PDL :: Volume #4

#364: Symbol demon normal university match

Cooperation? Said that looks.” “合作?说说看。” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth select lightly, came the interest to this cooperation obviously. 秦石嘴角轻挑,对这个合作显然来了兴趣。 He is very curious, his Shangguan Family personal enemy, this Shangguan Leng can with him discuss that anything cooperates. 他很好奇,他一个上官家的仇人,这上官冷能和他谈什么合作。 Shangguan Leng relaxed, then contains to explode to shoot in spiritual power in within the body, breaks spiritual power of that tenth lattice: I know how you think, but do not misunderstand, although you have killed Shangguan Chao, but I do not hate you, instead also very much thanked you.” 上官冷松了口气,然后蕴含在体内的灵力爆射而出,将那成网状的灵力破开:“我知道你心里怎么想,但是你别误会,虽说你杀了上官超,但是我并不恨你,反而还很感谢你。” „Did Oh? thank me?” 哦?感谢我?” Under Shangguan Leng: Right, Shangguan Chao is my male cousin, but I actually hate his bone to inter the body.” 上官冷点下头:“没错,上官超是我堂兄,但我却恨他入骨。” „Do you hate him?” Qin Shi knit the brows. “你恨他?”秦石皱了皱眉。 He depends my uncle is Family Head, he is the Family Head only son, therefore makes widely known since childhood domineeringly, even betrays Shangguan Family several years ago, has killed my Shangguan Family dozens disciples, including my younger sister Shangguan Wan'er, cannot escape by luck suffers the violent treachery of that bastard.” Mentioned these, Shangguan Leng was very excited. “他仗着我大伯是家主,他是家主的独子,所以从小张扬跋扈,在几年前甚至背叛上官家,杀了我上官家数十名弟子,其中包括我的妹妹上官婉儿,也未能幸免的遭受那畜生的毒手。”说起这些,上官冷十分激动。 Shangguan Chao manner Qin Shi knows: Has this matter? Does nobody handle him?” 上官超的为人秦石知道:“有这种事?那没人处置他?” Handling? He he, is really the joke!” Shangguan Leng is having the satire of ridicule: Before I had also said that my uncle that person hides shortcomings, Shangguan surpassed him to do such person of god altogether indignant matter, my uncle still vigorously was protecting him, not only has not died another place, instead borrowed its original sends in the desolated jungle him.” “处置?呵呵,真是笑话!”上官冷带着嘲弄的讽刺到:“之前我也说过,我大伯那人护短之极,上官超他做了这样人神共愤的事,我大伯仍是极力的护着他,非但没有将他处死,反而借其原有将他送入荒芜丛林。” Desolated jungle has the stipulation that asked inadequately in East District, that the person who can go out of the desolated jungle, no matter to make mistakes what, did not count the past animosity, must entrust with heavy responsibility.” “荒芜丛林在东方区域有个不成问的规定,那就是能从荒芜丛林走出的人不管曾经犯错过何事,都不计前嫌,必被重用。” Stops, Shangguan Leng continues to be angry: Three years ago, the old fogy should abdicate, but he actually on the grounds of body vigorous and healthy, repeatedly delaying is not willing to give up one's post to a more qualified person, his cleverness in trivial matters can conceal the truth who? Nothing but is wants, when Shangguan surpasses goes out of the desolated jungle, this can should passed to him the position of Family Head.” 停顿一下,上官冷继续愤怒道:“早在三年前,那老家伙就该退位,但他却以身体健壮为由,一拖再拖的不肯让贤,他那点小聪明能瞒的过谁?无非就是想要等到上官超走出荒芜丛林,这样就能理应的将家主之位传给他了。” Qin Shi ponders under a point of meeting, before desolated jungle custom him, hear of pigeon have said that starts East District from Hua Ling is so. 秦石沉思一会的点下头,荒芜丛林这个规矩他之前听白鸽说过,自花零开始东方区域都是如此。 Always nobody can walk. 只是,始终没有人能走出来罢了。 