PDL :: Volume #4

#373: Xie Lei

The dry hand of Shangguan Ba trembles, on the old face appears several points of dispirited. 上官霸的枯手哆嗦一下,苍老的面庞上显出几分颓废。 „Did Shangguan surpass?” “上官超死了?” Stone Qin, homicide Shangguan Chao? That said that this Shi Qin the person who walked from the desolated jungle?” “石秦,他杀了上官超?那岂不是说,这石秦是从荒芜丛林里走出来的人?” Outside Hua Ling, where did some people go out of finally?” About ten thousand vision, are similar to the sharp sword common thorn to Qin Shi. 花零外,终于有人走出哪里了吗?”近万道目光,如同利剑一般刺向秦石 The presbyopia looks back, Shangguan Ba did not care but where actually Qin Shi comes out, trembling is staring at Qin Shi question: He, what he said is real?” 老眼回首,上官霸倒不关心秦石从哪里出来,颤巍巍的盯着秦石问句:“他,他说的是真的吗?” With Shangguan Ba looking at each other, Qin Shi can the clear detection in the old pupil of his pollution, wipes the it goes without saying Ai Juehe pain. 上官霸对视,秦石能在他浑浊的老眸中清晰察觉,一抹不言而喻的哀绝和痛苦。 Long implored one, things have gotten to this point, Qin Shi knows that does not need to conceal again, the nod said: Right, his punishment is deserved.” 长吁一声,事已至此,秦石知道没有必要再隐瞒了,点头道:“没错,他罪有应得。” ! 咣啷! That, is pinching dry hand dispersing of Shangguan Leng, after obtaining the affirmation of Qin Shi, the world in Shangguan Ba eye has broken probably to pieces, the step limps after how many steps staggers, if not for strict east supports him promptly, perhaps his whole person fell on the ground, where also a little Profound Spirit Realm peak dignity? 那一下,捏着上官冷的枯手散开,在得到秦石的肯定后,上官霸眼中的世界好像都碎了,步履蹒跚的朝后踉跄几步,若不是严东及时扶住他,恐怕他整个人都已经摔在了地上,哪里还有一点玄灵境巅峰的威严? No wonder, white hair person delivers black hair person, this type established on parting forever the pain, is not the common person can understand. 难怪,白发人送黑发人,这种本就建立在生离死别上的痛苦,远不是寻常人能够理解得。 Regarding Shangguan Ba, he already expected this possibility, knows that Shangguan surpasses the probability that leaves from the desolated jungle is almost zero, but is only in one believes and reposes regarding old his. 对于上官霸来讲,他早就料到这种可能,也知道上官超从荒芜丛林离开的几率几乎为零,但对于已经年迈的他那只是一中信仰和寄托。 Now, belief avalanche, other people also broke down. 如今,信仰崩塌,他人也就垮了。 He, his these years, crosses?” Under strict eastern supporting by the arm, Shangguan Ba pupil heart lax is narrowing the eyes, asked one. “他,他这些年,过的好吗?”在严东的搀扶下,上官霸眸心涣散的眯眯着,问一句。 Even if knows that Shangguan Chao died, he also wants to know that these years his news, is this possibly is parents' thoughts? 哪怕知道上官超死了,他也想要知道这些年他的消息,这可能就是身为父母的心思吧? Heart of Qin Shi heavy like stone, but he has not dodged and Shangguan Ba staring, initially cut the matter that kills Shangguan Chao he not to make the mistake, all are Shangguan Chao have only self to blame, was only painstakingly this old old man. 秦石的心沉重如石,但他没有闪躲的和上官霸凝视,当初斩杀上官超的事他没做错,一切都是上官超咎由自取,只是苦了这个年迈了老者。 Good.” “挺好。” The brief two characters, Shangguan Ba actually smiled under setting sun faint yellow. 简短的两个字,上官霸却在夕阳的淡黄色下笑了。 Good on line, good on line “好就行,好就行啊” Shaking the head of his vicissitudes, suddenly but actually gets over an emotion, looks all around Shangguan Family garden dust sand in confusion, but sighed: In the past, was I am being used to ultra, was I cannot educate cold Er, all these were my one facilitate!” 他沧桑的摇着头,一刹那间倒释怀许多,环顾上官家庭院里的狼藉尘沙,无奈叹道:“当年,是我太惯着超儿,是我没能教育好冷儿,这一切都是我一手促成啊!” Junhao, is I am unfair to you!” “君豪,是我对不起你啊!” Shangguan Junhao, Shangguan Leng and Shangguan Wan'er father. 上官君豪,上官冷上官婉儿的父亲。 