PDL :: Volume #4

#376: The halfway kills Cheng Yaojin

What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Black fog shade that suddenly fills, making the both sides in field flurried, was covered in disclosing the evil aura, frightened and frightened mutual connection. 突然弥漫开的黑色雾影,令场上的双方慌乱起来,被笼罩在透露着邪恶的气息中,恐惧和惊悚相互交汇。 Puff! 噗! After a little while, not far position of a dull thumping sound behind Shangguan Leng is startled, all people looks askance to search rapidly toward that position, sees only disciple whole body flesh inexplicable split of Shangguan Family, the vitality nothing left knocks down. 少顷,一声闷响在上官冷后方不远的位置惊起,诸人迅速侧目朝那个位置探去,只见一名上官家的弟子全身肌肤莫名的干裂,生机荡然无存的翻倒在地。 Small seven!” Shangguan Leng has congealed the eye. “小七!”上官冷凝了凝眼。 In an uproar, the category that the fog shade covers is even more boundless, Shangguan Family yard Death Qi of previous kilometer heavy, putting out a hand rare five fingers. 在哗然中,雾影笼罩的范畴越发磅礴,上千米的上官家大院死气沉沉,伸手罕见五指。 Puff! Puff! Puff! 噗!噗!噗! In, remains silent with amazement continuously, from resounds in all directions, every time resounded must some people be won the vitality split, the flesh is attracted the Yang spirit likely. 在骇然中,闷声连绵不断,从四面八方响起,每一次响起必会有人被夺走生机,肌肤干裂的像是被人吸了阳气。 „Is scoundrel, actually who?” “混账,究竟是谁?” Shangguan Leng dense low roars, but the fog shade has not stopped because of his roaring, instead is wilder. 上官冷森然的低吼一声,但雾影并未因他的吼叫而停下,反而更加猖狂。 The courage vigor interweaves, Qin Shi is staring at Shangguan Leng suddenly tragic death several under the hands / subordinates, although does not know what gets rid is where sacred, but reveals an accidental happy intent: He he, cold Young Master, it seems like today is an eventful time, the heaven does not want to make you achieve wishes.” 血气交织中,秦石盯着上官冷眨眼间惨死的几个手下,虽说不知出手的是何方神圣,但还是不由露出一丝意外的喜意:“呵呵,冷公子,看来今日是个多事之秋,苍天都不想让你如愿以偿啊。” hear that, Shangguan Leng gives a tongue-lashing the tooth toward Qin Shi curled the lip, despises saying: Scoffs, right? Took a look at your to say again!” 闻言,上官冷呲牙朝秦石的身后撇了撇嘴,蔑视道:“嗤,是吗?瞧瞧你的身后再说吧!” Um?” “嗯?” Qin Shi has gawked staring, looks back unexpectedly. 秦石愣了愣,蓦地回首。 Puff! Puff! Puff! 噗!噗!噗! Just looked back, only listened to three dull thumping sounds. 刚回首,只听三声闷响。 Damn!” “该死!” Qin Shi knit the brows, that fog shade attack is not only a Shangguan Leng side, but does not have rational rumbles randomly, his behind other families person cannot escape by luck, among short several respites, in field then about thousand people of faint. 秦石皱了皱眉,那雾影的攻击不光是上官冷一方,而是毫无条理性的乱轰一通,就连他身后的外族人也没能幸免,短短的几个喘息间,场上便有近千人昏厥。 Volume! Good pain!” “额啊啊!好痛!” In the fog shade extends in unceasing proliferation, Qin Shi nearby Liu Fang stares the big presbyopia suddenly, at once his cheekbone gets down hollowly, the moisture content in flesh starts to pass with spiritual Qi rapidly, the eye that makes must fall to be the same probably. 在雾影延绵不断的扩散中,秦石旁边的刘方突然瞪大老眼,旋即他的颧骨凹陷下去,肌肤里的水分和灵气开始急速流逝,弄的眼睛好像都要掉出来一样。 Suddenly, Liu Fang struggles several, fluttering that puff passes in the place, fell down when already did not have the vitality, the whole body has overflowed the pale black dense fog. 眨眼间,刘方挣扎几下,噗通的就翻飞在地,倒在地上时早已没了生气,全身四溢出淡黑色的迷雾。 Liu did Fang die? This other families person moves restlessly to be restless. 