PDL :: Volume #4

#360: Slave traders

Permits unreliably?” “玄允?” Qin Shi wrinkles the brow, fierce stepping to profound permitting side, but this time permits the whole body blood-stained mouth unreliably, already did not have the breath. 秦石将眉头皱起,猛的迈到玄允身旁,但此时的玄允全身血口,早已没了呼吸。 Died?” “死了?” Qin Shi shocking has sucked tongue, the strength that permits unreliably he knows, Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage peak, some Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage can be not necessarily able to injure this him greatly, this matter is actually who does? 秦石震惊的咂了咂舌,玄允的实力他知道,玄灵境初期巅峰,就连一些玄灵境中期的大能都未必能将他伤成这样,这事究竟是谁做的? The breaking by biting lip angle, Qin Shi was calmed down, him by oneself diligently all around is then looking all around, all around sees only but actually many profound groups and hundred disciples, with some simple villagers. 咬破唇角,秦石努力让自己冷静下来,然后他在周遭环顾一圈,只见四周倒着不少的玄组和百家弟子,和一些朴实的村民。 This group of people, died completely . Moreover the cause of death is similar, without doubt is not the whole body explodes, blood vessel withered such as had been absorbed the essence. 这群人,全部都死了,而且死法相似,无疑不是全身爆裂,血管干瘪的如被人吸取了精气。 Actually is good to be cruel is who?” “好残忍究竟是什么人?” Yu Luocha pulls Xiaomi Cai to step goes forward, looks that permits to be pressed unreliably with these familiar disciple black eyebrow coloring eyebrows, in the pupils flashes through the ray that does not endure. 玉罗刹牵着小米彩迈上前,看着玄允和那些熟悉的弟子黛眉蹙起,眸子间闪过一道不忍的光芒。 Does not know.” “不知道。” Qin Shi shakes the head, at once he concentrates to focus on profound permitting tries to find out, but in the nail moves to permit the instance on split flesh unreliably, that flesh blasts out suddenly, wisp of black smoke emits. 秦石摇摇头,旋即他凝着眼在玄允身上摸索一番,但就在指甲触碰到玄允干裂的肌肤上的瞬间,那肌肤突然炸开,一缕黑烟从中冒出。 Well? Baleful Qi?” “咦?煞气?” Holds that wisp of black smoke, what Qin Shi remembers suddenly, secure Lu Village that initially Xiao Yuyan was, isn't just the same as this time picture? 抓住那一缕黑烟,秦石突然想起什么,当初萧雨嫣所在的安路村,和此时的景象不是一模一样吗? Same misery, same Baleful Qi. 同样的凄凉,同样的煞气 But this time, Qin Shi dares definitely not to be the Evil Spirit behavior, after all Evil Spirit and he in the same place, moreover now is at the lethargic sleep condition. 但这一次,秦石敢肯定不是邪魔所为,毕竟邪魔和他在一起,而且现在正处于昏睡状态。 Such words, can show that the inference of beforehand Qin Shi right, can use Baleful Qi besides some Evil Spirit accident also people, but who can this person be? 如此的话,就能够证明之前秦石的推理没错,除了邪魔意外还有人能够使用煞气,只是这个人会是谁呢? The face of Qin Shi is cold and gloomy, in the pupil dodges the corridor ruthless offense: This bastard I knows him, he has not only slaughtered a village, before I just arrived at East District, had been destroyed by him purely, harmed me to make half a month day to be firm!” 秦石的面庞森冷,眸中闪过道狠戾:“这个畜生我知道他,他已经不光屠杀了一个村子,之前我刚到东方区域,就被他毁了清白,害我做了半个月的天牢!” That present what to do?” Yu Luocha question. “那现在怎么办?”玉罗刹问句 Narrows the eyes to focus, Qin Shi not anxiously response, but will permit to stare the big eye to close first unreliably, then waves spiritual power four to shoot, on the earth that in nearby blood dyes raises several gullies, the neighbor about hundred corpses will bury. 