PDL :: Volume #4

#366: Inquiry news

What? Thirty villages?” “什么?三十几个村子?” The Qin Shi black pupil such as bone-chilling cold cold wind rips open the space generally, wipes the torrential anger to blast out loudly. 秦石黑眸如凛冽的冷风一般撕开空间,一抹滔滔怒火轰然炸开。 Hears the shop waiter words, his heart such as crashes into the deep sea, falls into the long-time thinking and anxious, it seems like these times slaughter village cases are not coincidences. 听见店小二的话,他的心如坠入深海,陷入长久的思索和焦躁中,看来这几次的屠村案并非巧合啊。 This murderer for what? Murders those who have cheated them?” “这凶手是为了什么?寻仇么?” Shop waiter shakes the head, sighed: At first, everyone / influential family also thinks is the revenged kill, but after such long investigation discovered that in thirty villages that this has an accident one after another, it can be said that does not have the relation of least bit, moreover is the common people, knows one's place has also offended any personal enemy.” 小二摇摇头,叹道:“起初,大家也以为是仇杀,但经过这么久的调查后才发现,这接连出事的三十几个村子之间,可以说是没有半点的联系,而且都是寻常百姓,安分守己也得罪过什么仇人。” This murderer, simply is crazed, may say without any rule, perhaps today the Eastern village is killed, tomorrow in the north.” “这凶手,简直就是丧心病狂,没有任何的规律可言,说不定今天东方的村子被杀,明天就在北方。” Qin Shi knit the brows, he discovered that this case is far from he imagines such simple. 秦石皱了皱眉,他发现这个案子远非他想象中的那样简单。 If eternal truth shop waiter said that this murderer completely in numb and inundated the murder of non- point, and wasn't the bastard that the person beast was inferior to? 若真如店小二所言,这个凶手完全是在麻木和漫无目地的杀人,那且不就是人兽不如的畜生? „Does nobody manage?” “就没人管吗?” About looks all around, shop waiter lowers the sound saying: How can nobody manage? This matter has alarmed including the palace wall, for a short time ago on this matter specially arranged ten Profound Spirit Realm big energies, but this was less than half the year passed, still had not solved a case, making the murderer get off scot-free.” 左右环顾一圈,店小二压低声音道:“怎么会没人管?这事连皇城都惊动了,前不久为了这事上头特意安排下来十名玄灵境的大能,但这都小半年的时间过去了,仍然没有破案,令凶手逍遥法外。” Ten haven't Profound Spirit Realm held him?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue. “十名玄灵境都没抓住他?”秦石咂了咂舌。 Shop waiter stern nod: Um, the strength of hearsay that murderer is fearful, nobody has seen his true appearance, only knows that he is a mysteriously appearing and disappearing whole body braves the black air/Qi the shadow, looks like the devil from ghostdom is the same, sends out ten big energies that including the empire, finally defeats in his hand, the casualties are serious.” 小二正色的点点头:“嗯,传闻那凶手的实力非常可怕,没有人见过他真正的容貌,只知道他是一个神出鬼没全身冒着黑气的黑影,就像是来自冥界的恶魔一样,连帝国派出的十名大能,最终都败在他的手上,伤亡惨重。” Is this?” “是这样?” Qin Shi is pinching the teacup in hand, one by one raps on the wooden table. 秦石捏着手中的茶杯,一下一下在木桌上敲击。 With the rap of teacup, each time falling made the atrium of Qin Shi like the timely exhortation to virtue and purity collision, torrential raging fire spraying. 伴随着茶杯的敲击,每一次的落下都令秦石的心房如暮鼓晨钟般碰撞,滔滔的烈火喷射而出。 Regards the life such as worthlessly, everybody must execute it. 视生命如草芥,人人得而诛之。 Writes off to intend to the black pupil to flash through, Qin Shi decides in the heart darkly, after three day , the Shangguan Family big game crosses, immediately seeks for this murderer. 一抹杀意在黑眸中闪过,秦石在心中暗下决心,三日后上官家的大赛一过,马上就去寻找这个凶手。 