PDL :: Volume #4

#372: Shangguan Wan'er

Suddenly, Shangguan Leng just about to raises hand to cheer, when may hear the Qin Shi sound actually such as trough cold water waters from the top of the head, making his body tremble suddenly. 戛然,上官冷刚要举手欢呼,可听到秦石的声音时却如一盆冷水从头顶浇灌,令他身躯猛然一颤。 What did you say?” “你说什么?” Has not waited for various people to get back one's composure, the Shangguan Leng that Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage vigorous spirit pressure, such as the dreadful big dragon blasts out in the arena. 没等诸人回神,上官冷玄灵境初期的浑厚灵压,如滔天巨龙般在擂台上炸开。 Bang! 砰! The sleeve robe wields, Qin Shi obliterates the spirit pressure at two [gold/metal] Can time. 袖袍一挥,秦石以两道金灿流光将灵压磨灭。 At once, in his vision is bringing teasing, stares at tight Shangguan Leng the face of outstanding ability every single word or phrase saying: I said that my ticket, throws to the Shangguan Family host: Shangguan Ba!” 旋即,他目光中带着调谑,盯紧上官冷的俊逸面庞一字一句道:“我说,我的票,投给上官家主:上官霸!” Has been affirmed once again, in crowd that surrounds raises, mutual staring the discussion in an uproar: „Did he throw Shangguan Ba?” 再度得到肯定,围观的人群中升起哗然,相互凝视的议论道:“他投上官霸了?” How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Yes, Shi wasn't Qin the person who cold Young Master found? Was the treachery?” “是啊,石秦不是冷公子找来的人吗?难道是临阵倒戈了?” Shangguan Ba similarly incomprehensible raising head. 上官霸同样不能理解的扬起头。 Originally, he has completed the plan that abdicates, here result is really unexpected. 本来,他已做好退位的打算,这儿结果实在是出乎意料。 The spirit pressure was recoiled, the Shangguan Leng like that calm disposition is to grasp to be crazy, exclaimed lowly: Told me, why?” 灵压被弹回,上官冷那般沉稳的心性都是抓狂起来,低吼道:“告诉我,为什么?” He he, you have not said that not for treasure that you use , is just pile of scrap iron?” Qin Shi in the pavilion, two is supporting hand chuckle one. “呵呵,你不是说过,不为你用的宝器,也只不过是一堆废铁吗?”秦石在楼阁上,两手撑着把手轻笑一声。 Shangguan Leng one startled: „Did you hear?” 上官冷一惊:“你都听见了?” You think that your thoughts, can hide the truth from me really?” Under Qin Shi very sets out, after stretching the shoulder that is sore grins: Naturally, this is not the reason of my treachery, did not plan to manage you , helping your superior according to the agreement, then leaves, forgives you unable to leave behind me!” “你以为,你那点心思,真的能瞒过我?”秦石挺起身,舒展下酸痛的肩膀后咧嘴道:“当然,这并不是我倒戈的原因,本来是不打算管你,按照约定帮你上位,然后离开,谅你也留不下我!” But!” “但是!” Here, words 360 degrees big revolving of Qin Shi, in the sound was mixing with the vigorous pressure suddenly, making air all around produce the intermittent ripples. 说到这,秦石的话语突然间360度大旋转,声音中夹杂着浑厚的威压,令周遭的空气都产生阵阵涟漪。 You for the superior, were cruel enough to sacrifice your blood younger sister unexpectedly, not hesitating let her by all the year disaster of imprisonment, your his mother could not be joined to person character!” “你为了上位,竟忍心牺牲自己的亲妹妹,不惜让她受尽数年牢狱之灾,你他妈配不上人这个字!” A few words such as broad fierce positive, rolling falls. 一段话如恢弘烈阳,滚滚而落。 