PDL :: Volume #4

#365: Feng Hen

! 咻! The black pupil concentrates, Qin Shi under foot subconscious after moves out of the way three steps, then before seeing only , the gray light in a flash, that thin personal appearance touches and goes in the front directly, Bang falls in nearby garbage heap. 黑眸一凝,秦石脚下潜意识的朝后挪开三步,然后只见身前灰光一晃,那骨瘦如柴的身形直接在面前擦过,砰一声就摔在旁边的垃圾堆里。 Who that personal appearance, the head stares on the ground, whole body grey pit-a-pat is very dirty, what is most important is on his flesh, obviously the bright red blood-stained mouth, was often distressed. 那身形,脑袋直勾勾的扎在地上,全身上下灰突突的很脏,最重要的是在他肌肤上,时常可见鲜红的血口,狼狈极了。 Brother, are you all right?” “兄弟,你没事吧?” His these falls, some Qin Shi responsibility, for this reason guilty steps several steps toward the garbage heap by, draws that youth. 他这一下摔出去,秦石有些责任,为此内疚的朝垃圾堆旁迈去几步,一把将那青年拉起来。 Well?” “咦?” But in holding on instance of youth arm, under Qin Shi sudden staring eye, a face inconceivable looks toward that youth. 可就在拉住青年手臂的瞬间,秦石突然的瞪下眼,一脸不可思议的朝那青年望去。 In in within the body of this youth, does he feel a fearful Profound Spirit Realm fluctuation unexpectedly? 在这青年的体内,他竟感受到一股可怕的玄灵境波动? That spiritual power fluctuates, present he feels to dread. 灵力波动,就连现在的他都感到忌惮。 But the issue is, this youth is pressing this spiritual power probably intentionally, causing that spiritual power to be the same on the big dragon that such as was sealed to bundle, roaring no matter what is unable to work loose. 但问题是,这青年好像在故意压这灵力,导致那灵力就如被封捆的巨龙一样,不管怎样的咆哮就是无法挣脱。 Does not have, does not have, I am all right.” “没,没,我没事。” Was drawn by Qin Shi, the youth hurries flurried breaking away Qin Shi to lower the head to say. 秦石拉起来,青年赶忙慌乱的挣开秦石低头道。 In such instance, Qin Shi throws to seize his appearance, is a very young fellow of outstanding ability, the age should be equally matched with Qin Shi, a fiery red bunch sends, the five senses are delicate, the edges and corners are distinct. 就在那么一个瞬间,秦石扑捉到他的容貌,是一个挺俊逸的小伙,年纪应该和秦石不相上下,一头火红的束发,五官清秀,棱角分明。 But when seeing the youth following movement, Qin Shi actually puzzled narrows the eye. 但在看见青年后面的动作时,秦石却不解的眯起眼睛。 He discovered that on this youth, one type, cultivates with his age for extremely incompatible inferiority, even he does not dare to look up Qin Shi from beginning to end, moreover in Qin Shi is puzzled, the youth detected that on the Qin Shi hand sleeve was contaminated some dust, the bow lower part of the body that immediately trembles, pats to Qin Shi these dust. 他发现,在这青年身上,有一种和他年纪、修为极为不相匹配的自卑感,甚至从始至终他都不曾敢抬头看一眼秦石,而且就在秦石不解时,青年发觉秦石的手袖上被沾染了些尘土,马上哆嗦的躬下身,将那些尘土给秦石拍掉。 Pats the dust, the youth while apologized: Right, sorry, I do not smear your clothes intentionally, do not hit me, asking you not to hit me.” 一边拍掉尘土,青年一边道歉:“对,对不起,我不是故意弄脏你衣服的,你别打我,求求你别打我。” My why I must hit you, was I was not right a moment ago, should I “我为什么我要打你,刚才是我不对,应该我” No, is I am not right!” “不,是我不对!” Youth head low is deeper, immediately snatches the Qin Shi words to tremble to say. 青年头颅低的更深,马上抢过秦石的话哆嗦道。 