眯着眼,秦石没急着回应,而是先将玄允瞪大的眼睛合上,然后挥手间灵力四射,在旁边血染的大地上掀起几道沟壑,将附近的近百名尸首埋在其中。 Rests.” “安息吧。” Bowed to the gully, Qin Shi looks to Yu Luocha, remembers him to promise Xiao Yuyan, certainly will help her discover the genuine prime culprit, is this field of endeavor: Walks, this matter I, first went certainly to nearby city under the inquiry the news.” 冲着沟壑鞠了个躬,秦石才望向玉罗刹,想起他答应过萧雨嫣,一定会帮她找出真正的元凶,为此道:“走,这事我管定了,先去附近的城里打探下消息。” Regarding this, Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai are unobjectionable. 对此,玉罗刹小米彩并无异议。 Two females, although cold Ruhan ices, Ao Jiao is domineering, but their common features, are good-hearted. 两名女子,虽说一个冷如寒冰,一个傲娇跋扈,但她们有一个共同的特点,就是心地善良。 Regarding the act of aggression of this slaughter village, they snort contemptuously. 对于这种屠村的恶劣行为,两人都嗤之以鼻。 Leaves the village, is a piece of wooded mountain. 离开村子,是一片山林。 Walks toward the East along the wooded mountain, has used the half-day time probably, a broad city heaves in sight, this city very broad, ten meters high city wall towers, dignified grand. 沿着山林朝东方走去,大概用了半天的时间,一座恢弘的城池映入眼帘,这城池非常的恢弘,十米高的城墙耸立,威严壮阔。 In the city gate head, carves characters two large characters: Cold City. 在城门头,刻字两个大字:冷城 Coldly is becoming the entrance, Qin Shi has not made the stay, is drawing Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha then makes great strides forward Cold City, the one who was welcoming three people was the gem alley, lively deafening sound. 在冷成门口,秦石没有多做逗留,拉着小米彩玉罗刹便迈进冷城,迎着三人的是琳琅小巷,热闹喧天。 „The feeling that he he, this habitation curls, really had to suffice to have not seen you for a long time.” Walks on the Cold City street, a comfort wells up the Chest, Qin Shi deeply inspires in the crowd of doping. “呵呵,这种人烟袅袅的感觉,真是有够久违了啊。”走在冷城的街道上,一种舒适感涌上心口,秦石在掺杂的人群中深吸口气。 A half year, is day is firm first, latter is the quiet forest, he does not have properly has the excellent life. 半年了,先是天牢,后是幽林,他就没正经的过过人日子。 Therefore he decided that tonight no matter how must look for a superior inn, looks for a comfortable bed, first comfortable sleeping, retrieved once that when feeling of young master. 所以他决定,今晚不管如何都必须要找一间上等客栈,找一张舒服的床榻,先舒舒服服的睡一觉,找回曾经那当少爷的感觉。 But walks on the road, the Yu Luocha tender surface somewhat is lax, beautiful pupil once for a while looks toward about, probably for fear that meets anything to be the same. 但走在路上,玉罗刹的娇面却有些涣散,美眸时不时的朝左右望去,好像生怕遇到什么一样。 How?” “怎么了?” Looks at sad Yu Luocha, question that Qin Shi is worried about. 看着忧愁的玉罗刹,秦石担心的问句 Yu Luocha hears that sound, tranquil evil ways diligently: Shi’tou, in Cold City, you are more careful, here is the Shangguan Family region.” 