PDL :: Volume #4

#377: Fierce and ambitious

Um?” “嗯?” The weak weight on Xie Lei the shoulder transmitting made him stare. 谢磊肩膀上传来的微弱重量令他一愣。 Shangguan Leng said once again: That struck a moment ago, heavy that stone Qin Yinggai injured, thinks that the demon symbol could not support for several minutes, solved first other other families people while this time, when the demon symbol dissipated later Shi Qin is the silver (spear|gun) candle head, has not threatened!” 上官冷再度道:“刚才那一击,石秦应该伤的不轻,想必魔符也挺不了几分钟,趁这个时间先将其余外族人解决掉,待魔符消散以后石秦就是个银枪蜡烛头,没有威胁!” That this strange fellow?” “那这诡异的家伙呢?” The silent meeting, Xie Lei strokes the corners of the mouth toward that in the fog shade that in the crowd shuttles back and forth. 沉默一会,谢磊朝着那在人群里穿梭的雾影捋一捋嘴角。 Does not need to manage him, now the urgent matter do not leave behind the personal testimony, this fog shade appearance may destroy Cold City, but to us actually not necessarily is a misdemeanor!” Shangguan Leng congealing eye light [say / way]. “不用管他,现在当务之急是不要留下人证,这雾影的出现或许会毁了冷城,但对我们却未必是件坏事!”上官冷凝眼的淡淡道。 Xie Leizheng being startled: Isn't the misdemeanor?” 谢磊怔了怔:“不是坏事?” Um, you said that if reported to the empire, Cold City was slaughtered accidentally, what to do can that empire?” Shangguan Leng asked one. “嗯,你说,如果向帝国上报,冷城遭到意外屠杀,那帝国会怎么办?”上官冷反问一句。 Before the village was slaughtered, empire then sends out ten Profound Spirit Realm expert, if Cold City were also slaughtered, feared that will be the empire will send out Heaven Realm expert?” Here, Xie Lei was suddenly enlighted immediately: You said that wants to eradicate him with the strength of empire?” “之前村子被屠杀,帝国便派出十名玄灵境高手,若是冷城也被屠杀,怕是帝国会派出天境高手了吧?”说到这,谢磊马上恍然大悟:“你是说,想借帝国的力量铲除他?” Right, but you have only guessed right your half! Cold City after is East District one of the four Daijouike, the city cannot one day without owner, you say that I reported to the empire by the Shangguan Family only remnant live descendant, how will the empire assign Cold City?” Here, Shangguan Leng excited smiled to make noise: „, Only wants to control Shangguan Family, but now looks like to drawing in entire Cold City is not far.” “没错,但你只猜对了你一半!冷城毕竟是东方区域的四大城池之一,城不可一日无主,你说我以上官家唯一残活的后代向帝国上报,帝国会怎样分配冷城?”说到这,上官冷兴奋的笑出声来:“本来,只想掌控上官家,但现在看来离收拢整个冷城也不远了啊。” Draws in Cold City?” “收拢冷城?” Xie Lei surging emotions turbulent waves, stares at the present youth to reveal some admirations, when this matter of life and death the brains so are limpid, has saying that this Shangguan Leng can be joined to the fierce and ambitious two characters absolutely. 谢磊的心潮激浪一番,盯着眼前的少年不禁露出些许敬佩,在这种生死攸关的时候头脑却如此清澈,不得不说这上官冷绝对能配上枭雄二字。 Um!” “嗯!” Shangguan Leng has licked split corners of the mouth, at once narrows the eyes to focus to bring together the cold current: This matter relates significantly, does not may careless, person who watches the audience, they must die must die!” 上官冷舔了舔干裂的嘴角,旋即眯眯着眼中带起一道寒流:“此事关系重大,万万不可马虎,看住全场的人,他们必死都得死!” Xie Lei stares: Including the Shangguan Family disciple?” 谢磊一愣:“包括上官家的弟子?” Does not remain, can't understand?” “一个不留,难道听不懂吗?” The last few words put out from the Shangguan Leng lip angle, made Xie Lei but actually suction port cold air/Qi trembled trembling, stared at the Shangguan Leng face of outstanding ability to raise wipes to dread. 最后一句话从上官冷的唇角中吐出,令谢磊倒吸口冷气的颤了颤,盯着上官冷俊逸的面庞升起一抹忌惮。 