PDL :: Volume #4

#370: Six corner sleepy spirit

A Qin Shi bold movement, gave to shock the person under that arena, chins probably fell on the ground, hit the ghost expression to stare at Qin Shi. 秦石一个大胆的动作,把那擂台下的人都给惊呆了,一个一个下巴都好像掉在地上,一副撞鬼的表情盯着秦石 „Does he want to build up that only Heaven Realm Desolate Beast?” “他想要炼化那只天境荒兽?” Is impossible? Heaven Realm Desolate Beast? That is needs six mark Demonic Talisman Master to refine.” “不可能吧?天境荒兽?那可是需要六纹符魔师才能炼制的啊。” Six grains! Is impossible, is absolutely impossible!” “六纹啊!不可能,绝对不可能!” all people unceasingly, nobody believes surprisedly Qin Shi will succeed, after all links four grains he not to refine, now actually wants to jump directly two, that possibility? 诸人惊讶不断,没有人相信秦石会成功,毕竟连四纹他都没有炼制,现在却想直接跳跃两层,那可能吗? Shangguan Ba knit the brows, but has not waited for him to start talking, Qin Shi has circled to that Heaven Realm Desolate Beast skeleton, about sizes up, said with a smile: Ok, remnant spirit also.” 上官霸皱了皱眉,但没等他开口说话,秦石已经绕到那尊天境荒兽的尸骸跟前,左右打量一番,笑道:“行,残灵还在。” This seems like relaxed words, actually pushes to thousand turbulent waves will of the people. 这一句看似轻松的话,却将人心推向千层激浪。 Has hoped the destruction Shangguan Leng, the pupil heart place glitters suddenly the strange ray. 本来已经希望覆灭的上官冷,眸心处突然闪烁起奇异的光芒。 Under the stage, Yu Luocha understood that the Qin Shi psychic force cultivates is, even if beforehand breakthrough are also most, only then do five grains, how possibly refine this Heaven Realm Desolate Beast? 在台下,玉罗刹了解秦石的精神力修为,就算之前突破也最多只有五纹,怎么可能炼制这尊天境荒兽 Only if this Desolate Beast remnant spirit also like initially snake ceratop, is willing to discard remnantly submits to Qin Shi spirit, otherwise is absolutely impossible, but this type of probability is almost zero. 除非这荒兽残灵也像当初蛇角龙一样,甘愿舍弃残灵臣服于秦石,否则绝无可能,但这种几率几乎为零啊。 But because just understood that she knows Qin Shi will not do the matter that has not grasped, for this reason after is only the pressed tight black eyebrow coloring eyebrow, submerges a meeting, has not opened the mouth. 但正因为了解,她知道秦石不会做没有把握的事,为此只是蹙紧黛眉后沉没一会,没有开口。 Yan Dongza has sucked the tongue, the senile body bursts out laughing suddenly smiles: Scoffs, refines Heaven Realm Desolate Beast? Can think. Family Head, the gentleman helps somebody in doing good, since little friend wants to refine, we might as well help him.” 严东咂了咂舌,老态的躯体突然捧腹一笑:“嗤,炼制天境荒兽?真敢想。家主,君子成人之美,既然小友想要炼制,咱们不妨就成全他。” hears that sound, Shangguan Ba and Yan Dong look at each other one, finally toward the Qin Shi light [say / way]: „Did little friend, you think really? Now reneges on a promise also with enough time, I can find the human to seek for Heaven Rank Desolate Beast for you, this Heaven Realm Desolate Beast is not good 闻声,上官霸和严东对视一眼,最终才朝秦石轻道:“小友,你真的想好了?现在反悔还来得及,我可以找人为你去寻找天阶荒兽,这天境荒兽可不好” He he, does not need, it!” “呵呵,不必了,就它吧!” Does not wait for the Shangguan Ba words to fall, the interruption that the Qin Shi actually corners of the mouth lightly select said. 不等上官霸的话落下,秦石却嘴角轻挑的打断道。 This, the face of Shangguan Ba is cloudy, he is the good intention persuaded, actually does not think Qin Shi, not only did not appreciate kindness rendered, instead maliciously has also slapped his. 这一下,上官霸的面庞阴沉下来,本来他是好心相劝,却不想秦石非但不领情,反而还狠狠的打了他一个巴掌。 