Is staring at that Cold City first person, now actually so dispirited, the hundred crowds under field were silent, all who can say? 盯着那冷城第一人,如今却是这般的萎靡不振,场下的百家人群都沉默了,一切谁又能够说的准呢? ! 咻! Suddenly, the bone-chilling cold cold glow sharp sword, sweeps away along the earth together, rolls up and pushes along Cold City to jab into toward Shangguan Ba. 突然,一道凛冽的寒芒利剑,沿着大地横扫而起,卷动着冷城朝着上官霸刺进。 The Qin Shi black pupil stares: Be careful!” 秦石黑眸一瞪:“小心!” Puff! 噗! But he late, in instant, Shangguan Leng that he opened the mouth, whatever grasped the sharp sword, Shangguan Ba is not hiding he who did not dodge it pricks the chest. 但他还是晚了,在他开口的刹那,上官冷握着利剑,上官霸不躲不闪的任由他将其刺入胸膛。 This sword jabs into, Yan Dong flies into a rage hand ample capacity: Shangguan Leng, your bastard!” 这一剑刺进,严东勃然大怒的起手运力:“上官冷,你个畜生!” Do not move!” “别动!” But suddenly, Shangguan Ba actually tremblingly holds on Yan Dong, at once his presbyopia severe is staring at Shangguan Leng: This sword, I received , because you have today, my shame to your father in day soul!” 但突然,上官霸却颤巍巍的拉住严东,旋即他老眼严厉的盯着上官冷:“这一剑,我受了,是因为你有今天,我愧对你父亲的在天亡灵!” Your father, for Shangguan Family, did not hesitate to perish together with Xie Lei in the past, is my Shangguan Family big hero, but how will you turn into this?” “你父亲,当年为了上官家,不惜和谢磊同归于尽,是我上官家的大英雄,可你怎么会变成这样?” Bang! 砰! The sound just fell, the strength that instead shakes together expands in the Shangguan Ba chest, at once two blood streams such as the snowflake blooms, that sharp sword compelling within the body, exchanges dozens powder dust. 声音刚落,一道反震的力量在上官霸胸膛扩开,旋即两股血流如雪花绽放,生生将那利剑给逼出体内,折成数十块碎末。 ! 咣啷! Shangguan Leng stares, wipes courage vigor in him at present in a flash, such as passes through his chest the sharp sword surely, gives to sweep away several hundred meters far him. 上官冷一愣,一抹血气在他眼前一晃,如千万把利剑般贯穿他的胸膛,将他给横扫出数百米远。 ! 咻! This strikes, repays for Waner!” “这一击,是替婉儿偿还得!” Blood sword dividing able to move unhindered chops together in the chest of Shangguan Leng, but this did not finish, the blood sword such as changes into the remnant shade to fall agitated, the flesh separation of Shangguan Leng. 一道血剑纵横的劈砍在上官冷的胸口,但这并不是结束,血剑如化为残影汹汹落下,将上官冷的肌肤断开。 This strikes, for the father who you died! Your shame to him to your expectation!” “这一击,是替你死去的父亲!你愧对他对你的期望!” The continuous courage vigor curls up Shangguan Leng like the rainstorm, punctures blood-stained mouths on his body, making him stuffy snort, weak fluttering. 接连不断的血气如暴雨般卷起上官冷,在他的身上刺出一个一个的血口,令他闷哼一声,瘫软的翻飞出去。 Looks in side, crowd that surrounds cannot bear but actually the suction port cold air/Qi, that Shangguan Ba Profound Spirit Realm peak strength, the foot made azure clouds ebullition. 在旁边看着,围观的人群忍不住倒吸口冷气,那上官霸玄灵境巅峰的力量,足矣令青霄沸腾。 Shangguan Ba this time, acted seriously.” 上官霸这一次,动真格的了。” Can motionless real? Own son died, her outside niece was imprisoned the several years, but these final chief culprits are actually his nephew!” “能不动真格的吗?自己儿子死了,自己的外侄女被囚禁数年,而这些的最终祸首却又是他的侄子!” Was good, if changes individual, it is estimated that Shangguan Ba can divide the minute to grind the powder him! No matter what, Shangguan Leng and he also has the blood is thicker than water kinship, under the hands / subordinates is forgiving!” “不错了,若换个人,估计上官霸能分分钟将他碾成粉末!不管怎么说,上官冷和他也有血浓于水的亲情,才手下留情!” The Qin Shi distance is not far, stares at the Shangguan Ba broad foot to shake the day time and time again the strength, in the heart raises unavoidably several points of lingering fear. 