PDL :: Volume #4

#375: Shangguan cold cold

Bang! 砰! If the big dragon soars thunders, half wall pavilion directly by scrap. 如巨龙腾飞的轰鸣一声,半壁楼阁直接被炸碎。 Struck to fly that about hundred people, the Xiaomi Cai whole face has patted the white hands with ease: Scoffs, one crowd of useless person, wants to get rid to this young lady? Looked that you really have not died!” 击飞那近百人,小米彩满脸轻松的拍了拍玉手:“嗤,一群废物,也想要对本小姐出手?看你们真是没死过啊!” Crowd one startled, stares at the eye of Xiaomi Cai to fall the ground probably. 人群一惊,盯着小米彩的眼睛好像都掉到地上。 A moment ago in that group of people, but has three Profound Spirit Realm, with Demonic Talisman Master of two mark! 刚才那群人里,可是足足有着三名玄灵境,和一名二纹的符魔师啊! But is this, links half to put in an appearance in young girl hands not to keep off unexpectedly? Fearful is the so lethality, not necessarily able including Shangguan Ba the so relaxed release? 但就是这样,在一个十几岁的小姑娘手中竟连半个照面都没挡下?如此可怕的杀伤力,连上官霸都未必能如此轻松的释放吧? Rumble!” Liu Fang is staring at Xiaomi Cai outside the arena, sighed one: Good, is his daughter unexpectedly more fearful than him?” “咕噜!”刘方在擂台外盯着小米彩,感叹一声:“好嘛,他女儿竟比他还要可怕?” The Zhao Family main fist pinches tightly the bottom of pants leg, in heart unavoidably how many minutes raises to rejoice with the lingering fear, if not for the Shangguan Family outbreak accident, perhaps now endures hardships was his Zhao Family? 赵家主拳头捏紧裤脚,心中不免的升起几分庆幸和余悸,若不是上官家突然发生意外,恐怕现在遭罪的就是他赵家了吧? No matter how, cannot become enemies with him, must formerly contradictory melt to be good!” In the Zhao Family main heart this read thinks. “不管如何,不能和他结仇,必须要把先前矛盾化解掉才行!”赵家主心中就这一个念想。 useless person! Kills that woman!” 废物!杀那个女人!” Shangguan Leng clenches teeth to roar toward the pavilion right suddenly, the Xiaomi Cai Profound Spirit Realm strength he knows, but that Yu Luocha has Spirit King Realm peak. 上官冷咬着牙突然朝楼阁右侧怒吼一声,小米彩玄灵境的实力他知道,但那玉罗刹却只有王灵境巅峰 Is impossible to keep off next two Profound Spirit Realm and encircling of Guo Forest. 不可能挡下两名玄灵境和郭林的围剿。 But that is he thinks merely. 但那仅仅是他所想的而已。 Facts showed that Guo Lin first getting back one's composure, sacrifice without hesitation the psychic force, the invisible air wave tumbles to throw toward the Yu Luocha tender surface. 事实证明,郭林第一个回过神,不假思索的祭出精神力,无形的气浪翻滚着朝玉罗刹的娇面扑去。 ! 咻! Yu Luocha moves such as waterfall black hair, when reveals such as the thousand years cold ice jade surface, clear sword edge leaves the sheath sound reverberation sky over the pavilion, followed close on the surrounding person not to see clearly to have anything, sees only the several disciple statures of first approaching one stiffly, coagulated the stone directly! 玉罗刹甩动开如瀑布的黑发,露出如千年寒冰的玉面时,一声清脆的剑刃出鞘声响回荡在楼阁上空,紧跟着周围的人都没看清发生了什么,只见最先靠近的几名弟子身躯一僵,直接凝固成石! Petrification? 石化? The crowd stared staring, Shangguan Leng seems to be crazy, what logic is this? 人群又瞪了瞪眼,上官冷似乎疯狂起来,这都是什么逻辑? Is looking at all people the astonished expression, in the heart of Qin Shi is satisfactory smiles. 望着诸人惊愕的表情,秦石的心中却是美美一笑。 