PDL :: Volume #4

#371: Has the accident

Static. 静。 Deathly stillness. 死寂。 Complete silence. 鸦雀无声。 Cold City Shangguan Family, buries probably in the kilometer quiet deep pool, withstood for ten thousand years frozen general peaceful, about ten thousand people each other breath can hear continually clearly, if as if the acupuncture needle falls to the ground, will immediately create thousand spray. 冷城上官家,好像埋没在千米幽潭,承受了万年的冰封一般安静,近万人中连彼此的呼吸都能清晰听见,仿佛若有一根银针落地,马上就会激起千层浪花。 The vision that shocks one after another, gathers in a direction completely. 一双一双惊呆的目光,全部朝一个方向汇聚。 That direction, stands the black robe youth in arena: Qin Shi. 那个方向,就是站在擂台上的黑袍少年:秦石 He stands under a hot sun ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, in the hand is pinching a scarlet spell, the six grains in spell wind are such Lou spur. 他站在烈日万丈的光芒下,手中掐着一张血色的符咒,符咒上的六道纹络是那样的镂骨刺目。 He, did he succeed?” “他,他成功了?” Day, six mark demon symbols? Can some people refine six mark demon symbols really? Is impossible?” “天啊,六纹魔符?真的有人能够炼制六纹魔符?不可能吧?” The first discussion does not know that raises from where, at once in ten thousand people of human tides then falls into for a very long time unceasing clamoring. 第一声议论不知从何处升起,旋即万人的人潮中便陷入久久不断的喧哗。 All people look that the Qin Shi vision is similar to was looking survived over ten thousand years of old monster to be generally inconceivable, Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai also felt relieved that revealed a gratified sweetness to smile. 所有人看着秦石的目光如同在看一头存活了上万年的老妖怪一般不可思议,玉罗刹小米彩同时放下心来,露出一丝欣慰的甜笑。 Elder sister, the father was successful.” “姐姐,爹爹成功了。” The Xiaomi Cai excited standing on tiptoes foot, the Yu Luocha skilled artist hugs her fragrant shoulder to say with a smile: Um, I know, he certainly.” 小米彩激动的踮脚,玉罗刹妙手搂着她的香肩微笑道:“嗯,我就知道,他一定可以。” The vision coagulation of Zhao Family main devils, Zhang Tao, Guo Lin, reveal to venerate and admire with many Demonic Talisman Master. 赵家主凶神恶煞的目光凝固,张涛、郭林、与诸多的符魔师纷纷露出尊崇和敬佩。 Naturally, what on the scene is most excited is must be Shangguan Leng. 当然,在场最兴奋的还是要属上官冷 The heart of that regaining, nobody can realize. 那种失而复得的心,没人能够体会。 He he, Ha Ha, ha, the old fogy, I have won, I won! This time, Yan Dong could not guarantee you!” Emanation that Shangguan Leng bursts out laughing laughs wildly gratingly. “呵呵,哈哈,哈哈哈,老家伙,我赢了,我赢了!这一次,严东也保不了你!”上官冷捧腹的发出刺耳狂笑。 The old shallow-thinking of Shangguan Ba pollution is narrowing the eyes, looks fills strangely to the Qin Shi vision, pinches the fist saying: Heaven must perish my Shangguan Family!” 上官霸浑浊的老眼浅眯着,望向秦石的目光里充满怪异,捏拳道:“苍天非要亡我上官家吗!” Is impossible, this is impossible!” “不可能,这不可能!” Puff passes one, Yan Dong shivers the body to fall down, a despair of face. 噗通一声,严东颤抖着身子瘫倒在地,一脸的绝望。 At once, he deliberately creates trouble after crawling to set out, called out to Shangguan Ba in front of howlingly: Family Head, cannot make number, can he refine six mark demon symbols? Certainly was causes to cheat, quick, announced quickly he violated regulations!” 旋即,他胡闹的爬起身后冲上官霸面前嚎叫道:“家主,不能作数,他怎么能炼制出六纹魔符?一定是使诈了,快,快宣布他违规啊!” Hears this word, these time has not hounded again, in surrounding person object of universal admiration and hopes to strict eastern vision, only then despises and disdains. 