PDL :: Volume #4

#374: Human sentiment changes in temperature

I have killed you!” “我杀了你!” This brutal fact causes the Shangguan Ba spirit to collapse directly, his face fierce twisted, the wild animal that the whole person such as falls insanely throws toward Shangguan Leng. 这残酷的事实导致上官霸的精神直接崩溃,他面部狰狞的已经扭曲,整个人如疯掉的野兽朝上官冷扑去。 Bang! 砰! But instant, the thunder light quickly falls from the sky from the highest heaven together. 但刹那,一道迅雷不及掩耳的雷光从九霄陨落。 Lei Guang in thanking the five fingers of rock pile such as the spirit snake walks randomly, at once zi jabs into the chest of Shangguan Ba. 雷光在谢磊的五指间如灵蛇般游走,旋即嗞一声刺进上官霸的胸膛。 This seems like the gentle attack, in moving the Shangguan Ba flesh instant, making his tiger body tremble fierce, was similar to screened out the soul suddenly, discouraged fell like the rubber ball flies in dust Schary hundred meters away, has sprayed two blood continuously. 这看似柔和的攻击,在触碰上官霸肌肤的刹那,令他的虎躯狂烈一颤,猛然间如同被抽走了魂魄,像皮球泄气一样摔飞在百米外的尘沙里,连续喷洒了两口鲜血。 Family Head!” 家主!” Grandfather!” The Shangguan Wan'er beautiful pupil is lax, the weak both arms haunch the body in ground, bit by bit wriggles to Shangguan Ba nearby. “爷爷!”上官婉儿美眸涣散,薄弱的双臂在地上支撑起身子,一点一点蠕动到上官霸的跟前。 She holds Shangguan Ba, the tears has been delimiting him grey pit-a-pat the elegant face. 她抱着上官霸,泪水划过他灰突突的俏脸。 Was staring at Shangguan Wan'er, Xie Leileng satirized toward Shangguan Leng: He he, how is it? I initially said right? You do not kill her, sooner or later she will harm you.” 盯着上官婉儿,谢磊愣了愣的朝上官冷讽刺道:“呵呵,怎么样?我当初说的没错吧?你不杀她,早晚她会害了你。” ! 咻! Said that this saying, he wields the hand, grasps to Shangguan Wan'er void, is following close on Shangguan Wan'er spatial warping all around, an invisible strength picking up that she tightens, one flies toward Xie Lei the palm. 说完这话,他挥起手,冲着上官婉儿虚空一握,紧跟着上官婉儿周遭的空间扭曲一下,一股无形的力量将她勒紧的托起,咻一下朝谢磊掌心飞去。 Waner!” Shangguan Ba stands up from failure whins. “婉儿!”上官霸翻身的哀嚎一声。 Bang!! But suddenly, Shangguan Leng draws out the hand to hold Xie Lei the arm. 但突然,上官冷起手抓住谢磊的手臂。 Um?” Xie Lei knit the brows: „Haven't you grown the memory? You the words that forgets you initially to speak? The benevolent heart will only harm you!” “嗯?”谢磊皱了皱眉:“你还不长记性?难道你忘了你当初说的话?仁慈之心只会害了你!” He he, benevolent?” “呵呵,仁慈?” Shangguan Leng corners of the mouth strange upwarping, then pays no attention to Xie Lei the searching hand to hold Shangguan Wan'er, draws out in the hands flood two like the sword edge sharp silver light, one chops unexpectedly two calves of Shangguan Wan'er. 上官冷嘴角诡异的翘起,然后不理谢磊的探手抓住上官婉儿,起手间泛起两道如剑刃般锋利的银光,竟一下将上官婉儿的两条小腿砍下。 Puff! 噗! The blood sprays, Shangguan Wan'er pain shouted one tenderly. 鲜血喷洒,上官婉儿痛苦的娇喊一声。 Sees this horrible to look at picture, those present pour the suction port cold air/Qi, in the black pupil of Qin Shi the four of cold glow like the sharp sword shoot, pinching tightly fist maliciously. 望见这一幕惨不忍睹的画面,在场的人纷纷倒吸口冷气,秦石的黑眸中寒芒如利剑般四射,狠狠的捏紧拳头。 Waner!” “婉儿!” The Shangguan Ba pupil gives a tongue-lashing to want the anger of crack to be howling! 