Snort, you try, but the offensive talk said in front, these many people look, if refines in the process to have any accident, does not have the least bit to relate with my Shangguan Family!” Wielded the starting sleeve, Shangguan Ba withdrew from the arena. “哼,那你就试试吧,但丑话说在前头,这么多人看着,若是炼制过程中出现任何意外,和我上官家没有半点关系!”挥了下手袖,上官霸退出擂台。 Yan Dongding Qin Shi, is sneering saying: Does not know that the so-called fellow, one will wait remnantly to make a false counter-accusation spirit.” 严东盯着秦石,冷笑道:“不知所谓的家伙,一会就等着被残灵反噬吧。” At this time, hot sun overhead. 此时,烈日当头。 The dazzling ray covers in the arena, screens to project a calm in the Qin Shi edges and corners distinct face, at once he sticking out shoulder under being a focus of public attention, arrives at this Scarlet Demonic Lizard front. 刺目的光芒笼罩在擂台上,在秦石棱角分明的面庞上映射出一丝从容,旋即他在万众瞩目下隆起肩膀,走到这尊赤魔蜥蜴的面前。 In the front, Qin Shi has not been offering a sacrifice to the psychic force anxiously, but is single-handed finds out in the sleeve, takes down the maxillary bone of Scarlet Demonic Lizard imperceptibly, receives the space ring. 在面前,秦石并未急着祭出精神力,而是单手在袖筒中探出,无形中将赤魔蜥蜴的颚骨取下,收入空间戒指。 After accepting the maxillary bone, he becomes dignified, said that honest remark this is his first refinement six mark demon symbols in the true sense, the beforehand snake ceratop is purely the accident. 收下颚骨后,他变得凝重起来,说实在话这是他第一次真正意义上的炼制六纹魔符,之前的蛇角龙纯属意外。 Yu Luocha suspects right, he experiences in that Ruoshui Tianchi now the baptism of several hundred remnant souls, at best is also only five mark Demonic Talisman Master. 玉罗刹猜想的没错,他如今就算经历那弱水天池中数百道残魂的洗礼,充其量也只是个五纹符魔师 Reason that he chooses this Scarlet Demonic Lizard, mainly because of this lizard only remaining weak remnant spirits, said that is Heaven Realm Desolate Beast, has the Xuan Rank top at most. 他之所以选择这尊赤魔蜥蜴,主要是因为这尊蜥蜴只剩下微弱的残灵,说是天境荒兽,顶多也就只有玄阶顶级。 Therefore, he chooses to bet, moreover there is Evil Spirit Totem in he, will not need to be worried to make a false counter-accusation remnantly spirit. 为此,他选择赌一把,而且有邪魔图腾在的他,根本不用担心会被残灵反噬。 „Under makes me challenge own limit!” “让我挑战下自己的极限吧!” Leans Ping Ju spreading out two arms, Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness like mass-criticize blasts out instantaneously, three such as the purple halo beat of ghostdom quiet fire, rotates along skeleton all around. 将两臂侧平举的伸展开,秦石识海瞬间如炮轰般炸开,三道如冥界幽火的紫色光晕跳动而出,就沿着尸骸的四周转动起来。 Quick, the runway conclusion docking, forms one in the pyrosphere of combustion, includes all round the skeleton. 很快,跑道收尾相接,形成一个在燃烧的火圈,将尸骸团团包括起来。 Roar “吼” In the flame just covered the raging fire instant, that cold Tou skeleton rocked suddenly, a wisp of frail remnant spirit shows by the naked eye obvious stance, float Yu Kong. 在火光刚笼罩烈火的刹那,那已经冷透的骸骨突然晃动一下,一缕单薄的残灵以肉眼可见的姿态展现,悬浮于空。 That great roar, deafening, making the highest heaven cloud layer shiver several. 那一声巨吼,震耳欲聋,令九霄云层都颤抖几下。 Is staring at the picture on arena, the person of audience turns very quiet, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe heavily. 盯着擂台上的画面,全场的人屏住呼吸,大气都不敢喘。 How could have they seen this scene? 他们何曾见过这种场面啊? Father Xiaomi Cai anxious light nan. “爹爹”小米彩紧张的轻喃一声。 The remnant spirit exsomatize, among the Qin Shi lip angles shoulders toward on, wipes the superficial chuckle to reveal: First was completed? Then we chat, you died in any case, how submits to me? Perhaps can give you a serious heroic death.” 残灵离体,秦石的唇角间朝上挑起,一抹浅淡的轻笑露出:“第一步算是完成了吗?