PDL :: Volume #4

#362: Shangguan cold

! 咣! Bang, Zhao Young Master flies upside down. 巨响一声,赵公子倒飞出来。 Smack! 碰! That strength is heavy, pounds a hole the wall surface of lignin, made Su guest curious poking head of building two building three buildings. 那力量不轻,把木质的墙面砸出个窟窿,令一楼二楼三楼的宿客不禁好奇的探出头来。 Sees distressed Zhao Yong, all people to say astonished: Drinks, who is this? Unexpectedly Zhao Family Young Master making into this?” 看见狼狈的赵勇,诸人惊愕道:“喝,这是谁啊?竟把赵家公子给打成这样?” Does not know, some big enmity? Directly from third floors casting aside?” “不知道,这得有多大仇?直接从三楼给撇下来了?” Bang! 轰! When the crowd full is puzzled, a youth of bristling with anger, hurriedly rushes from the third floors, in the mouth is curling the spirit pressure roared: Zhao Yong, your bastard, repays principal little purely!” 在人群满是不解时,一名怒发冲冠的青年,风风火火的从三楼冲下,口中卷着灵压的咆哮道:“赵勇,你个畜生,还本少清白!” The sound is very loud, the audiences can hear. 声音很大,全场都听得见。 Pure? 清白? The corners of the eye of many person twitch, after seeing that youth, has gawked staring: Is Shangguan Family three Young Master, Shangguan Leng?” 不少人的眼角抽搐一下,看见那青年后愣了愣:“是上官家的三公子,上官冷?” This Zhao Yong Shangguan Leng? Looked that this appearance must eat the Zhao Yong same mouth also to kick up a racket probably exactly is being pure, what weren't they that?” “这赵勇把上官冷怎么了?看这模样好像要活吃了赵勇一样嘴里还吵吵着要清白,俩人不是那啥了吧?” Bang! 砰! Shangguan Leng becomes flushed a face, somewhat is obviously excited, the hair catches fire to be the same probably, after working on Zhao Yong , the Profound Spirit Realm vigorous spirit pressure gathers together the flood dragon, throws to fly directly following the windows of two buildings Zhao Yong. 上官冷涨红个脸,情绪明显有些激动,头发好像都着火一样,抓起赵勇后一道玄灵境的浑厚灵压聚成蛟龙,直接将赵勇顺着二楼的窗户抛飞出去。 This, sufficed to suppress, this was two buildings. 这一下,也真够狠了,这可是二楼啊。 All people were all scared, you take a look at me, I take a look at you, flushed in abundance. 所有人全傻眼了,你瞧瞧我,我瞧瞧你,纷纷冲了出去。 Walks, we also pass.” “走,咱们也过去。” Qin Shi suppresses the happy expression, after holding on Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha, under foot grinds void treads, following window on jump crowd. 秦石强忍笑意,拉住小米彩玉罗刹后脚下一个虚空碾踏,顺着窗户就跃进人群中。 ! 咣! Comes out from the second floors, fell three meat eight elements Zhao Yong, the albizzia julibrissin loose drug efficacy has dispersed much, immediately energetic crawling set out. 从二楼出来,把赵勇摔得三荤八素,合欢散的药效也散了不少,马上精神的爬起身。 After tracing the back of the head, he is a little blurry, sees Shangguan Leng to be angry saying: Shangguan Leng, was your his mother insane? Hits father to do in good condition?” 摸了摸后脑勺后他还有点迷糊,望见上官冷大怒道:“上官冷,你他妈疯了?好端端的打老子干嘛?” Hits you? Has not killed you are light.” “打你?没杀了你就是轻的了。” Shangguan Leng temperament that called one to explode, around one jumped onto Zhao Yong according to wall, then leaned excessively comes out the neck dew: Come, come, come, you take a look, his mother are do obeisance you to bestow.” 上官冷的脾气那叫一个爆,咻一下跃上前后将赵勇按在墙上,然后侧过头将脖子露出来:“来,来,来,你瞧瞧,这他妈都是拜你所赐。” Zhao Yong stares, lowers the head to look toward the Shangguan Leng nape of the neck, tooth seal seal one after another on the neck of Shangguan Leng, to collar bone place. 