hears that sound, the face of Qin Shi is cloudy, does not know why he looks at the appearance of this youth, the association reminds him of initially in one year in Desolate Town living on dishonorably. 闻声,秦石的面庞阴沉起来,不知道为什么他看着这个青年的模样,总会让他想起当初在荒镇里苟活的一年。 Comes quickly, lunatic in this.” “快来,那疯子在这呢。” When the Qin Shi thinking, one crowd chirp chirp the sound transmits, at once sees only several with from the lane entrance that his Young Master elder brother of a similar age howls to leap up. 就在秦石思索时,一群叽叽哇哇的声响传来,旋即只见十几名和他年纪相仿的公子哥呼啸的从巷口中蹿出来。 This group of Young Master elder brothers wear gold and silver, the whole face fat oil is completely unmasked the appearance of that playboys, in three hands of lead brandishes the feather fan, has probably not been seeing Qin Shi that the whole face ridiculed to be the same, arriving youth in front of swaggering. 这群公子哥一个一个穿金戴银,满脸肥油将那副纨绔子弟的模样暴露无遗,领头的三个手中挥舞着羽扇,满脸嘲笑的好像没看见秦石一样,大摇大摆的走到青年面前。 Before these three Young Master elder brothers stand the body of youth, the stature reluctantly arrives at the chest of youth, but actually makes widely known domineering fierce, walks with 2.581 million types that moves. 这三个公子哥站到青年的身前,个子才勉强到青年的胸口,但一个一个却张扬跋扈的厉害,走起路来甩动的跟2581000样。 In side, Qin Shi looks that group of Young Master elder brothers have congealed with rapt attention, this group of Young Master elder brothers' strength is also good, Spirit King Realm Initial Stage Middle Stage appearance, if places Ancient City that small place, could be considered as on is a side overlord. 在旁边,秦石看着那群公子哥凝了凝神,这群公子哥的实力也算不错,一个一个王灵境初期中期的样子,若是放在古城那种小地方,已经能算得上是一方霸主了。 What in three people takes the lead is a monkey-like small dwarf, he goes forward one to hold the chin of youth, shoulders the later pupil heart his chin one happily, looks back saying: „Do brothers, find? We such hit him not injured, simply is a living target.” 三人中领头的是一个尖嘴猴腮的小矮子,他上前一把就抓住青年的下巴,将他的下巴挑起以后眸心一喜,回首道:“兄弟们,瞧见没有?咱们这么打他都没受伤,简直就是个活靶子啊。” Real?” “真的啊?” Another several people step go forward, has pinched pinching on the face of youth together, after seeing does not have the wound, really laughs saying: Ha Ha, good, what martial arts later has practiced again not to use to the family in these wood piles, doesn't this have a ready-made moving target?” 另外几人迈上前,一同在青年的脸上捏了捏,见真的没有伤口后大笑道:“哈哈,太好了,以后再练什么武学就不用对着家里那些木头桩子了,这不有个现成的活靶吗?” Come, first makes me try, I just had studied 5-Step martial arts from my father that.” “来,先让我试试,我刚从我爹那学了一个五阶武学。” In the monkey-like that small dwarf child side, thorn Young Master steps goes forward, at once sees only him, on the palm clashes the dreadful raging fire. 在尖嘴猴腮那小矮子子旁边,一个刺头公子迈上前,旋即只见他举手投足间,掌心上就冲起滔天烈火。 That raging fire direct impact vault of heaven, the blood red ray bribes the highest heaven, then the bang is a giant meatball, after spattering in all directions all of a sudden, launches the wing, forms enough hundred feet luan phoenix. 那烈火直冲苍穹,血红的光芒染指九霄,然后巨响是一个巨大的肉球,一下子迸溅开后展开羽翼,形成足足百尺的鸾凤。 