秦石距离不远,盯着上官霸一次一次恢弘足矣撼天的力量,心中不免升起几分余悸。 Engages in introspection, if not draw support from Evil Spirit and strength of demon symbol, he absolutely is not the Shangguan Ba match, even Lian Baizhao in the Shangguan Ba hand is very difficult to go out. 扪心自问,若是不借助邪魔和魔符的力量,他绝对不是上官霸的对手,甚至在上官霸手中连百招都很难走出。 Is good because , after the fact reveals the truth, Shangguan Ba has not stared at the symptom to him. 好在,事实真相大白后,上官霸并未将苗头盯向他。 He knows that after for this reason he has not needed in remaining, has bound the black robe, began supinely, the whole body indulges in the soft light under dusk, sets out to walk in the direction of pavilion, is about the belt two females to leave. 他知道,他已经没必要在留下来了,为此裹了裹黑袍后仰起头,全身沉溺在黄昏下的柔光中,起身朝楼阁的方向走去,准备带两女离开。 Bang! 砰! But in instant, a deafening fulmination that he turns around blasts out suddenly, makes in the crowd in an uproar of raising startled sound. 但在他转身的刹那,一声震耳欲聋的爆鸣突然炸开,令人群中升起惊声的哗然。 Qin Shi looks back suddenly, at once black pupil trembles. 秦石猛然回首,旋即黑眸一颤。 Sees only, Shangguan Ba withdrawing several steps, the senile body puff passes continuously kneels on the ground. 只见,上官霸连续退后数步,老态的身躯噗通跪在地上。 What's the matter?” In crowd astonished [say / way]. “怎么回事?”人群中惊愕道。 Shangguan Wan'er kneels to sit in ground charmingly angry one: Grandfather!” 上官婉儿跪坐在地上娇嗔一声:“爷爷!” Actually to have what a moment ago?” “刚才究竟发生了什么?” You look at the Shangguan Family main chest quickly!” “你们快看上官家主的胸口!” Suddenly, the beautiful figure roars in the crowd lowly, follows close on all people to raise eyes toward the chest of Shangguan Ba to look, Qin Shi is no exception. 突然,有一个倩影在人群中低吼一声,紧跟着所有人举目朝上官霸的胸膛望去,秦石也不例外。 In the chest of Shangguan Ba, was blasted open the hard coke the scary blood-stained mouth. 上官霸的胸膛,有一个被炸裂成焦炭的骇人血口。 Is staring at the blood-stained mouth, Qin Shi knitting the brows, can look from outside one, that blood-stained mouth is not the flesh wound, but blasts open from the interior. 盯着血口,秦石不禁的皱了皱眉,从外面一眼就能看出来,那血口不是外伤,而是从内部炸裂。 Shangguan Ba by sudden severe wound, Shangguan Leng whole body blood-stained mouth crawls, he shakes the form to begin supinely, stares at tight Shangguan Ba at the angle of bird's eye view. 上官霸被突然重伤,上官冷满身血口的爬起来,他晃悠着身影仰起头,以俯瞰的角度盯紧上官霸 In his hand, is pinching together the naked eye the spiritual power silver wire that is difficult to see, that silver wire stretches the straight thorn in the Shangguan Ba chest. 在他手上,捏着一道肉眼难见的灵力银线,那银线绷直的刺在上官霸胸膛。 Can see following the silver thread clearly, Shangguan Ba within the body is having several original manuscripts not to belong to his spiritual power to flow out, return Shangguan Leng within the body bit by bit. 顺着银丝可以清晰看见,上官霸体内正有几股原本不属于他的灵力流出,一点一点的回归上官冷体内。 Draws in the silver thread, Shangguan Leng face up laughs wildly: Ha Ha, Shangguan Ba, can't you think? Starts several years ago, your daily food enters in the meal in within the body, I have gotten down grinding is exploded the miracle cure powder!” 收拢银丝,上官冷仰面狂笑:“哈哈,上官霸,你想不到吧?早在几年前开始,你每日食进体内的饭菜里,就已经被我下了碾碎的爆灵丹粉末!” Explodes the miracle cure?” “爆灵丹?” all people clamored. 诸人喧哗一声。 The black pupil of Qin Shi concentrates, reveals wipes the limpid vicious tendencies. 秦石的黑眸一凝,露出一抹清澈的戾气。 Explodes the miracle cure, he is familiar, that is the pain that his life is unable to forget, the poem blue death to save him is exploded the miracle cure scrap, the skeleton not saves! 