接下来咱们俩聊聊吧,反正你已经是死了,臣服于我如何?说不定能给你个重于泰山的壮烈牺牲。” Roar “吼” That remnant spirit very manic, roared unceasingly obviously is not willing to comply. 那残灵很狂躁,吼叫不断的显然不肯答应。 Isn't willing?” “不肯吗?” Qin Shi knit the brows, restrains all smiling faces all of a sudden, the black pupil resembles the big dragon that in the abyss is dormant in that moment, stares suddenly. 秦石皱了皱眉,一下子收敛起所有的笑容,黑眸在那一刻好像深渊中蛰伏的巨龙,猛然瞪开。 Bang! 轰! Instant, the purple pyrosphere draws in rapidly, in drawing in the flame is swallowing the spooky essence between world, that feeling likes a moth to the flame probably, congeals unceasingly. 刹那,紫色的火圈迅速收拢,在收拢中火光吞噬着天地间的幽幽精气,那感觉好像是飞蛾扑火,不断凝结。 Roar “吼” Is withstanding the baptism of raging fire, the remnant spirit even more wild, gigantic blood-stained mouth to that pyrosphere hit one by one, each time the hit such as the world avalanche sends out rumbling the explosive. 承受着烈火的洗礼,残灵越发的狂暴,硕大的血口冲着那火圈一下一下的撞击,每次撞击都如天地崩塌般发出轰轰的爆响。 The pyrosphere shivers, Qin Shi felt that in Sea of Consciousness transmits the needle ache, dark snort: Drinks! Heaven Realm Desolate Beast, is not really good to control.” 火圈颤抖,秦石感觉识海中传来针扎的疼痛,不禁暗哼一声:“喝!天境荒兽,果然不好控制啊。” Sees the Qin Shi pain the expression, the Yu Luocha silver tooth to nip lightly, pats Xiaomi Cai: „Can Xiaomi Cai, suppress this only Scarlet Demonic Lizard by the bloodlines?” 看见秦石痛苦的表情,玉罗刹银牙轻咬,拍下小米彩:“小米彩,能不能靠血脉镇压住这只赤魔蜥蜴?” I try.” “我试试。” Under point that Xiaomi Cai does not dare to delay, elegant face dignified wields the arm, like plunges the remnant spirit that the sharp sword bloodstain batters. 小米彩不敢耽搁的点下头,俏脸凝重的挥起手臂,一道如利剑般的血印横冲直撞的扑向残灵。 Bang! 砰! The bloodstain overhead, remnant spirit action of driving away trembles obviously, but merely trembles, it is instead wilder, dies to it in any case, must go all out insufficient one group, breaks the bloodstain successor dynasty pyrosphere hit directly. 血印当头,残灵的驱赶明显哆嗦一下,但就仅仅哆嗦一下,它反而更加的狂野起来,对它来讲横竖一死,不足要拼命一拨,直接破开血印后朝火圈撞击。 Bang! 轰隆! Scarlet Demonic Lizard endures compared with the linking strength of dragon clan really worthily, blood-stained mouth demeanor Li Ren under tears fully, breaks a gap that purple quiet fire unexpectedly. 赤魔蜥蜴真不愧是堪比龙族的咬合力,血口声色厉荏的全力撕扯下,竟将那紫色的幽火破开一个缺口。 The pyrosphere presents the gap, in which strength immediately such as the discouraged rubber ball, rumbles breaking the powder the ground, these orderly drill tile tuck dive, the arena of original bulge direct goes in hollowly. 火圈出现缺口,其中的力量马上如泄气的皮球,轰一声将地面给震碎成粉末,那些有规律的钻瓦翻腾,本来凸起的擂台直接凹陷进去。 Good fearful strength!” “好可怕的力量!” That interlocks the remaining prestige to return to the birth family on such as Wan Jian, outside spraying in all directions toward arena, the crowd that will approach directly shakes flies, trembles including Shangguan Ba. 那交错间的余威就如万剑归宗,朝擂台外四面八方的喷射,直接将临近的人群震飞,连上官霸都哆嗦一下。 Hey, this boy must defeat!” The strict eastern opacitas presbyopia reveals the color of great happiness. “嘿嘿,这小子要败了!”严东浑浊的老眼露出大喜之色。 Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai one startled: Father, Shi’tou!” 玉罗刹小米彩一惊:“爹爹,石头!” Bang! 砰! Works loose the pyrosphere, the Scarlet Demonic Lizard remnant spirit soaraway highest heaven, breaks out the auspicious brume of that leucorrhea, at once it exceptionally angry is staring at Qin Shi, under throwing of battering. 挣脱火圈,赤魔蜥蜴的残灵腾飞九霄,将那白带的瑞霭劈开,旋即它异常愤怒的盯着秦石,横冲直撞的扑下。 