PDL :: Volume #4

#363: Night assault

Came?” “来了么?” Looks to the arrow arrow of bed, Qin Shi not accidental knitting the brows. 望向床榻的箭矢,秦石并不意外的皱起眉。 Evening's matter crosses, he will then expect some people to look for trouble, but has not thought such rapidness, cannot he rest including one unexpectedly in the evening. 晚上的事一过,他便料到会有人来找麻烦,只是没想到来的竟会如此之快,连一个晚上都不许他休息。 ! 咻! Black pupil one cold, in rear area is a sharp murderous intention direct impact, he who forces has to after moves out of the way half step, the single successor dynasty front searches, grasps the second arrow arrow in the hand. 黑眸一寒,在后方又是一股锐利的杀机直冲而下,逼迫的他不得不朝后挪开半步,单后朝胸前一探,一把将第二支箭矢抓在手中。 Lowers the head to look at the second arrow arrow, he got angry. 低头望着第二道箭矢,他是真的怒了。 Snort, dares to disturb my rest, I accompany you to play!” “哼,敢打扰了我的休息,那我就陪你们玩玩!” The miraculous glow one presently, grinds the powder that arrow arrow, at once after picking up the black robe, even if Qin Shi leaps the window. 灵光一现,一把将那箭矢碾成粉末,旋即托起黑袍后秦石纵然跃出窗口。 Float Yu Kong, about Qin Shi looks all around, then realized that in the direction that the arrow arrow projects a vicissitudes old man, he binds the grey ashen cape unable to see clearly the appearance, crosses the hands behind the back to stand has several points to honor the prestige but actually. 悬浮于空,秦石左右环顾一圈,便在箭矢射出的方向察觉到一名沧桑老者,他裹着灰土色的斗篷看不清容貌,负手而立倒有着几分尊威。 He he, is the old fogy, you disturbs me to rest? That thinks how the good things to do after death to confess?” Curling the lip of Qin Shi accident, sneers to say. “呵呵,老家伙,就是你打扰我休息?那想好后事怎么交代了吗?”秦石意外的撇了撇嘴,冷笑道。 ! 咻! Who thinks that the old man sees Qin Shi, is almost turning around without hesitation, one changes into together the remnant shade, flies to escape toward Cold City outside. 谁想,那老者看见秦石,几乎是不假思索的转身,一下就化为一道残影,朝冷城外飞遁。 „To draw out Cold City me? Snort, suits me!” “想把我引出冷城?哼,正合我意!” Qin Shi has gawked first staring, he is still thinking, if two Profound Spirit Realm fight in front of restaurant, the light will be that fearful spiritual power remaining prestige will then cause a tumult, like this will leave Cold City to unshackle on the contrary. 秦石先愣了愣,他本来也还在想,若是两名玄灵境在酒楼门前交手,光是那可怕的灵力余威便会引起一番骚动,这样离开冷城反倒放得开手脚。 But he sharply has not been pursuing toward old man, but turning around of soft, after the palm finds out very much, brings back toward on the five fingers, flood together weak golden light on fingertip. 但他并未急着朝老者追去,而是很绵柔的转过身,掌心探出后将五指朝上勾起,在指尖上泛起一道微弱的金光。 The golden light presently, he wields for the first time conveniently, room outside Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha under the cloth ties, this waving of satisfied, dragging the black robe to follow to go toward the old man. 金光乍现,他随手一挥,在小米彩玉罗刹的房间外布下结界,这才满意的挥了挥手,拖起黑袍朝老者追随而去。 ! 咻! ! 咻! On the Cold City nighttime sky, two broken shadows rip open the asterism, outside the quiet forest toward city wall speeds away. 冷城夜空上,两道残破的黑影撕开星芒,朝着城墙外的幽林疾驰。 In the process of speeding away, Qin Shi narrows the eyes to expand the psychic force that focuses, covers makes him stare after that old man body, he discovered that spiritual power of this old man cultivates, although has Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage, but is doping not the small spiritual fluctuation in that spiritual power unexpectedly. 