This matter cannot drag, otherwise by this murderer consistent attitude, did not know and has several hundred lives to under his heartless trampling die a tragic death. 这件事拖不得,否则以这凶手一贯的作风,不知道又有几百条生命要在他无情的践踏下惨死。 Father.” “爹爹。” In Qin Shi and shop waiter talk, the resounding resounds in a building half position together, Xiaomi Cai lies in the staircase with a handrail has an audience with the emperor Qin Shi to wave the hand. 秦石和店小二谈话中,一道脆响在一楼半的位置响起,小米彩就趴在扶梯的把手上朝秦石挥手。 Saw Xiaomi Cai, to be also similar, Qin Shi that the matter grasped has not been making the stay, after the god read searched in the space ring, takes out a Upper Tier spirit crystal, threw toward shop waiter: Ok, I knew, this gives your monetary reward.” 看见小米彩,事情掌握的也差不多了,秦石没在多做逗留,神念探进空间戒指中后取出一枚上品灵晶,朝店小二抛去:“行,我知道了,这是给你的赏钱。” Uncle Xie!” “谢大爷!” Shop waiter at present one bright, after catching the spirit crystal , the mouth to the root of the ear. 小二眼前一亮,接住灵晶后嘴巴都咧到耳根去了。 Remember, later do not judge people solely on appearance.” “记住,以后别以貌取人。” Qin Shi shrugs binds the black robe, at once only leaves behind the piece broken shadow, then walks toward two buildings along with Xiaomi Cai. 秦石耸了耸肩的裹起黑袍,旋即只留下片残破的黑影,便随小米彩朝二楼走去。 Looks Qin Shi that leaves, shop waiter raises head min the split corners of the mouth, reveals in that pupil heart place some envies and respects. 看着离开的秦石,店小二仰着头抿了抿干裂的嘴角,在那眸心处露出些许羡慕和尊重。 This respect, is from the heart. 这一次的尊重,是发自内心。 Naturally, he as everyone knows, in the future several months and in several years, entire East District, even Scarlet Flame Empire and this piece of world, are shivering for this common youth. 当然,他殊不知,在往后的几个月和几年里,整个东方区域,甚至赤炎帝国和这片天下,都在为这个不起眼的少年颤抖。 On two buildings, Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai entered the Yu Luocha side building. 上了二楼,秦石小米彩进入玉罗刹的厢房。 In that room, by cleanness that very Yu Luocha reorganizes, it may be said that is spotless, after she sees Qin Shi comes , the ice-cold tenderness to allow to show several points of happy expression, after brewing up pot green tea, is Qin Shi fills. 那房间里,被玉罗刹整理的很干净,可谓是一尘不染,她看见秦石进来后冰冷的娇容上露出几分笑意,泡上一壶清茶后为秦石斟满。 That night, which did you run?” “这一夜,你跑去哪了?” Yu Luocha peaceful sitting by Qin Shi, supports single-handed under is looking forward to Qin Shi. 玉罗刹安静的坐在秦石旁边,单手支撑着下巴望向秦石 „Do you know?” Qin Shi intent outlet. “你知道?”秦石意外道。 In her beautiful pupil has blame, what are more is the worry: You think that supposes to us settles, doesn't our what know?” 她的美眸中有责怪,但更多的是担心:“你以为给我们设了结界,我们就什么都不知道了?” Qin Shi has gawked staring, shaking the head that at once smiles bitterly: He he, was really anything cannot be full you.” 秦石愣了愣,旋即苦笑的摇摇头:“呵呵,真是什么都满不了你啊。” Considers, he then and cooperation of Shangguan Leng will tell Yu Luocha, this matter will have nothing to conceal, wanted to conceal does not conceal. 斟酌一下,他便将和上官冷的合作告诉玉罗刹,这件事也没什么可隐瞒的,想要隐瞒也隐瞒不了。 After hearing three day matter, the Yu Luocha black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, under after broad and handsome forehead, ponders a meeting: Shi’tou, did you comply?” 听见三日后的事,玉罗刹黛眉微蹙,螓首底下后沉思一会:“石头,你答应了?” Um.” Qin Shi nods. “嗯。”秦石点点头。 Since you complied, I was not many said that but you remembered all things be careful, Shangguan Family was not simple.” Yu Luocha said sternly. “既然你答应了,那我就不多说了,但你记住万事小心,上官家不简单。”