听得此言,这一次再也没有追捧,在围观的人群望向严东的目光里只有鄙夷和不屑。 Shangguan Ba low-spirited lowering the head, this short instantaneously he as if old dozens -year-old, he can manage to rescind martial law the eastern this time mood, but is actually not able to change this fact. 上官霸黯然的低下头,这短短的瞬间他仿佛苍老了数十岁,他能够理解严东此时的心情,但却无法改变这个事实。 He he, defeated has defeated, has towed these years, was the time should yield.” Racket under gently Yan Dong shoulder, shaking down head of Shangguan Ba forced smile, free and easy steps the arena. “呵呵,败了就是败了,拖了这么些年,也是时候该让位了。”轻轻的拍下严东肩膀,上官霸苦笑的摇下头,洒脱的迈上擂台。 Walks in the arena, every step heavy like stone. 走在擂台上,每一步都沉重如石。 Little friend, congratulates you.” Shangguan Ba in front of Qin Shi, to him light snort. “小友,恭喜你。”上官霸秦石面前,冲他轻哼一声。 Qin Shi smiles free and easy: Many thanks Family Head, lucky.” 秦石洒脱一笑:“多谢家主,侥幸而已。” hears that sound, Shangguan Ba stared calm that such as is stopping the water Qin Shi to stare staring, on the face of Qin Shi, making him realize that was not this age proper to be indifferent to personal gains and losses, with free and easy indifferent. 闻声,上官霸盯着那心静如止水的秦石不禁愣了愣,在秦石的面庞上,令他察觉到一份不属于这个年纪应有的宠辱不惊,和洒脱淡然。 This youth, is not simple. 这个少年,不简单啊。 The heart has the startling thunderclap, but heart, if Transmit, that belongs to imposing manner of genuine King. 心有惊雷而心若平湖,那是属于真正王者的气势 „Should Family Head, announce result?” Qin Shi looks at dull Shangguan Ba, coughs two. 家主,是不是该宣布结果了?”秦石看着呆愣的上官霸,干咳两声。 In the heart one changes countenance, after Shangguan Ba was awakened, realized one are rude, under after solid point, lifts up high the Qin Shi sleeve robe, looks all around saying: Um, I announced now that this Demonic Talisman Master big game, the victor was stone Qin Xiaoyou!” 心中一番动容,上官霸被惊醒后意识到自己失态,严实性的点下头后高举秦石的袖袍,环顾四周道:“嗯,我现在宣布,这一次符魔师大赛,胜利者是石秦小友!” Although this result was already settled, when but spreads from the Shangguan Ba mouth, still had caused not the small tumult. 虽说这个结果早已是板上钉钉,但当从上官霸口中传出时,仍然引起了不小的骚动。 The call of stone Qin two characters in the crowd were unceasing, spread over entire Cold City starting from this moment. 石秦两字在人群中呼声不断,从这一刻开始传遍整座冷城 Little friend, reward about this big game mentioned this matter, the Shangguan Ba blazing vision moves toward the Qin Shi palm, spoke the first reward according to the truth is that Scarlet Demonic Lizard skeleton, therefore that six mark demon symbols should belong to Qin Shi right. “小友,关于这个大赛的奖励”提起这事,上官霸炽烈的目光朝秦石掌心挪去,按道理讲第一名的奖励便是那赤魔蜥蜴的尸骸,所以那张六纹魔符理应属于秦石没错。 But together six mark demon symbols, then to any influence, may with, but may not and treasure. 但一道六纹魔符,那对任何势力来讲,都是可与而不可及的珍宝啊。 You look to be able “你看能不能” Therefore, he is thick the wish start to talk of facial skin. 为此,他厚着脸皮的想要开口。 But has not waited for him to open the mouth, Qin Shi actually with a smile breaks saying: He he, reward? I with being my part on line.” 但没等他开口,秦石却笑着打断道:“呵呵,奖励么?我拿属于我那一部分就行。” Said that this saying, Qin Shi six mark demon Fu Huang in hand shaking, wants to let him the thing spits intentionally? Cracking a joke. 说完这话,秦石故意将手中的六纹魔符晃了晃,想让他把到手的东西吐出去?开玩笑。 hears that sound, Shangguan Ba smiles bitterly. 闻声,上官霸苦笑一声。 