在疾驰的过程中,秦石眯眯着眼的将精神力扩开,笼罩在那老者身上后不禁让他一愣,他发现这老者的灵力修为虽只有玄灵境初期,但在那灵力中竟掺杂着不小的精神波动。 Originally is also Demonic Talisman Master?” “原来也是个符魔师?” This point, Qin Shi is quite accidental, he has not seen second Demonic Talisman Master besides Piao Quan, has to say this professional rarity and honored. 这一点,秦石算是比较意外,他除了朴泉以外还没见过第二个符魔师呢,不得不说这个职业的罕见和尊贵。 Verified the situation, Qin Shi just wanted to draw in the psychic force, actually knitting the brows , the black pupil looked askance at along black robe toward rear area, discovered that had one with is the Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage form, is following in the direction kilometer away. 查明情况,秦石刚欲收拢精神力,却不由的皱了皱眉,黑眸睨视的顺黑袍朝后方去,发现有一名同为玄灵境初期的身影,正在千米外的方向尾随而来。 Therefore he cracks into a smile: He he, it seems like tonight also is really lively.” 为此他不禁咧嘴一笑:“呵呵,看来今晚还真是热闹啊。” But he has not done, but treats as anything has not occurred same the psychic force draws, pursues into the quiet forest along with the old man rapidly. 但他并未多做,只是当做什么也没发生过一样的将精神力收拢,迅速随着老者追入幽林。 Treads on the quiet Lin Gumu trunk and branches, the old man raises head to look after Qin Shi dense smiles: Hey, is really a brave boy, dares to pursue unexpectedly really?” 踏在幽林古木的枝干上,老者仰头朝秦石望去后森然一笑:“嘿嘿,真是个胆大的小子,竟然真敢追来?” Similarly drops the body, shrugging that Qin Shi thinks little of said: Otherwise, does not solve troublesome, feared that was tonight is very difficult to rest.” 同样落下身,秦石不以为意的耸肩道:“不然呢,不解决掉麻烦,怕是今晚很难休息了。” Ha Ha, has to expose the air/Qi, that looked that you do have the life to go back to rest tonight!” Old man hears that sound has gawked staring, at once he caresses must laugh, sees only the sleeve in the process of laughing changes, an aquamarine hand crossbow finds out the dark night imperceptibly. “哈哈,有点破气,那就看你今晚有没有命回去休息了!”老者闻声愣了愣,旋即他抚须大笑,在大笑的过程中只见袖筒一变,一把碧绿色的手弩无形中探出黑夜。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! Three unexpected blows break the space then to take in toward the Qin Shi eyebrow peak. 三道冷箭破开空间便朝秦石眉峰摄入。 Bang! 轰! The Qin Shi god read trembles, the footsteps under black robe withdrew rapidly, step the strange step to shunt two unexpected blows, at once his gloomy single-handed searched, pinched the third unexpected blow in the palm. 秦石神念微颤,黑袍下的脚步迅速退后,迈着诡异的步法将两支冷箭躲开,旋即他阴沉的单手一探,一把将第三支冷箭捏在掌中。 The slender fingertip changes, thumb punctures the making a debut golden light toward, at once after invisible that arrow arrow bends at the knees cold Dao: „The old man who does not understand the custom, does not know before fighting, should first under the main house gate from the news?” 修长的指尖一变,拇指朝下方刺出道金光,旋即在无形间将那箭矢折弯后冷道:“不懂规矩的老头,难道不知道在交手前,应该先自报下家门吗?” „The person of dying, will not match to know the given name of old man!” Three arrow failing old men are not accidental, probably is expected, form anteversion moment on branch, one on crawling toward the Qin Shi bang under. “将死之人,不配知道老夫的名号!”三箭落空老者并不意外,好像早在预料之中,在树枝上的身影前倾一刻,咻一下就匍匐的朝秦石轰下。 The Qin Shi restraining aura, lifts the palm to welcome. 秦石收敛气息,举掌迎上。 Bang! 砰! Profound Spirit Realm fights to incur move of shocking, is only a palm interlocks, that fearful spirit pressure soars on such as the raging flame, the severe gale of rolling up and pushing along rips open the innumerable gullies the earth, swallows dozens Gu Mu. 