PDL :: Volume #4

#361: The albizzia julibrissin is loose

In the room, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth flutter toward on, then closes his black pupil, covers the psychic force in the entire restaurant, observes shop waiter and that Zhao Young Master. 在房间中,秦石嘴角朝上轻扬,然后闭合他的黑眸,将精神力笼罩在整座酒楼里,观测起店小二和那名赵公子 Zhao Young Master, is pretty, looks fills wealthy family young master of colored intestines, Spirit King Realm Initial Stage, the empty boasting of raising head whole face. 那赵公子,是一个眉清目秀,一看就充满花花肠子的富家少爷,王灵境初期,仰着头满脸的浮夸。 This you are taking, I waited for your good news.” Zhao Young Master steps to the shop waiter front, then very careful packs the white powder the jade bottle to give shop waiter one bottle. “这个你拿着,我就等你的好消息了。”赵公子迈到店小二的胸前,然后很小心的将一瓶装满白色粉末的玉瓶递给店小二 But he actually does not know how he in cannot escape the Qin Shi discernment carefully. 但他却不知道,他在怎样小心也没能逃过秦石的法眼。 Zhao Young Master felt relieved.” “赵公子放心。” Received the jade bottle, smiles one that shop waiter flattered immediately, they like this brushed past, probably anything has not occurred has been same. 接过玉瓶,店小二马上奉承的笑一声,两人就这样擦肩而过,好像什么也没发生过一样。 Staggers the body, Zhao Young Master hangs up the greedy obscenity to smile, crosses the hands behind the back enters toward three building magnificent rooms, Qin Shi silently this room signal under. 错开身,赵公子挂起贪婪的淫笑,负手朝三楼一间华丽的房间走进,秦石默默的将这房间号记下。 Shop waiter corners of the mouth contemptuous shouldering, licks the split corners of the mouth to scold: Snort, that poor and pedantic boy, does not know that the ancestors accumulated the multi- cardinal virtue, can marry that attractive woman unexpectedly, but must pin a green hat to him tonight.” 小二嘴角轻蔑的挑起,舔着干裂的嘴角骂道:“哼,那穷酸小子,不知上辈子积了多大德,竟能娶了那么漂亮的娘们,但今晚非要给他扣个绿帽子。” Spoke, he then returns to the counter, has prepared two cups of good green tea, pours into from the jade bottle the white powder the cup gently. 说完话,他便回到柜台,准备了两杯上好的清茶,将白色的粉末轻轻从玉瓶里倒进杯中。 „Is albizzia julibrissin loose?” “合欢散?” White powder Qin Shi in that jade bottle knows that had seen in Desolate Town Intoxicated Immortal Restaurant, is a common aphrodisiac: The albizzia julibrissin is loose. 那玉瓶内的白色粉末秦石知道,曾经在荒镇醉仙楼里见过,是一种常见的媚药:合欢散。 Draws in the psychic force, dodges the corridor clearly discernible vicious tendencies in his black pupil, cold Dao: These two bastards, really have not died, wants under the albizzia julibrissin unexpectedly to Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai is loose?” 收拢起精神力,在他的黑眸中闪过道清晰可见的戾气,冷道:“这俩畜生,真是没死过啊,竟想给玉罗刹小米彩下合欢散?” Originally, he does not want to haggle over with this shop waiter generally, but will look like really does not do not dead now, since these two goods must do, that will help them. 本来,他是不想和这店小二一般计较,但现在看来真是不作死就不会死,这俩货既然非要作死,那就成全他们吧。 But does not know, if Yu Luocha took the albizzia julibrissin to be loose , can she who cold Ruhan iced what appearance be? Is certainly attractive?” Qin Shi has licked the licking lips angle, in the black pupil dodges the corridor to be excited. “但是不知道,若玉罗刹真的服用了合欢散,冷如寒冰的她会是个什么样子?一定非常诱人吧?”秦石舔了舔嘴角,黑眸中闪过道兴奋。 