Cracks a joke, one is Divine List Ferocious Beast: Seven Colored Auspicious Cloud Snake , one was once three of desolated jungle certainly one: Yu Luocha. 开玩笑,一个是神榜凶兽:七彩祥云蛇,一个是曾经荒芜丛林的三绝之一:玉罗刹 The fellow who these two feet shake the trim desolated jungle, can it be that can one group of ineffective and worthless troops hold? Even if Qin Shi engages in introspection, if no demon symbol not necessarily is two female matches. 这两足矣撼动整片荒芜丛林的家伙,岂是一群虾兵蟹将能够抓住得?就算是秦石扪心自问,若没有魔符都未必是两女的对手。 Especially Xiaomi Cai, her strength until now is a riddle, only knows is Profound Spirit Realm, dreading that but in the remaining prestige of that seven pink clouds light, is sometimes hard to look disdainfully including Heaven Realm to Qin Shi one type. 特别是小米彩,她的实力至今都是个谜,只知道是玄灵境,但有时那七彩霞光的余威中,给秦石一种连天境都难以睥睨的忌惮。 Bang! 砰! In one group of people petrified instant, Nirvana Sword works loose the Yu Luocha skilled artist suddenly, it is hot tempered, does not listen to Yu Luocha to direct, alone float sweeps away hundred sword-light in the midair. 在一群人被石化的刹那,寂灭剑突然挣脱开玉罗刹的妙手,它非常暴躁,根本不听玉罗刹使唤,独自悬浮在半空中横扫出百道剑光 Since desolated clump of Lin Qing carve the incident, Nirvana Sword again has not left the scabbard, night can hear the whinning sound each, includes each movement of present, was full of the resentment to read. 自从荒芜丛林青雕一事,寂灭剑就再也没离开过剑鞘,每个夜晚都能听见其中的哀嚎声,就包括现在的每个动作,都充满了怨念。 Stares at the movement of dying out, Qin Shi was frowning: Parts forever, really can't give? It seems like that must restore the nether world to be good as soon as possible, otherwise dies out in this way, sooner or later must become demon!” 盯着寂灭的动作,秦石皱起眉头:“生离死别,果然是割舍不掉吗?看来,必须尽快恢复幽冥才行,否则寂灭在这样下去,迟早要成为魔器!” !!! 咻!咻!咻! sword-light passed over gently and swiftly, must be blood crossflow. 剑光掠过,必是鲜血横流。 „Is this spirits? Is emperor soul?” Just pulled out from astonished leaves, one group of people fell into second time astonished immediately. “这是器灵?是帝魂器?”刚从惊愕中抽离,一群人马上又陷入第二次的惊愕。 Emperor soul? That is also wants compared with the Heaven Realm powerhouse rarely extremely rare. 帝魂器?那可是比天境强者还要罕见的凤毛麟角啊。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Shangguan Bing foolish same place, this sudden accident has far exceeded his expectation, thinks can threatens Shi Qin by Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha, who once wants to go for wool and come back shorn, instead became was passive a side. 上官冰痴傻的楞原地,这突然的意外远远超出了他的预料,本来以为能够靠小米彩玉罗刹来威胁石秦,谁曾想偷鸡不成蚀把米,反而成了被动得一方。 In his lips and teeth exudes not the willingly fricative, after Qin Shi hears, wins over the vision, sneering of snorting contemptuously said: He he, you think, you when outside Cold City threaten me with two girls did I dread? I am interested in that Heaven Realm skeleton! Idiots!” 他唇齿间发出不甘心的摩擦声,秦石听闻后收揽目光,嗤之以鼻的冷笑道:“呵呵,你真以为,你在冷城外拿两个女孩威胁我的时候我是畏惧了吗?我不过是对那天境骸骨感兴趣!白痴!” Damn!” “该死!” Shangguan Leng dense lowering the head , the present situation is very disadvantageous to him. 上官冷森然的低下头,现在的情形对他十分不利。 