PDL :: Volume #4

#368: Symbol demon normal university match one

A farce ended, in field altogether 17 people. 一场闹剧结束,场上总共17个人。 And, on behalf of altogether has four people that Shangguan Family enters the stage, Yan Dong, Zhang Tao, Guo Lin, with Qin Shi. 其中,代表上官家出场的总共有四人,严东,张涛,郭林,和秦石 In four people, presence of Qin Shi somewhat accidentally, but this is still unable to cover Yan Dong the Venerable prestige and prestige, he just came to power to obtain very high appeal. 四人中,秦石的出场有些意外,但就算这样仍然无法掩盖严东的尊威和信誉,他刚刚上台就得到了很高的呼吁。 It looks like in various people, this competition Yan Dongbi wins. 在诸人看来,这场比赛严东必胜。 In another 13 people, slightly a little ability is Liu Family Head: Liu Fang, in the remaining people many are mark Demonic Talisman Master, two mark Demonic Talisman Master are also primary, is not worth mentioning. 另外13人中,稍微有点能力的就是刘家主:刘方,剩下的人中多是一纹符魔师,二纹符魔师也是初级,不足挂齿。 Boy, the psychic force is vigorous, does not represent to refine the good demon symbol, meets me to make you know that you and I have the big disparity.” The strict east station to Qin Shi side, the corners of the mouth the revealing silk that selects toward on lightly despises. “小子,精神力浑厚,可不代表就能炼制出好魔符,一会我就让你知道,你和我有多大的差距。”严东站到秦石的旁边,嘴角朝上轻挑的露出丝蔑视。 Regarding this retarded satire, Qin Shi shrugs senselessly: He he, if you have this skill, I anticipate that moment actually very much!” 对于这种弱智的讽刺,秦石耸肩无谓:“呵呵,如果你有这个本事,我倒是很期待那一刻!” Snort, you know immediately!” “哼,你马上就会知道!” Speech that no longer scold that Yan Dong the corners of the mouth twitch, then sits in repose with eyes closed, that appearance has not paid attention to be the same Qin Shi probably. 严东嘴角抽搐的斥骂一声,然后闭目养神的不再说话,那模样好像根本没将秦石放在眼里一样。 Looks back to step onto the arena, 11 of Shangguan Ba on 17 people of faces looks all around, under the serious in speech and manner point said: Everybody, since has been ready, we start the Demonic Talisman Master big game now!” 回首走上擂台,上官霸在17人的面庞上11环顾,不苟言笑的点下头道:“各位既然已经准备就绪,那我们现在就开始符魔师大赛!” Good!” “好!” Under the field cheers one, then several Shangguan Family servants start to deliver the arena first Huang Rank Desolate Beast, places before these 17 people of bodies separately. 场下欢呼一声,然后几名上官家的下人开始将一头一头黄阶荒兽送上擂台,分别摆放在这17人的身前。 In front of strict east, is a Huang Rank great bear. 在严东面前,是一尊黄阶的巨熊。 Huang Rank?” 黄阶?” The shouldering corners of the mouth of strict eastern joyfully satisfied, then only listen to one, after that great bear just worked loose the shackles, has not fallen to the ground with enough time, together unusual conditions psychic force then Putian. 严东得意洋洋的挑起嘴角,然后只听咻一声,那巨熊刚挣脱牢笼后还没来得及落地,一道浑然天成的精神力便普天而起。 Yan Dong the experience is experienced, void company 0.3 of fingertip in midair, is divided into three Daoist believers the psychic force directly only, covers on the great bear huge body. 严东的经验老练,指尖在半空中虚空连0.3下,直接将精神力分成三道流光,笼罩在巨熊庞大的躯体上。 Roar In the spirit ties under oppression, that great bear very painful calls out one, at once the roar has not fallen to the ground, its whole body brown hair then bit by bit twists, personal appearance unceasing becomes the fist size by the crush. 