上官霸眸呲欲裂的怒嚎! I do not understand benevolently, but I want her to live, forever living side me, otherwise she died words, who witnesses my success?” “我不懂仁慈,但是我要她活着,永远的活在我身边,否则她死了的话,谁来见证我的成功?” As indifferent puts out in the Shangguan Leng mouth as icing up words. 一段冷漠到结冰的话在上官冷口中吐出。 Falls in the hearts, the heart of crowd probably frozen. 落在心间,人群的心好像都被冰封。 Xie Lei stares, at once strange smiling: He he, ok, you are ruthless enough, suppresses compared with me!” 谢磊一愣,旋即诡异的笑笑:“呵呵,行,你够狠,比我狠!” Other people, killed!” “其余人,都杀了吧!” A Shangguan Leng face is relaxed, probably before him is not the human, but is one flock of ants is ordinary. 上官冷一脸轻松,好像在他面前的不是人,而是一群蝼蚁一般。 He he, I like your this indifference, does not have the shame really to the name that your father gives you to give!” Has been responded, Xie Leitian has licked the split corners of the mouth, wipes the bloodthirsty the cold brightness to flash through in the pupil heart, at once his body in a flash, thunderous from nine falls surely quiet. “呵呵,我就喜欢你这副冷漠,真没愧对你爹给你起的这个名字!”得到回应,谢磊舔了舔干裂的嘴角,一抹嗜血的寒光在眸心闪过,旋即他身躯一晃,千万雷鸣自九幽落下。 Bang! 砰! The flood dragon that thunderous such as opens the clouds, extends suddenly unceasingly ascends around the arena. 雷鸣如翻开云霄的蛟龙,猛然间延绵不断的在擂台四周升腾。 Bang! 轰隆! This strikes, several hundred people were involved, immediately the crying out in grief sound and wail sound implement the garden: „! Insane, run!” 这一击,数百人被卷入其中,马上哀叫声和哭嚎声贯彻庭院:“啊!疯了,快跑啊!” Wields thunderously, Xie Lei does not pay attention to the crowd of that surrounding, vision excited moving to Shangguan Ba: Old companion, 20 years, should now stand up from failure to me!” 挥出雷鸣,谢磊不去理会那外围的人群,目光兴奋的挪向上官霸身上:“老伙计,20年了,现在该到我翻身的时候了!” ! 咻! Spoke, he sets out to puncture toward Shangguan Ba. 说完话,他起身朝上官霸刺下。 Bang! 砰! At the same time, the remnant shade has delimited under the setting sun together, the Qin Shi black robe was blown by the severe gale, makes noise cool and refreshingly, indifferent keeping off before the Shangguan Ba body. 同一时间,一道残影在夕阳下划过,秦石的黑袍被厉风吹起,泠泠作响,漠然的挡在上官霸身前。 He unarmed keeps off in Xie Lei palm five Lei Guang, multiplies the shining scales above the palm. 他就徒手挡在谢磊掌心的五道雷光,在掌心上方滋生起金灿灿的鳞甲。 Bang! 轰! Qin Shi stuffy snort, felt that the five internal organs dislocation in within the body, under very painful biting the tooth, the second half side body directly fell into the arena, crushed the arena. 秦石闷哼一声,感觉体内的五脏都错位了,痛苦不堪的咬下牙,下半边的身子直接陷入擂台里,将擂台压碎。 Xie Lei stares: Well? Can keep off me, as soon as strikes? A little meaning!” 谢磊一愣:“咦?能挡下我一击?有点意思!” I want to take a look but actually, this strikes you to keep off!” Xie Lei the rapid withdrawing palm, leans behind to revolve in the midair, thousand zhang (3.33 m) Thunder dragon rises in the cloud layer of world docking together baseless. “那我倒想要瞧瞧,这一击你能不能挡下!”谢磊迅速抽回掌心,侧开身后在半空中旋转一圈,一道千丈雷龙在天地相接的云层中凭空崛起。 Roar “吼” The big dragon roared, was seething the huge torso in clouds, low roar roared command Shangguan Family to shiver, blocking the sky toward Qin Shi forehead worry under. 巨龙咆哮一声,在云霄中翻腾着庞大躯干,低吼的咆哮一声令上官家都为之颤抖,遮天蔽日的朝秦石眉心撕咬下。 Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha in the pavilion worried that shouts one: Father! Shi’tou!” 小米彩玉罗刹在楼阁上担忧呼喊一声:“爹爹!