刘方死了?这一下外族人躁动不安起来。 Is he?” “是他?” Qin Shi looks back stares at the tight dense fog, this pale black dense fog he is familiar, is not just and Evil Spirit similar Baleful Qi? 秦石回首的盯紧迷雾,这淡黑色的迷雾他再熟悉不过,不正是和邪魔类似的煞气吗? Was that has slaughtered thirty the murderers in villages? 是那个屠杀了三十几个村子的凶手? Black pupil bone-chilling cold staring opens, wipes the Purple gold color light along flashes past, Qin Shi deliberately considered that offers a sacrifice to the psychic force, understands clearly a surrounding area kilometer each slightest sign of trouble. 黑眸凛冽的瞪开,一抹紫金色的光影沿其中一闪而过,秦石寻思将精神力祭出,洞悉方圆千米的每处风吹草动。 ! 咻! In spiritual Sea of Consciousness, a shadow is difficult the speed of distinguishing to speed away plundering in the crowd by the naked eye, must have the crowd tragic death on the place of his passing over gently and swiftly. 在精神识海里,一道黑影正以肉眼难辨的速度在人群中疾驰掠夺,每逢他掠过之处必有人群惨死。 The method of murderer is vicious, after Baleful Qi covers, drains the vitality and spiritual power of human body, even some strength bad disciples only leave behind the snow white bones of the dead, refusing stubbornly entire corpse. 那凶手的手段非常狠毒,煞气笼罩后抽干人体的生机和灵力,甚至一些实力不济的弟子只留下皑皑白骨,死不全尸。 The corpse piles in heaps, other people also induce to existence of that murderer finally, Zhao Family main said dignifiedly: Is recently unceasingly the murderer who that slaughtered the village?” 尸体成堆,其余人终于也感应到那凶手的存在,赵家主凝重道:“是那个最近不断屠杀村子的凶手?” He how in Cold City?” “他怎么会在冷城?” „, Did he want Cold City also one and slaughters?” “难道,他想要将冷城也一并屠杀了?” Under Shangguan Leng dense licking the corners of the mouth, bottom of the pupil heart reappear wipe the clearly discernible cold current: Damn, does he run to join in the fun?” 上官冷森然的舔下嘴角,眸心底端浮现一抹清晰可见的寒流:“该死,他怎么也跑来凑热闹?” Collapses in the arena, the Shangguan Ba congealing eye is looking at the broken garden low-spirited absent-minded, wipes the old tears unknowingly to fall the face of vicissitudes: Day must perish my Shangguan Family, the day must perish my Shangguan Family!” 瘫倒在擂台上,上官霸凝眼望着残破的庭院黯然失神,一抹老泪在不经意间滑落沧桑的脸庞:“天要亡我上官家,天要亡我上官家啊!” Puff! 噗! The murderer speed is too fast, Qin Shi also can only throw to seize him by the psychic force reluctantly, maybe other Shangguan Family disciple and other families person, only then lets the human to prey upon the share that butchers. 那凶手速度实在太快,就连秦石也只能靠精神力勉强扑捉住他,更别是其余的上官家弟子和外族人,只有任人鱼肉宰割的份。 But his appearance does not have the advantage, was in passive Qin Shi one to be flexible, the Shangguan Leng people cannot take care of oneself, where also has the person who the time sneak attacks other families? 但他的出现也并非没有好处,本来处于被动的秦石一下灵活起来,上官冷的人都是自顾不暇,哪里还有时间去偷袭外族的人? Observes calmly, has been short of the oppression of Shangguan Leng, some Qin Shi relaxed spout foul air, is inducing like the shadow secret passage that the water snake flees in all directions: This is also good, oneself deliver, so as to avoid I look for you! I first birds and beasts you!” 静观中,少了上官冷的压迫,秦石轻松些许的吐出口浊气,感应着如游蛇般流窜的黑影暗道:“这样也好,自己送上门,免得我去找你!我就先禽了你!” ! 咻! The ample capacity sets out, the Qin Shi preparation seizes first this fog shade, in Sea of Consciousness sentences fog shade each inch movement in advance, at once the body of his hundred zhang (333m) speeds away, welcomed the fog shade path to strike to plunder loudly. 