玉罗刹闻声,努力的平静一下道:“石头,在冷城,你小心一些,这里是上官家的地域。” Although, you have killed Shangguan Chao in the desolated jungle, but man's heart unfathomable, cannot guarantee that after all hundred disciples has the human to go to Shangguan Family to sell the news for the monetary reward, Shangguan Chao, although was chased into the desolated jungle, but he is actually the Shangguan Family host: The Shangguan Ba only son, Shangguan Ba this person of strength is uncommon, and is hiding shortcomings that became famous, if knows that you have killed his son, unavoidably meeting “虽说,你是在荒芜丛林杀了上官超,但毕竟人心叵测,不敢保证百家弟子中有没有人会为了赏钱去上官家卖消息,上官超虽说被逐入荒芜丛林,但他却是上官家主:上官霸的独子,上官霸这人实力不凡,并且是出了名的护短,若知道你杀了他儿子,难免会” Stops!” “停!” Listens to the Yu Luocha lengthy speech, Qin Shi to feel that must explode. 听着玉罗刹的长篇大论,秦石感觉头都要炸了。 Although he knows that Yu Luocha is good for him, but he like well rests now, then found the prime culprit in that slaughter village, for this reason he clapped on the fragrant shoulder of Yu Luocha to say with a smile: Was good, I know, but do not forget, I had said I have been accompanying you, if I had an accident, who accompanies you? Including heaven, for you are not willing to want me to assign, moreover small Shangguan Family?” 虽然他知道玉罗刹是为他好,但他现在就像好好休息一下,然后找到那个屠村的元凶,为此他拍了拍玉罗刹的香肩笑道:“好了,我都知道,但你别忘了,我说过我会一直陪着你,若是我出了事,谁来陪你呢?连老天为了你都不肯要我命,况且一个小小的上官家了?” Heard this saying, the Yu Luocha cherry lips to open, but actually does not know how should respond. 听见这话,玉罗刹樱唇张了张,但却不知道该怎样回应。 Elder sister do not fear, if that nonsense Shangguan Family dares to brave, my gave to kill them.” Xiaomi Cai raises the pink / white fist, arrogant [say / way]. “姐姐别怕,那狗屁上官家若敢冒出来,我的就把他们都给杀了。”小米彩扬起粉拳,傲慢道。 Sees the present father and daughter, the Yu Luocha black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is pressed, especially on the face of that youth, the spirit of not being able saying that probably is the words that he spoke, even if difficult such as to ascend to heaven, certainly will realize. 看着眼前的父女,玉罗刹黛眉蹙起,特别是在那少年的面庞上,有一种说不出的锐气,好像是他说的话,就算难如登天,都一定会实现。 Um.” “嗯。” Therefore, Yu Luocha has broad and handsome forehead lightly. 为此无奈下,玉罗刹只好螓首轻点。 Three people in passing through the lane, inquire, then in biggest the hotel toward Cold City walks. 三人在穿过巷子,一路打探一番,便朝着冷城中最大的酒店走去。 On the road, Qin Shi had not said that but in the pupils actually flashes through to the cold vicious tendencies, although he not Ao Jiao like Xiaomi Cai, but he is not the person who the custom is soundless, arrived at East District tople days, he was sufficed to bear patiently, for this reason in the heart did not say: Shangguan Family? Best not to come to provoke me, otherwise I did not mind that lets this East District four everyone / influential family, on few such.” 在路上,秦石没有多说,但眸子间却闪过到寒冷的戾气,虽说他不像小米彩那样傲娇,但他也不是习惯蹑手蹑脚的人,来到东方区域的这些日子,他真的是受够隐忍了,为此心中莫道:“上官家么?你们最好别来招惹我,否则我不介意让这东方区域的四大家,少上那么一个。” Enters the hotel. 进入酒店。 This hotel is splendid, is North District Ancient City these small places has no way to look disdainfully. 这酒店富丽堂皇,是北方区域古城那些小地方没法睥睨的。 Qin Shi arrives at the counter, shoulders the leucorrhea shop waiter to open the mouth to say to that shoulder: „Does waiter, have the room? Opens three guest rooms to me.” 秦石走到柜台,冲着那肩扛白带的店小二就开口道:“小二,有房吗?给我开三间客房。” Begins supinely, shop waiter looks to Qin Shi, high and low sizes up, in the vision dodges corridor clearly discernible despising, thought that this is the beggar who which comes? 