玄灵境交手招招惊世,光是一掌交错,那可怕的灵压就如熊熊烈火般腾升而起,卷动的厉风将大地撕开无数沟壑,吞噬掉数十颗古木。 Fire Quan Pao!” “火泉炮!” At once, old man rickets below, after will hold the wind lifts next, to congeal the hand imprint, a flame resembles lit cheetah spraying. 旋即,老者佝偻下背,将掌风抬下后凝成手印,一道火光酷似被点燃的猎豹般喷射而出。 Green pines illusory image leg!” “苍松幻影腿!” Qin Shi refuses to admit being inferior raises the corners of the mouth, on the tip of the toe arouses myriad advantage arrows to puncture. 秦石不甘示弱的一扬嘴角,脚尖上唤起万千利箭刺下。 ! 咣啷! The infinite illusory image, took advantage of opportunity in wooded mountain passed over gently and swiftly. 无穷的幻影,顺势在山林里掠过。 That [say / way] cold glow, jumps to shoot in their fist palms, probably the waterfall of avalanche, the innumerable time star meteors such as the silver chain falls together radiantly. 那道道寒芒,在两人拳掌间迸射而出,好像一道崩塌的瀑布,无数流光星陨如银链般璀璨落下。 But more fights, this old man is the heart startled: „Isn't this boy breakthrough Profound Spirit Realm? How to have so strong strength?” 但越是交手,这老者越是心惊:“这小子不是才突破玄灵境?怎么会有如此强劲的力量?” Old mixed wool, should change me!” “老杂毛,该换我了!” Under the violent anger, Qin Shi jumps to leap, at once sees only him to draw out in the hands to cut the vault of heaven, seems great hibernation of insects Tun Tian general the spiritual power billowing compression, on that day within essence such as the revelation was ordinary, gathers among his palms. 暴怒下,秦石纵身一跃,旋即只见他起手间将苍穹划破,好似巨蛰吞天一般的将灵力滚滚压缩,那天地间的精气如泄露一般,汇聚向他的掌间。 Billowing miraculous glow time one after another, howls a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray quiet flower to bloom probably, making the surrounding gravity start throughout, to explode loudly shoots under. 滚滚的灵光一团一团的流光,呼啸间好像一朵万丈光芒的幽花绽放,令周围的重力开始始终,轰然爆射而下。 Damn, what strange move is this?” “该死,这是什么诡异的招数?” Sees that quiet flower, old man straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards horizontal twitches, when but he wants to dodge the body actually lost control, dry can only stare looks that ray pierces him like the raindrop. 望见那幽花,老者剑眉横起的抽搐一下,但当他想多闪时身躯却已经失控,只能干瞪眼的看着那光芒如雨点般将他刺穿。 Puff! 噗! Painful made him put out a bright red bloodstain, can not the following two invisible psychic forces become the spider web four shoots, became the barrier keeps off the halo. 痛苦的令他吐出一口嫣红血迹,不得以下两道无形的精神力成蛛网般四射而下,成屏障将光晕挡下。 Qin Shi not accidental cracks into a smile: He he, can the dog jump the wall anxiously?” 秦石并不意外的咧嘴一笑:“呵呵,狗急要跳墙了吗?” Boy, compelling me to put forth psychic force, your time of death arrived!” “小子,逼我使出精神力,那你的死期就到了!” Held the knee to breathe heavily mouth thick air/Qi, the old man has raised to come the pupil light to open and close, cold and gloomy stared at Qin Shi hisses lowly: Taiyi Sanyang decides!” 扶膝喘了口粗气,老者扬起头来眸光开合,森冷的盯着秦石低啸一声:“太乙三阳决!” ! 咻! The invisible psychic force from the sky gathers, unexpectedly start embodiment bit by bit, then separately occupies the clear sky three points, forms the strategy. 无形的精神力在空中汇聚,竟一点一点的开始具象化,然后分别占据晴空三点,形成阵法。 Spiritual martial arts?” “精神武学?” This Qin Shi is quite but actually accidental, must know that spiritual martial arts far from common martial arts can look disdainfully, this thing mainland few types, when initially practiced the big Buddhist relics definitely he like that will be excited. 