PDL :: Volume #4

#367: Scarlet demon lizard

Grand ceremony formally starts!” “大典正式开始!” Shangguan Ba stands in the high tower, bird's eye view people. 上官霸站在高高的楼台上,俯瞰群众。 On him, one type cannot say imposing manner that imposing manner is only the King, after Qin Shi knit the brows, stern many. 在他身上,有一种说不上的气势,那种气势是只属于王者的,秦石皱了皱眉后正色不少。 This Shangguan Family, the strength is out of the ordinary, Profound Spirit Realm expert has seven, Shangguan Ba, five elders with, Shangguan in three generations ices. 上官家,实力非比寻常,玄灵境高手足足有七名,上官霸,和下面的五个长老,三代中的上官冰。 This strength, places North District, must dread several points including Burning Sky Sect. 这种实力,放在北方区域,恐怕连焚天宗都要忌惮几分。 Well good “好好好” The grand ceremony falls to open along with the Shangguan Ba sound, after a series of cheers , is very long speech, with all kinds of explained that including these years Shangguan Family important matter minor matter, in the future several years of development, in brief will be his process tedious flexure person, hearing the Qin Shi upper eyelids to be straight and lower lid fought, if not for rear area some people have patted under his shoulder suddenly, it is estimated that he rested. 大典随上官霸的声音落下拉开帷幕,一连串的欢呼声后便是很长的演讲,和各式各样的讲说,包括这几年上官家的大事小事,往后几年的发展,总而言之就是其过程繁琐挠人,听得秦石上眼皮直和下眼皮打架,若不是后方突然有人拍了下他的肩膀,估计他就睡过去了。 Looks back, pats his person Shangguan Leng. 回首,拍他的人正是上官冷 Stone Qin brother, that person was Yan Dong!” Shangguan Leng is sideways in the Qin Shi side, at once the vision looks askance at looks toward the pavilion left side. “石秦兄,那个人就是严东!”上官冷侧身在秦石的身旁,旋即目光睨视的朝楼阁左侧望去。 In that position, the honored dragon chair that contrast ratio Shangguan Ba cannot let, above has one to the old man, old man Bi Muqing cultivate in vain, probably early already the victory income pouch of big game, contented. 在那位置,有一把照比上官霸都不须多让的尊贵龙座椅,上面有一个白须老者,老者正闭目清修,好像早已经将大赛的胜利收入囊中,怡然自得。 He he, is really the old ghost of being proud.” “呵呵,真是个自负的老鬼。” Qin Shi sneers, at once the spirit snake You Cuan of invisible psychic force such as in the crowd, gathers toward the pavilion in directly. 秦石冷笑一声,旋即无形的精神力在人群中如灵蛇般游窜而出,直接朝楼阁上汇聚。 Bang! 砰! But is following close on, Yan Dongmou the heart stares in a big way, has together the limpid ridicule in the pupil heart, grinds the Qin Shi psychic force directly. 但紧跟着,那严东眸心瞪大,在眸心中有一道清澈的嘲弄,直接将秦石的精神力碾碎。 Qin Shi knit the brows: Well? A little skill.” 秦石皱起眉:“咦?有点本事。” Spoke, wipes the overstriking crazy psychic force becomes invisible fierce tiger, mounting the clouds and riding the mist throws toward the pavilion, Yan Dong is not weak, waves is the goshawk congeals, collides to blast out in the midair. 说完话,一抹更加粗狂的精神力成无形的猛虎,腾云驾雾的就朝楼阁上扑去,严东也丝毫不弱,挥手间便是苍鹰凝结,在半空中碰撞炸开。 Then, under had not finished that tedious procedure, both in vault of heaven have fought hundred moves, but suddenly is actually equally matched. 就这样,下方尚未结束那繁琐的程序,苍穹上的两者已经交手百招,但一时间却难分伯仲。 Not far position by strict east, two person's shadows body, terrifying is looking toward Qin Shi, these two are Shangguan Family another two Demonic Talisman Master. 