仰起头,店小二瞄向秦石,上下打量一番,目光中闪过道清晰可见的鄙视,心想这是哪来的乞丐? Therefore, shop waiter whole face impatient waving the hand, reprimanded: Three guest rooms? No, does your this poor and pedantic appearance, have you to live? Gets the hell out quickly.” 为此,店小二满脸不耐烦的摇摇手,斥道:“三间客房?没有,就你这穷酸的模样,有你能住起啊?快滚蛋。” hears that sound, Qin Shi knit the brows, but has not waited for him to open the mouth, that shop waiter vision under falls on the body of Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai, especially Xiaomi Cai immature and not obviously in shy peerless appearance, after having licked the licking lips angle, laughs: Outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman.” 闻声,秦石皱了皱眉,但没等他开口,那店小二的目光唰下就落在玉罗刹小米彩的身上,特别是小米彩稚嫩而不显青涩的绝世容颜上,不禁舔了舔嘴角后开怀一笑:“绝色美人啊。” Makes way!” “让开!” Thinks of this, he three and two steps going out counters, push all of a sudden to the chest of Qin Shi. 想到这,他三步并两步的走出柜台,一下子就冲着秦石的胸口推下去。 But he wants to shove open Qin Shi, that obviously is the impossible matter, instead shaking draws back several steps by Qin Shi, made his after having gawked, knit the brows: Really is unlucky, meets the wild dog of your such obstructing the road.” 但他想推开秦石,那显然是不可能的事,反而被秦石给震退几步,令他不禁的愣了愣后皱起眉:“真是晦气,怎么碰见你这么个挡道的野狗。” Scolded one, the vision that his color narrows the eyes in the Yu Luocha two people, then bypasses Qin Shi to walk to go forward throughout to flatter: „Do two beautiful women, eat while traveling or stay at an inn?” 骂了一声,他色眯眯的目光始终在玉罗刹两人身上,然后绕过秦石就走上前就奉承道:“两位美女,打尖还是住店啊?” Looks at Qin Shi to admit defeat, Yu Luocha cannot bear wants to smile. 看着秦石吃瘪,玉罗刹是忍不住的想笑。 However was good because of her has borne, put on a serious face to say to shop waiter: Stays at an inn, three guest rooms.” 但是好在她忍住了,冲着店小二板脸道:“住店,三间客房。” Three?” “三间?” Shop waiter has gawked staring. 小二愣了愣。 Was disregarded directly, Qin Shi in side actually not angry, but has the impulsion that plants to smile at heart: „The feeling of he he, this type despised, calculates that also was really has not seen you for a long time?” 被人直接无视,秦石在旁边却并未愤怒,只是心里有种想笑的冲动:“呵呵,这种被人鄙视的感觉,算一算也真是久违了啊?” Regarding the fellow of this being a snobbish SOB, he has been unalarmed by strange sights, moreover can't his solemn Profound Spirit Realm big energy, get rid to punch a weaponless mortal? 对于这种狗眼看人低的家伙,他真是见怪不怪了,况且他堂堂玄灵境的大能,总不能出手揍一个手无寸铁的凡人吧? But does not get rid, small retaliation, is natural, for this reason while the shop waiter stop, under he gathered up previous dynasty Yu Luocha to wink the eye, said spookily: Beautiful woman, have not thought that this restaurant did not have the room, went to other place to have a look.” 但不出手,小小的报复一下,还是理所应当的吗,为此趁着店小二停顿时,他凑上前朝玉罗刹挤咕下眼,幽幽道:“美女,别想了,这间酒楼没房了,去别的地方看看吧。” Hears the Qin Shi words, that shop waiter was immediately anxious, presses saying: Beautiful woman, you do not listen to him to talk nonsense, not on three guest rooms? Has, my this gives miss to arrange.” 听见秦石的话,那店小二马上就急了,促道:“美女,你别听他胡说,不就三间客房吗?