石头!” Good fearful strength!” “好可怕的力量!” „Is this Heaven Realm? It seems like that Shangguan Family these time must be finished!” “这就是天境吗?看来,上官家这一次是要完蛋了!” I want to be finished , is not only Shangguan Family, but is entire Cold City!” Liu Fang, the Zhao Family host, hundred Family Head elders, face desperate raising head looks. “我想完蛋的不光是上官家,而是整个冷城!”刘方,赵家主,百家的家主长老,一脸绝望的仰头望去。 Stares Thunder dragon who that is howling to fall, Qin Shi free and easy has actually raised the corners of the mouth, at once he single-handed behind black robe, cold Dao: He he, seizes Heaven Realm First Rank? I could not keep off, but this must be lucky cold Young Master.” 盯着那呼啸而落的雷龙,秦石却洒脱的扬了扬嘴角,旋即他单手被在黑袍后面,冷道:“呵呵,夺天境一层么?本来我是挡不下得,但这都要多亏了冷公子啊。” The Shangguan Leng hears that sound forehead wrinkles, will follow close on Qin Shi to carry after behind palm finds out, makes his one startled: Stone Qin, do you want to do?” 上官冷闻声眉心皱起,紧跟着秦石将背在身后的手掌探出,令他的不由一惊:“石秦,你想干嘛?” Surprised , is not only Shangguan Leng, Shangguan Ba and Yan Dong, Liu Fang and the others have simultaneously sucked the tongue, sees is only pinching a scarlet spell between the index finger and middle finger of Qin Shi, the six grains in spell wind clearly scary, just now isn't drawing a charge soon Scarlet Demonic Lizard demon symbol? 惊讶的不光是上官冷,上官霸、严东、刘方等人同时咂了咂舌,只见在秦石的食指和中指间掐着一张血色符咒,符咒上的六道纹络清晰骇人,不正是才刚出炉不久的赤魔蜥蜴魔符吗? Qin Shi lowered the head, looks at the demon symbol in hand to smile bitterly: He he, deliberately considered many treasure of maintaining life, have not thought succeeded in obtaining must not have soon.” 秦石低下头,望着手中的魔符苦笑一声:“呵呵,本来寻思多个保命的宝贝,没想到才到手不久就要没了。” Spoke, he holds wipes spiritual power to curl up together the cold wind, after the cold wind curls up the Thunder dragon on black robe, and vault of heaven moves, blasts out with a crash. 说完话,他掌间一抹灵力卷起一道冷风,冷风卷起黑袍后和天穹上的雷龙触碰,砰然炸开。 But can eradicate your this not to have the humane bastard, pours is also worth!” “但能铲除你这个没有人性的畜生,倒也算是值得!” Unexpectedly, the Qin Shi pupil such as new moon night, the fingertip leaps however to select the [gold/metal] pervert fire, the flame such as the tuck dive ocean waves swallows the demon symbol together instantaneously. 蓦地,秦石眸如朔夜,指尖腾然点起一道金色鬼火,火焰如翻腾的海浪瞬间将魔符吞噬。 Demon symbol lit together huge lizard that instant, is full of the resentment, in Thunder dragon with sky has no time to let, circle three, sneaks into the Qin Shi forehead. 魔符被点燃的刹那,一道充满怨气的庞大蜥蜴,和天空中的雷龙都是不遑多让,盘旋三圈,窜入秦石的眉心。 Bang! 轰! The earth trembles fiercely, the Qin Shi black robe blasts out with a crash, the muscle between arms increases three, the spirit crystal in dantian jumps crazily several, aspires to seize the Profound Spirit Realm spirit pressure to cover the audience. 大地剧烈一颤,秦石的黑袍砰然炸开,臂膀间的肌肉扩增三圈,丹田内的灵晶狂跳几下,一股问鼎玄灵境的灵压覆盖全场。 Several Demonic Talisman Master stared staring: „Did he use really?” 数名符魔师瞪了瞪眼:“他真的用了?” Six mark demon symbols, the fairyhood of is far from the average man can understand that this doesn't wait to make a false counter-accusation?” Zhang Tao knit the brows. “六纹魔符,其中的魔性远非常人能理解,他这不是等着被反噬吗?”张涛皱了皱眉。 Yan Dong is also looking of surprise to Qin Shi, raises wipes to worry. 严东也是诧异的望向秦石,不禁升起一抹担忧。 