这点秦石倒颇为意外,要知道精神武学远非寻常武学可以睥睨,这种东西就算全大陆都没有几样,所以当初修炼大舍利决时他才会那般兴奋。 It seems like looks down on your this old fogy.” “看来是小瞧你这老家伙了。” Qin Shi curled the lip, the cold pupil suddenly draws, however in next instant, similar three psychic forces, even if leaps, directly from the sky forms three purple quiet fires. 秦石撇了撇嘴,寒眸蓦然间收拢一下,然而在下一霎,同样三道精神力纵然跃出,直接在空中形成三道紫色幽火。 „Are you also Demonic Talisman Master?” The old men are shocked stared staring. “你也是符魔师?”老者惊呆的瞪了瞪眼。 Hey, the psychic force may not only you have.” “嘿嘿,精神力可不光你有。” Qin Shi shrugs smiles, directional that [say / way] that at once two fingers are uneven ties, cold sound smiles: Gives me to break!” 秦石耸肩一笑,旋即两指齐出的指向那道结阵,冷声一笑:“给我破!” Bang! 轰! The quiet fire jumps shoots, follows close on knot of old man then indifferently to blast open, when at once he gets back one's composure once again, before Qin Shi arrived in his body, a fist does not respect the elders the bombardment that the care for the young said in his profile, making him turn several somersaults, falling maliciously on the ground. 幽火迸射,紧跟着老者的结界便漠然炸裂,旋即当他再度回神时,秦石已抵达他的身前,一拳毫无尊老爱幼之说的轰击在他侧脸,令他翻了几个跟头,狠狠的摔在地上。 Was good, since dares to come out to look for trouble, I think that you were also ready that went.” Flung waving the arms about, Qin Shi has had a yawn to quenching three [gold/metal] on the control three quiet fires, he on an idea, after solving this old ghost, now went back to sleep. “行了,既然敢出来找麻烦,那我想你也做好赴死的准备了。”甩了甩手,秦石打了一个哈欠就操控三道幽火淬炼出三道金芒,他现在就一个想法,解决这老鬼后回去睡觉。 And other!” “等一下!” Shivering that the old man stood up from failure said: I, I have not reported the main house gate.” 那老头翻了个身的颤抖道:“我,我还没报家门。” Qin Shi has gawked staring, at once ridicules smiles: He he, does not need! Started not to say from you that I regarded you am the homeless wild dog.” 秦石愣了愣,旋即嘲弄一笑:“呵呵,不需要了!从你开始没说,我就把你当成是无家可归的野狗了。” Bang! 砰! Spoke, he does not give the opportunity that old man refuted, cold glow that made noise together cool and refreshingly able to move unhindered, wiped on the nape of the neck of that old man, broke his air/Qi directly. 说完话,他都不给老者反驳的机会,一道泠泠作响的寒芒纵横而下,在那老者的脖颈上一抹而过,直接断了他的气。 The solution old man, after Qin Shi pats has clapped, not anxiously moving sideways, but is the lowering the head successor dynasty flank looks, cold Dao: Comes out, when wants to watch the fun?” 解决老者,秦石拍了拍手后并未急着闪身,而是低下头后朝侧方瞄去,冷道:“出来吧,想看热闹到什么时候?” He he, Brother Shi Qin good ability.” “呵呵,石秦兄弟好能耐啊。” Follows the Qin Shi sound, gloomy a corner in forests, puts on the luxurious youth of outstanding ability to find out, steps on sends out the soughing light sound on the withered branches and leaves. 伴随秦石的声音,在林间一处阴暗的角落,一名穿着奢华的俊逸青年探出,踩在干枯的枝叶上发出飒飒轻响。 Sees this person, Qin Shi not accidental smiling: He he, cold does Young Master really have the aesthetic pleasure, the greater part of the night does not rest well, runs this to come to play to tag along after the track?” 看见这人,秦石并不意外的笑笑:“呵呵,冷公子真是有雅兴,大半夜不好好休息,跑这来是要玩尾随跟踪吗?” Without doubt, this youth Shangguan Leng. 无疑,这青年正是上官冷 He raises eyes to look to Qin Shi, the pupil moral nature place has together clearly discernible dreading: Where, I am curious, were actually Brother Shi Qin where sacred? This Zhao Family two elders are three mark Demonic Talisman Master, my Shangguan Family does not dare saying that can extinguish easily kills, may in stone Brother Qin in the hand actually like being run over and dying an ant simple.” 