Phoenix dances for nine days!” “凤舞九天!” Punctures a male to roar, that hot phoenix like the bath hot rebirth, is wielding the wing of agitated raging fire, sounds then to cover toward that distressed youth under. 刺头男吼叫一声,那火凤就像浴火重生一样,挥动着汹汹烈火的羽翼,鸣叫一声便朝那狼狈青年笼罩而下。 But what is accidental, under that burning hot roasting, distressed youth, not only does not have the violent anger, instead the frightened look is blurred, puff passes to sit on the ground unexpectedly, after grasping the head, hits to tremble: Does not want, does not want, asking you to leave 但意外的是,在那炎热的烘烤下,狼狈青年非但没有暴怒,反而惊悚的眼神迷离,竟噗通一下坐在地上,抱住脑袋后打起哆嗦:“不要,不要,求求你们别” ! 咻! Bang! 轰隆! The flame falls from the sky immediately, but in the future moment, the black light will cover half wall vault of heaven together, will swallow his hundred feet luan phoenix unexpectedly suddenly. 火光马上陨落,但往后的片刻,一道黑色的光影遮挡住半壁苍穹,竟在眨眼间将他百尺鸾凤吞噬。 Qin Shi keeps off before the body of distressed youth, in the facial expression wipes the angry flame to drift from place to place. 秦石挡在狼狈青年的身前,神情中一抹愤怒的火光飘忽不定。 Made him have two points angrily, the first point was this distressed youth has Profound Spirit Realm obviously, why didn't hit back in front of Young Master Elder Brother of these empty boastings? 令他愤怒的有两点,第一点是这狼狈青年明明有玄灵境,为何在这几个浮夸的公子哥面前不还手? And is begging for mercy? 而且还在求饶? Second, was this group of Young Master elder brothers, Qin Shi in the past in the Desolate Town shall be grateful as a personal favor, feeling inferior of person was not inherent, was compelled completely by this flock of domestic animal. 第二点,便是这群公子哥,秦石当年在荒镇感同身受,一个人的自卑不是与生俱来,全部都是被这群畜牲逼出来得。 The flame was swallowed, several Young Master elder brothers have simultaneously gawked staring, at once starts the martial arts Young Master elder brother violent anger saying: ***, Is this country bumpkin who which comes? Dares to prevent were few 火光被吞噬,几个公子哥同时愣了愣,旋即发动武学公子哥暴怒道:“***,这是哪来的乡巴佬?竟敢阻挡本少” Bang!! Did not wait for him to say the words that only listened to together the clear palm of the hand sound, then on his left face directly by the brand mark next five glowing red fingerprints. 不等他把话说完,只听一道清脆的巴掌声,然后他左侧的面庞上直接被烙印下五道红彤彤的指印。 „Do you, you dare to hit me? I kill you!” “你,你竟敢打我?我弄死你!” Covers the face, the Young Master elder brother anger under flees the top of the head, the holding up fist without hesitation brandishes toward the Qin Shi chest. 捂住脸庞,公子哥怒火咻下就窜到头顶,不假思索的举起拳头就朝秦石胸膛挥舞下去。 But has not waited for him to go forward, together black light like meteor in front in a flash, making his lower abdomen convulsion twitch, turned into the discouraged rubber ball directly, departed over a hundred meters. 但没等他上前,一道黑光如流星般在面前一晃,令他的小腹痉挛抽搐一下,直接就化成泄气的皮球,飞出上百米。 Bang! 轰! A bang, hits on the wall of lane entrance directly, the fierce momentum breaks that wall with a crash. 一声巨响,直接撞进巷口的墙壁上,剧烈的冲力将那墙壁砰然震碎。 This sudden picture has shocked other Young Master elder brothers, several people look at Qin Shi to shiver timidly: You, are actually you who?” 