He knows that Qin Shi said like this, that will definitely not give Shangguan Family the demon symbol, for this reason he pours does not have awkward [say / way]: So also good, but I hope the little friend , if there is time, after the big game ended, can keep my Shangguan Family one, my Shangguan Family settled warm-hearted entertainment.” 他知道,秦石这样说,那肯定不会将魔符交给上官家了,为此他倒也没有为难的道:“如此也好,只是我希望小友若有时间,大赛结束后可以留在我上官家一阵,我上官家定当热心招待。” A Qin Shi black pupil revolution, Shangguan Ba that small thoughts, were guessed by him all of a sudden, nothing but is thinks that he remains to help to refine the demon symbol. 秦石黑眸一转,上官霸那点小心思,一下子就被他猜中了,无非就是想他留下来帮忙炼制魔符。 But now, he may not have time to delay in Cold City, after he prepares the big game to end, directly left, looks that to suffer the slaughter village murderers of thousand blades. 但现在,他可没时间在冷城耽搁,本来他就准备大赛结束后直接离开,去找那个挨千刀的屠村凶手。 Looks at Qin Shi to hesitate, Shangguan Ba is actually not willing to give up pursues asks: Little friend felt relieved, if you remain, you are my Shangguan Family non-native official invited to serve at court, if some people dare to cherish illegally to you, in this Cold City I made him unable to eat to capture walking!” 秦石犹豫,上官霸却不肯放弃的追问道:“小友放心,你若留下来,你就是我上官家的客卿,若是有人敢对你心怀不轨,在这冷城中我让他吃不了兜着走!” Said that this saying, his vision unintentional skims toward the Zhao Family host, the implication of this saying, i.e. has given the Zhao Family host to hear obviously. 说完这话,他目光有意无意的朝赵家主撇去,这话的寓意在明显不过了,就是说给赵家主听得。 Zhao Family main stares under the stage, low and deep under eye. 赵家主在台下一愣,低沉下眼。 Actually, even if Shangguan Ba does not open the mouth, he now also the intestines of regret were at heart clear, wishes one could to go back Zhao Yong to grasp immediately, ruthless batch. 其实,就算上官霸不开口,他现在心里也后悔的肠子都清了,恨不得马上回去将赵勇抓出来,狠批一顿。 Perhaps six mark Demonic Talisman Master, link the Scarlet Flame Empire imperial family unable to bear win over, perhaps if not for because of Zhao Yong formerly contradiction, his Zhao Family can also win over the relations with Qin Shi, now instead became others has won over the relational the board game piece. 一个六纹符魔师,恐怕连赤炎帝国皇室都会忍不住拉拢,若不是因为赵勇先前的矛盾,说不定他赵家还能和秦石拉拢关系,现在反而成了别人拉拢关系的棋子。 „Under I consider.” “我考虑下吧。” Narrows the eyes focuses, Qin Shi not anxiously rejection. 眯眯着眼,秦石并未急着拒绝。 Got such response, Shangguan Ba already very satisfied, in the future Qin Shi will go down the arena, started the following flow of Shangguan Family grand ceremony. 得到这样的回应,上官霸已经很满意了,往后秦石走下擂台,开始上官家大典的后续流程。 But this flow, nobody has cared, steps in Qin Shi instant, a troop human tide that leaves office comes embezzles him, various everyone / influential family Family Head elders, unceasing offers attentively. 但这个流程,已经没人在乎了,就在秦石迈下台的刹那,一大群人潮汹涌而至的将他吞没,各大家家主长老,不断的献上殷勤。 Regarding this phenomenon, Shangguan Ba also can only the hollow laugh be helpless. 对于这一现象,上官霸也只能干笑无奈。 Little friend, the little friend, I am Li Family Family Head, in the evening hopes to host a banquet to welcome you “小友,小友,我是李家家主,晚上希望设宴招待您” Li Yan, you shuts up, little friend I am the Zhong big elder “李岩,你闭嘴,小友我是钟家大长老” Little friend your marriage? I am Wu Family Head, in the family the daughter year fragrance 18, if devastatingly beautiful the little friend does not shut out, I betroth her to you.” “小友您是否婚嫁了?