在严东旁边不远的位置,有两道人影正起身子,略带恐怖的朝秦石望着,这两人便是上官家另外两名符魔师 This boy, is not simple.” “这小子,不简单啊。” Um, is he that person that cold Young Master said? Can fight unexpectedly hundred moves with Yan Dong, and is in an impregnable position, at least is also primary three mark Demonic Talisman Master, this big game was interesting.” “嗯,他就是冷公子说的那人吧?竟能和严东交手百招,并且立于不败之地,至少也是初级的三纹符魔师,这一次大赛有意思了。” They whispered in a soft voice, dreaded completely. 两人轻声嘀咕,满是忌惮。 Bang! 轰! Fights hundred moves, fierce tiger and goshawk meets as an equal in the highest heaven, finally in collision continuously, disperses instantly. 交手百招,猛虎和苍鹰在九霄中分庭抗礼,终于在连绵不断的碰撞中,一哄而散。 Thump! 噔! The Qin Shi god read trembles, after moved out of the way half step. 秦石神念微颤,朝后挪开半步。 But at once, in that pavilion resounding, Yan Dong becomes flushed a face, grips tight, golden dragon arm rest the palm wickedly is pinched the powder directly. 但旋即,那楼阁上脆响一声,严东涨红个脸,将手掌恶狠狠攥紧,金色的龙椅把手直接被捏成粉末。 Nobody sees, has the colorful red bloodstain to be licked together quietly by him in his corners of the mouth place, a psychic force transmission of wisp of doping audio frequency: Boy, you are waiting.” 没人看见,在他的嘴角处有一道艳红色的血迹被他悄然舔下,一缕掺杂音频的精神力传递而出:“小子,你等着。” He he, waits for you!” “呵呵,等你!” Waving that Qin Shi refuses to admit being inferior receives Sea of Consciousness that psychic force, erases with the strict eastern connection. 秦石不甘示弱的挥手将那精神力收入识海,抹掉与严东的关联。 The psychic force invisible achromatic color, common person cannot see, but Shangguan Leng then can see from their facial expressions that no one had been idling a moment ago. 精神力无形无色,寻常人根本查看不见,但上官冷从两人的神情上便能看出,刚才谁都没闲着啊。 This time, gave the brothers you.” “这一次,就交给兄弟你了。” He he, the causing difficulties for others wealth, for the person disappearing disaster, 300,000 spirit stones received, definitely will not disappoint Young Master.” Qin Shi is smiling the nod. “呵呵,拿人钱财,替人消灾,300000灵石都收了,肯定不会让公子失望。”秦石微笑着点头。 Speaking of 300,000 Upper Tier spirit stones, the Shangguan Leng meat pain twitched, no longer spoke. 提起300000上品灵石,上官冷肉痛的抽搐一下,不再说话。 That tedious procedure had eventually ended, after Shangguan Ba looks all around, ringing said with a smile: He he, everyone / influential family should hear, this grand ceremony and old times were different, before electing Family Head obsolete has prepared a program specially, added to the fun to everyone / influential family.” 那繁琐的程序终于结束了,上官霸环顾四周后朗朗笑道:“呵呵,大家应该都听说过,这一次大典和往年不同,在选举家主前老朽特意准备了一个节目,给大家助助兴。” This program, is the Demonic Talisman Master big game!” “这节目,就是符魔师大赛!” Demonic Talisman Master big game?” 符魔师大赛?” Obviously, knows this news are not many, looks surprised Shangguan Ba under field is self-satisfied, said: This Demonic Talisman Master big game, is not only the Shangguan Family person, so long as is the friend on the scene is Demonic Talisman Master completely.” 显然,知道这消息的不多,看着场下的惊讶上官霸非常得意,道:“这符魔师大赛,不光是上官家的人,只要是在场的朋友是符魔师的全部可以。” Moreover, I have prepared the rich gift for everyone / influential family, the first reward, is a Heaven Realm Desolate Beast skeleton!” “而且,我为大家准备了丰厚的礼物,第一名的奖励,是一名天境荒兽的尸骸!” The Shangguan Ba broad [say / way] said that then raises hand his space ring ray to dodge, has the Desolate Beast skeleton of hundred zhang (333m) to crash in the arena. 上官霸恢弘道说,然后举手间他的空间戒指光芒一闪,一尊足足有百丈的荒兽骨骸坠落在擂台上。 Bang! 