To bumping strikes, the Qin Shi footsteps flurried latter several steps, follow close on silent that he is focusing on low and deep, this remnant spirit imagines him is more fearful. 对碰一击,秦石脚步慌乱的诺后几步,紧跟着他低沉着眼的沉默一下,这残灵远比他想象中的还要可怕。 Snort, would rather die than surrender?” “哼,宁死不屈?” Rebounds several meters, the Qin Shi single palm picks up the spooky purple, at once has stroked in the cold wind, curls up dozens remnant marks, studies Yan Dong to cover in the four limbs of Scarlet Demonic Lizard separately, the torso, the tail, the nape of the neck, on many important joints. 跳开十几米,秦石单掌托起幽幽紫色,旋即在冷风中拂过,卷起数十道的残痕,学着严东分别笼罩在赤魔蜥蜴的四肢,躯干,尾巴,脖颈,诸多重要的关节上。 Is the animal bones day lock! Can the day, concentrate to make these many unexpectedly?” “是兽骨天锁!天啊,竟能凝造出这么多?” This boy, abnormal!” “这小子,变态!” Zhang Tao and Guo Lin look at each other one, reveals bitterly and astringently. 张涛和郭林对视一眼,纷纷露出苦涩。 But controls Scarlet Demonic Lizard is only the short means that how long under that Scarlet Demonic Lizard full struggling could not want, will get immediately out of trouble, what to do should? 但控制住赤魔蜥蜴只是短暂的办法,那赤魔蜥蜴全力的挣扎下要不了多久,马上就会脱困,该怎么办? Puff passes! 噗通! Suddenly, he sits cross-legged to sit under being a focus of public attention unexpectedly, in the palms seethes, takes out decayed old books in the space ring. 忽然,他竟在万众瞩目下盘膝坐地,手掌间翻腾一下,在空间戒指中取出一本腐朽苍老的书籍。 That books, Fu Motong reflects. 那书籍,正是符魔通鉴。 Saw this, the crowd to be shocked: What does he want to make?” 看见这幕,人群都惊呆了:“他想做什么?” Look, reads? Insane?” “看,看书?疯了吧?” Pays no attention to all people, Qin Shi deliberately considered that turns over Fu Motong to reflect, first two he who Fu Motong reflects has looked, third is the introduction about this life demon the skills of beasts and some refinement demon symbols, before because, is the beginner, therefore has not gone to care. 不理诸人,秦石寻思翻转着符魔通鉴,符魔通鉴的前两篇他都看过了,第三篇是介绍关于本命魔兽和一些炼制魔符的技巧,只是因为之前是初学者,所以也没去在意。 Now, can only presently study presently sells. 现在,只能现学现卖了。 Crossed first two directly to third, these thing about this life demon beast he had not looked, but found the following skill record directly. 翻过前两篇直接到第三篇,那些关于本命魔兽的东西他也没看,而是直接找到后面的技巧记载。 Really, Fu Motong reflects altogether to have three skills. 果然,符魔通鉴上一共有三种技巧。 The first type, is the animal bones day lock, this skill is simple, so long as can condense the writing up likely psychic force, then found the Desolate Beast movement the center of gravity to blockade to be able. 第一种,便是兽骨天锁,这一种技巧非常简单,只要能够凝聚出具象化的精神力,然后找到荒兽运动的重心进行封锁便可。 The second type is quite marvelous, is one special spirit ties unexpectedly, six corner sleepy spirit, this is a very marvelous strategy, transforms six points from the bikini, far from ordinary knot to Desolate Beast the suppression of can compare from the reliable degree and. 第二种则比较奇妙,竟是一种特殊的精神结界,六棱困灵阵,这是一种很奇妙的阵法,从三点式转变成六点,无论是从牢固程度上和对荒兽的压制上都远非普通结界能比。 Was it!” “就是它了!” The Qin Shi great happiness, deliberately considers these six corner sleepy spirit each movement and way seal in Sea of Consciousness. 秦石大喜,寻思将这六棱困灵阵的每一个动作和方式印在识海 Roar suddenly, that remnant spirit bear torrential pressure great roar is unceasing, wild struggling all around quiet fire will break, aggresive throws toward Qin Shi. “吼”突然,那残灵熊滔滔的压力巨吼不断,一声狂野的挣扎生生将四周的幽火震碎,气势汹汹的朝秦石扑下。 