在精神结界的压迫下,那巨熊痛苦不堪的嚎叫一声,旋即吼声尚未落地,它全身棕色的毛发便一点一点扭曲,身形不断的被碾压成拳头大小。 Bang!, the body of great bear shakes the powder, turns into a ash-gray demon symbol, in dropping Yan Dong hand that moves fast: Scoffs, easy!” 一声,巨熊的躯体震散,化成一张灰色的魔符,飘忽的落进严东手中:“嗤,轻而易举!” Fu Cheng?” “符成了?” Good quick speed “好快的速度” Throws in abundance in nearby several people surprised and envies, among how many respites this is short the times, completed demon symbol tedious building up to make unexpectedly? 在旁边的十几人纷纷投掷来惊讶和羡慕,这短短几个喘息间的功夫,竟然就完成了魔符繁琐的炼造? Worthily is Yan Dong, this competition estimated that immediately must become his one-man show.” Surrounds the human also to voice the opinions. “不愧是严东啊,这场比赛估计马上就要成为他的独角戏了。”围观人也纷纷发出感叹。 Shangguan Ba satisfied has caressed beard. 上官霸满意的抚了抚胡须。 After holding the demon symbol, Yan Dong contemptuous shot a look at the mouth toward Qin Shi, the appearance that a face installs to compel teased: Boy, do not lose is too early, such did not have the meaning.” 抓住魔符后,严东轻蔑的朝秦石瞥了瞥嘴,一脸装逼的模样调谑道:“小子,别输的太早,那样就没意思了。” Father, gives him to select color to take a look!” “爹爹,给他点颜色瞧瞧!” Under stage, Xiaomi Cai face stimulated shouting. 在台下,小米彩一脸亢奋的喊道。 Qin Shi has gathered together shoulder lazy, his front is a Huang Rank varying hare: Yeah, does not want to make widely known, but my family Xiaomi Cai said that it seems like did not kill your spirit is not good.” 秦石慵懒的拢了拢肩膀,他的面前是一只黄阶雪兔:“哎,本来不想太张扬,但我家小米彩都说了,看来不杀杀你的锐气是不行了啊。” Follows the sound to fall to the ground, a bone-chilling cold invisible halo squeezes out with its black pupil, at once sees only his whole face relaxed rotation sleeve robe, the purple glow concentrates together three points. 伴随声音落地,一声凛冽的无形光晕同它黑眸中挤出,旋即只见他满脸轻松的转动袖袍,一道紫芒凝成三点。 Concentrates!” “凝!” The lip angle opens and closes, a resounding disperses from that varying hare distortion, in the short half respites, a snow white demon symbol then floats. 唇角开合,一声脆响自那雪兔扭曲而散,在短短的半个喘息间,一张雪白魔符便漂浮而起。 What?” “啥?” Symbol, Fu Cheng?” “符,符成了?” Is impossible? What had a moment ago? He, is he possibly so how quick?” “不可能吧?刚才发生了什么?他,他怎么可能这么快?” Yes, is unexpectedly quicker than Yan Dong?” “是啊,竟比严东还要快?” On the scene, standing up that all people cannot believe that especially that Zhao Family host, opens the mouth to ridicule the Qin Shi person with side, the whole face stunned appearance. 在场下,诸人不敢相信的站起身,特别是那赵家主,和旁边开口嘲笑过秦石的人,满脸愕然的样子。 Shangguan Ba crosses the hands behind the back vertical knitting the brows, waits and sees the Qin Shi vision to be many for several points to dread. 上官霸负手而立的皱了皱眉,观望秦石的目光多出几分忌惮。 Only Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai not surprised, after they show the natural expression, Xiaomi Cai is standing on tiptoes the indirect insult of foot: Yeah, certain people, that strength comes out to install an egg.” 唯独玉罗刹小米彩没有惊讶,两人露出理所应当的表情后,小米彩踮着脚的指桑骂槐:“哎,某些人啊,那点实力出来装个蛋啊。” Presses firmly between the fingers the demon symbol, smiles toward Yan Dong who Qin Shi shrugs: A half second, the old fogy, it seems like that this time, was I wins narrowly.” 捏住魔符,秦石耸了耸肩的朝严东一笑:“半秒,老家伙,看来这一次,是我险胜了啊。” You “你” Yan Dong becomes flushed a face, full mouth Huang Yazhi trembles. 