玉罗刹正色道 Qin Shi looks at the tender Rong Min lower jaw of Yu Luocha, he little sees Yu Luocha to be like this earnest, for this reason serious complying said: Relieved, after three day , the big game ended, we have solved the murderer of that getting off scot-free, I accompany you to go to Mysterious Palace.” 秦石看着玉罗刹的娇容抿下嘴,他很少看见玉罗刹这样认真,为此郑重的答应道:“安心,等三日后大赛结束,咱们解决了那个逍遥法外的凶手,我就陪你去玄殿。” Um, I believe you.” “嗯,我信你。” I believe you, three characters swing the person heartstrings. 我信你,三个字荡人心弦。 In the future quick that the time passed on the 3rd. 往后的三日,时间过的很快。 Had the beforehand several matters, shop waiter or Cold City these highly placed people, the opinion to Qin Shi changed completely. 有了之前的几件事,无论是店小二还是冷城那些达官贵人,对秦石的意见全部改变了。 Therefore these on the 3rd, Qin Shi is very comfortable, finally has satisfied his six months desire, that is comfortable sleeping. 所以这三日,秦石过的很自在,终于满足了他半年来的愿望,那就是舒舒服服的睡上一觉。 Naturally, occasional relaxation is rest, long-time idleness has then been loaf, a after rest night of sleeping soundly, 2nd day Qin Shi then same started to practice like the past. 当然,偶尔的放松是休息,长久的懈怠便是偷懒了,安眠的休息一夜后,第二日秦石便如以往一样开始修炼。 Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, timely rain rain and dew decides, Mysterious Heaven Scripture. 星陨霸体决,甘霖雨露决,玄天圣经 In addition the spiritual power disorder that the Holy Ghost colored attraction dilution, Qin Shi just breakthrough Profound Spirit Realm will create finally smooths, a vigorous broad constriction implements the house beam, when that black pupil opens once more contains completely bone-chilling cold and mysterious. 加上圣灵花的引力稀释,秦石终于将刚突破玄灵境所造成的灵力紊乱抚平,一身浑厚恢弘的压迫感贯彻房梁,那黑眸再次睁开时满含凛冽和神秘。 The 3rd date, in the morning. 第三日,清晨。 The first wisp of dawn sprinkles Xiadade from the East, redeems from the dark night Cold City. 第一缕晨曦从东方洒下大地,将冷城从黑夜中救赎。 Daybreak just fell, Qin Shi then felt that transmitted orally the rapid sound of footsteps in the door, knocking on a door that a young male servant huffed and puffed entered. 黎明刚落,秦石便感觉到在房门口传来急促的脚步声,一名小厮呼哧带喘的敲门而入。 Saw that young male servant Qin Shi to stare staring, didn't the young male servant three days ago, get rid to dance the Young Master elder brother who with the phoenix nine days attacked Feng Hen? 看见那小厮秦石愣了愣,那小厮不就是在三天前,出手用凤舞九天攻击封痕的公子哥吗? The young male servants see Qin Shi to have a scare similarly: Is you?” 小厮看见秦石同样吓了一跳:“是你?” He he, is really the enemies often cross each other's path.” “呵呵,真是冤家路窄啊。” Qin Shi shrugs, looks at the hand sign in young male servant hand to stare: „Are you Shangguan Leng person?” 秦石耸了耸肩,望着小厮手中的手牌不由一愣:“你是上官冷的人?” Rumble “咕噜” Very obviously, a short time the young male servant is a little hard to accept this fact, but he braces oneself to nod: Um, cold the elder brother asked me to meet big brother Shi Qin you.” 很显然,一时半会小厮有点难以接受这个事实,但他还是硬着头皮点点头:“嗯,冷哥叫我来接石秦大哥您。” Qin Shi grins: He he, Big brother, you, all polite names all gave with, were you not very fierce? How now to scold me?” 秦石一咧嘴:“呵呵,大哥,您,一切的尊称全都给用上了啊,你不挺厉害吗?现在怎么不骂我了?” Big brother you let alone has smiled, before that was not Dashuichong Longwang Temple, you may toward not enter absolutely at heart, this must be known by my cold elder brother, must break my leg not to be possible.” But the young male servants said. “大哥您就别说笑了,之前那不是大水冲了龙王庙,您可万万别往心里进啊,这要被我冷哥知道,非要打断我腿不可。”