Analyzed the Shangguan Leng words, Qin Shi understood roughly, has smiled saying with a smile: Perhaps your so-called cooperation, is hopes that I do help you capture the position of this Family Head?” 上官冷的话分析一番,秦石大体已经明白了,笑了笑道:“你的所谓合作,恐怕就是希望我帮你夺得这个家主之位吧?” Right!” “没错!” [Say / Way] that Shangguan Leng does not evade. 上官冷毫不避讳的道。 The Qin Shi silent meeting, feels to this cooperation disappointed, Shangguan Family anything Family Head, who makes Family Head this position, he does not care, does not want to waste the time in this. 秦石沉默一会,对这个合作却感到失望,上官家什么家主家主,谁来做家主这个位置,他一点都不在乎,也不想在这浪费时间。 Therefore, he shakes the head saying: Cold Young Master, I thought that you find fault the human, the small of such big matter Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage like me, may unable to help you.” 为此,他摇摇头道:“冷公子,我看你是找错人了,这么大的事情像我这样一个玄灵境初期的小喽啰,可帮不了你。” You can help me, only then you can.” “你能帮我,而且只有你能。” Unexpectedly, Shangguan Leng very affirmative staring Qin Shi. 不料,上官冷很肯定的凝视秦石 This response, Qin Shi accident has gawked staring: Oh? why?” 这个回应,秦石意外的愣了愣:“哦?为何?” Because, you are Demonic Talisman Master.” Shangguan Leng said. “因为,你是符魔师。”上官冷道。 Qin Shi knit the brows, Shangguan Leng knows that he is Demonic Talisman Master this point, he is not accidental, before he to that Zhao Family elder started, strikes to break his spiritual Sea of Consciousness, so long as a little people of eyesight can look. 秦石皱了皱眉,上官冷知道他是符魔师这一点,他并不意外,之前他对那赵家长老下手时,一击震碎了他的精神识海,只要有点眼力的人都能看出来。 He is curious, does this Shangguan Family Family Head position, what relations have with Demonic Talisman Master? 只是他好奇,这上官家家主的位置,和符魔师又有什么关系? Therefore question: Where has what kind of?” 为此问句:“哪有怎样?” Demonic Talisman Master is a strength origin of family, even can say that had formidable Demonic Talisman Master to be then equal to having a formidable army, therefore Shangguan Family regarded as important to Demonic Talisman Master.” 符魔师是一个家族的战力来源,甚至可以说,拥有一名强大的符魔师便等同于拥有了一个强大的军队,所以上官家符魔师非常看重。” Shangguan Leng opens the mouth to explain: In the past, my uncle energy superior Family Head, was because his side had three mark Demonic Talisman Master, after three day , was a Shangguan Family three years of grand ceremony once, my uncle he has made a Demonic Talisman Master big game specially.” 上官冷开口解释道:“当年,我大伯能上位家主,便是因为他身边有一名三纹符魔师,三日后便是上官家三年第一度的大典,我大伯他特意弄了一个符魔师大赛。” Demonic Talisman Master big game?” 符魔师大赛?” Um, said that is the Demonic Talisman Master big game, actually to stop my superior board game piece, now Shangguan Family only then three Demonic Talisman Master, one is my uncle side that three mark Demonic Talisman Master, called Yan Dong, was my Shangguan Family guest elder.” “嗯,说是符魔师大赛,其实就是为了阻拦我上位的棋子,现在上官家只有三名符魔师,一名便是我大伯身边那个三纹符魔师,叫严东,算是我上官家的客席长老。” Another two take orders actually with me, but they have the strengths of two grains, at all possibly is not the severe winter match.” Anger that Shangguan Leng contorts one's face in agony: Therefore, grand ceremony time, once Yan Dong has won the competition, then when electing Family Head stands side my uncle, can shake my uncle on nobody.” “另外两名倒是听命与我,但他们却只有二纹的实力,根本不可能是严冬的对手。”