严东涨红个脸,满口的黄牙只颤。 Young fellow, I thought how long you can be wild.” Has eaten shrivelled, Yan Dong makes an effort toward Qin Shi, then the back passes away no longer to speak. “好小子,我看你能猖狂多久。”吃了瘪,严东使劲朝秦石点下头,然后背过身去不再说话。 The Huang Rank test, ended immediately. 黄阶测试,马上结束。 But is most low level Huang Rank, three people eliminate because of the failure. 但就算是最低级黄阶,都有三人因失败而淘汰。 Huang Rank from now on is Xuan Rank, Xuan Rank Desolate Beast is two mark Demonic Talisman Master can build up the degree, regarding the remaining 13 people, must eliminate a major part. 黄阶过后便是玄阶,玄阶荒兽便是二纹符魔师才能炼化的程度,对于剩下的13人来讲,又要淘汰一大部分。 Xuan Rank competes, in 13 people only remaining few seven people. 玄阶比拼下来,13人中就只剩下寥寥七人。 In seven people, leads naturally is Yan Dong and Qin Shi, they were on the bar, east two mark Fu Moyan used for three seconds, Qin Shi to use together for two seconds, slightly better. 七人里,遥遥领先的自然是严东和秦石,两人算是杠上了,一道二纹符魔严东用了三秒,秦石用了两秒,略胜一筹。 Next, Earth Rank. 下一场,地阶 The big game has achieved the superheating, Earth Rank Desolate Beast must achieve three grains Demonic Talisman Master to refine, in the field known reaches this altitude has one person: Yan Dong. 大赛已经达到白热化,地阶荒兽必须要达到三纹的符魔师才能炼制,场上已知达到这个高度的就只有一人:严东。 Therefore, has not waited for Earth Rank Desolate Beast to deliver the stage, is not Yan Dong and Qin Shi five people, then very much has to know that the self-evident the pain sighed shakes the head, announced the forfeit. 为此,没等地阶荒兽送上台,不算严东和秦石在内的五人,便很有自知自明的苦叹摇头,宣布弃权。 Then, on stage only remaining Yan Donghe Qin Shi. 就这样,台上只剩下严东和秦石 The crowd that surrounds begins supinely, is looking at Qin Shi and strict eastern much discussion: You said that this outcome who will win?” 围观的人群仰起头,望着秦石和严东纷纷议论起来:“你们说,这一次究竟谁会胜出?” I thought. That boy who called Shi Qin can win, you have not seen the first two refinements, he compared with Yan Dongkuai? This boy is not really simple.” “我觉得。那个叫石秦的小子能赢,你们没看见前两场的炼制,他都比严东快吗?这小子真不简单。” I look not necessarily, Huang Rank and Xuan Rank are only low level Desolate Beast, does not have no consciousnes, boy compared with severe winter quickly also excusable, but Earth Rank above Desolate Beast is beginning knows with rapt attention, cannot control easily, Yan Dong is three mark peak Demonic Talisman Master, the experience is experienced, but that boy hung.” “我看未必,黄阶玄阶只是低级荒兽,没有什么神智,那小子比严冬快也情有可原,但地阶以上的荒兽都是初凝神识,不是轻易能够驾驭的啊,严东毕竟是三纹巅峰符魔师,经验老成,但那小子就悬了。” Shangguan Ba stands in Shangguan Leng side, presbyopia low and deep looking said to Qin Shi: Little cold, this time you may look for a good helper to Shangguan Family!” 上官霸站在上官冷的旁边,老眼低沉的望向秦石道:“小冷,这一次你可给上官家找了个好帮手啊!” He he, the family is prosperous, everyone has a share of responsibility, this is I should do!” Response that Shangguan Leng refuses to admit being inferior, they no one cope. “呵呵,家族兴旺,匹夫有责,这是我应该做得!”上官冷不甘示弱的回应一句,两人谁都不对付。 The peak showdown immediately starts. 巅峰的对决马上开始。 Stretches the physique under the arena, Yan Dong was still whole face contemptuous thinking little, toward Qin Shi cold Dao: Boy, the first play passed, now is the true start, actually I want to take a look at you to have what ability but actually!” 