小厮无奈道。 The palm wields, Qin Shi the black robe set on the body, he was also and this young male servant says chats, definitely will not haggle over with him. 掌心一挥,秦石将黑袍套在身上,他也就是和这小厮说说笑,肯定不会和他计较。 In process that but and other Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai comb the hair and wash the face, Qin Shi is surrounding the arm by in corridor, adopts the beforehand contact he to know that this young male servant is called Shangguan Yinyue, opens the mouth question: Shangguan silver moon/month? You know three days ago you bully that person, is who?” 但在等玉罗刹小米彩梳洗的过程中,秦石环抱着胳膊的靠在走廊里,通过之前的接触他知道这小厮叫做上官银月,开口问句:“上官银月是吧?你知道三天前你们欺负那个人,是谁吗?” You say that insane beggar?” “你是说那个疯乞丐?” Shangguan Yinyue has been startled being startled, but the sound just had him to feel that a chill in the air, changed a statement immediately: Volume, is not a beggar, was the red hair boy general headquarters?” 上官银月怔了怔,但声音刚出他就感觉到一股寒意,马上改口道:“额,不是乞丐,是红发小子总行了吧?” Red hair boy? Qin Shi thinks that Feng Hen truly is the red bunch sends, under point that this smiles. 红发小子?秦石想一想,那封痕确实是红色束发,这才微笑的点下头。 We do not know, but he and big brother you come the Cold City time to be similar, the great distance is less than 1-2 days, starts anyone not to be serious, thinks that is the refugee in side village, but afterward we surprisedly discovered that his resistance hits the ability to be specially strong, no matter receives the serious wound, quite a while the time will convalesce immediately.” “我们也不知道,但他和大哥您来冷城的时间差不多,前后相隔不到一两天,开始谁也没当回事,以为就是旁边村子的难民,但后来我们惊奇的发现,他的抗击打能力特别强,不管是受到多严重的伤,半天时间马上就会痊愈。” Has this matter?” “有这种事?” The brow of Qin Shi knit the brows, if eternal truth Shangguan Yinyue said that this Feng Hen self-recovery ability was too rather formidable? 秦石的眉头皱了皱眉,如果真如上官银月所说,那这封痕的自愈能力未免太强大了吧? Quite a while? Timely rain rain and dew definitely cannot achieve. 半天?就连甘霖雨露决都做不到。 Is, therefore we want to hold him, attains to treat as the living target to practice martial arts, who once thinks “是真得,所以我们才想抓住他,拿到当做活靶子练习武学,谁曾想” Who once wants to be frustrated, meets my fellow of this being in the way?” In the future words Shangguan Yinyue had not said that but Qin Shi curls the lip can also think. “谁曾想出师不利,碰见我这个碍事的家伙了是吧?”往后的话上官银月没说,但秦石撇撇嘴也能想到。 Hey!” “嘿嘿!” Shangguan Yinyue laughs foolishly. 上官银月傻笑一声。 Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai combed the hair and wash the face, today they dress up was attractive, Yu Luocha wore the white clothing to win the snow the long skirt, the skirt arranges to embroider the pink peony, bit by bit curled up toward on. 玉罗刹小米彩梳洗好了,两人今天打扮的都非常漂亮,玉罗刹穿着白衣胜雪的长裙,裙摆下绣着粉色的牡丹花,一点一点的朝上卷起。 Xiaomi Cai, was still pink clouds, but fresh beauty the beautiful woman appearance of that day, does not know that made many beautiful young man crash abyss, for example in Qin Shi nearby Shangguan silver moon/month, after seeing Xiaomi Cai , the heartbeat accelerates, slid in the stairway under foot, turning circle rolled. 小米彩,仍是一身彩霞,但那天生丽质的倾城容貌,不知道令多少美少男坠落深渊,譬如在秦石旁边的上官银月,看见小米彩后心跳加速,在楼梯口脚下一滑,转着圈的就滚了下去。 Therefore, Qin Shi sighs with emotion once more, ancient Yun Jie truth: Since old times young person many sources of trouble.” 