上官冷呲牙咧嘴的怒道:“所以,大典的时候,严东一旦赢了比赛,然后在选举家主时站在我大伯身边,就无人能够撼动我大伯了。” Is this?” “是这样?” Qin Shi silent meeting looking pensive, said: You meant that hopes I can help you win this Demonic Talisman Master to compete?” 秦石若有所思的沉默一会,道:“你的意思是说,希望我能帮你赢下这个符魔师比赛?” Um, at that time, even if in the winter, my uncle do not want to stop my superior!” Looking that Shangguan Leng everywhere earnestly seeks to Qin Shi. “嗯,那时候,就算是严冬在,我大伯也别想阻拦我上位!”上官冷满目渴求的望向秦石 With Shangguan Leng looking at each other, Qin Shi has licked under the split corners of the mouth: That strict east should be very fierce? You determined that I can win?” 上官冷对视,秦石舔了下干裂的嘴角:“那严东应该很厉害吧?你就确定我能赢?” Speaking of this matter, shaking down head that Shangguan Leng sighed woefully: Discontented brothers, I am indefinite, even can say that before tagged along after the brothers you to determine whether Shangguan Chao died, afterward saw the showdown of you and Zhao Family elder, I changed the mind.” 提起这事,上官冷哀叹的摇下头:“不满兄弟,我也不确定,甚至可以这么说,之前尾随兄弟你只是想要确定上官超是否死了,后来看见你和赵家长老的对决,我才改变主意。” Nod of Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, then also said: Actually, I thought that you do not need to do this, Shangguan Chao died the position of this Family Head, sooner or later is your.” 秦石恍然大悟的点了点头,然后又道:“其实,我觉得你没必要这样做,上官超死了这家主之位,迟早是你的。” No, Shangguan Ba that old fox, a time longer accident are more, I and others.” “不,上官霸那老滑头,时间越长变故越多,我等不了了。” The shaking down head that Shangguan Leng renounces, then suddenly said: Brothers you, so long as is willing to help me, making the position of my smooth mounting Family Head, the advantage definitely probably have the brothers you, moreover heard that the reward of this Demonic Talisman Master big game, is a Heaven Realm Desolate Beast corpse, in the corpse also has the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality and remnant spirit.” 上官冷决绝的摇下头,然后突然道:“兄弟你只要肯帮我,让我顺利的登上家主之位,好处肯定少不了兄弟你的,而且听说这次符魔师大赛的奖励,是一个天境荒兽的尸体,尸体中还存有内丹和残灵。” Oh? Heaven Realm Desolate Beast?” 哦?天境荒兽?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, this made him a little excited actually. 秦石咂了咂舌,这个倒是令他有点兴奋。 A Heaven Realm Desolate Beast Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality, that precious degree absolutely is it goes without saying, even if valuably does not have the city in the emperors, extremely rare. 一个天境荒兽的内丹,那珍贵的程度绝对是不言而喻,就算是在皇都都是有价无市,凤毛麟角。 Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality Qin Shi does not care but actually, truly what he cares is that wisp remnant spirit. 况且,内丹秦石倒不在乎,他真正在乎的是那一缕残灵。 Since leaving Tianchi, his then breakthrough to five mark Demonic Talisman Master, so long as in trying hard to achieve six grains, at that time will be remnant the spirit refinement, to him absolutely is a huge boost. 自从离开天池后,他便突破到五纹符魔师,只要在努努力就能达到六纹,那时候将残灵炼制,对他来讲绝对是一个天大的助力。 Said, is this Demonic Talisman Master big game, how?” Under enticement, Qin Shi finally vacillation raising head question. “说说吧,这符魔师大赛,是怎么个比法?”