Qin Shi exceeds Xie Lei with the help of demon symbol, but Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha they have destroyed his five Profound Spirit Realm and two Demonic Talisman Master, in his hand available person were not many. 秦石在魔符的帮助下超越谢磊,而小米彩玉罗刹两人又毁了他五名玄灵境和两名符魔师,他手上可用的人已经不多了。 Active?” “能动吗?” But in, Shangguan Leng purses the lips suddenly toward Xie Leichuan the tone channel. 在无奈下,上官冷抿着嘴突然朝谢磊传音道。 Xie Lei very had the physique to stare staring, looked back on under. 谢磊挺起身板愣了愣,回首点下头。 Has killed these other families people.” Shangguan Leng indifferent looks askance at toward the arena outside, being bossy flashes through in these other families people wipes the vicious tendencies. “去杀了那些外族人。”上官冷漠然的朝擂台外睨视,颐指气使的在那些外族人身上闪过一抹戾气。 Has killed them?” “杀了他们?” Xie Leining the eyes stare, but he had not asked that but rapid lets fall two in the dantian, then after transporting spiritual power , the wound cure within the body, runs away toward the arena outside suddenly. 谢磊凝眼一愣,但他并没有多问,只是迅速的将两手垂落在丹田,然后运起灵力后将体内的伤口治愈,咻一声突然朝擂台外遁去。 His speed is extremely fast, almost rips open the space suddenly, moves to Liu Fang and others in the crowd that surrounded. 他速度极快,几乎是眨眼间就撕开空间,挪动到刘方等围观的人群中。 Float sky over crowd, if he liking a crane among chickens general loftily, the fingertip in sleeve leads five blue purple Lei Guang at once, Lei Guang enhances one another's beauty is similar to the flood dragon of winding, billowing under. 悬浮在人群上空,他如鹤立鸡群一般傲然,旋即袖筒中的指尖带起五道青紫色雷光,雷光交相辉映中如同缠绕的蛟龙,滚滚而下。 Bang! 轰! Thunder dragon falls, one curls up over a hundred people of lives. 雷龙落下,一下卷起上百人的生命。 This also continues, his attack unceasingly, in the sky gathers the dense and numerous haze clouds by far, in the clouds receives the purple Lei Guang vibration, likely is a lotus flower of being in full bloom. 这还不止,他的攻击远远不断,天空中聚集起密密麻麻的阴霾云朵,云朵中受到紫色雷光的震动,像是一朵怒放的莲花。 Under the dark mask the Western final setting sun, was chaotic. 黑暗遮挡下西方最后的残阳,乱了。 Help!” “救命啊!” Run, Shangguan Leng was insane, he wants to kill us!” “快跑,上官冷疯了,他想杀了咱们!” In the thunder clouds unceasing tuck dive, the dense and numerous raindrops fall one after another. 在雷云不断的翻腾中,一滴一滴密密麻麻的雨点落下。 Rains, rain water dripping, making the scared atmosphere intensify, frightened roaring roared in the crowd one after another. 下雨了,雨水淋漓中,令恐慌的气氛加剧,一道一道惊悚的吼叫在人群中咆哮。 Sees this, in the Qin Shi black pupil the cold brightness flashes together: „, Did he want to kill here all people?” 望见这幕,秦石黑眸中一道寒光一晃而过:“难道,他想要杀了这里所有的人?” Bang! clatter! 嗒! Suddenly, a dry hand holds Qin Shi to turn into the tail of lizard, Shangguan Ba shivers saying: Little friend, saves them, Cold City cannot perish!” 突然,一只枯手抓住秦石所化成蜥蜴的尾巴,上官霸颤抖道:“小友,救他们,冷城不能亡!” Looks back to clench teeth, Qin Shi gets angry has not opened the mouth. 回首咬了咬牙,秦石红着眼的没有开口。 Damn!” In the flurried crowd, Liu Fang and many Family Head are quite calm, but still pinched trembling that the fist is keeping. “该死!”慌乱的人群里,刘方和诸多家主算是比较沉稳,但仍是捏着拳不停的打颤。 They have not run, because they know that they cannot be inescapable, Heaven Realm before them, just likes the indestructible colossus. 