运力起身,秦石准备先将这雾影擒住,识海中预判出雾影每寸的动作,旋即他百丈的身躯疾驰而起,轰然间迎上雾影的轨迹一击掠出。 Bang! 砰! But does not think that fog shade is clever, body shade first company in the Qin Shi [gold/metal] Can time star meteor rocks, flashes through it unexpectedly directly. 但不想,那雾影灵巧过人,在秦石金灿的流光星陨中躯影一连晃动,竟直接将其闪过。 After flashing through, he knows probably the Qin Shi strength is uncommon, pays no attention to Qin Shi radically, killing of rising with a spring nearby other families crowd. 闪过后,他好像知道秦石实力不凡,根本不理秦石,一跃而起的杀进旁边的外族人群。 Puff! 噗! The fog shade in the crowd, just likes the meat grinder is common, in Baleful Qi that the whole body fills is full of the strength of swallowing, thousand people of bloodlines vitalities swing suddenly however dissipate. 雾影在人群里,就犹如绞肉机一般,全身弥漫的煞气中充满吞噬之力,千人的血脉生机戛然中荡然消散。 The Qin Shi black pupil selects the anger: Bastard!” 秦石黑眸点起怒火:“畜生!” ! 咻! He sets out once again, the speed sticks out suddenly two times, after soaring, leaps behind under the arena pavilion, two like precipice rough arm congealment origin, 3.1 leads dark [gold/metal] Canying to fall straightly. 他再度起身,速度暴起两倍有余,腾空后跃出擂台后侧的楼阁下,两只如山岩般粗犷的手臂凝结成因,3.1线的带着暗金残影笔直落下。 The fog shade was covered by gigantic both arms stares, the arm is away from him, only then square inch, how these time was again keen also to move aside. 雾影被硕大的双臂笼罩不禁一愣,臂膀距离他只有方寸,这一次再怎样灵敏也躲闪不及了。 But , the fog shade drinks one darkly, unexpectedly unarmed within holds up an arm, everywhere Baleful Qi becomes the vortex shape gathers in a point, making on his arm produce a black hundred zhang (333m) great hand, welcomed Qin Shi to cover under. 无奈下,雾影暗喝一声,竟徒手间举起一臂,漫天的煞气成漩涡状汇聚一点,令他的手臂上产生一个黑色的百丈巨手,迎着秦石覆盖而下。 Bang! 砰! When the rough two arms and Baleful Qi great hands, concentrate point moving, the fierce wind and cloud turn over, rises from all directions thunderously. 粗犷的两臂和煞气巨手,凝成一点的触碰时,狂烈的风云翻转,雷鸣四起。 Stares at that startled day to startle the confrontation of place, Xie Lei pants for breath by Shangguan Leng: Now what to do? Can seize the chance to kill that boy?” 盯着那惊天骇地的交锋,谢磊在上官冷旁边喘息一声:“现在怎么办?要不要趁机杀了那小子?” Watches changes quietly, making them fight, had better be able be mutually wounded.” In the bone-chilling cold severe gale, the Shangguan Leng corners of the mouth shoulder to wipe the strange arc. “静观其变,让他们斗吧,最好能够两败俱伤。”在凛冽的厉风中,上官冷嘴角挑起抹诡异的弧线。 Xie Leileng staring, nods at once no longer makes a sound. 谢磊愣了愣,旋即点头不再吱声。 Bang! 砰! Refuses to compromise, the Qin Shi black pupil unwavebering locking fog shade, as to see through to be the same him, but the fact showed that he was defeated, that Baleful Qi unusually intense all round, the psychic force will become the powder dust by the crush after the proximity. 僵持中,秦石黑眸死死地锁定雾影,仿佛想要将他看穿一样,但事实证明他失败了,那团团的煞气异常强烈,就连精神力在接近后都会被碾压成碎末。 Actually are you who? Is the point that such makes what?” In Sea of Consciousness rocks, lowers toward the fog shade that Qin Shi clenched teeth roars. “你究竟是谁?这么做的目地是什么?”识海中晃动一下,秦石咬了咬牙的朝雾影低吼一声。 Buzz! 嗡! Under the fog shade shivers, has not responded to the half minute. 雾影颤抖下,却根本不曾回应半分。 Didn't say? That do not blame my heartless!” “不说?