在擂台上舒展下筋骨,严东仍是满脸轻蔑的不以为意,朝秦石冷道:“小子,前戏过了,现在才是真正的开始,我倒想瞧瞧你究竟有何本领!” Qin Shi does not make shrugging of sound. 秦石不作声的耸了耸肩。 Two same Earth Rank Desolate Beast were delivered the stage. 两尊相同的地阶荒兽被送上台。 Sees Desolate Beast in shackles, the person under field calls out in alarm one in abundance: Unexpectedly is the Earth Rank ten levels of black foxes?” 看见在牢笼里的荒兽,场下的人纷纷惊呼一声:“竟是地阶十级的玄狐?” Um, but the black fox the god knows quite high Desolate Beast, ordinary three mark Demonic Talisman Master have no way to refine, perhaps also will make a false counter-accusation!” “嗯,玄狐可是神识相当高的荒兽,普通的三纹符魔师根本没法炼制,说不定还会被反噬呢!” This, decided the victory and defeat!” “这一场,就定胜负了!” Yan Dong on the stage, finds out after single-handed two wipe the miraculous glow, seizes the black fox in shackles: Earth Rank full Ji? He he, suits me!” 严东在台上,单手探出两抹灵光后掐住牢笼里的玄狐:“地阶满级?呵呵,正合我意!” Ties!” “结阵!” Three wisps of psychic forces puncture, spreads toward the shackles in strict eastern Sea of Consciousness, after the black fox induces to the crisis, immediately beats rapidly, the restless blowout wipes the purple mist. 三缕精神力刺出,在严东的识海里朝牢笼中扩散,玄狐马上感应到危机后迅速跳动起来,不安的喷出一抹紫色雾气。 Snort, does the bastard, want to struggle?” “哼,畜生,想挣扎?” The strict eastern presbyopia moves, the dry hand under sleeve finds out, after the index finger and middle finger rise together simultaneously, void cuts two watermarks, is following close on psychic force unexpectedly embodiment in that midair bit by bit, forms the day firm spider web. 严东老眼一动,袖筒下的枯手探出,食指和中指并起后虚空的划破两道水纹,紧跟着那半空中的精神力竟一点一点的具象化,形成天牢般的蛛网。 Good adept movement!” “好娴熟的动作!” Zhang Tao and Guo Lin under, stare at the strength that Yan Dong is accomplishing a task with ease, sighed one. 张涛和郭林在下方,盯着严东游刃有余的力量,不禁感叹一声。 Gives me to break!” Yan Dongli drinks one. “给我破!”严东厉喝一声。 „” Black fox puff passes locked by the energetic spider web, at once wipes such as the silver thread of thorn needle grip its Sea of Consciousness, eliminates its all gods to know with the will, immediately is absent-minded. “嗷”玄狐噗通的被精神蛛网锁住,旋即一抹一抹如刺针的银丝扎进它的识海,剥夺掉它所有的神识和意志,马上恍惚起来。 Concentrates!” “凝!” Black fox Sea of Consciousness breaks, Yan Dong shows the happy expression immediately slightly, the corners of the mouth shoulders after on sees only his two fingers to be uneven, light point in the forehead of that black fox. 玄狐识海震碎,严东马上露出笑意,嘴角轻微朝上挑起后只见他两指齐出,轻点在那玄狐的眉心。 Bang! 砰! Dull thumping sound, the body of black fox blasts out directly, but after blast, four in imagination shoot the bloodstain not to appear, but becomes the fabricated halo moves fast to disperse. 闷响一声,玄狐的身躯直接炸开,但炸开后想象中的四射血迹并未出现,而是成虚妄的光晕飘忽而散。 The halo just overflowed the shackles, that such as the psychic force of unescapable net draws in immediately, whole set movement passing clouds and flowing water, successful. 光晕刚溢出牢笼,那如天罗地网的精神力马上收拢,整套动作行云流水,水到渠成。 Bang!! A snow white demon symbol float, in Yan Dongxiu the robe brandishes pinches in the control, the place above carves the forceful three grains to wind. 一张雪白的魔符悬浮而起,在严东袖袍挥舞中捏在手心,上方刻着铿锵有力的三道纹络。 Became?” “成了?” all people is gripping fist anxiously, looking of looking at steadily to the arena. 