轰! That huge skeleton falls to the ground, made a kilometer arena is shivers several points, caused many ripples dust on that. 那巨大骸骨落地,令千米的擂台都是颤动几分,在那上面引起不少的涟漪灰尘。 The dust diverges, appearance clear exposing of that skeleton in all people at present, is crawling Desolate Beast skeleton, the maxillary bone breaks out upwardly, the four limbs are short, a little likely is the alligator. 灰尘散去,那骸骨的容貌清晰的展露在诸人眼前,是一尊爬行荒兽骸骨,颚骨向上突起很多,四肢短小,有点像是鳄鱼。 Heaven Realm Desolate Beast?” 天境荒兽?” Under the field countless people shout one. 场下无数的人呼喊一声。 Is Scarlet Demonic Lizard!” “是赤魔蜥蜴!” Xiaomi Cai narrows the eyes the beautiful pupil to recite one by Qin Shi lightly. 小米彩秦石旁边眯眯着美眸轻吟一声。 Hears this name, Qin Shi and Yu Luocha expresses puzzled. 听到这称呼,秦石玉罗刹表示不解。 Scarlet Demonic Lizard, in Desolate Beast ranking, 144 th.” 赤魔蜥蜴,荒兽排行榜上,第144名。” 144?” “144名?” Qin Shi but actually suction port cold air/Qi, this rank already unlimited close god list. 秦石倒吸口冷气,这个排名已经无限度的接近神榜了。 Um, Scarlet Demonic Lizard, is very savage Desolate Beast, its maxillary bone is developed, the linking strength endures compared with the dragon clan.” Xiaomi Cai serious [say / way]. “嗯,赤魔蜥蜴,是一种非常凶残的荒兽,它颚骨非常发达,咬合力堪比龙族。”小米彩郑重道。 Therefore, Qin Shi has sucked tongue, unavoidably is excited. 为此,秦石咂了咂舌,不免的激动起来。 „Is maxillary bone formidable?” “颚骨强大吗?” Light nan, read wants to flash through in the heart of Qin Shi, calculates that Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique stayed in Second Rank for a long time, was the time should carry on the 3-Step section: Practice of Refining Bone, but doesn't the maxillary bone of this Scarlet Demonic Lizard happen to satisfy? 轻喃一声,一个念想在秦石的心中闪过,算一算星陨霸体决已经停留在第二层许久,是时候该进行第三阶段:炼骨的修炼了,而这赤魔蜥蜴的颚骨不正好满足吗? Sees that Scarlet Demonic Lizard skeleton, the people who surrounds get angry, exposes the excited ray. 看见那赤魔蜥蜴骸骨,围观的人们一个一个红着眼,纷纷展露出兴奋的光芒。 Heaven Rank Desolate Beast skeleton, did not say the first Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality of that valuable non- city, like this degree of Desolate Beast, whole body each spot is the treasure, the animal skin, the animal teeth, the animal bones, the animal sinews, is not bad. 天阶荒兽骸骨,先不说那枚有价无市的内丹,像这种程度的荒兽,全身每个部位都是宝贝,兽皮,兽牙,兽骨,兽筋,一个不差。 Ha Ha, Shangguan Family main really natural, since this that my Lao Liu, collects this liveliness.” Under arena, what the first start to talk is a middle-aged man, the man wears the simple long gown, a face simple and honest appearance court attendant smiles several, even if jumps. “哈哈,上官家主果然大方,既然这样的话那我老刘,就来凑凑这个热闹。”在擂台下,第一个开口的是一个中年男子,男子穿着朴素的长袍,一脸憨厚的模样郎笑几声,纵然跃起。 Is Liu Family Head, Liu Fang!” “是刘家主,刘方!” The appearance of that middle-aged man, causes clamors much. 那中年男子的出现,引起不少喧哗。 By Qin Shi, Shangguan Leng said: This Liu Fang, is two mark peak Demonic Talisman Master, has very high prestige in Cold City.” 秦石旁边,上官冷道:“这刘方,是一个二纹巅峰符魔师,在冷城有着很高的威望。” Two mark peak?” “二纹巅峰吗?” Under point that Qin Shi shows a faint smile. 秦石微微一笑的点下头。 Some people take the lead, immediately lives it up, has saying that this Cold City worthily is the East District Daijouike, Demonic Talisman Master is one does not have in Ancient City, but has several in this Cold City. 