PDL :: Volume #4

#369: Symbol demon normal university match two

Day!” “天啊!” „Is this boy, unexpectedly also three mark Demonic Talisman Master? Moreover, moreover unexpectedly not compared with Yan Dongcha?” Under arena human tide seethes with excitement, probably is the frog that in the hot water beats. “这小子,竟然也是三纹符魔师?而且,而且竟然不比严东差?”擂台下面的人潮沸腾起来,就好像是热水里跳动的蛤蟆。 Strict east narrows the eyes staring that focuses on to approach Qin Shi, the [say / way] of devils: Boy, calculates that you suppress!” 严东眯眯着眼的瞪向秦石,凶神恶煞的道:“小子,算你狠!” Earth Rank Desolate Beast they fully complete the refinement, this perhaps is the matter that all people have not expected, no matter what no one has thought that seems like common, less than 20 young fellows, so is unexpectedly strong? 地阶荒兽两人全部完成炼制,这恐怕是所有人都没有料到的事情,任谁都没想过那个看似不起眼,不足20的毛头小子,竟这般强势? For three times, surpasses Yan Dong completely. 一连三次,全部超过严东。 But this, the issue is also following, Earth Rank Desolate Beast is three grains, Yan Dong is also three grains, how should in the future test carry on? 但这样,问题也随之而来,地阶荒兽已经是三纹了,严东也不过才是三纹,往后的测试该怎样进行? When all people whoops, Yan Dong the corners of the mouth select, arrive at the Shangguan Ba front saying: Family Head, I plead, refine Heaven Rank Desolate Beast!” 就在诸人议论纷纷时,严东嘴角一挑,走到上官霸的面前道:“家主,我请命,炼制天阶荒兽!” What?” “什么?” Yan Dongxiang does refine Heaven Rank Desolate Beast?” “严东想炼制天阶荒兽?” His breakthrough four grains?” “难道他突破四纹了?” Hears this news, all people do not dare to believe stares the big eye, Heaven Rank Desolate Beast that is only then four grains can refine, moreover Heaven Rank Desolate Beast consciousnes is far from Earth Rank can compare, has been almost the same as humanity. 听到这个消息,所有人都不敢置信的瞪大眼,天阶荒兽那可是只有四纹才能炼制啊,而且天阶荒兽神智远非地阶能比,已经和人类相差无几了。 In surprised, Shangguan Leng is low and deep. 在惊讶中,上官冷低沉下来。 The Shangguan Ba silent meeting, said: Several tenths assurances?” 上官霸沉默一会,道:“有几成把握?” 80%!” “八成!” In the body of strict eastern senile the rolling up and pushing along spirit pressure, wiped not to say the Venerable prestige that covered the audience. 严东老态的身躯上卷动灵压,一抹说不上的尊威覆盖全场。 Good, my!” The Shangguan Ba dry hand pats Yan Dong the shoulder, this next in his presbyopia vacillates, complete reposing gave Yan Dong. “好,我准了!”上官霸枯手拍下严东的肩膀,这一下里他的老眼动摇,全部的寄托就交给严东了。 At once, he waves to draw on under two humanity: Heaven Rank Desolate Beast that under the arrangement, will hunt and kill a short time ago moves!” 旋即,他挥手招来两名下人道:“去安排下,将前不久猎杀的天阶荒兽搬上来!” Yes!” “是!” Two servants comply with one, draws back the arena successor dynasty backyard to circle in abundance. 两个下人答应一声,纷纷退下擂台后朝后院绕去。 After half tea, enough dozens zhang (3.33 m) ominous tigers, under the transporting of dozens servants, bit by bit was moved the arena. 在半盏茶后,一尊足足有数十丈的凶虎,在几十名下人的搬运下,一点一点的被挪上擂台。 Roar “吼” That fierce tiger on just lifted, then sends out sound grating roaring in the shackles, the sound such as in the summer opens the clouds the great hibernation of insects to regain consciousness, making in the world dim. 猛虎刚上抬,在牢笼里便发出声刺耳的吼叫,声音如夏日里翻开云霄的巨蛰苏醒,令天地间都昏暗起来。 Wild spiritual power forms the tornado, gives to break the drill tile on arena, some strength bad audiences cannot endure the pressure, faints directly. 狂野的灵力形成旋风,将擂台上的钻瓦都给震碎,一些实力不济的观众挺不住压力,直接昏倒过去。 