爆灵丹,他再熟悉不过,那是他一生无法忘记的痛苦,诗兰的死就是为了救他而被爆灵丹炸碎,尸骨无存! Before I always depended spiritual power includes your within the body explode the miracle cure powder, looked in an uncle nephew face, if your little darling hands over Family Head one, I will perhaps leave a loophole, now is you compels me!” The Shangguan Leng sound is dense, the cold letting audience people hit to tremble. “之前我始终靠灵力包括住你体内的爆灵丹粉末,本来看在叔侄一场的情面上,若是你乖乖的交出家主一位,我说不定会网开一面,现在都是你逼我得!”上官冷的声音森然可怕,寒冷的让全场人打了个哆嗦。 A person, how possible ice-cold to arrive at this, a favour does not have warm. 一个人,怎么可能冰冷到这样,一点人情温暖都没有。 Bastard!” “畜生!” In renouncing, Shangguan Ba desperate whins, at once only listens to one, the space that empty shakes was cut by the cold glow together. 在决绝中,上官霸绝望的哀嚎一声,旋即只听咻一声,虚晃的空间被一道寒芒划破。 The whole body braves the raging fire, he is burning unexpectedly his cultivation is. 全身冒起烈火,他竟在燃烧自己的修为。 Qin Shi narrows the eyes focuses: This wants jade Ju Fen?” 秦石眯眯着眼:“这是要玉石俱焚?” Induces to that fearful strength, the Cold City crowd that hundred surrounding, almost in an instant toward retroceding, resigns an open area the arena surrounding area kilometer. 感应到那可怕的力量,百家围观的冷城人群,几乎是刹那间朝后退开,将擂台方圆千米让出一个空地。 Shangguan Leng stares at such as the cheetah to throw food Shangguan Ba to sink at heart, flurried turned around to call out howlingly: „Does old fogy, what you want to make?” 上官冷盯着如猎豹扑食的上官霸心里一沉,慌乱中转身嚎叫道:“老家伙,你想要做什么?” Does not give him the opportunity, the Shangguan Ba old dry hand holds his shoulder: I cannot educate you, I am leading you now, goes to the space to ask your father to apologize!” 可不给他机会,上官霸苍老的枯手一把抓住他的肩膀:“我没能教育好你,那我现在就带着你,去天上找你爹赔罪!” „Do you also want to draw me at the point of death? No, is impossible, I want, when Family Head person, I want, when Family Head person! Lets loose me!” “临死你也想拉着我?不,不可能,我是要当家主的人,我是要当家主的人!放开我!” Shangguan Leng one has flustered, his all-out effort full wants to shove open Shangguan Ba, a fist fist is implementing the puncture Shangguan Ba chest of broad spirit pressure. 上官冷一下慌了,他拼劲全力的想要推开上官霸,一拳一拳贯彻着恢弘灵压的击穿上官霸胸膛。 But Shangguan Ba throughout indifferently grabs him, raging fire flaming combustion, is getting more and more stern. 上官霸就始终无动于衷的抓着他,身上的烈火熊熊燃烧,越来越严峻。 Saw, must from exploding. 眼看,就要自爆了。 all people stares the big look, heart mentions the position of throat. 诸人瞪大眼神,心都提到嗓子眼的位置。 No! I cannot die!” “不!我不能死!” Desperate, Shangguan Leng face upwards to call out one suddenly Xie Lei, your old tortoise, how long you also want to look at!” 绝望中,上官冷突然仰天嚎叫一声“谢磊,你个老王八,你还想要看多久!” Xie Lei?” “谢磊?” Hears this call, field servant is frightened trembles, supine beginning that Shangguan Ba does not dare to believe. 听到这道呼声,场下人皆是惊悚的哆嗦一下,就连上官霸也是不敢置信的仰起头。 Bang! 砰! While all people astonished, rushes to the thunder to divide together straightly from the highest heaven, at once a frail old man crosses the hands behind the back to stand, stands before the body of Shangguan Leng. 就在诸人惊愕的同时,一道奔雷从九霄笔直劈下,旋即一名单薄的老者负手而立,站在上官冷的身前。 Sudden presence of this old man, in the black pupil of Qin Shi reveals wipes rare dreading: Heaven Realm?” 这老者的突然出场,秦石的黑眸中露出一抹罕见的忌惮:“天境?” Under field in an uproar: How possibly is he?” 场下哗然:“怎么可能是他?” He, he almost compelled the destruction Shangguan Family in the past, finally with that Xie Lei who Shangguan Junhao did perish together?” “他,他是当年把上官家逼得差点覆灭,最后和上官君豪同归于尽的那个谢磊?” „Was he actually also living mistakenly?” “错不了他竟然还活着?” But can he with Shangguan Leng in the same place? Isn't he Shangguan Leng killing father worries the human?” “但他怎么会和上官冷在一起?