在诱惑下,秦石终于动摇的仰头问句 hears that sound, happy intent of that Shangguan Leng pupil heart place cannot cover, hastily with saying: This big game, by the pattern competion of elimination series, in the family has prepared Desolate Beast of each rank, the participating person refines from Huang Rank Desolate Beast first, is Xuan Rank, Earth Rank, Heaven Rank, the person who increase bit by bit, the refinement failure or the ability are insufficient was eliminated.” 闻声,那上官冷眸心处的喜意遮挡不住,连忙跟道:“这大赛,是以淘汰赛的模式比拼,家中准备了各个等级的荒兽,参赛的人先从黄阶荒兽来炼制,然后是玄阶,地阶,天阶,一点一点的增加,炼制失败或是能力不足的人被淘汰。” This? Actually very interesting way.” “这样?倒是个挺有趣的方式。” That said that Brother Shi Qin were comply?” Shangguan Leng urgent question. “那这么说,石秦兄弟算是答应了?”上官冷迫切的问句 300,000 Upper Tier spirit stones!” “300000上品灵石!” What?” “啥?” 300,000 Upper Tier spirit stones, I promise you.” Qin Shi lowered the head, leisurely said toward Shangguan Leng. “300000上品灵石,我答应你。”秦石低下头,慢条斯理的朝上官冷道。 Hears this number, Shangguan Leng is low and deep, happy intent that before the pupil heart place flashed through was nothing left: Brother, did 300,000 this numbers, rather too exaggerate?” 听到这个数,上官冷却低沉下来,之前眸心处闪过的喜意荡然无存:“兄弟,300000这数,未免太夸张了吧?” He he, exaggeration? I did not think that your Shangguan Family is Eastern four everyone / influential family, perhaps are 3 million also only the matters of waving? You said that Family Head, with 300,000, which worthwhile?” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth one, does not give the opportunity that Shangguan Leng bargained back and forth. “呵呵,夸张么?我可不觉得,你们上官家身为东方四大家,恐怕3000000也只是挥挥手的事吧?你说,一个家主,和300000,哪个合算?”秦石嘴角一咧,一点不给上官冷讨价还价的机会。 Cracks a joke, not pit his pit anyone, who called him to be prosperous-looking? 开玩笑,不坑他坑谁,谁叫他富态呢? Also, he and Shangguan Leng himself was not a friend, has not opened the mouth to shout that 500,000 that has shown due respect for the feelings very much, moreover this was looked that he harmed Shangguan Leng to be been discourteous by Zhao Yong before, under the hands / subordinates was forgiving. 再说,他和上官冷本身就不是朋友,没开口就喊500000那已经很给面子了,而且这还是看在之前他害上官冷被赵勇非礼了,才手下留情。 Shangguan Leng falls into hesitant, 300,000 for him are not a decimal, but the meaning of Qin Shi was very clear, if he will unable to put out 300,000 Qin Shi definitely not to comply. 上官冷陷入犹豫,300000对他来说也不是个小数,但秦石的意思已经很明确,他若是拿不出300000秦石肯定不会答应。 Finally is intertwining, his heartless: Good, 300,000 300,000!” 终于在纠结中,他一狠心:“好,300000就300000!” Spoke, sees only his sleeve robe to wield, 30 box of dense and numerous spirit stones mail out from the void ring, inside thinks is neat code good Upper Tier spirit stones, a box 10,000, enough 300,000. 说完话,只见他袖袍一挥,30箱密密麻麻的灵石从虚空戒指中寄出,里面装着的都是整齐码好的上品灵石,一箱子10000,足足300000。 Is staring at 300,000 spirit stones, although Qin Shi has experienced, but places on the ground cannot bear exclaim in surprise: Hissing this Shangguan Family is really rich.” 盯着300000灵石,虽说秦石见识过,但同时摆放在地上还是忍不住惊叹一番:“嘶这上官家果然有钱啊。” But the exclamation has only continued the moment, he wielded the black robe to draw in 30 box of spirit stones immediately, at once satisfied began to look supinely toward the East. 但惊叹只持续了片刻,他马上挥了挥黑袍将30箱灵石收拢,旋即满意的仰起头朝东方望去。 Somewhat mistily shone in the position of that horizon, for this reason he pats Shangguan Leng, said: „The sky is about to have shone, goes back quickly, otherwise your accompanies, if holds really the news, your 300,000 spirit stones my not also you.” 