In the Shangguan Family garden shivers, all people stared staring puzzled, moves the vision to Shangguan Leng on arena. 上官家的庭院上一阵颤抖,所有人不解的瞪了瞪眼,将目光挪向擂台上的上官冷身上。 hears that sound, Shangguan Leng trembles, the face of outstanding ability reappears wipes startled: You, you were saying anything, I do not understand what is heard!” 闻声,上官冷哆嗦一下,俊逸的面庞浮现一抹惊慌:“你,你在说什么,我听不明白!” Doesn't understand what is heard? Good, I make you understand now!” In the pavilion, Qin Shi drinks one severely, at once his Shan Zhang rolls up and pushes along three wisps of golden star light, the entire person light such as the standing on tiptoes foot of swallow jumps, whereabouts in arena. “听不明白?好,我现在就让你听懂!”在楼阁上,秦石厉喝一声,旋即他单掌卷动三缕金色星光,整个人身轻如燕的踮脚跃起,一下落在擂台上。 In the arena, he disregards the surrounding ten thousand wisps of vision, gradually toward closing right up against the west corner walks, [gold/metal] in hand flutters like the firefly. 在擂台上,他无视周围的万缕目光,一步一步的朝靠着西侧的角落走去,手中的金芒就如萤火虫般飘动。 „Does he want to do?” “他要干嘛?” The Qin Shi movement causes many puzzled. 秦石的动作引起诸多不解。 In close to the position of corner, Qin Shi stops the body suddenly, at once after he binds tightly the black robe , the single foot lifts in drill Vanuatu of under foot raps two gently. 在临近角落的位置,秦石突然停下身,旋即他裹紧黑袍后单脚抬起在脚下的钻瓦上轻轻敲击两声。 Thump! 咚咚! Two clear vacuum sounds, made the black pupil of Qin Shi one cold: Is here?” 两道清脆的真空声响,令秦石的黑眸一寒:“就是这儿吧?” Bang! 砰! His speed is extremely fast, just light nan, [gold/metal] in hand then curled up the cold wind, the rumor howls forms a gigantic vortex. 他速度极快,刚轻喃一声,手中的金芒便卷起冷风,风声呼啸间形成一个硕大的漩涡。 The vortex blots out the sky curls up around the arena, throws off to grind the drill tile in ground. 漩涡铺天盖地的在擂台四周卷起,将地面上的钻瓦掀翻碾碎。 Bang! 轰! The thrown off earth, exposes immediately the unearthed yellow dust, in the end of dust dispersing, making all people the atrium tremble. 被掀翻的大地,马上裸露出土黄色的尘埃,就在尘埃散开的尽头,令诸人的心房一颤。 Sees only under Qin Shi under foot not far away arena, does not see the burrow of five fingers jet black, in that burrow once for a while transmits the revolting putrefactive odor. 只见在秦石脚下不远处的擂台下,有一个漆黑不见五指的地穴,那地穴中时不时的传来令人作呕的腐臭味。 Liu Fang and Liu are recent to that burrow, the covering oronasal that before several people are unable to withstand, withdraws several steps: What flavor? Quite smelly!” 刘方和刘家离那地穴最近,靠前的几人都是承受不住的捂住口鼻,退后几步:“什么味道?好臭!” Under this arena, how to have a hole?” “在这擂台下,怎么会有个洞?” In the top of the head of crowd the question mark again and again, Shangguan Ba is fills puzzled. 人群的头顶上问号连连,就连上官霸都是充满不解。 Is staring at that burrow, inside is the piled up excreta, after Qin Shi knit the brows, narrows the eye, wipes the cold wind to curl up to cover the sending silk of black pupil, made his black pupil exposition, ice-cold chill in the air it goes without saying. 盯着那地穴,里面是堆积成山的排泄物,秦石皱了皱眉后眯起眼,一抹冷风卷起遮挡黑眸的发丝,令他那黑眸暴露,其中冰冷的寒意不言而喻 Cold Young Master, this burrow, how do you want to explain?” “冷公子,这个地穴,你要怎么解释?” hears that sound, all people throw the vision to Shangguan Leng, Shangguan Ba reprimand: Little cold, this outcome what's the matter?” 