这突如其来的画面把其余的公子哥惊呆了,几人胆怯的望着秦石颤抖:“你,你究竟是谁?” Go away!” “滚!” Squeezes out a character in the Qin Shi gap between teeth, follows close on rivers and streams flood that Profound Spirit Realm pressure such as is in flood, speeds away under. 秦石的牙缝中挤出一个字来,紧跟着那玄灵境的威压如泛滥的江河洪水,疾驰而下。 Was covered by the spirit pressure, several Young Master elder brothers frightened trembles, has scared, the small dwarf that time between half respites, starts to lead calls out one, first turns around to run. 被灵压笼罩,几个公子哥惊悚的哆嗦起来,一个一个吓坏了,半个喘息间的功夫,开始领头的小矮子嚎叫一声,第一个转身就跑。 Lead ran, remaining who also dares to show off power? Rapidness that runs one by one, likely like target of universal detestation four bang loose fleeing to the wilderness. 领头的都跑了,剩下的谁还敢逞强啊?一个比一个跑的快,像是如过街老鼠般四下轰散的落荒而逃。 Looks is running the loose crowd, scolds one that Qin Shi spurns broken, this has gotten back one's composure to look toward that distressed youth, the youth is also holding a head, trembles to keep. 望着跑散的人群,秦石唾弃的碎骂一声,这才回过神朝那狼狈青年望去,那青年还抱着个脑袋,哆嗦不停。 Sees this distressed appearance, Qin Shi not to hit one on the air/Qi, reprimanded: Do not shake, they walked.” 一看见他这狼狈的模样,秦石就气不打一处来,斥道:“别抖了,他们都走了。” Walked?” “走了?” Youth timid supine beginning, saw that group of Young Master elder brothers to run really suddenly has stood up, bowed to say to Qin Shi: Many thanks your graciousness of life-saving, many thanks your graciousness of life-saving, many thanks 青年怯怯的仰起头,见那群公子哥真的都跑了才猛然站起身,冲着秦石就鞠躬道:“多谢您的救命之恩,多谢您的救命之恩,多谢” Then the youth like reread machine, has aggravated Qin Shi all of a sudden, indignant calls out one: „, How to compare the Han young also to lack prospects?” 那像复读机一样的青年,一下子把秦石惹火了,气愤的嚎叫一声:“靠,怎么比韩仔还没出息?” I asked you, what did you call?” “我问你,你叫什么?” I?” The youth have gawked gawking, at once small sound track: I, my Feng Hen.” “我?”青年愣了楞,旋即小声道:“我,我就封痕。” Feng Hen?” Qin Shi light nan, then sound very big nature question: They hit you a moment ago, why don't you hit back?” “封痕?”秦石轻喃一声,然后声音很大的质问句:“刚才他们打你,你为什么不还手?” Hits back? No, I cannot hit back, they want to hit me, does not want to kill me, I cannot hit back.” Hears to hit back two characters, Feng Hen after point, with insanely falls to be the same uprightly immediately, making an effort shakes the head to withdraw. “还手?不,我不能还手,他们只是想打我,并不是想要杀我,我不能还手。”一听到还手俩字,刚正经一点的封痕,马上又跟疯掉一样,使劲的摇头退后。 ! 咣啷! Qin Shi vacillation how many minutes at heart, this actually received how long oppression, so will feel inferior? 秦石的心里动摇几分,这究竟是受到了多久的压迫,才会如此自卑? Looks at Feng Hen the appearance, Qin Shi really does not know that should say anything, he knows that he said again many are useless, to let seal the mark to get rid of this feeling inferior, only then cures from the root by him, like initial. 看着封痕的模样,秦石真是不知道该说些什么,他知道他再说多少都没有用,若想让封痕摆脱这种自卑,只有靠他自己从根源治愈,像当初的自己。 Therefore, he not in idle talk, but the depressing length implored one: Feng Hen, you remembers, the human was bullied friendly, Ma Shan was ridden, if wants no longer to be bullied, was been formidable by oneself, you put best into it.” 