赵勇一愣,低头朝上官冷的脖颈瞧去,一排一排的牙印正印在上官冷的脖子上,一直到锁骨处。 But looks, Zhao Yong is unclear affair, instead righteous pinches the waist to scold: Your his mother made the dog bite, what relations had with the father?” 但瞧了瞧,赵勇却不明事理,反而理直气壮的掐起腰骂道:“你他妈让狗咬了,跟老子有什么关系?” Throws! 扑哧! Qin Shi cannot bear laugh loudly in side. 秦石在旁边忍不住捧腹大笑。 Shangguan Leng becomes flushed a face to scold: Right, my his mother made dog bite, was makes your this dog bite! Said that his mother looks for this unusual matter, finally entered your room, hugged this little is not putting, comes up one to gnaw randomly, traces you who searched to lack loved you?” 上官冷涨红个脸骂道:“对,我他妈让狗咬了,就是让你这条狗咬了!说他妈找本少有事,结果进了你房间,抱着本少就不放,上来一顿乱啃,摸摸搜搜的你是不是缺爱了你?” Hears this saying, person who surrounds was all shocked. 听到这话,围观的人全惊呆了。 Does this Zhao Yong, have the hobby of Longyang sexual intercourse? 这赵勇,难道有龙阳交合的嗜好? What?” “什么?” Zhao Yong narrows the eyes focuses to think deeply about a meeting, actually knitting the brows: Who looks for you? When do I look for you? How don't I remember?” 赵勇眯眯着眼思索一会,却不禁的皱起眉来:“谁找你?我何时找你?我怎么不记得?” Isn't you looks for me?” “不是你找我?” Hears this saying, the Shangguan Leng anger also to fall, is twisting compelling question of brow. 听见这话,上官冷的怒火也降下来一些,拧着眉头的逼问句 Nonsense, is my his mother waiting for the beautiful woman to visit in room, is all right I to ask your such smelly masters to do? Can you sleep with me? Grass!” Zhao Yong scolded. “废话,我他妈正在房里等着美人上门,没事我找你这么个臭老爷们干嘛?你能跟我睡觉啊?艹!”赵勇骂道。 They were obloquying that heard suddenly nearby direction and discussion, were shocked all of a sudden. 两人正大骂,忽闻旁边的指点和议论,一下子愣住了。 Looks back to look toward the crowd , the vision happen to sees in the crowd in one side whole face happy expression Qin Shi. 回首朝人群里望去,目光正好在人群中看见在一旁满脸笑意的秦石 Zhao Yong stares: Is you?” 赵勇一愣:“是你?” Is this boy, said that you ask me to have the matter.” “就是这小子,说你找我有事。” hears that sound, Zhao Yong narrows the eyes focuses, is quick then to realize that Qin Shi Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai, the beautiful woman peerless appearance , is not just two fairy that shop waiter and he described? 闻声,赵勇眯眯着眼,然后很快便察觉到秦石身旁的玉罗刹小米彩,那倾城绝世的容颜,不正是店小二和他描述的两个仙女 This Zhao Yong quan understood, gets angry to Qin Shi: Is you, dispersed the albizzia julibrissin making a fraudulent switch?” 这一下赵勇全明白了,冲秦石怒道:“是你,将合欢散给调包了?” Zhao Yong roars, Shangguan Leng also understands that the face of becoming flushed is pale, after loosening Zhao Yong, pinches the fist psst makes noise: „Is boy, the ghost who you do?” 赵勇怒吼,上官冷也明白过来,涨红的面庞铁青下来,松开赵勇后将拳头捏的吱吱作响:“小子,是你搞的鬼?” He he, recovered?” “呵呵,回过神来了吗?” Looks at each other with them, Qin Shi restrains the smiling face, he knows that this matter was hard to be friendly, but made his accident was, deliberately considered shouted the playboys casually, unexpectedly mistake arising out of chance circumstances Shangguan Family involving. 和两人对视,秦石收敛起笑容,他知道此事难以善了,只是令他意外的是,本来寻思随便叫个纨绔子弟,竟阴差阳错的把上官家给牵扯进来。 