他们没有跑,因为他们知道,他们根本跑不了,天境在他们面前,犹如坚不可摧的庞然大物。 Spelled with him!” “和他拼了!” The nail punctures the palm, Liu Fang first setting out, the purple invisible psychic force changes into three cone-shape sharp weapons together, savage plunging Xie Lei. 指甲都刺破掌心,刘方第一个起身,一道紫色的无形精神力化为三道锥形利器,凶残的扑向谢磊。 Zhao Family advocates peace other Family Head to look at each other one, finally is also uses all sacrifices the miraculous glow. 赵家主和其余家主对视一眼,最终也是倾尽所有的祭出灵光。 Scoffs, one flock of ants!” “嗤,一群蝼蚁!” Xie Lei the bird's eye view earth like ants Liu Fang and the others, the both arms mixes with the purple halo to insert the thunder clouds, after ten fingers spread out , the thunder clouds thunder, the next instant in crashes like the raindrop purple thunder shade under. 谢磊俯瞰大地如蝼蚁般的刘方等人,双臂夹杂着紫色光晕插进雷云,十指摊开后雷云轰鸣一声,下一霎在如雨点般的紫色雷影坠落而下。 Bang! 轰隆隆! In thunder light as if must tear into shreds the earth instant, a colossus welcomed the day on, Qin Shi dragged along the wild body to stand erect in the midair. 就在雷光仿佛要撕碎大地的刹那,一尊庞然大物迎天而上,秦石拖着狂野的身躯矗立在半空中。 At once, myriad Lei Guang, without any exception chops to chop completely on the torso of Qin Shi. 旋即,万千雷光,无一例外的全部劈砍在秦石的躯干上。 Drinks!” Dark snort, the Qin Shi lower jaw place drops suddenly the next drop of black bloodstain. “喝!”暗哼一声,秦石的下颚处突然滴落下一滴黑色的血迹。 Was Shi Qin!” “是石秦!” Looked quickly that he saved us!” “快看,他来救我们了!” Stops like the crowd that the ant scurries about under suddenly, raises head to see Qin Shi to seem sees the straw to grasp to be the same, yelling of joy. 在下方如蚂蚁般乱窜的人群突然停下,仰着头看见秦石好似看见救命稻草一样,欢呼雀跃的喊叫。 Qin Shi waves to cancel the corners of the mouth: Goes to pavilion that quick!” 秦石挥手将嘴角抹去:“去楼阁那面,快!” hears that sound, all Renleng staring, Liu Fang first getting back one's composure, wipes the faint yellow time of near hundred zhang (333m) becomes the striation, holds the disciple of Liu, one runs away in the direction of pavilion. 闻声,诸人愣了愣,刘方第一个回神,一抹近百丈的淡黄色流光成线状,将刘家的弟子牵住,咻一下朝楼阁的方向遁去。 One group of people just flew to escape, Xie Lei the light yellow presbyopia concentrates toward the crowd, roars lowly: „To run? The thunder gets angry thousand changes!” 一群人刚飞遁而出,谢磊淡黄的老眼朝人群一凝,低吼一声:“想跑?雷怒千变!” Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) thunder clouds gather the spider web, ever changing falls toward the earth suddenly unexpectedly, changes into the assorted beast of prey in the process, the ominous tiger, the cheetah, the luan phoenix, the flood dragon, 11 dynasty crowds nibble under. 万丈雷云汇聚成蛛网,千变万化的突然间竟朝大地落下,在过程中化为各色猛兽,凶虎,猎豹,鸾凤,蛟龙,11朝人群蚕食而下。 Your match is I!” “你的对手是我!” , Qin Shi that gigantic body speeds away like the sharp sword to the arena, two incisive sharp claws keep off in the chest: Big Buddhist relics decide!” 咻一声,秦石那硕大身躯如利剑般疾驰向擂台,紧接着两只尖锐的利爪挡在胸膛:“大舍利决!” Bang! 轰! Three purple quiet fires, after just jumped out the shadow, immediately lights the space slit, thunder clouds the assorted beast of prey is no exception, then to quenching three like the hot sun dazzling golden color Buddhist relics, punctures under. 