Bah, is really dirty!” “呸,真龌龊!” Criticizes one, the fantasy that Qin Shi actually cannot bear, but has heard thump the sound of footsteps in the stairway places of this time two buildings. 暗骂一声,秦石却还是忍不住的幻想来,但在这时二楼的楼梯口处已经传来咚咚的脚步声。 He he, is so quick? Really suffices to worry.” “呵呵,这么快?真是够着急啊。” hears that sound, draws in evil idea, Qin Shi wields single-handed, wipes spiritual power the black robe set on the body, pushes the door. 闻声,收拢起邪恶的想法,秦石单手一挥,一抹灵力将黑袍套在身上,推门而出。 Just went out, shop waiter that the front surface walked gawked: Guest, objective, you how in this?” 刚出门,迎面走来的店小二不禁一愣:“客,客观,你怎么在这?” I? Comes out.” “我啊?就出来走走。” Qin Shi smiles free and easy, at once sees only on that shop waiter in short supply forehead to infiltrate including the sweat: I said waiter, on this day is not hot, how to perspire? What matter that weighs on the conscience won't have made?” 秦石洒脱一笑,旋即只见那店小二紧张的额头上连汗水都渗了出来:“我说小二,这天也不热,怎么都出汗了?不会是做了什么亏心事吧?” „?” “啊?” Shop waiter frightens one startled, hurries to withdraw several beckoning with the hand: Does not have, does not have, the guest were many a moment ago, was busy at work was a little tired.” 小二吓得一惊,赶忙退后几步的摆摆手:“没,没啊,刚才客人多,忙活的有点累了。” Do not stammer, I i.e. said.” “别磕巴啊,我就是说说。” Withdraws while shop waiter, Qin Shi actually faces forward to step one step, then the black robe wields, in the five fingers curls up the slight golden miraculous glow, the tea in that cup attracts the palm in invisible, under intense quenchinging, albizzia julibrissin will disperse to the peeling. 趁着店小二退后,秦石却朝前迈上一步,然后黑袍一挥,五指间卷起细微的金色灵光,在无形间将那杯中的茶水吸到掌心,一阵强烈的淬炼下,生生将其中的合欢散给剥离。 I, my where has?” “我,我哪有?” Shop waiter becomes rough at heart, anxious awfully. 小二心里发涩,紧张的要命。 Holds the albizzia julibrissin to be loose, Qin Shi smiles simply, the racket the shoulder of shop waiter said: Was good, do you want to serve tea to my wife and daughters? Goes quickly, do not let them wait for a long time, so as to avoid you do have no way to report on accomplishments not?” 抓住合欢散,秦石索性一笑,拍拍店小二的肩膀道:“行了,你这是要给我妻女送茶啊?快去吧,别让她们久等了,免得你没法交差是不?” „?” Shop waiter has been startled being startled, when but he gets back one's composure Qin Shi has staggered him to walk toward the stairway, after making him frown, scolded: Really is an odd person.” Then walks toward Yu Luocha their rooms. “啊?”店小二怔了怔,但当他回神时秦石已经错开他朝楼梯口走去,令他皱起眉头后骂道:“真是个怪人。”然后朝玉罗刹两人的房间走去。 When arrives at the second-floor entrance, Qin Shi looks that shop waiter enters the Yu Luocha room, the spreading out hand that this lowered the head, looks at the albizzia julibrissin of palm to disperse sneers: He he, this thing, thinks poisonous but actually Yu Luocha? Really overestimate one's capabilities.” 待走到楼口,秦石看着店小二进入玉罗刹的房间,这才低下头的摊开手,望着掌心的合欢散不禁冷笑:“呵呵,就这东西,也想毒倒玉罗刹?真是不自量力。” At once, he begins toward three Lou Wang supinely goes, in the pupil dodges the corridor strange ridicule: Since wants to seek pleasure, I help you.” 旋即,他仰起头朝三楼望去,眸中不禁闪过道诡异的嘲弄:“既然想要寻欢作乐,我就成全你吧。” ! 咻! The remnant shade vanishes in the second-floor entrance together. 一道残影在楼口消失。 