It seems like that these thinks that did not offend Shangguan Family to be difficult, this Shangguan Family and he poured really has the indissoluble bond, how can bump into. 看来,这一下想不得罪上官家都难了,这上官家和他倒真是有着不解之缘,怎么样都能碰上啊。 „Isn't this daytime that person peddler?” “这不是白天那个人贩子吗?” Person who surrounds in side, moves the vision along with Zhao Yong to Qin Shi, several knew Qin Shi stares: „Was he insane? Dares to offend Zhao Yong and Shangguan Leng? Zhao Yong, Shangguan Leng but now Profound Spirit Realm.” 在旁边围观的人,随赵勇两人将目光挪向秦石,有几个认识秦石的不禁一愣:“他疯了?竟敢得罪赵勇和上官冷?赵勇就算了,上官冷现在可是玄灵境。” It is said Shangguan Family had decided that if Shangguan cannot surpass the desolated jungle in six months, makes Shangguan Leng take office the Shangguan Family main position.” “据说上官家已经决定,若半年内上官超不出荒芜丛林,就让上官冷上任上官家主的位置。” Shangguan Family, but Cold City first everyone / influential family.” 上官家可是冷城第一大家啊。” Does not know that it is estimated that is country bumpkin, right now has looks lively.” “不知道,估计是乡巴佬,这下子有热闹看了。” The sound of whooping resounds in the restaurant entrance, hears the Shangguan Family two characters, Yu Luocha is the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is also pressed, looks at toward Qin Shi the beautiful pupil. 议论纷纷的声音在酒楼门口响起,听得上官家两字,玉罗刹也是黛眉蹙起,将美眸朝秦石望去。 In the crowd strange vision, Qin Shi is long implores one finally, shrugs saying: He he, two should not be angry, under I help you pull closer the sentiment, shouldn't you thank me?” 在人群古怪的目光中,秦石终是长吁一声,耸了耸肩道:“呵呵,两位别生气啊,我帮你们拉近下感情,你们不该感谢感谢我吗?” Thank your Sir!” “感谢你大爷!” Zhao Yong remembers him and Shangguan Leng matter in room, filled with fury spouts from the mouth, cold brightness of fist palm together like wind belt, thorn to Qin Shi. 赵勇一想起他和上官冷在房里的事,就满腔怒火从口中喷出,拳掌如风般带起一道寒光,刺向秦石 The Whoosh! crowd makes way immediately. 唰!人群马上让开。 Bang! 砰! But next instant, together seven pink clouds only, in the cold brightness just ignited dodges to plunder, just like seven Caifeng, recited one lightly, routed it. 但下一霎,咻一道七彩霞光,就在寒光刚燃起时闪掠而出,宛如七条彩凤,轻吟一声,将其击溃。 hum that Xiaomi Cai snorts at contemptuously: xian, useless person, wants to injure my father?” 小米彩嗤之以鼻的哼声:“嗛,废物一个,也想伤我爹爹?” Profound Spirit Realm?” 玄灵境?” Attacks is broken by the multi-colored sunlight, Zhao Yong had a scare. 攻击被霞光震碎,赵勇吓了一跳。 Frightens , is not only he, shrank the neck in the person who by that watches the fun: This girl strives to excel!” 惊吓的不光是他,在那旁边看热闹的人也是缩了缩脖:“这女孩好强!” Day, do his daughters have Profound Spirit Realm? What does he is cultivate is?” “天啊,他女儿都有玄灵境?那他得是什么修为?” Sees nearby person of stunned vision, the corners of the mouth of Qin Shi satisfied selects, holds on Xiaomi Cai to say with a smile: He he, the girl, do not impulse, others have resentful, making others vent is always good, which respectable family house-husband otherwise harbored evil thoughts looked, calamity country disaster people?” 看出旁边人愕然的目光,秦石满意的嘴角一挑,拉住小米彩笑道:“呵呵,丫头,别冲动,人家心里有怨,让人家发泄发泄总是好得,否则憋坏了又去找哪个良家妇男,岂不是祸国又殃民?” You “你” Zhao Yong mouth exudes psst doing a lot of talking sound. 赵勇嘴里发出吱吱的磨牙声。 Shangguan Leng is looking at the Qin Shi vision stern: He he, this brothers, no matter you are any background, but offends my Shangguan Leng consequence, is not you can withstand.” 