三道紫色幽火,刚跳出黑影后马上将空间的缝隙点燃,就连雷云所化的各色猛兽也毫不例外,然后淬炼成三道如烈日般刺目的金色舍利,刺出而下。 Bang! 砰! Strong collision, Xie Leihu the body in airborne trembles, puff a blood face up spouts, but he does not dare negligent rapid being sideways, the next instant five openings all around cut his air. 强硬的碰撞一下,谢磊虎躯在空中一颤,噗一口鲜血仰面喷出,但他不敢大意的迅速侧身,下一霎五道裂口将他周遭的空气划破。 Tiger does not assume an awe-inspiring pose, do you work as really obsolete are the sickness cat?” Severe gale of air disruption cut the cheeks, Xie Leizhen gets angry. “老虎不发威,你真当老朽是病猫呢?”空气碎裂的厉风划破脸颊,谢磊真的怒了。 , The clouds between world break, the under earth splits the natural moat gully that dozens deeply do not see, a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Lei Maoju day, punctures toward the Qin Shi forehead. 咣一声,天地间的云霄震碎,下方大地裂开数十道深不见的天堑沟壑,一把万丈雷矛举天而起,朝秦石的眉心刺下。 Sickness cat? You do not match!” “病猫?你都不配!” Qin Shi refuses to admit being inferior, he is sideways with the aid of the intense recoil, along Lei Maoteng on however, has not dodged the latter three sharp claws to meet the approaching enemy unexpectedly on. 秦石不甘示弱,他侧身借助强烈的后坐力,沿着雷矛腾然而上,不禁没有躲闪后三道利爪竟迎击而上。 Bang! 轰! They fight instant, wipes the savage strong winds throw off the earth, eradicates the Shangguan Family group building palace of the immortals directly. 两人交手的刹那,一抹一抹凶残的狂风掀翻大地,将上官家的群楼玉宇直接连根拔起。 Bang, the sharp claws and Lei Mao branch off, Qin Shi and Xie Lei simultaneously like shell flying upside down. 砰一声,利爪和雷矛岔开,秦石和谢磊同时如炮弹般倒飞。 Old fogy, suffers to death!” “老家伙,受死!” Qin Shi relative is better, after hundred meters are insufficient, immediately under the stop the body, sets out then to want toward Xie Lei to pursue at once again. 秦石相对来讲较好一些,百米不足后马上停顿下身躯,旋即再度起身便欲朝谢磊追击上去。 Shi’tou!” 石头!” But his footsteps just trod to empty, under transmits the charm in anger of Yu Luocha suddenly. 但他脚步刚踏空而起,下方突然传来玉罗刹的娇嗔。 Qin Shi gawked to look back, at once forehead flashes through the chill in the air, saw only in the under arena, several hundred Shangguan Family disciples under the direction of Shangguan Leng, in the crowd that entered other families, disregarded, sees the human to kill. 秦石愣了愣回首,旋即眉心处不禁闪过寒意,只见在下方擂台,数百名上官家弟子在上官冷的指挥下,杀入外族的人群里,不管不顾,见人就杀。 Even if Liu Fang, various Yan Dong, Xiaomi Cai, Yu Luocha, Family Head maintenances with every effort, but is extremely huge concerned about the crowd quantity, Shangguan Leng and his under the hands / subordinates will turn the hand the duplicate cloud each time, will certainly the blood crossflow that the miraculous glow will flash through, the human the perishing flower fall instant. 就算刘方、严东、小米彩玉罗刹、各家家主尽力的维护,但碍于人群数量太过庞大,上官冷和他的手下每次翻手覆云,灵光闪过的刹那必将鲜血横流,人亡花落。 The short moment, thousand people have been killed. 短短片刻,已有千人被害。 Damn!” Qin Shi pupil one cold, the withdrawing god who under have no alternative has no other choice but, the huge body drops from the clouds rapidly, rumbles to keep off by various people before pavilion: Shangguan Leng, to become the position of Family Head, do you spare no sacrifice entire Cold City really?” “该死!”