Silences a witness of crime including oneself bloodlines relatives, the disciples after saddle lead horse does not remain, is actually this savage heartless? 杀人灭口到连自己血脉族亲,鞍前马后的弟子都不留,这究竟是何等凶残的狠心 This person, either becomes a god, either becomes the demon. 这种人,要么成神,要么成魔。 Xie Lei even feels Shangguan Leng now with obtaining him, otherwise momentarily possibly starts to him. 谢磊甚至感觉上官冷现在是用得到他,否则随时都可能对他下手。 Is gawking doing?” “愣着干嘛?” Xie Lei is motionless, making Shangguan Leng knit the brows. 谢磊不动,令上官冷皱了皱眉。 At once his silent meeting, said suddenly: This time finished, I then take out the exploding miracle cure of your within the body!” 旋即他沉默一会,突然又道:“这次结束,我便取出你体内的爆灵丹!” Really?” Xie Lei has gotten back one's composure the great happiness. “真得?”谢磊回过神大喜。 Um, goes quickly, do not let off any!” “嗯,快去,别放过任何一个!” Shangguan Leng is hanging faint smile of thinking little throughout, at once in instant, wipes the gloomy cold current that Xie Lei turns round in the pupils to flee in all directions. 上官冷始终挂着不以为意的浅笑,旋即就在谢磊回身的刹那,一抹阴森的寒流在瞳仁间流窜而过。 ! 咻! Xie Lei the speed is extremely fast, leaves behind a piece of remnant movie queen then to leap to the kilometer about, other families person who a moment ago these four fleeing in all directions was patted by his palm like the ants. 谢磊速度极快,留下一片的残影后便飞跃到千米开外,刚才那些四下流窜的外族人如蝼蚁般被他一掌拍死。 Whoosh! 唰! At the same time thousand zhang (3.33 m) pale blue ties covers the Shangguan Family garden, after Xie Lei two arm draws lift, offers a sacrifice to two Zhen's blue miraculous glow sword edge, able to move unhindered chops: Ants, dies!” 一面千丈的淡蓝色结界将上官家庭院笼罩,谢磊两臂平举后祭出两道湛蓝色的灵光剑刃,纵横劈下:“蝼蚁们,去死吧!” Immediately the pitiful calling out sound covers horizon. 马上凄惨的嚎叫声笼罩天际。 Is looking at unceasing tragic death other families person, the Shangguan Ba old tears crossflow, feels like a knife twisting in the heart. 望着不断惨死的外族人,上官霸老泪横流,心如刀绞。 This bastard!” “这畜生!” One side is the fog shade that slaughters numbly, one side is savage vicious Xie Lei, this is wants Cold City to be never recurring. 一侧是那麻木杀戮的雾影,一侧是凶残狠毒的谢磊,这是要冷城绝后啊。 Old fogy, I come to be able you!” “老家伙,我来会会你!” Flurried, wipes seven pink clouds light to blow off the fog shade, setting out that Xiaomi Cai cannot bear toward Xie Leiying on. 慌乱中,一抹七彩霞光吹散雾影,小米彩忍不住的起身朝谢磊迎上。 Xie Lei narrows the eyes focuses: Scoffs, small girl of acting recklessly.” At once he draws in the palm, the thunderclap of galloping goes through many places to open together, becomes the flood dragon rips open the clouds to explode shoots under. 谢磊眯眯着眼:“嗤,不知死活的小丫头。”旋即他收拢掌心,一道奔腾的霹雷辗转而开,成蛟龙般撕开云霄爆射而下。 Bang! 轰隆! Thunder dragon and multi-colored sunlight are tangled up in the highest heaven, Xiaomi Cai drags the skirt pendulum to tread void, the skilled artist turns over gently drags Xie Lei to be hard to go forward unexpectedly actually. 雷龙和霞光在九霄缠绵,小米彩拖着裙摆踏着虚空,妙手柔和翻转间竟硬是拖着谢磊难以上前。 The Qin Shi tuck dive sets out, looks at the sky broad assorted miraculous glow to knit the brows, this small girl really imagines him is more fearful. 秦石翻腾起身,望着上空恢弘的各色灵光不禁皱了皱眉,这小丫头果然比他想象中的还要可怕啊。 Shi’tou, now what to do? In this way, the person of other families will die completely!” Yu Luocha does not endure goes forward charmingly angry. 石头,现在怎么办?在这样下去,外族的人全部会死!”玉罗刹不忍的上前娇嗔一声。 While Xie Lei instant, Qin Shi that Xiaomi Cai constrains not anxiously response, moving that but opens and closes the pupil light to Shangguan Leng, a moment ago the latter and thanked words falling of rock pile no error in his Sea of Consciousness. 