上官冷望着秦石的目光正色一些:“呵呵,这位兄弟,不管你是什么来头,但得罪我上官冷的后果,可不是你能承受起的啊。” Qin Shi not accidental smiling, keeps up appearances, plays the commander-in-chief, installs cool, exploits one's connections, these matters, he already saw, appearance that if Shangguan Leng does not exhibit this keeping aloof, he feels strangely. 秦石毫不意外的笑了笑,摆谱,耍帅,装酷,拉关系,这些事,他早就见惯不惯了,上官冷若不摆出这副高高在上的模样,他才感觉奇怪呢。 But has not waited for him to open the mouth, Xiaomi Cai reprimanded directly in side: Drinks, you with whom, when young master when was used to it? If you are not convinced get rid, I teach you for the father.” 但没等他开口,小米彩在旁边直接斥道:“喝,你跟谁当少爷当习惯了?你要是不服气就出手,我替爹爹教训你。” Your is Shangguan Leng fierce? Including your idiot elder brother Shangguan ultra “你上官冷厉害啊?连你那白痴哥哥上官超都” Girl, shut up!” “丫头,闭嘴!” Qin Shi knit the brows, covers the mouth of Xiaomi Cai. 秦石皱了皱眉,一把捂住小米彩的嘴。 Actually this small girl makes widely known the domineering disposition to learn from whom? One are not this. 这小丫头张扬跋扈的性格究竟跟谁学的啊?自己也不是这样啊。 But breaks, Shangguan over three character one, still caused many person's discussions. 但就算打断,上官超三字一出,仍是引起不少人的议论。 Shangguan Leng knit the brows, but he has not actually asked that is only looking pensive one, then the corners of the mouth select: He he, is really an overbearing small girl.” Then throws toward Qin Shi the vision: He he, does not know how this brothers did call?” 上官冷皱了皱眉,但他却并未开口多问,只是若有所思一阵,便嘴角一挑:“呵呵,真是个霸道的小丫头。”然后将目光朝秦石抛去:“呵呵,不知这位兄弟怎么称呼?” Stone Qin!” “石秦!” Stone Qin?” Qin Shi name several, Shangguan Leng chants in a low voice, but at once laughter: Ok, today's matter calculates that my Shangguan Leng acknowledges that the punishment is deserved.” “石秦么?”将秦石的名字几下,上官冷低吟一声,旋即无奈笑声:“行,今天的事算我上官冷认栽。” Said that this saying, Shangguan Leng has wielded the sleeve unexpectedly, turns around to swagger away to depart directly, just before leaving does not forget wicked staring Zhao Yong. 说完这话,上官冷竟挥了挥袖,直接转身就扬长而去离去,临走时不忘恶狠狠的瞪眼赵勇。 This, all people are confused. 这一下,诸人都是一头雾水。 Ok? Acknowledged that the punishment is deserved? Is this Shangguan Family young master, Shangguan Leng? Regarding various people, this result is they have not expected the matter. 算了?认栽了?这还是上官家少爷,上官冷吗?对于诸人来讲,这个结局是他们万万没料到事。 This, all people were disorderly. 这一下,所有人都凌乱了。 Regarding this, Qin Shi is also the accident, but the most accidental person, without doubt was Zhao Yong, he looked to Qin Shi, lacked self-confidence all of a sudden. 对此,秦石也是意外不已,但最意外的人,无疑是赵勇了,他望向秦石,一下子就没了底。 What looks , are you discontented?” “看什么,你不满啊?” Xiaomi Cai raises the pink / white fist, to Xiaomi Cai on making an effort has wielded wielding, every time wields to return to bring to harass nine quiet seven pink clouds light, the person who the command surrounds withdraws several steps. 小米彩扬起粉拳,冲着小米彩就使劲的挥了挥,每一次挥动必回带起扰乱九幽的七彩霞光,令围观的人退后几步。 Good, good, the young fellow, our matters have not ended, you are waiting to me.” Now, Shangguan Leng walked, his Zhao Yong Spirit King Realm, what temperament but can also have? “好,好,好小子,咱们这事没完,你给我等着啊。”