他举目望向秦石,眸心底处有一道清晰可见的忌惮:“哪里,我只是好奇,石秦兄弟究竟是何方神圣?这赵家二长老乃是三纹符魔师,连我上官家都不敢说能轻易灭杀,可在石秦兄弟手中却像碾死一只蚂蚁一样简单。” Who I am, not exhausted cold Young Master knew, if only then this matter I first go back, were not many accompanies Young Master.” Qin Shi curled the lip, does not have what favorable impression to the Shangguan Family person. “我是何人,就不劳烦冷公子知道了,若只有这事的话我就先回去,不多陪公子了。”秦石撇了撇嘴,对上官家的人没有什么好感。 Shangguan Leng crosses the hands behind the back smiles: He he, naturally, was only Brother Shi Qin, you said matter that you killed my big brother, if made my uncle know what result will have?” 上官冷负手一笑:“呵呵,当然可以,只是石秦兄弟,你说你杀死我大哥的事,若是让我大伯知道了会有什么结果?” Just took one step, the Qin Shi black pupil concentrates, was the evening matter, really detected? 刚迈出一步,秦石黑眸一凝,傍晚的事,果然被发觉了吗? He he, Shangguan Young Master, are you are threatening me?” “呵呵,上官公子,你这是在威胁我?” Shrugging that Shangguan Leng thinks little of: How to think with stone Brother Qin.” 上官冷不以为意的耸耸肩:“随石秦兄弟怎么想。” You did not fear that I have killed you?” “你不怕我杀了你?” The Qin Shi low and deep under eye, has looking back of interest to look toward Shangguan Leng. 秦石低沉下眼,颇有兴致的回首朝上官冷望去。 He he, you cannot.” Shangguan Leng self-confidence said. “呵呵,你不会。”上官冷自信道。 Oh? did you such affirm?” 哦?你就这么肯定?” In the Qin Shi eye the cold brightness one presently, in an instant, that he reviews become the spider web golden miraculous glow from the palm blowout, covers Shangguan Leng on a three people of thick bough directly. 秦石眼中寒光一现,就在他回眸的刹那间,一道道成蛛网般的金色灵光自掌心喷出,将上官冷直接笼罩在一棵三人粗的树干上。 Bang! 砰! Was locked on the bough, Shangguan Leng obvious one startled, but he actually fakes the calm breaking by biting lower lip, then struggles continually has not struggled, but everywhere is glittering the strange smiling face: Before I go out, then has given me along with delivering this news, if I have not been able to return to the mansion before the sunrise, he will kill Shangguan Chao news to report this you to my uncle!” 被锁定在树干上,上官冷明显一惊,但他却假作镇定的咬破下唇,然后连挣扎都未曾挣扎一下,只是满目闪烁着诡异的笑容道:“早在我出门前,便已经将这消息交给我的随送,若是我在日出之前还未能回到府邸,他自会将这你杀死上官超的消息禀告给我大伯!” You thought that I will fear your Shangguan Family?” Qin Shi disgruntled low roars, that spider web along with his palm rotation, shrinks is tighter. “你觉得,我会怕你们上官家?”秦石不悦的低吼一声,那蛛网随他掌心转动,缩的更紧。 He he, Brother Shi Qin this and other big energies, from, when will not dread my Shangguan Family, but your wife and daughters not necessarily, if known by my uncle, by his conduct attitude feared is all -out effort fully, can with your noisy fight in which both sides perish.” “呵呵,石秦兄弟这等大能,自当不会畏惧我上官家,但你的妻女就未必了,若是被我大伯知道,以他的行事作风怕是拼劲全力,也会和你闹个鱼死网破。” Shangguan Leng endures letting go of pain saying: With it so, why not such as we not to discuss a cooperation, no matter to the brothers you to your wife and daughters, was advantageously does not have the shortcoming!” 上官冷忍着痛苦的摊手道:“与其如此,何不如我们不来谈个合作,不管是对兄弟你还是对你那妻女,都是有利无弊啊!” Cooperation?” “合作?” Knitting the brows of Qin Shi accident, raised several points of interest actually. 秦石意外的皱了皱眉,倒是提起几分兴趣。
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