他不是上官冷的杀父愁人吗?” Day, this was really too chaotic!” “天,这实在是太混乱了!” Chaotic, entire was chaotic, seizes Heaven Realm, that altitude, is they never dare to imagine existence. 乱了,全乱了,夺天境,那种高度,是他们从未敢想象过的存在。 „Haven't you, died?” Stares at that to ask Xie Lei the old man, the Shangguan Ba tiger body to tremble, the opacitas presbyopia reveals the unprecedented pain. “你,没死?”盯着那叫谢磊的老者,上官霸虎躯一颤,浑浊的老眼露出前所未有的痛苦。 Xie Lei opens the remnant robe, a withered and yellow arm pats on Shangguan Ba: Hey, Shangguan Ba, several years does not see, is your anger that big? From exploding? No, just met, you die were unamusing!” 谢磊翻开残袍,一只枯黄的手臂拍下上官霸身上:“嘿嘿,上官霸,十几年不见,你的火气还是那么大啊?自爆?别啊,刚见面,你死了就不好玩了!” Bang! 砰! Such a racket, the Shangguan Ba whole body bulge raging fire such as is drifted the rainstorm irrigation, was suppressed to extinguish suddenly unexpectedly. 就是这么一拍,上官霸全身凸起的烈火如被漂泊暴雨灌溉,戛然间竟生生被压制到熄灭。 Hissing Poured the suction port cold air/Qi, the crowd shiver moved the footsteps, Profound Spirit Realm peak from exploding, unexpectedly by this gently, breaking? 倒吸口冷气,人群颤抖的挪了挪脚步,一个玄灵境巅峰的自爆,竟被这轻轻一下,给打断了? Heaven Realm? Actually is the what kind terrifying? 天境?究竟是何等恐怖? Xie Lei unarmed presses down the shoulder of Shangguan Ba, at the same time Lei Wang of sending out zi sound pours into the deep sea spiritual power of his within the body probably, complete blockade. 谢磊徒手按下上官霸的肩膀,一面散发嗞声的雷网好像将他体内的灵力注入深海,全部封锁。 Then, Xie Leicai smiles free and easy: Hey, is very surprised?” 这下,谢磊才洒脱一笑:“嘿嘿,很惊讶吗?” Truly, I have not died, all these must thank your this big nephew well, if not for in the final moment, he suddenly appeared in the past keeps off makes Shangguan Junhao receive the hand before me, I do not have the opportunity counterattack to win, does not have the opportunity to live today, even breakthrough Heaven Realm!” Xie Lei ringing smiles. “确实,我没死,这一切都要好好感谢你这个大侄子,若不是当年在最后关头,他突然出现挡在我面前令上官君豪收手,我也没有机会逆袭而胜,更没有机会活到今天,甚至突破天境!”谢磊朗朗一笑。 Crowd in an uproar. 人群哗然一声。 Shangguan Ba puzzled looking angrily at Shangguan Leng, shivers to say indifferently: What he said is really? Was you have saved him? Was you have harmed Junhao?” 上官霸漠然不解的怒视上官冷,颤抖道:“他说的是真得?是你救了他?是你害了君豪?” Right!” “没错!” Shangguan Leng works loose two arms of Shangguan Ba, holds making an effort of knee to breathe heavily single-handed the previous several thick air/Qi, this supinely begins to despise saying: Was I have saved him!” 上官冷挣脱上官霸的两臂,单手扶膝的使劲喘上几口粗气,这才仰起头蔑视道:“是我救了他!” „Were you insane? Why!” “你疯了?为什么!” He he, my father he cherishes benevolently, the world of this law of the jungle does not suit him, since he is not willing to be cruel-hearted, that was replaced him to be good by me!” Shangguan Leng said relaxed free and easy, probably that person is not his father is at all same. “呵呵,我爹他心怀仁慈,这个弱肉强食的世界不适合他,既然他不肯狠下心来,那就由我来代替他好了!”上官冷说的轻松洒脱,好像那人根本不是他父亲一样。 The brief how many characters, made those present's pressed tight brow tip including Qin Shi, a person actually heart must suppress to what degree, can use own younger sister, persecuted own father? What matter he also has unable to do? 简短的几个字,令在场的人包括秦石在内都蹙紧眉梢,一个人究竟心要狠到什么程度,才能利用自己的妹妹,迫害自己的亲生父亲?他还有什么事是做不出来的吗? Is this, a human? 这,还是人吗?
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