有,我这就给姑娘安排去。” Spoke, shop waiter hurriedly has turned round, does not forget wickedly stares Qin Shi, then takes out three keys in the counter, then hands over to say to Yu Luocha: Miss, two Lou Kaodong angle, three Chaoyang room, all were the head store best rooms.” 说完话,店小二急匆匆的就回过身,不忘恶狠狠的瞪一眼秦石,然后在柜台里取出三把钥匙,然后冲着玉罗刹递过去道:“姑娘,二楼靠东角,三间朝阳房,全是本店最好的房间了。” Yu Luocha received the key, this shop waiter insulted Qin Shi, therefore she did not have what good impression to it, after curling up the skilled artist, wielded gently, Upper Tier spirit stones was thrown to fly together intentionally by her. 玉罗刹接过钥匙,这店小二侮辱秦石,所以她对其也没有什么好印象,卷起妙手后轻轻一挥,一块上品灵石被她故意被抛飞出去。 ! 咣啷! That shop waiter to catch spirit stones, hits all of a sudden in the bulge place of counter, whoops one called out one, the abdominal cavity ache acid water comes out. 那店小二为了接住灵石,一下子就撞在柜台的凸起处,哎呦一下的嚎叫一声,腹腔疼痛的酸水都出来了。 But after he sees Upper Tier spirit stones in hand, after any pain forgets the brain, has smiled did not have the [say / way] the eye: Many thanks the miss hits to enjoy, many thanks the miss hits to enjoy, the miss they, opened three guest rooms, does not know that also has the friend not to come? Certainly is also the beautiful woman of peony? Needs me to send for aiding?” 但当他看见手中的上品灵石后,什么痛苦都忘到脑后了,把眼睛都笑没了的道:“多谢姑娘打赏,多谢姑娘打赏,姑娘两人,开了三间客房,不知是不是还有朋友没来?一定也是国色天香的美女吧?需不需要我派人接应一下?” Sees this, Qin Shi helpless forced smile: He he, can make ghost turn a millstone richly, who was this saying says? Real his mother reasonable.” 看见这幕,秦石无奈的苦笑一声:“呵呵,有钱能使鬼推磨,这话是谁说的?真他妈有道理啊。” Puff!” “噗!” But at this time, laughing loudly that Xiaomi Cai could not bear finally, jumped said to Qin Shi side: Father, he said that you is a beautiful woman.” 但在这时,小米彩终于忍不住的捧腹大笑,跳到秦石的旁边道:“爹爹,他说你是美人。” Father? Father?” “爹?爹爹?” The sudden shout, that shop waiter shocking, mouth opening chin of probably fell on the ground is the same. 突然的喊声,把那店小二给惊呆了,嘴巴张大的好像下巴都掉在地上一样。 Scared , is not only shop waiter, nearby alcoholics have been startled being startled, making an effort has wiped the eye, looking that does not dare to believe to Qin Shi. 傻眼的不光是店小二,就连旁边的酒客们也是怔了怔,使劲的擦了擦眼睛,不敢置信的望向秦石 Can this goods give birth to such pretty daughter? Is one's own? 靠,这货能生出这么漂亮的女儿?是不是亲生的啊? This is the person heart on the scene the only idea. 这是在场人心中唯一的想法。 Feels surrounding the vision of dozens pairs of staring, Qin Shi felt that all people want to look the slave trader same visits him, made his full Tou heavy line. 感受到周围数十双直勾勾的目光,秦石感觉所有人想看人贩子一样看着他,令他满头的黑线。 Yeah, ok, this few Sir has massive, does not lower oneself to the same level with your unimportant people.” Qin Shi is really helpless, has beckons to Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai, hints them to go upstairs the rest, he was really somewhat tired. “哎,算了,本少大人有大量,不跟你们这些小人物一般见识。”秦石实在是无奈,只好冲着玉罗刹小米彩招手,示意两人上楼休息,他真是有些累了。 Entire process, shop waiter on opening mouth is in-situ. 整个过程,店小二就张大嘴的愣在原地。 Finally, he blows out one directly: „, The good cabbage to make the pig arching.” 最后,他直接爆出一句:“靠,好白菜都让猪给拱了啊。” ! 