诸人紧张的攥着拳,目不转睛的望向擂台。 Worthily is three mark peak Yan Dong, it seems like that this competition had ended!” The person under field heaved a deep sigh, often revealed to envy with reluctantly. “不愧是三纹巅峰的严东,看来这场比赛已经结束了啊!”场下的人长叹一声,不时的露出羡慕和无奈。 Quick, you look quickly!” “快,你们快看!” But supinely at this moment, in the position of arena front, a series of fierce clamoring sounds gets up, follows close on all people to begin instant, was shocked completely. 但就在这时,在擂台前方的位置,一连串剧烈的喧哗声响起,紧跟着所有人仰起头的刹那,全部惊呆了。 Sees only, Qin Shi in the side of arena, is stroking the silver-white black fox single-handed: Kid, do not struggle, do I give you happily how is it?” 只见,秦石在擂台的侧面,单手抚摸着银白色的玄狐:“小家伙,你别挣扎,我给你个痛快怎么样?” „” “嗷” Qin Shi front black fox understands to be the same probably, a it pair of long and narrow Danfeng eye stares at Yan Dong, has been full of the grief and Ai Jue. 秦石面前的玄狐好像听懂一样,它一双狭长的丹凤眼凝视严东,其中充满了伤痛和哀绝。 The person under field looks at that to communicate a person of fox surprise: What is he making?” 场下的人望着那在沟通得一人一狐不由诧异:“他在做什么?” Wasn't silly? Wants unexpectedly with that black fox communication?” “不是傻了吧?竟想和那玄狐沟通?” He he, it is estimated that knows that is not Yan Dong the match, wants to oneself a stair “呵呵,估计是知道不是严东的对手,想给自己一个台阶” The sound of discussion has not fallen, sees only that black fox unexpectedly docile crawling lower part of the body, gave up all resistances, lies in the Qin Shi front sends out slightly stuffily, in hum once for a while has spiritual power, the thorn to Yan Dong. 议论的声音尚未落下,只见那玄狐竟温顺的匍匐下身,放弃了所有的抵抗,就趴在秦石的面前发出轻微的闷哼,哼声中时不时的带有灵力,刺向严东。 This “这” Opening mouth that the people do not dare to believe that Shangguan Ba leaps however sets out. 人们不敢置信的张大嘴巴,就连上官霸都腾然起身。 Strict east narrows the eyes the secret passage that focuses on: „Is this boy up to mischief?” 严东眯眯着眼的暗道:“这小子在搞什么鬼?” Periphery Qin Shi pays no attention to the crowd that whoops, but gentle is touching the hair of black fox, light [say / way]: Relax, I will certainly win, go to the underground spring to accompany it.” 秦石不理周围议论纷纷的人群,只是温柔的抚摸着玄狐的毛发,轻道:“放心,我一定会赢,去黄泉陪它吧。” Bang! 砰! The resounding, sees only the purple time of blotting out the sky together at once, such as in the raging flame spread the shackles, the black fox personal appearance distortion in raging fire, after bit by bit draws, transforms the symbol. 一道脆响,旋即只见铺天盖地的紫色流光,如熊熊烈火般蔓延上牢笼,在烈火中的玄狐身形扭曲,一点一点收拢后转变成符。 Bang!! Carves the demon symbol that three grains are winding similarly, reappears in the hand of Qin Shi. 一张同样刻着三道纹络的魔符,就浮现在秦石的手中。 He, did he succeed?” “他,他成功了?” Day! How possible?” “天啊!怎么可能?” This, all people were shocked, the strict eastern whole face may not the pinching tightly fist, that just built up three mark demon symbols, unknowingly with a crash crush. 这一幕,所有人被惊呆了,严东满脸不可的捏紧拳头,那张刚炼化出的三纹魔符,就在不经意间砰然粉碎。 Completes the refinement, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth is hanging the faint smile begins to say supinely: He he, old fogy, it seems like that this third, I not careful victory!” 完成炼制,秦石嘴角挂着浅笑的仰起头道:“呵呵,老家伙,看来这第三场,我又不小心的胜出了啊!”
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