趁着谢磊被小米彩拖住的刹那,秦石并未急着回应,而是将眸光开合的挪向上官冷,刚才后者和谢磊的话一字不差的落在他的识海中。 He he, wants the lives of here all people? Sufficing that really makes is certainly ruthless enough!” “呵呵,想要这里所有人的命?真是做的够绝够狠!” He silent meeting, said toward Yu Luocha in a soft voice: That delivers in person to Xiaomi Cai should be all right in a short time, you remain to protect this person first as far as possible, but prohibited that do not bump with that lunatic hardly, you are not his match! Even if has dead out to assist is not good!” 他沉默了会,朝玉罗刹轻声道:“那面交给小米彩短时间内应该没事,你留下来先尽量保护这的人,但切忌别和那个疯子硬碰,你不是他的对手!就算是有寂灭相助也不行!” When spoke this saying, he toward that fog shade pouting, in the expression has filled bright dreading. 说这话时,他朝着那雾影努了努嘴,语气中充满了明澈的忌惮。 Yu Luocha trembled trembling, she first time listens to Qin Shi to a person such high appraisal, even if were the initial blue vulture has not had. 玉罗刹颤了颤,她头一次听秦石给一个人这么高的评价,就算是当初的青雕都未曾有过。 Therefore, she also rises several points to this fog shade cognition, pinched the skilled artist of Nirvana Sword sword hilt unknowingly to tighten, said: You?” 为此,她对这个雾影的认知也上升几分,捏着寂灭剑剑柄的妙手不经意间紧了紧,道:“那你呢?” Some people want to wait for demon symbol to clear, then reaps profits, me from, when cannot make him favorite!” Qin Shi reveals strange smiling, follows close on under that look to reveal wipes the scary courage vigor. “有人想等魔符散尽,然后坐收渔翁之利,那我自当不能让他得意啊!”秦石露出诡异的笑,紧跟着那神色下露出一抹骇人的血气。 Intelligent Yu Luocha guesses correctly immediately is Shangguan Leng, but she has not stopped Qin Shi, was only min the cherry lips, said: You were careful that do not have an accident!” 聪慧的玉罗刹马上就猜到是上官冷,但她并未阻拦秦石,只是抿了抿樱唇,道:“你自己小心,一定不要出事!” secure!” “安!” Turns the hand to pat on the fragrant shoulder of Yu Luocha, Qin Shi throws to her reassuring medicine, at once remnant shade plunders the sandstorm a together same place. 翻手拍在玉罗刹的香肩上,秦石抛给她一个定心丸,旋即咻一声一道残影原地掠起风沙。 The war, will be ready to be set off. 大战将至,一触即发。 That fog shade murderer is no doubt formidable, but is not aiming at anyone in him well, therefore Shangguan Leng and Qin Shi thoughts are consistent, prepared to solve the opposite party first said again. 那雾影凶手固然强大,但好在他并非针对着谁,所以上官冷秦石心思一致,都准备先将对方解决再说。 But Qin Shi will certainly not let off that fog shade murderer, no matter he formidable is not good, otherwise he and Xiao Yuyan agreement actually do not become hollows out the bubble? 秦石一定不会放过那个雾影凶手,不管他多么强大都不行,否则他和萧雨嫣的约定其实不是要成为镂空泡影? The reputation of these year of living up to one's words, cannot break from this fog shade. 这么些年说到做到的口碑,可不能从这雾影身上打破。 ! 咻! The Shangguan Leng lax face one is stiff, after beginning supinely, sees is only approaching toward his surface gate like precipice Qin Shi rapidly. 上官冷松懈的面庞一下僵硬起来,仰起头后只见如山岩般的秦石正急速朝他面门逼近。 Damn, you how also active?” “该死,你怎么还能动?” This thinks that struck a moment ago, certainly will create not the small injury to Qin Shi, even if cannot want his life at least also to keep him from moving in a short time is right. 本以为,刚才那一击,一定会对秦石造成不小的伤势,就算不能要了他的命至少也应该在短时间内让他无法行动才对。 But looking back now, absolutely does not have this yard matter. 但现在看来,根本就没有这码事。 Snort, thinks that I was seriously injured right? It seems like cold Young Master was also disappointed!” Qin Shi dopes roaring of spirit pressure to roll in the rumor, pressure to Shangguan Leng. “哼,以为我受了重伤对吗?