闻声,所有人将目光抛向上官冷,上官霸斥道:“小冷,这究竟是怎么回事?” I do not know!” “我不知道!” Shangguan Leng shivers withdraws one step, can see the clear fear in his eyeground. 上官冷颤抖的退后一步,在他眼底可以看见清晰的恐惧。 Doesn't know? That this person, I thinks you to know!” Qin Shi teased sneered, at once he wields the sleeve robe to offer a sacrifice to two gentle miraculous glows. “不知道?那这个人,我看你认不认识!”秦石戏谑的冷笑一声,旋即他挥动袖袍祭出两道柔和的灵光。 The miraculous glow illuminates the burrow, sees only in the most deep place of burrow, there is a whole body grey pit-a-pat nearly **, a brewer's grain chaotic girl. 灵光将地穴里照亮,只见在地穴的最深处,有一个全身灰突突近乎**,一身糟乱的女孩。 This girl age was not smaller than several years old Qin Shi, but skin rough degree and old woman some spelled, the joint that the thin and small body of rolling up such as weak willow tree Fufeng, on the foot link protruded, was breaking open the light body probably immediately. 这女孩年纪比秦石小不了几岁,但皮肤粗糙的程度和七老八十的老太太有的一拼,蜷缩的瘦小身躯如弱柳扶风,脚环上凸出的骨节,好像马上就正撑破淡薄的皮肉。 Sees that girl, the people in field frowned. 望见那女孩,场上的人都皱起眉头。 Waner?” “婉儿?” But at this time, Shangguan Ba and several Shangguan Family elders also stared, before Shangguan Ba first rushed, maneating such as in big dragon the excreta of hurricane eradicated burrow, hugged the girl in the bosom. 但在这时,上官霸和几名上官家的长老同时瞪眼,上官霸第一个冲上前,一阵凶悍如巨龙的飓风将地穴中的排泄物铲除,将女孩抱在怀中。 Hugs the girl, his old hand cleans on the girl face, every time cleans, the degree that his hand shivers then intensifies a point, points to that maneating anger unable to suppress finally, making the earth start to shiver. 抱起女孩,他苍老的手在女孩面庞上擦拭,每擦拭一下,他的手颤抖的程度便加剧一分,直指最后那凶悍的怒火已经压制不住,令大地都开始颤抖。 The appearance that sees clearly that girl, the human under stage stares: „Is this girl Shangguan Wan'er?” 看清那女孩的容貌,在台下的人不由一愣:“这女孩是上官婉儿?” Shangguan Wan'er? Shangguan Leng younger sister?” 上官婉儿上官冷的妹妹?” Is impossible? Wasn't she surpassed by Shangguan several years ago kills?” “不可能吧?她不是在几年前就被上官超杀了吗?” Hearsay is this, but sees Shangguan Wan'er now, thinks that some people want to falsely accuse Shangguan Chao, has far-reaching idea.” “传闻是这样,但现在看见上官婉儿,想必是有人想要诬陷上官超吧,这其中暗藏玄机啊。” The sudden appearance of Shangguan Wan'er, made this should the grand ceremony of ending to surge upward once more, Shangguan Ba was holding Shangguan Wan'er, in her body faintly visible bright red blood-stained mouth, new wound old wound, about thousand. 上官婉儿的突然出现,令这场本该落幕的大典再次高涨起来,上官霸抱着上官婉儿,在她的身上依稀可见鲜红的血口,新伤旧伤,近千道。 Is staring at these wounds, horrible to look. 盯着那些伤口,惨不忍睹。 Hissing all people suction port cold air/Qi, this is actually who does but actually? Is the bastard is inferior simply! 诸人倒吸口冷气,这究竟是谁做得?简直就是畜生不如啊! Grandfather “爷爷” Shangguan Wan'er walks arm in arm in the bosom of Shangguan Ba, her two leg soft hanging on the ground, lost the walk ability. 上官婉儿依偎在上官霸的怀中,她两腿松软的垂在地上,已经失去了行走能力。 