangguan Leng bang loudly. 下一霎,秦石再次出现在青霄之上,紧跟着他胳膊肘处汇聚起一道道黑色魅影,轰然间将上官冷轰飞出上千米远。 Xie Lei in airborne one startled: Cold boy!” 谢磊在空中一惊:“冷小子!” Old tooth disorderly has given a tongue-lashing giving a tongue-lashing, he rushes to the front bumper before the body of Shangguan Leng. 七扭八歪的老牙呲了呲,他咻一声冲上前挡在上官冷的身前。 Scram!!” 滚开!” Qin Shi flies into a rage, wipes such as fog shade Baleful Qi to turn the hand to offer a sacrifice. 秦石勃然大怒,一抹如雾影般的煞气翻手间祭出。 Bang! 砰! Xie Lei and Baleful Qi dash, Heaven Realm he cannot occupy unexpectedly actually cheaply, even was instead shaken over a hundred meters far by Qin Shi, stops the body: How possible?” 谢磊和煞气冲撞,天境的他竟硬是占不到便宜,甚至被秦石反震出上百米远,才停下身:“怎么可能?” Very strong crowd is startled. “好强”人群一惊。 Qin Shi strokes the corners of the mouth, steps to Shangguan Leng gradually, picks up single-handed after rapidly, such as a sharp sword, puff pierces the left shoulder of Shangguan Leng. 秦石捋一捋嘴角,一步一步迈到上官冷的跟前,单手迅速拾起后如一把利剑,噗一声刺穿上官冷的左侧肩膀。 But this had not finished, immediately is puff one, on the right shoulder of Shangguan Leng presents one by the blood-stained mouth that the black air/Qi winds around. 但这并未结束,马上又是噗一声,上官冷的右侧肩膀上出现一个被黑气缭绕的血口。 Without the humane bastard, I lets the pain that under your experience your younger sister bears.” “没有人性的畜生,我就让你体验下你妹妹所承受的痛苦。” Qin Shi drags arm that Baleful Qi is soaring, at once sweeps away along the Shangguan Leng both legs, only after listening to two bone splits, chops directly his two thighs. 秦石拖着煞气腾升的臂膀,旋即沿着上官冷的双腿横扫而下,只听两声骨裂后直接将他的两条大腿劈下。 Volume!” “额啊!” Painful whins, Shangguan Leng puffing in gulps. 痛苦的哀嚎一声,上官冷大口大口的喘着粗气。 Dies!” “去死吧!” Cuts off the Shangguan Leng both legs, Qin Shi transforms jet black sword edge that Baleful Qi congeals single-handed, to the Shangguan Leng chest pen straight thrust under! 斩断上官冷的双腿,秦石单手幻化出煞气凝结的漆黑剑刃,冲着上官冷的胸膛笔直刺下! Puff! 噗! That sword edge, pierces the Shangguan Leng dantian directly. 剑刃,直接刺穿上官冷的丹田。 The opportunity that rapidness that too all have, all Renlian gets back one's composure does not have. 一切发生的太快,诸人连回神的机会都没有。 Did this time, end really? 这一次,是真的结束了吧? Shangguan Ba shameless grey pit-a-pat twitching, dim probably was all of a sudden old in the moonlight for dozens years, stares at Shangguan Leng to be incapable of shaking the head: Shangguan Family, destroyed!” 上官霸老脸灰突突的抽搐,在月色朦胧中一下子好像苍老了几十年,盯着上官冷无力摇头:“上官家,毁了啊!” Won?” “赢了?” „Did we win? Stone Qin did Xiaoyou win?” “我们赢了?石秦小友赢了?” Zhao Family main first shouted makes noise, cheering that then in the crowd the transmission seethed with excitement. 赵家主第一个喊出声,接着人群中传递来沸腾的欢呼。 Xie Lei float in airborne, is looking at that pierced Shangguan Leng sinks at heart. 谢磊悬浮在空中,望着那被刺穿的上官冷心里一沉。 Shangguan Wan'er, I revenged for you!” 上官婉儿,我替你报仇了!” Several character light nan, Qin Shi shoots a look at a that to pour in tying on Shangguan Leng, pulls out toward the general Baleful Qi sword hilt that the palm makes an effort. 几个字轻喃而出,秦石瞥一眼那倒在结界上的上官冷,掌心用力的朝上将煞气剑柄抽起。 Bang!! But does not think, the left hand that Shangguan Leng lets fall is suddenly deep, grasps the Baleful Qi sword hilt that in the palm, sharp sword edge cuts together the blood-stained mouth of deep obvious bone his palm. 但不想,上官冷垂落的左手猛然深出,一把将那把煞气剑柄抓在掌中,锋利的剑刃将他的掌心划破出一道深可见骨的血口。 Qin Shi knit the brows: Um, hasn't died?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“嗯,没死?” Jie Jie, Shi Qin, you have destroyed I ten years of payout, you have destroyed I ten years of plan, you are really great!” “桀桀,石秦,你毁了我十年的付出,你毁了我十年的计划,你真是好样的啊!” Shangguan Leng fierce shivering, then in mouth exudes the grating incisive laughter: But you think really that this can finish?” 上官冷狂烈的颤抖,接着口中发出刺耳的尖锐笑声:“但你真以为,这样就能结束了吗?” Gave up any idea of!” “休想!” Finally two characters, are almost roar, then sees only his right hand to turn, the silver thread that a naked eye is difficult to distinguish in the moonlight in a flash, puff jabs into Xie Lei the lower abdomen. 最后两个字,几乎是咆哮出来,接着只见他右手翻起,一根肉眼难辨的银丝在月光中一晃,噗一声刺进谢磊的小腹。 Xie Leimen snort, on the withered and yellow shamelessness raises unprecedented to be panic-stricken at once, continual withdrawing several steps: Shangguan Leng, do you want to do?” 谢磊闷哼一声,旋即枯黄的老脸上升起前所未有的惊恐,连续退后数步:“上官冷,你要干嘛?” Does? He he, without me, you already died, making you live for ten years, the present is you should report back me the time!” “干嘛?呵呵,没有我,你早就死了,让你多活了十年,现在是你该回报我的时候了!” No! Does not want!” “不!不要!” Startled accommodates, shaking the head that Xie Lei makes an effort, where also has the dignity of least bit Heaven Realm powerhouse? 惊容下,谢磊使劲的摇头,哪里还有半点天境强者的威严? He holds front silver thread, when but he just wanted to shut off the silver thread, lower abdomen intense twitching, does not belong to his spiritual power to pull out beyond the exsomatize along the silver thread. 他一把抓住胸前的银丝,但当他刚欲切断银丝时,小腹一阵强烈的抽搐,一股不属于他的灵力沿着银丝被抽离体外。 No!!!” “不!!!” Under Xie Leiku hand void grasping, tries to grasp that spiritual power, but when spiritual power leaves within the body actually already followed the silver thread rout to empty instant. 谢磊枯手虚空的抓下,试图将那灵力抓回,但当灵力离开体内的刹那却早已伴随银丝溃败而空。 Rapidness that too all these have, has not recovered including Qin Shi, when he from startled is sober, sees only kneeling that Xie Leipu passes on the ground, the skinny face becomes flushed suddenly, from time to time is blue, from time to time purple. 这一切发生的太快,以至于连秦石都没有回过神来,当他从惊愣中清醒时,只见谢磊噗通的跪在地上,干瘦的面庞忽然涨红起来,时而青,时而紫。 Explodes the miracle cure?” “爆灵丹?”
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