为此,他没在废话,只是压抑的长吁一声:“封痕,你记住,人善被人欺,马善被人骑,若想不再被欺负,就只有让自己强大起来,你好自为之吧。” Spoke, Qin Shi has not been stopping over, is binding the depressing mood and seals the mark to stagger the body, the restaurant toward distant place walks. 说完话,秦石没在逗留,裹着压抑的心情和封痕错开身,朝着远处的酒楼走去。 He felt, the haze that in clear sky probably by grey pressure is densely covered. 他感觉,晴空上好像都被灰压压的阴霾密布。 Looks at him to depart, Feng Hen is actually weak supine beginning, under his limpid pupil moral nature, is flashes through unexpectedly does not talk clearly together, unclear light. 望着他离去,封痕却是微弱的仰起头,在他清澈的眸心底下,竟是闪过一道说不清,道不明的光影。 But no matter that light is anything, only what can affirm, that does not feel inferior. 但不管那光影是什么,唯一能肯定的是,那并非自卑。 Returns to the restaurant. 回到酒楼。 Qin Shi all the way is very sad, in this world thinks that Feng Hen such person has, where regardless of being unavoidable. 秦石一路上的心情都很沉重,这世上想封痕这样人有很多,无论在哪里都无法避免。 He can help one, actually could not help all, to change this present situation, only then tried hard by them, the going out shadow bit by bit was good. 他能帮助一个,却帮不了所有,若想改变这种现状,就只有靠他们自己努力,一点一点的走出阴影才行。 Just entered the restaurant, that shop waiter threw over the leucorrhea to flatter immediately: Whoops, Young Master, why on this early in the morning do you go? Has had the breakfast? Words that has not eaten, I make troublesome to you on the arrangement servant.” 刚进酒楼,那店小二马上就披着白带奉承上来:“哎呦,公子啊,这大早上你干嘛去啦?吃过早饭了吗?没吃的话,我麻烦就安排下人给你弄去。” Then, he does not wait for Qin Shi to comply or not, turns around to walk after the kitchen directly. 说完,他都不等秦石答应与否,直接转身就朝着后厨走去。 Comes back!” “回来!” But at this time, the Qin Shi five fingers found out black robe, that shop waiter grasping. 但这时,秦石五指探出黑袍,一把将那店小二给抓了回来。 Male, does Young Master, have what instruction?” Shop waiter had a scare. “公,公子,有何吩咐?”店小二吓了一跳。 Do not be anxious, asked that you select the matter.” “别紧张,问你点事。” Qin Shi helpless smiles one, night of time passed by, the present was the time manages a proper business: I asked you, the matter that a short time ago outside Cold City, village slaughtered did you know?” 秦石无奈的笑一声,一夜时间都过去了,现在是时候办点正事了:“我问你,前不久在冷城外,有一个村子被屠杀的事你知道吗?” You say Chaoyang Village?” Shop waiter has gawked staring. “你是说朝阳村?”店小二愣了愣。 Does not know that is any village, to the Cold City probably about hundred li (0.5km).” “不知道是什么村子,离冷城大概百里左右吧。” That was Chaoyang Village, yeah, mentioned this matter, I thought good that Young Master do not ask.” Shop waiter first is, then disconsolate [say / way]. “那就是朝阳村了,哎,提起这事,我觉得公子还是不要问的好。”店小二先是点下头,然后惆怅道。 Has entrained a chair in side, after Qin Shi sits down, has held appreciatively the teacup on wooden table, knits the brows: Why?” 在旁边了拽过一把椅子,秦石坐下后把玩起木桌上的茶杯,皱眉道:“为何?” About looks all around, after seeing nobody, shop waiter lowers the sound saying: Discontented Young Master, that Chaoyang Village, is in East District, the thirty th slaughtered village.” 左右环顾一圈,见没有人后店小二才压低声音道:“不满公子,那朝阳村,已经是东方区域里,第三十几个被屠杀的村子了。” What? Thirty villages?” “什么?三十几个村子?”
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