Is the imaginary day tiger!” “是幻天虎!” Day, imaginary day tiger, that is Heaven Rank eight levels of Desolate Beast, its strong body and spirit some Profound Spirit Realm greatly can probably suffer a loss before it, this degree of can Desolate Beast refine really?” “天啊,幻天虎,那可是天阶八级的荒兽,它强健的体魄就连一些玄灵境大能在它面前都要吃亏,这种程度的荒兽真能炼制吗?” The arena surrounding area, was made concessions a region of vacuum. 擂台方圆,被退让出一个真空的地带。 Is looking at the imaginary day tiger, the strict eastern opacitas presbyopia glances at Qin Shi, at once sees only him to arrive in front of the imaginary day tiger bravely, starts to shoot first with one hand and then the other. 望着幻天虎,严东浑浊的老眼瞥眼秦石,旋即只见他昂首阔步的走到幻天虎面前,开始左右开弓。 Shout! 呼! A bone-chilling cold cold wind, in rumor is mixing with the invisible air wave, one after another naked eye obvious the purple ray under the influence of air wave likely is the radiant stars, flicks, mysterious incomparable. 一声凛冽的冷风,风声中夹杂着无形的气浪,在气浪的影响下一道一道肉眼可见的紫色光芒像是璀璨的繁星,一闪一闪,神奇无比。 That purple light space is psychic force embodiment becomes, such as the handcuff foot handcuffs are one after another common, the four limbs of imaginary day tiger locking on shackles, making him only be able calling out of pain, how actually unable to struggle! 那紫色的光宇是精神力具象化所成,如一道一道手铐脚铐一般,将幻天虎的四肢给锁在牢笼上,令他只能痛苦的嚎叫,却怎样也挣扎不开! Is the animal bones day lock?” “是兽骨天锁?” Animal bones day lock? Doesn't that have four grains to use? This severe winter really breakthrough.” Zhang Tao and Guo Lin, stand under the stage is dignified. “兽骨天锁?那不是只有四纹才能够使用吗?这严冬果然突破了啊。”张涛和郭林,站在台下凝重起来。 Qin Shi hears this word to knit the brows, although he achieves five mark Demonic Talisman Master, but he is pure refines by the vigorous psychic force forcefully, actually totally does not know regarding these skillful things: It seems like, has the time to under the research that Fu Motong reflect really well is good.” 秦石听得此言皱了皱眉,他虽说达到五纹符魔师,但他是纯靠浑厚的精神力强行炼制,对于这些技巧性的东西却是一概不知:“看来,有时间真要好好研究下那符魔通鉴才行啊。” The lock surrounds the imaginary day tiger, Yan Dongbian dignified, even if his breakthrough to four mark Demonic Talisman Master, still does not dare to have the slightest general idea facing this imaginary day tiger. 锁困住幻天虎,严东变得凝重起来,就算他突破到四纹符魔师,面对这头幻天虎仍然不敢有分毫大意。 This degree of Desolate Beast, is one does not do well, possibly by existence of making a false counter-accusation. 这种程度的荒兽,都是一个弄不好,就可能被反噬的存在。 Roar “吼” Four chains are very reliable, what then blots out the sky is the radiant star light, the star light dense and numerous packages on the body of imaginary day tiger, making the latter whole body shiver, very painful calling out. 四道锁链很牢固,然后铺天盖地的是璀璨星光,星光密密麻麻的包裹在幻天虎的身上,令后者全身颤抖,痛苦不堪的嚎叫。 Bastard, gave up any idea of that struggles!” “畜生,休想挣扎!” Yan Dongli drinks one, the five fingers are uneven in the sleeve, each rotation will then have the bone-chilling cold hurricane ascension, breaks the drill tile on that arena. 严东厉喝一声,五指在袖筒中齐出,每一次转动便会有凛冽的飓风升腾,将那擂台上的钻瓦震碎。 In the vault of heaven the clouds make up, all person congealing eyes are staring at Yan Dong, especially that several Demonic Talisman Master, a detail does not want to miss. 苍穹上云霄弥补,所有人都凝眼盯着严东,特别是那几名符魔师,一个细节都不想错过。 Bang! 