看来冷公子又要失望了!”秦石掺杂灵压的怒吼在风声滚动,压向上官冷 Flurried , the Shangguan Leng sole slips, rapid ultra rear area moves out of the way, follows close on hundred star meteors to welcome Qin Shi to shoulder among the five fingers. 慌乱下,上官冷脚底一打滑,迅速超后方挪开,紧跟着百道星陨自五指间迎着秦石挑起。 Bang! 砰! Under the demon symbol, the Profound Spirit Realm strength extremely cannot withstand, but Qin Shi then breaks to pieces two pieces of spaces in an instant, gets down toward the Shangguan Leng crush directly. 在魔符下,玄灵境的实力太过不堪,只是刹那间秦石便碎开两片空间,直接朝上官冷碾压下去。 The attack is defeated and dispersed, in Shangguan Leng heart one cold: Stone Qin, did not want, do not kill me, you wanted any me to give you.” 攻击溃散,上官冷心中一寒:“石秦,不要,你别杀我,你想要什么我都可以给你。” You? Does including humane no bastard, what you have to give me? Now I want has killed you!” “你?一个连人性都没有的畜生,你还有什么能够给我?我现在想要的就是杀了你!” Qin Shi despises drinks one severely, gathers in within the body complete strength in five palms, in that palm wind next incisive golden color long spear, enough ten meters lengths, waving able to move unhindered, thorn to the chest of Shangguan Leng. 秦石蔑视的厉喝一声,将体内全部的力量汇聚在五掌之间,就在那掌风下一把尖锐的金色长枪,足足有十米长短,纵横的舞动而下,刺向上官冷的胸膛。 Whoosh! 唰! This, the audience looks askance looks toward the center. 这一下,全场侧目的朝中央望去。 Was Shangguan Leng dying? 上官冷要死了? Zhao Family main and the others revealed pleasantly surprised, shameless changing countenance of Shangguan Ba, the expression is complex, no matter what said that is his biological nephew. 赵家主等人露出惊喜,上官霸的老脸动容,表情复杂难看,不管怎样说那都是他的亲侄子啊。 Cold boy!” “冷小子!” Neutralizes Xie Lei a presbyopia contraction that Xiaomi Cai refuses to compromise in the midair, unprecedented is scared, after roaring, has suffered a Xiaomi Cai palm hardly, without the slightest hesitation crawled to rush toward Shangguan Leng: Stone Qin! You dare!” 在半空中和小米彩僵持的谢磊老眼一阵收缩,前所未有的恐慌起来,咆哮一声后硬挨了小米彩一掌,毫不犹豫的就朝上官冷匍匐冲下:“石秦!你敢!” Finished.” “结束了。” The black pupil raises, stares at Xie Lei who is speeding away rapidly, after the Qin Shi corners of the mouth are having the superficial radian, shoulders slightly, he does not have many hesitations, the long spear straight under. 黑眸扬起,盯着迅速疾驰的谢磊,秦石嘴角带着浅淡的弧度后微微挑起,他没有过多的犹豫,长枪直下。 No!!!” Xie Lei roared, but near kilometer distance of already without enough time. “不!!!”谢磊咆哮,但近千米的距离已经来不及了。 The Shangguan Leng pupil shrinks, the sorrow full is inconceivable startled accommodates certainly. 上官冷瞳仁一缩,哀绝中满是不可思议的惊容。 Puff! 噗! Loudly, the bright red blood face upwards together, is incarnadine that black Baleful Qi, discloses lonely under the dim moonlight that just raised. 轰然,一道嫣红的鲜血仰天而起,将那黑色的煞气染红,在刚升起的朦胧月色下透露出一丝冷清。 Finished? 结束了? Blood dim raindrop sprinkles on the face of crowd likely, the audience is peaceful, complete silence. 鲜血像朦胧雨点般洒在人群的面庞上,全场安静,鸦雀无声。 Waner! No!!!” “婉儿!不!!!” Sound that but suddenly, Shangguan Ba whins breaks the deathly stillness, the audience follows close on is revealing inconceivable and startled accommodates, grasps Qin Shi of golden long spear is being shivers, the spiritual power suddenly rout of palm. 但突然,上官霸哀嚎的声音打破死寂,全场紧跟着露出不可思议和惊容,就连握着金色长枪的秦石都是颤抖一下,掌心的灵力戛然溃败。 Puff passes! 噗通! The long spear rout , a dull thumping sound falls on the ground, sees only Shangguan Leng safe and sound in same place, in his front is the chest by Shangguan Wan'er that the blood-stained mouth passes through. 