有人领头,马上就热闹起来,不得不说这冷城不愧是东方区域的大城池,符魔师古城可是一个都没有,但就在这冷城里足足有十几名之多。 But majority, is a mark, two grains, three grains only then Yan Dong. 但大多数,都是一纹,二纹,三纹就只有严东一人。 The population fixes, altogether 13. 人数固定下来,一共13名。 Naturally, in these 13 people, and excluding Qin Shi and Shangguan Family three people, Shangguan Leng hints Qin Shi wait / etc., therefore he has not always come to power. 当然,这13人中,并不包括秦石上官家的三人,上官冷示意秦石等等,所以他始终没有上台。 Sees the population not to increase, Shangguan Ba shows a faint smile: Good, these 13 brothers, are my Cold City real men, now I send out our Shangguan Family representative.” 见人数不在增加,上官霸微微一笑:“那好,这13位兄弟,都是我冷城的好汉,现在我就派出我们上官家的代表。” Yan Dong! Zhang Tao! Guo Lin!” “严东!张涛!郭林!” The broad sound resounds, the strict eastern three people in pavilion also sets out, a surging waves slightly step treads void, steady falling on the stage. 恢弘的声音响起,在楼阁上的严东三人同时起身,一个凌波微步踏起虚空,稳健的落在台上。 Altogether 16 people, big game preparation opens “一共16人,大赛准备开” Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” In Shangguan Ba just about to announces the competition starts, Shangguan Leng crosses the hands behind the back shouted, said: Uncle, this big game, I also want to recommend a person, can perhaps bring the miracle to us!” 就在上官霸刚要宣布比赛开始时,上官冷负手的喊了一声,道:“大伯,这一次大赛,我也想推荐一个人,说不定能给我们带来奇迹呢!” This wait / etc., making the brow of Shangguan Ba wrinkle, but after he mew mew eye , was still a King style, said: Oh? you said to look, who this person is!” 这一声等等,令上官霸的眉头皱起,但他咪咪起眼后仍是一副王者风范,道:“哦?你说说看,这人是谁!” Is my side brothers.” “就是我身旁这位兄弟。” Shangguan Leng complies with one with a smile, then introduced Qin Shi to Shangguan Ba. 上官冷笑着答应一声,然后将秦石介绍给上官霸 Is he?” “是他?” Sees Qin Shi, many people in the crowd clamored to make noise: „Isn't this that outside boy hurriedly?” 看见秦石,在人群中不少人喧哗出声:“这不是那个风风火火的外地小子吗?” But did not say that he and cold Young Master does have a grudge? How did they arrive at the same place?” “但不是说他和冷公子有仇吗?俩人怎么走到一起了?” Who knows.” “谁知道。” Boy, I have killed you!” “小子,我杀了你!” But was discussing that suddenly wiped the wild vigorous spirit pressure, such as the difficult situation turned the crowd, such as cheetah aggresive threw toward Qin Shi. 但在议论中,突然一抹狂野的浑厚灵压,如惊涛骇浪般翻起人群,如猎豹般气势汹汹的朝秦石扑去。 The side that all have is quick, causing all people not to recover. 一切发生的极快,导致诸人都没回过神来。 Father was careful!” Xiaomi Cai one startled, but she just wanted to turn over the skilled artist instant, the light all around is rocking together dodges, at once direct impact on. “爹爹小心!”小米彩一惊,但她刚欲翻转妙手的刹那,一道光影在周遭晃动一闪,旋即直冲而上。 Bang! 砰! Bang, that cheetah spirit pressure was ground the powder directly, at once sees only keeping off that Shangguan Ba crosses the hands behind the back in front of Qin Shi, looks in the direction of spirit pressure ascension: „The Zhao Family host, what do you mean?” 巨响一声,那猎豹般的灵压直接被碾碎成粉末,旋即只见上官霸负手的挡在秦石面前,朝灵压升腾的方向望去:“赵家主,你这是什么意思?” What meaning? You ask him, my Zhao Family two elders died a tragic death his hand, today I must kill him to revenge for the second child!” Zhao Family advocates aggresive directional Qin Shi, roared. “什么意思?你问问他,我赵家二长老惨死他手,今天我非要杀了他替老二报仇!”赵家气势汹汹的指向秦石,咆哮道。 What?” “什么?” „Did the Zhao Family second child die?” 