Actually is who!” “究竟是谁!” Is stroking Shangguan Wan'er accommodates tenderly, the Profound Spirit Realm peak strength such as the dreadful rough sea waves, raise the clouds outside vault of heaven to make Cold City dim. 抚摸着上官婉儿的娇容,玄灵境巅峰的力量如滔天巨浪,掀起苍穹外的云霄令冷城昏暗。 Bang! 轰! Scarlet fruits works off anger does not block, such as extends Longji along the whole body of Shangguan Ba, covers the kilometer. 赤果果的杀气毫不遮拦,沿着上官霸的全身如延绵龙脊,笼罩千米。 At the same time Qin Shi in side, after alone haunches ties, cold Dao: He he, who can be? It is not your treasure nephew, Shangguan Leng!” 秦石在旁边,独自撑起一面结界后冷道:“呵呵,能是谁?不就是你那宝贝侄子,上官冷!” Shangguan Leng?” 上官冷?” Ten thousand vision like sharp sword thorn to Shangguan Leng. 万道目光如利剑般刺向上官冷 Shangguan Leng trembles: Stone Qin, do not talk irresponsibly! Why you said that is I?” 上官冷一哆嗦:“石秦,你别信口雌黄!你凭什么说是我?” He he, does your younger sister in this, I need to lie? Asks her!” Qin Shi every single word or phrase full was the anger, the Shangguan Wan'er appearance also touched him. “呵呵,你妹妹在这,我有必要说谎吗?问问她自己!”秦石一字一句满是怒火,上官婉儿的模样也触动了他。 Shangguan Ba dense is cloudy, he diligently maintains calm: Waner, said with the grandfather, actually what's the matter?” 上官霸森然的阴沉下来,他努力的保持冷静:“婉儿,和爷爷说,究竟是怎么回事?” Is “是” ! Does not wait for the Shangguan Wan'er start to talk, Shangguan Leng unable to repress, he pulls out a curving long sword to puncture toward the chest of Shangguan Wan'er. 咻!不等上官婉儿开口,上官冷已经按耐不住,他抽出一把弯曲的长剑朝上官婉儿的胸膛刺下。 Bang! 砰! Has not waited for him to approach, the Qin Shi black robe in a flash, the whole person reappears directly before the Shangguan Leng body, at once in his palms turns the shining scales, unexpectedly unarmed presses firmly between the fingers that the curving long sword, a resounding gives the crumb. 没等他临近,秦石黑袍一晃,整个人直接浮现在上官冷身前,旋即他掌心间翻起金灿灿的鳞甲,竟徒手的捏住那把弯曲长剑,一声脆响给生生捏碎。 Snort, was breathless? If not for beforehand induces to the arena under weak the aura, really by your this bastard cheating!” Remnant sword of Qin Shi in half the hand abandons, a palm toward the Shangguan Leng chest seal under. “哼,气急败坏了?若不是之前感应到擂台下微弱的气息,真被你这个畜生给蒙骗了!”秦石将手中半截的残剑抛开,一掌朝上官冷的胸膛印下。 Bang! 轰! This, Shangguan Leng was repelled ten several rice to be far directly. 这一下,上官冷直接被击退出十数米远。 I have killed you!” “我杀了你!” Qin Shi is almost is setting out in an instant, turns such as galloping wild animal hundred zhang (333m) [gold/metal] single-handed, crash of aggresive under. 秦石几乎是在刹那间起身,单手翻起如奔腾野兽般的百丈金芒,气势汹汹的坠落而下。 Bang! 砰! But suddenly, a vigorous spirit pressure falls from azure clouds, the Shangguan Ba personal appearance keeps off before the Qin Shi body, strikes Qin Shi shakes draws back. 但突然,一股浑厚的灵压自青霄落下,上官霸的身形挡在秦石身前,一击将秦石震退。 Draws back several Qin Shi to stare, but has not waited for him to open the mouth, sees only the Shangguan Ba old dry hand to find out the sleeve, grasps to get angry Shangguan Leng: Told me, why! Why!” 退开几步秦石一愣,但没等他开口,只见上官霸苍老的枯手探出袖筒,一把将上官冷抓起来怒道:“告诉我,为什么!