Before three Lou Zhao Young Master door, Qin Shi wields single-handed, two bottles of jade cups pulled out by him, at once pours into which the albizzia julibrissin powder, pours out the liquor water. 在三楼赵公子的房门前,秦石单手一挥,两瓶玉杯被他掏出,旋即将合欢散倒入其中,斟上酒水。 Completes these, he lifts the hand to knock on a door. 做好这些,他抬手敲了敲门。 Thump! 咚咚咚! A knock sound, Zhao Young Master is excited immediately, only eavesdrops several, Zhao Young Master wears the sleeping robe to open the way: Beautiful woman 敲门声一响,那赵公子马上就兴奋起来,只听房中咣啷咣啷几声,赵公子穿着睡袍就打开门道:“美人” But the person character just fell, after he sees is Qin Shi, knit the brows: Um? Who are you?” 但人字刚落,他看见是秦石后皱了皱眉:“嗯?你是谁?” Hey, are you Zhao Young Master?” “嘿嘿,你就是赵公子吧?” Qin Shi originally ripe holds the door, then one step makes great strides forward in the room. 秦石自来熟的抓住房门,然后一步迈进房中。 Looks at Qin Shi, Zhao Young Master whole face did not say patiently: Um, what matter do you look for my?” 看着秦石,赵公子满脸的不耐烦道:“嗯,你找我什么事?” Also is all right, is the greeting on first meeting Zhao Young Master given name, this does not hear you also in this restaurant, hurried to call two glasses of nice wines, visited?” Qin Shi was saying, hands over two liquor water to Zhao Young Master. “也没什么事,就是久仰赵公子大名,这不听闻你也在这间酒楼,赶紧叫了两杯好酒,过来拜会拜会吗?”秦石说着,就将两杯酒水递向赵公子 Has saying that this Zhao Young Master vigilant heart is very strong, perhaps is usually little has not made the matter that weighs on the conscience, about looks at Qin Shi, but depending on his Spirit King Realm Initial Stage skill, naturally could not completely understand that cultivation of Qin Shi is, Qin Shi before him on such as eternal truth common people, does not have spiritual power. 不得不说,这赵公子警惕心很强,恐怕是平日没少做亏心事,左右瞧了瞧秦石,但凭他王灵境初期的本事,自然看不透秦石的修为,秦石在他面前就如真如一介草民,毫无灵力 Therefore, he relaxes much, but throughout has not actually gone to meet the liquor: Liquor, has met me also to have the matter, you have any matter to ask me, said directly.” 为此,他才放松不少,但却始终没去接酒:“酒就算了,一会我还有事,你有啥事求我,直接说吧。” Qin Shi pupil heart one cold: Zhao Young Master, you said that didn't look on as an outsider? What my common people can be exhausted you, but worships you for a long time, looks at your Venerable style, wants to drink a liquor with you, making the common people also self-satisfied the air/Qi of your military and political leaders is not?” 秦石眸心一寒:“赵公子,你这么说不就见外了?我一介草民能有何事劳烦您啊,只是崇拜你已久,看你一身尊者风范,想要和你喝个酒,让草民也沾沾你身上的将相之气不是?” Everyone is willing to listen to the flattery, this Zhao Young Master is no exception. 谁都愿意听奉承,这赵公子也不例外。 Therefore after hears that sound, the impatient retreat on Zhao Young Master face are many, after considering one next, meets the corridor the wine class: He he, this you can look that the discontented brothers you said that in the family is dredging with the empire, perhaps, you will not be again able to see me shortly afterward, that met me is the imperators in empire.” 所以闻声后,赵公子面庞上的不耐烦退去不少,斟酌一下后将酒杯接过道:“呵呵,这你都能看出来,不满兄弟你说,家中正在和帝国疏通,恐怕再过不久啊,你就看不见我了,那会我就是帝国的大将军了。” Ha Ha, that may probably congratulate Young Master really first.” “哈哈,那可真要先恭喜公子了。” Narrows the eyes focuses, smiling of Qin Shi snorts at contemptuously, after holding up the wine class, first arrives to the mouth tosses down, then emptied the [say / way] in reverse: Young Master, I have done, you at will.” 