Scarlet Demonic Lizard works loose the animal bones day lock, Qin Shi tumbles immediately on the ground, the position that the next instant he sits cross-legged was filled by the fire beacon dust sand immediately, making him sink: He he, is really not a law-abiding fellow!” 赤魔蜥蜴挣脱兽骨天锁,秦石马上在地上翻滚起来,下一霎他所盘膝的位置马上被狼烟尘沙所弥漫,令他心里一沉:“呵呵,真是个不安分的家伙!” Bang!! Qin Shi closes Fu Motong to reflect, now this definitely without enough time looks at the third skill, but the light was these six corner sleepy spirit has sufficed to him! 秦石合上符魔通鉴,现在这样肯定是来不及看第三种技巧,但光是这六棱困灵阵对他来讲已经够了! „, To let you with ease, now looked like has to come hardly!” The corners of the mouth select, Qin Shi not at hesitant sacrifice purple miraculous glow. “本来,想让你轻松一点,现在看来只好硬来了!”嘴角一挑,秦石不在犹豫的祭出紫色灵光。 The miraculous glow beats in the vault of heaven, is swallowing the world essence unceasingly, and one point two, two points three, three points four, four points five, five points six. 灵光在苍穹上跳动,不断吞噬着天地精气,并且一分二,二分三,三分四,四分五,五分六。 Immediately forms six dim light. 马上形成六道幽光。 The dim light rocks, record of Qin Shi in according to Sea of Consciousness starts to control the strength, three circle to that Scarlet Demonic Lizard sky, three toward in the Scarlet Demonic Lizard under foot that below sinks, six miraculous glows, enhance one another's beauty. 幽光晃动,秦石按照识海中的记载开始操控力量,三道率先绕到那赤魔蜥蜴的上空,三道则朝下沉落的在赤魔蜥蜴脚下,六道灵光,交相辉映。 Sees this, surrounds several Demonic Talisman Master to be in abundance surprised: What is he making?” 看到这一幕,围观第几个符魔师纷纷惊讶:“他在做什么?” Six miraculous glows? He dares to be like this scattered the psychic force, where has concentrates to make the spirit to tie like this? Won't be insane?” “六道灵光?他竟敢将精神力这样分散,哪有这样凝造精神结界的啊?不会是疯了吧?” Yan Dong ridiculed one: Snort, courts death!” 严东嘲弄一声:“哼,找死!” Nobody can understand that but in this moment, the Qin Shi actually corners of the mouth lightly selects, sees only his five fingers to be uneven, fingertip drawing in slightly, with its drawing, on that day within dim thorough, six miraculous glows gather one group, unexpectedly direct impact clouds. 没人能理解,但在这一刻,秦石却嘴角轻挑,只见他五指齐出,指尖微微的收拢,伴随着它的收拢,那天地间昏暗透彻,六点灵光汇聚一团,竟直冲云霄。 Six corner sleepy spirit!” “六棱困灵阵!” Bang! 轰! The next instant, high noon the hot sun is overshadowed, in the world curls up the hundred zhang (333m) hurricane, follows close on a kilometer arena to disrupt directly, Scarlet Demonic Lizard in that six ray is remnant, very painful calling out: Roar 下一霎,正午烈日黯然失色,天地中卷起百丈飓风,紧跟着千米的擂台直接碎裂,在那六点光芒中的赤魔蜥蜴残灵,痛苦不堪的嚎叫:“吼” Bang!! Ties to congeal rapidly, compresses under devastation of hurricane unceasingly, formation unusual conditions miraculous glow that Scarlet Demonic Lizard torso clear, is frightened out of one's wits unexpectedly directly. 结界迅速凝成,在飓风的摧残下不断压缩,那赤魔蜥蜴的躯干清脆一声,竟直接魂飞魄散的形成浑然天成的灵光。 In miraculous glow dispersing instant, six points draw. 就在灵光散开的刹那,六点收拢。 Bang! 轰! Intermittent fire beacon clears, when Qin Shi in appearing in the front of various person, the broken black robe rolls up and pushes along in the cold wind, but that skeleton actually already did not see, only in the remaining his hands a scarlet demon symbol, the place above carves six forceful grains to wind. 一阵阵的狼烟散尽,当秦石在出现在诸人的面前时,残破的黑袍在冷风中卷动,但那尸骸却早已不见,只剩下他手中一张血色的魔符,上方刻着六道铿锵有力的纹络。 He he, old fogy, it seems like that this time, was I wins.” “呵呵,老家伙,看来这一次,又是我胜了。”
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