如今,上官冷都走了,他赵勇不过王灵境,还能有啥脾气? Therefore, under the threat of that multi-colored sunlight, Zhao Yong calf shakes, after clenching teeth, gets back one's composure unexpectedly sneaks into the lane. 为此,在那霞光的恐吓下,赵勇小腿一抖,咬着牙后竟回神就窜入巷子。 Looks Zhao Yong who flees to the wilderness, inevitable crowd sobs several, did not have lively did not have to make the stay, but before divergence, they looked to the Qin Shi vision, actually simultaneously had the change. 看着落荒而逃的赵勇,围观人群唏嘘几声,热闹没了也就没有在多做逗留,只是散去之前他们望向秦石的目光,却同时发生了改变。 And, one point of curiosity, one point dreaded. 其中,有一分好奇,有一分忌惮。 When all people leave, Qin Shi feels immediately after behind, transmits a unfriendly vision, sees only Yu Luocha fully is the blame is staring at him. 等诸人都离开,秦石马上感觉在身后,传来一道不友善的目光,只见玉罗刹正满是责怪的盯着他。 Ba the mouth, Qin Shi said: Does?” 吧唧吧唧嘴,秦石道:“干嘛啊?” „Did you say? Has not said that doesn't annoy troublesome?” Yu Luocha ill-humored casts aside a mouth, said: Was then good, just entered city one day, offended Shangguan Family.” “你说呢?不是说过,不惹麻烦吗?”玉罗刹没好气的撇一嘴,道:“这下好了,刚入城一天,就把上官家得罪了。” I do not think that who asked them to hit the attention of your mother and child?” Qin Shi shrugs, said very much earnestly: I said that I will protect you, who dares to injure your me to call who dies!” “我也不想啊,谁叫他们打你们娘俩的注意呢?”秦石耸了耸肩,很认真道:“我说了,我会保护你们,谁敢伤害你们我就叫谁死!” The Yu Luocha mind trembles, the frail tender body vacillates: Shi’tou 玉罗刹心神一颤,单薄的娇躯动摇一下:“石头 He he, relieved, soldier comes me to work as, the water comes me to cover, your mother and child, so long as well on line.” Qin Shi does not give the Yu Luocha speech opportunity, has clapped on his fragrant shoulder, sets out then to walk toward the restaurant. “呵呵,安心吧,兵来我当,水来我掩,你们娘俩呢,只要好好的就行。”秦石不给玉罗刹说话的机会,拍了拍他的香肩,起身便朝酒楼内走去。 The people leave behind Yu Luocha, has gawked for a long time. 徒留下玉罗刹,愣了许久。 But immediately, she has tasted god, wipes the shy direct red to arrive at the collar bone, gets angry saying: Shi’tou! You said that who and who is mother and child!” 但马上,她回味过神,一抹羞涩直接红到锁骨,嗔怒道:“石头!你说谁和谁是娘俩呢!” Ha Ha, hadn't you seen a moment ago? Others think, this is the fact!” Qin Shi very happy laughing. “哈哈,你刚才没看见?别人都是那么以为的吗,这已经是不争的事实了!”秦石很开心的大笑。 Three people quarrelled noisily, entered the restaurant. 三人一路吵一路闹,进入酒楼。 This time sees Qin Shi, that shop waiter whiz under clashes, does not have the least bit to despise again, after saddle lead horse is serves tea supplies water. 这次看到秦石,那店小二嗖下就冲上来,再也没有半点轻视,鞍前马后的又是端茶又是送水。 Yeah, this is the disparity. 哎,这就是差距啊。 Night, after Qin Shi returns to the room, buries the body on the bed all of a sudden, under the long separation the comfortable sleep of half a month, this late he has prepared to indulge itself, does not practice, rest. 夜晚,秦石回到房中后,一下子就将身躯埋在床榻上,久别了半月的舒服觉啊,这一晚他准备放纵下自己,不去修炼,就休息。 ! 咻! But obviously, he wants to rest, some people actually do not agree. 但显然,他想休息,有些人却不同意啊。 Benefits the arrow together, such as the rainbow from out of the blue, punctures the dark night among the star new moons, one punctures his bed. 一道利箭,如长虹破空,顺着星朔间刺破黑夜,一下刺破他的床榻。
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