轰! Fierce such as the psychic force of big dragon circles Yu Kong, the obvious weak trend of imaginary day tiger under by long-time covering got down, the calling out sound in mouth also turns stuffily. 狂烈如巨龙的精神力盘旋于空,幻天虎被长久的笼罩下明显弱势下来,口中的嚎叫声也变成闷哼。 The hair in outside body falls off, personal appearance distortion. 体外的毛发脱落,身形扭曲。 Each distortion, spiritual power of imaginary day tiger within the body will then leak, then throwing to seize by the energetic spider web, imprisonment firmly, reduces the symbol. 每一次扭曲,幻天虎体内的灵力便会外泄,然后被精神蛛网给扑捉,牢牢的禁锢起来,压缩成符。 Guo Lin pupil light opens and closes: Wanted Cheng Fu!” 郭林眸光开合:“要成符了!” Day, do four mark demon symbols need born?” “天啊,四纹魔符就要诞生了吗?” Various streams of people reveal greedily **, the Shangguan Ba old face is joyful, in the palm has seeped out the cold sweat. 诸人流露出贪婪的**,上官霸苍老的面庞欣喜起来,掌心里都渗出了冷汗。 The imaginary day tiger god knows rout shortly, when must be practiced the demon symbol, Xiaomi Cai actually curled the lip under the stage, cold Chi: Snort, wants such easily to finish? Does not have the gate!” 眼看幻天虎神识溃败,就要被练成魔符时,小米彩在台下却撇了撇嘴,冷斥道:“哼,想这么容易就结束?没门!” ! 咻! The essence and blood that the common person cannot see together, such as the sharp sword projects on the body of Xiaomi Cai, pricks in the shackles under the leather bag of imaginary day tiger. 一道寻常人看不见的精血,如利剑般在小米彩的身上射出,刺入牢笼中幻天虎的皮囊下。 Roar “吼” The essence and blood enters the body, regarding Desolate Beast, that ratio wants his life to be painful simply, especially looks like the Xiaomi Cai this Divine List Ferocious Beast essence and blood, the imaginary day tiger cannot withstand. 精血入体,对于荒兽来讲,那简直比要他的命还要痛苦,特别是像小米彩这种神榜凶兽的精血,幻天虎根本承受不起。 Sees only, just had tied the dispirited imaginary day tiger of devastation by the spirit, immediately spirit. 只见,刚刚已经被精神结界蹂躏的萎靡不振的幻天虎,马上精神起来。 Its two blood red, to four shoot the ray red, the strong four limbs stick out suddenly two, only listens to with a crash one, breaks that four chains directly, the growing up blood-stained mouth of howling one bites on the shackles of profound iron. 它两眼血红,红到四射光芒,健硕的四肢暴起两圈,只听砰然一声,直接将那四根锁链破开,呼啸的长大血口一下咬在玄铁的牢笼上。 , That hard shackles was crushed by the intense linking strength unexpectedly directly, the thick crazy tiger claw one finds out the hole, grasps toward the strict eastern currency value. 咣啷一声,那坚硬的牢笼竟被强烈的咬合力直接粉碎,粗狂的虎爪唰一下就探出窟窿,朝着严东的面额抓下。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Laughing one startled, all person withdrawing several steps. 轩然一惊,所有人退后数步。 Yan Dong! Be careful.” “严东!小心。” The Shangguan Ba presbyopia concentrates, sets out to move the sleeve robe then to jump onto the arena. 上官霸老眼一凝,起身间甩动袖袍便跃上擂台。 But when he wants to get rid late, only listened to Bang a that Yan Dong body straight access broken line kite to be struck to depart dozens meters far. 但当他想要出手时已经晚了,只听砰一声那严东的身躯直接入断线的纸鸢般被击飞出数十米远。 Bang! 轰隆! Fell flies in the place, Yan Dong to hit several to leave, immediately crawled to set out, was cut together the alarmed blood-stained mouth on his forehead, blood one after another fell on the earth. 摔飞在地,严东打了几个滚,马上就爬起身来,在他的额头上被划破一道触目惊心的血口,一滴一滴的鲜血落在大地。 That imaginary day tiger forces once again before him, frightens his subconscious moves out of the way several steps, is reluctant shunting, but after just shunted, sees only such as the sharp claws of blade to pierce the arena incisively, the tile will raise one after another flies, causes the intense dust sand. 