为此,秦石再次感慨,古人所云皆真理:“自古红颜多祸水啊。” But who thinks that has not waited for him to sigh with emotion to fall, in nearby Yu Luocha skilled artist, in the booth his on the bear waist makes an effort to twist, said spookily: „The young person was star crossed since old times, is the heartless Chinese who does obeisance your this group of thinking oneself infallible heroes bestows!” 但谁想,没等他感慨而落,在旁边的玉罗刹妙手一番,摊上他的熊腰上用力一拧,幽幽道:“还自古红颜多薄命呢,都是拜你们这群自以为是英雄的负心汉所赐!” Suddenly, Qin Shi dumbfounded. 戛然,秦石无语 On this day, is Shangguan Family once every three years grand ceremony, Shangguan Family is Cold City first everyone / influential family, in the morning various early morning everyone / influential family clans then in abundance go to visit, is very lively. 这一天,是上官家三年一度的大典,上官家身为冷城第一大家,清晨一早各大家族便纷纷前去拜会,好不热闹。 Under Shangguan silver moon/month leadership, the Qin Shi three people also leave the restaurant successor dynasty the Cold City center to walk, extremely busy that on the street heavy traffic, the advance direction and they are approximately similar. 在上官银月的带领下,秦石三人也离开酒楼后朝着冷城中央走去,街道上车水马龙的热闹非凡,前进的方向和他们大致相似。 Enters Shangguan Family, Qin Shi exclaimed in surprise once again that is really a mountain compared with Shan tall, Shangguan Family worthily is one of the East District four everyone / influential family, the occupying land area enough over ten thousand meters, before the light is a courtyard the courtyard, then and Ancient City is almost the same. 进入上官家,秦石再度惊叹,真是一山更比一山高,上官家不愧是东方区域大家之一,占地足足有上万米,光是庭前院落,便和古城相差无几。 The garden, wipes emerald green, beautiful scenery, the intoxication of a beautiful spring day, the central lake, the center is the ice lotus that the blue color blooms, the delicate fragrance harasses the human. 庭院,一抹抹翠绿,山清水秀,鸟语花香,中央一片湖泊,中央是碧蓝色绽放的冰莲,清香扰人。 Bypasses the garden, is the sea of people. 绕过庭院,便是人山人海。 In the huge crowd center, the kilometer arenas, around the arena are the steps seats, one after another Cold City everyone / influential family Family Head being situated in, toward the eastern position is a pavilion, in the pavilion is the Shangguan Family person. 在人海中央,有一座千米擂台,擂台四周是阶梯性的坐席,一名一名冷城大家家主坐落其中,朝东的位置是一个楼阁,在楼阁上是上官家的人。 Bang! 轰! When the grand ceremony in Qin Shi just arrived then opens, after a bang, raises the radiant miraculous glow to tie around the arena, at once a seventy years of age old man crosses the hands behind the back to stand, takes advantage of opportunity falls in the pavilion dispiritedly, rolls up and pushes along that honored imperial robe to make noise cool and refreshingly, one step jumps onto the arena. 大典在秦石刚到时便拉开帷幕,一声巨响后在擂台四周升起璀璨的灵光结界,旋即一名古稀之年的老者负手而立,顺势在楼阁上怏怏而落,卷动着那尊贵的龙袍泠泠作响,一步跃上擂台。 The Yu Luocha pupil heart concentrates: Shangguan Ba!” 玉罗刹眸心一凝:“上官霸!” „Is he Shangguan Ba?” Qin Shi is dignified the facial expression, is finding out psychic force imperceptibly, at once knit the brows: Profound Spirit Realm peak?” “他就是上官霸?”秦石凝重着神情,将精神力在无形中探出,旋即不由皱了皱眉:“玄灵境巅峰?” Shangguan Ba steps the arena, raising hand looks all around, a vigorous singing in praise of the Buddha calls from the mouth in: First, thank guest, found time to attend my Shangguan Family once every three years grand ceremony while being busy.” 上官霸迈上擂台,举手的环顾四周一圈,一声浑厚的梵音自口中唤出:“首先,感谢诸位来宾,在百忙中抽空来参加我上官家三年一度的大典。” I announced: The grand ceremony formally starts!” “我宣布:大典正式开始!”
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