咣! Qin Shi that gone upstairs hears this saying, almost does not have to leave all of a sudden from the staircase, after hurrying the body, traces the cold sweat, but said: „, Can't wait for me to walk away scolded again?” 正在上楼的秦石听见这话,差点没一下子从楼梯上滚下去,赶忙挺起身子后摸了摸冷汗,无奈道:“靠,就不能等我走远了再骂?” Walks away, depending on your hearing, so long as in this restaurant, you can unable to hear?” Yu Luocha in side, long sentence. “就算走远,凭你的听力,只要在这酒楼里,你能听不见?”玉罗刹在旁边,悠悠道句。 This, Qin Shi did not have temperament, he first time discovered that the sense of hearing good also to have the fault, has to heave a deep sigh: This puts together the society of face, is really cannot injure.” 这一下,秦石没脾气了,他头次发现听觉好也有坏处,只好长叹一声:“这个拼脸的社会,真是伤不起啊。” A small interlude, three people do not care, smiling child but who treats as the spare time, naturally Qin Shi definitely is unsatisfactory. 一段小小的插曲,三人都不太在意,只是当做茶余饭后的笑子,当然对此秦石肯定是大为不满啊。 In the evening, he hinted the servant to prepare hot water of full big wooden barrel in the room for him, the whole body has invaded to soak after that water beetle in Cheng Ni. 傍晚,他在房中示意下人为他准备了满满一大木桶的热水,全身侵泡进入后那水马上就成泥了。 Made his helpless shaking the head: Really sufficed to dirty, no wonder human frightening such.” 令他无奈的摇摇头:“真是够埋汰了,难怪把人给吓成那样。” Finally an enough three buckets of water, he was washes off the dirt of whole body, Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai has bought a new black robe for him, hinted him to exchange. 最后足足三桶水,他才算是洗去全身的污渍,玉罗刹小米彩为他买了一件新的黑袍,示意他换上。 All do well, he is rotating several to the water in inverted image, is looking at that edges and corners distinct face, narcissistic: He he, this little dresses up, actually also handsome.” 一切弄好,他对着水中的倒影转动几下,望着那棱角分明的面庞,不由的自恋一下:“呵呵,本少打扮一下,其实也蛮英俊的啊。” But when his narcissism, brow fierce wrinkle. 但正当他自恋时,眉头猛的皱起。 In a building, by the ear transmits that shop waiter humble sound instantaneously: Zhao Young Master, you could rest assured that if I deceive you, you have killed me, I have no complain and regret.” 在一楼,耳旁瞬间传递来那店小二低贱的声响:“赵公子,你放心,我要是骗你,你就是杀了我,我都无怨无悔啊。” Really some you said that strange?” “真有你说的那么邪乎?” Falls in the shop waiter sound, immediately clear and is full of the magnetic man sound to get up. 在店小二的声音落下时,马上有一个清脆而充满磁性的男人声响起。 I must deceive you, condemned by heaven and earth, that two women, Top Grade, at least I have not seen that attractive miss one by one in any case.” “我要骗你,天诛地灭,那俩娘们,一个比一个极品,反正至少我从来没见过那么漂亮的姑娘。” Good, this monetary reward gives you, in the evening arranged your matter not to make the stubble, when the time comes the advantage must have your.” That person ringing smiles, in the laughter is completely immoral, follows close on is being several clear sounds, should be spirit stones moves the sound that the table sends. “那好,这赏钱给你,晚上安排你的事别弄茬了,到时候好处少不了你的。”那人朗朗的笑起,笑声中满是淫邪,紧跟着便是几声清脆的声响,应该是灵石触碰桌子发出来的动静。 In the room, hears these Qin Shi to narrow the eyes the eye, on the good-looking face shouldered to wipe to sneer densely: He he, it seems like was really is despised? To play? I accompany you to play.” 在房中,听到这些的秦石眯眯起眼,本来俊俏的面庞上森然挑起抹冷笑:“呵呵,看来真是被人看低了啊?想玩?我就陪你们玩玩。”
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