在那地平线的位置已经有些蒙蒙发亮,为此他拍下上官冷,道:“天快亮了,快回去吧,否则你那随从若是真把消息捅出去,你这300000灵石我可不会还你。” „After three day, I look for the brothers again!” “三日后,我再来找兄弟!” Under point that Shangguan Leng clenches teeth, at once sets out then to run away toward the distant place. 上官冷咬着牙的点下头,旋即起身便朝远方遁去。 When Shangguan Leng goes far away, Qin Shi cannot bear laughs, these time really picked up a big bargain, how long 300,000 Upper Tier spirit stones enough Qin did sect develop? 上官冷远去,秦石才忍不住的大笑起来,这一次真是捡了大便宜,300000上品灵石足够秦宗发展多久了啊? Remembers this matter, happiness that he cannot bear. 一想起这事,他就忍不住的开心。 Naturally, now what he anticipates, after three day, that Heaven Realm Desolate Beast. 当然,他现在更期待的是,三日后那尊天境荒兽 Demon symbol of Heaven Realm Desolate Beast refinement, in which strength it goes without saying. 天境荒兽炼制的魔符,其中的力量不言而喻 Initially the demon symbol of snake ceratop, directly promoted Heaven Realm Spirit King Realm Late Stage him, that type only needed to wave on the foot to destroy the day to extinguish the place the strength, he thinks also to feel now excitedly. 当初蛇角龙的魔符,直接将王灵境后期的他提升到天境,那种只需要挥挥手就足矣毁天灭地的力量,他现在想想还感觉到兴奋。 Excited, the dawn scattered. 兴奋中,晨曦已经散落。 Display of vigour and vitality, the day in desolated jungle, bridges over the winter of that chill in the air in early spring, at this time is when bloomy spring, in morning dew prehardening, a wisp of elegantly simple cloudy flower fragrance heads on. 旭日东升,在荒芜丛林中的日子,将那春寒料峭的冬季跨过,此时正是春暖花开之际,在朝露初凝时分,一缕淡雅的昙花香扑面而来。 Deep inspiration, the Qin Shi mind ripples several points of ripples, at once is looking at the fierce light of that eight side, is annoying: Yeah, the rest of reaching an agreement, like this malingered.” 深深的吸口气,秦石心神不禁荡漾起几分涟漪,旋即望着那八方的烈光,不由懊恼:“哎,说好的休息,就这样泡汤了啊。” A night, did not go back, it is estimated that two girls must be worried. 一夜了,再不回去,估计那两个女孩要担心了。 Under have no alternative, his black robe indulges in the ray, body light such as the cutting clear sky of swallow, speeds away toward distant place broad Cold City. 无可奈何下,他的黑袍沉溺在光芒中,身轻如燕的划破晴空,朝着远方恢弘的冷城疾驰。 ! 咻! But he had not actually discovered that after he leaves shortly, standing that Shangguan Leng crosses the hands behind the back on crotch, has lowering the head of profound meaning. 但他却并未发现,在他离开后的不久,上官冷负手的站在树杈上,颇有深意的低下头。 Returns to Cold City. 回到冷城 Qin Shi has not been flying, after all some early common people started to set up a stall called, therefore he falls in the city gate position, walks toward the restaurant on foot. 秦石没有在飞行,毕竟一些起得早的百姓已经开始摆摊吆喝,所以他在城门的位置落下,徒步朝酒楼走去。 ! 咣! But in returning toward the road in restaurant on, suddenly resounding, the thin frail form, hits together toward Qin Shi flying upside down following nearby lane entrance. 但在回往酒楼的路上,突然脆响一声,一道骨瘦如柴的单薄身影,顺着旁边的巷口朝秦石倒飞撞来。 ---- ---- Fellow readers were sorry that for these days slightly shallowly went home, accompanies the family member therefore to renew the disorder at home, hopes that can understand. But the renewal quantity will not be few, every day at least two, will have one in the evening. 各位读者抱歉,这几天小浅回家,在家里陪家里人所以更新紊乱,希望能够理解。但更新数量不会少,每天至少两更,晚上还会有一更。
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