长枪溃败而下,一声闷响摔在地上,只见上官冷安然无恙的愣在原地,在他的面前是胸膛被血口贯穿的上官婉儿 That struck a moment ago, did Shangguan Wan'er spell to keep off unexpectedly for him who tried? 刚才那一击,上官婉儿竟拼尽全力的替他挡下? Why? 为什么? A question mark, raises in all will of the people bottoms, the inquiry that the Qin Shi silver tooth shivers makes noise: Why do you why want to save him?” 一个问号,在所有人心底升起,秦石银牙颤抖的询问出声:“为什么你为什么要救他?” He is my brother!” “他是我哥哥!” When all people in consternation, Shangguan Wan'er with two arm rest treads that only remains, influences subtly unexpectedly reveals smiling of not easy detection. 在诸人愕然时,上官婉儿用仅剩的两臂撑着地面,竟潜移默化中露出一丝不易察觉的笑。 This reply resounded through in everyone moral nature, Qin Shi suddenly is shocked. 这个回答响彻在每个人心底,秦石一时间愣住了。 The body that Xie Lei speeds away stops, long-time relaxing. 谢磊疾驰的身躯停下,长久的松了口气。 But in the people indulge when shock, made the human resound from the loathing of moral nature: Jie Jie, the good younger sister, my good younger sister, to complete, has not killed you, is a how explicit choice!” 但就在众人沉溺在震惊中时,一声令人发自心底的厌恶响起:“桀桀,好妹妹,我的好妹妹,做得好,没杀你,是一个多么明确的选择!” Bastard!” “畜生!” hears that sound, in the crowd cannot suppress scolded makes noise. 闻声,人群中压制不出的骂出声。 The Shangguan Wan'er frail tender body shivers, her difficult looking back is staring at Shangguan Leng: Elder brother, receives the hand, stops 上官婉儿单薄的娇躯颤抖一下,她艰难的回首盯着上官冷:“哥哥,收手吧,停止” Puff! 噗! Suddenly together the dull thumping sound, the words end of Shangguan Wan'er in that last, tenderly the coagulation that allows completely obviously not to dare to believe that the remaining words do not have the opportunity to put out again. 突然一道闷响,上官婉儿的话终结在那最后一个止上,娇容上尽显不敢置信的凝固,剩下的话语再也没有机会吐出。 She died. 她死了。 On her chest that blood-stained mouth, was pierced by a sharp sharp sword once again, Shangguan Leng pupil fearful penetrating is grasping the sword: „Does cheap person, want to urge me? You think that has saved me, can make me change an attitude? Is impossible!” 在她胸膛那个血口上,再度被一把锋锐的利剑刺穿,上官冷眸心寒彻的握着剑:“贱人,想劝我?你以为救了我,就能够令我回心转意吗?不可能!” ! 咣啷! The Shangguan Wan'er death made the crowd one startled, float the Qin Shi pupil in midair drew in rapidly. 上官婉儿的死令人群一惊,悬浮在半空中的秦石瞳仁急速收拢一下。 Your bastard! I have killed you!” “你个畜生!我杀了你!” In the Qin Shi black pupil the bone-chilling cold cold glow blasts out, the wild spirit pressure destroys Huanglong, is almost the revolution spirit pressure without hesitation, pats suddenly toward a chest palm of Shangguan Leng. 秦石黑眸中凛冽的寒芒炸开,狂野的灵压直捣黄龙,几乎是不假思索的运转灵压,猛然朝上官冷的胸膛一掌拍下。 „To kill me? Feared that you could not achieve!” “想杀我?就怕你做不到了!” But actually does not think that welcomed that sharp five fingers Shangguan Leng actually not to fear returns to smile. 但却不想,迎着那锋利的五指上官冷却不惧返笑。 He smiles unusual frivolous, after following close on the left index finger and middle finger kneads together, clear referring to makes a sound in the dense fog resounds. 他笑的异常轻狂,紧跟着左后的食指和中指捏合,一声清脆的指响在迷雾中响起。 Bang!! Follows instant, the cold wind volume that the sound resounds through crosses the garden loudly together, that star meteor spirit pressure vanishes baseless, nothing left. 伴随声音响彻的刹那,轰然间一道冷风卷过庭院,那星陨般的灵压凭空消失,荡然无存。 Speeding away Qin Shi, response staggers radically without enough time, the hundred zhang (333m) has statures swiftly to reduce, the demon symbol in this moment, wears down to burn through. 疾驰的秦石,根本来不及回应的一个踉跄,百丈有余的身躯迅速缩小,魔符在这一刻,消磨燃尽。
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