眯眯着眼,秦石嗤之以鼻的笑了笑,举起酒杯后先抵到嘴边一饮而尽,然后倒过来空了空道:“公子,我干了,你随意。” At will? This saying said that am I the person of assignment? Did!” Zhao Young Master said is more excited, holds up the wine class then to toss down. “随意?这话说得,我是差事的人吗?干了!”赵公子越说越兴奋,举起酒杯便一饮而尽。 Visits him to drink completely, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth select toward on, at once trembles with Zhao Young Master in the room, in many meeting, latter's face has to become flushed, gasps for breath becomes uncouthly. 看着他饮尽,秦石嘴角朝上一挑,旋即在房中又和赵公子寒颤一阵,没过多一会,后者的面庞就有着涨红,喘气都变得粗鲁起来。 This, Qin Shi knows that the albizzia julibrissin powder has had an effect, clashes Zhao Young Master to beckon with the hand to say hastily: Young Master, the common people have matter, did not disturb you.” 这一下,秦石知道合欢散起作用了,连忙冲赵公子摆摆手道:“公子,草民还有事,就不打扰您了。” No, the elder brother told you, two with the woman of angel, you in later with the Elder Brother same place, in the evening the elder brother will make you enjoy well.” Holding on Qin Shi that Zhao Young Master shakes, opens the mouth to say. “别啊,哥告诉你,一会有两个跟天仙似的娘们,你在待会跟哥一起,晚上哥让你好好享受享受。”赵公子晃悠的拉住秦石,就开口道。 Bang! 砰! But actually does not think that these words made Qin Shi twist an eyebrow wrinkle, an invisible spirit pressure offered a sacrifice to with a crash, after one shook Zhao Young Master flew several steps, falls on the ground. 但却不想,这一句话令秦石拧眉一皱,一道无形的灵压砰然祭出,一下将赵公子震飞几步后摔在地上。 Zhao Young Master corona falling on the ground, but also holds the Qin Shi boots one to kiss crazily, fell including the drool on the Qin Shi boots. 公子晕乎乎的摔在地上,还捧着秦石的长靴一顿狂亲,连哈喇子都摔在了秦石的靴子上。 Lowers the head to look at that disgusting Zhao Young Master, Qin Shi is drawing in all smiling faces, low and deep focuses roars lowly: Snort, dares to hit the attention of Yu Luocha? If not for does not want to annoy troublesome, today this little must kill your bastard.” 低头望着那恶心的赵公子,秦石收拢起所有的笑容,低沉着眼的低吼一声:“哼,敢打玉罗刹的注意?若不是不想惹麻烦,今天本少非要弄死你个畜生。” ! 咣! Spoke, he lifts to start, one Zhao Young Master kicking, sets out then the enhanced dust to go. 说完话,他举起脚,一下将赵公子给踢飞出去,起身便扬尘而去。 Zhao Young Master consciousnes was not clear, the outright nonsense that shakes, has not forgotten to shout to the Qin Shi back: Beautiful woman, do not walk beautiful woman!” 公子神智已经不清晰了,晃悠晃悠的满口胡言,冲着秦石的背影还不忘喊道:“美人,别走啊美人!” Meets naturally some people to accompany you!” “一会自然有人陪你!” Takes the room, a Qin Shi black pupil revolution, goes toward nearby room family prestige, before his psychic force proliferation, then realized that is some playboys who in this restaurant Third Rank lives. 迈出房间,秦石的黑眸一转,朝旁边的房门望去,之前他精神力扩散而出,便察觉到在这酒楼三层里住的都是一些纨绔子弟。 Therefore he is impolite, arrives at entrance up-and-coming generation to knock on a door. 所以他也不客气,走到门口后起手敲了敲门。 In a meeting, a youth disgruntled opening door of outstanding ability: Boy, whom do you look for?” 没过一会,一名俊逸青年不悦的打开房门:“小子,你找谁?” Hey, Young Master of next door looks for you, said that the important matter and you said.” Qin Shi smiled, then has referred to toward Zhao Young Master room. “嘿嘿,隔壁的公子找你,说有重要的事和你说。”