为什么!” Why?” “为什么?” Letting fall that the Shangguan Leng body twitches, stares at Shangguan Ba actually suddenly to laugh wildly to make noise: „Did old fogy, why you ask me? Good, good, good, I told you!” 上官冷身躯抽搐的垂落,盯着上官霸却突然狂笑出声:“老家伙,你问我为什么?好,好,好,我就告诉你!” 20 years, the entire 20 years, you have always been protecting Shangguan Chao, he makes anything is good right, I make anything am the bad mistake, no matter I how diligently, in your eyes forever only then Shangguan Chao!” “20年,整整20年了,你总是护着上官超,他做什么都是好的对的,我做什么都是坏的错的,不管我怎样努力,你眼中永远就只有上官超!” My father dies early, if not for he dies, you think that you can sit the position of this Family Head? I told you, the position of this Family Head belongs to my Shangguan Leng, no matter who do not want to stop me! I must become Family Head!” “我爹死得早,若不是他死,你以为你能坐上这家主之位?我告诉你,这家主之位是属于我上官冷的,不管是谁都别想阻拦我!我一定要成为家主!” The body of Shangguan Ba senile trembles: „Can you blood younger sisters sacrifice?” 上官霸老态的身躯一颤:“那你就连自己亲妹妹都可以牺牲吗?” Why can't? Waner she sacrificed a point, so long as I have become Family Head, I to her the riches and honors, will give her immediately world best all! She is my younger sister, sacrificed for me, shouldn't?” Shangguan Leng fierce roaring. “为何不可?婉儿她只是牺牲一点,只要我当上了家主,我马上就会给她荣华富贵,给她天下最好的一切!难道她身为我妹妹,为我牺牲一点,不应该吗?”上官冷狰狞的咆哮。 Bang!! A clear palm of the hand pulls out, Shangguan Ba loudly Shangguan Leng maliciously according to arena: Bastard! Your bastard! If your father in the day, sees your this appearance, you have thought him sadly?” 一声清脆的巴掌抽下,上官霸轰然间将上官冷狠狠的按在擂台上:“畜生!你个畜生!你爹若在天,看见你这幅模样,你想过他会有多伤心吗?” He he, ha, sad? So long as I become Family Head, he will not be sad!” Shangguan Leng was choked to death in the place, a repentance does not have. “呵呵,哈哈哈,伤心?只要我当上家主,他就不会伤心了!”上官冷被掐死在地,却一点悔改之意都没有。 You “你” Shangguan Ba moral courage hits to tremble. 上官霸气节的打起哆嗦。 Old fogy, you do not think that this had finished, don't you want to tow? Don't you want and other Shangguan to surpass from the desolated jungle come out?” “老家伙,你别以为,这样就结束了,你不是想要拖吗?你不是想要等上官超从荒芜丛林出来吗?” I told you! Is impossible!” “我告诉你!不可能!” The Shangguan Leng fierce pupil heart must jump out the eye socket probably, dense smiling face frightened, every single word or phrase said: Your son, already died in the desolated jungle!” 上官冷狰狞的眸心好像要跳出眼眶,森然的笑容令人惊悚,一字一句道:“你的儿子,早就死在荒芜丛林里了!” Hears this word, Qin Shi, Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai, three people cannot help but frowned, but Qin Shi knows that he wants to stop, cannot stop, only listens to several broadly such as the thunderous sound, overflows to be defeated and dispersed. 听得此言,秦石玉罗刹小米彩,三人不由得皱起眉头,但秦石知道他想要阻拦,已经阻拦不了了,只听几道恢弘如雷鸣的声响,四溢溃散。 However person who has killed personally his! Was Shi Qin!” “而亲手杀了他的人!就是石秦!” Loudly, the Shangguan Ba old body trembles, surrounds the human to stare the eye under the arena similarly, fixed Qin Shi that over ten thousand item of bands of light the question and cannot believe. 轰然,上官霸苍老的身躯一颤,在擂台下围观人同样瞪起眼,上万道目光带着质疑和不敢相信的锁定秦石
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