那就别怪我狠心了!” Aloof fog shade stimulates the Qin Shi moral nature the resentment to read thoroughly, on two rough arms the blue vein beats, sticks out suddenly three. 无动于衷的雾影彻底激发起秦石心底的怨念,两只粗犷的臂膀上青筋跳动,暴起三圈。 Bang! 轰隆! The strength connection, the picture between world is low-spirited, wipes the strong winds to expand rapidly along the interface point, the hurricane understands thousand zhang (3.33 m), house Gu Mu of garden, was raised the clouds directly. 力量交汇,天地间的景象黯然浑噩,一抹狂风沿着交接处迅速扩开,飓风通达千丈有余,庭院的房屋古木,直接被掀上云霄。 But in the Qin Shi arm expands two fists shortly, Baleful Qi of fog shade control sticks out suddenly similarly, moreover is apart from by dozens times of increasing, after the Baleful Qi great hand gathers, flutters about thousand zhang (3.33 m), just a little superior Qin Shi will once again depress. 但在秦石臂膀扩张两拳的顷刻,雾影操控的煞气同样暴起,而且是以数十倍的增距,煞气巨手聚拢后翻飞近千丈,将刚刚有点优势的秦石再度压下。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! The natural moat, the cracks in the earth, the gully, such as the spider web clears generally, extends dozens unable to see the end the earth opening to swallow thousand people of lives. 天堑,地裂,沟壑,如蛛网一般散尽,延绵中数十道望不见尽头的大地裂口吞噬掉千人性命。 Taotao hurricane, bites the day to bite. 涛涛飓风,噬天噬地。 Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha close to are dark snort one, if not for the Xiaomi Cai seven pink clouds light feared that early was affected to fly, Xie Lei the Heaven Realm strength is contending is shivers, leaps however the withdrawing several steps. 小米彩玉罗刹临近都是暗哼一声,若不是小米彩的七彩霞光怕是早被波及而飞,谢磊天境的力量在抗衡都是颤抖一下,腾然退后数步。 Good fearful strength “好可怕的力量” „Do these two, want to destroy entire Cold City?” “这两人,是想毁了整座冷城吗?” Stone Qin Xiaoyou, come on!” “石秦小友,加油啊!” Other families person who the pray that „the Shi’tou father Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai skilled artist has sexual intercourse, survives makes the same movement immediately, this fog shade was too fearful, can they all look at Qin Shi exactly. 石头爹爹”玉罗刹小米彩妙手交合的祈祷,残存下来的外族人马上跟着做出相同的动作,这雾影实在太可怕了,他们能不能活就全看秦石了。 The short moment, surrounding area ten thousand meters have become their one-man show, the arm and palm wind blend, Baleful Qi and cold current, the courage vigor, making myriad crowds spurt the blood severe wound. 短短的片刻,方圆万米就成了两人的独角戏,臂膀和掌风交融间,煞气和寒流,血气,令万千人群喷血重伤。 Puff! 噗! Loudly, bang, contending between several respites end, the after bricks of earth shake flies, to be ground the powder dust, at once the garden central collapse next over a hundred meters endocrater, a series of dust cover in entire Cold City. 轰然,巨响一声,几个喘息间的抗衡落幕,大地的砖瓦震飞后被碾成碎末,旋即庭院中央塌陷下一个上百米的巨坑,一连串的尘埃笼罩在整座冷城 all people stares the big eye immediately: Who won?” 诸人马上瞪大眼:“谁赢了?” Does not know that this degree of showdown, feared can win in entire Scarlet Flame Empire very rare hope stone Qin Xiaoyou, otherwise we cannot be inescapable!” “不知道,这种程度的对决,怕是在整座赤炎帝国都非常罕见希望石秦小友能赢吧,否则我们谁也跑不了!” Solely is not we, if stone Qin Xiaoyou are unable to stop him, feared that will be entire East District will fall to the enemy, at that time might stop his also on remaining Hua Ling!” “不单单是我们,若石秦小友都无法阻拦他,怕是整个东方区域都将沦陷,那时候有可能阻拦他的也就剩下花零了!” The heart of crowds such as giant stone crush, that depressing sincere feeling is the plague erupts likely generally, a round is beyond redemption. 