我是吴家主,家中小女年芳18,倾国倾城若是小友不嫌弃,我就将她许配给你。” All kinds of disputes, that troop person has almost not been in front of Qin Shi to hit. 各式各样的争议,那一大群人差点没当着秦石的面打起来。 Several the girls of younger generations, throw the charming sexy look to Qin Shi in abundance, including several quite have stance spirit Qin Shi one. 有几个晚辈的女孩,纷纷冲着秦石抛来妩媚的桃花眼,其中有几个颇有姿态的灵秦石都一愣一愣。 White hands that if not for the waist climbs up suddenly entrain the reality him, it is estimated that he perished. 若不是腰间突然攀爬上的玉手将他拽回现实,估计他真就沉沦进去了。 Yu Luocha keeps off in front of Qin Shi, the delightful smiling face is bringing strangely some: Hey, stone Young Master so was big including the daughters, do not take great pains.” 玉罗刹挡在秦石面前,甜美的笑容带着些许诡异:“嘿嘿,诸位,石公子连女儿都这么大了,你们就别煞费苦心了。” Yes, the father, you have no alternative but to want me.” Xiaomi Cai teased one in behind. “是啊,爹爹,你不能不要我啊。”小米彩在后面调笑一句。 This, all people was disorderly, the squeal that but in the dull moment, together shouted loudly made Qin Shi feel the forehead black one: I am willing to give stone Qin Young Master to become the concubine! For the slave is the maid!” 这一下,诸人凌乱了,但就在呆愣的片刻,一道高呼的尖叫声令秦石感觉额头一黑:“我愿意给石秦公子当小妾!为奴为婢!” „” “” The present person, was really too crazy. 现在的人,真是太疯狂了。 Qin Shi has wiped the cold sweat of forehead, finally Shangguan Leng stands to break through for him, otherwise he suspected really can one be perished by trampling of crowd. 秦石抹了抹额头的冷汗,最后还是上官冷站出来替他解围,否则他真怀疑自己会不会被人群的践踏而亡。 In the company of Shangguan Leng, Qin Shi has been separated from the crazy human tide finally, the Shangguan Leng corners of the mouth hang happy intent that cannot be covering up all the way throughout: Stone Brother Qin, this time really many thanks you.” 上官冷的陪伴下,秦石终于脱离了疯狂的人潮,一路上上官冷嘴角始终挂着遮掩不住的喜意:“石秦兄弟,这一次真是多谢你了。” He he, cold the brother is not no need so, I to say the causing difficulties for others wealth, for the person disappearing disaster, my Qin Shi lives up to one's words, not two words.” The Qin Shi three people had by Shangguan Leng to behind the arena pavilion, by holds the chest to smile on a back wooden stake. “呵呵,冷兄不必如此,我都说了拿人钱财,替人消灾,我秦石说到做到,绝不二话。”秦石三人被上官冷带到擂台后侧的楼阁下,靠在一樽木桩上抱胸一笑。 Nod of Shangguan Leng smile: But has not thought that brothers unexpectedly hideaway deep of such? Six mark Demonic Talisman Master, this is really a fearful status.” 上官冷微笑的点点头:“但没想到,兄弟竟隐藏的这么深?六纹符魔师,这真是个可怕的身份啊。” Does not know the brothers, in the future will have what arrangement, if no, might as well keeps Shangguan Family, I guaranteed, so long as I become Family Head, in Shangguan Family you said one, nobody dares to say two absolutely!” “不知兄弟,往后有何安排,若是没有的话,不妨留在上官家,我保证只要我当上家主,在上官家中你说一,绝对没人敢说二!” Hears this saying, Qin Shi is not accidental, but he with a smile shakes the head saying: Discontented cold brother, below will here, one will not hold your superior, I and my wife and daughters will then leave Cold City.” 听到这话,秦石并不意外,但他只是笑着摇摇头道:“不满冷兄,在下志不在此,一会扶你上位,我和我的妻女便会离开冷城。” Leaves Cold City?” “离开冷城?” Shangguan Leng accident has sucked tongue. 上官冷意外的咂了咂舌。 But has not waited for him to open the mouth again, Qin Shi with Yu Luocha, the Xiaomi Cai three people have buried in the pavilion, does not want to be disturbed by the factor of outside again. 但没等他再开口,秦石已经和玉罗刹,小米彩三人埋没进楼阁中,不想再被外界的因素打扰。 