秦石眸子一寒,无可奈何下不得已的抽回神,庞大的身躯迅速从天而降,轰一声挡在楼阁前的诸人身旁:“上官冷,为了当上家主之位,你真的不惜牺牲整座冷城吗?” Ha Ha, Cold City? The Cold City implication lives because of my Shangguan Leng, if I do not become here first, that here does not need to exist!” “哈哈,冷城冷城的寓意就是因我上官冷而生,我若当不上这里的第一,那这里也没必要存在了!” Shangguan Leng gloomy laughing wildly, among the strange gaps between teeth is passing the dense cold air/Qi, at once he waves to offer a sacrifice to several hundred halos once again, in crowd that sweeps away other families. 上官冷阴沉的狂笑,诡异的牙缝间透着森然冷气,旋即他再度挥手祭出数百道光晕,横扫进外族的人群里。 Bastard!” “畜生!” Painful Shangguan Ba, turning over cursed angrily one. 痛苦的上官霸,翻过身的怒骂一声。 Scolded, scolded, in this world, only then the powerhouse will be always remembered, the weak one was just the stepping-stone of powerhouse! But you, all are my stepping-stone!” Shangguan Leng in myriad reviling sounds, is instead getting more and more excited, the laughter is getting more and more grating. “骂吧,骂吧,在这个世上,只有强者才会被人铭记,弱者只不过是强者的垫脚石!而你们,全是我的垫脚石!”上官冷在万千的唾骂声中,反而越来越兴奋,笑声越来越刺耳。 Then, both sides confront, although the Shangguan Leng population are few, instead appears is keen. 就这样,双方对峙,上官冷人数虽少,反而显得灵敏起来。 Qin Shi narrows the eyes focuses, the body of his hundred zhang (333m) cannot cover that about ten thousand dense crowds, moreover above also Xie Lei of eying covetously, so long as he dares to act rashly, Xie Leiding can without the slightest hesitation whirls away several thousand people of lives. 秦石眯眯着眼,他百丈的身躯根本遮挡不住那近万的黑压压人群,而且上面还有一个虎视眈眈的谢磊,只要他敢轻举妄动,谢磊定会毫不犹豫的卷走数千人的生命。 Suddenly, he falls into passively, does not dare to move half. 一时间,他陷入被动,根本不敢挪动半下。 What is most important, time one minute one second passes, sees the demon symbol on only the remaining less than five minutes of time, if waits till the demon symbol dissipation time, nobody can stop Xie Lei again. 最重要的是,时间一分一秒流逝,眼看魔符就只剩下五分钟不到的时间,若等到魔符消散的时候,再也无人能够阻拦谢磊。 Damn! To be what to do good!” “该死!怎么办才好!” Criticizes one, Qin Shi is a human, vivid, feels emotion the love, he cannot achieve to give these over ten thousand people of setting, no matter, but if in this way him, not only could not save them, Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha that instead can also harm crashed into the crisis along with him. 暗骂一声,秦石是人,有血有肉,有情有爱,他做不到割舍这上万人置之不管,但如果在这样下去他非但救不了他们,反而还会害的小米彩玉罗刹随他坠入危机。 Bang! 轰隆隆! But with a crash, when Qin Shi and about ten thousand people of confusions, made the bang of universe vacillation transmit in the Shangguan Family outer court, at once sees only the courage vigor of one after another irritating the nose to fill the audience, the black fog shade, covered in an arena surrounding area kilometer distance of one after another instantaneously. 但砰然,就在秦石和近万人混乱时,一道令乾坤动摇的巨响在上官家外院传递,旋即只见一股一股刺鼻的血气弥漫全场,一道一道黑色雾影,瞬间笼罩在擂台方圆千米的距离。
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