人群们的心如巨石碾压,那种压抑的厚重感像是瘟疫一般爆发出来,一发而不可收拾。 Anxious, scared, frightened, all kinds mood. 焦急,恐慌,惊悚,各样的情绪。 But how to be again bad chaotically, they can do only then waits silently. 但再怎样糟乱,他们能够做的就只有默默等候。 Bang! 嘭! Harasses the field of vision blown sand to walk the stone to cause ripples suddenly, in an instant the form of hundred zhang (333m) flies upside down together loudly like the shell. 扰乱视野的飞沙走石忽然引起一番涟漪,刹那间一道百丈的身影如炮弹般轰然倒飞出去。 Father! Shi’tou!” “爹爹!石头!” Follows that form for the first time presently, the will of the people such as crashes into the abyss: Was stone Qin Xiaoyou!” 伴随那身影的乍现,人心如坠入深渊:“是石秦小友!” „Did he defeat? Did Heaven Realm defeat?” “他败了?天境都败了?” How can “怎么会” Qin Shi is to seize Heaven Realm First Rank now, in addition Desolate Beast strong fleshly body, even if some seizes Heaven Realm Second Rank expert to evade the point temporarily, he did defeat unexpectedly? 秦石如今是夺天境一层,加上荒兽健硕的肉身,就算是一些夺天境二层高手都要暂避锋芒,他竟然败了? This regarding various people, that without doubt is the serious attack. 这对于诸人来讲,那无疑是惨重的打击。 , Qin Shi falls loudly in the chaotic sand dust, a that gigantic blood-stained mouth blood sprays, endures compared with the hard maxillary bone of real dragon, was broken together the slight opening unexpectedly. 轰然一声,秦石摔在混乱的沙尘中,那硕大的血口一声鲜血喷洒而出,堪比真龙的坚硬颚骨,竟然被震碎出一道细微裂口。 His congealing eye is staring at fire beacon. 他凝眼盯着狼烟 The smog clears gradually, in chaotic Shigangli, jet black fog shade standing erect in, cloudy evil Baleful Qi covers his appearance together. 烟雾渐渐散尽,在乱石岗里,一道漆黑的雾影矗立其中,阴邪的煞气遮挡住他的容貌。 Seizes Heaven Realm Third Rank?” “夺天境三层?” Has pinched the fist, Qin Shi heartbeat unusual is quick, a face does not dare to believe is staring at the fog shade. 捏了捏拳,秦石心跳的非常快,一脸不敢置信的盯着雾影。 Strikes to fight, he felt that on this fog shade body the vigorous spirit pressure that made him not be possible to be moved, that spirit pressure was Lian Qingdiao has not taken to his frightened. 一击交手,他在这雾影的身上感觉到一股令他不可触碰的浑厚灵压,那灵压是连青雕都未曾带给过他的惊悚。 That i.e., is this fog shade strength, at least is also seizing Heaven Realm Third Rank? 那就是说,这雾影的实力,至少也是在夺天境三层 ! 咻! The fog shade compels to draw back Qin Shi, what is accidental is he while winning the pursuit, but once again is tyrannical crowd all around, in the attack does not have the way and logic of least bit, toward approaching the crowd then wields dense Baleful Qi. 雾影逼退秦石,意外的是他并未趁胜追击,而是再度残虐起周遭的人群,攻击上没有半点的路数和逻辑,朝着临近的人群便挥出森然煞气 Baleful Qi becomes the pale black, after dodging passed over gently and swiftly, surely is the blood crossflow, a piece of dry corpse in confusion. 煞气成淡黑色,闪掠过后必定是鲜血横流,一片狼藉的干尸。 The Zhao Family main moral nature sinks: Leaves him quickly!” 赵家主心底沉落:“快离开他!” The crowd does not dare to show off power, the clansman by surrounding pulls up the leg toward Shangguan Family outside, even Cold City escapes to leave, like target of universal detestation. 人群再也不敢逞强,靠外围的族人拔起腿就朝上官家外,甚至冷城外逃离,像过街老鼠。 But when crowd flurried dispersion, opens and closes in the Shangguan Leng sudden pupil heart that in Baleful Qi buries, flashes through the cold current that does not cover up together. 但就在人群慌乱的游散时,在煞气中埋没的上官冷突然眸心开合,闪过一道毫不遮掩的寒流。 He pats Xie Lei, said: Has killed them!” 他拍下谢磊,道:“杀了他们!”
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