Although, they before were the foes, but can contend with Xie Lei now, all looked whether Qin Shi could control this Scarlet Demonic Lizard. 虽说,两人之前是仇敌,但现在能不能抗衡谢磊,就全看秦石能否驾驭这赤魔蜥蜴了。 Bang! 轰! Really, Scarlet Demonic Lizard just sneaked into Qin Shi within the body, wipes the strength that seethes with excitement to blast out in the blood, the black pupil of Qin Shi under flashes through together blood red. 果然,赤魔蜥蜴刚窜入秦石体内,一抹沸腾的力量就在血液中炸开,秦石的黑眸唰下闪过一道血红。 Isn't law-abiding?” “不安分?” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth select, at once while the courage vigor fills, wipes rogue Baleful Qi to tumble in Totem, the imposing manner direct pressure Scarlet Demonic Lizard, gives to grind the powder him. 秦石嘴角一挑,旋即在血气弥漫的同时,一抹凶恶的煞气图腾里翻滚,气势直接压迫住赤魔蜥蜴,将他生生给碾成粉末。 Was swallowed the instance that god knows in Scarlet Demonic Lizard by Baleful Qi, the Qin Shi whole person starts to change fiercely, in a spirit pressure of shooting up to the sky implements the world, goes through near hundred zhang (333m) size the cut-throat appearance. 赤魔蜥蜴煞气吞噬掉神识的瞬间,秦石整个人开始剧烈变化,一股冲天而起的灵压中贯彻天地,辗转成近百丈大小的凶狠模样。 Bang! 砰! Heaven Realm? 天境 Yan Dongmou heart one bright: „Did he succeed?” 严东眸心一亮:“他成功了?” Perfect integration? How possible?” Liu Fangding Qin Shi of that hundred zhang (333m) size is withdrawing several steps, frightened and unbelievable of face. “完美融合?怎么可能?”刘方盯着那百丈大小的秦石退后数步,一脸的惊悚和难以置信。 Zhang Tao and Guo Lin one cold. 张涛和郭林心里一寒。 The perfect integration, what does that mean? Perfect the Scarlet Demonic Lizard control? Is this impossible to exist? 完美融合,那意味着什么?完美的将赤魔蜥蜴驾驭?这不可能存在吧? Even if a mark, they cannot achieve the perfect integration now, let alone is hard to control six mark demon symbols that including the control? 就算是一纹,他们现在都做不到完美融合,更何况是连驾驭都难以驾驭的六纹魔符? Naturally, they do not know that has Evil Spirit in Qin Shi of body, can achieve 100% to the degree of integration of any demon symbol, that stems from the oppression on bloodlines. 当然,他们并不知道,有邪魔在体的秦石,对任何魔符的融合度都能达到100,那是源于血脉上的压迫。 Demon, after all above Desolate Beast. 魔,终归在荒兽之上。 Roar Thunder dragon on vault of heaven seemingly induces to the Qin Shi terrifying, the body of speeding away shivers. “吼”天穹上的雷龙貌似感应到秦石的恐怖,疾驰的身躯颤抖一下。 But does not give him the opportunity, after Qin Shi raises the head, punctures the fang: He he, wasn't the small loach, a moment ago very wild?” 但不给他机会,秦石扬起头颅后刺出獠牙:“呵呵,小泥鳅,刚才不是很猖狂吗?” Bang! 轰隆! Blood-stained mouth cruel worry, that endures compared with the linking strength of real dragon, Thunder dragon grinding powder. 血口残忍的撕咬,那堪比真龙的咬合力,生生将雷龙给碾成粉末。 Puff! 噗! Thunder dragon rout, tiger body of Xie Lei senile shivers, after knitting the brows , the throat one sweetly, a blowout blood of making a false counter-accusation. 雷龙溃败,谢磊老态的虎躯一阵颤抖,皱了皱眉后嗓子一甜,反噬的喷出一道鲜血。 Seizes Heaven Realm?” “夺天境?” Withdraws several steps, staring that Xie Leijing accommodates to Qin Shi, with seize Heaven Realm two now, has body of Desolate Beast Qin Shi to exceed him. 退后几步,谢磊惊容的瞪向秦石,如今同为夺天境的两人,拥有荒兽之躯的秦石远胜过他。 Shangguan Leng dense lowering the head , after wipes the miraculous glow offers a sacrifice, supports Xie Lei, exclaimed toward Qin Shi: Brat! Finally is you goes bad my good deed unexpectedly!” 