跟着,那幻天虎再度逼迫在他面前,吓得他潜意识的挪开几步,算是勉强的躲开,但刚躲开后只见尖锐如刀的利爪刺穿擂台,将一块一块瓦片掀飞,引起强烈的尘沙。 Bastard, I extinguished you!” “畜生,我灭了你!” Stimulated Shangguan Ba, You Longban the step approaches toward the imaginary day tiger, the fingertip radiant blue glow aims at the imaginary day tiger forehead. 亢奋的上官霸,游龙般的步伐朝幻天虎逼近,指尖一点璀璨的蓝芒指向幻天虎眉心。 Do not come!” “别过来!” But at this time, strict ** however puts out a hand to break Shangguan Ba, at once locks the spirit snake to jump in the earth in dozens animal bones days imperceptibly, from all directions imaginary day tiger Feng Kun. 但在这时,严**然伸手打断上官霸,旋即在无形中数十道兽骨天锁成灵蛇般在大地跳起,从四面八方将幻天虎封困。 Bastard, stops to me!” “畜生,给我停下!” Control animal bones day lock, Yan Dong does not give a thought to the total involvement investment of wound, in imperceptibly psychic force unexpectedly seething several fold, one and cultivates the bloodlines of imaginary day tiger for the peeling. 操控兽骨天锁,严东不顾伤口的全身心投入,在无形中精神力竟然翻腾数倍,一下将幻天虎的血脉和修为剥离。 Concentrates!” “凝!” Imaginary day tiger pain calls out one, after hair abscission, large bundle changes into the miraculous glow, at once the hundred zhang (333m) sky net takes advantage of opportunity to raise together, draws in spiritual power completely, congeals the symbol. 幻天虎痛苦的嚎叫一声,毛发大把大把的脱落后化为灵光,旋即一道百丈天网顺势扬起,将灵力全部收拢,凝结成符。 Bang!, all in this moment static, huge imaginary day tiger were swallowed by the sky net while still alive, only leaves behind one demon symbol that carves four grains to wind, falls east the strictness the control. 一声,一切在这一刻静止,庞大的幻天虎被天网活活吞噬,只留下一张刻着四道纹络的魔符,落在严东手心。 „Did knot, finish?” “结,结束了?” Demon Fu Ningcheng, all people trembling supine beginning. 魔符凝成,诸人颤巍巍的仰起头。 Yan Dong is in the arena, the wound of forehead was still the blood crossflow, dropped is incarnadine in the demon symbol that his control general that just congealed. 严东在擂台上,额头的伤口仍是鲜血横流,滴落在他的手心上将那刚凝结的魔符染红。 Bang! 轰! Who does not know is, first cheers, then the atmosphere under field then once started , it can hardly stop. 不知是谁,第一个欢呼起来,然后场下的气氛便一发不可收拾。 Four mark demon symbols are born, this regarding Cold City, is not small alarming, at least in dozens years, never some people refined. 四纹魔符诞生,这对于冷城来讲,都是一个不小的惊动,至少在曾经的几十年里,从未有人炼制出来过。 „Did he succeed? Did he bring forth four mark demon symbols really?” “他成功了?他真的练出四纹魔符了?” Worthily is Yan Dong, later our Cold City, had four mark Demonic Talisman Master.” “不愧是严东,以后咱们冷城,也拥有四纹符魔师了。” The body of Shangguan Ba that senile one was lit, everywhere before warm-blooded rushing, under a face pleasantly surprised racket Yan Dong shoulder: Great!” 上官霸那老态的身躯一下被点燃,满目热血的冲上前,一脸惊喜的拍下严东肩膀:“好样的!” The short three characters, have the unsurpassed approval and gratified. 短短三个字,却拥有无上的认可和欣慰。 Some people like some people to worry, the Shangguan Leng both arms let fall in the both sides, the five fingers pinch tightly psst to make noise, a face has filled low and deep desperately: Damn, this old fogy, unexpectedly breakthrough in this crucial point!” 有人欢喜有人忧,上官冷双臂垂落在两侧,五指捏紧到吱吱作响,一脸低沉的充满了绝望:“该死,这老家伙,竟然在这个节骨眼上突破了!” The big game arrived here, various people looked like had finished, nobody paid attention to Qin Shi again, in their eyes Qin Shi will immediately definitely forfeit. 