赵家老二死了?” Can't? He is in our Cold City, is next to Yan Dong three mark Demonic Talisman Master, can lose to the boy of this being wet behind the ears?” “不会吧?他可是咱们冷城里,仅次于严东的三纹符魔师啊,能败给这个乳臭未干的小子?” I look not necessarily, you had not discovered that the Zhao Family second child hasn't always appeared? These years he always refuses to accept Yan Dong, how if hasn't died such good opportunity to be able?” “我看未必,你没发现赵家老二始终没出现吗?这些年他始终不服严东,若是没死这么好的机会怎会不来?” Moreover, hadn't you heard? This boy strength is not simple, cold Young Master acknowledged that the punishment is deserved in his hand.” “而且,你们没听说?这小子实力可不简单,冷公子在他手上都认栽了。” One group of people whoop, many vision move to binding on Qin Shi of black robe. 一群人议论纷纷,诸多目光挪动到裹着黑袍的秦石身上。 But under being a focus of public attention, he contented has actually raised the corners of the mouth, toward the Zhao Family main road: He he, is murdered those who have cheated them?” 但在万众瞩目下,他却怡然自得的扬了扬嘴角,朝赵家主道:“呵呵,原来是寻仇的啊?” Boy, you courts death!” “小子,你找死!” Zhao Family main is hard to take angrily, the raging fire sharp claws, tread the strange step then duo duo to approach toward Qin Shi from the heart. 赵家主愤怒难耐,烈火般的利爪掏心而下,踏着诡异的步法便朝秦石咄咄逼近。 But does not wait for him to approach, the Shangguan Ba palm wields, wipes the fearful spirit pressure such as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) waterfall to fall from the sky, draws back several steps the Zhao Family principal earthquake that speeds away. 但不等他接近,上官霸手掌一挥,一抹可怕的灵压如万丈瀑布般陨落,将那疾驰的赵家主震退数步。 Shangguan Ba, your what meaning?” 上官霸,你什么意思?” Zhao Family host, I, no matter you have any gratitude and grudges, but do not forget here are Shangguan Fudi! If who dares Xuan Bingduo to advocate, the consequence is proud!” Several words, forceful, Shangguan Ba draws back the Zhao Family principal earthquake directly. 赵家主,我不管你们有什么恩怨,但你别忘了这里是上官府邸!若是谁胆敢宣兵夺主,后果自负!”几句话,铿锵有力,上官霸直接将赵家主震退。 Heard this to say the Zhao Family host to tremble trembling, Shangguan Family after all was Cold City first, closing tightly jaw that one of the Eastern four everyone / influential family, he can only bear patiently for this reason. 听得此言赵家主颤了颤,上官家毕竟是冷城第一家,东方四大家之一,为此他只能隐忍的咬紧牙关 Snort, good! The boys, you are waiting, when you leave Shangguan Family, I make you die like a dog surely!” The fierce resentment read to offer a sacrifice, Zhao Family main exclaimed toward Qin Shi. “哼,好!小子,你等着,待你离开上官家,我定让你不得好死!”狂烈的怨念祭出,赵家主朝秦石吼道。 Awaits respectfully!” “恭候!” Qin Shi shrugs, the calm of whole face. 秦石耸了耸肩,满脸的从容。 This, making all people be startled being startled, the Shangguan Ba silent meeting, he looked to the Qin Shi vision is doping the strange ray, for a long time, sentence: Boy, are you Demonic Talisman Master?” 这一幕,令所有人怔了怔,上官霸沉默一会,他望向秦石的目光里掺杂着怪异的光芒,许久后道句:“小子,你是符魔师?” Um!” Qin Shi cannot set at point under otherwise. “嗯!”秦石不可置否的点下头。 Has been affirmed, some people show the shocking facial expression, but changes transfers the contempt immediately, such young does Demonic Talisman Master, have two grains at most? 得到肯定,一些人露出震惊的神情,但马上变转为轻视,这么年轻的符魔师,顶多只有二纹吗? Good, comes to power to compete.” “那好,上台比赛吧。”
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