秦石笑了笑,然后朝着赵公子的房间指了指。 The youth has gawked staring, then returns to the room to wear the clothes to walk toward Zhao Young Master room. 那青年愣了愣,便回房中穿上衣服朝着赵公子的房间走去。 Saw this, Qin Shi knows similarly, one changed into the black remnant shade, vanished in Third Rank directly, before returning to Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai room. 望见这幕,秦石知道差不多了,咻一下化为道黑色残影,直接消失在三层,回到玉罗刹小米彩的房间前。 Just when arrived at the entrance, saw shop waiter to paste the ear in the entrance, the hot sharp fire singed pinched the fist to whisper: What's the matter? Hasn't the property manifested suddenly?” 刚到门口时,就看见店小二正把耳朵贴在门口,火急火燎的捏着拳头嘀咕道:“怎么回事?药性还没发作吗?” „!” “咳咳!” Stands in shop waiter behind, Qin Shi coughs two. 站在店小二身后,秦石干咳两声。 These two may scare shop waiter, after turning head to see Qin Shi, flurried one startled, withdraws hastily two steps: You, you, are you a ghost?” 这两声可把店小二吓坏了,回头看见秦石后慌乱一惊,连忙退后两步:“你,你,你是鬼啊?” He he, waiter, what are you anxious?” “呵呵,小二啊,你紧张什么?” Anyone, who was anxious, I also had the matter to be busy at me walking first.” The shop waiter flurried pinching knob, then does not return walks toward the stairway. “谁,谁紧张了,我还有事忙我先走了。”店小二慌乱的捏捏手,然后头都不回的就朝楼梯口走去。 Looks at the shop waiter distressed form, Qin Shi is not blocking him, at this time Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai were alarmed by outside sound, open the way: How?” 望着店小二狼狈的身影,秦石也不拦他,这时玉罗刹小米彩被外面的声音惊动,开门道:“怎么了?” All right, leading you to watch the fun.” “没事,带你们看个热闹去。” Looks back to see two females, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth to smile. 回首看见两女,秦石嘴角不禁一笑。 Has the liveliness? Quick, quick, quick, where is father at?” Hears to have the liveliness, Xiaomi Cai immediately on excited stamping one's foot. “有热闹?快,快,快,爹爹在哪?”一听见有热闹,小米彩马上就兴奋的跳起脚来。 Yu Luocha black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is pressed, puzzled looking to Qin Shi: What liveliness?” 玉罗刹却黛眉蹙起,不解的望向秦石:“什么热闹?” Do not ask that under satisfies you spoiled female curiosity, in a bit faster cannot look to disappear.” Qin Shi did not explain that draws two females to walk toward the stairway. “别问了,满足下你们腐女的好奇心,在不快点可就看不见了。”秦石也不解释,拉着两女就朝楼梯口走去。 ! 咣! But has not waited for three people to go upstairs, only listens to a bang, together the untidy form following flying upside down that three buildings tumble, falls maliciously in two building half positions. 但没等三人上楼,就只听一声巨响,一道衣衫不整的身影顺着三楼连滚带爬的倒飞出来,狠狠摔在二楼半的位置。 Is that form, not just Zhao Young Master? 那身影,不正是赵公子吗? Sees Zhao Young Master, Qin Shi unable to hold in wants to smile: It seems like, started lively.” 看见赵公子,秦石憋不住的想笑:“看来,热闹已经开始了啊。” At once, sees only a youth of bristling with anger, to the whole body fulls floaded operation the miraculous glow, Profound Spirit Realm can greatly the broken air/Qi makes the restaurant along with shaking indignantly, one step leaps. 旋即,只见一名怒发冲冠的青年,气愤冲冲全身灌满灵光,玄灵境大能的破气令酒楼都随着晃悠晃悠,一步跃下。 Zhao Yong! You *** is the fool? Sent spring asked others to go, the father was the straight male!” “赵勇!你***是不是傻逼?发春了找别人去,老子是直男!”
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