上官冷森然的低下头,一抹灵光祭出后扶住谢磊,朝秦石吼道:“臭小子!最后竟是你来坏我好事!” The Qin Shi vast body, occupied the most side arena. 秦石浩瀚的身躯,占据了大半边的擂台。 I thought that human this for a lifetime, live is that favour changes in temperature!” “我觉得,人这一辈子吧,活的就是那点人情冷暖!” He lowers the head the gigantic head to look to Shangguan Leng, said with a smile lightly: Does not want to manage, but is listening to the bullshits of your treason and heresy, looks at your this regarding life such as the worthless bastard, if not kill you really to be unfair to my conscience!” 他低头硕大的头颅望向上官冷,轻笑道:“本来是不想管,但听着你那些大逆不道的屁话,看着你这种视生命如草芥的畜生,若是不杀了你实在对不起我的良心!” Depends on you? Don't forget, you are also that worthless one!” Shangguan Leng contorts one's face in agony shivers, at once he wields the hand corners of the mouth to select unexpectedly: Takes a look toward above, if you in dare to act rashly, I wanted their life immediately!” “就凭你?别忘了,你也不过是那草芥之一!”上官冷呲牙咧嘴的颤抖一声,旋即他竟挥起手嘴角一挑:“朝上面瞧瞧,若是你在敢轻举妄动,我马上要了她们俩的命!” Um?” “嗯?” The Qin Shi gigantic black pupil has been startled being startled, at once leans to look excessively toward the pavilion. 秦石硕大的黑眸怔了怔,旋即侧过头朝楼阁上望去。 Sees only around the pavilion, before by one crowd, votes encircles to the Shangguan Leng elder disciple, 只见在楼阁四周,被一群之前投票给上官冷的长老弟子围剿, This crowd of person strengths are very strong, is almost Shangguan Family complete background, Profound Spirit Realm expert is over five, includes Zhang Tao, Guo Lin two two mark Demonic Talisman Master. 这群人实力很强,几乎是上官家的全部底蕴,玄灵境高手更是超过五名,其中还包括张涛、郭林两名二纹符魔师 In they wield vigorous spirit pressure to separate in the building condense tie, two invisible psychic forces cover side Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai. 他们挥出浑厚的灵压在楼隔里凝聚结界,两道无形的精神力就笼罩在玉罗刹小米彩身边。 Sees this, the Qin Shi pupil bottom is cloudy: Threatens me? This thinks your Shangguan Leng bastard attitude actually!” 望见这一幕,秦石的眸底阴沉下来:“威胁我?这倒是想你上官冷的畜生作风!” Few idle talk, extinguish demon symbol, otherwise I have killed them!” Shangguan Leng raises the hand, so long as he wields, around the pavilion person will listen to him to dispatch immediately. “少废话,熄灭魔符,否则我杀了她们!”上官冷将手高举,只要他挥下去,楼阁四周的人马上就会听他调遣。 hears that sound, Qin Shi is contemptuous smiles: He he, if you thought that your under the hands / subordinates has such skill, you might as well make them try!” 闻声,秦石却轻蔑一笑:“呵呵,如果你觉得你手下有那样的本事,你不妨让他们试试!” You compel me!” “你逼我!” Shangguan Leng lowers roars, at once he does not hesitate, wields directly the arm, makes a movement of writing off in the nape of the neck place: Has killed them!” 上官冷低吼一声,旋即他根本不犹豫,直接将手臂挥下,在脖颈处做出一个抹杀的动作:“杀了她们!” Pavilion Zhang Tao and the others on obtained the instruction, draws a sword. 楼阁上的张涛等人得到指令,同时拔剑。 ! 咣啷! But in instant, left row of person Zhang Tao who they just drew a sword, has not seen clearly to have anything, a series of several hundred seven pink clouds light then fill to go against, shakes them directly departs over a hundred meters far. 但就在他们刚刚拔剑的刹那,靠左侧一排的人连带张涛,根本没看清楚发生了什么,一连串数百道的七彩霞光便灌顶而下,直接将他们震飞出上百米远。
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