Looks the back that is going far away, happy expression restraining of Shangguan Leng pupil heart, the fist heart pinches tightly: He he, Shi Qin, this is you compels my.” 望着那远去的背影,上官冷眸心的喜色收敛,拳心捏紧:“呵呵,石秦,这是你逼我的。” In fierce treasure, does not use for my Shangguan Leng, that is also only pile of scrap iron!” “在厉害的宝器,不为我上官冷所用,那也只是一堆废铁!” The grand ceremony continues, Shangguan Ba incessant Lang said that finally in carving of sunset dusk, all tedious procedure conclusions, carried on to trust the selection of Family Head. 大典继续进行,上官霸滔滔不绝的郎说,终于在日落黄昏之刻,一切繁琐的程序结束,进行信任家主的选拔。 Shangguan Family elects the Family Head way to be very interesting, is the democracy voting. 上官家选举家主的方式挺有意思,是民主投票。 Shangguan Ba, Shangguan Leng, Shangguan Yinyue, waits for the younger generations in the same place. 连带上官霸在内,上官冷,上官银月,等晚辈们在一起。 The voting starts to carry on, Shangguan Leng stands in the arena crosses the hands behind the back to stand, seemed was already sure of success to be the same. 投票开始进行,上官冷站在擂台上负手而立,好似早已稳操胜券一样。 Well?” “咦?” In the pavilion, Qin Shi always Bi Mu did not speak, the picture in field grasped throughout in his spiritual Sea of Consciousness, but when place above the voting was fiery, his knitting the brows of suddenly, opened the black pupil. 在楼阁上,秦石始终闭目不语,场上的景象始终掌握在他的精神识海中,但就在上方投票火热的时候,他突然间的皱了皱眉,睁开黑眸。 How?” “怎么了?” In side, Yu Luocha induces to the Qin Shi difference cares about the sentence. 在旁边,玉罗刹感应到秦石的异样时不禁关心句。 hears that sound, Qin Shi board face reveals a chuckle, shakes the head to Yu Luocha, had not said. 闻声,秦石板着的面庞露出一丝轻笑,冲着玉罗刹摇摇头,没有多说。 Quick, the result of democracy voting came out, the Shangguan Leng relations already dredged, leads by 360 tickets, the Shangguan Ba 290 tickets are backward, the remaining people almost can not count. 很快,民主投票的结果出来了,上官冷关系早已疏通,以360票遥遥领先,上官霸290票落后,剩下的人几乎可以不计。 That final result, depends on the bodies of four Demonic Talisman Master. 那最后的结果,就取决于四名符魔师的身上。 On Qin Shi has 200 tickets, Yan Dong has 100 tickets, Zhang Tao and Guo Lin everyone 50 tickets. 秦石手上有200票,严东有100票,张涛和郭林每人50票。 The strict east that 100 tickets throw to Shangguan Ba without doubt, Shangguan Ba surpasses Shangguan Leng by 390 tickets immediately. 严东那100票无疑投给上官霸,上官霸马上以390票超过上官冷 But this was in the lead has only continued the moment, Zhang Tao and Guo Linbian cast that two 50 tickets to Shangguan Leng, Shangguan Leng instead surpassed once more. 但这个领先只持续了片刻,张涛和郭林便将那两张50票投给上官冷,上官冷再次反超。 Then, present result, all 200 tickets on Qin Shi , he only then casts the ticket to Shangguan Ba, can reverse this result. 那么,现在的结果,就全在秦石手上的200票了,他只有将票投给上官霸,才能逆转这个结果。 However, that possibility? 但是,那可能吗? Finally it goes without saying, all people had guessed correctly that on the Shangguan Leng face of outstanding ability laughs wildly unable to cover, two flood red light. 结果不言而喻,所有人都已经猜到,上官冷俊逸的面庞上狂笑掩盖不住,两眼泛着红光。 Shangguan Ba as if already looked at pale, free and easy closed glancing. 上官霸仿佛早已看淡,洒脱的闭合上眼。 But at this moment, the sound reverberation that made the audience clamor, that closed on opacitas presbyopia stared suddenly, inconceivable of face. 但就在这时,一声令全场喧哗的声音回荡,那闭合上的浑浊老眼猛然瞪开,一脸的不可思议。 My 200 tickets, throw to the Shangguan Family host, Shangguan Ba!” “我的200票,投给上官家主,上官霸!”
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