大赛到这里,诸人看来已经结束了,没有人再去关注秦石,在他们眼里秦石肯定马上就会弃权。 Shangguan Ba had forgotten existence of Qin Shi, raises Yan Dong the hand to announce the result: „The result of this big game, I think that did not need me saying that everyone / influential family was also at heart clear, the victor was 就连上官霸都忘记了秦石的存在,高举严东的手就欲宣布结果:“这场大赛的结果,我想不需要我说,大家心里也都清楚了,胜利者是” Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” But at this time, Qin Shi bound the black robe is actually being helpless low roars, the feeling sincerity that this type neglected was not feeling well: „, I said the Shangguan Family host, your this competition ended also was too rather careless? Do I participate do not have to participate you directly to sentence me to be eliminated?” 但在这时,秦石裹着黑袍却是无奈的低吼一声,这种被人忽略的感觉真心不爽:“咳咳,我说上官家主,你这比赛结束的未免也太草率了吧?我连参赛都没参赛你就直接判我出局?” Um?” Person hears that sound that under the stage surges upward warmly stares, at once is calls out in alarm said: What did this boy say? Does he also want to refine four mark demon symbols?” “嗯?”台下热情高涨的人闻声不禁一愣,旋即皆是惊呼道:“这小子说什么?难道他也想炼制四纹魔符?” He he, the overestimate one's capabilities thing, four mark demon symbols is who said the refinement can refine?” “呵呵,不自量力的东西,四纹魔符是谁说炼制就能炼制的吗?” Courts death!” “找死!” In whooping, Shangguan Ba is similarly surprised, but he after is a household head, will not satirize with average man such start to talk, but said: „Can the little friend also refine four mark demon symbols?” 在议论纷纷中,上官霸同样惊讶不已,但他毕竟身为一家之主,不会和常人那样开口讽刺,只是道:“难道小友也能炼制四纹魔符?” Does not try, knows?” “不试试,怎么知道?” Qin Shi shrugs, a face relaxed with not to accept as correct. 秦石耸了耸肩,一脸轻松和不以为然 Under the field hears the intense sobbing sound immediately, after strict east cancels the bloodstain of forehead, actually stands to say toward Shangguan Ba: He he, Family Head, we compete are fair, since this little friend wants to try, we help him, perhaps does he really have the skill?” 场下马上传来强烈的唏嘘声,严东抹去额头的血迹后却站出来朝上官霸道:“呵呵,家主,咱们比赛要公正,既然这位小友想要试试,那咱们就成全他,说不定他真的有本事呢?” This saying listens to be rational, nowhere is actually not mixing with the satire. 这话听似有理,却无处不夹杂着讽刺。 Shangguan Ba knit the brows, at once looks after strict east but actually also under approval point, but now is somewhat awkward, because has not thought that will present four mark Demonic Talisman Master, therefore Heaven Rank Desolate Beast simply has not prepared, only then imaginary day tiger. 上官霸皱了皱眉,旋即望向严东后倒也认可的点下头,只是现在有些为难的是,因为没想到会出现四纹符魔师,所以天阶荒兽根本没有准备,就只有幻天虎一只。 Little friend, does not know whether you wait a bit the moment, my this sends for going to outside the city to throw to seize Heaven Rank Desolate Beast for you.” Considers, Shangguan Ba said. “小友,不知你可否稍等片刻,我这就派人去城外为你扑捉天阶荒兽。”斟酌一下,上官霸道。 hears that sound, Qin Shi has gawked staring: Didn't have Heaven Rank Desolate Beast?” 闻声,秦石愣了愣:“没有天阶荒兽了吗?” Does not use, such being the case, I refine this.” “不用,既然如此,我就炼制这个吧。” Qin Shi shrugs, whole face not to accept as correct chuckle, follows close on him to make the movement that makes the audience people shock, unexpectedly gradually before arriving at the skeleton body of that Heaven Realm Desolate Beast. 秦石耸了耸肩,满脸不以为然的轻笑一声,紧跟着他做出个让全场人大跌眼镜的动作,竟一步一步的走到那天境荒兽骸骨身前。
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